#modal justice warrior
jontheketeld · 1 year
"felines are hard vore prey, not preds. not unless they're broken in some way or a mutant or a hybrid. and cats are femanine, femboys at best, not masculine. hav you never actually owned a cat? they're cute lil fluffballs, not murder machines. you're breaking every rule in the furry handbook. don't you know anything? that's not how it's done. you disgust me, normie. stay away from my fandom, you freak." wow. you know, i always know i'm doing something right, when i get braindead comments like this in my inbox. i have only one thing to say to that.
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astrognossienne · 2 years
What makes cancers and libras cardinal signs? Based on what I've read (superficially reading) I only understand the cardinal nature of Aries and capricorns while the other two seem like they could fit in other elements better
They possibly could fit in other modalities better, but ultimately, they're leaders, and therefore true cardinal signs as well. They're just the quiet leaders who walk softly but carry a big stick while the others rage, are more visibly active, and are ostentatious and more in your face.
Libras lead in justice and balance and social equilibrium. They're the social justice warriors and "woke" people who light social media and the world up with their concern for the human condition on a very grassroots level. They always try their best to see that justice is done. They are very interested in the workings of society, particularly the intricacies of human relationships.  
Cancers lead in compassion, kindness, humanity, and emotions. There's a reason why Cancers consistently excel in their chosen fields. We lead those who haven’t revealed that they follow us, we’re that much of a blueprint and trendsetters. We don't have to (nor will anyone else bother to, due to Cancers effortlessly drawing out their many insecurities) advertise that we're the shit, we just are.
But then again, I've covered this ad nauseum.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Omg idk if you’re still doing this but can I be sorted based on astrology? That’s so fun! I’m sun: Virgo, moon: Aries, rising: Libra !!! I love this idea it’s been so fun seeing your thoughts!
Oooh! Yes, I love these!
Sun - Virgo - earth - Hufflepuff
Moon - Aries - fire - Gryffindor
Rising - Libra - air - Ravenclaw
This one looks to be most interesting!
Ideally I'd like to know the Venus sign, since that's the chart ruler (Libra Rising, Venus rules Libra, thus Libra rules the chart.)
So...sun is our core and our ego. Virgo is of the earth element (steady, reliable) and the mutable modality (changeable, adaptable.) Virgo is critical and perfectionistic, but also service-oriented, analytical, and capable. Earth is very of the physical, material realm (the body.)
So this gives a sense of self that is practical and reliable, if a bit fussy. Very focused on things being "correct." And in the sun we see more of Virgo's famous bossiness, and "I am correct" sense, or the feeling of "I have to be right." Because that desire for order and perfection can turn inward, and reflects the self. Virgo has high standards. It is also very helpful, and focuses a lot of its desire for routine and productivity to make a better environment for not only themselves, but others. Virgo is the ultimate acts of service sign.
For this, Hufflepuff is the obvious answer. Hard-working and loyal. But we also get hints of Ravenclaw, I think, with that sense of order and correctness and analysis. (And ruled by Mercury as Virgo is.)
The moon is our emotions and subconscious. In Aries the cardinal (forward-moving, take charge) fire sign (energetic, bold.) This feels quite impulsive, aggressive, and competitive. Aries loves a challenge! And it really loves to win. This creates a sort of inner need, a sense of comfort in, exploration and making waves. About putting oneself to the test and improving oneself. A need to (at best) be the best they can be, or (at worst) be the best period. Aries is also the warrior, ready to jump into the fray and fight for cause. Very passionate is Aries! Big Gryffindor energy, but I also get traces of Slytherin, here. If we turn that competitiveness and aggression to resourcefulness and self-preservation. If that impulsive drive necessitates cleverness. And there is a sense of arrogance to Aries that suits Slytherin pride. Aries is ruled by Mars, which is big on Gryffindor and Slytherin energy.
Then we have the ascendant, which is how we react to the world, and how the world perceives us. Here in Libra, the cardinal (forward-moving, take charge) air sign (intellect and sociability.) Libra is ruled by Venus, and values harmony, balance, and justice. Libra has a very sophisticated feel to it. Museums and fancy parties. There is a sense of being very put together (balance and beauty.) There is a desire for peace. Libra is very "see both sides/devil's advocate" energy. It's about making friends, or at least connections. It strives to mend discord, and right wrongs. Very calm and cool-headed, and a bit scary when put to the test. Because Libra values what is right. So, very big Ravenclaw energy. That airy coolness and valuing information and understanding (for the sake of knowing what is right, and knowing how to create the balance they seek, etc.) And a sense of creativity in the Venus rulership. But we also get hints of Hufflepuff in their charm and friendliness, the open-mindedness and acceptance and fairness.
So it's really close between Huflfepuff and Ravenclaw I think. Because each has a "major" point and each has a "minor" point. But I think I have to give it to the sun (as our core), so the winner is
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donatellamoltisanti · 5 years
7 Steps to Integrate the Boundless Energy of the New Moon in Pisces!
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The boundless energy of Pisces is moving into the background of the seriousness of events that are already playing out in 2020. In a year where all that we do has tremendous meaning and influence, Pisces super sensitivity and acute spiritual antennas are undoubtedly unleashing our intuition, our passions, allowing nothing to be in the way of a path of self-expression and self-liberation.
A Vortex of Co-Creation.
The New Moon in Pisces on Sunday, February 23rd, 2020, at 7:00 PM EST, is an open vortex of co-creation. This month we will use it to tune into the fields of energy that you want to enhance, to empower your life. Ascension, mindfulness, passion, forgiveness, learning curiosity, are some of the themes that Pisces opens for us to transform and heal our connection to the Source.
Be aware that the seeds that you are planting now are going to have great effects on your soul-journey and that your intention is an important contribution to the collective; even if a small percentage of the population will tune into the power of the soul and the heart, it will make a shift and a mark in the way we take back the power of life, related to the way to choose to treat our planet, our animals, and our fellow man.
The Spiritual Awakening we are Waiting for is Naturally Unfolding.
Because Pisces rules the invisible, the hidden and the subtle, we are entering a space of “knowing” and leaving behind “believing”. This means that we are leaving behind the “mental” with the games and self-doubt that come with it, and entering the intuitive, the unconscious, the “gut”, allowing us to enter that hidden part of ourselves that we call the “spiritual”. That very part of ourselves that has been banned from us under false accusations of “heresy” from religion, or “craziness” from science, ridiculed by the masses as “whoo-whoo” matters, when in fact, it is nothing but our highest form of SELF, our SOUL, our very source essence of connection with Creation and our Creator.
Healing Justice.
Venus and Aries are creating a Warrior Energy field. It’s the energy that will push you forward with courage, transforming and clearing your path, rebirthing with a resurgence, and fearlessly reclaiming your powers. The more light we have in our heart, the more we shine in the world, the more we are part of the process of transforming this “power-based” society, into a heart balanced society.
No True Strength Comes Without a Fearless Introspection.
Since Pisces is showing us the hidden parts of ourselves, we need to sort through our values, look at them closely, and if they don’t match our spirit anymore, we need to take a stand for new ones to emerge. Once we are clear about our values and are grounded in them, we can take our warrior-ship out into the world.
We need to take a look at any mental and emotional imbalance, at how the power of consumerism is influencing our lifestyle creating economical anxiety, false needs, and fake high social standards, that only create unnecessary stress into the path of a rat race.
What Are We Unknowingly Compromising?
Our dreams? Our values? Our time? Our lives? Are old beliefs and dogma’s imposing false ideals of success to younger generations suffocating their rights of finding their truths and their paths of contribution? How fascinated are we with the power of status, politics, and conformism?
A New Consciousness Is Entering The Collective.
New structures, new ways of being are forming. Values are changing and making us more mindful. Different modalities of healing are becoming more mainstream; arts, dance, music consciousness, sound healing therapy, animal therapy, animal rescue, meditation, planetary wellbeing, online friendships, are some of the ways we are healing mental and emotional imbalances.
Sacred Time. Co-Creation Time.
