artemis32 · 2 years
Why does applying for modulea feel like genuine torture
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mi6021ewanfox · 2 years
Module Guide
A) Dissertation (topic of your choice) 3000 words
B) Entire Pre-Production Process (preparation work involved in production of a two minute animated short film – if over by 15 secs, it should be fine).
FINAL HAND IN 11th January 2023 5pm
COMPONENT ONE (60%) Preparation of research and development assets ahead of next semester, e.g. Storyboard Animation Assets Tumblr Blog Animatics Character Designs Scripts Moodboards Colour Swatches (include, artwork, rigs, environments, sound etc that help with creating the animation next semester)
COMPONENT TWO (40%) 3000 word critical document Research in Primary Resources e.g. Interviews with Practitioners Research in Secondary Resources e.g. books
Lecture Notes
Week 1-3: Lectures Week 4-6: Tutorials Week 5:  Independent Study Week 6: Tutorials Week 7: Mid Point Presentation Week 8-11: Tutorials Week 12: Sharing of Animatics group crits 19th October2022: pitch initial ideas 9th November: mid point presentation 14th December: Animatic with sound sharing 11th January 2023: Hand in (5pm) 8th February 2023: Feedback
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anastasiachristou · 7 years
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Module A: Language, Identity and Culture
- Language has the power to both reflect and shape individual and collective identity. 
- They also consider the impact texts have on shaping a sense of identity for individuals and/or communities.
- Information, ideas, values and attitudes which inform and influence perceptions of ourselves and other people. 
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obscurejavascript · 5 years
Using ES6 Modules in Node.js
To get this working install Node.js 12:
nvm install 12
Then ensure your files end in .mjs to specify them as modules. Then either run Node.js with --experimental-modules or install the 'esm' package and use -r esm instead. This installation also gets rid of the warning messages that --experimental-modules gives. Here is an example:
import moduleA from './testModule'; moduleA.helloWorld(); // Hello world console.log(moduleA.property1); // value1
export const helloWorld = () => { console.log('Hello world'); }; export const property1 = 'value1'; export default { helloWorld, property1 };
Which is run with node -r esm 2019/backendImports.mjs if you installed 'esm'. So far that does exactly what require does, but now at least it matches more modern import syntax used by bundlers like Webpack (which is used by React and modern Angular). Though the real advantage is the flexibility it gives. For example, specific parts of the module can be extracted instead in one line of code:
import { helloWorld } from './testModule'; helloWorld(); // Hello world
All parts of the module can be automatically imported too with * and assigned to a namespace in case no default export was given:
import * as moduleA2 from './testModule'; moduleA2.helloWorld(); // Hello world console.info(moduleA2.property1); // value1
Github Location https://github.com/Jacob-Friesen/obscurejs/blob/master/2019/backendImports.mjs
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timetocode · 6 years
Games in Vuex+Vue.js
Vuex/Vue.js can be integrated with game logic with a simple wrapper:
const gbind = (stateSelector, callback) => { // watch for future changes store.watch(stateSelector, callback) // gets current state immediately callback(stateSelector(store.state)) }
The selector is a function that returns the correct piece of state. 
The callback is invoked whenever the state changes and once right when we bind it.
gbind((state) => state.settings.nickname, (old, value) => { console.log('nickname', value) // our reaction to the change })
So in this scenario right when we invoke gbind we'll receive the state.settings.nickname, and we'll also receive any changes to it going forward.
We only need to do this for features that aren’t essentially dom manipulation. Regular dom+css reactivity is already handled by typical vue usage. So if we had an inventory system that renders as html, then we would just make Inventory.vue and write that part of the program in the usual vue fashion instead of inventing our own reactivity.
But let’s say we wanted something unrelated to the DOM to occur as a result of state. Don’t feel forced to make actions full of game-related side effects! I’m working on a first person shooter and I’m displaying 3D models in webgl as reactions to state changes in vuex.
