#and honestly this is the simplified version
tombware · 1 year
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my take on astarion's new outfit!!
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karvviie · 8 days
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these helmet concepts for my oc go hard actually
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fantasykiri5 · 2 months
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My 8th attack for Artfight this year! This one is of @misterpseudonym ‘s character Lynx T’Carrion (with my own character Aags, because I thought they would get along :D)
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I think my brain is stretching out "school is in four days" cause I heard a teacher or someone say "see you monday" to someone else and it was like. OH. MONDAY???? THAT SOON???
Hope yall don't miss my shitposting too much for some hours out of the day /half joking
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frogonamelon · 11 months
Practically All of the Non Hamato and Non Villian characters
(also known as I have brainrot about my turtles’ world and wanted to share the human (or ‘human’) squad with you!)
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The closest manhole to the turtles’ lair is in the center of the courtyard of Arcadia Apartments, a small 2 story building with three apartments on each story, the owner’s apartment (although it's functionally abandoned), and a communal laundry/ other uses space. The residents of these apartments are the characters I want to share with you today!
April [Top Left]: A human woman in her early 20s just getting on her feet  while going for her degree in Anthropology at the local community college. She is an amateur journalist who runs a blog about local cryptids and legends that people think are fun but no one really believes. April finds out the truth about these cryptids on one fateful rainy night on her way home from a late night class.
Casey [Bottom Left]: A 20 something year old mechanic by day and vigilante by night under the name The Penalizer. Due to issues with his mom and his dad out of the picture, he lives with and has not so legally recognized custody of his younger sister (although he has a hard time being there for her with everything going on.) He has played every sport known to man but his true love is ice hockey. Despite all logic, he is a morning person. 
Angel [Not Depicted]: Casey’s 15 year old sister who has been mixed up with the Purple Dragons for some time. Due to Casey not being around to check her, she is able to go out with them without intervention.
Frankie and Sydney [Top Right]: A couple in their early 30s who live in the human world with their two young children: Sunita (age 5) and Timothy (age 2) [Not Depicted]. Frankie is an entertainer for rent at various establishments and events while Sydney works as a bartender at Run of the Mill. Sydney is a cool mom type with Frankie being a goofy doting husband. That one couple who give really good advice and are destined to be a cute old couple one day. 
Irma [Middle Left]: A type A very structured and successful hardass (affectionate) woman in her late 20s maybe early 30s. Irma works at Stockman Enterprises in one of their engineering labs. At least… as a cover. She is a robotic human suit being piloted by a smaller yokai being that resembles a gray alien.
Keno [Small in the Center]: A mid to late 20s man who's just living life and working as a delivery man. He games in his free time and is honestly living the most chill life of all of them. Can and absolutely will cook for everyone, as long as they pitch in financially of course. Is the first and only person April told about the turtles after that fateful night. When he inevitably joins forces with the turtles, he is backup tech support, hacking, manning drones, machines, and cameras from their lair (or his own apartment setup) whenever Donnie’s unable to in the field. 
Mei [Center Leftish]: I’m going to keep this brief as I’ve explained her backstory and role here. This is her in her younger days, back when she was more aggressive and inexperienced in the ways of the world outside the arena but after her defeat at the hands of Splinter/ Shen. Despite being a source of wisdom for her neighbors, I could see her becoming an antagonist with the right motivation.
This character doesn’t live with the others but I drew him here:
Yukichi [Bottom Right]: The cousin and mentee of Miyamoto Usagi. After an event in his past, he was shot through the multiverse, unable to find his way back. He travels around the multiverse as a ronin helping/ protecting people and exploring the various universes. He has a sword with the mystic power to control the wind (a la the mythology around Grasscutter and Yuichi having a mystic weapon). 
It's likely I’ll do a separate post about him someday and why I made this decision in depth, but it felt too strange to change Miyamoto this much, but this version of Leo doesn’t match Yuichi’s personality. I thought the premise of taking a naiver and more optimistic character and having him become more like his mentor through experience would be interesting.
