#molly blynedeff
mx-mongoose · 2 years
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This crossover has consumed my brain
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mx-mongoose · 2 years
Little things I wanna do for Epithet Erased x Wordgirl
- Chuck and Giovanni accidentally robbing the grocery store on the same day (Gio needed ingredients for soup for one of his sick minions and Chuck was just doing Chuck things). But instead of dueling it out or whatever, they just hang out and pleasantly surprised too see they have a lot in common. They’re bros now and they play videogames together. (Maybe loiter outside a Wendys idk)
- Mr Big tries too sue Molly for “stealing his ideas” with her thing being mind control (to an extent) and having green and purple color palette. Molly is very tired but probably gets along with Leslie as she’s signing papers
- Ramsey having too endure people assuming he’s a cheese addict and gonna steal cheese because of his resemblance to Twobrains (rats and mice look similar). The man just wants too do tax evasion and money laundering
- Indus and Whammer. Just Indus and Whammer being Indus and Whammer
- Mera and LRW complaining to each-other about everything, they’d be friends and drink obscene amounts of wine
- Sylvie is Tobey’s therapist and Tobey is urging him too collaborate with him, Sylvie is having none of this shit and just goes “Why was that your immediate emotional response?”. Maybe he goes through with it one day who knows
- Molly and Becky vibing, maybe Becky pops into the toy store because she saw a unicorn statue and that’s how they meet. Bonus points if Becky is Wordgirl and just goes “Say aren’t you a little young too be working at a store?” And Molly just goes “Hehehe.. Yes. Yes I am.”.
- Violet and Pheonica vibing, don’t know what they would do but I feel they’d get along
- Zora confusing Twobrains with Ramsey and chasing after TB relentlessly until she’s just “Oh wait.. You’re not Ramsey Murdock. You’re just some random ugly schmoe who happens too have a gerbil face. Whelp sorry about that pal.”
- Zora and Wordgirl interactions, I just think those would be funny
- Giovanni being a Fair City Villains fanboy
- Tim lecturing Martin, they got along at first but then Tim realized how shitty he treats his kids and just had NONE OF IT.
- Wordgirl takes Molly flying because that’d be cute
- Rick Shades just barging into a villains meetup and everybody is just “Who the fuck is this guy?”
- ARG and Ben
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mx-mongoose · 2 years
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I really need too do homework but instead new crack ship just dropped
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mx-mongoose · 2 years
Debating whether I want to write Giovanni and Molly going to a villain’s convention or Sylvie being Tobey’s psychologist/therapist because child prodigy solidarity
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mx-mongoose · 2 years
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I really wanna redraw this as Becky and Molly 😭
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mx-mongoose · 2 years
Imagine Eileen goes up to Feenie a la her debut episode and asks to be her bestest westest friend, asks her for free stuff. Tell me Feenie wouldn't be like "ok sure!!!" and just obliviously enable the heck out of her
“Fweenie-Weenie, can you bwuy me that cwake in the window?”
“Of course!! Y’know what, how about I just buy the bakery for you. We can have as much cake as we want!!”
“YAYYY! Thwank you, my bwestest-westest friend.”
Meanwhile Molly is just witnessing this and not knowing what too do and Trixie just rolls with it
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mx-mongoose · 2 years
I JUST SAW THIS, AND YES. Victoria and Feenie being friends make sense though since they’re both rich and usually rich families hang out. Meanwhile Eileen is basically joined at the hip with Feenie at this point.
So when Feenie recruits them, Victoria takes this seriously because magical girls aren’t THAT outlandish in this universe. “I would be the best magical girl.” And Feenie is just “That’s the spirit Victoria, keep it up!”
Meanwhile all Eileen wants is a poofy fancy dress and a wand. (Maybe a cute animal sidekick.). Which ofc Feenie provides.
But with Victoria and Eileen being in the same friendgroup as Trixie and Molly, yeah hijinks would definitely ensue. Victoria would definitely pick on Molly a lot, making fun of her epithet being Dumb and just kinda pointing out all the things “Not The Best” about her. I also feel she would call her either “Millie” or “Cereal Head”. Molly probably has none of this though.
Meanwhile Trixie and Eileen
“So your birthday is everyday?”
