#moi lazy art
moimoi999 · 18 days
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Happy birthday Siffrin!!
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the-shotce-newsletter · 3 months
Would love to see some love for Kasumi Nakano from the Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4 💙💛
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I asked @nightingaelic a few questions and she said she HCed Kasumi dating the mechanist! Here ya go love!
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roffitoucan · 1 year
submitting a formal request to draw my DAUGHTER angol mois (either form is aight) 🫡
legit this is my first time drawing her very happy with how it turned out >:)
i def see her having a bit of the personality she stole the looks of in the show just a bit i feel
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Flufftober request! Maybe Nat having trouble finding the right time to propose to femR. She keeps getting interrupted by everyone and everything so she just does it spontaneously maybe during a misson or some where odd..you choose!
The Right Time || Flufftober
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha tried and tried so many times, but it was never the right time, something always came up and now she was getting impatient waiting for the right time, taking matters into her own hands in the oddest of times. 
Fluff | 1.2K | No Warnings
Translations: dorogoy (darling), moy malen'kiy ubiytsa (my little assassin)
AC:  Picturing Nat getting so pissed when she’s planned the perfect set out, but something comes up every damn time lmao. Enjoy!!
Flufftober Masterlist
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She sighed heavily as Tony paged the two of you once again during a date night dinner. “We’ll make up for it, honey, I promise” you kissed her lips softly before the two of you made your way out to the car. It didn’t matter her that a date night was easily made up for, what bothered her was she’d been trying for months now to ask you one question. One question what she once thought was never going to be in her future, a future she thought was torn away from her. Just this once she needed the world to not be attacked by some aliens or some overpowered rich man in an iron pressed suit, just this once. 
“Hey” you spoke softly and placed your left hand gently on her thigh while she drove back to the compound, “What’s going on inside that beautiful head of yours?” you asked her, seeing the annoyed expression on her face. “It’s nothing” she mumbled, “I just” she sighed, “I just want one night with you uninterrupted” 
“I know baby, I want the same. I promise, once this mission is over, we can take some time off for the just the two of us” you lent over and placed a kiss on her cheek. Nat looked at you for a few short seconds and cocked a brow, “you think Tony is going to allow us some time off? Every week there’s something going on, every week we are called away” her eyes turned back to the road in front of her. “I’ll talk to him” you suggested. 
It was the first time you’d ever seen Nat so frustrated about going on a mission before, you wondered if maybe she was getting to the point of retiring from being an Avenger which was something you never thought would happen and it worried you. “No dorogoy, it’s okay. We’ll find the time” she sent you a soft smile, but her words didn’t convince you of her feelings. 
The quinjet to the target location was silent on Natasha’s behalf, a grumble here and there made Clint back you for answers, but you could only give him a shrug back. You hated seeing her so upset but this was also a win for the team because as everybody knows, Natasha’s a better shot when she’s pissed off. 
You followed Nat into the building of men as bullets flew between the two of you as you ducked for cover, Nat already having her pistols out showing her best shots while you did your thing of martial arts. “That seems to be the security taken care of” Nat turned to you and smiled, being out in the field with you something she had a love for, always being able to be by your side no matter what. “I’ll take the next floor; I’ll meet you on the 3rd?” you smirked as she nodded. “See you in a minute” she winked before dashing off.
Fighting your way through the second floor of the building was pretty easy when you’re up against the lazy security guards who believed the guys on the first floor had everything under control, they were so not ready to fight and it felt like an easy win for you as you kicked and punched, threw, and ducked. “Sorry boys, maybe next time” you joked before taking out the last guard. “Too damn easy” you muttered to yourself as you made your way back to Natasha. 
To no surprise she’d completely cleared the 3rd floor leaving a mess of bodies behind. “Took you long enough” she smirked as you walk up to her, “now, now, nobody said it was a contest” you replied before grabbing a steal pipe and throwing it at the guy behind Natasha, “seems you missed one” you walked by her only for her to gently grab your arm. “Wait a minute” she said, pulling you close to her, “Nat” you chuckled lightly, “we’re in the middle of something” you added before she crashed her lips onto yours. You kissed her back as she gently cupped your face, she smiled against your lips as you melted into her touch. “moy malen'kiy ubiytsa” she spoke softly as you wrapped your arms gently being her neck, “we still have another two floors too cover” you pointed out as she brushed a strain of hair behind your ear, “I’m sure it can wait just a moment” she replied. 
“I highly doubt that” you chuckled. 
Natasha reached into her suit and pulled out a silver ring with a red diamond on it. A gasp left your lips when your eyes made contact with it. “I’m so tired of waiting for the right time because never is the right time” she spoke with a light smirk. “You picked now of all times?!” you joked more so you wouldn’t cry. “Now’s a better time than ever” she replied, one hand on your waist while her free handheld the ring, “vykhodi za menya, dorogoy” she spoke in a serious tone, her eyes searching yours for an answer as tears lightly made their way down your cheek, “like you ever had to ask me” you stroked her face gently, “yes my love” you smiled softly as she slipped the ring onto your finger. 
“Wait, maybe I could keep it in my pocket until we’re done here” she looked up into your eyes once more. “Probably a good idea” you chuckled as she slipped it off. “I love you so much baby, I can’t wait to call you my wife” she placed the ring back in her suit and kissed tenderly, “now let’s get this over with so I can take you home” she smirked. With that the two of you rushed off to the next floor clearly them of enemies while the rest of the team took care of the outside. 
Once the mission was completed, a short and easy one to Natasha’s relief, the team and you made your way back to the quinjet with the stolen files in Tony’s hands. You and Natasha sat at the back; you rested your head on her lap as she ran her fingers through your hair. “You seem better now” Clint looked at the two of you, “needed to kick some guy’s ass I bet?” he added with a joking smirk. “Yeah, something like that” Natasha smirked as you looked up at her, slowly you sat up and moved yourself onto her lap, “Can we tell them?” you whispered as you looked into her green eyes, she wanted to much to keep it a secret for a little while but she was too excited deep down and nodded before reaching into her suit and slipping the ring back onto your finger. “I’m going to have to get used to this” you kissed her cheek. 