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astrumocs · 9 months
so you cant even reap the current benefits of your work without thinking about what you have yet to accomplish? 🤨 will u never be happy? kind of lame
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"It's amazing how little I care about your opinion."
"I have a goal, and once I reach it, I'm optimistic that I'll have the freedom to explore what makes me happy again, but until then, survival is much more important."
"The whole point of all of this was to be happy- it would be downright moronic to pursue if I never intended to be."
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arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
So, I was nosing around the gang's tents and I thought that it was honestly so sweet that so many of them have photographs of themselves or of family right?
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Little baby Charles with his parents, a young Susan, young Hosea and Bessie, but then I found something interesting in that pile of junk down the cliff just behind Arthur's tent-
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Dutch actually writes notes for his famous camp speeches.
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And if you've seen the speech that these notes are referring to, Dutch seemed to simplify it a lot when he recited it, almost dumbing it down for the gang entirely?
Writing notes for an important speech isn't the strange part, but the fact he dumbs them down and that these notes are hidden/thrown away out of sight is really strange to me. It makes me think that this is possibly a rough draft or early version of what he wanted the speech to be, sort of implying that Dutch practices and revises his speeches.
Which, if he ultimately dumbs them down for the gang, then what is the point?
The likely answer is that he holds himself to a higher standard because he feels he's above the gang members, in a way. He's the visionary, the leader, the man in charge, the one who reads philosophy books almost exclusively, to say that Dutch didn't think highly of himself would be a lie. And because the gang is 'below' him, he simplifies his speeches for them - despite majority of the gang being well educated and understanding. He doesn't think that the gang is as intellectual as him.
I made a post previously talking about Dutch and his Evelyn Miller philosophies and how he argues with gang members that don't agree or understand. It's especially interesting how Lenny, also an avid reader, disagrees so strongly with Miller's writings when that's what most of Dutch's philosophies are based on.
It solidifies that Dutch was manipulative from the beginning, and probably long before too.
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ikiprian · 7 months
Barbara Gordon's Coding & Computer Cram School is a popular YouTube series. Tucker Foley is a star student.
Barbara Gordon's Cram School posts free online courses for both coding and computer engineering. Think Crash Course in terms of entertainment, but college lecture in terms of depth. Hundreds of thousands of viewers flock to it— students who missed a class, people looking to add new skills to a resume, even simple hobbyists. It’s a project Barbara’s proud of.
Sometimes, when she wants to relax, she’ll even hop in the comments and spend an afternoon troubleshooting a viewer’s project with them.
User “Fryer-Tuck” has especially interesting ones. Barbara finds herself seeking out his comments, checking in on whatever this crazy kid is making next. An app for collecting GPS pings and assembling them on a map in real-time, an algorithm that connects geographic points to predict something’s movement taking a hundred other variables into account, simplified versions of incredibly complex homemade programs so they can run on incredibly limited CPU’s.
(Barbara wants to buy the kid a PC. It seems he’s got natural talent, but he keeps making reference to a PDA. Talk about 90’s! This guy’s hardware probably predates his birth.)
She chats with him more and more, switching to less public PM threads, and eventually, he opens up. His latest project, though, is not something Barbara has personal experience with.
FT: so if you found, hypothetically, a mysterious glowing substance that affects tech in weird and wacky ways that could totally have potential but might be vaguely sentient/otherworldly…. what would you do and how would you experiment with it. safely, of course. and hypothetically
BG: I’d make sure all my tests were in disposable devices and quarantined programs to keep it from infecting my important stuff. Dare I ask… how weird and wacky is it?
FT: uhhh. theoretically, a person composed of this substance once used it to enter a video game. like physical body, into the computer, onto the screen? moving around and talking and fighting enemies within the game?
FT: its been experimented with before, but not on any tech with a brain. just basic shields and blasters and stuff, its an energy source. also was put in a car once
FT: i wanna see how it affects software, yk? bc i already know it can. mess around and see how far i can push it
BG: […]
FT: … barbara?