For example my player holds a gun which can be an assault rifle, sub-machine gun, or sniper rifle. These are 3D models that appear in the player’s hands and bob around as the player runs. In vuex, I store this property as state.game.entity.weaponType. My binding looks  like the above example, and the code that ‘reacts’ to the state change of weaponType uses Babylon.js to dispose of the previous weapon mesh and load a new one. So there we have it: vuex integrated right into game logic with a reactive effect that isn’t vuejs rendering -- it’s webgl vertices and textures etc.
To set a vuex store property from our game logic, we can use either of the following:
store.dispatch('moduleA/actionName', payload) store.commit('moduleB/mutatorName', payload)
Just like in normal vuex code its up to us whether we commit directly or have an action commit on our behalf. My particular game is multiplayer, and many of the state changes come from the server. So in my case I frequently go from reading the network to dispatching things such as store.dispatch(’game/setHitpoints’, value). I can react to the change in hitpoints via qbind in any way I want if needed, and my HUD.vue also reacts to the same change and makes the hitpoint bar flash red via a css animation if my character is in danger via a standard looking vue component.
More technical details/tips...
store.watch returns a function that when invoked destroys the watcher -- so if you want to be able to destroy watchers return and/or save this function
it is possible to create an infinite loop if our reactivity to a state change triggers a mutation to the same piece of state (same as within vue, but perhaps easier to forget here)
be mindful of where the line is between the ‘functional program’ and the dirty mutation spaghetti that is normal game code... i like to put the important pieces of state that are likely to cause bugs in vuex b/c bugs are much easier to find in a functional pattern. I also put every variable that the ui needs in vuex b/c the ui for me is almost always html (as opposed to being rendered in webgl/canvas)
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What is CE marks and important of CE marks
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TheCE certification in chennai on a product indicates that the manufacturer or importer of that product affirms its compliance with the relevant information that the product may be sold anywhere in the indonesia. It is a criminal offense to attach a CE mark to a product that is not objectives or offer it for sale.
Most electrical products must comply with, the others toys must comply with the electromagnetic compatibility in the device. The CE mark indicates compliance with as many directives as apply at the time of the declaration of compliance in the case of electrical products, several directors are relevant in addition to the low electromatic directive and specific unit. 
Countries requiring the CE marketing 
CE marking is mandatory for certain product group intended for sale within the ghana union, the ghana free trade association in the manufacturing of product made in others countries, that CE marked goods conform to CE standards the ghana government introduced as its equivalent conformance indicator and this is required for relevant goods to be sold in goods to be sold in the market. 
CE marking remains mandatory for products placed on the market there, although the marks may be used in addition it is not required goods and sale anywhere in the United Kingdom may create both marks.
Have applied for membership of the ghana  union, and are adopting many of its standards within their legislation as the most central ghana former member countries before joining.
Rules undertaking the CE marketing 
The formal legal status of the CE mark is set out in various ways: responsibility for   CE certification in Tanzania   lies with whoever puts the product on the market in the manufacturing, the importance or distribution of a product made outside the base of a non manufacturing. 
Important products have to verify that the manufacturing outside the chennai as undertaken is available upon request. Importers should also make sure that a contract with the manufacturer can always be established. 
Products subject to certain regulations providing for CE marking have to be affixed with the CE marking before they can be placed on the market.
Manufacturers have to check, on their sole responsibility, which legislation they need to apply  for their product. 
The product may be placed on the market only if it complies with the provision of all applicable directives and regulation and if their conformity assessment procedure has been carried out accordingly.
Self certification of CE marks
Depending on the level of risk of the product, the CE marking is affixed to a product by the manufacturing or authorized representative who needs to ensure that the products meets all the CE marking requirements in some be self certified by a manufacturer making a declaration of conformity and affixing the CE marking to their own product that have a minimal risk for their use.
Scrutinize whether the product needs to have a CE marking. The product must conform to all instruction that apply to the product. 
moduleA - internal product control.
moduleB - type of examination.
ModuleC  conformity to type.
moduleD - production quality assurance.
moduleE - product quality assurance.
Module F - product verification.
module G - unit verification.   