“Agh, can you two wait until we’re home?” Tony groaned with an eyeroll. 
“Don’t talk to my fiancé like that” Natasha frowned playfully as all eyes widened and looked at the two of you, “did you just say fiancé?” Wanda asked. You both nodded with smiles of your own. “Oh my god! It finally happened!” Scott joked. The whole team congratulated the two of you and for the first time Natasha felt everything was finally perfect for her. She had her family, her bigger family and now a new family, with you. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight |
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lovethesparrow · 24 days
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voici goeb taadaa (french post)
J'ai dit que j'posterais plus, désolé pour le spam !! c'est comme après minuit pour moi donc… (ah c'est rien, j'vais poster plus throughout la nuit.) MDR.
J'ne connais pas l'heure pour tous ceux q'suivent mon blog mais s'il est comme putain de 3h d'matin pour vous DÉSOLÉ !!!
too lazy to translate to english for anyone, im sorryyy<33
working on art...
----------------------------------------------------i do not support or condone n*zi/f*cist ideologies!
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #36
36. FINLAND Windows95Man - "No Rules!" 19th place
Decade ranking: 143/153 [Above Nadir, below Let3]
Okay so, I promised in Saturday's post that I would try to be positive, but I may already have to rescind on that promise lol. (the "lol" is for punctuation because I definitely did not laugh.) "No rules!" stinks and has very few redeeming qualities. 🙂 Natalia was right, she WAS robbed by a Nudist Demon!
For real, does anyone over the age of twenty-five enjoy this dumpster fire? If so, fukk meee. LOVE YOURSELVES.
As I noted in my UMK review back in Feb:
I have difficulty buying into this hyperactive ball of bad taste. “Fuck The System” always feels like the go-to message of individuals that fail to fit into social structures that aren’t fully of their own shaping. For an entry that’s all “live as you like, there’s no rules!” in its messaging, these two look like they conform to just about every styling and behavioural rule associated with Zoomer culture: A total disregard for general aesthetics over a dumbed-down drone of a beat because everything is ironic and nothing is to be taken seriously.  It is a depressing take on life. Yeah sure, a bit of camp levity is welcome in this loathesome world, but any happy song that weaponizes irony like this one trends towards encouraging irresponsibility, cynicism and nihilism. Some things DO matter in life, you know? You need to afford your bills and groceries, charge your social batteries, cultivate your friendships, or else you’ll wind up living alone in a van, down by the river. But if the latter life appeals to you, then this is the entry for you, I guess. For me though; this contest is already has one Joost Klein. Let’s not add a second one from Finland.
Funny how I nailed that even before knowing the full extent of it. I ofc vastly underestimated how bad the live would be, and as soon as I'd seen it my scepsis immediately supernova'd into intense HATRED. If ONLY "Paskana" hadn't been weak as piss. Yes, the cringe in "No Rules!" is deliberate, obviously, I have a sense of humour. Having a sense of humour is why I hate it? How much "deliberated cringe" can one tolerate before concluding "nope, this is r o t t e n." Does it start with
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screaming "SEE ME SLAYYYY" :proceeds to not slay: ?
It definitely ends in whatever this shot is supposed to be.
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Humour is subjective sure enough, and Windowsninetycringeman's jokes fall flatter than a pancake á moi. Why is everything denim? Why is this THIRTY-NINE YEAR OLD MAN still engaging in toilet humour and internet speak? Grow the f up? The art lies in the execution and Finland showed neither. I do NOT like Europapa much, but having Finland and not Netherlands in the final vibes wrong on so many levels. Europapa at least had a clear plan and delivered its nonsense in contained, piecemeal doses? It was COMPETENT in what it attempted to be (A Televote Winner), not a lazy amalgation of simple-minded drunk jokes strung together over a Planet of The Bass megamix as some sort of a Hail Mary. Joost and Teemu represent the Expectations/Reality divide of Zoomer Nonsense and it was darksided that only the latter got to compete for points. But on top of that, Teemu was generally just full of shit? Hooray, an Old Millennial engaging in Zoomer Cringe who lets an actual zoomer do all the vocal heavy lifting, without giving him a single featuring credit. Yay! It's a painfully accurate depiction of what being a zoomer is like, but not an intentional one.
Also remember when Teemu said he would "try to discreetly approach the other contestants to find ways to show support for Palestine" (remember that this contest was supposed to be 'not political'?) Hm yes discreet. So discreet he declared his intentions to interviewers so that everyone would know it was HIS idea. "Discreet", human please. And the result of all that talk was...
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(lol I'm SO making it sound like I care about what political standpoints any of these acts took, and I don't. But I do call out a fraud when I spot one.)
Yeah well thanks for trying, but I'd rather you hadn't. A statement you can apply to my feelings of the entry overall. Okay, we've reached full circle, time to move on to our designated palate cleanser because THIS page is a safe zone for people of good taste.
The universe where YLE overrules the results and sends THEM to ESC is the one where we head to Helsinki twice in a row.
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kerorowhump · 1 year
I'm quite a fan of KG showing how keroro improved at caring for the house and became incredibly skilled and passionate and even anal about it. because keroro is not lazy or incompetent like they always insist he is, and you can see it in the things he takes an interest in. that he becomes really talented!
he's actually exceptionally determined
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it's not even typical to see house chores as a skill you can improve on, but in this anime, it is. there's techniques, there's discipline, and keroro excels... when he's not having Mois do them.
but then why are his invasion plans... like that? it's like he's got art block.
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sure everyone "keeps distracting him" but that's an excuse, he would've had trouble focusing on it regardless.