BG: Sorry, thinking. Would you mind sharing more details? You said “blasters?”
Honestly. Kid genius with access to some truly wacky materials and even wackier weapons, she needs to start a file on him before he full sends to either hero or villain.
[OR: Tucker is a self-taught hacker, but if he were to credit a teacher, he'd name Barbara Gordon's Coding & Computer Cram School! He's even caught the attention of Dr. Gordon herself. She's full of sage advice, and with how she preaches the value of a good VPN, he's sure she's not pro-government. Maybe she'll help him as he studies the many applications of ecto-tech!]
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gorgeouslypink · 2 years
hey guys! in my previous post, i said that if you needed to vent, you could do so in my asks and I read every single one of the asks and to be honest, I was so teary eyed. everyone's stories were so heartbreaking and their feelings were so raw and genuine and honestly, it reminded me a lot of my old situation and how much i struggled and it made me want to do something, which is why I'm making this post.
this is going to be a 3 day challenge to improve your void concept so you can really get into the void! read through it and modify it how it best suits you. also, a lot of this was taken from my anon's success stories so trust me, you will succeed.
day 1: choose a subliminal for the void state and you're going to listen to it as much as you can for the entire day. a lot of my anons succeeded with this one, this one, and this one and if you're in a position where you just can't listen to any sounds, use this silent field. if you just can't listen to subliminals, then do this exercise how many ever times you want. (yes, you can do the exercise and listen to subliminals).
basically take this day as a subconcious repgramming day, don't worry about anything else. try staying off tumblr and just doing fun stuff and if you really are addicted to tumblr/void, then read all my proof portfolio links. but basically all you're doing this day is letting the affirmations sink into your brain so that your subconcious beliefs are aligned with the 3d you are trying to create.
that night, i want you to do this shifting hypnosis video (no you wont shift if you dont want to) and basically after she finishes talking, affirm your void concept affirmations (the void is easy, i always wake up in the void, etc ) over and over. you might actually end up entering the void or waking up in the void from this alone but even not, it takes you a pretty deep meditative state where you can really reprogram your subconcious mind.
day 2: this day you're going to be repeating day 1's activities except instead of the shifting hypnosis (unless you really ended up liking it), anytime you want, you're going to do this instant manifestation portal meditation, because it just feels so good and works so well so honestly, don't be shocked if you end up waking up in the void this day.
day 3: this day repeat whatever it is that made you feel good from the 2 previous days and then that night, do this parallel reality meditation. it's basically just a meditation to put you into your ideal state but they worded it as shifting to a parallel reality in which you exist as your ideal state but yeah, it's just a powerful tool to help you enter a state of having your ideal void concept and always entering the void easily. honestly if you don't want to do the entire challenge but want just one powerful thing to do, i recommend this. just try it out and trust me, you won't regret it.
i feel like this challenge comes off as a lot but it's just because i explain too much. here's a simplified version:
day 1: listen to sub or do reprogramming exercise and then at night, do hypnosis video
day 2: listen to sub or do reprogramming exercise and then do instant manifestation portal mediation (yes you can do hypnosis video again if you want)
day 3: listen to sub or do reprogramming exercise and then do parallel reality meditation (basically meditation to enter ideal state)
anyways, don't be shocked if you commit to the challenge and end up not being able to finish it because you already entered the void before the 3 days are up and if you do successfully complete it, your void concept is going to be so good and you already know you're going to enter the void so easily.
i really hope all of you do this or atleast your own version of it and i really wish the best for everyone 💗
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cosmicdream222 · 11 months
The Phase Basics
I’ve heard so much varying information on The Phase going around here lately, I wanted to understand the concept from the source. I spent hours reading the extremely long textbook from the original creator, and would like to summarize some basic information that will help clarify what The Phase is.
As always, it’s important to remember this is just one way of explaining and exploring these out-of-body phenomena and should not be taken as a holy grail. I always encourage everyone to listen to their intuition and choose methods that align with their natural strengths.
