#mod: apologies for the error when i first answered this; part of the ask was cut off and i didn't notice til i posted it
mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
I can’t say I blame 076-2, it’s a bastard but 105 is pretty damn young.
First of all: the protocol of referring to all SCP entities with it/its was discarded some time ago. Any SCP entity capable of communicating their pronouns will be referred to with the pronouns they specify. He/him was typically what was used for 076-2 in the past and he did not seem to take issue with this so that is what I will use until such a point that he's available to specify further. I suggest you do the same.
But, that aside, I largely agree. He certainly had more sense than we did, quite frankly. He knew more about whatever was there than we did, and I believe part of the tragedy is that we didn't realize that. We should have listened. She should not have been sent in there. None of them should have been sent in there.
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inkycrowwrites · 7 years
Imagine being the fianceé of Captain Salazar (Part three)
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Pairing: Armando Salazar x reader
A/N: I’M SO SORRY TO LEAVE YOU ALL HANGING LIKE THIS! As an apology part three is way longer than the other ones. Where i’ve been? Some heavy personal stuff came up, but i’ve felt a little better now, getting through it with a lot of support! Shout out to Mod Demon for helping me with grammar once again! Thank you sis! & @salmicka1!!! i’m so sorry for worrying you dear :(. Once again if you notice any errors i encourage you to notify me via message at my personal blog @regipumpkin. (f/n) = first name, (l/n) = last name. Thank you so much for your patience! Again, sorry. ~ Mod Pumpkin.
Warnings: Angsts and violence.
Your crew was awoken by the thud of the last bag of provisions hitting the floor of the boat. They turned to look at you as you panted, all of the boats were ready to go.
“Miss (l/n)? what are you doing?” a sailor asked as he stood up. You looked back “oh! sorry to wake you up, but the sun is already rising so I guess it does not matter”.
They approached the boats “you loaded all of this by yourself, miss?”
“Well, I honestly couldn’t sleep and i wish to leave this island as soon as possible”
Angelica stared at you “so you didn’t sleep at all?”
“Probably just a couple of hours, but i assure you it was enough” the bags under your eyes showed that you were clearly lying.
Angelica placed a hand in your back “listen (f/n), as soon as we board the ship i want you to head straight to your chambers and rest, you did great”
“Alright” you smiled.
She turned to the crew “What are you waiting for? Let’s get out of here! To the ship!”. Everyone either retrieved the blankets they were resting on or pushed the boats out of shore, you and Angelica hoped in one and allowed yourselves to be transported back.
You offered on helping them carry the provisions back on board or at least set the course but Angelica insisted that you needed to rest. As you walked away you looked back, she had a funny look in her face, staring at the sword that never left your side.
The door of your chambers was violently open and a man was casted down the stairs. You jumped out of bed and rushed to aid him only to discover it was the captain.
“Are you alright? what happened?”
A set of steps descended towards you. It was Angelica followed by two of your crew members. She was wearing the captain’s hat and a grin on her face, “did you sleep well, princess?”. You realized what was going on, a mutiny just as she predicted, the only thing you didn’t count on was that she would be the one leading it.
You tried to reach the sword resting against the wall next to the bed, but the click of a gun stopped you in your tracks. You turned around carefully, she was pointing the gun at the captain still on the floor. You walked back to him slowly and helped him stand. He rose his hands up surrendering, you had no option but to mimic his gesture.
“Now you’re getting it!” Angelica exclaimed, “follow me” she guided you to the center of the ship and tied you to the mast.
The sailors looked down at you, relieved that they were finally getting rid of you. You stared back with a hard look on your eyes, making sure to remember each one of their faces for later.
“Angelica!” you spoke with a stern voice, “Angelica we saved you! If it weren’t for me you could still be dying on that island!”
“I know princess and i’m very thankful for that, which is why I won’t let these men kill you. They think you’re a walking curse. Instead we’ll set you free on an island, let’s see if your beloved captain comes back for you after all”
Tears formed in the corners of your eyes “And what if he does come back? You think he’ll spare any of you?! Remember when we encountered his ship! If it weren’t for me each and everyone of you would be dead!” Some of them backed away with concerned looks on their faces.
