annwn · 2 years
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paradiseyuri · 2 years
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✿.。.:* ♀ *.:。✿。:.* ♀ *.。.✿ Created By:||☆moha☆ respective credits to the creator ✿.。.:* ♀ *.:。✿。:.* ♀ *.。.✿ ⓟⒶⓇⒶⒹⒾⓈⒺ♡ⓎⓊⓇⒾ
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lowcountry-gothic · 7 months
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The Explorer's Guide To Cryptid Animals of the World, by Vlad Stankovic.
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thesorceresstemple · 7 months
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peligrosapop · 22 days
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Proud of Barça Atlètic regardless! Orgullosa de los chicos
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mychlapci · 2 months
je zvláštne že musím stretávať ľudí každý deň a riskovať tým, že v akomkoľvek bode stretnem blaváka. normálne husia koža
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © deviantArt user Ognimdo2002, accessed at his gallery here
[The moha-moha is a sea serpent sighting from Australia, which was met with lots of condescension and skepticism, even by people who were all-in on sea monsters, because it was sighted by a woman. I've decided to take it as an aquatic equivalent of my atelosaurus--a reptile from a modern family convergently evolved to resemble a Mesozoic reptile. I also am including a little bit more evolutionary ideas: I wanted to make it a Mullerian mimic of a dragon turtle.]
Moha-Moha CR 9 N Animal This creature resembles a turtle the size of a small whale. Its neck is long, allowing its beaked head ample range of movement, and it has a long tail with a fish-like fin.
The moha-moha is a carnivorous turtle that resembles a plesiosaur. They are durophages, using their hard beaks to crush shelled prey like mollusks, crustaceans and other turtles. They will even graze on coral if other prey is scarce, although such a diet brings them into competition with reef mashers. Moha-mohas look somewhat like dragon turtles, and some sages believe this is a form of mimicry. Not that moha-mohas are not dangerous in and of themselves—the two species’ similarities reinforce the association with potential predators to leave them alone.
A moha-moha, like other marine turtles, must lay its eggs on the shore. Doing so is a labor-intensive process, as the beasts have difficulty moving on land. Before egg-laying is when these animals are the most likely to interact with humans, as they remain in shallow water for several days before emerging to prepare, and for several days after to rest. And any shellfish pools or lobster pots they are near are likely to be tempting targets for snacks.
Moha-moha as Animal Companions Moha-mohas are not very intelligent and do not take training well. They are rarely found tamed by either aquatic or terrestrial humanoids, but are sometimes used as animal companions by aquatic druids.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft.; AC +3 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), tail slap (1d6); Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 8; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent. 4th-Level Advancement: Size Large; AC +3 natural armor; Attack bite (2d6), tail slap (1d8); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4; Special Attacks crunching critical (bite, x3 critical without natural armor reduction),tail sweep (10 foot radius, Str based DC)
Moha-Moha      CR 9 XP 6,400 N Huge animal Init +1; Senses low-light vision, Perception +20, scent Defense AC 22, touch 9, flat-footed 21 (-2 size, +1 Dex, +13 natural) hp 136 (13d8+78) Fort +16, Ref +11, Will +7 Offense Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft. Melee bite +16 (2d8+9/19-20x3), tail slap +11 (2d6+4) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks crunching critical, tail sweep Statistics Str 29, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 8 Base Atk +9; CMB +20; CMD 31 (35 vs. trip) Feats Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (bite), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception) Skills Perception +20, Swim +23 SQ hold breath Ecology Environment warm and temperate aquatic Organization solitary or pair Treasure none Special Abilities Crunching Critical (Ex) A moha-moha’s bite attack deals x3 damage on a successful critical hit. A creature that is dealt a critical hit by a moha-moha’s bite attack must succeed a DC 25 Fortitude save or have its natural armor reduced by 2 until they receive magical healing or return to full hit points. This save DC is Strength based. Tail Sweep (Ex) As a standard action, a moha-moha can sweep its tail in a 15 foot radius half-circle. All creatures in the area take 2d6+9 points of bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 25 half). The save DC is Strength based.
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vinylrecordspleasures · 8 months
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MoHa! – One-Way Ticket To Candyland
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MOHA all alloy garlic press. Swiss made and it would seem heavily influenced by Zyliss designs.
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annwn · 2 years
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🌿 Source
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orbgoo · 1 year
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there’s my man! my handsome little oink oink
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engshoujosei · 1 year
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Good Dog, Cerberus!