During the New Moon Sound Healing Meditation, on Sunday, February 23rd, 2020, at 7:00 PM EST, you’ll find a place to relax and immerse yourself in the vibrational hug of the channeled songs allowing the high frequency of harmonic vibration to transcend you into the very core of the invisible world of the etheric world, where a Divine infusion of Love and Light will regenerate your Soul and your Heart.
In a renewed space of connection with your inner voice, you’ll be able to write down your wish list for this month, expressing your desire for support and guidance. To make sure your voice is clear and directly empowering your desires, always start your statements with a strong I AM. This will bring focus on your Will and gives clear direction, and defines the quality of events or energies you are calling in for your evolution.
Another important aspect you want to focus on is Clarity. Make sure every statement you write down speaks in a linear manner and focus on one specific topic only. Avoid mixing more than a subject into one sentence. This will keep your subconscious level clear and not crowded with opposite messages.
Looking forward to seeing you shine bright under the New Moon!
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ask-the-phan-site · 3 years
Phan Cam: A (Not-So) Dark Miracle
WARNING: This post could get a bit long.
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>The outskirts of the city. After coming back form celebrating Skull’s and Boss’s birthdays, we resume our heist to take Valve’s heart.
>Rand, our newest Persona User, and Queen were racing around. One of the gang members let her borrow his motorcycle. They claimed this is to help them better traverse through Valve’s Palace.
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Ain’t this great? Drivin’ this fast and since I’m an Aribender, it really does feel like bein’ one with the wind. Valve just doesn’t do it justice.
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There’s no denying it. It feels rather thrilling.
Rand: It’s the shame the others couldn’t come with.
Queen: We’ll meet them at Valve’s bar later. Right now, we have some time to kill.
Rand: Good. Now c’mon, let’s see who’s the faster cyclist!
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You’re on.
>With that, Queen and Rand begin speeding up. Queen and Rand were just too equally fast. Once or twice, Rand was tempted to use Airbending to give himself a boost, but he thought it wouldn’t be fair for either of them... at the time.
>Suddenly, they spotted something coming up behind them. It looked lit it was catching up.
Queen: Who is that?
Rand: Doesn’t look like a regular rider and it’s not one of ours. Probably from a rival gang. Better let me handle this. They’re too far for you to punch without losing your arm and your gun is just a modal with pellets.
Queen: Very well. Just be careful.
>Rand let’s the other rider catch up to them and he takes out his launcher-staff and fires. The other rider dodges it. Then, Rand swings it at him and dodges that, too. Rand twirls his staff like a tornado.
Rand: (smiling) Might as well give up! I won’t quit! I’m-
???: A relentless, never-say-die, non-stop warrior. Yeah, I know.
Rand: (surprised) Wait... (Rand drives up to the other rider and is more surprised) REX!?
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Long time no see, Rand. Aggressive, as always.
Rand: (a little guilty) Ooo, my fault. I thought you were from a rival gang.
Rex: Yeah, I guess. Things have changed a bit. You even have a female member.
Rand: Naw, she’s just a friend visiting form Japan.
Queen: Nice you meet you.
Rex: Hola. Actually, I have a visitor, too.
Queen: Really?
Rex: Si. Actually... She came all the way to see Rand.
Rand: (confused) Me? Why?
Rex: Ask her yourself. She’s catching up with us... Right now.
>They all turn back to see something chasing them... Something big.
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Is that a polar bear!? Or a giant dog?
Rand: (excited) It’s polar bear dog! I thought you could find those in the South Pole on the Avatar’s world! If someone is riding it, they must be really bold because the only other person who can ride those things are- Wait!
>Rand took a good look at the polar bear dog. Someone was riding it alright. Rand saw who was riding it... and gasped.
Rand: (panicking and in disbelief) Rex, you didn’t! Do you have any idea who that is!?
Rex: I know. But why are you upset?
Rand: Rex, there’s something I should tell you. I’m an Air-
>Suddenly, a ringing came from Queen’s helmet. Oracle outfitted her helmet with a hands-free phone feature. She answers it.
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Hey you guys, it’s time to meet up. You know where to meet.
Queen: We’re on our way. (hangs up) Sorry, but we’re going to have to continue this later.
Rand: Right. Sorry, Rex, but we have to go now. It was nice seeing you again! And tell her not to wait up!
>With that, Rand and Queen zoom away.
Rex: Wait!
>They were already gone. The rider of the polar bear dog catches up to Rex.
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Did I miss anything? I was feeding Naga.
Rex: Not much. I don’t think Rand wants to see you.
Avatar Korra: (not surprised) At figures.
Rex: But what really puzzles me is that girl. I think she got a call on her helmet about someplace. Now I’m even more curious. What is he up to?
Avatar Korra: After hearing you say that, so am I?
Rex: Think we should follow them?
Avatar Korra: If it means we can talk to your friend, then yes. Let’s just hope we’re not intruding on something. I’ll let the others know.
>Avatar Korra then takes something out of her saddle pouch.
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Avatar Korra: You know, I’ll never get used to phones without wires.
Rex: And I’ll never get used to phones with universal coverage.
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>Valve’s Teahouse. Queen and Rand arrived to find us waiting for them.
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There you guys are. Rand, is something wrong? You look like you’ve seen something spooky.
Rand: More like worrisome... She’s here... The Avatar.
>We were all shocked... Especially Moss
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For real!? Avatar Korra. The Avatar Korra. Here?
Queen: It’s true. I saw her. Riding a polar bear dog. A real polar bear dog.
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What kind of animal is a polar bear dog? Just asking because I’m curious and not because I’m scared that it’s a dog. I am not a cat after all.
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Well, like a lot of creatures in the Avatar’s world which are usually mixtures of two or more animals, a polar bear dog has the body of a polar bear the head and tail of a dog.
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Haru, you never cease to scare us on how much you know about these things.
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Maybe she’s really into this stuff.
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If she’s here, you think she knows.
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Guess Bumi spilled the beans.
Rand: (a little upset with the accusation) He wouldn’t do that! Would he?
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If he did tell her, I doubt it was willingly. The most likely scenario, he was caught.
Rand: (a little relieved) I guess that’s so. I mean, this is the Avatar. Who says no to the Avatar?
>Moss looks down and a bit scared... I try not to say anything yet.
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I wonder if her being here will have any effect on this heist.
Mona: I don’t know. But I think we have to be careful.
Moss: (still looking down) Y- Yes. We should be careful around her.
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Is everyone set?
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Unlike last time, we came prepared. We’re ready.
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Then let’s go.
Everyone: Right!
>With that, I open the Nav... We didn’t see who would come with us.
>The Fortress of Wrath. We had already gone in a decent way when we were last here. But we had to stop because we only found half a map of the Palace and we hoped to find the rest this time.
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Let’s go.
>We leave the Safe Room and head to where we left off. When we were last here, he had found a large door had powerful and strong ofuda (paper talismans) keeping them shut. It turned out we had to change Valve’s cognition to make them go away. But now, they were gone. Rand, Moss, and Lunk changed the cognition while we were away.
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Okay, this is where our half of the map ends. If we’re lucky, the rest of it should be behind those doors. Are you guys ready?
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Ready as we’ll ever be.
>With that, we open the doors. Inside, it looked like a foyer that was overly decorated with Japanese things.
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Wow. He really is into this stuff.
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It degusts me on how much Japanese things he has. It’s like he’s trying too hard to be a member of our nation.
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But you have to admit, he has a deep love for the culture.
Queen: Oracle, do you see where the map is?
Oracle: It should be somewhere around here.
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You think it’s over there.
>Skull pints to a glass case with a scroll in it that looks like our half of the map.
Oracle: It looks like it could be it.
Joker: Better let me check first.
>I use my Third Eye to see if it was safe... It was glowing red.
Joker: I have something. I think we should be careful. It might be a trap.
Queen: It defiantly looks like something could happen. Are you sure we’re ready for this?
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... Let’s do it.
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For real, Moss? Just like that?
Moss: I’m sure. More than anything.
Rand: I donno, dude. You know lately, you’ve been actin’ really weird. And when I told you that the Avatar is here, it’s getting a bit worse.