✩ What is The Phase? ✩
The Phase is a state of consciousness between wakefulness and REM sleep where individuals can experience lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, and other paranormal phenomena.
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Diagram from The Phase textbook by Michael Raduga.
Phase states includes lucid dreaming, astral projection, sleep paralysis, and other OOBE. If you become lucid in a dream, or are able to induce sleep paralysis - congrats you’re already in a phase state, and don’t need to use The Phase Method.
This specific concept of The Phase was introduced by Michael Raduga. He has worked with groups of people for years helping them get into phase states with his Phase Method, and proven his techniques to be very effective.
✩ What is the Phase Method? ✩
The Phase Method is a series of techniques used to get into a phase state. It uses the natural awakenings we have in the early morning hours - where sleep is lighter and REM is more frequent - to try to induce a phase state.
✩ What are the steps to the Phase Method? ✩
Step 1: Sleep 6 hours and wake up with (or without) an alarm clock. Waking up around this time will cause lighter and more frequent REM sleep, which will make it easier to induce phase states.
Note: it’s not necessary to use an alarm clock if you already wake up frequently during the night. You can honestly just skip this step and go right to step 2, make your intention before bed, and using every natural awakening to induce a phase state. There are many successful astral projectors who use a simplified version of the phase method based on this idea, without disrupting their sleep cycles, which I will link in the resources below.
Step 2: Go back to sleep with intention. What do you want to do? Lucid dream? Astral travel? Enter the void? Decide what you want and what you will do to induce it.
“When I wake up, I will remain still and focus on the blackness behind my eyes, which will take me to the void, where I will affirm for my desires.”
“When I fall asleep, I will enter a lucid dream. I will create a portal in my dream that will take me to my DR”.
Step 3: Perform a “separation technique” - a way for your mind to move your awareness away from your body. This can be done in various ways such as: peering into the darkness behind your eyes, listening to noises in your head, affirming your desires, making an imagined movement like sitting up, rolling over, or pulling a rope to disconnect your astral body from your physical.
Step 4+5: Repeat techniques until something happens. If nothing happens after a few minutes, go back to sleep and try again at the next natural awakening.
✩ Where can I learn more? ✩
The original Phase textbook by Michael Raduga
The Ultimate Astral Projection Guide, a simplified version of the Phase used by many successful travelers.
“Xanth’s Phasing Method” from an older website
The Phase Method for entering the void by @tia-222
Variation on the phase method that incorporates the recliner method by @pinksssecret
The Phase Method for Shifting Reddit post
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invertedshroom · 19 days
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final a square and sphere designs (LIES . i will probably tweak them later)
also image description and littel rant under the cut because . the hyperfixation has me in a chokehold i need to rant about how much i love this book (and hate the movie)
id by @/accessible-flatland-art:
[ID: A digital drawing showing original designs for A Square and the Sphere from the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, drawing against a pink background.
A Square is dark blue with a white outline, four stubby legs, two tiny front arms, and glasses.
The Sphere is gold-orange, with two eyes with yellow sclera, small red irises, two small eyelashes on the bottom corner of each eye, and a red bowtie. He has a large yellow spot on his forehead, overlapping with a darker orange ring around one eye. There are three orange stripes on one wrist, and his other hand is orange.
First A Square is drawn saying, "i hate woman", while the Sphere looks at him, thinking, "gay?"
Then A Square is drawn by himself off to the side.
Finally the Sphere is drawn showing A Square a cube, while A Square looks up at him with a blush, thinking, "yaoi".
