#mod Ko
ponydoodles · 5 months
Ghostface rainbow dash with a vampire pinkie?
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SPOOKY PONIES TO RING IN THE NEW YEAR YEEHAWW i had soooo much fun drawing this especially vampy pinkie >:3c
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bfdidreamtale · 1 year
Rises from the dead
Hello it's mod Ko here ✨
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Look at the lil shopkeeper gal!!
Disappears for another leap year
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sealsdaily · 3 months
the seals from splashdown 2, rhythm heaven ds
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utena-fanmerch · 4 months
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Just one more and it's like we can commit arson on an elevator building twice
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naomiknight-17 · 5 months
My Oven Exploded
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*Dramatization, no large explosion took place
The igniter on my oven blew, and it requires a $350 repair. Luckily, I have $200 in savings, but I'm scrambling to put together the rest so! I'm doing a little
Wherein you can leave a tip of any size through my Ko-Fi with a one or two-word prompt (eg. 'Sleepy kitty' or 'big cupcake' or 'butts!') And I will do a little thank you doodle like the above! Note: style may vary
Thank you for reading and sharing this post!
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tastesoftamriel · 5 months
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'ere we go again...
The final hurdle is here: finding a house and moving in uhhhh 11 days. After the visa, I cannot afford a housing deposit. I do not have a guarantor and have been told by multiple agencies that they don't accept guarantor services. Oh yeah and I have to cull down and slog six years of crap with me south. So...I am once again asking for your help, as horrible as I feel about it.
I am now offering rune and tarot card readings to help foot the cost. £5 for a simple three rune/card draw and a more comprehensive nine draw reading for £10. I have been reading tarot since the age of 12 and runes since I was 15, and am an actively practicing Heathen (Nordic Pagan).
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Simply drop me a donation on Ko-Fi of £5 or £10 based on your preference and DM me there or on Tumblr with your name and whether you have an intention/question or if you just want a general reading. Readings typically take 5-15 mins and will be conducted via messages. For an extra £5, I am also happy to do a "face to face" Discord/Zoom reading for those of you who want something more personal.
Thanks for reading!
Please share and circulate this post if you can't donate or aren't interested...I could really use the boost right now as I am scared shitless about my living situation next week.
Stay safe, eat well, be kind. ~Tal
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mitsuributmexican · 1 year
"love hurts sometimes" (yandere! shadowy venomous x gn reader)
CW/TW: smut, yandere tendencies, dub-con, restraints, forced date, rough sex, scarring, bleeding, marking, possessiveness, shadowy is a toxic prick, scratching, drugging (aphrodisiacs and love potion), mentions of cum, pain, venom, reader has been kidnapped for a bit already, hints of Stockholm? Read at your own risk!
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Shadowy had taken over. Your husband was pretty much gone. And who knows if he would be coming back. He swore it wouldn’t happen. Both to you and Fink. You always felt a bit of suspicion when he said so, yet you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. That clearly went well, didn’t it?
You had warned Fink not to go into his lab, in fear of how he’d react.  She squirmed out of your grasp and ran in anyway. You ran after her, wanting to make sure she’d be okay. “I said, I’d call you if I needed you. And did I ask for you to come here? No. So get out.” he said, in an icy tone that made the poor girl tear up and run off. “Fink, wait!” you exclaimed, going to run after her to try to comfort her. But before you could do so, you were shoved to the ground and felt a boot on your back.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” he spoke, in an almost threatening tone. “This has to stop! Please, Venomous, this has gone too far. Please, if you’re in there, just come back. For Fink and me?” you pleaded, with some tears in your eyes. Despite how the professor had taken you from your home in the middle of the night and forced you into his, claiming you’d learn to love him as he did you, at least he wasn’t whatever the hell was stepping on you now. At least he was gentle, and understood your behaviors. Maybe the professor hadn’t been as bad as you made him out to be, at least not now.
He laughed at your pleas. They didn’t mean anything to him, really. In fact, you got the sense he was enjoying this. Seeing you all helpless and teary eyed underneath him. No time to focus on that though, he would get a similar sight later tonight, and get to relish it even more. “Aww, are you scared? I don’t know what you’re begging for really, I am Venomous, and I’m even better now with the compromise we made. You should really be happy, don’t you think? Your husband is even more powerful now.” he said in response to your pleading. You began to sob. He truly was far gone, wasn’t he? 
