#monochrome duo for the win
keferon · 1 month
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It’s so nice and easy to color these two ahaha I don’t need to remember what colour are they. Besides of black and white they got the single spot of colour each👌
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Everyone’s Having a Ball || Ariana, Lydia, & Simon
TIMING: Friday. May 15th PARTIES: @inconvenientsimonstrocity @inspirationdivine & @letsbenditlikebennett SUMMARY: Lydia has to join Simon for Ariana’s Senior Send Off game because she’s magically bound to Simon. 
After a win against the boys’ soccer team in their short match and earning a fun award for being Most Likely to Survive The Hunger Games, Ariana was feeling pretty good about the night. Once all the awards were given out, she made her way out into the crowd to find Simon. She thought it was super cool that he’d taken the time to come and watch her play. Celeste had always worked a lot growing up and it was kind of nice knowing someone out in the crowd was rooting for you. When she found him in the stands, he brow furrowed slightly in confusion. He seemed to be with someone- a really elegant looking someone at that. Had he brought a date to her soccer game? She didn’t even know he was dating anyone. Hugging her trophy close to her she looked between the two of them before finally giving them an awkward smile. “Simon, hey,” she greeted, still looking in between him and Lydia, “I didn’t realize you were bringing a date.”
After yet more one-sided debate which eventually ended with Simon rather stubbornly and uncharacteristically boiling it down to ‘I’m going whether you want to come to not’ in so many words, the unusual duo ended up attending Ariana’s sendoff soccer game. Fortunately for the both of them but mostly Lydia, Simon was quiet and remained seated the whole time though he DID don monochrome face paint in his show of support and he paid very close attention to the game, namely her as his head tracked the ball back and forth and the moves she made, subconsciously scooting to the edge of his seat as if read to jump up and participate if someone asked or offered. The smile that crossed his face when she and her team won and was given the award was rare and full of pride for her. They remained where they were - he didn’t like siphoning out when other people did and figured it would have been easier for them to stick together and Ariana found them first, which prompted him to stand. “Ariana, you did beautifully!” He gave her a smile first before the smile faltered and he cleared his throat again, feeling that this was becoming a running trend. “Oh, sorry, this isn’t--” He faltered. “Uh… Ariana, this is Lydia,” He introduced in the same motion he had used many times previously. “Lydia, this is Ariana.”
Lydia was, unsurprisingly, not amused. Simon had been, of course, entirely polite about the whole thing. It was as fruitless as arguing about going to the morgue to clean - and ultimately, as they lived in her home and in her bedroom, and as he spent many hours sitting still while she worked on the paintings, she couldn’t protest too much. Especially considering the secrets in her home that he was almost certainly aware of, she wanted to keep him sweet. She drew the line at the face make up, and drew the line at actually watching the game. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate soccer as a sport at the highest levels. Lydia just couldn’t believe that it was a high school soccer match, not even the local leagues. She spent the entire game on her phone, and sighed when they didn’t leave with everyone else. When he stood, she did too, trying to give at least the impression of poise. “Hello Ariana, I suppose it’s a pleasure to meet you too.”
Ariana did little to hide the confused look upon her face. If she wasn’t a date and clearly had little interest in meeting Ariana, why was she here? Was this like a crush sort of thing? Seemed weird, not that she was like an expert on the subject or anything. Still the woman was at her game with her friend, she could at least have the decency to pretend to be interested. “Right,” she said slowly, “Good to meet you, too, I guess.” She turned back to Simon, holding up her little plaque with her superlative on it, and excitedly said, “Thank you so much for coming. Was pretty happy with my superlative and the win. Oh, the girl who won Most Likely to win The Voice is my prom date. She’s totally awesome.” She realized she was getting a bit over excited and took a deep breath to calm herself down. With the plaque tucked away under arm, she looked to Simon and asked, “Did you enjoy the game? Wanna go grab some snacks or something? I’m starving.”
Though Simon noted the distinct awkwardness in the air and that it strangely wasn’t caused by him. This was fine. It was fine. He leaned in to look at the plaque, feeling Ariana’s energy and finding himself smiling because of her vivacity - the past few days have been relatively muted when he spent forcible time with Lydia, which was fine but it was nice to be around someone more high energy. “Ah, really?” He asked. “That’s awesome! I’m happy for you!” He straightened back up and glanced sideways at Lydia, knowing by this point that her dietary habits were…. Decidedly not the same as theirs. “Snacks?” He asked, tilting his head slightly as if asking for permission, which… well okay, he kinda was.
Knowing that she ought to at least try, Lydia set her phone away, she could at least manage a pleasant smile and a mildly interested look as the teenager described her prom date. Simon was much more enthusiastic, but then, he was the one friends with a teenager. As if remembering she was there, he straightened, and looked at her cautiously. While he was asking permission, what was she going to say? No? “That sounds like a plan. Don’t let me interrupt anything you’d like to do. Lead the way.”
It was strange that Simon seemed to be asking this woman for permission to join her for snacks. Ariana wasn’t quite sure why she’d be here if she didn’t want to be, but she seemed a bit more personable now. “Perfect, I’ll grab us some stuff from the concession stand before they close up and we can grab one of the picnic tables?” She looked quickly between the two of them, “I usually get a pick of whatever’s left for free-- do you guys want fries, hot dogs, nachos-- that have shaved ice too which is pretty nice if you have a sweet tooth.”
The mention of it being free gave Simon brief pause as he was reaching into his pocket to pull out some money to give to Ariana - when she says ‘a pick of whatever’s left’, he didn’t think they meant ‘here take it for you and your friends’ so… he pulled out a 20 and offered it out to her, resisting the urge to say that he wanted as many hot dogs as they could spare. “Just one hot dog and shaved ice, if either of those are available.” He looked over to Lydia again, then down as if expecting to see the rope between them but, as usual, he didn’t. “We can grab a seat while you get the food, if you want,” He offered, his body language insinuating that Lydia could pick a place she’d feel...less uncomfortable sitting since he was well-aware that she didn’t want to be here.
“I’m fine, thank you,” Lydia replied with a small smile, and watched as Simon gave the girl money. “That sounds like a good idea. It’s such a--” The sky was dreary, grey, but the sun behind the clouds was more.  “The weather is pleasant enough that others might have the same idea, we wouldn’t want to miss out.” She flashed Simon a small grateful smile as they found a picnic table that didn’t have too much mud around it, a little out of the way. “Does this suit you?”
Though she was pretty sure she didn’t need it, