iorast · 11 months
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                            ४ @mobiustm we're getting a little spoiler-y! bewarned ye who enter here !
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they were never truly going to be used to timeslipping. it hurt more than anything they'd felt before -- thanos' torture, pruning, the uru end of thor's hammer. but they don't have time to focus because they're out in the fresh air a moment alfter being inside the tva and --
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well, that's not something they've seen before. a giant ... noodle of a balloon flailing in the wind. they'd laugh at how it seemed to mock them if they weren't trying to keep themselves from slipping again. grasping desperately at the weak magic of earth - or they assumed earth -- in a desperate hope it could keep them present. while they're not sure if that's what does it, they do seem to be staying for the moment.
as they take a few shallow breaths, staring at the ground beneath their feet until they feel stable. if only physically. they flip their hair back and look around. a fwe voices behind them too muffled to understand what they're saying but no one seemed to notice they'd just appeared from thin air.
they're careful, as they turn. as if this were some active battleground and not a nearly empty salelot. and before they can even realize where they are or what this is -- they'd read mobius' magazine a few times. it was one of the few things on mobius' desk that hadn't been tva propoganda and it was more interesting to know why these little midgardian machines interested mobius so much. but they never quite understood it. but here, their breath stops if only for a moment.
they meet the familiar stranger's eyes legs moving them towards the man and they speak up, without even realizing,
❝        mobius --  !!    ❞             
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w0lf5 · 5 months
"Sure I'm a little stupid, but that's like 80% of my charm!"
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it   takes   everything   in   him   not   to   laugh   at   first, unsure   if   it'sthe   fact   that   he's   at   his   wits   end   with   this   or   if   it's   because   mobius,   for   an   analyst,   was   stupid   in   some   senses.   the   hunter's   had   talked   about   him   and   his   leap   of   faith   with   that   loki   variant   that   had   caused   them   all   to   be   in   this   shithole   of   a   situation   in   the   first   place.
he   does   laugh,   however,   at   the   second   half.   a   sarcastic   sound   that   echos   off   the   walls   of   the   conversation   center.   it   was   priceless,   really,   and   if   he   wasn't   so   eager   to   be   done   with   this   so   he   could   return   to   his   work   --   to   his   life   --   he   would'e   laughed   more.   head   rolling   just   slightly   to   look   up   at   the   analyst   in   question.
    ❝    'm   sure   your   little   variant   pet   thinks   you're   some   sort   of   prince   charming   --   now   what   do   you want,   mobius.    ❞  
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diablries-2 · 11 months
❛  who  let   brad out ?  ❜
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WHO INDEED . bright blue gaze flicks quickly from one end of the hallway to the other , narrowing upon the barely cracked door with a sneer tugging 'pon their lips . pale hands fall to settle 'pon hips , head tilted downwards to eye mobius for mere moments before opening mouth to speak . " don't go pointing fingers at me , i've been a good little god lately . " hands rise to complete the look of innocence , eyes wide and shining .
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apocalypsejumper · 11 months
if ur not following @iorast and @rxvonna and @mobiustm and @timeconqueror .... you should be. these my peeps. oh god sylvie scowled at me for saying peeps.
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nctloki · 3 years
@mobiustm​  liked.
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❛  i  can’t  sleep. ❜
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fbiartist · 3 years
@mobiustm​: RUDE
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“If you wanna make it good, you should wrestle instead. You know. Oil up the dad bod. Really give your babes what they want.” 
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rxvonna · 3 years
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[ REST ] sender places their head in receiver’s lap
Soft action prompts + @mobiustm
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It seemed, at least to Ravonna, like the length of the work days had nearly doubled since the multiverse explosion. Perhaps they had, time being what it was in the TVA. She was always near exhaustion, only unhealthy amounts of coffee and sheer determination pushing her forward day after day.
She hadn't, however, been paying much attention to how the workload increase had been affecting everyone else. She assumed they were all, like her, pushing through, but didn't think to ask anyone how they were faring.
Until, that is, she couldn't ignore it anymore. She sat in her dim office, eyes glazing over at the paperwork in front of her, when Mobius entered her office without knocking, kicking the door closed with his foot. Wordlessly, he walked over to her, pulled the file from her hands, threw it on the coffee table, sat sideways on the couch and leaned back until his head was in her lap.