Noticing your sobbing he laughed some more before pondering on how he could get you to stop. Sure, seeing you like this underneath him was fun, but part of him also wanted you to feel the same as he did, proud of his new powers. He even wanted you to join him in his cause and take over the plaza with him. His pondering would come to an end as he soon came up with an idea. “Let’s go on a date, okay? Like any couple would.” he spoke. You were taken aback by this. Out of all times, he was asking you on a date, now?
Before you could protest, he repeated himself, noticing how taken aback you were and not wanting to take no for an answer. “I said, let’s go on a date, okay?” he spoke, with more emphasis. “Okay.” you said, with some hesitancy which he did not like nor appreciate, but that would do for now. He took his foot off your back and chuckled. “Now that’s more like it. Be ready by 6:00.” he said, walking off. 
You sighed, a bit frazzled from the whole encounter. You walked into your room to look for something to wear, however you did not have to do anything as you looked at your bed. A pair of neatly folded dark clothes sat on it. Alongside a black collar, which read “Property of, Shadowy Venomous” on it. You shivered a bit and put on the clothes he picked for you, noticing how fitting they were and eventually had just the collar left. You debated on not putting it on but ultimately came to your better sense. It clipped on from the back, you put it over your neck and it immediately clamped shut.
It had only taken you 20 minutes or so to get ready. Meaning you had some time to wait. You didn’t know what to do. Maybe walk around, maybe go get help. You paced back and forth. There was a window in your room, you could grab Fink, slide out, run over to the plaza. There, you could join the heroes for now and help defeat him, and bring your husband bac- 6:00 PM. 
As soon as you saw the time on your phone, you dashed out of your room, not wanting to be late. You wondered if he’d start looking for you. You eventually got to his lab and stood before the door. An odd sense of dread washed over you as your shaky hand reached over to the doorknob. “Come in” he said, with a voice that was almost a growl. 
You opened the door and he sat in a chair, next to a table with food on it along with another chair for you. “I was beginning to think I’d have to come and get you myself, glad I didn’t have to do that, you wouldn’t have liked it. '' he spoke, chuckling. You nervously sat down on the chair across from him. Looking at the table you noticed food on it, along with silverware, candles, and a bottle of dark wine with two wine glasses next to it.  Suddenly, two robotic arms came from the back of your chair and clamped your waist to the seat, allowing you to move your arms and legs, but not to leave. What exactly did he have in store?
“Ease up sweetie, I’m your husband, not your captor.” he said, chuckling as if not taking in the entire situation. Though you were hungry, you didn’t want to eat the food in front of you. What if he poisoned it? Not to mention the wine. He seemed to take note of this and stood up, walking over to you and stabbing his fork into some of your food and moving it forward to your mouth. “Eat up honey, it’s gonna get cold” he said, almost cooing you to comply.
You turned away, not wanting to consume whatever he may have put in there. He wasn’t happy with this, grabbing your face so you were looking him dead in the eye. “We’re either going to do this the hard way or the easy way…” he threatened, getting closer to your face until you were merely an inch apart. “... and if we do it the hard way you’re not gonna like it.” he continued. You decided to give in, not wanting whatever the “hard way” was. 
As you chewed and swallowed what was on your plate, you swore you felt different. Something… warm and hot was beginning to grow in your stomach and everything below. After you finished, he poured you a glass of wine and made you drink all of it. The same warm and hot feeling intensified, along with something else? You began feeling an odd desire to be with him. I mean you were married, so you were already with him, but any of the normal affection you felt towards him felt… increased?
Were his hands always that soft on your skin? Did his voice always send a wave of heat to your entire body? Was he always this… intoxicating? No no no, dear god no, you should’ve resisted eating and drinking what he got for you, you should’ve known better, he had you just where he wanted you and you couldn’t do anything about it. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he said with a mocking tone. “And now that we got that out the way, let’s get to the fun part of our little date.” he spoke, baring his teeth and his voice getting deeper.
The restraints came off your waist and before you could object, he was carrying you bridal style to god knows where for god knows what. You swore you heard him rambling about how much “fun” this would be. Suddenly, he opened the door to his room, placing you down on the bed and locking the door behind him. Oh dear god, this is what he had in mind. Your main concern was being able to walk seeing the state he was in and how different he was.