End ID.]
now that i've almost finished the book and am also reading the simplified version i'm honestly shocked about how bad the movie is in comparison, not just because the creator is disgusting, but of how much was changed and how it completely missed the point of the satire??? especially the personalities and the entire spaceland segment . actually crazy i think sphere being an asshole is kinda funny but sphere being a kind guide makes a lot more sense and i think i like it better actually, same for a. square him being a pathetic wet noodle just randomly put into another dimension is fucking hilarious but him being a bigot makes way more sense
i was also pleasantly surprised that the book is not only about how a 2d society could work but its a satire of society ??? like what thats so interesting ???? and i am sucker for horrible unjustified characters so i love a. square even more now
the best part about the book being a satire is that the creator of the movie (ladd ehlinger) didn't get the fucking point of the satire which . is SO FUCKING FUNNY how do you make an adaptation of a book without realizing ITS LITERALLY MAKING FUN OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU
anyway boooo bad movie booooooooooo read the book
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two-white-butterflies · 11 months
is it over now? | c16
Description: You reminisce about a relationship that was never meant to be. Charles moves on - but you stay there.
Pairing: charles leclerc/short!reader
(not really that short, more like 4'11 - 5'3)
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yournamelovely: 1989 (Taylor's Version) is out now! I had so much fun being the only feature in the remastered album. Please listen to 'Is It Over Now?' 💙🦋 Thank you for this beautiful opportunity Tay!
liked by 2,382,012 others
theraindrops4: I'm so proud of you 😭
taylorswift: 💙
nickdevries: Don't forget us when you're famous. - yournamelovely: Who are you again??
There were many different ways to get over a breakup; some of them included healing, traveling and finding yourself - but how could you get over Charles fucking Leclerc? He was everything that you wanted in a man - dimpled cheeks, monegasque accent, and a perfect family that you adored. He was everything you needed.
When he decided to call things off three months ago. You haven't been the same. "Congrats on your new song with Taylor! I listened to it and I can't believe you both kept it hidden for 6 years?" Selena chuckled while handing you one of Taylor's famous mocktails.
"It was supposed to be in my debut album - but it didn't make sense. Now, I think - it makes absolute sense." you chuckled, staring off to the side. Yep, Charles' new fling was a Slovakian model - who by all means, looked beautiful. Blonde hair and blue eyes, you couldn't find it in yourself to hate her. How could anyone hate an angel?
"Oh come on, we have to catch up soon. You still haven't told me about the thing with Charles." Blake's eyes narrowed, she leaned on the door-frame - eyes trailing back and forth between you and her kids that were running around the backyard. "What is there left to say? Our relationship was amazing - it ended and we're going in separate ways." you simplified, leaning on the chair.
Blake took a deep breath, finally settling down in between Selena and Ryan. "I always thought that you'd end up together," she admitted - although she sooner realized that it wasn't the proper thing to say. "Charles, ending up with someone? He's not the guy that dreams about marriage. Maybe in another life, I'll want something less." you looked in the deep horizon.
"Maybe it was for the better that things ended - you obviously didn't agree on big things. You deserve to be happier." Ryan butted in the conversation, sensing that you were in deep thought. "I guess," you agreed with a hum.
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yournamelovely: quickie mart mwahaha
liked by nickdevries and 1,239,120 others
charlos92: please get back with charles
destinyshanggggee: I WOULDN'T MARRY ME EIGHTER
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olenna_markiz: Congratulations lovie! @Charles_Leclerc
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bolld6: the look of pure love omg
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charlesandy/nforever: real eyes realize that she was the one ...
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derivativeofx: The way that he threw it all away 😭
yournameleclerc: huhuhuhu
You thought that having the internet hate Charles' new girlfriend would make you feel better - but it honestly made you feel worst. The entire fucking world fucking hates her, thinks that she's better than you - but it wouldn't change the fact that he chose her. It wouldn't change the fact that you didn't blame her.
You would risk the world for Olenna Markiz too.
"There has been a flurry of hate in social media directed towards your past relationship and his new girlfriend. What do you have to say about that?" the interviewer cornered you. The grip on your hoodie tightened - you wanted to buy food, but the Paps found you. "This is about Charles and Olenna, right? I'll be blunt - our relationship did end on a sour note but it's not an excuse to be mean towards her."
"- at the end of the day, we're separately happy. Please stop making rumors about us or about her. Especially her - because umm she wasn't the reason for our breakup. Judging from the posts I see on social media, they're really in love. I wish nothing but the best for them." you smiled bitterly, walking away as your manager suddenly rushes to your side.