“Miss (l/n), please be quiet” the humiliated captain spoke behind you. You ignored him and continued to rant, “after Captain Salazar is done hunting that disgusting Sparrow pirate, he will unleash hell upon you!”.
Something changed in Angelica’s eyes “A Sparrow pirate?”. A crew member lost his temper and stepped forward waving a gun at your face “shut up! Shut up witch!” Angelica stepped in front of you “put that down before you hurt yourself, sailor!” he obeyed reluctantly.
She kneeled in front of you “you mentioned a Sparrow pirate, what did you mean by that?”
“...The man he’s chasing, they told me that’s what they called him”
“What’s the name of that man?”
“J-Jack Sparrow” she stood up and chuckled at your words “oh Jack, what did you do now?” She turned over to the crew and ordered them to untie you, the same sailor from a moment ago replied to her command “but we can’t trust her! she-”
“She’ll do as i say, believe me”.
They released your wrists, you contemplated the red marks that the rope had left on them. Angelica was quick to point a sword at your chest, just like you did back there at the beach “let me offer you a deal. I take you to your prince charming, we forget that all of this happened and he helps me catch him, are you interested?”
“It’s not like I had any other option”
“Your other option is to receive a bullet to the head and spill your pretty brains”
You stood up never breaking eye contact “I’ll take your first deal, miss Teach”
“Wise choice”.
It took three days, three tense days of not knowing if your food would be poisoned or at least spit on, three days of not being able to even close your eyes at night, or having water denied until you begged for it, but the moment you spotted the Silent Mary all of the suffering disappeared and was replaced with hope.
“Are you sure that’s his, princess?” asked Angelica as she inspected the ship with a spyglass.
“Every time he left i would stay at the docks and watch his ship until it got lost in the horizon, I could recognize the Silent Mary anywhere”
Angelica grinned “you’re so dramatic!”, her grin fell almost as fast as it came “I don’t see anyone”
“W-what do you mean?” Angelica handed the spyglass over to you “the ship is empty”. It was true, there was no soul around, at least in your sights.
“I-I don’t understand”
“Maybe they kidnapped them”
“No, that’s impossible. Armando would never let himself get captured by pirates, he would rather... Angelica, we must search the ship!”
“It’s too dangerous, it could be a trap”
“We had a deal, you were supposed to take me to him, remember?”
Angelica sighed “prepare a longboat, i need five men to come with us” she turned to you “if this is some kind of ambush you planned since the beginning your miserable first mate dies”
“I assure you i’m as clueless as you are”.
You were the first to board the ship. It was as beautiful and awing as you remembered, but just as you feared there was no one on deck except for the seven of you. It couldn’t be! You ran across the deck shouting names of loyal soldiers you remembered, begging for an answer from anyone. Finally the creak of wood caught your attention as a man emerged from the cabin “miss (l/n)?”. You ran over to him without hesitation “where’s the crew?” you questioned him immediately “where’s your captain?”. Behind him were four men, each as weak and malnourished as the others.
“They followed after that pirate, we stayed behind to guard the ship. That was four days ago”
“And what else?! Please, there must be something else you know”.
They looked over at each other, not being able to talk, almost as if it physically hurt. “We found some of their corpses floating” one of them finally broke the silence.
And just like the last time, they ripped him away from you. After all you had been through in the end it was worthless. Your knees gave up, you cupped your face in your hands and let out a shriek. As you crumbled down something caught the eye of Angelica, she picked it up from the floor and went over to you. She gently patted your shoulder as you looked over to her, trying to collect yourself. Angelica placed the object in your hand. It was an old medal your father, the venerated war hero, gave to your fiancé the day he asked for your hand in marriage.
The way it shined in the sunlight got you lost in a trance and slowly calmed your sobs. Was this truly the end? Were you willing to return to Spain empty handed and with a shattered heart? Madness took over you, this wasn’t over, you couldn’t just let his memory die like this, that pirate couldn’t just walk away like that! You fiercely stood up, Angelica backed away a little “We had a deal, didn’t we, miss Teach? you would take me here and he would help you catch him. But I’ll do it for him, we shall hunt this pirate together even if I die trying!” Angelica huffed and shook her head “you lost your mind, but i guess it’ll come in handy. The deal is on”.