The CE certification in Ghana has to be affixed by the manufacturing or its authorized representatives in the uganda union according to its legal format visibly, legibly and indelibly to the product.when a manufacturing puts the CE marking on a product it implies that it complies with all the essential health and safety requirement from all the directives that applies to its product. When the product of a machine puts the CE marking, it captures itself and warrants that it makes all tests, assessment and evaluation on the product to conform to all the conditions of all the directives that apply to its product. 
How to get CEcertification ?
Certvalue (BLIP SNIP Consulting PVT LTD) is a world leader in  the Consulting, Training & Certification as a one and only answer for ISO, CE marking, HACCP, GMP, ROHS, BIFMA and many more implementing the highest standard services with fully focus on the  customer fulfillment.
As a team, our highly qualified authority  unite in the ideas with a creative solution to give the best for these consumers. In each and every stage we are respectable as a world market p because of our dedication towards our executive goals.layer by  the expanding our industry partner and peers worldwide by adding values. Our reach of project completion includes a specified time frame, best quality and economical plan of action  and it should be a possible
We, as a introducing team in this  consultation and certification, follow different techniques and methods to concentrate on the drastic improvement of the bottom-line of your organization. Our specialists can give sufficient training in the  conduct gap analysis to the deliver any shortcomings by the organization to shine and stand out in the market. With a worldwide presence of  experts the consultants in different domains and the industrial sectors covering, manufacturing, service sector, automobile, banking, hospitals, education, food industry, software & IT enabled service .
TheCE certification in chennai on a product indicates that the manufacturer or importer of that product affirms its compliance with the relevant information that the product may be sold anywhere in the indonesia. It is a criminal offense to attach a CE mark to a product that is not objectives or offer it for sale.
Most electrical products must comply with, the others toys must comply with the electromagnetic compatibility in the device. The CE mark indicates compliance with as many directives as apply at the time of the declaration of compliance in the case of electrical products, several directors are relevant in addition to the low electromatic directive and specific unit. 
Countries requiring the CE marketing 
CE marking is mandatory for certain product group intended for sale within the ghana union, the ghana free trade association in the manufacturing of product made in others countries, that CE marked goods conform to CE standards the ghana government introduced as its equivalent conformance indicator and this is required for relevant goods to be sold in goods to be sold in the market. 
CE marking remains mandatory for products placed on the market there, although the marks may be used in addition it is not required goods and sale anywhere in the United Kingdom may create both marks.
Have applied for membership of the ghana  union, and are adopting many of its standards within their legislation as the most central ghana former member countries before joining.
Rules undertaking the CE marketing 
The formal legal status of the CE mark is set out in various ways: responsibility for   CE certification in Tanzania   lies with whoever puts the product on the market in the manufacturing, the importance or distribution of a product made outside the base of a non manufacturing. 
Important products have to verify that the manufacturing outside the chennai as undertaken is available upon request. Importers should also make sure that a contract with the manufacturer can always be established. 
Products subject to certain regulations providing for CE marking have to be affixed with the CE marking before they can be placed on the market.
Manufacturers have to check, on their sole responsibility, which legislation they need to apply  for their product. 
The product may be placed on the market only if it complies with the provision of all applicable directives and regulation and if their conformity assessment procedure has been carried out accordingly.
Self certification of CE marks
Depending on the level of risk of the product, the CE marking is affixed to a product by the manufacturing or authorized representative who needs to ensure that the products meets all the CE marking requirements in some be self certified by a manufacturer making a declaration of conformity and affixing the CE marking to their own product that have a minimal risk for their use.
Scrutinize whether the product needs to have a CE marking. The product must conform to all instruction that apply to the product. 
moduleA - internal product control.
moduleB - type of examination.
ModuleC  conformity to type.
moduleD - production quality assurance.
moduleE - product quality assurance.
Module F - product verification.
module G - unit verification.   