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ynandcharlesuniverse: 1 year ago, (Your Name) wrote 'Timeless' for Charles Leclerc. I believe that we were supposed to find this, cuz even in a different life you still would've been mine.
liked by 827 others
comments have been restricted.
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Charles_Leclerc: With the beautiful girl 💞
liked by yournamelovely and 1,283,930 others
romanempire3: beautiful pair omgg
obladioblada: does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night...
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yournamelovely: World Tour EP ... featuring three songs: lacy, nonsense and vicious.
liked by 3,283,012 others
nickdevries: LACY >>>
danielricciardo: LACY >>>
chickenpozes34: WE ARE FED
"Hey!" you waved at the girl beside you.
It was a charity gala - benefiting the orphans of Europe. To your surprise, you were seated beside Olenna Markiz. The girl's shadow seemed to haunt you all the way to Texas. "Hi, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm such a big fan," she gives you a firm handshake.
There was cautiousness in her posture - like she was trying to determine if you were nice or bad. "Likewise, I love your work with Bottega and Mugler." you named, oblivious to the cameras that were pointed in your direction. "Really? Not a lot of people recognize me, to them we're just girls wearing clothes." she chuckled.
"It's hard to be a woman in this economy, but I assure you - there are lots of people who know how to appreciate art." you complimented. It was your dream to be a model - ever since you were little, you were always fascinated with supermodels. Alas, God didn't grant you with the suitable height required. "I just hope that I meet them soon enough," she whispered to herself, before returning her attention to the man on the stage.
Olenna didn't know what to expect with her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. A lot of people in reddit spoke about her bluntness, that she was unapologetically human - often lashing out in her childhood star years. There weren't a lot of posts to go along. His ex valued her privacy, rarely even attended any interviews.
To her surprise, she was pleasant company. Often making jokes that she understood and found hilarious. It was easy falling in love with (Your Name) (Last Name), what Olenna couldn't understand was how Charles fell out of love. "It was nice hanging out with you, maybe we could grab some coffee in the future?" she offered, a foot inside her luxury car. "Sure, I'll give your agent my number." Lena agreed.
Happy to have made a friend.
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camronjk · 4 months
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You might know me as ZombieCleo's partner! Or, as that mod who "totally banned [you] unfairly!"
Anyway, my name is Camron, I also go by Cam or CamronJK.
I designed Cleo's overlay and a ton of the effects and graphics.
I also handle the Streamloots stuff, bit sounds, etc. Once the bot updates "soon" I will also be adding a ton of stuff for all of you to mess around with.
That said, did you know I stream too? A ton of the ideas and stuff I implement for Cleo are simplified versions of the chaos on my streams. Like, with Streamloots you can actually control my games, flip the screen upside down, change the colours, dress me up in community made costumes, throw things at me.
I honestly feel I have one of the most interactive streams out there. Seriously, that is my goal. I stream to interact with you as much as I can.
We also talk on my stream about game design, graphic design, art, being true to yourself, and just try to chill. That, or ranting about some of the unhinged bans that have happened, cause dear god...
I have a huge project in the works and it's going to take me months mixed with my depression and ADHD.
Come by some time, offer some support? I could really use it!
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umahumahumah · 3 months
How do you recreate the Hetalia artstyle so well
ok so.. .uhhhhhhhhhh honestly i dont even know how. which is why i am obviously qualified to make YOU, yes you, the person reading this, a tutorial
i psoted an incomplete tutorial on the hetalia art style some few months back and when i look back at it now, some things are just straight up wrong or need clarification (also its the same post where i accidentally sent multiple death threats to a random sex worker thinking they were just a porn bot oopsies) so if you guys still remember that, forget about it! all of it!!! this is a brand new, more accurate guide on how to draw himas style!
(quick warning though im just a weeb not a professional teacher by any means so dont take this as gospel and dont get mad if i got something wrong or something is confusing)
himastyle tutorial! (the better one) part 1
(link to part 2 here)
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ok lets start off with the
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this is just the way i start drawing my heads personally. if i had to describe it, its basically a simplified stylized version of the loomis head method. proko has a good video on it! just give that a quick watch then take a look at my step by step guide
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but besides this, there are some important things about the head that you should remember
the shape of the head is generally rectangular
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compared to more typical ikemen styles, hetalia characters have a more rectangular head. HOWEVER their chins taper off to a very triangular shape. rarely do the chins flatten out like the guy on the left.
2. shorter face = younger/more feminine appearance
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well... self explanatory. you can see in the diagram how changing the length of the face gives a character a more feminine/childish look.
if you feel that something looks kind of off, feel free to change it, but if it looks okay then lets move onto facial features!!!
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ok so this might seem a little weird but i like drawing the nose first. its right in the middle of the face and is generally the easiest to get right. it also kind of acts as a divider between the eyes, especially useful when you're drawing in a 3/4 angle
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which kind of look something like that i guess.....
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or that if you want something less extreme
anyways while hetalia noses are kind of inconsistent they generally have the shape of these three lines. feminine/childlike characters have a smaller and subtler nose though
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noses also never face fully straight ahead, so when drawing a front view, the nose slightly faces right or left (tbh himas characters rarely face the camera head on, so id refrain from drawing frontal views altogether but thats just me)
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anyways lets move on to my second favorite part of the hetalia art style
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the eyes are the most important part of himas style. if all else fails, you can always recognize the style by the eyes. luckily for you, the eyes really arent complicated compared to other anime styles :D here is how i do it:
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(feminine and childlike characters have bigger eyes)
you have probably noticed this but the pupils hima draws now has a more squiggly teary-eyed look compared to the pupils he drew then...
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i subcounciously do a mixture of the two because i got used to drawing the old type, but if you wanna draw the new type of pupils just take note of their squigly shape and that they have one dominant highlight in the upper-middle area. uhhh.. or if youre like me just draw the old eyes as if you have parkinson's
anyways heres a step by step guide
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and some fun eye variations!!! you can try using variants if youd like to give an oc a more unique look (you can also try making your own variants too but be careful of straying too far from the style)
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so now about the eyebrow and the eyelid.... uhhh the eyelid doesnt really have a consistent length so just draw it however. feminine and childlike characters have thinner eyebrows but even then eyebrows should never be drawn as just a single line
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we are close to finishing the face!!! now we can move onto
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if you know how to draw a typical anime mouth, then hima mouths is easy peasy!
for closed mouths just draw a curved line with two dark blots for the corners of the mouth
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i think that giving them a shaky look makes them look more expressive
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open mouths are just random blobs, dont close off the bottom though, and theys till have those dark blots at the corner of the mouth
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now then i'll move onto the
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i decided to combine these two since these are probably the easiest parts of the face
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hima's ears are pretty round and don't really vary in shape. inside the ears though....
it isnt very consistent, so don't think too hard about "getting them right". above are some ear variations i drew from one of the latest chapters of the manga
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the cheeks are just a bunch of lines that can appear fully, or only on one cheek, or don't appear at all. i think it depends on level of detail, angle, or the character's emotion
these lines do not appear on rendered pieces
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also if a character feels especially displeased they will gain heavy eyebags
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so yay! we're pretty much done with the face!! look forward next time to where i cover hair, the body, and other stuff idk... i'll link the other parts to each other when i complete them
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lemonhemlock · 19 days
I did not get into Game of thrones when it first started airing. In fact, I waited until it was long past it's heyday (around s6 or 7) to check it out because the marketing and the conversation surrounding it misled me into thinking it was nothing more than "grimdark" bullshit. As one famous YouTuber sarcastically called it "hot fantasy that fucks." So, I avoided Martin's work for literal years due to the impression that I got from online reactors and show-only casuals who did as you and a few others have described as his work being fundamentally misinterpreted.