Moss: I’m... I’m fine. Really. I am. Let’s just do it.
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Then here we go.
>With that, I go up to the glass case. The moment I open it... three Shadows jump out.
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Look out!
>The Hunting Wolf Spirit uses Double Fan which we dodge real quickly.
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Is everyone okay? No one got bit?
Spirit: I pith my pung. Doth thath conth?
>Then, the sound of an engine can be heard coming in. It was Valve’s Shadow.
Shadow Valve: Oh, good. The Biker was going to wake up his pets to feed them and you just saved him the trouble.
Sophie: (a bit confused) I can understand the wolf, but the paper children?
Queen: I think they’re suppose to represent that the map is made of paper.
Shadow Valve: Either way, you didn’t think you would get by here so easily. The wind told me you were nearing this place. So the Biker had everything set up. Now, this is where it ends. Destroy them!
>The three Shadows were ready to fight.
Oracle: Better see what we’ve got here. Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans the three Shadows.
Oracle: Scan compete. Sudama is weak to Ice and Nuke Skills, Kodama is weak to Fire, and Makami is weak to Electricity.
Queen: It looks like I’m up.
Panther: I’ll bring the heat this time.
Skull: (smiling) Good. It’s been awhile since I was up.
Queen, Panther, and Skull. Persona!
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>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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NOTE: This is as much of Lilim’s image as we’ll show due to Tumblr’s policy about sensitive content.
>Sudama uses Tarukaja on Makami. Kodama uses Rakunda on me. Makami uses Makajama on Skull and inflicts him with Forget. Queen uses Harisen Recovery on Skull and Johanna uses Marakukaja. Carmen uses Tarunda on Makami. Captain Kidd uses Matarukaja. Lilim uses Masukunda. Sudama uses Mapsi. Kodama uses Garu on Skull who dodges it. Makami uses Double Fang on Panther. Johanna uses Freila on Sudama which knocks it down. Queen passes the baton to Panther and Carmen uses Agilao on Kodama which knocks it down. Panther passes the baton to Skull and Captain Kidd uses Zionga on Makami and knocks it down.
Skull: All right! Time for some pain!
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>After the attack, Sudama, Kodama, and Makami are still up, though Sudama and Kodama were weaker.
Skull: (smiling) This’ll be easy. They already almost done.
Shadow Valve: Are you sure about that? Because the wind is telling a different story.
>He then nods to Makami who nods back.
Oracle: This looks bad. Are they going to do what they did last time?
>Sure enough, they did. Makami let some metal canister that was glowing yellow and it burst. Then, computer sounds were heard and yellow streams of light appears on the Shadows... They were now infected with Valve’s Nanites.
Oracle: The Nanites healed them and are covering any weakness they might have. But their defenses have lowered, so you might still have a chance.
>Carmen uses Concentrate. Captain Kidd uses Charge. Lilim uses Lullaby, but the Nanites make them immune to Sleep. Sudama uses Psio on Queen and knocks her down. Sudama then uses Lucky Punch on me. No knockdown this time. Kodama uses Garu on Skull which knocks him down. Kodama then uses Evil Touch on Panther. Fortunately, it failed. Makami uses Double Fang on me. It was a critical hit. Makami then uses Frei on Panther. Queen gets back up and Johanna uses Mediarama. Carmen uses Maragilao. Skull gets back up and Captain Kidd uses Deathbound. Lilim uses Mabufula. Sudama uses Lucky Punch on Skull. Luckily, no knockdown this time. Kodama uses Evil Touch on Skull. He is afflicted with Fear. Makami uses Makajama on me and I’m afflicted with Forget. Johanna uses Mafreila. Panther defends herself. Skull doesn’t nothing because he’s afraid. I’m unable to do anything because I Forgot how to use my Persona. Sudama uses Psio on Queen who dodges it. Kodama uses Psi on Queen who also dodges it. Makami uses Mafrei. Queen uses Harisen Recovery on me and Johanna uses Marakukaja. Panther uses Harisen Recovery on Skull and Carmen uses Diarama on him. Captain Kidd uses Matarukaja. Lilim uses Spirit Drain on Sudama. Valve’s Nanites wear off. Sudama uses Mapsi. Queen is knocked down. The after effects of Valve’s Nanites eat away at Sudama’s health. Sudama does nothing and the effects happen again. Kodama uses Rakunda on Skull. The after effects of Valve’s Nanites eat away at Kudama’s health. Makami uses Double Fang on me. The after effects of Valve’s Nanites eat away at Makami’s health. Queen gets back up and Johanna uses Freila on Sudama which knocks it down. Then, Queen uses an Idaten Ofuda. Carmen uses Concentrate. Captain Kidd uses Zionga on Makami which knocks it down. Skull passes the baton to Panther and Carmen uses Agilao on Kodama which knocks it down.
Panther: Let’s get serious!
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>After the attack, Sudama, Kodama, and Makami were still up, though Sudama and Kodama were weaker. Lilim uses Bufula on Sudama which knocks it down. I pass the baton to Queen and Johanna uses Freila on Sudama which kncoks it down. Then, Queen uses a Stun Gun on Makami which knocks it down.
Queen: They’re in disarray!
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>After the attack, Sudama, Kodama, and Makami were still up, though Sudama and Kodama were now were more weaker. Sudama uses Mapsi. Queen dodges it. The after effects eat away at Sudama’s health and as a result, it’s gone. Kodama uses Garu on Skull which knocks him down. The after effects eat away at Kodama’s health and as a result, it’s gone. Makami uses Mafrei. The after effects eat away at Makami’s health. Johana uses Flash Bomb. Makami is afflicted with Dizzy. Carmen uses Agilao. Captain Kidd uses Zionga which knocks Makami down. No All-Out-Attack this time. I simply attack Makami. It is gone.
Skull: Ha! Losers! That was easy, even if they did have Nanites.
Oracle: Yeah. In fact...
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I’d say it was a little too easy.
>Oracle gets a sudden urge and looks up... She screams.
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>We all look u to see a cage falling on us!
Rand: (quickly) Look out!
>Rand immediately blasts me, Oracle and Moss out of the way with Airbending at the cage traps the rest of them.
Moss: (scared half to death) NO!
>Moss tries to run to the cage to open it, but another Sudama appears and knocks Moss back with a Lucky Punch.
Shadow Valve: You really thought you could get past this way? The Biker doesn’t think so. Do you think some punks will beat me and take away what makes the Biker the ruler of this place? You’re kidding yourselves.
>Shadow Valve snaps his fingers and more of those Biker Shadows appear. They surround us.
Oracle: This looks bad. We can’t take them all on by ourselves.
???: (whispering from afar) I’ve seen enough. I’m going in... What? I can’t use my machines.
????: Our Bending works just fine. I think we can handle it.
???: Good. Let’s do it. Vamos!
????: Oh, boy, this otta be fun.
?????: You know, I’ll still never get used to a talking chimp.
????: Or folks that can control the elements.
Shadow Valve: You can’t win. There are many of them and only three of you.
?????? ?????: Count again, Biker. I’m pretty sure there are nine of us!
????: Krr!
?????? ?????: Sorry, I mean the ten of us.
Everyone: !
>Suddenly, eight people... along with a chimp and a fire ferret come out of their hiding place. There were two young women and three young men. Queen and Rand recognized some of them.
Rand: You guys?
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Is that a chimp with guns?
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You forget my cool eyepatch and fez.
Queen: (still surprised) And it talks!?
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I know, right? We’ve only been here a couple of days and I’m still amazed.
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I think we founder something bigger than a talking chimp. What kind of place is this?
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From what Jinora sensed... The world of another’s heart.
Shadow Valve: So, you’ve come, too, E.V.O. punk.
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Long time no see, Valve. Nice look, by the way.
Shadow Valve: Mock the Biker if you wish, nothing will stop the ride to vengeance. The Biker will take you down, right here, right now!
>The Shadow Bikers start closing in.
Avatar Korra: Everyone, together!