“Yup! My mommy says everyday is my birth-“
“So I bet you’re really old, like a hundred or something,”
“What??? I’m eleven, a cute wittle girl!!”
“Based off what you say, you’re probably gonna die tomorrow or your ‘’Mommy’ has been secretly giving you a youth potion because you’re actually immortal but you have too blend in with us humans! Meaning you’re probably adopted too.”
Then Eileen runs away crying too Victoria or something. Feenie is having fun though
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mx-mongoose · 2 years
I’m working on a Becky and Molly fic and tbh their dynamic is so fun too write, because one is a well intentioned yet slightly egotistical superhero while the other is a quiet, shy and reserved secret villain minion, both wanting too wreck shit up but having too many morals and boundaries too do so.
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mx-mongoose · 3 years
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I’m having nastolgia for Epithet Erased and i forgot HOW MUCH I ADORE MOLLY’S DESIGN. SHE’S JUST- I NEED TOO PROTECT HER
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mx-mongoose · 4 years
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Did some epithet erased doodles since I missed them 🥺😔
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mx-mongoose · 4 years
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This is called "Our Bio parents dont give a shit about us" club. Also the obligatory-
Max and Molly, what crimes will they commit?
Tap for better quality
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mx-mongoose · 4 years
Molly: Have a great day and stay safe :D
Loralai: I have no say in the matter
Molly: Die then :3
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mx-mongoose · 4 years
Epithet Erased x Camp Camp backstory
David went to Blynedeff Toy Emporium too get the presents. He finds a very exhausted Molly behind the counter. After asking the basic questions about her wellbeing and situation while Molly giving answers with a few light lies. Thanks or sadly to those light lies, David didnt call CPS. But instead gave her brochure for Camp Campbell. If she ever wanted too "take a break". After he left, Molly heavily debated it with Giovanni. She knows if she left for the rest of the summer, the toyshop would indeed shut down and her family would probably go homeless. So Giovanni planned some things too help her out. His boys would work at the toyshop and help out with all the adult stuff while Molly can have a summer a child should have while he could work there so she wouldnt have too be alone. None the less she was so grateful and was stoked too have a summer break. Too keep Martin off her back, she signed up for a business camp. But once they got there..They would be lying if they weren't a little disappointed or suprised by how rundown it was. But they still decided too give it a chance.
-Giovanni is now a co-counselor and the new camp cook. So now the campers can choose between Quartermaster food or good quality soup
- when not with Giovanni, Molly can be found keeping too herself unless someone wants too make conversation with her. Which is usually the comedy trio.
- Giovanni made all of the campers his minions and they have nicknames that I'm still trying too make
- Sylvie and Percy sometimes come too visit
- Percy and David get along pretty great
- iv decided that Neil hates Sylvie. He hates him so much.
- Epithets still exist, just a bit more rare.
- Harrison doesnt have an epithet, he's just straight up magical still
- a good chunk of the campers wish they had marshmallows in their hair.
- Ramsey has conned Campbell at some point
- Zora comes up regularly too try and take Campbell's bounty. Though he's barely outside so it's kinda hard
- Nerris really admires Percy because she has a real ass goddamn sword. She has asked her many times too teach her sword fighting.
- Preston usually has Giovanni apart of his plays since he has "So much charisma and pizazz!"
- Molly and Giovanni don't really bring up that their criminals and are apart of the arsen amulet chase that's going on.
- Nurf tried too bully Molly once but she was so willing too take it, that it wasn't even funny
- Multiple times have campers and Gwen ask Molly too make a silent bubble for them. Though that needs Molly near them, so she hangs out wherever she is needed
- Giovanni helps out with trouble and mischief
- Max probably used Molly as a scapegoat once, but now feels bad because Molly is actually a decent person too hang out with
- Molly sometimes gets invited too come hang out with Nikki, Nerris and Dolph
- Giovanni pretends too be Molly's older brother
- Gwen and Molly also talk too eachother sometimes. Gwen describes her as "a way friendlier Max"
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mx-mongoose · 4 years
Let Molly Blynedeff say Fuck 2020
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mx-mongoose · 4 years
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I made a Max Edit, he's supposed too look like Molly Blynedeff from Epithet Erased. I think it turned out pretty good :)
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