The other ship arrived next to the Silent Mary, you climbed the ratline to catch their attention “Listen up sailors!” Angelica stared at you slightly concerned “get down from there”, you ignored her, “The crew of Captain Salazar is gone, you may feel relieved as your memories of them were those of demons out of hell, but you forget that they were once men just like you, some of us even knew them. They were our soldiers, our friends, part of our families! We shall avenge them. Those brave enough step into the Silent Mary, the rest can leave without any consequences. I sincerely wish you luck on your way back to Spain”. For a moment nobody seemed to follow, until four men boarded your ship, ready with provisions and weapons.
“Welcome” you smiled at them as you climbed down: Your loyal first mate handed you the sword you had lost and saluted you.
“Gabriel?” he turned around to the voice that called at him “¿father?” he ran towards one of the last survivors of Salazar’s crew and hugged him “Gabriel! My boy!”. You couldn’t help but smile at the scene, at least someone had a happy ending.
The man approached you and handed you something “miss (l/n), we found it in the great cabin” It was Armando’s Jacket, or at least one of them. You thanked him and retrieved to the tween deck as you felt more tears coming. You glanced at the departing ship one last time before it left, none of the men dared to look into your face.
You lovingly pinned the old medal that Angelica gave you back to its rightful place and kept staring at it, quick steps caught your attention but as you turned around someone pushed you against the wall behind you. It was Angelica, clearly angered “we lost two thirds of the crew!”
“You’re right” you answered emotionless “the provisions are going to last for weeks”
“This ship is massive! It needs at least thirty men to operate it! There’s only eleven of us, what do you think we’re going to do?!”
“I can’t survive another mutiny, Angelica. We shall all do our best until we reach-”
“A crew? You need a crew, miss?” a voice with a heavy scottish accent spoke from the darkest point of the chamber, startling you both. Angelica rose her pistol at the same time you unsheathed your sword.
“Worry not misses” the voice was getting closer “I assure you I only came here with benign intentions”
“Step into the light then, show yourself” you commanded, the intruder cackled but followed. The man could only be described as a monster, with a crab claw instead of a left arm, twisting tentacles as a beard and the right leg of a crab resembling a pegleg. The sight obviously disturbed you but you weren’t as shaken as your ally.
“Davy Jones” Angelica whispered, she lowered down her pistol alongside your sword, she knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to fight him.
“Wise choice”
“Why are you here?” you interrogated him “I heard you’re hunting down Sparrow”
“We are” you replied proud.
“Is your accent Spanish? huh, it’s funny since i’ve recently fished a certain spaniard captain’s soul from the bottom of the sea” Your eyes widened and your breathing grew heavier “Only now i caught your attention?” he chuckled and continued “When you finally trap Sparrow, what do you plan to do to that pest?”
“Collect vengeance”
“Perfect!” he grinned “would you ladies be interested in a transaction?” Angelica and you stared at each other, then back at Davy Jones “I’ll provide you with a crew, 25 strong and loyal men deprived from their free will a long time ago. You catch the sparrow and do as you want with him, but leave his soul to me. Once you hand him over I’ll let your captain go”
“We’ll do it” answered your partner before you could, almost as if she was reading your mind.
“Until next time, ladies” and just like that he banished back into the shadows. You just sealed a deal with the devil alongside a pirate, something not even in your wildest dreams you thought you could accomplish.
A bunch of heavy foot steps broke you out of your thoughts as the voices of the crew went silent with fear, Jones had just carried out the first part of his deal
“That was fast!” spoke Angelica, “there’s your crew” you exhaled, still trying to process what just happened. The two of you climbed the stairs to meet with the new staff.
Angelica stared as you walked at her side “what’s that?” she pointed at your hand “oh! it’s Armando’s jacket, they found it and gave it to me”
“Why don’t you wear it?”
“I shouldn’t, i’m not a soldier”
“Use it as a symbol then” she took it and helped you put it on, the jacket was way longer than what you needed, it suited you more like a coat.