“Strip.” he demanded. You did as you were told, taking off all your clothes except that damn collar. You attempted to take it off, oh how foolish of you. Seeing your attempts to take it off, made him chuckle. “Oh sweetie, that’s not supposed to come off, no matter how much you tug, pull and claw at it, only I know how to take it off.” he said, finding this amusing. You laid on the bed, watching as he took off his own coat and gloves before getting on the bed in front of you, beginning to stroke your legs up and down.
“Ass up, now.” he said. You did as you were told, hoping he’d spare some softness for you tonight. “I promise I’ll try to be gentle, but I can’t guarantee that so I don’t want any whining from your behalf.” he spoke, in a voice that was almost a snarl, a snarl of a hungry predator who had just cornered its prey. You were going to ask about being warmed up but upon glancing down at yourself, you realized that wouldn’t be necessary as whatever the hell he put in the wine and your food had gotten you all slicked up for him. With little to  no warning, his hands dug into your sides and he rammed into you.
You let out a yelp at the initial impact before just letting out semi pained moans. All he let out was grunts, panting and what you swore was the occasional hiss. Suddenly, he bent down so his mouth was at your neck and bit into you. You felt something hot course through you and before you knew it you were rutting your hips backwards and pressing your face against his in order to be closer to him. “Settle down now, I’m not going anywhere.” he said, laughing afterwards.
This was humiliating. Just a bit ago you were planning on escaping, now here you are, his cock deep in you and you rutting against him like a bitch in heat. Just what he wanted. As if he could read your mind he brushed his tongue against your ear before speaking directly into it. “Don’t be embarrassed, there was no way of preventing this, you just chose to do it the easy way. See how much better it is when you quit trying to deny me?” he said, sounding all too happy with the current situation. 
After you didn’t respond, he slowed down, and dug his nails into your back. He began to drag them around, carving something into your back. You cried out in pain and gripped onto the sheets. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Love hurts sometimes.” he cooed. Your pain, tears and him having marked you in a way that was permanent all pushed him to his edge, he pulled out, cumming over the sheets and panting. 
You were still a mess on the bed. Literally and metaphorically. You were shaking and in tears along with your back being covered in blood and some of his cum having splattered onto your legs. After a bit he picked you up and carried you to the bathroom. You wanted to scream and shout and run away. But you were too tired mentally and physically. 
You were still shaking from the initial shock of whatever he carved into you along with your legs being worn out from how hard he went into you. Not to mention being naked and exposed with your own blood and his cum on you made for discomfort and a feeling of coldness. He placed you in the shower, turning it onto a hot setting. You stood there, letting him wash you off and scrub you. Any whines or whimpers being met with a laugh or him cooing to you, swearing that this was normal and that’d you’d get used to it soon. 
Before you knew it you were dressed in some pajamas, and he laid you down back in your room. He placed the blanket over you and sat on the edge of your bed. “You did so well today. So good for me. I’ll give you a treat for this, okay? Good pets get treats.” he said, stroking your legs. You closed your eyes, pretending to fall asleep. Eventually the extra weight on your bed was no longer present and you heard the door of your room lock. You no longer had to pretend to be asleep after a bit as staring at the wall eventually made you knock out if today’s ordeals hadn’t already.
Unbeknownst to you the word “Mine” was etched into your back. And you wouldn’t know until tomorrow morning.
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pvandboxmanswife · 8 months
Professor Venomous Yandere Alphabet
A/N: first fic in a while and first fic on this account!!
CW/TW: yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, yandere tendencies, possessiveness, mentions of kidnapping, etc.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
With a job as a professor and managing his own business, he’s away or busy most of the time. This in mind, his main way of showing love and affection is gift giving. However he also enjoys cuddling with you when he gets back home (granted you’re already asleep) and stroking your hair. When he’s off he likes to try to take you out, with supervision of course, or planning things to do with you such as a movie night.  
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
As much as he’d enjoy getting his hands dirty for you, the last thing he wants is to be sent to jail or have P.O.I.N.T on his tail. He gets things done rather quickly and efficiently, though he does have some fun with eliminating those he deems a threat to you or your relationship with him. 
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He’s rather patient, understanding and wouldn’t mock you. He knows his behaviors and abducting you are by no means normal but believes he is keeping you safe. Before he abducts you he sets up your room to cater to your interests, aesthetic and comfortability. For the first month or so he lets you be and allows you to be the one to initiate any affection and gets you adjusted. However after a bit he does grow somewhat impatient and expects you to be comfortable with him.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Marriage. He wants to tie the knot and make sure you’re undoubtedly his. It’s not too bad though. You’ll get a pretty wedding and a pretty ring!
