#mod niro
direwarg · 2 months
if larian doesn't hurry up and drop the mod support for bg3,, i am going to eat their ankles 👹 why does it take a degree in rocket science and an act of god to download mods without crashing the game 💔
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robertoshipsweek · 1 month
I'm back from the woods and the submissions form will be open for a little while yet, so send your ideas in.
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thinking about it now, Charles Melton should've been nominated for best supporting actor instead of Ryan Gosling as Ken
This might be a hot take here on tumblr dot com buuuuuuuuut
I think Ryan’s nomination is actually deserved.
If we accept the premise of the Oscars, and accept the existence of the Barbie movie, Ryan as Ken could have come off as ridiculous and try-hard but it didn't. My one quibble is that he is too old to play Ken opposite Margot as Barbie (there is ten years difference between them, and there's only so much that makeup and moisturizer can do) but other than that, Ryan Gosling absolutely has the comedy chops and by my count he delivered an adequately charming performance.
This is an aside but something that's getting lost in the hashtag white feminism conversation is that it is narratively absurd that the film industry has rewarded the less important guy but not the literal lead girl from the feminism 101 movie. It feels intellectually dishonest to not acknowledge how on the nose this is. We can talk more about this on @fandomshatewomen if people wanna get into it.
Back to your message though, if we’re exploring hypotheticals, how about we look at the rest of the list of noms:
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Mark Ruffalo for Poor Things
Robert Downey Jr for Oppenheimer
Ryan Gosling for Barbie
Robert De Niro for Killers of the Flower Moon
Sterling K Brown for American Fiction
If we are swapping out someone on this list, my personal choice would be Robert De Niro, backup option Robert Downey Jr.
Both of these men are already household names, and this was not either of their best work or tbh even like among their better work. Also, neither of them “needs” this nomination, it does nothing for their careers.
But for an actor like Charles Melton who is good at his job but very much at the beginning of his career, it could mean a meaningful increase to the money his agents can negotiate for him on subsequent projects. Like yes, numbers vary, but the “awards bump” is a thing, and proportionally speaking it would mean WAY more for his career than one of the Roberts.
• mod dyr
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misskattylashes · 1 year
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One Man Band Track by Track Review
Right, so I have listened to the album twice. Miles wasn’t lying when he said it was banger after banger. But while the music is upbeat the lyrics are in places dark. Touching on self-doubt, insecurity and loneliness. For me OMB is the yin to CDG's yang. Both confessional (depending on your beliefs – both largely about the same person) but while CDG is an album of heartbreak, OMB is an album of hope. It seems Miles has found himself, and judging by the last track, he has someone who loves and understands him. And well, it all kinds of explains why he is so happy these days.
Troubled Son
This song could essentially be called I am approaching middle age and I am coming to terms with the person I am. Good and bad. Musically this track always reminds me of The Strokes.
Lyrically, despite beating himself up a bit, it is a song of hope. Once you face your own demons you can start to battle them.
This is the song that will get people singing at gigs. The lyrics are relatable to so many of us and it would be quite cathartic sharing the fact you’re a bit fucked up with several thousand people doing the same thing.
The Best is Yet To Come
Miles has admitted this is a song about being on the lash with his mates Big Lou and Romeo. Musically the driving rhythm and backing vocals are reminiscent at times of Queens of the Stone Age. Hard to explain, but this track is the most traditional Miles Kane and could have quite easily come from an earlier album.
One Man Band
Can I just start by saying there are not enough words to describe how much I love this song! Another song of self-reflection. I promise not to make too many comparisons to You Know Who, but as I have said before, the characterisation reminds me a lot of the character in Mr Schwartz. The performer who puts on the front to entertain people and make them happy, whilst hiding a lonely interior. But whilst Mr Schwartz is heart felt ballad. Miles being Miles. One Man Band sounds like sunshine.
Never Taking Me Alive
The most bonkers track on the album. Musically driven by surf guitar, lyrically an excuse for Miles to sing about his Italian American Heroes – De Niro, Pacino and Sinatra. This is a hype song. The sort of song you stick on on your way to a job interview, to pump you up.
Heartbreaks (The New Sensation)
Probably the weakest track, but still a banger. It evokes the image of a former girlfriend back in Miles’ mod day (retro boy trying to chase away time). With its Motown beat, this could have fitted easily into Change The Show. I mean it is a feel good banger, so to say it is the weakest shows how brilliant all the other tracks are.
The Wonder
Okay, anyone who follows me knows who I think The Wonder is about. So I won’t linger on that. In a nutshell, a song about realising a former lover and all the complications they bring is worth it, and this time you are going to put your fears aside and take a chance. The highlight for me are the rich backing vocals at the end, elevating it to almost gospel level.
