#mod ruu
ruumuf · 4 months
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tfw you have 2 fixations currently having rn so you had to make crossover between them [Zutomayo and FNF]
Rambles and doodle under the cut :
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TLDR for anyone confused about ZTMY : its a J-Pop band with a lead singer ACA-ne . They usually gone with experimental musics with unique instrumentals [you havent seen a band using guitar fan, tv drums and tape recorders have you? Now you do after you look up ZTMY :D]
Music aside, on their music video they have main character named :
Nira [girl with short hair with underdye]
Uniguri [a small hedgehog sidekick with a bowtie]
...sometimes Gray [guy with (mostly) gray hair] appears too
Since BF and GF went inside the Niraverse, why not adding them some underdye like the other Nira? [Also some haircut for GF too <3]
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feafankids · 5 years
Cato/Tempest Support Log (C-S)
The first two fankids in our long support log are Cato (son of Aversa) and Tempest (daughter of Frederick)! Written by Ruu and edited by Tana.
C Support
Tempest (neutral): Training’s done, the stew is simmering, we have plenty of firewood. Miranda and Jordan say the med tent is finely stocked, and same to the weapons tent.
Tempest (pleased): *sigh* Seems I finally have a second to myself.
Tempest: Ah, how lovely. A moment for me... Hm.
Tempest (neutral): ...
Tempest: No one will notice if I just... * leaves*
((Scene Transition))
Tempest (pleased): Ah, I thought it would be pretty here. I’m glad I could finally investigate.
Tempest: I know Papa will adore these flowers for sure.
(enter Cato)
Cato (playful): Terrifying Tempest, is that you?
Tempest (neutral): Huh?!
Cato (neutral): Of course it is. Why should I suspect anyone else.
Tempest (stern): How did you find me, Cato?
Cato: I looked around camp everywhere for you. Had a question about cleaning weapons.
Tempest (neutral): You were looking for me? Wait—You were going to actually DO something?
Cato (sleepy): Shocker, I know. My sword’s all scratched up.
Tempest: Well, there should be more cleaning rags and wax in the weapons tent.
Cato (neutral): Checked. Nothing.
Tempest: Hmm. That’s awfully strange. I suppose someone must have finished it off.
Tempest (injured): Well I do know one thing—
Cato: And that is?
Tempest: The innards of this plant here is used to make wax and provides a similar sheen. It would make your sword look better until we can see an armourer.
Cato: You’re a flowers-dork?
Tempest (neutral): I dabble in garden management. I spent many a day in my childhood amongst the forests of Ylisse.
Cato: And I’ve got a rag. Mind if I join you?
Tempest: If you wish.
B Support
Cato: Hey Tempest, thanks for that tip. My sword looks better than ever.
Tempest: Hm, I’m glad.
Cato: What was that flower again?
Tempest: Bathing Beauty.
Cato (happy): Pfft.
Tempest (please): Haha.
Cato (neutral): Hey look at me for a sec.
Tempest (carefree): What—*laugh* Cato why are you so close? Gods, just grab my face why don’t you.
Cato (serious): Your eyes are bloodshot.
Tempest (neutral): ...
Tempest (injured): I suppose I’m just tired.
Cato: Come to think of it, I didn’t see you come back to camp last night after cleaning the sword...
Cato: Tempest, were you out there all night long?
Tempest (stern): I don’t think it’s any of your business, Cato.
Cato: We marched today too!
Tempest: I’ve seen much worse in the future. A simple overnighter will not be the death of me.
Cato: Yeah but over-exhaustion will. You really should sleep.
Tempest (injured): I wish I could, but when there’s jobs to do I can’t sleep. And there is always work.
Cato: Why?
Tempest: Because it’s my nature.
Cato (disgusted): Bad Tempest!
Tempest (neutral): I beg your pardon?
Cato: Just because lazy buggers like me do our jobs horribly doesn’t mean you have to pick up the slack. That’s for the adults to worry about.
Tempest (remorse): But we came back to save our parents—
Cato (neutral): And they gotta put in the work to survive. We both do. And are you good to old Freddybear dead?
Tempest (Injured): Gods, you call him that too?
Cato (serious): Would he be joyous and happy if his daughter died?
Tempest: ...I suppose not.
Cato: Right. Now you’re enrolled in Professor Cato’s Relaxation Routine.
Cato (neutral): Now, what makes you calm?
Tempest (neutral): Doing odd jobs around camp.
Cato (serious): Not that.
Cato (neutral): You like nature right?
Tempest: Yes, I enjoy nature.
Cato (flirty): Then c’mon.
Cato: We’re going to pick flowers or something! Lay in a field or whatever! You’re gonna relax!
Tempest (stern): Cato? Cato! Don’t go into that patch!
A Support
Cato (disgusted): A...A...ACHOO!