>Avatar Korra bended water from a bottle shad had hanging from her body, the black-haired Firbender known as Mako bended fire from his hands, his brother Bolin bended pillars from the floor, Avatar Korra’s beloved Asami wore a shock glove, and the E.V.O. chimp known as Bobo Haha took out his pistols.
Rex: (still trying to form his machines) I still can’t use my machines. Fine, I’ll just have to go for the alternative.
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A tamborita?
Rex: I know as a Cartoon Network character and therefore a Warner Brothers character, a Wizarding World wand would be more appropriate. I do have one, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to use something else. Besides, a tamborita’s way more fun and cool.
>Rex bangs his tamborita and a force of energy entraps the Biker Shadows as Team Avatar did their thing. Meanwhile, me, Oracle, and Moss try to find a way to free our friends.
Oracle: You guys okay?
Queen: We’re fine. A bit shaken, but we’ll be okay.
Moss: There has to be a way to get you all out of there.
>Moss takes out his katana and try swatting at the bars of the metal cage. But he was barely making a scratch.
Moss: Damn! It’s not working.
>He continued to swat at the bars knowing that nothing would happen. After Rex, Bobo Haha (who was having trouble with his laser pistols), and Team Avatar beat off the last of the Shadows, they join us.
Avatar Korra: Need a hand? Let’s see how much my Metalbending’s improved.
>Avatar Korra grabs the bars and tries to bend them... Nothing happens.
Mako: Let us try. Ready, little brother?
Bolin: Ready.
>Mako bends fire and Bolin bends lava from the ground to melt the bars... Still nothing happens.
Asami: What kind of metal is this? Something new?
Oracle: No, it’s not a new metal. It’s his cognition. (points to Shadow Valve)
Shadow Valve: You’re catching on. This meta was made by the Biker. They are like the Biker. And the Biker never loses. So neither will the cage. The wind has spoken.
>With a snap of his fingers, more Biker Shadows appear and they all uses Mafrei. Necronomicon protects us as best as she can, but may not be so lucky next time. Bolin bends a rock gourd around us to protect us, but only for now. I look over at Moss who was talking to Rand. Moss looked unhappy.
Moss: I’m sorry, Sokka. I let you down.
Rand: (whisper) My real name. It’s really serious. (normal voice) That’s not true. You’re trying everything and I know you’ll find something.
Moss: How!? I’m trying to save you and I’m failing!
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Edward, calm down! Why are you worrying so much? What are you trying to prove?
Rand: He’s right, Bro. What’s with you?
Lunk: Yeah, I haven’t seen you this tense since the time Rand disappeared to the Avatar’s world.
Moss: (almost on the verge of tears) What’s with me!? MY BEST FRIEND IS A FUCKING AIRBENDER AND A PERSONA USER!
Everyone: !
Moss: Before any of this bullshit happened, Rand always relied on me to come and save him.
Rex: (a bit in disbelief, but understanding) Really? Didn’t seem that way when I first met you guys.
Moss: That was Valve’s Nanites talking. In reality, when Rand got hurt from those Nanites, my heart dropped. I forgot how much Rand meant to me until you came into our lives, Rex. You helped reminded me of that. When he disappeared and we couldn’t find him, I actually got sick. I thought he was...
Rand: But I wasn’t a goner. I found my way back.
Moss: And look what happened to you. When someone has powers, they’re either an E.V.O., a wizard, a Metahuman, a Mutant, or even an Inhuman. But a Bender in our world? And one on our team? Since then, you started needing my help less and less. There were even times you go off on your own and you come back with stories of some adventure you were on because of your Bending. I was starting to think for a bit that... That you don’t need me anymore. Now, that you also have a Persona, I now realize something... You’re outgrowing me. How can I be a good leader and protect my team if they can take better care of themselves? Even Lunk, despite his name, is actually smarter than he looks.
Lunk: That’s not true, Moss.
Rand: He’s right. I can do more now, but I’m always going to need you in my life. Always.
Moss: How can you be sure about that?
Rand: (also on the verge of tears) Because, man... You’re my Best Bro Forever. I knew we had a connection since the night you first ran me over with your motorcycle when we met.
Mako: I know the feeling.
>Asami and Avatar Korra laugh a bit.
Rand: Anyway, we’re meant to be together. My mother’s family hates me and your parents don’t accept you for who you are. We have each other.
Moss: But after everything, I would think that you would decide to go with Avatar Korra and train with the other Airbenders.
Rand: I told you, I’m not going anywhere. My father left that world for a reason and I’m not going there either. Not until Katara admits that she was wrong about my father.
Moss: Can... Can you really promise.
Rand: Moss... Edward... I love you. You’re like the best big brother I’ve ever had. As far as I know or want to know... You guys are my family. I know there will be times I’ll go off on my own, I’m not ready to say goodbye. I’ll never say goodbye.
Moss: Sokka...
Rand: Please, you’ve saved me enough times and I think I’ve saved yours. Now... Let’s save each other.
>Rand sticks his hand through the bars... Moss takes it happily with reassurance. Something places something on their grip... It was a red paw.
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Bolin: I guess even Pabu agrees.
Avatar Korra: I’m not so sure about Katara being wrong, even though I don’t know exactly what it means, but your friend is right. We would never take him away unless he wanted to leave. Other than that, he’s not about to leave you just yet.
Rand: Exactly. I’m here with you to the end.
Moss: (silent at first then smiles) Thank you.
Shadow Valve: (sarcastic clapping) How amusing. But the Biker thinks you’re forgetting about something.
>The Biker Shadows then use Mafrei again and destroy the rock wall and they all attack. Moss was thrown aside from the attack. He was now face to face with Valve’s Shadow.
Shadow Valve: Now let the Biker tell you what your real problem is. Your team is forgetting who is suppose to be the leader. You want them to like you and they take advantage of that kindness. The Biker did not get where he is by being nice... He did it by taking change.
>Shadow Valve raises his hand ready to strike Moss... But Moss catches it and throws it aside.
Moss: I think that’s enough out of you. You say that I’m no leader because I don’t go around controlling everything they do. But a true leader let’s them do what they know is right. Whether it for themselves or others. If you think that being a leader, your more delusional than anyone would think. You act like some kind of big shot shogun who leads these guys around, but you just have them following you around like dogs and for what, a promise to “go a little faster”?
Rex: (whisper) I know, right?
Moss: Well it makes me sick. How I managed to survive your Nanites is nothing short of a miracle. A good miracle for us... Well now it’s time to make it a dark miracle for you. (takes out his katana) You will not get your revenge... That is the dark miracle for you! THAT IS A PROMISE!
>With that, Moss stabs Shadow Valve’s motorcycle.
Shadow Valve: You’ll pay for that, boy.
>Shadow Valve grabs Moss by the shirt and throws him back but lands on his feet... I can sense a strong rebellion in Moss.
It is about time you have come to your senses...
>Moss suddenly clutches his head in pain and his eyes turn a gold color.
Now, now, you know a true gentleman doesn’t leave others waiting... But I suppose it is true about miracles taking a little time... Well, that time has come... If you are ready to see it, to believe it... Let us form a little contract... I am thou... Thou art I... Spread your wings and show them your mask of chaos... Ladies and gentlemen... LET THE SHOW BEGIN!
>Then, blue flame-like energy admits from Moss’s helmet and face guard. He then takes hold of his mask and tears it away. When he does, a mass of energy appears. When it was gone, well... What we saw kind of looked like this...
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Wow! That is a very powerful Persona!
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And very unoriginal. Guess the Other Admin’s running out of ideas.
Rand: But you gotta admit, there are some cultural similarities.
Bolin: Yeah... (confused) Actually, I don’t get it. By the way... (freaking out and pointing at Moss’s Persona) What the heck is that thing!? Is that some kind of spirit!
Avatar Korra: I’m sensing it is... A spirit of the heart.
Mona: A spirit of rebellion.
Moss: Yes. It’s a spirit of miracles... Dark miracles. For the one who tries to make himself more powerful by making others look weak. Well that stops now.