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queermtl · 8 months
Queer MTL : quoi faire en février 2024 // Queer MTL things to do: February 2024
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Février, c’est l’occasion de célébrer l’amour, mais aussi l’histoire des Noir·es à Montréal, et l’annéebissextile nous donne encore plus de temps pour en profiter! Ce mois-ci, Montréal propose une foule d’événements, de soirées et d’expériences uniques qui font briller toutes les nuances de l’arc-en-ciel LGBTQ+. Entre prestations drag et activités communautaires, festivals bien en vue et événements underground, voici notre sélection des choses les plus gaies à faire dans la ville. Pour rester à l’affût de tout ajout, suivez Queer MTL sur Instagram, Twitter, Facebook et Tumblr! Vous présentez un événement? Écrivez-nous!
February is the month of love and proud Black history in Montréal, and the leap year gives us an extra day to celebrate them both! This month, Montréal is stuffed to the brim with events, parties and unique experiences painted in all the colours of the LGBTQ+ rainbow. From drag to community, circuit to underground, here’s some of our picks for the best LGBTQ+ things to do in the city. For further announcements, including those not announced at time of publication, follow Queer MTL on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr! Got an event coming up? DM it our way!
🎥 Cinema
👑 Drag
🥳 Parties
🎶 Concert
✊ Activism
🏳️‍⚧️ Trans
🏳️‍🌈 Community
😆 Comedy
🎭 Performance
💪 Sports and Dance
👯‍♀️ Dance
🎤 Karaoke
🎨 Arts
📚 Literary / Educational
👠 Ballroom / Vogue
Jeudi 1 fevrier / Thursday, February 1
👑 Soirée Drag—Financement pour productions ‘90 with Jessie Précieuse, Bobépine and Victoire de Rockwell, Cabaret Mado 👑 Concours MX Cocktail, Bar Le Cocktail 🎭 Open Mic Poetry Night, La Poubelle Magnifique 🏳️‍🌈 Balado Devant Public: Deuxième Épisode regardes arabs lesbo-queer, L’Idéal Bar  🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Vendredi 2 fevrier / Friday, February 2
🥳 Discoño with DJ Lazy Flow, Mcherry, Jerico and La Niña Kiwi, hosted by the Iconic House of Old Navy and Carolina Spirulina, Théâtre Fairmount 🥳 Strawberry Gothcake x Hauterageous with Umru, Technopagan, Tall Ceo, Mossy Mugler, Syana and more, La Sotterenea 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Petula Claque, Bobépine and Bambi Dextrous, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Samedi 3 fevrier / Saturday, February 3
👠 Ballroom4Community, Bring It MTL and the MTL KBA present The Ultimate Crossover Kiki Ball, Ausgang Plaza 🥳 FRKY x LISTEN, a free FRKY pre-party featuring DJ sets by local event producers Mauro Pezzente, Donald D, Lexis, Dapapa, Blackgold, Sisters of Sim, Living Legends, Mathieu Grondin, Quest, Inobe, Jesse Walker, Esc, Duke Eatmon and Supernature, La Sotterenea  🥳 FRKY x LISTEN x AFTER celebrates of Black History Month with KOLA, Ellxandra, Moka and Rawsoul, La Soutterenea 👑 BIJURIYA! with Bijuriya (Gabriel Dharmoo), Centre des loisirs de Saint-Laurent 🥳 Février le mois de l’AMOUR! lesbian party with DJ Lilo Manseau, 1309 Taverne Urbaine 🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra 🥳 Balls Deep Disco with DJ Kris Steeves and Ashley Gaulthier, Cabaret Berlin  💪 Queers Verticales climbing event, Escalade—Horizon Roc-Climbing Gym 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Petula Claque, Bobépine and Bambi Dextrous, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec 👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts
Dimanche 4 fevrier / Sunday, February 4
🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Marla Deer, Taylor De Vil, Kelly Torrieli and Bobépine, Cabaret Mado 👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail
Lundi 5 fevrier / Monday, February 5
👑 Slaysians 2 with Ad’Horrible, CC Channel, Emmötional Damage, Joy Rider, Kajol, Korra Anarchkey, Lia Jasmine, Manny, Psyberia, Rico Love, Suri Racha and Ken Antonio, Cabaret Mado
Mardi 6 fevrier / Tuesday, February 6
👑 Full Gisèle : Disco with Gisèle Lullaby, Kiara, Victoire De Rockwell, Ruby Doll and Lana Dalida, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 7 fevrier / Wednesday, February 7
👑 Half Time Show with Bobépine, Crystal Starz, Fabien L’Amour and Victoire de Rockwell, Cabaret Mado 📚 Violet Hour continues its Readings & Interviews series with Michael V. Smith, Eva Crocker, H. Nigel Thomas and Christopher DiRaddo, Casa d’Italia Montréal  😆 Very Pretentious Comedy presents Fucking Hell: An Angry Stand-up Comedy Show with Lucy Gervais, Mariam Khan, George Assily, Trevor Thompson, Mason Terry and Rickie Leach, Bar Notre-Dame-Des-Quilles 🎨 Drink & Draw by @Hommehomo, Bar Le Cocktai 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Jeudi 8 fevrier / Thursday, February 8
👑 Concours MX Cocktail, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Sashalicious : 100% Pure Love with Sasha Baga, Pétula Claque, Bambi Dextrous, Miss Dupré and Mya Foxx, Cabaret Mado 😆 Trivia Night with Quiz Master Brian, The Wheel Club 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Vendredi 9 fevrier / Friday, February 9
🥳 Queen & Queer’s Nuit Electro #4 with Aurélie Schlegel, DJ Sam and Bittercaress, Cabaret Berlin 🎭 Lust Cove presents The Lunar New Year Show with Mina Minou, Kaya Koko, Lychee Storm, Bellamie Beastly and Miss Scarlet Knife, Café Cléopatra 🥳 Cerise Noire goth night with Shillelagh Jones and Elizabeth Leslie, Bar NDQ 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Nana, Jimmy Moore, Jessie Précieuse and Aizysse Baga, Cabaret Mado 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Samedi 10 fevrier / Saturday, February 10