1 volume
Licensed by Kodansha
Cerberus—the guard dog of the underworld—is a clumsy puppy who can’t do his job. Although Cerberus is constantly causing trouble for his master, Hades, he is always forgiven for being just so darn cute. So goes this wonderfully fluffy tale of life in the underworld. This heartwarming full-color comic is a must-see for all the dog-lovers out there!
Status in Country of Origin
1 Volume (Ongoing?)
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chaitanyavijnanam · 1 month
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🌹 అజ్ఞానం నుండి పుట్టిన భ్రమను అంతం చేసి, స్వయం యొక్క ఎరుకను పొందండి. / END DELUSION, WHICH BORN OUT OF IGNORANCE, AND GAIN RECOGNITION OF THE SELF. 🌹 ✍️ ప్రసాద్‌ భరధ్వాజ అర్జునుడు మోహం (భ్రాంతి)లో ఉన్నాడు, అది అతనిని ముంచెత్తింది మరియు అతను తాను కర్త అని భావించాడు, అయితే నిజం ఏమిటంటే, అతను ఒక పరికరం మాత్రమే. కాబట్టి కృష్ణుడు చివరలో అతనిని అడిగాడు, 'అజ్ఞానం నుండి పుట్టిన భ్రమ నీలో పూర్తిగా నాశనమయిందా?' అని. ఎందుకంటే, ఒక సద్గురువు వలె, విద్యార్థికి బోధనను అర్థమయ్యేలా చేయడానికి, కృష్ణుడు ఇతర మార్గాలను ఆశ్రయించడానికి లేదా కొంచెం ఎక్కువసేపు బోధించడానికి సిద్ధంగా ఉన్నాడు. కానీ అర్జునుడు మంచి విద్యార్థి; అతను ఇలా ప్రకటించాడు, 'నా భ్రమ నాశనమైంది (నష్టో మోహాః) నాకు గుర్తుకు వచ్చింది.' అన్నాడు. ఇప్పుడు ఆయనకు వచ్చిన ఎరుక ఏమిటి? స్వయం లేదా ఆత్మ యొక్క శ్మృతి. అతను తనను తాను ప్రాథమికంగా ఆత్మగా చూసుకున్నాడు మరియు అజ్ఞానం లేదా మాయ కారణంగా అతను ప్రపంచాన్ని మరియు అన్ని వస్తువులను ఆత్మపై అతిశయోక్తిగా ఉండడాన్ని చూశాడు.
ఒక చక్రవర్తి, నిద్రపోతున్నప్పుడు, అతను బిచ్చగాడు అని కలలు కంటాడు; అతను చిరిగిన బట్టలు ధరించి, ఆహారం కోసం ఇతరుల తలుపుల ముందు దయతో ఏడుస్తాడు; అతని మొర ఎవరూ వినరు; అతను ఇకపై తన ఆ దుఃఖాన్ని తట్టుకోలేక, అతను బిగ్గరగా ఏడుస్తాడు. తల్లి వచ్చి అతనిని ఆ కల నుండి లేపుతుంది. ఇప్పుడు, తల్లి అతనికి చెప్పనవసరం లేదు, 'నా మాట వినండి, నీవు చక్రవర్తివి. నువ్వు బిచ్చగాడివి కావు' అని. నిద్ర లేవగానే అతనికి తెలుస్తుంది. ఈ నిజమనే స్వప్నప్రపంచం ఒక భ్రాంతి అని. ఆ భ్రాంతి పోయిన వెంటనే ఆత్మను గుర్తించడం జరుగుతుంది! చిన్నతనంలోనే అడవి తెగ చేతిలో పడి, వారిలో ఒకరిలా ప్రవర్తించే యువరాజు, తద్వారా తన యువరాజత్వాన్ని కోల్పోడు. అతన్ని రక్షించగానే, అతను యువరాజు అని అతనికి తెలుస్తుంది. అలాగే, అర్జునుడు, 'శ్మృతిర్ లభధ్వ'- 'నా జ్ఞాపకశక్తిని తిరిగి పొందాను, నేను నా శ్మృతిని పొందాను', నాకు నా స్వయం తెలిసింది; నేను నీవు ఒకటే నాకు అర్ధం అయ్యింది !' అని చెప్పాడు.
Arjuna was in the moha (delusion) which overwhelmed and made him feel that he was the doer, whereas the truth is, he was but an instrument. So Krishna asks him at the very end of the discourse, "Has the DELUSION born out of (IGNORANCE) been fully destroyed in you?" For, like a good teacher, Krishna is evidently quite willing to resort to some other means or to discourse a little longer, in order to make the pupil understand the teaching. But Arjuna is a good student; he declares, "DESTROYED IS THE DELUSION (NASHTO MOHAH). I HAVE GAINED RECOGNITION." Now what is the recognition he has gained? THE RECOGNITION OF SELF OR ATHMA. He has seen himself as basically Aathma, and he has seen the world and all objects as superimpositions on the Aathma, due to ignorance or Maaya.