>Moss’s Persona uses Maeigaon and blasts the Biker Shadows away.
Moss: Though my power hides behind a mask now, his true power is about to show tonight. You will see the face behind the puzzles and the discovery from within!
Shadow Valve: (getting furious) You little punk... You think you can scare me!?
Moss: (with a satisfied smile) Me? Not The Biker?
Shadow Valve: (gritting his teeth) So you will stop at nothing to take the source of my power? So be it. Be ready for what is coming.
>With that, Shadow Valve drives off. The three remaining Shadows transform into Sudama, Kodama, and Makami.
Mona: I see a lock. I can try to pick it if you can buy us time.
Oracle: I hope we can get past this with just two of you fighting.
Avatar Korra: I may not have much of an idea of what’s going on, but I’ll help in anyway.
Oracle: Well, I think I know. See that Noisy Mountain Spirit? (pointing to Sudama) It’s weak to Ice and as a Waterbender, you can also use Ice. Think you can do it?
Avatar Korra: (smiling) I think I can do that.
Oracle: And you. Mako, was it? You can use Fire and Electricity from what I’ve heard.
Mako: (a bit confused) Yes?
Oracle: Good, you can help against Wavering Tree Spirit whose weak to Fire and that Hunting Wolf Spirit whose weak to Electricity. Can you manage that?
Mako: Okay, I’ll see what I can do.
Moss: I guess we’re doing this.
Joker: Together.
Moss: Right. Now to show you how miracle work when the wings are out. Cast your spell, Ascot!
Oracle: You tell ‘em. I sense they’re not gonna play around anymore. We better prepare ourselves.
>Oracle goes Ultimate.
Oracle: PERSONA!
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Oracle: You better step up, too, Joker.
Joker: Right.
>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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>A new battle begins. The three Shadows all use Valve’s Nanites. Ascot uses Masukukaja. Avatar Korra uses Icebending on Sudama. Mako uses Firebending on Kodama. Seiryu uses Marakukaja. Sudama uses Psio on Moss. Kodama uses Evil Touch on Mako. Fortunately, he dodges it. Makami uses Frei on me. I dodge it. Ascot uses Life Drain on Makami. Avatar Korra uses Earthbending on Sudama. Mako uses Lightningbending on Makami. Seiryu uses Bufudyne on Sudama. Sudama uses Mapsi. Mako dodges it. Kodama uses Evil Touch on me. I’m afflicted with Fear. Makami uses Frei on me. I was knocked down. Makami then uses Double Fang on Avatar Korra. Moss uses Relax Gel to cure me of the Fear. Avatar Korra uses Earthbending Kodama. Mako uses Firebending on Kodama. Seiryu uses Makarakarn on Mako. Sudama uses Lucky Punch on Avatar Korra. Kodama uses Psi on Mako. The Makarakarn protects him and the attack is sent back to Kodama. Makami uses Double Fang on me. It was a critical hit. Ascot uses Eiga on Makami. Avatar Korra uses Earthbedning on Makami. Mako uses Firebending on Kodama. I get back up and Seiryu uses Diarahan on myself. Valve’s Nanites wear off. Sudama Mapsi. Mako is knocked down. The after effects of the Nanites eat away at Sudama’s health. Sudama then uses Tarukaja on Makami. The after effects eat away at its health again. Kodama uses Garu on me. The after effects eat away at its health. Makami uses Double Fang on Avatar Korra who dodges it. The after effects eat away at Makami’s health. Ascot uses Evil Smile. All three Shadows become afflicted with Fear. Avatar Korra uses Icebending on Sudama which knocks it down. Avatar Korra then uses Earthbedning on Makami. Mako uses Lighttningbending on Makami which knocks it down. Mako then uses Firebending on Kodama which also knocks it down.
Mako: I guess we’re doing this. Together!
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>After the attack, Sudama, Kodama, and Makami were still up, but a bit more weaker due to the after effects of Valve’s Nanites.
Oracle: Super move! Ultra Charge!
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>Prometheus uses Charge and Concentrate on us. Seiryu uses Bufula on Sudama which knocks it down.
Violet: Can I something?
Joker: Let’s do it!
Violet: I’m on it!
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>Kodama and Makami are both knocked down. We don’t do an All-Out-Attack this time. I simply attack Sudama. Sudama gets back up and uses Mapsi. Mako is knocked down. The after effects eat away at Sudama’s health. Then, Sudama simply attacks me. The after effects eat away at its health again. Kodama gets back up and uses Rakunda on Moss. The after effects eat away at Kodama’s health. Makami gets back up and uses Double Fang on Avatar Korra. The after effects eat away at Makami’s health. Ascot uses Maegia. Sudama is gone. Avatar Korra uses Healing Waterbending on us to heal us. Mako uses Firebending on Kodama which knocks it down. Mako then uses Lightningbending on Makami, but it dodges it. I attack Makami. It was a critical hit.
Joker: It’s showtime!
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>After the attack, Kodama and Makami were still up, but they were on their last leg.
Joker: And now, for the grand finale!
>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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>And that was it. The battle was over. We hear a clicking sound and saw the the cage was now open with Mona in his Cat Thief form.
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Thanks, you two. Who knew you two could do something like this?
Bolin: That would Mako. And Korra. And Asami. Pretty much everyone we’ve told about our past.
>Pabu makes a gesture that looks like he agrees.
Queen: Yes, I’ve heard about the difficult past of you and your brother.
Mako: You know?
Queen: My sister, being a prosecutor turned attorney, has files on a lot of people... Even from other worlds... It’s a long story.
>Mona changes back to human form and notices something.
Mona: Look.
>We were surprised to see that Kodama was still around. However, it was in pain.
Asami: What’s wrong with it? It looks sick.
Rand: It’s the Nanites. I know. I’ve been there.
>Moss walks up to Kodama, still with his katana drawn.
Rex: Moss.
Kodama: You’re going to kill me now? When I’m like this? ... I suppose it was gonna happen. Go on, do it. Anything to make it stop hurting.
>Moss raises his katana. We all gasp... However, Moss puts his blade back in its sheath.
Kodama: What gives, mister? Why are you letting me live?
Moss: Because... I’m not Valve. I won’t throw other away when they become useless. He call himself the Biker... But he seems more like a murderer. I won’t kill you... But I won’t let you suffer either. Rex, cure him.
Rex: Okay. But I can’t seem to use my powers for some reason.
Bobo: Same with my guns. I can’t even get a spark out of it.
Oracle: Maybe this will help.
>Oracle takes something out of her pouch.
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A Plume of Dusk!? How did you...
Violet: (a little casual) Oh, that was from when we had that class trip to Tatsumi Port Island in our final year. We went to the Kirijo Group and Mitsuru san gave it to us just in case we need it. I guess that’s now.
>Oracle gives Rex the Plume of Dusk. No sooner does he touch it, he suddenly feels a surge of powerful supernatural energies. To test it, Rex forms one of his machine arms with ease.
Rex: That’s a bit more like it.
>Rex goes over to Kodama and touches him. Then, the sound of his powers takes the Nanites from Kodama, healing it.
Rex: That should do it. I’m not sure if it worked though because of your appearance. I know you look different, but I don’t think you’re an E.V.O.
Rand: I’ll help to, just to be sure. Persona!
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>Rand summons his Persona, Billy. Then, Billy uses some kind of Wind Skill that seems to heal Kodama of any lingering effects of the Nanites... Me and the rest of the Phantom Thieves were stunned, Rex was confused, and Team Avatar were intrigued... Moss and Lunk were proud.
Rand: There we go. (senses us staring) What’s up?
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I thought only Yosuke senpai’s Persona could do that. Use Wind to heal others.
Queen: It must be because Rand san’s father was a Healer and somehow he inherited those abilities. But Rand can do through his Persona. So there’s a good chance... he can also do it using Airbending.
Bolin: (impressed) A Double Bender. Just like me.
Moss: (also impressed) I figured as much.
Lunk: (a bit confused) You’re not bothered by this, Moss? After what you just said?
Moss: After that fight... I think I can handle the changes now. (goes over to Kodama) Feel better? Does it still hurt?
Kodama: Actually, no. I feel great. (getting happy) Thanks, mister. You’re not so bad. You really are nothing like the master... Though, I don’t know why I still call him that. I don’t even remember pledging to- (surprised) Oh my gosh!
I remember now. I’m not a Shadow after all. I wondered in this place from the Sea of Souls... I am thou... Thou art I... I’m Kodama. I’ll turn into a mask and head on out with you! I’m gonna echo inside your heart bro... Wahoo!
>With that, Kodama turns into a mask... that looks just like Moss’s faceplate and becomes absorbed into his.
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A Wild Card? Guess it’s my turn to be impressed.
Spirit: (a little disappointed) Man, when is it gonna be my turn?
Joker: Be patient, Spirit. Duke recently gained the Wild Card himself. Your turn should be coming soon enough.
Mako: Maybe we should talk more somewhere else. More of those things could show up any moment.
Oracle: We’ll go. But first, we need to get something.
>Oracle goes to the scroll in the case and takes it. She examines it.
Oracle: No doubt about it, this is the rest of the map. Now we’ll know what’s beyond this point. But let’s come back here another time.
>We agree and then leave. We’ll be back.
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>Mac’s Garage. When we arrived, we found there were more people there than the usual gang.
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Hey, kids! Welcome back!
Rand, Moss, and Lunk: (happy) Uncle Bumi!
>The four hugged.
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That’s unexpected. Which one’s the Airbender?
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I’m guessing the guy with the mohawk that looks like a cross between a Warrior’s Wolf Tail and an Airbending Tattoo.
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Uncle Bumi, what are you doing here?
Bumi: I was actually coming here to see you all. It was going to be a surprise. Especially this time.
Rand: What do you mean?
Bumi: Well, now that I’ve completed my Airbending training (though not at a master level, but still), I’ve got more time to spend here in this world with all of you boys. I’ll even be able to train Rand myself.
Rand: (almost in disbelief, yet happy) You mean it? You really mean it?
Bumi: That’s right, kiddo. You’ll be seeing Uncle Bumi around here more often. IT’S BUMI TIME!
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Yeah! Bumi Time! ... Wait, what?
Jinora: Remember what Uncle Bumi said, Meelo. This new Airbender is adamant on staying here in this world because of his father and Gran Gran.
Meelo: Oh... I still don’t get it.
Bumi: You will soon.
Rand: Why is the Avatar and everyone else here?
Bumi: Well, I was on my way here, but I kinda got caught.
Joker: (smiling) Told ya.
Rand: How? You’re usually so careful.
Rex: Ask him.
>Then, more people come out of the garage. One was a woman with grey hair in the same kind of clothing Avatar Korra was wearing. The second was another woman with dark hair in monk-like clothing. The third was a middle age man who was dressed similarly to the dark-haired woman with a thick beard and a shaven head with a blue arrow tattooed on his head. And the fourth was an old woman who was also dressed like Avatar Korra and the grey-haired woman... Rand made a look of resentment at the old woman.
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So you’re my brother sees sometimes. You really do look like...
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I know. Right out of the painted pictures and the photographs.
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Yes. If it hadn’t been for the eyes, I would have thought he actually came back to life.
Bumi: I know, right?
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Boy, please come here.
>Rand looked like he didn’t want to. But neither did he wanted to start trouble, so he goes anyway. The old Waterbending Master gets closer to Rand to get a better look at him. Then, she steps back.
Master Katara: Tell me, boy, what is your name?
Rand: Rand, of course.
Master Katara: That’s the name you go by with your friends and some others. What is your real name? The one your father gave you.
>Rand was hesitant at first, but finally answers.
Rand: ... Sokka.
>There was a brief silence... Then shock.
Almost everyone: HUH!?
Bolin: So your name really is Sokka!?
Rand: Yes. My dad gave it to me. It was... the name of my grandfather. His father. (points to Master Katara with a resentful look) Her brother.
Master Katara: (nodding) I knew it. You were right, Tenzin. It is him.
Queen: So the who “Uncle” Bumi thing wasn’t just a sign of endearment.
Rand: (defeated sigh) This is... my Great Aunt Katara. My grandfather, the original Sokka, was her older brother.
Noir: But it that’s true, that would mean...
Rand: Yeah, I know. My great uncle... was Avatar Aang.
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I guess that explains why you’re an Airbender, Rand san.
Rand: Not really. Aang is only related to me through Katara. So I suspect it came from my grandmother. Though she was also from the Southern Water Tribe, her family probably picked up the Airbending gene somewhere along the line since the Southern Air Temple is practically next door.
Avatar Korra: That also makes sense.
Rand: Now that that’s out of the way, why are you here? If you’re here to convince me to go with you guys, forget it. I’m not setting foot into that world... Not until she admits that she was wrong and my father was right. (pointing at Master Katara)
Master Katara: (shaking her head) Sokka, you know I can’t do that. Your father did something bad. I warned him to stop, but he wouldn’t listen. I told I outlawed it for a reason.
Queen: What bad thing? Rand, that is to say Sokka, said that his father was a Waterbender and a Healer. So I can’t imagine him doing anything wrong.
Master Katara: That’s because weren’t told the whole story.
Joker: What is it?
Master Katara: (turning to Rand) Do you want to tell them, or should I?
>Rand was quite for a while. Finally, he took a breath and spoke.
Rand: My father, Hakoda II, wasn’t just a Waterbender. (making a serious face, now we know this is big) My Dad was... a Bloodbender.
>We were all shocked. Rand’s father was a Bloodbender?
Bumi: But I think we should save that for another time.
Moss: Probably a good idea. Right now, how did you know Uncle Bumi was coming here. I’m sure he was careful.
????? ??????: Rex found out. He told me. And I told Tezin.
>We were surprised by three more people who arrived. One was a man in a dark green suit and shades. The second we recognized from the anti-hacking system. And the third probably stuck out the most: A man who looked like he was completely bleached.
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The Phantom Thieves, I presume?
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You know about us? How’d that happened?
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... That’s classified.
Bobo: Is that your answer for everything?
Agent Six: ...
Bobo: Never mind.
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So, you’re the ones who hacked into my computer.
Oracle: Technically, that was me and Sophia.
Sophie: Yo.
Dr. Holiday: Interesting. I’ve never met an AI who didn’t want to kill us.
Sophie: I’m Sophia, humanity’s companion. ♪~
Dr. Holiday: A pleasure.
Panther: (a little overwhelmed) Yeesh, a lot of people are here.
Skull: Yeah, makes ya wonder who else will show up.
>Suddenly, we hear something metal open. We turn to see the cell door of the Velvet Room was open and someone comes out...
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What the heck!? I thought I was going into the Velvet Room. How’d I get here?
>We were all surprised... Especially Moss.
Moss: You- You’re...
Yosuke: (also very surprised) And you’re...
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This heist is more and more interesting. We’ll give you the heads up.
Mona: Indeed we will... But first thing’s first... Joker, aren’t you tired? We should order dinner and go to bed.
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Where my favorite maid teacher when I need her?
>To be continued...
0 notes
giarts · 4 years
Celebrating Juneteenth with Black Artists!
Submitted by admin on June 18, 2020
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It’s a great holiday to be sharing with each of you today, Juneteenth! As we gather – remotely – to honor and celebrate the power and jubilation of this day, liberation for ancestors and elders, we hope to echo the voices and experiences of Black artists who have brought us joy, made us feel seen, challenged, supported, and taught us so much. We come here with deep gratitude and deeper commitment to investing in a future of liberation for Black peoples everywhere.
Today, we join many of you commemorating the emancipation of enslaved folks in the U.S. and working toward an equitable and just field and future. This Juneteenth, the GIA team offers some reflections on personal experiences with a Black artist who has contributed to our lives.
We hope our reflections inspire sharing of your stories with Black artists who have been central in your life.
From Sherylynn
I could write an entire book on Black art, art while Black, and how inspiring it is.