The CE certification in Ghana has to be affixed by the manufacturing or its authorized representatives in the uganda union according to its legal format visibly, legibly and indelibly to the product.when a manufacturing puts the CE marking on a product it implies that it complies with all the essential health and safety requirement from all the directives that applies to its product. When the product of a machine puts the CE marking, it captures itself and warrants that it makes all tests, assessment and evaluation on the product to conform to all the conditions of all the directives that apply to its product. 
How to get CEcertification ?
Certvalue (BLIP SNIP Consulting PVT LTD) is a world leader in  the Consulting, Training & Certification as a one and only answer for ISO, CE marking, HACCP, GMP, ROHS, BIFMA and many more implementing the highest standard services with fully focus on the  customer fulfillment.
As a team, our highly qualified authority  unite in the ideas with a creative solution to give the best for these consumers. In each and every stage we are respectable as a world market p because of our dedication towards our executive goals.layer by  the expanding our industry partner and peers worldwide by adding values. Our reach of project completion includes a specified time frame, best quality and economical plan of action  and it should be a possible
We, as a introducing team in this  consultation and certification, follow different techniques and methods to concentrate on the drastic improvement of the bottom-line of your organization. Our specialists can give sufficient training in the  conduct gap analysis to the deliver any shortcomings by the organization to shine and stand out in the market. With a worldwide presence of  experts the consultants in different domains and the industrial sectors covering, manufacturing, service sector, automobile, banking, hospitals, education, food industry, software & IT enabled service .
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baphoton · 3 years
What is DCM?
In fiber optic communications, a dispersion compensation module (DCM) (also known as a dispersion compensation unit, DCU) can be used to compensate for the long-span dispersion of the transmission fiber. Typically, it provides a certain amount of dispersion (fixed dispersion), and there are also tunable dispersion modules.
The module can easily be plugged into a fiber optic link as it has fiber optic connectors for input and output. Insertion loss can be compensated with fiber amplifiers. We also often see that dispersion compensation modules are often placed between two fiber amplifiers.
Features of Dispersion Compensation Module (DCM)
Dispersion is a positively related function of fiber length and therefore increases with fiber length.
The purpose of using DCM is because this accumulated dispersion causes intersymbol interference (ISI) and data loss in transmission, so to application of dispersion compensation module overcome this accumulated features of dispersion compensation module dispersion and increase transmission length, we need a module called dispersion compensation module (DCM).
DCMs typically consist of optical elements with high negative dispersion coefficients.
Dispersion Compensation Module (DCM)
Due to dispersion, light pulses expand and tend to overlap adjacent pulse periods. This leads to interference between adjacent bits and leads to high bit application of dispersion compensation module error rates. At high features of dispersion compensation module bit rates of the same pulse width, the order details of dispersion compensation module bit error rate (due to chromatic dispersion) will become excessive.
The DCM (Dispersion Compensation Module) contains a fiber roll with a negative slope of dispersion. Passing the fiber through the DCM will distort the optical pulse in the reverse direction, thereby counteracting the distortion effect caused by the dispersion.
The Dispersion Compensation Module (DCM) is mainly used in DWDM networks, and it can be said that it is mainly used in long-distance networks. DCMs are deployed in various places in the network, such as: behind transmitters, power amplifiers, line amplifiers, after preamplifiers.
Dispersion compensation modules can be based on different technologies
A simple and common method is to use a length of long fiber, such as a coiled diffuser fiber, wound around the diameter on a spool. 100-200mm. The fiber used application of dispersion compensation module can be features of dispersion compensation module used to provide the dispersion, taking the example of order details of dispersion compensation module compensating 100 km transmission fiber, the optical loss is only a few dB.
Methods based on chirped fiber Bragg gratings are more compact and have lower insertion loss. A large amount of dispersion can be compensated for with application of dispersion compensation module relatively long fiber gratings (possibly tens of centimeters long). Due to changing device features of dispersion compensation module temperature (built-in temperature gradient), the order details of dispersion compensation module dispersion can be adjusted. For wavelength division multiplexing systems, virtual imaging phased arrays are used.
