hexeology · 11 months
“i could fix him” nah i couldn’t. i could do other things to him though.
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hexeology · 11 months
What's the drama with nanowrimo that you were talking in reblog ? I never heard about it and found nothing after searching for it
it’s not publicized or anything and they do their best to keep it quiet but the mods for the main website are notoriously shitty (racist, allow bullying to occur, so on) and one of them was recently fired after years of service for calling her fellow moderator a “diversity hire” (the mod who said this was white and the one she called that was black, for context). the mods for the main site are also mods on the YWP (young writers project) which is like a version of the main forums but for kids 13-18. it’s super active (i’ve been part of it since i was 13) and they’ve let so much shit slide, including several incidents with actual child predators who were pretending to be kids in order to groom users. it’s a whole thing. i could go on about it for hours, and i was there for a lot of the drama when it happened (some is still happening rn, actually) but this is the basic summary.
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hexeology · 10 months
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@jacobitajoe does this mean our marriage is official now /hj /lh
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hexeology · 9 months
i NEED to stop being like (finds fic in the wild while doing something unrelated to fanfiction) (starts breathing heavily as i open it) “i have time” (it’s a 200k word fic and i need to get up in an hour)
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hexeology · 8 months
staring at my many many sideblogs with hatred and evil in my heart. you are so useful…but so annoying to use…
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hexeology · 9 months
i’m going to move all my fandom content to a smaller side blog for Reasons™️ but if we’re close i’ll give you the url
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hexeology · 10 months
haaii!! we saw your EVIL system flag and it looks awesome, we do have some questions about mogai/liom coining? we've never heard of those terms before and we're really interested in knowing what they mean!!!!
hey!!! yeah no problem and i’m glad you guys liked the flag !!
so MOGAI stands for Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments, and Intersex. think xenogenders, that kind of thing.
and LIOM stands for Labels, Identities, Orientations, and other Minorities. It’s a wider category that includes MOGAI, but also things like MAD pride, alterhumans, physical and mental disabilities, vesilities, omninouns, so on.
idk if that helps, feel free to send another ask if you have more questions!
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hexeology · 11 months
“i already have a fixation right now, but i’ll reboot my mutuals posts about this thing they like” you fool. you have already lost
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