Black artists continue to create despite the fact that creating art while living in a Black body will always be “a political statement.” If your art leans too much into the Black experience or is too Afro-futurist, it’s radical or controversial. If it leans too much into the Eurocentric style, it’s political because “what makes you think you belong in this space?” Yet still, we keep creating art to teach, heal, entertain, find solace and fulfillment, and spread joy. I love that.
Jean-Michel Basquiat said it best, “I don’t listen to what art critics say. I don’t know anybody who needs a critic to find out what art is.”
Thank you, Black artists. Keep creating unapologetically. Here is to more life and more freedom, (raises glass), Happy Juneteenth!
From Carmen
As I write these words, Prince and Janet Jackson take turns in my Spotify. I can’t decide which of them has been more influential in my life, since as a die-hard music lover, I grew up with both as MTV and VH1 filled my after-school hours.
Video after video, Janet taught me many dance moves and, in doing so, she taught me so much about confidence and joy. In my senior year, I took many of those lessons and translated them to an interpretation of one of her classics, “If.” Back then I asked four friends to dance with me and we spent many afternoons rehearsing our choreography. I remember feeling that Janet’s strength and energy got directly into my soul when I took the stage.
Queen Janet is still queen Janet in my life. I would have seen her for the first time this year, but her Black Diamond tour is one of those that lost to the cancellations due to the coronavirus pandemic. I’m still heartbroken (insert “That’s the Way Love Goes” for this moment in my life’s soundtrack), but I’m hopeful I’ll be able to dance with her someday, even if it’s from a very far away seat.
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Photo by Manu Kumar on Unsplash
Songs from Prince like “Nothing Compares to You,” on the other hand, are equally integral to my soundtrack. I would daydream thinking that the love of my life would dedicate lyrics to me like the ones in “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World.” I still love that video and its diverse cast of women because I saw myself in many of them!
His death in 2016 left me with a void (similar to how I felt when David Bowie died earlier that year), but Prince’s memoir, “The Beautiful Ones,” has provided me a special way to connect with that beautiful – and complex – mind.
As I write this brief love letter to two of my greatest inspirations I cannot help wanting to sing and dance my heart away (in a very fashionable way, of course).
From Sylvia
I AM (HEAR), directed by Olympia Perez
Black Trans Media is an organization run by Sasha Alexander and Olympia Perez for the Black trans and gender nonconforming community – one of the few organizations run by, and in service and support of the Black trans and GNC community. Sasha officially founded the organization in 2013 to shift and reframe the worth and value of Black trans people everywhere through media, art, advocacy, and community organizing, but I have known Sasha since 2004, and they were making space and time for racial and gender justice and liberation long before we even met. Thank you for being part of my family and for the adventures through the years and always driving me home because I don’t have a license (I will not give away more dates because Sasha and I have aged very well and we have reputations to uphold).
From Yessica
circa 2005.
I was so fresh, I mean perm fresh (really a relaxer. IF you know, you know).
I entered a lecture hall in a college, not my own, in upstate NY somewhere. I listened to the words of Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene, words that would bend my world, and force me to forge a new path. Teaching me that unlearning is only the beginning and probably the hardest to do. Realizing what I had learned in so many classrooms before this one didn’t stick because it wasn’t our truth. You said to never fear and continue to plant seeds for we do not know which ones will sprout. 15 years later, I still remember the conversations we had in that room, and look at how far I’ve come. I am eternally grateful. The warrior in me honors the warrior in you. Onward and forward, with love and light, Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene, Meta Netur Scholar.
From Champ
“Christ You Know it Ain’t Easy!!” was the title of the show that introduced me to Deborah Grant’s work in 2014, but it could be a mantra for many of us – any of us – and you know what I mean by that. She contains multitudes, and everything is grist for her mill. “Everything in life is accessible and it needs to be looked at over and over and over again” she says, and “The key is how well you transform those aspects into something that is unique and of your own hand. If you are going to steal, then DO IT WELL!” Her sources and allusions and motifs range everywhere through art and culture and history; she breaks down the labels that are used to segregate one set of experiences from another. I can’t say it better than John Yau: “There is nothing essentialist about Grant’s investigation of identity, but what she does is essential.”
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Installation view, Deborah Grant, The Birth of a Genius in a Midnight Sun, 2012. Photo by Tyler Green, Modern Art Notes Podcast.
From Steve
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John Coltrane was the last giant of jazz. But he was my first meaningful touchstone. I arrived in college with plans to eventually get a seat in a symphony, pull together a basket of students, maybe a find a steady teaching job. I was well-versed as I could have been in the classics. My jazz experience was limited to the big bands my parents enjoyed from their youth. And that didn’t conflict or expand upon my notion of musicianship as a virtuosic effort. Hit every note, nail the auditions, win the seat. Perfection.
So it was a surprise to me that I quickly began to gravitate toward the jazzers. They spoke a new language around music that elevated expression and feeling and connection. So I jumped in and John Coltrane was the first landing.
He wasn’t a revolutionary, though he recorded with Cecil Taylor. He wasn’t a be-bopper or a hard-bopper, though he came into himself through those musics. He was a devotee and a tenacious seeker. The patriarchs of his family were preachers, and he internalized their cadence and modulation and made that his music.
He was spiritual and humble, so confidence was difficult for him even though he was playing next to Miles and Monk in their respective bands which were at the top of the jazz world. He couldn’t immerse himself in spectacle of stardom because he felt that he had to work on his own thing. Following a performance, Miles and the guys would find the party and come back to their hotel the next day to find Trane asleep with his horn in his mouth.
On Kind of Blue, you can hear him finding higher gears in the sublime modal music of Miles and Bill Evans. On Giant Steps you hear him shift into those gears. He would speed through the last seven years of his life recording what seemed like an album every month. By the release of one he was disappearing over the horizon. In 1964, he disappeared to his home in Dix Hills, New York, and emerged a few weeks later with A Love Supreme, the record that was my introduction to Trane. It is reasonably considered the greatest jazz record ever made. Everything that followed would challenge and divide the critics and fans. His music was entirely a personal and spiritual endeavor.
He barely noticed when the critics complained that he was riding on his previous fame while making “unlistenable” music (a widely-held perspective that I don’t agree with). He barely noticed that he was terminally ill.
He’s called the last giant because the music called jazz became a niche in the cultural landscape; African-American folklore to be studied in music school. His genius was undeniable. But his important late-period work could be hard to digest. For most, it took an act of faith to sit through 40-minute doses of group improvisation. After Trane’s death, Miles went towards Rock (a scandal of its own) and the music seemed to lose most of its casual audience and mainstream exposure.
My exploration of his music was not casual. I grabbed anything I could get and once or twice I took it in from start to finish. It is a remarkable trajectory over a short period of time. And it changed me. I saw the act of artmaking very differently after finding Coltrane.
From Eddie
Fred Wilson is an artist who changed my life through his work. Fred interrogates unspoken assumptions that inform museum display – what we choose to reveal and what we choose to conceal – as his artistic strategy. Using existing objects – oftentimes objects that are not displayed to the public – and placing them in relation to objects that are often displayed, he reveals how institutions conceal histories of racialized treatment of people. In this way, Fred’s exploration of race and racism is through revelatory critique of institutional practices.
In the words of Angelique Power, president of the Field Foundation of Illinois, “People use racial equity as a substitute for diversity… Racial equity is about shifting power and resources. It involves dismantling AND rebuilding systems. This is an important point since for many of us it stops with dismantling; rebuilding involves shifting resources and power, acknowledging history, and in some ways rethinking history that you have been told and, from that lens, building something new.”
My first real exposure to institutional and historical critique – and critiques of systems – was through Fred’s art.
Fred changed my life in another essential way. He was the first director of Longwood Art Gallery, located in the South Bronx. After years of his leadership, he stepped aside for a new era under Betti-Sue Hertz (who hired me as her gallery manager when I was still a college student). Fred continued to periodically visit to see exhibits as well as lend his name and his work to our efforts to raise funds and increase our profile.
Through Fred, I had a model of a person of color from the Bronx who engaged the art world on terms that were his own. I am humbled and grateful to know him. Thank you, Fred.