🥳 Ellelui presents ROUGE, a lesbian, queer and trans Valentine’s Day dinner and dance, L’Idéal bar & contenus 👑 Chouchoune presents Ginette Reno—La quête, Bar Le Cocktail 📚 The Violet Hour Book Club reads H. Nigel Thomas’s Spirits in the Dark, Archives gaies du Québec 🎶 clubhouse presents Crush with Public Appeal, dustBunny and Torres, Ursa 🏳️‍🌈 Winter Market / Marché d’hiver, Centre communautaire LGBTQ de Montréal 🏳️‍🌈 @Gayalleyway presents Gaylentine’s Day Pop Up Shop with proceeds donated to LGBTQ+ charitable causes, Nice Toness Studio 👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Céline Dion with Jimmy Moore, Cabaret Mado 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Nana, Jimmy Moore, Jessie Précieuse and Aizysse Baga, Cabaret Mado 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec 👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts
Dimanche 11 fevrier / Sunday, February 11
👑 Joyeux Anniversaire Michel Dorion with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 🎶 Glow in Dark 2 with DJ Sam, DJ Sanboy and Afshin, Le Belmont 🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Lady Boom Boom, Pétula Claque, Bambi Dextrous and Jessie Précieuse, Cabaret Mado 🏳️‍🌈 @Gayalleyway presents Gaylentine’s Day Pop Up Shop with proceeds donated to LGBTQ+ charitable causes, Nice Toness Studio
Mardi 13 fevrier / Tuesday, February 13
🏳️‍🌈 Breaking the Ice: Gender, Race and Climate Change, with Dr. Jen Gobby, Shir Gruber, Lourdenie Jean and Dr. Jason Prince, Le Frigo Vert 👑 Full Gisèle! : St-Valentin with Gisèle Lullaby, Sasha Baga, Amy Haze, Celes and Lady Guidoune, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 14 fevrier / Wednesday, February 14
😆 Very Pretentious Comedy presents LEXPERTS: A Comedy Show about Lex (and Other Gay Apps) Hosted by Lauren Mallory and Raquel Maestre, Bar Notre-Dame-Des-Quilles 🥳 L Nights / L for Love with DJ Marina Gallant, Le Saint Édouard Bar de quartier 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Jeudi 15 fevrier / Thursday, February 15
🏳️‍🌈 Lesbian Speed Dating, L’idéal bar & contenus 👑 Les Folies Draglesques with Miami Minx, Uma Gahd, Adriana (The Bombshell), Fabien L’Amour, Holly Von Sinn and Yaya Havana, Cabaret Mado 😆 Music Trivia with Quiz Master Brian, Theatre MainLine 👑 Concours MX Cocktail, Bar Le Cocktail 🥳 Soirée Célibataires 25-35 ans // 18-25 ans (Queer), Randolph Pub Ludique DIX30 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Vendredi 16 fevrier / Friday, February 16
👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Nana, Marla Deer, Tracy Trash and Misty Waterfalls, Cabaret Mado 🥳 Glimmering Dolls presents Taylor’s Valentine Dance Party inspired by Taylor Swift, Turbo Haüs 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Samedi 17 fevrier / Saturday, February 17
🥳 Daring Tribe presents Je t’aime mon Amour with DJ Ian Jackman and MVNGO, Cabaret Berlin 🎤 Bareoke: Strip Karaoke, Café Cléopatra 👑 LGBT+ Family Coalition present Heure du conte avec Barbada with Barbada, Coalition des familles LGBT+  👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail 🥳 Glimmering Dolls presents Lana’s Valentine Dance Party inspired by Lana Del Rey, Turbo Haüs 👑 Jimmy Moore personnifie Michael Jackson with Jimmy Moore, Cabaret Mado 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Nana, Marla Deer, Tracy Trash and Misty Waterfalls, Cabaret Mado 🎶 Milk & Bone with Robert Robert, Beanfield Theatre  🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec 👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts
Dimanche 18 fevrier / Sunday, February 18
💪 PWHL Montreal—Season 2023-2024, Montréal vs. Minnesota, Place Bell 🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado 👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Le Tracy Show! with Tracy Trash, Kiara, Marla Deer, Prudence and Sasha Baga, Cabaret Mado
Lundi 19 fevrier / Monday, February 19
👑 Magic Kingdom : 100 ans de magie, Cabaret Mado
Mardi 20 fevrier / Tuesday, February 20
👑 Full Gisèle with Gisèle Lullaby, Cabaret Mado 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 21 fevrier / Wednesday, February 21
🏳️‍🌈 Winter Pride 2024 / Fierté des neiges 2024 with Tranna Wintour, Square BDC 👑 La Fabuleuse Guerre des pouces! with Jessie Précieuse, Victoire de Rockwell, Lady Boom Boom and Aizysse Baga, Cabaret Mado 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Jeudi 22 fevrier / Thursday, February 22
👑 Kenaissance: A Beyoncé-Inspired Drag Show with Kendall Gender, Cabaret Mado 🎶 The Kills with The Paranoyds, MTELUS 👑 Concours MX Cocktail, Bar Le Cocktail 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Vendredi 23 fevrier / Friday, February 23
🥳 Velours Soirées Lesbo-Queer with DJ Gallant, Bar Palco Verdun 🎶 The Trilogy Tour with Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull, Centre Bell 👑 Vendredi Fou with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado 🤠 Club Bolo—Danse Country Montréal meet on Fridays at the Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Samedi 24 fevrier / Saturday, February 24
💪 PWHL Montreal—Season 2023-2024, Montréal vs. Ottawa, Verdun Auditorium 👑 Drôles de Drags with Miss Butterfly, Ciathanight, Crystal Starz or Emma Déjàvu in rotation, Bar Le Cocktail 👑 Mado Reçoit with Mado Lamotte, Cabaret Mado 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec 👯 Tango/Salsa Queer holds lessons every Saturday, visit queertangomtl.com for information or contact [email protected] or call +1 (514) 709-4678 for prices and signup information, Espaces des Arts
Dimanche 25 fevrier / Sunday, February 25
👑 Dimanche Show with Michel Dorion, Bar Le Cocktail 🎭 Ligue d’impro Gailaxie, Cabaret Mado 👑 Le Tracy Show with Tracy Trash, Cabaret Mado
Mardi 27 fevrier / Tuesday, February 27
👑 Full Gisèle! : Top of the Pop with Gisèle Lullaby, Jimmy Moore, Peggy Sue and Lana Dalida, Cabaret Mado 🏳️‍🌈 Club de lecture queer discuss Julia Delporte’s Corps vivante and Boum’s La méduse, Bibliothèque Saint-Charles 😆 Stand Up St. Henri Open Mic focusing on women, non-binary, queer and allied comedians, Impro Montréal