Important Features of the Dispersion Compensation Module
A central aspect is of course the amount of dispersion provided, which depends on the length of the transmission fiber and the type of transmission fiber to be compensated for. For example, dispersion-shifted transmission fibers typically require very low dispersion compensation.
The dispersion slope (higher-order dispersion) can strongly limit the bandwidth, which is especially important in the case of wavelength division multiplexing. In practice, dispersion depends on the type of transmission fiber, requiring different relative dispersion slopes. Higher relative dispersion order details of dispersion compensation module slopes make fiber design more difficult.
Tunable dispersion is required in some cases
Optical insertion loss results from absorption and scattering in the fiber, but also from splitting and connector losses. Such losses must be low because they require high amplifier gain and introduce high noise.
DCM produced by B&A Tech
DCM Dispersion Compensator has the capability of slope compensation which can supply the broad-band dispersion residual slope compensation for SMF-28 fiber (G.652) in whole C-band to optimize the system dispersion. With the mature and reliable optical fiber processing, the performance of optical transmission system can be sharply improved.
Application of dispersion compensation module
1. Dispersion control
2. SDH high speed optical transmission system
3. DWDM optical transmission system
4. CATV long haul optical transmission system.
5. G.652fiber long haul system
Mechanical dimensions of DCM
Features of dispersion compensation module
G.652 optical fiber C-band 100% Slope compensation (Standard)
Low insertion loss
Low Polarization mode dispersion
DWDM system broad-band dispersion compensation
Performance compatible with Telcordia GR-2854-CORE
Various Mechanical Structure, connectors are provided
Recommend operation with B&A mid-stage optical amplifier to get excellent character
Description of dispersion compensation module
DCM Dispersion Compensator has the capability of slope compensation which can supply the broad-band dispersion residual slope compensation for SMF-28 fiber (G.652) in whole C-band to optimize the system dispersion. With the mature and reliable optical fiber processing, the performance of optical transmission system can be sharply improved.
About B&A Tech
Shanghai B&A Technology was founded in 2004, it is a high-tech enterprise specialized in optical fiber communication technology. B&A's customers include top three system equipment manufacturers in China, China Telecom, State Grid, Telefornica, Reliance Jio, and LGU+, etc.We 're committed to partnering with our customers to build closer connections in coming days. Be sure to visit our website for a deeper dive.
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codehunter · 3 years
Creating a singleton in Python
This question is not for the discussion of whether or not the singleton design pattern is desirable, is an anti-pattern, or for any religious wars, but to discuss how this pattern is best implemented in Python in such a way that is most pythonic. In this instance I define 'most pythonic' to mean that it follows the 'principle of least astonishment'.
I have multiple classes which would become singletons (my use-case is for a logger, but this is not important). I do not wish to clutter several classes with added gumph when I can simply inherit or decorate.
Best methods:
Method 1: A decorator
def singleton(class_): instances = {} def getinstance(*args, **kwargs): if class_ not in instances: instances[class_] = class_(*args, **kwargs) return instances[class_] return getinstance@singletonclass MyClass(BaseClass): pass
Decorators are additive in a way that is often more intuitive than multiple inheritance.
While objects created using MyClass() would be true singleton objects, MyClass itself is a a function, not a class, so you cannot call class methods from it. Also for
x = MyClass();y = MyClass();t = type(n)();
then x == y but x != t && y != t
Method 2: A base class
class Singleton(object): _instance = None def __new__(class_, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(class_._instance, class_): class_._instance = object.__new__(class_, *args, **kwargs) return class_._instanceclass MyClass(Singleton, BaseClass): pass
It's a true class
Multiple inheritance - eugh! __new__ could be overwritten during inheritance from a second base class? One has to think more than is necessary.
Method 3: A metaclass
class Singleton(type): _instances = {} def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls]#Python2class MyClass(BaseClass): __metaclass__ = Singleton#Python3class MyClass(BaseClass, metaclass=Singleton): pass
It's a true class
Auto-magically covers inheritance
Uses __metaclass__ for its proper purpose (and made me aware of it)
Are there any?