Cato: This gods-damned rash is burning my whole body. Fuc—
Tempest (stern): I told you not to go into that bush.
Cato (distressed): I was tryna get you relaxed!
Tempest (neutral): It’s on your face too. Here, Brady said to keep applying the lotion every half hour.
Cato (serious): I can do it myself.
Tempest: You can’t see, now come here.
Tempest (neutral): My, you have very pretty eyes. Crimson, just like the autumn leaves in the north.
Cato (flirty): Sounds like you’ve been spending time with Kimi...
Tempest: ...
Tempest (pleased): There.
Cato (neutral): Why are you sitting back down?
Tempest (neutral): Because I’m going to stay with you.
Cato: You ain’t gonna run off and save the rest of the camp?
Tempest: No.
Tempest: My friend needs my help. A knight pledges herself to the people before the kingdom.
Tempest: A kingdom is nothing without its people.
Cato: ...
Tempest: Do you need anything?
Cato (disgusted): I want this freaking rash to stop flaring up but that’s not happening.
Tempest: Well I suppose we have time to kill then.
Tempest: May I ask questions about you?
Cato (neutral): Shoot.
Tempest: Why do you shy from my touch?
Cato (distressed): Gods.
Tempest: I’m serious. Every time you come close you seem pained. And when I approach you move away like I burnt you.
Tempest (remorse): ...Do I make you uncomfortable?
Cato (serious): *sigh* Gods...
Cato: No Tempest, it’s just some junk from childhood.
Cato: Nothing I want to get into.
Tempest (injured): Ah. My apologies.
Cato (neutral): I’m trying to get better. Hence why I was so touchy with you before. I thought you could help me with it.
Tempest (neutral, blush): Do I ease you?
Cato: You have a presence I enjoy.
Tempest: Thank you.
Cato: I probably should’ve told you.
Tempest (pleased): Perhaps.
Cato: I’ll try to do better. But, as a friend, could you just be a little easier with me?
Tempest: I will be as gentle as buds on a blooming flower.
Cato (happy): Thanks Temmie.
Tempest: You’re quite welcome.
Tempest: Truth be told, this confession makes me want to take your lessons to heart.
Tempest: We could both become better people together.
Cato (neutral): Oh?
Tempest: Yes. So you have to hurry up and get well so I can learn how to relax.
Cato: If it’s the healer’s orders...
S Support
Cato (neutral): Asters, violets, Black-eyed Susans... There’s scorpion grass and baby’s breath... Think that will be okay?
Tempest (neutral): What do you have there?
Cato (happy): Temmie! Hey...
Tempest: What have you behind your back Cato?
Cato (flirty): It’s just a little thank you gift. For taking care of the camp and me.
Tempest: I can go if it’s not ready...
Cato (neutral): Nah, just... Close your eyes? For me?
Tempest: Of course.
Cato: ...
Cato: There.
Cato: Okay, open ‘em.
Tempest (blush, pleased): A flower bouquet! How sweet.
Cato: I grabbed them for you. Astrid gave me some guidance.
Cato: I even gave her a high five after.
Tempest: That’s wonderful progress!
Tempest (neutral): I also stopped training with Kjelle before we both fell over. A vast improvement from working to exhaustion.
Cato: That’s really great Tempest.
Cato: I’m sorta proud of both of us...
Tempest: As am I. We’re both making great improvements in short time.
Tempest: These flowers look wonderful.
Cato (blush): You like ‘em?
Tempest: I adore them. May I?
Cato: *breath in* If I can try something after.
Cato: Thanks, but they’re your flowers.
Tempest: Yet you look lovely with them. Scorpion grass looks wonderful with your shade of hair…
Tempest: Anyways, you wanted to try something?
Cato: Right.
Cato: Close your eyes?
Tempest: All right.
Tempest (injured): …
Cato (eyes closed): ...
Tempest (blush, neutral): Cato, you took my hand and kissed it!
Cato (serious, blush): I tried my damnedest okay...
Tempest: No, no, don’t take it the wrong way...
Tempest: I liked it.
Cato (sleepy, blush): *sigh* Thank Naga.
Cato (neutral, blush): I think you’re my strength Tempest.
Tempest (pleased, blush): I was thinking the same thing.
Tempest: Perhaps we should stick together. I would hate to be without my strength.
Cato (happy, blush): Me too.
Cato, Feigning Fighter
Tempest, Devoted Darling
While still glared at his Plegian roots, Cato learnt to open himself up to touch even further. Scholars say that there was not a time where he wasn’t holding his beloved Tempest’s hand or by her side. When their army service was complete, they found land that backed onto a large forest, at Tempest’s request. The two lived out the rest of their days happily together.
