#mods all the best to you lovely lot and thank you for hosting the bracket for the chaos enjoyers
Ello! I'm one of the other mods running the life series divorce bracket we mentioned recently and since you seemed excited at the prospect of a divorce bracket, we thought we should share the blog with you
Thank you once again for allowing us to use your art as our banner and may the most divorced win! (After the nomination period of course)
broooo yes thanks so much for sharing I forgot to look it up
I really am very excited lmao
may the worst exes win indeed!
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phandomphightclub · 5 years
By popular demand, @dannyphandump and @babypop-phantom return to the one and only Ghost Zone Denny’s to host the annual Phandom Phight Club! Get ready to face your friends, acquaintances, strangers, and enemies in immortal combat an organized shitposting tournament!
So what the heck is the Phandom Phight Club?
The Short Explanation:  It’s basically a Danny Phantom shitposting tournament, involving 64 entrants and 6 total rounds of posts.  Rounds are single elimination, leaving one ultimate Phight Club Champion.
The Backstory:  In fall 2018, @ectopusses​ and @rayhoosier​ (x) challenged @lexosaurus​ to fight behind Denny’s.  Mod Tali started as the betting booth runner on the lexx vs. ectopusses fight (before a lovely anon officially coined the term “phight.”  After these fights, multiple people expressed interest in some kind of Phandom showdown.  @catalystofthesoul provided a good boost to the idea and came up with a lot of the core concepts on how the tournament would work.  Vic and Tali worked together to bring the idea to life.  In the 2019 Phight, @reallydumbdannyphantomaus was victorious with @heyheyitsstillgay in second place and @lexosaurus in third.
The Detailed Explanation:
Please read even if you participated last year, as some information has changed!
For Entrants:
Registration begins SUNDAY DECEMBER 1ST at 1pm (afternoon) EASTERN STANDARD TIME.  Use this calculator  if you need to to find what time that is in your time zone.
Entrants will be sorted randomly into a single-elimination bracket. This bracket will be posted on December 31st for everyone to view.
ONLY 64 PHIGHTERS CAN ENTER. We are not sure how quickly spots will go, but we recommend signing up earlier rather than later.
Each entrant will get an ID badge made by Mod Vic with the answers to some of the questions entered on the signup form.
Please only sign up if you plan to participate in the Phight, not just to get an ID card. We don’t want people taking up slots for people who actually want to compete.
The Phight™ will take place Thursday, January 9th through Friday, January 31st. More details on the schedule will be posted on the comprehensive calendar to be released November 30th.
A new round will take place about every three days, with a couple “dead days” scheduled in the earlier rounds for phighters to prepare their shitposts and our writers to catch up on the round results writeups.  
Please be sure you’re able to submit your entry on each entry day. Participants will be disqualified if they do not submit an entry by the deadline.
Competitors will create their posts on their own blogs. This is to ensure that all Phighters get credit for the shitposts they create.  Phighters will paste a link to their post in a google form that will be created for each round.  You may create your posts as far in advance as you would like, but the google form will not open until the day before submissions are due.  (It’s recommended that even if your post is ready beforehand, you wait to post it until the submission date, to keep each round organized and in case you are eliminated beforehand.)
Posts will be reblogged to @phandomphightclub throughout the day submissions are due.
Voters decide the winners of each round. The winners will move onto the next round. The phinal round occurs when only two competitors are left.  The semiphinalist phighters will also compete in the phinal round prompt for third place.
Last year’s winner @reallydumbdannyphantomaus​ will phight this year’s winner in a bonus round to take place in February.
You can not ask people to vote for you! This may result in disqualification! Try reblogging the voting polls to get people to vote, instead!
Limit of one vote per person.  You do not need a tumblr to vote, but the form will require you to be logged into a google account to prevent duplicate votes.
Prizes for winners will be announced as we find people willing to provide them.  So far @wastefulreverie has offered a fic to the 1st place winner.  There will also be ceritificates for the top 3, plus bragging rights. Who would not want to brag about winning the Phight?
For Voters:
Voters are crucial to the success of this competition. A poll to vote for the winners of each round will be open the whole day after the submissions are due.
Anyone can vote, whether you are a competitor or a spectator (Technically, you can even vote for yourself, but there should be enough voters that this won’t matter much).
Follow @phandomphightclub for the links to the voting polls.
Other Information:
There is no phight the day of voting. @dannyphandump, @lumanae, and a few other chosen writers will create mafia/RP-style summary of how everyone won/lost, based on the results of the polls.  (Read last year’s compiled round writeups here for an idea of what this will look like.)  Writeups will be crossposted to AO3 for easier reading after the Phight, but will originally be posted on @phandomphightclub.
People will be able to place bets on who will win the Phight. Prizes will be awarded to those who correctly bet on the winner.  The betting google form will open when stated on the calendar.
Results will be posted on @phandomphightclub according to the calendar. 
The first rule of phight club is you don’t talk about phight club.
All entries must be SFW (No sexual content or excessive gore). People who submit this kind of content may be disqualified at the discretion of the mods.
Submissions are meant to be shitposts, don’t worry too much about artistic or writing quality.  This is meant to be open to anyone who wants to enter, regardless of perceived talent.
No direct personal attacks in your submissions or towards other entrants, please. This phandom is pretty good about that, but just remember to keep it clean, folks. Lighthearted trash talk is allowed; use your best judgement here.
Please do not take losing as a personal attack.
When voting, try to be as unbiased as possible. The submissions will be posted in the poll without the competitor’s name attached in order to help facilitate this.
Competitors are allowed/encouraged to advertise the Phight on their blogs, but please do not ask followers to vote for you specifically.
If you’re confused about anything, don’t hesitate to send an ask to @phandomphightclub!
Don’t eat food off the ground in the Denny’s parking lot. Trust me, please.
Thank you for your interest in the Phight Club! Order an appetizer at the Denny’s, place your bets, and get ready to watch the greatest Phight this side of the ghost portal!
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