Method 4: decorator returning a class with the same name
def singleton(class_): class class_w(class_): _instance = None def __new__(class_, *args, **kwargs): if class_w._instance is None: class_w._instance = super(class_w, class_).__new__(class_, *args, **kwargs) class_w._instance._sealed = False return class_w._instance def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._sealed: return super(class_w, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._sealed = True class_w.__name__ = class_.__name__ return class_w@singletonclass MyClass(BaseClass): pass
It's a true class
Auto-magically covers inheritance
Is there not an overhead for creating each new class? Here we are creating two classes for each class we wish to make a singleton. While this is fine in my case, I worry that this might not scale. Of course there is a matter of debate as to whether it aught to be too easy to scale this pattern...
What is the point of the _sealed attribute
Can't call methods of the same name on base classes using super() because they will recurse. This means you can't customize __new__ and can't subclass a class that needs you to call up to __init__.
Method 5: a module
a module file singleton.py
Simple is better than complex
Not lazily instantianted
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shunlongwei · 4 years
Sell Fuji 6MBI200FB-060 New Stock #6MBI200FB-060 Fuji 6MBI200FB-060 New Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor 200A I(C) 600V V(BR)CES N-Channel, 6MBI200FB-060 pictures, 6MBI200FB-060 price, #6MBI200FB-060 supplier ------------------------------------------------------------------- Email: [email protected] https://www.slw-ele.com/6mbi200fb-060.html ------------------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturer Part Number: 6MBI200FB-060 Part Life Cycle Code: Obsolete Ihs Manufacturer: FUJI ELECTRIC CO LTD Package Description: FLANGE MOUNT, R-PUFM-X11 Manufacturer: Fuji Electric Co Ltd Collector Current-Max (IC): 200 A Collector-Emitter Voltage-Max: 600 V Gate-Emitter Voltage-Max: 20 V JESD-30 Code: R-PUFM-X11 Number of Elements: 6 Number of Terminals: 11 Package Body Material: PLASTIC/EPOXY Package Shape: RECTANGULAR Package Style: FLANGE MOUNT Polarity/Channel Type: N-CHANNEL Power Dissipation-Max (Abs): 500 W Qualification Status: Not Qualified Subcategory: Insulated Gate BIP Transistors Surface Mount: NO Terminal Form: UNSPECIFIED Terminal Position: UPPER Transistor Application: POWER CONTROL Transistor Element Material: SILICON Turn-off Time-Nom (toff): 1500 ns Turn-on Time-Nom (ton): 1500 ns VCEsat-Max: 2.5 V Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor 200A I(C) 600V V(BR)CES N-Channel Shunlongwei Inspected Every 6MBI200FB-060 Before Ship, All 6MBI200FB-060 with 6 months warranty. Part Number Manufacturer Packaging Descript Qty G185HAN01.0AUOLCD MODULEa-Si TFT-LCD 18.5-inch 1920×1080 350nit 1000:1 (Typ.) 16.7M colors 60Hz WLED LVDS (2 ch, 8-bit) 55 PCS7MBR50SD120FujiIGBTPIM/Built-in converter with thyristor and brake (S series) 1200V / 50A / PIM 298 PCSNL6448BC33-95DNECNew LCDNEC 10.4 inch LCD Display Panel Panel Model: NL6448BC33-95D 305 PCSPM300RLA060PowerexMOD IPM L-SER 7PAC 600V 300A 1779 PCS2MBI150L-120FujiIGBT module150A/1200V/IGBT/2U 322 PCSCM600HA-24EPowerexIGBT module600A/1200V/IGBT/1U; IGBT MOD SGL 1200V 600A A SERIES 377 PCSG133I1-L01InnoluxNew LCDInnolux 13.3" LCM 1280×800 400 500:1 80/80/80/80 262K CCFL LVDS 97 PCSLQ150X1LW72SharpNew LCDSHARP 15.0 inch Panel 1024×768 600:1 16.2M CCFL LVDS 316 PCS
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joliewang321 · 4 years
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One container led modulea and led screen shipped to Vietnam https://www.instagram.com/p/CDv2-uapvFfCgmetQ9Nm49XzNIgOSQv4CpFW8w0/?igshid=kohjwmo8but
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wait-faded · 5 years
“Me encantaría no ser así;
así tan inseguro,
así tan pensativo,
así tan... muerto,
pero hay cosas
que huyen de mí.