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transineurope · 7 years
Hey, do you have any info about being trans in Finland? I'm english, but I wish to mive to finland at some point in my life, but I want to know what its like to be trans there. I hope I'll be able to transition in england before moving, but if not, whats it like to do so in finland? How does the government laws, and society in general, treat LGBT people?
To transition here you first gotta get a referral to the trans clinic from a doctor. We’ve got four clinics here in Finland. Under 18 year olds and over 18 year olds go to different clinics. Once your referral has arrived at a trans clinic you’ll get an appointment with the doctor there. You’ll have several appointments after that, some with a nurse, some with a psychologist etc and they’ll evaluate you and your transness.The evaluation phase in your transition might last from six months up to 5 years, depending on your situation. But once you get the diagnosis, the government will pay for some of your transition costs etc. In Finland we have a quite shitty name law, if a name is considered a ‘’male’’ name but your legal gender marker is F (and the other way around) you can’t get it before the diagnosis. Also to change your legal gender marker (which doesn’t happen directly w the diagnosis) you have to be infertile and 18 years old. In regards of how our society treats LGBT people in general, we’re making progress. The equal marriage law came in to effect March this year. The Parliament will in the future possibly discuss a citizens initiative about a law called ‘’motherhood law’’ (äitiyslaki) in Finnish. This law would make it easier for e.g. female couples (where one of them is pregnant) to both be their kid’s legal guardians from the beginning. Atm our system requires adoption inside the family; the non-pregnant person won’t automatically be considered the kid’s legal parent. 
I’m personally very pissed about our transition system in Finland, since I got kicked out ‘’for three months’’ in February last year and they still haven’t given me a new appointment, regardless of my former psychologist reminding them of my existence. Many people have negative experiences about the system, but I do know of people who have positive ones. The trans clinic(s) also seems to have a normative perception of gender, so if you don’t conform to norms, some people evaluating you might have a problem with it.
If you wanna talk more, like ask more questions and stuff, you can send me a message whenever! my personal blog is @worm-worm-worm
- Ruu
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ask-moondrop · 3 years
It looks like if it was smiling now
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llsif-pride · 5 years
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「 ruu tatara is an asexual lesbian ! 」
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gaylovelives · 7 years
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The girls of Chitose Bridge High because even these girls deserve some love ♥ -Mod Maru
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sumeru-academy · 2 years
Okay so y'all've answered who y'all's favorite genshin women are, but here's a twister, who're y'all's favorite NPCs?
signora TECHNICALLYYYY counts right 😨 if not, then katarina and zhiqiong — both from the chasm !
honorable mentions are maybe enjou, viktor, vlad & nadia, and those two hella gay girls from watatsumi island
⎯⎯mod alice 🦋
dvalin, he has the most interesting lore out of all of the other in game bosses imo. but all time fav might go to ruu.
⎯⎯mod chewie 🪑 
taroumaru and kageroumaru. (and cloud retainer because if i didn’t put my mother-in-law she’d probably kill me)
⎯⎯mod angel🎐
KAZARI. i also like viktor and ruu
⎯⎯mod kiki 🕰
like kairi i also LOVE kazari. however, i'm partial to scary (maybe a robot) katheryne heuheuhe
⎯⎯mod lie 🪜
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travels-of-teyvat · 3 years
hello everyone~ mod xingqiu here, giving my intro!
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basic info
call me mod xingqiu (please make sure to spell it right!), i'm a minor and i use she/they/fae pronouns, use whatever set you're most comfortable with, since i don't really mind~
you may have previously known me as mod shuichi on @/fanatic-edits-blog-archived and currently as mod rantaro on @/killingharmonykinhelp~
all my edits are free to use by everyone outside our dni (exceptions will be stated) with or without credit, but credit is preferred~ please note that other mods may have different stances on credit - please give credit unless otherwise stated in their intros!
what i offer icons gif icons (i refer to these as gifcons) reply icons (i refer to these as replycons/replicons) manga icons moodboards headers (twt, discord, or tumblr) layouts (twt, discord, or tumblr) wallpapers/lockscreens & sets (send an ask if you're curious~) splash/wish art recolorings splash/wish art minor changes (only for whitelisted characters, may expand later) stimboards (only for whitelisted characters)
what i edit for all playables, major characters in archon quests, major characters in story quests (ex. ruu from tsurumi island) local specialties (ex. silk flowers, valberries)
whitelist (italics = comforts, bold = kins) (these are my favorites to edit) characters: xingqiu, chongyun, bennett, diona, rosaria, lumine, xiangling, kazuha, silk flowers, cecilias ships: xingyun, kaesaria, kaebedo, kazugorou, kokosara, platonic/familial ships: xingqiu/chongyun/hu tao, aether/lumine aesthetics: lovecore, dark academia, cottagecore, pastels/cutecore
blacklist (i will deny all requests that include the following) x men: lisa, jean, beidou, eula, ayaka, amber x women: xingqiu, diluc, xiao romantically shipped at all: diona, klee, qiqi, sayu platonic/familial requests are ok & encouraged for all of the above! ships: i have no blacklisted ships, but i may decline requests if the ship or request in general makes me uncomfortable~
tags 📚 mod xingqiu - everything i post on this blog 📚 xingqiu's edits - all my edits 📚 xingqiu's requests - accepted requests 📚 xingqiu's denied - denying requests 📚 sincerely xingqiu - gifts i make for others 📚 xingqiu's novels - just talking and chatting~ 📚 xingqiu's unrequested - edits i make that aren't gifts or requests 📚 xingqiu promos - promotions for other edit blogs
that's about it, thank you for reading! i'm looking forward to editing for you~
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ask-human-kaard · 5 years
I played deltarune and thought," Is it pronounced rules, or literally rouxls?"
