#mod usami
usami-hates-sjws · 5 years
FINALLY someone who doesn't think komaeda is gay! Libtards always assume that he's gay and it's so gross. Yaoi sjws are fucking gross. Like straight people exist?? Stop pushing the propaganda one day we might have a straight people holocaust smh my head
exactly! komaeda is in love with junko in canon so calling him gay is really dumb imo? straight people are so oppressed in this fandom it’s really ridiculous!!!! fujoshis should all just band together on an island and kill each other with rocks!
- mod usami
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dangan-doodles · 6 years
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Hello, I'm Mod Usami!! Sorry that my introduction is so late, I'll be better with my timing from here on, I promise! 💕💕
I make mood boards and sprite edits, I might branch out into other things with time. ; w ; I hope we can be great friends!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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Hey! It’s Mod Usami here. I’m sorry to say, but I’m going to be leaving the blog. I have lots of things to do and sadly, I just can’t fit time for this blog anymore without neglecting my duties. Thank you all so much though for your requests and kindness!! And thank you to the mods for a good stay! 
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pinkbloodpositivity · 7 years
i just read your faq and i'm here to say: I, for 1, would totally be interested in becoming a mod here \(*w*)/ i love roleplaying/making motivational speeches in character & making icons is so much fun?? also dr w/ happy vibes??? Um??? Yes???????
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I’m so glad you like the blog! Having more mods would be really cool. This coming week I’ll mostly be traveling and finishing up stuff for uni, but when I’m settled in for the holidays, I’ll try and put a mod application together for anyone who wants to work on this blog!
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usami-hates-sjws · 5 years
Are you a homosexual?
im bi myself, but homosexuals are cool! i think that everyone deserves love!! ^w^
- mod usami
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pinkbloodpositivity · 7 years
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What’s up everyone? It’s Sunday and time to take it easy!
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...Unless you got something you need to do for Monday like I do... heh...
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But that’s alright because I’m gonna give you the greatest tips I got for getting all that work done for Monday! This time, it’s even gonna be on the house. This is a once-in-a-lifetime deal, so listen up!
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First things first, gather up all the supplies you need. Stuff like paper, pens, textbooks, crystal ball, all that stuff. Then get set up in a comfortable place where you won’t be distracted. Your room’s a good bet, but you could also pack up and head to the library if your house is too crazy. Alright, now put on you headphones and start the longest playlist you’ve got! Something chill that can help you focus is the best, like soft music or instrumentals. Doing all this should get you in the right headspace to work, and once you start, it’s way easier to stay motivated, trust me.
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Don’t forget to take breaks too. Yeah, the work is important, but you gotta make time to eat, drink, and stretch. Keep all those chakras in line, ya know? A lot of people like taking 5 minute breaks for every 30 minutes they work. Keeps ya on your toes.
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Alright, hope ya got all that, cause repeating it all’s gonna cost you 100,000 yen! I’m sure whatever you gotta do for Monday is gonna go fine. You got the Super High School Level Clairvoyant’s blessing on that! Have a great day!
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ronpaesthetic · 7 years
Hey there! Could I get an aesthetic for a Kaito who recently remembered that they murdered their hoshi in their canon? The circumstances around it were.....weird....if it could have themes of space, purple, murder, memories, and regret, that would be amazing! Than you so much!!
coming right up! ;9-Mod Usami
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usami-hates-sjws · 5 years
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hewwo everyone, it’s mod usami here! i guess i should say why i made this blog, huh? well, it was really just because of all the backlash ive been seeing against danganronpa blogs that speak their opinions! so, even if you sjw blogs hate it, ive got opinions and im going to say them! to everyone who will support our future, i really hope that we get along on our time on this island! (╹◡╹)
- mod usami
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pinkbloodpositivity · 7 years
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An Aoi Asahina inspired self-care kit! (links under the cut)
dolphin stim toy: 2.95 USD
vanilla doughnut soap: 7.19 USD
ocean bathbomb: 6.95 USD
doughnut squishy: 4.59 USD
mermaid water tracker bottle: 18.48 USD (comes in a bunch of colours)
doughnut slippers: 9.99 USD
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{ hey lovelies! i wanna apologize about this blog not updating. I kinda moved from dangan ronpa to other communities, and I mainly focus on eddsworld- speaking of, I have an eddsworld ask blog now! with the new dangan ronpa animes coming out, though, I'm bound to get into it again. Still, I unfortunately have to put this blog on hiatus. If you wanna keep in touch with me or you just happen to like eddsworld and stuff, that's really cool! you can find me over at @mattords. im sorry that this blog doesn't really update, maybe I'll come back! -mod usami }
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despairingheights · 8 years
If an app has an unavoidable trigger in it, is it still able to be submitted if we add a warning?
Hello~!! Mod Usami here to answer this question~!!
Yes! You may still submit an app, even if it has unavoidable triggers in the prompts, HOWEVER, it must be tagged and in a separate doc from your app. I’ll show you an example of what I mean.
This is a prompt we need you to answer. Please answer this prompt:
This prompt contains the following triggers: 1, 2, 3, 4. Mods, please view with caution.
And that’s it~! Thank you for asking this question; if you have any more, please don’t hesitate to ask~!!
Happy apping~!!
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danganreview · 9 years
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Hello!! We recently received an ask in our inbox about being able to give advice to improve apps on a general level! I’m just making this post to say that we did receive it, and I’m not ignoring it! I’m just going to take my time with that ask, and write up a proper list alongside Mod Monobear! Expect it to be up within the day or so! 
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