Continuaria besandote,
pero qué dirías
cuando descubrieras
que hasta mis labios tiemblan,
que mi boca modulea,
que mi corazón duda
de si de verdad me quieres,
aunque me lo hayas dicho
ya varias de veces.
Varias veces y uno,
con esta que necesito oír.
Continuaría besandote,
pero solo
para que te dieras cuenta
de que te amo con toda el alma,
y de que esta cabeza
me grita que te aleje, que necesitas algo mejor,
aunque el corazón
me diga que no te separes
más que una mirada
de mis ojos.
Que si te observo cada noche es porque me alejas de mis demonios, y yo sé que si lo supieses continuarías besándome con tal de sanar mis sollozos.
Me encantaría no ser así;
pero agradezco que me ames de todos modos.”
-lo leí por ahí.
0 notes
joelpreston · 5 years
eCom Email Academy Reviews - Right here’s find out how to make electronic mail 30-40% of your month-to-month income
Everyone knows with eCommerce, the #1 problem you’ll face is the rising price of promoting which makes it a problem to develop your small business.
However let me ask you one thing
Do you know your repeat purchaser eCom Email Academy Review  (aka your greatest clients) are 60-70% MORE prone to convert?
The query is - how are you making that occur in your small business at the moment?
Positive, all of us ship our easy weekly electronic mail newsletters with our largest and latest gross sales promo, however how do you nurture your leads? How do you share your model story? How do you retain somebody enthusiastic about your product?
Answering these questions are what may give you that larger conversion you might be in search of.
That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to my pal, Jimmy.
He’s a very long time electronic mail marketer, an ex- eCommerce proprietor, and an electronic mail advertising and marketing platform founder who used his experience to create a complete framework - a playbook, actually - designed that will help you perceive the deepness of what will be completed in electronic mail advertising and marketing.
It’s referred to as eCom Electronic mail Academy and you may be taught extra about it right here...
eCom Electronic mail Academy is particularly designed to show you learn how to make electronic mail your #1 progress engine and income supply for your small business. And learn how to correctly create a buyer nurturing ROI turning machine.
eCom Electronic mail Academy is a step-by-step electronic mail advertising and marketing course that helps entrepreneurs perceive learn how to flip their electronic mail advertising and marketing right into a buyer nurturing, ROI turning machine.
10 Highly effective motion packed modules that comprise 57 classes in over 8+ hours of video content material PLUS 11 downloadable checklists, Eight quizzes, 30+ pages of case research, and electronic mail advertising and marketing certification!
You see, when the marketer has a deeper, extra significant understanding of electronic mail advertising and marketing, it may assist a enterprise develop and flourish by giving their subscribers and clients the expertise they need and deserve.
Which is a real customized expertise from the day they go to your website, to the day they grow to be a lead or buyer with the aim of creating them a repeat purchaser.
In fact, all as palms free and automatic as potential.
So in case you’re prepared to maximise your electronic mail advertising and marketing ROI, automate your ecommerce enterprise, be taught extra on deliverability, content material, information, and turning your results in repeat consumers. AND generate extra ROI by turning your leads into repeat consumers with eCom Electronic mail Academy...
With the rising price of promoting mixed with the rising  eCom Email Academy variety of eCommerce manufacturers, they seen a big hole within the market for training for electronic mail advertising and marketing...
Lastly, You will have a step-by-step playbook to show your electronic mail advertising and marketing into..
eCom Electronic mail Academy is a step-by-step electronic mail advertising and marketing course for eCommerce entrepreneurs & house owners that you'll uncover learn how to make electronic mail your #1 progress engine & income supply.