“What doest thou pronounce rouxls as, though? ‘Ro-uh-xl-s’? How doest thy not break thine tongue whilst saying that? Obviously, the only correct way to go about this connondrum is to separate mine name into smaller, more understandable portions! So what, then, doest thy pronounce ‘roux’ as? ‘Roo’, correct? That leaves thee with Roo-ls. Rules! Hence, mine name ist pronounced ‘rules’, as thy guessed!”Mod Raqa: There’s this item in the game you can find in his shop called “Rouxls’ Roux”, or something. I think that’s where most of us got the cue as to how to pronounce his name, because roux on its own is pronounced ruu/ruh/roo/howeveritgoesididn’tstudyphonetics. So that makes his name roo-ls. That along with the fact the other part of his name is literally “Kaard”, well… yeah, it was kinda obvious from there that he was supposed to be called Rules Card lol
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a3zineconcluded · 6 years
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Preorder for the A3! Zine are now open!! 
It will be a A5-sized stapled booklet with about 16 pages of illustrations by 12 wonderful artists! Merch includes 4 postcards, 2 buttons and 1 charm. You can choose between various bundles or take the book only. 
First 10 orders of the book only will receive one extra random postcard! 
The shop will be open from February 9th to March 9th ~
After delaying the project for such a long time I want to especially thank all the artists who accepted to take part in it! Here is the list of all the contributors : 
Dita Aura
Kyuutan (mod)
Tamasuke (mod) 
Lia (keychain artist) 
Special thanks to Atsukié.R with whom I collaborated for the cover drawing! 
Please spread the word! 
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lubsofrph · 6 years
turururu ru ru tururuuu ruu BOM DIA MEUS CONSAGRADOS, Lubs aparecendo na rp br para fazer um shoutout super especial nessa tag de meu deus! Vocês sabem que eu só recomendo rps nos quais eu gostaria de estar e o @nakamegurohq não foge dessa regra. Eu não sou muito de real life apesar de ter durado muito mais em real life do que em rp fantasia, contudo, esse bonitinho realmente me pegou !! Aparência linda, mod fofa e players com muita vontade de jogar, eu sugiro que vocês chequem o PLOT da comunidade com muito amor no coração! Se vocês correrem e mandarem suas fichas, vocês vão pegar o finalzinho do Evento de Natal que ‘tá ocorrendo embaixo das sakuras. Espero que vocês gostem, meus amores!
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idberita24 · 7 years
Batal Luncurkan Redmi Pro 2, Xiaomi Siapkan X1? - Metro TV News
Batal Luncurkan Redmi Pro 2, Xiaomi Siapkan X1? – Metro TV News
Most Popular Batal Luncurkan Redmi Pro 2, Xiaomi Siapkan X1? Kamera DSLR Baru Canon Incar Para Videografer Motorola Luncurkan Moto Mod Kamera 360 Roket Antariksa Tiongkok Gagal Meluncur Endless OS Masuk Indonesia, Seperti Apa? Video Urgensi RUU Antiterorisme Pemudik Diimbau Sigap Terhadap Buka Tutup Contra Flow Butuh Rp100 T untuk Pindahkan Ibu Kota Partai PM Jepang Kalah di Pemilu Tokyo Isi…
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ask-moondrop · 3 years
I've got the perfect music for whatever this is and that music is an earrape version of the intro of Thomas and Friends
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all i can think of is "THIS IS ZERO FUN" roasted in beans to high hell and back.
in other words, you are completely correct.
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llsif-pride · 5 years
Ruu Tatara is an asexual lesbian!
posted! thank you for submitting!
- mod hanayo
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ask-moondrop · 3 years
Decided to edit the photo even more, the more i edit it the weirder it looks
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oh my stars
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transineurope · 9 years
Hey, do you have any Finnish mods yet since I'd like to apply but I don't wanna if you already have a Finnish mod :P
hi! i’m our finnish mod But if you’re amab, poc or intersex please apply! 
- ruu
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