#mold treatment
coastalrestorationca · 3 months
Comprehending Mold Remediation: Safeguarding Your Residence and Well-being
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The process of removing mold is the most important method to combat the growth of mold both in commercial and residential buildings. Mold is a kind of mold that thrives in damp or humid conditions. It is able to easily spread across a building in the event of a lack of control. It is not just that mold can create significant structural damage and structures, it may cause serious health hazards to the people who live there, specifically people with asthma, allergies or weakened immune systems.
Coastal Restoration CA Newport Beach CA (949)899-9242 https://coastalrestorationca.com/
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Expert Asbestos Inspection & Mold Removal Services in Rochester, NY | Lozier Environmental Consulting
Lozier Environmental Consulting provides top-notch asbestos inspection, mold removal services, mold sampling, and consulting services in Rochester, NY. Our professionals are here to serve your every asbestos-related need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!
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8 Things to Consider Before Turning Your HVAC System On After Mold Treatment
When it comes to cleaning up and preventing the spread of mold in your home, your HVAC system plays an important role. When turning on your HVAC system after mold treatment, the right moves can make all the difference in how effectively you clean up the mold. In this article, I’ll cover 8 items to consider before turning your HVAC system back on after a mold treatment.
1. Check for visible signs of mold
Before turning on your HVAC system after mold treatment, it is essential to check for any visible signs of mold. This includes checking for mold growth on surfaces, inside ductwork, and around the HVAC unit.
2. Verify that mold remediation was successful
Ensure that the mold remediation process was successful before turning on your HVAC system. It is advisable to have a professional mold inspector check the area to confirm that the mold has been effectively removed.
3. Replace air filters
Replace all air filters in your HVAC system before turning it on. This helps to ensure that any remaining mold spores are not circulated throughout your home.
4. Clean ductwork
If mold is present in your HVAC ductwork, clean it professionally before turning on your HVAC system. This helps to prevent the spread of mold spores and ensures that the air quality in your home is safe.
5. Run a test cycle
After replacing air filters and cleaning ductwork, run a test cycle on your HVAC system to ensure everything works correctly. This helps to identify any potential problems before fully turning on your system.
6. Monitor air quality
Monitor the air quality in your home after turning on your HVAC system. If you notice any musty odors or signs of mold growth, turn off your HVAC system and contact a professional immediately.
7. Maintain humidity levels
Keep humidity levels in your home between 30-50% to prevent mold growth. Use a dehumidifier if necessary to maintain optimal humidity levels.
8. Schedule regular HVAC maintenance
Regular HVAC maintenance can help prevent mold growth by ensuring your system works efficiently and effectively. Schedule annual maintenance with a professional HVAC technician to keep your system in top condition.
In conclusion, mold is a serious problem that can cause severe health issues if not treated properly. Turning on the HVAC system after mold treatment can be risky and should only be done after these 8 important steps. Taking the time to do things right will ensure your HVAC system is safe and running at peak efficiency, helping you save money on energy bills in the long run.
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sofiaruelle · 11 months
Thinkin about short haired college leche <3
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same i miss her. here’s something generic hahhaha
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schnuffel-danny · 3 months
tried to give .Jpeg a bath (she has already reported me to the authorities and I am in fact going to jail for life) and she jumped up into my arms and I just stood there in shock like ".....Now we are both soaking wet. Thanks, honey" 🫠
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caramiaaddio · 1 year
Found out today that my entire past year of suffering is literally because my bedroom which shares a wall with the laundry room has been infested with mold for literally the entire year I lived there. All the times I randomly got sick, felt too exhausted to do basic tasks, and just generally felt like my mental health was falling into pieces — that’s all symptoms of mold toxicity. From the mold growing on the wall I put my face against in my sleep.
So hey, good time for a reminder for y’all: are you getting sick for no reason? Do you feel constantly fatigued? Is your mental health suffering? CHECK FOR MOLD DEAR GOD DO NOT IGNORE IT
Check under your bed and in your closets and behind everything you have shoved up against the wall. Find a random wet spot? DON’T IGNORE IT. Smell something musty? DON’T IGNORE IT. Even if you can’t see any mold, if it smells off CHECK IT OUT because as I have so helpfully learned: sometimes landlords will just paint over mold! That doesn’t do anything but make it look nice!
Here are some things I ignored over this past year that if I had paid attention to could have saved me both physical and neurological suffering:
- Apartment smelled odd when I moved in
- at one point, a pile of my dirty laundry was damp for no conceivable reason
- at one point, my bedroom floor had a damp spot for no conceivable reason
- every time I came back from staying somewhere else, the smell would hit harder
- the smell did not dissipate when I did the dishes or took out the trash
- I smelled something almost unbearably musty while lying in bed
- the laundry room next to my apartment was constantly wet
- the laundry room next to my apartment had large black stains on the walls
- there was some strange white stain on the foot of my bed
I pushed all of that aside for a full year, and it was hands down the worst year of my life. Don’t ignore signs of mold.