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He wants you to see him as someone that can protect and care for you so he doesn’t bare too much at the beginning. Especially since he keeps in mind you could potentially use any weaknesses he might display to your advantage. However as your relationship progresses he bares more and allows himself to be more vulnerable with you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Unphased at first. He’s aware what he’s doing isn’t normal and fighting back is the normal response to abduction. It’s not pleasant but he knows it's natural. After a bit his patience does begin to thin and he gets slightly hurt. He’s been able to capture you every time so why do you keep fighting? No way he’s that bad, right?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not really. He wants you to get adjusted to him and love him back. Though he would be lying if he denied chasing you down and capturing you was thrilling to him. It’s only thrilling for a little bit though.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Wearing out his patience. He’s angry and is desperately trying to contain it but fails for the most part. He goes on and on about how this is for your own good and he’s just trying to keep you safe. Why can’t you see he’s doing what he does out of love and care? He limits any privileges and is stricter on where you can and can’t go. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
One where you’re not afraid of him and one where you love him back and understand why he does what he does. Maybe even one where you join him in villainy. You could even be his little partner in crime. The chance of that is somewhat small though as he’s worried about you potentially getting hurt or using any ventures to escape from him.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He does get jealous, a lot actually. He usually lashes out through passive aggressiveness towards whoever is making him jealous. Whoever it is will get cold looks and a threat to leave you alone. His grip on you also tightens and he tries to usher you away from whoever it is that's bothering him. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He acts very calm and tries to give you your space so that you feel comfortable with him. He might try to sneak in an arm around your waist when you’re not paying attention. If you’re distant from him he tries to get you to spend some time with him, such as eating dinner with him. If you spend time with him on your own accord he’ll be more relaxed and affectionate. He might even give you some kisses if you’ll allow him in this instance. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He’d take you out on dates and have you come over to his lab to see how things work. Some of his tendencies slightly show. You keep “coincidentally” bumping into him a lot. It wouldn’t be that weird if it didn’t feel like he was specifically there to see you. He starts insisting you spend more time at his place. He could always use an extra hand in the lab and you shouldn’t be going home by yourself so you may as well spend the night. Why not even spend a few days? That neighborhood of yours always felt sketchy to him.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really. Around clothes he does put on a more professional and cold demeanor however that isn’t present when he’s with you. He’s more relaxed and laid back though he is somewhat clingy.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Locking you in your room, making you stay in the lab with him, and if he deems necessary, sedating you with one of his potions. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many. Besides going out without him or his supervision of course. He doesn’t want you to hate him or to take away your rights but he can’t risk you escaping.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He tries to maintain a good amount of patience with you. For the most part he succeeds but if you don’t cooperate with him he’ll snap. He doesn’t like this either, alright? But it’s for your own good. Why can’t you just listen? 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. In terms of death, he would blame himself, wonder if he should’ve left you alone, been better or looked out for you more. Eventually he’d have to accept you’re gone but it doesn’t make anything better. In terms of leaving, this wouldn’t be an option. He’d hunt for you and when he finds you he’ll try desperately to make you love him. You’ll just have to learn. In terms of escaping, he has lots of connections so if all else fails he could just ask people to keep an eye out for you. When you’re inevitably brought back you’ll have to be in the lab with him until he thinks he can trust you. Which won’t be soon.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Partially. He knows what he’s doing is wrong and isn’t normal. And he hates seeing you scared and sad but he thinks this is the best for you. He probably won’t let you go. But there is a very slim chance if you keep up the resistance. And this would have to be yelling, kicking and whatnot and it would have to be kept up for a year or so. At that point he would just tell you that you can go if you want to so badly. Or, he would use a love potion or wait until you cave.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Jealousy, insecurity and paranoia. When you first knew each other, shortly after he’d get an odd feeling seeing you with others. Seeing you post yourself with your friends or even tell him you were with someone else would give him an odd sort of anger. He dismissed this and simply tried to pass it off as other things. He didn’t feel good about that friend anyway, doesn’t your other friend rarely make time for you, and don’t they leave you on delivered? Why make time with you now instead of earlier? Why go hang out with them once a month when he can make time for you every weekend? When you start dating is when it becomes more prominent. Tight grips on your waist and nasty looks to anyone who he thinks gets too friendly with you. This all builds up and results in him kidnapping you. He’s insecure about his power and whatnot so this would show in your relationship. He’s paranoid about you finding someone who’s not only more powerful than him but could provide more. Which is why he feels the need to show you just how much he can take care of you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He would feel awful. Your screams would make him constantly reconsider how he approaches you so as to not frighten you. Your crying would make him try to comfort you as much as he can in these circumstances. If you isolated yourself from him he’d feel bad and try to lure you into spending time with him. He initially reconsiders but ultimately stays firm with his logic that this is for your own good.