An emperor, while sleeping, dreams that he is a beggar; he wears tattered clothes and cries piteously before other people's doors for a morsel of food; no one listens to his clamour; he can no longer contain his sorrow. He weeps aloud and wakes up his mother. She comes and wakes him up from that dream. Now, the mother need not tell him, "Listen to me, you are the emperor. You are not a beggar." He knows it as soon as he awakes. THE RECOGNITION OF THE SELF HAPPENS AS SOON AS THE DELUSION GOES, the delusion that this dream-world is real! A prince who falls into the hands of a forest tribe while yet a child, and behaves like one of them, does not thereby lose his prince-hood. Rescue him and he knows he is a prince. So too, Arjuna says, "SMITHIR LABHDHVA'"-"I got back my memory, I have gained recognition.' I KNOW MY SELF; I AM THY SELF !"
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mohabeauty · 2 months
Aasttha Ssidana's Sun-Kissed Secret: Moha Sunscreen Spray SPF50
Unveil Aasttha Ssidana's sun-kissed secret with Moha Sunscreen Spray SPF50. Embrace radiant skin with sun protection. ☀️🌺 Prioritize sun protection for a healthy glow. ✨
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glitchyk · 2 months
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File name: Ava
Club owner. Son of a bitch.
Personality Card: 2 of spades.
Ava the owner of a network of clubs in the city. They have two younger siblings, Aite and Moha. She organizes many mettings for highly respected mafias gangs and shark loans. Overall, a little bitch… fucking asshole.
She seems to think her two trickster siblings can do no wrong… fucking bitch.
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She’s pretty, but she’s a manipulative son of a bitch.
Two more files are attached…
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File name: Aite and Moha
Club assistants work under their older sister. Unoriginal fucks. They don’t deserve their own files.
Personality Card: 4 of clubs. Both of them.
Adopted cats by Ava’s family. Should’ve left them on the streets— They soon followed closely with Ava, working under her in her club. They take charge of employment and management, despite their energetic and trickster tendencies they both work well together. Unfortunately.
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Their tricksters, they cause petty issues just since they know their big sister will come and save them from the consequences of their stupid action.
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They work as a unit. I̵̼͍͐͌̎͝͝’̷̡̛̖̜̫̱͚̓͑́́͠͝L̶̦̐͌̿͑̆̀͜L̵̨͔͉̏̍̌̕ ̴͙̀̈̔M̴̹͔̪͙͙̝̻̖̕A̸̘̼̬̾͗͊K̶̻͎̓̒͐͌̽̊̈́É̸̹̼̭̅̕ ̵͇̝̟́Ṣ̷̡̙̲͉̱̻̳̾̓̒͌͋̆̈́U̷̢̼͛̅͗̐͒̾͒R̷̛͉̙̹̖Ȩ̵̥͚͓̠͉̤̊̈́̓̈̀̂ ̵͚̲͙͇̫͋͑͆͑T̵̫͙͘͜͠Ḧ̴̢̱̬̜͚́̆͊̊̑É̵̹̖͍͋̏̎̆̂̀̈Ỷ̵̢͉̖͈̹͜ ̸͙́͋̈̍̆̄̒F̸̖̖̹̣̮̻̻̝̑̒͆́̈́̏͠Ų̸̫̩͎̭̱͍̳͂́̓̒C̸̛͔̄̂̃Ķ̶̼͕̻̥͂̋̃̃̈̓͊͌I̷͇͈̪̼̾̃̽͑͆̅̕N̷͖͚̼͎̪͎̆́G̴̙̮̝̦͖̞͙̓́̋͛́̔̄͜ ̷̠̿̒̍D̷͇̙͙͆̂Ỉ̴̡̺̤͈͍͙̩̊̆́̈̎̓͜͠E̷͎̒̔̑ͅ ̷̧̬̪͓̠͓͉̍̅̽Ą̴̡̠̘̰̼͉̏̄ͅS̵̤͓͉̙̙̝̄̇͒̾ ̷̛̖̟͋̄͝͠͝O̵̢̢̟̲̼̪̤̅N̸̡͇͌̎̋̀̈́͛͘͝Ȩ̴̳͇̹͇̻͈͊̄͒̾̓͋͂
(Characters by @rabid-mercenary15)
. . . Other files.
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