From Nadia
I knew of Kara Walker’s brilliant and critical work, art reshaping narratives, meanings subtle and bold, long before I saw it in person. The first instance was upon arriving at graduate school. I was met by Walker in a two-story tall mural transcending the open stair. It was a piece that provoked dialogue amongst students in a private, (self-identified) Marxist institution (quite a juxtaposition to navigate already) about race (the besieged topic of non-discussion amongst solely-class-based social analysis). The space Walker’s piece created was unlike the other white-walled boxes where “Art” was made. It was a space pressing us with histories politely avoided and self-reflections sidestepped.
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Photo by metacynic, Flickr, Kara Walker’s “A Subtlety,” 2014.
The second time I got to experience Walker’s art was closer to home. Living adjacent to the in/famed Brooklyn neighborhood of Williamsburg (both North and South, there is a difference), I got to visit the former Domino Sugar Factory where “A Subtlety, or the Marvelous Sugar Baby” was installed for a several weeks in the midst of local struggle around gentrification, privatization, fare wages, and the fight for self-determination in Black and Brown communities, among others.
I share these stories of my time with Walker’s art because it feels like no coincidence that the timing corresponded with my learnings about systems change. The physical embodiment of that work was so apparent in Walker’s forms. The inescapability was palpable. The lessons still ongoing.
Posted by admin on June 18, 2020 at 03:04PM. Read the full post.
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illegalastrology111 · 7 years
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)
The concept of the Force referenced in the Star Wars saga is not based on myth but fact.   In 1600 Galileo used his telescope to detect that the Cosmos, the Sun and its planets are one enormous electromagnetic field of Force, subject to the laws of gravity and each part acts in a reciprocal manner on the others. The shifting of these planets ultimately causes powerful changes in the field of Force.  The Planets are a dynamic part of the electromagnetic field in which we, as humans exist as part of the Universe.  Their constantly altering angular position to the Earth and to each other correlates with distinct changes in human and cosmic affairs.  For example the Moon affects the Tides and us too because we are approximately 70%f water.  The word “lunatic” is derived from the fact that those who study Criminology have discovered that at the last phase of the Full Moon there is an increase in crime, uncontrollable urges occur in humans during this time. Therefore the reality is that as humans we respond to the movement of the planets, the affects of the Force as a result of their movement. This doesn’t mean that the Planets rule our destinies. We respond to the movement of the Planets and the shifts in the electromagnetic field in which we co-exist. Drastic shifts would be considered a “disturbance in the Force”. Hence Astrology is able to document and follow movements of the Planets and how they affect each person, their lives and possible outcomes based on possible choices.
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Throughout the Star Wars saga Obi Wan Kenobi repeatedly tells Luke to “use the force Luke, use the force!” likewise Darth Vader tells Luke to give in to the power of the force and allow his anger to wage.  These scenarios demonstrate that the Force in and of itself can be used for Good or Evil, which is exactly true.     Individuals who are proficient in the ancient practice of martial arts, in particular Wing Chun,  learn how to harness and control the Force - watch  the movie IP Man to get a really good understanding of this in practice.     People who are “Sensitives”, meditate, practice Reiki and other such healing modalities are close to the Force and interact with it on a deep level.  In order to be proficient at using this energy a person must learn how to be centered with inner peace and focus.  Bottom line each person has free will in whether or not they are able interact with the Force in a positive way or let it control them, like a leaf blowing in the wind. It is powerful and each person who chooses to tap into and use this Universal energy must understand they have a hand in their destiny, you are a pawn only as long as you want to be, you have free will and how you choose to exercise that free will determines the outcome of  one’s existence.   For every act there is a reaction.  For every deed there is a consequence.  Simple Cause and Affect.   
This is how Karma is created. Use the Force for Good. 
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The aggression of Aries can be destructive if not harnessed and balanced.   A warrior by nature, Aries can accomplish a great deal once the sign learns how to focus and direct the Force towards a positive end, avoiding conflict with others. Conflict that can be dealt with from a more harmonious, diplomatic perspective.  This would be a way to direct the Force for good.
The stubbornness of this sign can lead it to not be able to access the Force at all or believe/realize its existence.  Because Taurus is an Earth sign  and very grounded, it has the capacity to connect with the environment, beauty and everything that it encompasses, although this may not come until older age.  The physical world, finances and security are the primary interests of Taurus unless there are other esoteric signs integrated with the personality.
Communication is the Force for Gemini to wield in a powerful positive or negative way. Words can be used as “weapons” that can easily cause hurt or harm, hence the saying “the pen is mightier than the sword”.  If used for Good, Gemini can be an Orator, public speaker, writer, anything involving communication, to the degree monumental positive change can occur in their  lives and that of others.  The hands are another powerful Force for this sign.  Anything using this part of the body can have a positive/negative outcome.
This sign knows how to “feel” only too well but usually in a way that leaves them hurt with a desire to “retreat”.    Sensitivity is a powerful tool when used to navigate one’s way through life and as an empath to others.  Modalities that can help Cancer to have greater emotional balance would be beneficial to learn, then this force can be utilized to be of help support and guidance to individuals who need empathy/healing in their lives.
The mere presence of Leo can be daunting to some as this sign exudes power and Force from every pore of their skin.  When untamed Leo can force this power onto others, expecting to be worshipped and obeyed, which isn’t always the outcome that occurs.   Therefore this sign must learn humility.  Yes, this attribute in and of itself can be a tremendous Force to bring peace, harmony, understanding and unity among people and ultimately a Force for good.
Service to others is the best way Virgo can use its Force in a positive way.  Giving of themselves as long as they do not become a martyr to their Cause, then the Force becomes negative.   Being mindful of this fact will keep the Force directed where it can do the most good for Virgo and those it reaches out to serve.
The Scales of Balance and Justice are the Force that drives Libra through life as long as it does not become too narcissistic, self-absorbed or lazy and fails to do the right thing, exercising moral compass. The older years for Libra are the best once the sign has matured and encountered some of life’s challenges.  The key is for Libra to maintain balance, harmony and integrity within themselves and their life.
“Hell hath no fury than a Scorpio crossed!”   Watch out and move out of the way when a person gets on the wrong side of this sign.  More than any other Zodiac sign Scorpio knows only too well how to connect with the Force and unfortunately wield its power in a way that is often self-destructive and destructive to others.   The way to change this is for Scorpio to learn and understand the concept of Karma, that “as you give out, so you receive, sooner or later, ten fold and then become the Phoenix arising out of its own self-created ashes.
Sagittarius reaches for the Truth in life but often doesn’t find it or is disappointed in the lack of moral fibre in others.   Nonetheless, Sagittarius is forever the optimist and will keep going regardless, reaching out to expand it’s horizons through learning higher principles.  Traveling the world and interacting with different cultures (if the chart is well aspected).   This is the right way to use the Force of Sagittarius.
This sign is the persevering type, plodding along methodically towards their goal irrespective of how difficult the course.  This is one of the most positive uses of the Force, that few other astrology signs can relate to.   Capricorn is in it for the long-term never giving up until the goal is achieved, as long as they don’t get too caught up in their comfort zone.
An independent free-spirited Aquarius can’t and won’t be tied down for too long, most of all this sign must follow it’s own path in order to make best use of its Force.   Aquarius has the bragging rights for uniqueness and being successful at demonstrating just how different and inventive they are in everyday shape and form.  When the Aquarius Force is directed, this sign knows what the public wants and will be first to present something new and innovative to the world.
Being able to take fantasy and make it a tangible reality is the Force of this sign.  Whether for Good or Evil Pisces will have vision and find a way to make it manifest.   The best way for Pisces to use the Force is to move towards film, video, photography, art,  acting, fashion, illustration anything of a visual nature that can be transposed into something visually stirring for others.   The best case scenario would be for Pisces to also get involved in something Spiritual, so that they not only open their consciousness but others too, to the fact that life isn’t black and white, but black, white and grey. The grey being that which is hidden, not easily seen but very real, the world of Spirit.  
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