Mercredi 28 fevrier / Wednesday, February 28
🎶 Lil Tecca with SoFaygo, Tana and Chow Lee, MTELUS 🎶 This is the Kit with Sam Amidon, Bar Le Ritz PBD 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
Jeudi 29 fevrier / Thursday, February 29
👑 Concours MX Cocktail, Bar Le Cocktail 🏳️‍🌈 Black Students Mental Health Symposium, Afromusée 🏳️‍🌈 FAG QC* : 40 ans, 40 invité.es, 40 propositions tirées des Fonds des Archives Gaies du Québec, commemorating 40 years of the AGQ, Archives gaies du Québec
🏐 Les Ratons-Chasseurs (Montréal’s LGBTA dodgeball group) holds regular events. Keep an eye on their Facebook for upcoming opportunities to join in and play.  🕹Montréal Gaymers hosts regular gatherings including board game nights and gaming gatherings. Check their Facebook for what’s next! 🏃🏾Join the Out-Run run and workout club for people relating to the queer / sapphic experience. Details on their Instagram! 🐦 Bird lovers should keep their eye on Queer Birders' regularly scheduled birdwatching events and excursions. Join the Facebook group and get those binoculars at the ready. 👠 Twice a month on every second Tuesday, Bring It! hosts an OTA night of ballroom and vogue with commentator and DJ. Follow their Instagram for dates and details.
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vykoscore · 1 year
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Je te regarde à travers ma caméra Je veux te prendre, mais c'est impossible Je veux exister dans le film en technicolor Les lumières flash, action Danse pour moi harlequin en latex noir Here is Désiré, my newest subby bubby OC. His domme is absolutely gorgeous too, he's my boyfriend's character. I doubt they'll ever share him though :>
That big Vykos Mugler piece was so tiring, I thought I couldn't top it ever so I lost motivation for art. I'm trying to take it less seriously and be more "lazy" with it.
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purpleeivy · 1 year
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Day 5 of the Continuous art release by moi. It’s only just gone midnight (specifically 00:11), and i started drawing around 23:45. So a much earlier post than usual because I have to see my dad tmr, and that’ll be around 12pm.
Anyway onto the post. It’s our second favourite Aperture Science Laboratories invention, the very friendly Sentry Turrets, curtesy of @idrawgaystffs so thank you very much. Especially as it is in-keeping with the current theme of Portal drawings.
It is a little bit lop-sided, but it’s fineeeee. It gives him character.
Not a lot of shading (essentially just the actually gun bits) because of a very important reason. That reason being that I couldn’t be bothered today.
Ignoring those two parts, it is definitely an Aperture Science Laboratories Sentry Turret. And I like the drawing I made. (My favourite is still the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, however)
I probably would have been able to fix the drawing if I really wanted it to be perfect, and I do, but I’m also lazy, and that beats the perfectionism. So it stays. Besides, I will eventually redraw all of these to show me how my drawing has improved, so it’s fine.
Hmmm what else. I drew this while listening to Yoasobi songs. Yoasobi are great.
Nothing else right now, so good morning, afternoon, or evening, and goodnight from me.
love you all <3
(Reference image I used curtesy of idrawgaystffs)
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(testing something)
Hi hello, I think this has worked, so I will likely be putting any rambles in here from now on, and I will have a general trigger warning beforehand as opposed to a specific one because my rambles are usually pretty incoherent even to me, so i would probably miss something.
Don’t worry, I will add reference images between the tw and the love you all message (that will also be a consistent part of these art posts, however it will likely just be a <3 for other posts)
Okay I think that’s it finally, i know i already said it but i’ll say it again
love you all <3
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meimeimoimoiart · 2 years
Hello, welcome to this shitty blog of mine.
Thank you for dropping by.
You can call me Mei or Moi, that’s alright to me.
This is my blog (mostly art), I draw whatever I want to (request from you too, of course✨️)
I’m lazy so my art’s quality is suck. Enjoy.
My signature is “shinyglassy” and my mascot is a rabbit...I guess? I don’t even know wtf my mascot is.
Pls ask for my permission if you want to repost my art or use it for your personal purpose.
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owergenother · 4 months
Fdhvn do you have an oc that i can doodle??
Ur art is so scrumptious i crave more 😔😔
oh stop it, you flatter moi.
I do actually
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my renfair character! i was too lazy to draw my other cooler ocs
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fandoms-ruin-life · 9 months
Pinned Post
There is only one rule for engagement and interaction on this blog: please be kind.
L, Nymphaeya, or Nym | She/Her | Bi/Ace | 23
Art Blog: @fandom-fan-art
MCYT Blog: @nymphaeya
My Posts: Moi
Random Facts and TMIs: Tag Yourself
Navigation: Everything is tagged solely by fandom, I'm too lazy to do anything else.
But saying that: Please just ask if you need a TW added, I will be more than happy to comply!
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Yes I am a Christian...by virtue of many factors...and I question God regularly vehemently and with intent as God is never from moi..whatever..chaos or art..you cannot have it without God intervening or interfering...sigh...God wants a part..inevitably it leads to all sorts..hmm..