“There! Now you look like a captain”.
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hey look i wrote something for once
so i mentioned awhile back that i’d started writing a hogwarts au. it’s currently one of my favorite things to work on right now, so i figured i’d post the first chapter to see how you guys like it. there’s probably some minor errors, but my laptop’s been acting up when i try to transfer writing here and i’m really, really tired, so pardon that. i hope you guys like it! -mod rose 💜
Davey peered out the window as the train pulled away from the station. His parents had left already, but not before telling Les a thousand times how much they’d miss him. His twin sister sat reading a book next to him, while the aforementioned Les was bouncing his leg and babbling nervously.
“What house do you think I’ll be in? I really want to be in Gryffindor, or maybe Slytherin, or-”
“Les, calm down. You'll probably end up in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw like me or Sarah. And besides, I haven't had a pleasant encounter with students from either of those houses since I’ve gotten to Hogwarts.” Just then, the door slid open, and a group of louder students came in. Davey flinched, and Sarah nearly dropped her book on the floor. She dog-earred the page and put it away for its own safety. There were four boys and a girl, two of whom were already in uniform. A taller boy with sandy blond hair wore a Gryffindor tie, done poorly over his robes, while a slightly shorter boy with dark brown hair wore Slytherin robes and no tie. Davey rolled his eyes.
“Hey, uh, sorry about bargin’ in here. We’re kind of on the run and we’re hoping the assholes chasing us’ll back off before they get here,” said the boy with the Slytherin robes on. Davey glanced at Sarah, who had already taken her book back out. If she wasn’t going to mind these somewhat obnoxious students, then neither would he.
“Uh, sure, yeah. Go ahead and sit down,” Davey replied uncertainly.
“Sorry about them. They’re usually not this loud,” the girl apologized, brushing her reddish bangs out of her eyes.
“I’ve heard worse,” Davey said with a weak laugh, referring to Les, who took everything in with wide eyes. The girl smiled before sitting down next to Les.
“You’re a first-year, aren't you?”
“Yeah! I’m so excited!” Les replied, beaming.
“I’m Katherine. What’s your name?”
“I’m Les, and this is my brother, David. My sister Sarah is next to him.”
“What house do you want to be in, Les?”
“I want to be in Gryffindor, or Slytherin, but I’ll probably end up in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw like my brother and sister.” Les answered.
“Which one of you is in Ravenclaw?” Katherine asked.
“I am,” Davey said.
“Nice to meet you, David. I’m Katherine. Plumber. I’m in Ravenclaw too.”
“David Jacobs.” Davey shook her hand, and she sat back down next to Les, and they began talking excitedly. Sarah glanced over at Davey, and he could see she had a faint blush on her cheeks.
“Don't tell me you've got a crush already,” Davey whispered teasingly.
“Shh! I do not!” Sarah’s voice was stern, but she wore a small smile on her face. Davey could tell her focus was far from the book she was pretending to read. He turned his attention back to the four boys who were arguing over who would be doing well in Quidditch this year.
“Gryffindor’s got some pretty good chasers this year, not to mention one of the best beaters and team captains in school history. If you think Slytherin stands a chance against us, you must be crazier than we thought, Jack,” the blond said, and it seemed like he was referring to the shorter burly boy sitting beside him. Jack rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, your chasers and your beaters might be good, but what about your seeker? Last year she got ahold of the snitch only once, and that was against Hufflepuff, who always tends to lose anyway.” Jack looked pleased with his answer, but what he didn't count on was Sarah raising an eyebrow before starting to talk. A shorter boy with a crutch looked confused for a moment before she started talking.
“You’d better watch your mouth. Last year was rough for a few reasons, and I’ve got no doubt us badgers will be giving you a run for your money this year. I wouldn't write the Hufflepuff team off so easily.”
Sarah promptly went back to reading, ignoring the looks of disbelief she got from the other members of the compartment.
“What? I can talk,” Sarah said defensively.
“I’ve never heard somebody say that much in one go,” Jack said, taken aback. Davey could already tell the direction his mind was going.