The happiest song in the world. I have analysed this before. In a nutshell, little Miles Kane is enthralled by Roberto Baggio and his flamboyance and realised its fine to be yourself. It is also a tale of hoping to reconnect with a lost love (cough cough)
A mellow track about being afraid of falling in love because he is positive he is going to get heartbroken. However the object of his affections has hold of his cynical heart and he can’t afford the ransom, meaning he can’t escape them. A plea for them to be tender with him because he is trying to find a way. The final refrain being ‘cos I’d anything for you’. Whoever they are he loves them big time!
I'm sorry but this is a Milex song. A happy upbeat song with Miles telling ‘the person’ that he is scared but he is missing his ‘Two player high’ but he will wait for this person. The middle eight lyrics ‘Never say never, never say never again, never say never I wanna know where it ends, I’m never in doubt when my heart starts to fall, there’s nothing in my life that I have wanted more, anymore’ ahhhh. This is also a sort of dancing in your bedroom alone song. Or maybe that’s just me.
This is the epic track of the album. With a heavy, rich musical arrangement, it is like the sequel to the Coup de Grace album. Where Miles was heartbroken, disillusioned with life in LA and at his lowest ebb. He acknowledges he needed time to heal to get to the place where he is now. Once again, gospel style backing vocals elevate the track to the next level. It is another song of hope. Facing up to the fact that we all have to endure the shit times in life to become the people we are.
Scared of love
A sweet acoustic ballad, where Miles opens his heart to his lover. Telling them he is sorry for holding back, but they sweetly tell him they understand because they know he is scared of love. Another song of hope. It would seem he has found love and whoever they are, they are there for him to help him fight his demons.
In no way does the last track inspire a fan fic in me.
Total score 5/5
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tonycamonte · 10 months
my mom mean streets commentary
- wowww harvey keitel is so young……. cute!
- who is THAT! (robert de niro) nooo. that’s not him. he’s too tall to be robert de niro…… maybe he was more… svelte then……..
- oh she’s cute too. woah! boobs! (diane)
- i know a lot of guys like this. boy! lots of people are like johnny, you know.
- all that trouble just for twenty dollars? and this movie is so bad…. they could go clubbing or something (SHE SHOULDVE BEEN AT THE CLUB)
- are they ever going to explain what a mook is?
- robert de niro’s haircut is so cute. he could be a mod…. (<- my mother the 52 yr old mod 4 life always on the lookout. she could fix him)
- oh my god. i would rather die than live in new york. can you just imagine that. (her brother lives in nyc lol)
- look at the five o’clock shadow on that guy… (tony)
- do italians really listen to music like this? young people, i mean. even my mom didn’t listen to music like this (get his ass mom)
- GUH-ROSS! (@ charlie’s dream)
- oh i see what’s going on here… verryyy cheeky!
final verdict halfway thru (she has to go to bed): WOW! this is Weird!
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robertozine · 1 year
Mod Applications Open
Mod Applications are now open for Straightforward: A Roberto de Niro Zine 🥃🚬 If you love Roberto and you'd like the opportunity to put together a fanzine for our favourite tired, old man then apply this month! The form closes on 31 August, 11:59PM EST. [Apply here]
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isolaradiale · 1 year
Without prior reserve I'm here to toss Roberto De Niro of Trigun Stampede into the mix. His application can be found under /app or by clicking the little ID card in the top right corner.
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Roberto!
You will be housed in CONDO 415.
You will receive a BB Gun.
– mod pleiades.
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aevummarket · 5 months
Hello there, I'd like to purchase Roberto De Niro (Trigun Stampede) two sets of Healing Stones. His Stats are at /stats, Currency at /currency, and Threads at /tracker. Thank you much
A special item has been delivered to your home and placed in a mailbox that wasn't there yesterday. The box, and the item both have your name on it.
HEALING STONES (X2) 300 Emblems             A small velveteen pouch containing five small stones that vibrate softly in your hand. When you crush them, the dust of the healing stones can heal small to medium wounds. Crushing all five at once can heal fatal wounds in a pinch! NOTE: This is a PERISHABLE ITEM. It can be used at any time, but only 1-5 times per purchase. For rules and questions, please first refer to the Aeuvm Market FAQ.
— Mod Leillis  🌸
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the44magnumisamonster · 11 months
My head hurts and laughing at fnaf robert de niro mod isn't helping
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roleplayhonestybox · 1 year
Mods! Young Robert De Niro or Young Al Pacino?
We’re 1 for Rob and 1 for Al. Sadly there will be no uniting on this here today. 💔
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ataraxiamfrp · 1 year
hi my friendly mod doing inbox. i'd like to put eadwulf grieve ( critical role ), roberto de niro ( trigun stampede ), cyva ( oc ), clover ebi ( rwby ), bigby wolf ( the wolf among us ), garret hawke ( dragon age ) on hiatus! my brain is hurting. i'd like to drop aloth corfiser from pillars of eternity ( housed in chalet 11 in reverie ) he won't wake up. it's 5/17 and you can find me here.
grisps my dearly beloved Katie
Anything for you, darling. Eadwulf Grieve, Roberto de Niro, Cyva, Clover Ebi, Bigby Wolf and Garret Hawke have been put on hiatus for you and Aloth Corfiser has been dropped for you!