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belindamaryhale · 1 year
Yes I am a Christian...by virtue of many factors...and I question God regularly vehemently and with intent as God is never from moi..whatever..chaos or art..you cannot have it without God intervening or interfering...sigh...God wants a part..inevitably it leads to all sorts..hmm..
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 25, 2023)
23:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:56 Architect - Closer 23:49 Lemongrass - Habla Mi Corazon 23:45 Orfeo Project - Tonight (Original Mix) 23:43 Michael E - It's Going To Be Alright 23:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:35 Puch - Playground 23:26 Leendder - Everytime You Cry (Satin Jackets Remix) 23:23 Deeper Sublime - Femme Fatale 23:20 Blank & Jones - Summer Sky 23:13 The Avener - Conscious Shadows 23:08 Jessie Ware - You & I (Forever) (Sg Lewis Remix) 23:05 Max Waves Feat. Pixieguts - Reflections 23:02 Villablue Feat. Juanita Grande - Leaving The Lights 22:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:52 N.juravel - Glow (Original Mix) 22:47 Andy Sol & Ecolyte - Ponse Passing (Original Mix) 22:45 Lemongrass - To The Sky (Lemongrass Free Bird Remix) 22:42 Ambience D'orama - Liniya Priboya 22:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:37 River - Find Me 22:30 P.m.fm - Nice 22:29 Jens Buchert - Fluffy Time 22:25 Roberto Sol - Nube De Agua 22:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:14 Paul Hardcastle - Unlimited Love 22:09 S.d.j. - Escape To Campania 22:03 Man In A Room - Something 22:01 Faro - Dreaming In Orange 21:54 Mishel Gineras - One Night In The Desert (Original Mix) 21:53 Moshang - Tall Tale 21:43 Aqualise - Lost In Sea - Chill Mix 21:41 Soulstice - Andromeda 21:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:36 Dave Ross - Journey In A Space Tube 21:33 Florent Campana, Marilyne Justin - I Am Showing Through (Original Mix) 21:26 Stepo Del Sol - Touch My Soul (Vox Mix) 21:24 Marga Sol - Violet Colors 21:17 Marie Therese - White Air 21:15 Guenter Haas - Secret Diary 21:08 Sven Van Hees - Pastel Paradise 21:05 Soleil Fisher - Warm Winter (Sting Of Paradise Sunset Mix) 21:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:57 D. Batistatos - Sunset At Noon 20:55 Lemongrass - Mermaid 20:49 Triangle Sun - Back To Soul (Instrumental) 20:47 Skunk Tribecca - Siguiendo La Luna 20:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:41 Chillwalker - A Dream Comes True (Red Horizon Mix) 20:31 Infusion - Love And Imitation 20:29 Cafe Americaine - Mango Muffins (Yachtclub Cut) 20:19 Vladi Strecker - Over The Sea (Island Sounds Deluxe Mix) 20:15 Frameworks - Breaks My Heart Ft. Kathrin Deboer 20:10 Jero Nougues - Decoded 20:04 Honeyroot - Sweet As Honey 20:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:56 Cocogroove - Puerto Azul (Blue Waves Mix) 19:55 Emo - First Time Experiences 19:51 Mike Tohr & Jonas Johannes - Napthali (Feat. Salome) 19:48 Mashti & Jean Von Baden - Love & Happiness (The Remix) 19:38 Euphonic Traveller - Pont Notre Dame 19:36 Stereo Mutants Feat. Jannae Jordan - I Wanna Go (Afterlife Remix) 19:29 Jens Buchert - Mystic Flower 19:28 Atb - Break My Heart 19:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:21 Cataldo - Do It All Night 19:16 Man In A Room - Night Mail (Feat. Civilian) 19:12 Shamika Cox - Te Quiero 19:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:07 Ive Mendes - Nao Vou Fugir 19:01 Belt Of Jupiter - Bar Del Mar (Downbeat Cut) 18:54 Orange Music - Leave It All Behind (Vocal Mix) Feat. Mirjam 18:53 Lounge Armada - Seaside 18:46 Nencol - Summer Never Ends 18:41 Michael E - Check It (Original Mix) 18:38 Nino Mission - Nobody Better 18:36 Climatic - L-'horizzonte 18:33 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:27 Bloomfield - Rendez-vous A Paris 18:25 Lemongrass - Flowers For You 18:21 My 7sky - The Lonely Moon (Original Mix) 18:18 Henry Green - Shift 18:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:12 Sue Ballingall & Mickael Couturier - Somewhere Between The Roses 18:05 Colorhythm - Charm 18:00 Enrico Donner - Charade 17:57 York & Art Halpertin - Abyss (Chill Out Mix) 17:50 Symbols Of Sound - Mystery 17:47 Aquanote - Nowhere (Speakeasy Remix) 17:44 Leaking Shell - Brown Smoke 17:40 Olegy - Good Bye 17:37 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:35 Hotel Riviera - Give Me A Little Time 17:28 York - My Ship 17:26 Lazy Hammock - One Of Those Days 17:19 Sly - Like Love (Original Mix) 17:16 Mo' Horizons - Dance Naked Under Palmtrees 17:13 Flamingosis - Make Me Late For Breakfast 17:06 Cicada - Elle Et Moi 17:03 Superstar - Apres Le Mans 16:56 Stefan Reh - Way Out Here 16:49 Moca - Funky Plüsch 16:47 Rory Hoy - Summertime Groovez (Cosmic Child Remix) 16:44 Dope Control - Vienna Dc 16:41 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:38 Seven24 - Frozen 16:32 Howard Maple - Springtime 16:27 Evan Neagle - East Side 16:25 Lemongrass - For All Seasons (Five Seasons Lotus Remix) 16:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:16 Takt 3 - Slow Walker 16:11 Jasmon - Delight 16:05 Den Wood - Music Takes Me