“What do you say we maybe talk some more?” he asked smoothly, but Sarah looked up at him and rolled her eyes.
“Sorry, but you're not really my type. Now, if you'd kindly leave me alone, I have a book to read,” Sarah replied curtly, and Jack sat back down before being taunted by the other two boys.
“You struck out good, Kelly! It's a wonder you had a girlfriend at all last year!” The tall blond elbowed him good-naturedly, and Jack rolled his eyes.
“You weren’t doing any better than me, Race! You got no room to talk,” Jack fired back, and Race feigned offense.
“Ah, come on, the both of you. Calm it down or we’ll get in trouble when the prefects come through.” The boy with the crutch waved it at them, nearly hitting Jack.
“Think your aim’s getting better, Crutchie. You only almost knocked me upside the head this time,” Jack grinned, and Crutchie nearly shoved him out of his seat.
“Shut up, you moron. I can soak you any old day I want to.” Crutchie waved his crutch threateningly with a laugh.
The train ride was fairly uneventful after that, with Sarah falling asleep on Davey about an hour in, and Les waking her up accidentally while begging Davey for money to get something from the trolley. After that, Davey wasn't sure if he could physically sit still. Finally, the train pulled in and after goodbyes and a pep talk from Katherine, Les slowly made his way over to Hagrid, who waved to Jack when he saw him get off. Jack smiled, and waved back, yelling a greeting.
The rest of them made their way to the carriages, and Davey was grateful the boys from the train filled up one and only one. He did not want to have to talk to them again. Katherine and Specs, Davey’s roommate, ended up joining them. The ride was mostly quiet, aside from Katherine and Sarah. They kept chatting quietly about school(Katherine was near the top of the class in everything, as was Sarah), Quidditch(Katherine was a chaser, and Sarah had never gone to a game in her life), and books. Both girls were avid readers, and they'd read most of the same series.
Leave it to Sarah to find a girl as book-crazy as she is, Davey thought to himself. Specs remained quiet, as if he was observing, and Davey was sure he was. When he came out to Specs in their fourth year, Specs looked at him for a moment before pulling a small rainbow flag out of his own case.
“You’re acting like I didn’t piece it together myself,” he’d told Davey, who started to laugh. He’d also told Davey he was bi. A slight bump jolted Davey out of his reverie, and he looked up.
The carriage pulled to a stop outside Hogwarts, and Davey was glad to be back. He was also starving. He made a mad dash for the long Ravenclaw table, and muddled through most of the Sorting ceremony until it was Les’s turn. He sat up straighter, trying to see the front of the room and stay awake. Les was in the chair with the hat dropped in front of his eyes, and Davey could see Sarah watching closely as well. Finally, the hat announced, “Hufflepuff!” and Sarah was among the first to begin celebrating. Les ran over and sat by her, grinning widely. Davey was happy for his little brother. Across the table, Katherine was pleased as well.
“I had a feeling about him,” she said with a sly grin.
After the ceremony came the feast, and it was easily Davey’s favorite part of the day. The food was always amazing, especially after eating a light breakfast and lunch out of nerves. Once dinner was over, he, Specs and Katherine headed back up to the dorms, where several people were ready to pass out. Katherine stole a book off a shelf in the common room before heading to her room, waving goodbye to Davey and Specs. The two boys arrived to find their other roommates had beaten them up there. Henry and Jojo were nice enough, but they travelled in different social circles than Davey and Specs, so conversations were usually short, if they happened at all. As soon as he could, Davey took a quick shower because he knew he wouldn’t be alert enough to take a short one in the morning. After he was done, he got his pajamas on and got into bed. First day of classes, come at me, Davey thought as he drifted away.
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fictional-scenarios · 7 years
Oooooooooo could you write a sequel to Kuroo angst you poster recently??????
sure thing! -mod cassie
It took nearly two weeks for you to look at him, and about a month for you to start answering his texts. Though Kuroo knew exactly what he did and how it affected you, some other apathetic part of him felt as though you were drawing out a needless punishment. Sometimes in the later hours of the night he’d find himself entirely pissed off for how guilty you were making him feel, fingers itching to send you that mile long text that would start in a ‘sorry’ and end in a ‘grow up’. However once those nights passed and he saw you wandering to your class that anger would shrivel and beneath it that same regret would resurface, his pride once again making a show and urging him to turn the opposite direction.