✨ mod grazia
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shit-talk-turner · 2 years
everyday I wonder how miles and alex are so close when theyre so different like even with the little things like seeing their performances afterwards, alex said that he never does that and then theres miles who even repost old stuff from time to timei also wonder if alex gets annoyed bc of that or not/ A few days ago I posted about Miles trying to get Alex's attention in many explicit ways, did anyone see him reposting Robert Di Niro in Taxi Driver? and other things but the mod didn't liked.
We didn’t like it? Says who? We just didn’t get to it. We have like 100+ asks in our inbox and occasionally we do have lives; it’s not personal.
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ask-shslpianist · 3 years
Happy birthday best protag! - Mod Niro
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“Best... protag? Like protagonist? I mean, if you’re talking about V3, I was only there for one trial. But really, thank you! I’m glad you guys seem to like me,” she added, smiling.
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MOD makoto yuki is speaking:
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"Should I bring my oc niro nitris aka the human Monokuma into this tumblur as well ?"
If you want to know what he is here it is .
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Niro nitris
Ultimate :
reserved  course student
Ryoko \Junko
The human Monokuma
Orgin :
Niro nitris  was a normal boy attending a new school that is pretty much normal.
Intill 18th of August 1996 everyone was happy and excited over a new season of their favourite tv show which didn't mind it at all right since it's normal to have stuff  like that but then he saw everyone dress up as their favourite characters from the show and keep mentioning death and despair and distance them self away from the world became insane.  He tried to fit in but he doesn't know what to do.
One day when he was heading to school he heard a voice "ooh having trouble niro kidd ?" He questioned the mysterious voice and said "who are you and how do you know my name ?"" It doesn't matter what  my name but is all you need to know " the mysterious voice giggled and continue to say "that I am on your side"
The boy feel terrified and started to shake in fear and said in his mind"I remember that voice but what shall I do ?" You could run away  try to escape it ?" Or you can "find out what they want afraid that they might kill you if you ran away?" Niro is spilt decision in his own Brain and went for find out what they want .
So he said "what do you want from me ?" He said feeling petrified and the mysterious voice said "come with me and see for your self if you do you can feel a new man in you" niro said "um ok then " the mysterious voice said " that's what I like to see and btw your look cool but first."
The mysterious voice blindfolded niro and took them to a unknown area.
《Unknown room 》
Niro wakes up tied up with one of his eye balls out of his sockets and blue prints of a human bear thing and he heard the same mysterious voice and this time they reaveal them self "oh your awake my sweet heart. Niro "now I remember that voice that's  Ryoko what happened to her ? He said in his mind.
Ryoko appeared and said "Hello niro did you miss me ?" She said with a smile on her face and niro said "yes I did but what happened to me ?" He said when he remembered that   one of his eyes are gone.
Ryoko smiled more sinisterly and said "I knew you would figure it out my love your too clever and special to not guess it " Ryoko started to take off her desuise  that they had and showed her look .
After all that niro nitrus became like a human verison of Monokuma.
In the killing game
He appears in his human form for a bit before when they getting together very well then he reveals him self as the Monokuma that everyone loves and told them about the killing game.
That's all that happed to him.
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Relatable Questions for this blog
🃏- I was wondering since you are Au version brother or sister of mine what did you act like in the killing game .
👑-Hey Ark where did you find 🔍 Pippi any way?
🎩 - hey Pippi Do you know anything about your creator?
❤️- Hello Niro what's was your friendship with Ryoko (Junko ) was like? ( Trigger warning ⚠️)
🙏 - Um Niro and Pippi what’s your opinion on Monokuma?
📱 - Hey Marco aizawa why do you hate Ark ouma so much ?
😔- Sorry for your lost Ark ouma any way how are you coping so far ?
💊 - Hey Ark how is the medicine coming along ?
Many more
These are relatable Questions for this blog fill free to have a look at them . - Mod Makoto yuki and the Trigger warnings will be in effect but I will put the Warning there so if you see that on the blog Please Don’t look at it and it will only come up for one Question so it’s quick and easy.
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mod-makoto-yuki · 3 years
(im-not-your-mom-okay) 🐻
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Yes there is particular Reason why Niro loves Ryoko or Junko that is because Niro Is the Stright boy who Just like Junko is also loves despair but He has line when It comes to it.
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That is Niro doesn't like Hurt children and Teenagers because after all he is one of them and After what adults done to them especially to Ryoko he can't stand people who Hurts his friends or girlfriend.
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