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lovefromkelly · 5 months
my friend's fiancé is going in for a cancer scan after a removed tumor was cancerous, so if anyone has anyone or anything to pray to, please do!!! also, just in case, if anybody knows anything about good things to get chemo patients, let me know!
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kirbyofthestars · 11 months
mold ponys built different
oh this isn’t mold! it’s ‘pony cancer’. fungal colonies that live on vinyl
i make this distinction bc mold is easy to get rid of
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okay that’s IT y’all’s “drawing x as a human” rights have officially been revoked until you can draw something OTHER than a conventionally attractive skinny white dude
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sustainedscreaming · 1 year
Silent treatment counter
Day 11
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coastalrestorationca · 3 months
Clearing the Air: The Art of Mold Remediation
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Mold growth can silently infiltrate homes and businesses, posing health risks and structural concerns. Whether it's due to water damage, high humidity, or poor ventilation, mold remediation is essential to safeguarding indoor environments and ensuring the well-being of occupants.
Understanding Mold Remediation
Mold remediation is the process of identifying, containing, and removing mold colonies from affected areas. It involves thorough inspection, precise containment measures, and specialized cleaning techniques to eliminate mold spores and prevent regrowth. Effective mold remediation requires a combination of expertise, experience, and attention to detail.
The Remediation Process
Upon assessment, remediation professionals develop a comprehensive remediation plan tailored to the specific mold infestation. The process typically begins with containment to prevent mold spores from spreading to unaffected areas. Then, meticulous cleaning and disinfection procedures are employed to eradicate mold colonies and restore indoor air quality.
Advanced Techniques
Advanced techniques such as HEPA filtration, negative air pressure, and antimicrobial treatments are utilized to ensure thorough mold removal and prevent recurrence. Additionally, infrared technology may be employed to detect hidden moisture sources and identify potential mold hotspots.
Why Professional Remediation Matters
While DIY mold removal may seem tempting, professional remediation offers several distinct advantages. Certified technicians have the training, equipment, and expertise to safely and effectively address mold infestations, minimizing health risks and property damage.
Preserving Health and Safety
Mold exposure can trigger allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and other health concerns, particularly in vulnerable individuals. Professional remediation prioritizes safety protocols to protect occupants and workers from exposure to mold spores and contaminants.
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Lozier Environmental Consulting has been providing expert Asbestos Inspection, Mold Removal Services, Mold Sampling and Consulting Services in Rochester, NY. Our professionals are here to serve your every asbestos-related need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) Annual #7
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bardtits · 1 year
anyway anyone an im pei enthusiast while i’m here
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loisroo · 2 years
ohhhhhh min woo is a little bitch. i’m gonna say something that many people are gonna dislike but i don’t care.
if you feel ‘attacked’ and upset that you have to adjust your own worldview/environment so people can receive equal treatment or when people start to receive equal treatment in general —then that’s a you problem.
even before this episode (seven) where min woo feels like he has evidence that young woo is getting special treatment, min woo had been stuck on young woo receiving special treatment. he’s jealous, confused and frustrated because he already has an idea in his head of what autism is and doesn’t think there is any way young woo could make it on her own. even after she is constantly helping and winning cases, even once she proves that she has a right to be there. he just ignores her growth and he can’t just admit — young woo is a good attorney.
for me the fact that young woo’s father said he would be a bad dad if it meant she could keep the opportunity that was given to her no matter what, no matter why, because she wouldn’t get another. that right there should be enough for someone to understand that young woo hasn’t received special treatment ever. the law firm correcting its mistake about discriminating against young woo (no matter the ceo’s secret reason) is the right thing to do. and if anything min woo highlighting the hiring practice mistake should show this fact more then prove him right.
#extraordinary attorney woo#like your feelings are valid bro#even soo yeon when she was talking about the whales and wanting to slap young woo#maybe a little dramatic but also valid#but that’s your feelings and your own nonsense#go to therapy#talk about it#but lashing out and talking about getting someone fired#that’s a whole person that already has everything stacked against her and you say IM MAD IM NOT AS COOL SO ITS SPECIAL TREATMENT#if closing blinds to make someone more comfortable bother you then ask why#if asking clarifying questions and not being comfortable being wrong bother you then think about why#if communicating with a person diagnosed with autism is hard for you then figure out why and how you can fix it#like jesus i hate when we decide that having to accommodate anyone makes them less then#i know a lot of its historical/societal and a global consumer economy mixed with a lack of knowledge#but this idea that if someone doesn’t fit this very specific mold they aren’t as valuable makes me angry#nuerodivergence and disabilities and mental health do not make a person weak or different or less human#like this girl always got first but who was her actual friend? did professors talk with her and help her the same way?#how hard was it to do presentations? group projects? mock trials?#did she still get hit and taken advantage of after high school? did the im sorry game continue?#if someone giving her a seat in a car feels like special treatment and that’s all you can think of then the problem is you#or at least reflect on yourself#oh man I got on a ranting soapbox again
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ladyfenring · 2 years
But the similarities between Robert and Viserys looking the other way when their queens demand justice after their sons were injured from a childhood scrap gone horribly wrong and the far-reaching consequences that childhood scrap will have in the years to come
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