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Trying to make the relationship be normal once he feels he can trust you. Acting and treating you like you’re just a normal couple and not someone he abducted out of his own jealousy. That side of him still exists but its suppressed.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Insecurity and perhaps Fink. Make him feel like he’s a bad husband. He never takes you out, doesn’t want to show you off, and only cares about work. Surely if he loved you so much he’d take you out. And it also happens there's this new arcade Fink has been absolutely dying to go to and you’ve also wanted to check out. One little outing wouldn’t hurt. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Mentally yes, physically other than a tight grip on the wrist or forcefully picking you up, no.  Hurt really depends on how you behave. If you try to test his patience and escape he’s more than willing to poke and prod at you and remind you of your place.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He doesn’t worship or revere much. If he ever saw you had low self esteem or degraded yourself, then he will bring out praises for you.  Not wanting to seem desperate or scare you off, he’ll start out slow with his attempts to win you over. However, behind the scenes he’s much more determined. New person you might like? Too bad, it seems they moved out of town!
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
A few months. As previously mentioned, he knows what he does is wrong. He tries to keep his feelings at bay and calm himself for a while. But eventually he just lets go.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes and no. Yes, he is a villain who knows he can get whatever he wants and will get whatever he wants. But, if you resist and are miserable for a long time, he will likely let you go. Despite this, by the time he’d let you go you may already be broken by a lot.
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sillybun33 · 2 months
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commission for @v4mpir3sealz !!!
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tkodaily · 8 months
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backseatfishing · 2 years
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solus can pull off looking intimidating until the exact second someone says something nice to him, haha. anyway i love him
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ponydoodles · 2 years
starlight glimmer or sunset shimmer with the pan flag colours in their mane please?
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Wowa! Das one pan pony!!
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ask-wylde-and-co · 8 months
So how old is everybody?
(I'm 19. :3)
@solvar-the-drone age = ???
Janus and I are both 10,948 years old mentally, though physically he's ageless and I'm 45.
I stopped keeping track some time ago, but according to Cedric - who didn't stop keeping track - I've been around for 23,000 years.
I'm 6.
I was first constructed 50 years, 7 months, and 14 days ago.
I hatched about 32 yearsss ago.
I honestly can't remember, though I know I'm slightly younger than Nori.
18, thanks to the inter-planar time zone effect and Emi's magic.
I am also 6, though I'm older than Emma by a few days.
Ok, I know I look, act, and even sound like I'm in my 40s or 50s, but it may surprise you to learn that I'm actually only 36.
19? I think?
I'm 25, and turning 26 in just a few weeks.
According to the universal standard calendar - a special magic calendar that calculates the year and date of not only the Material Plane, but the plane it is currently in as well - Cedric and I were born on not only the same year, but the same day as well, which means that my Common Age is 10,948. However, due to the inter-planar time zone effect, my true age is 5,000,000 years, easily making me one of the oldest entities on the planet and older than all of the staff combined.
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eightyuh · 4 months
do you sell stickers or any other kind of merch?
yep! but not online (anymore). ^^" i vend in-person at events around New England with my friend.
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my new years resolution is to get into a convention this year, but that would mean having to expand my product lineup ... and then actually get accepted lol, so we shall see!
i'm interested in selling online but would have to research options. let me know what sort of stuff you'd be interested in? 😅
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utena-fanmerch · 8 months
I know Ikuhara prefers the English localisation of 少女革命ウテナ to be Girl's Revolution Utena, but fuck me if I have to look through GRU MERCH
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tastesoftamriel · 3 months
Hi everyone! After some unexpected expenses that came out of nowhere, I realised I now cannot afford to get new contact lenses. This is a bad thing because my glasses are currently broken, and because I am basically blind without them. If you'd like to help, please drop me a small donation because idk what I'm gonna do when my current lenses expire next week!
Stay safe, eat well, be kind. ~Tal
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