Hands still in mid-air, she gazed down into his face, recognizing the expression he wore. It was the same one she had been seeing in the mirror for some time—pure fatigue. She lowered her hands and gently removed his glasses, putting them on the nearby end table. "That bad, huh?" At his nod, she sighed softly. "I know the feeling." She moved one hand to his hair, ruffling it softly, and rested her other on his chest. "Maybe it's time we had a day off. Or two. The multiverse isn't going anywhere."
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tricktm · 3 years
loki’s gonna call him moe-bye-us now.
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iorast · 5 months
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"There's something deeply and fundamentally wrong with you. Can we kiss?" // @mobiustm
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         there's very few things in their long life that's caught them off gaurd in the way that is happening at that very moment. they'd panicked, after talking with the man who would have been ob if he'd been in another universe -- loki should have asked his name, he read it on the cover of the book but the notion of commiting the name memory hadn't been their top priority. the pain of being pulled through time so rapidly would've had them forgetting anyway, they were sure.
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         now they were in front of mobius' garage. heart racing while they tried, desperately, to not sould like a madman. it was madness, wasn't it. trying to explain that if this man uprooted his life, left his two beautiful children, the home he'd painstakingly made for the three of them after whatever had happened to his wife. single dad. wife's long gone. there's a small flutter of relief in loki's chest that is immediately fizzled out by the guilt and then from desperation. they can hear themselves speaking, trying to explain the tva and what mobius was to it and -- oh. they sounded crazy, but mobius don is holding his hands up after a moment. as mobius had done with them plenty of times prior, to calm loki when they'd started rambling anxiously.
                  there's something deeply and fundamentally wrong with you. can we kiss?
                    ❝           i -- i beg your pardon ?      ❞         
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griimarch · 3 years
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“Now Mobius this is how you wear a hat.”  @mobiustm​
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infiniitefrequency · 3 years
Amora walked in a few circles slowly about the room, reaching out to petulantly knock a few things off of desks, huffing.
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“I’m bored, this is boring. I distinctly remember you saying something about fun.”
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anomalytm-archive · 3 years
jenny,  introducing  her  dads:  this  is  my  space  dad,  he’s  the  one  i  was  cloned  from.  this  is  my  spy  dad,  he  has  an  eyepatch  because  of  a  cat.  this  is  my  science  dad,  but  sometimes  he’s  green  dad  and  we  love  both  dads.  this  is  my  russian  dad,  he’s  a  super  soldier  too.  and  these  are  my  two  time  agency  dads,  they're  the  exact  same  person  (  but  i  can  tell  them  apart  )  and  they’re  both  in  love  with  loki  laufeyson.
their s/o: 😳😳
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ladovy · 3 years
@mobiustm​ asked:   “ i’m all right. “
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“ I would obviously say no, but if you insist I can leave you here for someone else to find, “ He said as he got level with the other man, looking over him cautiously. “ I may not know much on Midgardians but I doubt you are much different than an Asardian or someone from Jotunheim, “ 
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nctloki · 3 years
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learning  that  mobius  had  gotten  hurt  had  left  her  uneasy,  and  she’d  insisted  on  seeing  him  in  the  infirmary  immediately.  now  that  she  was  here  however,  she  hesitated.  ❛  mobius?  ❜
@mobiustm​  gets  a  thing
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fbiartist · 3 years
@mobiustm​: “Okay, what about a filled donut?”
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“Same category as a twinkie with how it’s filled and definitely leans more into cake territory.” 
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rxvonna · 3 years
Name: Mobius
Age: Old.
How well do we know each other?: Very well, I'd say. ;)
Do you have a pet name for me?: Moby. Sometimes.
Do I have a pet name for you?: 'Vonna. Except you don't like it very much but I think it's cute.
Are you attracted to me?: I hope so.
Why do you want to marry me?: Because you're beautiful, you've been my friend for centuries, and the blush when I make you laugh knocks me off my feet whenever it happens.
Big wedding or Small wedding?: Small.
Do you see children in our future?: I hope so.
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“Just when I think you can't possibly surprise me, you go and do something like this, you sentimental thing. And it's perfect, isn't it? We were already going to spend forever together anyway.”
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