The first time you finally gave him a half wave when he walked into the building his heart nearly flipped. It was just a wave and a half hearted one at that, but you were acknowledging him at least. He’d wave back in earnest and sometimes would even directly say ‘good morning’ but usually you never replied to them. When you finally came around and do did he, he had to bite back apologizing over and over again, fearful he’d scare you off. Instead he just waved to you whenever he could or offered a friendly smile whenever his hands were full, grateful you’ve return the gesture.
When you never answered his pathetic apology, he’d send you one about three days later, a stupid ‘hey, you alright?’ Unsurprisingly you didn’t answer that one either. So, when you finally did, he felt like he’d double over in his seat. Though the night was over and he was just getting ready to get up from studying and head to bed, he still felt his throat go dry at his phone lighting up, your name displaying over the screen.
He was so fast to respond it amazed him that he didn’t make any spelling errors, not that he’d checked at all when he hit send and then made his way under the covers. 
Your name lit up again, his phone vibrating and his breath leaving him.
‘do you have time to talk’
He almost replied with ‘anything for you’ but instead sent a simple, ‘yeah, sure, whats up’. He felt horrible in acting as though he had no idea what was going on, like he totally wasn’t expecting you to already be chewing his ass out for being such a hardass to you back after the game.
It took you a few moments to answer and in those long minutes Kuroo’s anxiety grew with every second. 
‘i just wanted to say i was sorry for ignoring you these past few weeks. i wish i had an excuse but i dont’
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Sure in the times where he’d get angry at you he’d imagine you apologizing but actually seeing it in front of his eyes made him feel even worse than before. He’d exploded on you for just trying to help, and even after that he was just as much in the wrong (if not more) for not manning up and apologizing right away. Instead he chose to give you the silent treatment as well.
‘it’s fine, really. im sorry too for being a dick and for saying all those things to you. i dont have an excuse either, i just hope you can forgive me’
Sometimes Kuroo wished he could sound more genuine as he read his reply, feeling like he was speaking way too casually to sound like he was as sorry as he was. He was afraid you would think he was just talking out of his ass, like he didn’t actually give a damn about how you felt and was just going with it. When you replied he was almost scared the only thing you’d had sent would be a big, fat, ‘no’, but it wasn’t.
‘i forgive you.’ 
Even though it was late and his mind felt fried from all the practice and studying, he still leaned his head back against the pillow, phone clutched to his chest while he grinned. A weight had been lifted off his shoulder and though he knew these messages wouldn’t solve everything it was the most relieving thing to see those words. You forgave him. As he brought his phone up to his face, squinting at the brightness, he smiled all over again and sighed at your answer before sending his own.
‘thank you, ___, seriously. that means a lot to me even if it doesn’t seem like it.’
His room was dark save for his screen illuminating, but he’d never felt so content in his whole life. He still had some guilt clinging to his shoulder, eating away at him slowly, but for the moment he truly felt like you two could finally start getting somewhere again. The fear of potentially ruining any chance of being with you greatly damaged a lot of Kuroo’s persona, so much so that even his teammates asked him occasionally if he was feeling alright. That ‘fateful’ night replayed in his mind over and over again, his head creating alternate pathways on what he could have, or should have, taken and where they could have led him. 
‘im glad it does. i miss you a lot tbh’
You sounded just as casual as he did and maybe that wasn’t a bad thing, since it made talking a lot easier than just spilling emotions and crying out ‘im sorry’s every few seconds. Kuroo stared at the ceiling, closing his tired eyes and smiling again.
‘i missed you too’
A few more minutes passed after his reply and you still hadn’t answered, and for some ungodly reason Kuroo feared he may have made things awkward, and once again he almost dreaded reading your message when his phone alerted him.