Fortunately, I overcame my hang-ups, purchased the books (even the supplementary material) and fell down an entire rabbit hole of ASOIAF which led me to recognizing that this world he spent decades creating is far more complex than what had been portrayed onscreen. Regardless of the possibility of the books remaining unfinished (which I am fine with, personally), what George has created is a genuine work of art that I imagine took a tremendous amount of time and energy. So, for so many people online to behave like children and throw tantrums because they feel entitled to him (ew) instead of ushering forth more reasonable conversations and legitimate debates about the nature of his situation frankly makes me look at this fandom with a heavy dose of skepticism.
It is truly baffling to hear even professional critics and see articles describing George as being "ungrateful" or "unprofessional" when it has been well-documented just how often authors get locked out of the adaptation process and left to the wayside as consultants. Look at what happened to Rick Riordan and Christopher Paolini! George R.R. Martin is not the only author to have qualms with how a multimillion dollar studio has mishandled his creative work, and to act like he should remain silent just because he's amassed a certain degree of wealth is quite frankly, ridiculous. He shouldn't have to settle down, be grateful, and stay quiet because the greedy corporate executives and their media drones will get offended by actual criticism that could alter the perception of the adaption being revealed as mediocre for having departed from the source material.
TLDR: authors should be allowed to speak up about their art being sacrificed for commercialization.
Thank you so much for this message, anon! This needs to be talked about more, because I don't think a lot of commentators truly understand the vulgar, late-capitalistic sheen that seems to set in and slowly poison any ASOIAF adaptation. It honestly baffles me how quick some members of this fandom are to rush to the defense of, what is essentially (let's not be kidding ourselves here), a cashgrab by a giant corporation to the detriment of the actual artist and the actual creative foundation behind it.
Why else would "MAX" (if that is even their name) make another (or several other) ASOIAF adaptations? Not to stay true to any philosophical aesthetic vision, as it has become more than apparent with Season 2, but to increase shareholder profits by appealing to the lowest common denominator. Even the basic premise has been shifted in order to address popular trends and satisfy the mindless consumer that doesn't want to engage with anything deeper than their favourite tropes, prettily packaged:
from a story about a doomed ouroborous family superimposed on the pitfalls of feudalism, with villainy and heroism to be found on both sides, it has been simplified and reduced to a narrative that exalts white feminism and disqualifies anyone who opposes its girlboss protagonist. This is Sheryl Sandberg's version of Fire and Blood.
Truly, I think Sara Hess did (unintentionally) outline it the best: "civilians don't matter in Game of Thrones". They don't matter in Game of Thrones, but they matter in A Song of Ice and Fire. The entire heart of the series is contained in Septon Maribald's speech. The writers "kind of", must have forgotten, though.
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snifferish · 7 months
How's your book going?
slow, honestly, but I don't mind!
I've written a lot... and then backtracked... a lot....
I've been having many conversations with my friends about creating something accessible. More often than not I feel like fantasy isn't always the most approachable, and so in order to not alienate the audience I have to create something familiar in a way that can let people fill in the gaps from their own experience but also different enough where it takes the reader out of our current world.
Then, on top of all of this, I want to craft a commentary on things like burnout, family strife, and the way our socio-economic status affects our relationships (familial, romantic, platonic).
Right now it's a lot of moving parts, and I fear that is the downfall of the story. I've completely stopped writing and started workshopping how to simultaneously intertwine and simplify what I want to say. Also I'm so so so in love with my characters and I want to write them in every single scenario possible but I gotta hold back lol.
AND! I've been working on a second story just for funsies that is completely independent but takes place within the same world. Working on this side by side is fun, helps me develop the world, and lets me take breaks from either. This one is a retelling though (I know they're kind of over done) but it's my favorite classic, The Count of Monte Cristo. I would say it's a gender-swapped version, but it's not really? Only a few characters are switched, but to me it makes it so much more. What can I say? After some really unfortunate experiences and realizations lately, all I've really wanted to write about is a woman and her revenge.
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