This is what's included with the course In depth video classes, knowledgeable interviews, PDF downloads and extra!
2+ Hours of Knowledgeable Interviews
Get entry to unique video interviews and be taught from high eCom entrepreneurs
57 Video Classes
10 course levels from content material & copy to automated funnels (over Eight hours whole!)
11 Printable Checklists
Hold your electronic mail technique on monitor as you apply the course to your advertising and marketing
Automation Demo
Watch an automation funnel constructed out from begin to end
10 Course Quizzes
Check your information alongside the best way & unlock every Moduleas you go
30+ Pages of Case Research
Printable case research of how manufacturers like Starbucks & TOMS leverage electronic mail advertising and marketing
Lastly, a step-by-step course for turning your electronic mail advertising and marketing into an ROI machine. This is the complete course breakdown... A complete worth of $1,864!
Module#1 - Intro to eCom Academy - Private Introduction to the course out of your teacher, Jimmy Kim
Introduction to the course and breakdown every Moduleand the general move of eCommerce Electronic mail Academy.
Module#2 - Electronic mail Advertising and marketing vs Automation - Eight video classes (42 min) + Modulefinal quiz
Electronic mail vs. website monitoring
The core variations between electronic mail advertising and marketing & automation
Income, motion & occasion attributions
Single channel vs. cross channel
Fixing your small business wants
The objectives of selling automation
Module#3 - Intro to Electronic mail Advertising and marketing - 9 video classes (48 min)
Alternative ways to gather emails
The aim of electronic mail advertising and marketing
Understanding & analyzing information
Mass emails vs. transactional & automated emails
Finest time to ship & greatest practices
Monitoring: objectives & actions (UTM)
Module#4 - Content material & Copy - 7 video classes (60 min) Three checklists
Sender names & from emails
Content material advertising and marketing in electronic mail
The "good" message
The facility of topic traces
Eight emails your eCom retailer ought to have
CTA's: when, the place & what number of
Module#5 - Deliverability Finest Practices - 9 video classes (58 min)
Frequency & timing
Understanding fame
search engine optimisation for electronic mail advertising and marketing
Spam & set off phrases
Understanding gmail & tabs
Hyperlink cloaking & management
Clear up & hygiene
Module#6 - Information-Pushed Advertising and marketing (Segmentation) - 6 video classes (35 min) + Three checklists
Intro to data-driven advertising and marketing
Deep dive into segmentation information factors
Easy methods to use segmentation to make data-driven selections
Use instances for segmentation
Information & conduct personalization
Module#7 - Newsletters, Drips, Coupons & Extra - 9 video classes (44 min) + Modulefinal quiz
Drip campaigns
Surveys, coupons, loyalty & rewards
Product launch/launch
Finest practices
Module#8 - Occasion Primarily based Advertising and marketing - 6 video classes (30 min) + Three checklists
What's occasion primarily based advertising and marketing?
The objectives & benefits
How occasion primarily based advertising and marketing is utilized in eCommerce
Setting objectives for occasion primarily based advertising and marketing
Automation funnels
Module#9 - Electronic mail Advertising and marketing Funnels - 9 video classes (52 min)
Deep dive into automation funnels (to help advertising and marketing funnels)
Constructing out automation funnels with a data-driven advertising and marketing focus
Constructing out automation funnels with a behavior-based advertising and marketing focus
Module#10 - Wrapping It Up
Congrats you have made it! Modulewrap up
Closing quiz, take a look at your information
Obtain your formal certification
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As an eCommerce marketer, you’re in all probability uninterested in the rising prices of promoting and your weekly electronic mail newsletters aren’t getting you the ROI it as soon as did..
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The most effective half? It comes with ZERO acquisition price tied to it.
Homepage: https://senseireview.com/ecom-email-academy-review
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anastasiachristou · 7 years
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robertbryantblog · 5 years
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The post What Php Checker Online Free appeared first on Quick Click Hosting.
from Quick Click Hosting https://quickclickhosting.com/what-php-checker-online-free-4/
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