‘hey i know we havnt talked in awhile but do you maybe want to hang out sometime this week? if u dont wanna thats find i just think it would nice to catch up or something idk’
He actually laughed quietly, head tipping back again after reading your question. Even though the circumstances were less than desirable it was cute to him, and he was still smiling as he answered back.
‘that sound awesome, where do you wanna go?’
‘hows that one place by the corner store sound? i heard its good’
‘it sucks’
‘oh haha, how about that one we used to go to together a lot? i cant remember the name either oops’
Kuroo licked at his lips, remembering how often you two would eat out after he was out from practice. He didn’t like it too much but when you were there with him, it was his favorite. 
‘sounds great. we can catch up on stuff cant we?’
You sent another right after.
‘like i said i really missed you. sorry ive been so mean :(’
His heart fluttered again as he typed away, hesitating before sending. 
‘its fine, really, i was the jerk. im just glad we’re talking again, and im also happy to be revisiting our place again. eating at our place is way more fun isnt it?’
‘haha, our place sounds about right.’
It felt good to be saying ‘our place’, it made him feel like you two were right back to being the close knit friends you always were, even if a lot of it was spent on him pining for you and wishing you felt the same way.
‘so its a date then?’
Kuroo nearly choked when he read your message, heart doing flips as he sat up and re-read your text to make sure he wasnt mistaking it on accident.
‘a date?’ He sent, hands nearly shaking. He definitely hadn’t misread your text, but it felt too good to be true. 
‘oh sorry, would you rather it not be? ig that makes sense given we havnt been talking… we can just hang out haha’
‘NO a date is fine. thats even better than just hanging out.” His entire body felt weightless, nearly feeling like he had whiplash from your sudden question and how lucky he had gotten. He was excited to be just conversing with you again but going on a date? Finally doing something he’d been dreaming of? Again, the context was less than desirable but he still beamed at the chance. 
‘alrighty then, i cant wait! ill see you at school tomorrow right kuroo? at our spot?’
Your spot being the tree a little outside the gates of school, the place where you’d met because he bumped into you while not paying attention since he was too busy harassing Kenma on not making too many friends despite it only being the first week of highschool. You were prepared to be hit and almost fell over, and would have hit the dirt if he hadn’t managed to grab onto your arm. It hurt and left a bruise but after that day you two became pretty close.
‘yeah, our spot.’
‘get some rest then, see you tomorrow (:!”
He sighed in delight, imaging seeing you tomorrow and thinking of all the things he could say to you. 
‘see you tomorrow, ___.’
Kuroo clicked his phone off when you didn’t answer back, probably heading to sleep with the same butterflies in your stomach. He wanted to feel mature and cool, but he couldn’t stop himself from flipping on his side and holding a pillow tight in his arms, body wrapping around it while he grinned into the plushness. 
Once again those scenarios started racing in his head but they weren’t an offspring of regret and what he could have done. Now, it was excitement, the things that he could and would do when he saw you the next morning.
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angry-healers · 8 years
I hate starting conflict with party members, but I keep getting dps players who won’t dodge and tanks who aren’t using enmity generating skills. What’s the best way to call them out? Whenever I’ve tried to be polite about it in the past I’m met with hostility and told it’s my fault as healer when people die.
P.S. Admittedly one time it was definitely my fault, I let the party wipe because they were so mean…
Well the best way is always the polite way to start. Kindly ask them to do whatever it is they’re not doing. Depending on their answer will determine how you proceed after that.
If they apologize/explain why (because sometimes it’s lag on the DPS’s part) and proceed to either not do it again or do it less, then you can leave it.
If they do anything other than that including turning the blame on you, saying they don’t have to, retaliating with verbal abuse for no reason, then you can do anything between curse them out and straight up leaving the dungeon. My favorite course of action is just letting them die until they learn without saying anything because more often than not, you’ll be able to tell if a DPS or tank is just being a jackass by how they’re functioning in the dungeon (ie: blms and mnks running ahead of the tank to keep up their stacks, tanks saying fuck it to cool downs because “the healer can carry me”).
But all in all asking them to correct their errors first, especially if you know you didn’t do anything wrong or off key, is the best way to do it because then if they retaliate then that just makes them look like a jackass.
-- Mod Mhi
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