Higher - Original Mix 16:04 Brook Sapphire - Be Chilled (Original Edit) 15:57 Blank & Jones - Flowing 15:55 4 Tunes - Let The Rhythm Take Control 15:48 Villablue Feat. Juanita Grande - Leaving The Lights 15:45 Carrie Skipper - Time Goes By (Floris De Haan Remix) 15:42 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:36 Afterlife - Makes Me Feel 15:31 Loungebox - Love Is Always 15:26 Marc Hartman - Love Can Save The Day (To Roberto Concina) 15:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:21 Afterlife - Pirates 15:15 Mazelo Nostra, The Diventa Project - Chill Together On The Beach (Mazelo Nostra Ibiza Mix) 15:12 Mara J Boston - Come Into My Life (Original Mix) 15:09 Sangar - So Beautiful 15:05 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:02 Luis Hermandez - Celebrate (Original Mix) 14:58 Sofa Groovers - Ti Amo (Sunlight Showers Mix) 14:52 Cesar Martinez Ensemble - Sem Tensao 14:50 Madelin Zero - Perfect Day To Lose 14:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:41 Fresh Moods - Cocomilk 14:35 Citrus Jam - Hakan's Way (Jazzman Mix) 14:32 Dj Shah - Arco Iris (Chillout Mix) 14:26 Blue Motion, Amplitude & Dina Eve - Kiss The Stars (Intro Edit) 14:19 Dubphonic - Trick Of Time 14:15 Zeequencha - So Alive (Feat. Liz Kretschmer) 14:08 Jens Buchert - Fly With Me 14:06 De-phazz Feat. Pat Appleton - Anchorless 14:03 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:58 Afterlife - Far Away Feat. Juanita Grande 13:57 Luis Hermandez - Serenity (Original Mix) 13:50 Weathertunes - Siddharta 13:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:42 N.juravel - Deep Tosca (Original Mix) 13:37 Gabrielle Chiararo - Million Stars 13:34 Schwarz & Funk - Paresse 13:31 Terrafunka Feat. Lazy Hammock - Good Inside 13:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:23 Beautiful Air - Promise Land (Original Mix) 13:18 Joe Le Blanc - Financial 13:13 Trillian Miles - A Little Love 13:10 Eriq Johnson & Movox Feat. Marga Sol - Noname Story (Original Mix) (Original Mix) 13:00 Arnica Montana - Sea, Sand And Sun 12:56 Amelie - Softwood 12:50 Rainfairy - For A Moment (Sunset Kandi Lounge Mix) 12:49 Merge Of Equals - Montgolfier 12:42 Jeff Bennet's Lounge Experience Feat. Alexandra - Sympathy 12:39 Polymyth - Lost 12:32 Sandra - The Wheel Of Time 12:30 Lemongrass - Mermaid 12:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:25 Lenny Ibizarre - Pretty As You Feel (Original Mix) 12:22 Karen Gibson Roc - Painted Room 12:15 Polished Chrome - Ladybug Is Dreaming Of Apple Pie 12:12 Climatic - Harvest 12:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:03 Arnica Montana - Sea, Sand And Sun 12:00 Five Seasons - Dreams Come True 11:53 Vienna Dc - Dope Control 11:52 Blue Pilots Project - Reboot 11:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:45 Faithless Feat. Estelle - Why Go? 11:39 Man In The Moon Feat. Debora Vilchez - Another Way 11:34 The Shapeshifters - Lola's Theme (Lola's Loungin' Mix) 11:32 Prana Tones - Asian Energy 11:22 Marga Sol - Butterflies 11:17 Bobsky - Traffic City - Original Mix 11:11 Solanos - Sambado 11:09 Moca - Too Far Out 11:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:00 Amanaska - Tide (Electro Remix) 10:54 Ian Pooley & Rosanna & Zelia - Me Leve 10:49 Marcus Koch - Beautiful Day 10:46 Mo' Horizons - Superworld 10:42 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:36 Icehouse - Don't Believe Anymore (Ivan & Collins Cafe Latte Mix) 10:33 Moreza - Miss Guitar 10:26 Lazy Hammock - Castaway 10:24 Martin Liege - New Brand (Blue Nebula Mix) 10:17 Sollover - Train Of Love 10:11 Cosmic Orient & Red Buddha - Sometimes (Red Buddha Remix) 10:09 Jazzamor - Tonight 10:06 Lounge Vargos - Follow My Dreams (Sunshine Mix) 10:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:01 Jens Buchert - Habitatmodul (Original Mix) 09:58 Eriq Johnson - Stay (Feat. Ann B) 09:55 Karim Le Mec - Un Renoir 09:51 Krystian Shek - The Easy Way Of Life 09:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:46 Duo Varial Feat. Julie - Pretty Places 09:39 Giacomo Bondi & Gabrielle Chiararo - Don't Dream It's Over (Original Mix) 09:33 Artur Bayramgalin - To Be Free 09:32 Merge Of Equals - Take You There 09:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:23 Cocogroove - Flamingo Bar (Blue Curacao Mix) 09:17 Flashbaxx - Movin On 09:10 Tactful - No Fear 09:09 Simon Le Grec - I Need U (Smooth Mix) 09:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:59 Project 2000 - Belle Du Jour 08:57 L.o.s.i. - Anita 08:55 Ku You - 40 Degrees 08:52 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:46 Smood - Principle Of Love 08:43 Vernon, Matthew Kramer - Sunshine (Louie Chandler Remix) 08:36 Tosca - Dave Dudley 08:33 Roberto Sol. Florito. Martine - Love Finds You 08:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:24 Aware - En Busca Del Sol 08:19 Marc Hartman - I Can't Stop 08:10 User's Atmosphere - Share Your Dreams 08:09 Chris Reece - Island Of Love 08:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:02 Anthony Island - Promets 07:58 Kranich - Between 07:53 Monodeluxe - One More Day 07:50 Razoof Feat. Lady Alma - Jah Is Watching You 07:43 Avalounge - Confessions On A Lounge Flow (Smooth Sax Edit) 07:42 Yonderboi - Pabadam 07:35 Jones Meadow - Moment 07:34 Marga Sol - Love Surprise 07:27 Le Garde - Wake Up Darling (Original Mix) 07:22 Aleksey Beloozerov - October (Jane Maximova & Dmitry Raschepkin Remix) 07:16 Cafe Americaine - Metropolitan Girl (Round The World Mix) 07:14 Climatic - L'horizzonte 07:11 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:06 Openzone Bar - Kiss In The Dark 07:05 Michiko - Morning Delight 07:00 Riccardo Eberspacher - Freedom Feat. Glove 06:57 Max Melvin - All Fades 06:51 Armand Frydman - Nice Cote D'azur 06:46 Merge Of Equals - Heart & Mind 06:40 Florzinho - Vem Conmigo (Euphonic Traveller Remix) 06:39 G-spliff - Won-'t Part 06:35 Gabin Feat. Peggy Lee - Fever (Gabin Remix) 06:32 Tosca - Lone Ranger 06:25 Pantaea - Chillin Time (Easy Guitar Mix) 06:24 Marga Sol - Come & Love Me 06:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:16 Gold Lounge - Oh La La 06:14 Sunset Boulevard Project, Marc Hartman - Sweet Freedom 06:07 Five Seasons - Sky (Original Mix) 06:05 Cocogroove - Copa Dos Santos (Brazil Cut) 06:01 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:59 Trebles And Blues - The Soulmate That Seldom Speak 05:56 Mark Mars - Ship's Lounge (Downtown Slow Mix) 05:51 Kaxamalka - Backdrops (Original Mix) 05:49 Madelin Zero - One Exception 05:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:44 Andru Donalds - Lets Talk About It 05:37 At The Eleventh - Venice Beach Girls (Springbreak In The Hotel Californa Mix) 05:32 Aqua Red - The Bomb 05:28 Nightmares On Wax - I Am You 05:25 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:20 Indian Dawn - Predictions 05:18 Dub Mars - Between The Lines 05:14 Waldeck - So Black & Blue 05:08 Thievery Corporation - Until The Morning 05:03 Guardner - Distant Link 04:59 Michael E - Secret Dancer 04:54 Topazz - Bubbly 04:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:48 Florzinho - Like The First Moment (Original Mix) 04:41 Stj Feat. Liba - She Believe 04:39 Jonas Kroon - Her Er Eg (Xerxes Remix) 04:35 Soundset City - Urban Nightlife 04:29 Nicola Conte - Fica Mal Com Deus 04:26 Velvet Dreamer - The Fall (Feat. Yvonne Ambree, Tim Gelo) 04:20 Tracey Thorn - Tracey Thorn 04:18 Adani & Wolf - The Moment (Original Mix) 04:11 Consoul Trainin Feat Joan Kolova - Beautiful (Kosmopolitans Mix) 04:06 Placid Larry - Shortcut 04:04 Cane Garden Quartet - Ageless 04:00 Cinque Cento - Missing 03:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:55 Left - Under The Water 03:48 Christophe Goze - Memory Of You 03:46 Haiti (Interlude) - Gaelle 03:45 Dab - You & Me 03:38 Love City Orchestra - People We Can (Original Mix) 03:34 Plastyc Buddha - Scare Myself 03:28 Chad - Artifacts 03:27 Chilleando - Sunshine (Californication Mix) 03:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:22 Living Room - Cloud 7 03:16 Hooverphonic - One (Sven Galy's Flemish Shuffle) 03:14 Plastyc Buddha - Personal Faith 03:10 Moods - Comfortable (Feat. High Hoops) 03:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:02 Fenena Garcia Mijas - Anja (Dream With Me Knee Edit) 02:57 Paul Hardcastle - Valley Of The Kings 02:55 Stuce The Sketch - Enchanted Mara 02:52 Mr. Moods - A Certain Smile 02:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:47 Lemon Jelly - In The Bath 02:40 Mirage Of Deep, Amethyste - Tragic Farewell 02:36 Photo In Lounge - Have A Good Time 02:34 Dj Krush Feat. Zap Mama - Danger Of Love 02:30 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:25 Cafe Americaine - L Amour 02:22 Charly'n Black - Today 02:17 Terrace Chillerz - These Golden Fields (Ibiza Smooth Sax Mix) 02:11 Miriam Kappert - Remember This Time (Sweet Velvet Del Mar Cafe Chillout Mix) 02:07 Max Laire - Good Vibes (Original Mix) 02:04 Sexy Beach - Uss (Original Mix) 02:01 Deephouse 84 - A Night On The Beach 01:58 Gary B - Song For Kaye 01:54 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:52 Chad & River - Understanding (Original Mix) 01:45 Lenny Mac Dowell - Ain't No Sunshine 01:40 Gold Lounge - Aegean Summer 01:39 Beach Hoppers - One Love 01:32 Amour Fou - J'aime Comme Tu Rit 01:28 Everything But The Girl - Single 01:23 Nux - Under The Dancing Sun (Bg Mix) 01:21 Max Laire - Good Vibes (Original Mix) 01:15 Ganga Feat. Sophie Tusnelda - Blue Heart 01:09 Philippe Bestion & Karin Nobbs - Morning Light 01:02 Smoove & Turrell - The Difference 01:00 Science For Girls With Renee Cologne - Violets 00:54 Antennasia - Seren (Sour Mix) 00:51 Cafe Americaine - Marina Beach (Guitar Flow Mix) 00:44 Frameworks - Breaks My Heart Ft. Kathrin Deboer 00:42 Pet Shop Boys - Invisible 00:39 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:37 Camelphat & Elderbook - Cola (Simon Mills Full Sugar Mix) 00:30 Funky Juice Trio - Easy Come Easy Go (Into The Silence Mix) 00:26 3rd Force - Here Comes The Night 00:25 Mirage Of Deep, Amethyste - Tragic Farewell 00:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:18 Privat Projekt - Sunshine 00:12 Magneti C4 - Bebossa 00:10 Monodeluxe - Devotion 00:07 Stepo Del Sol - Summer Dreams 00:04 Jingle - Radiosun.ro
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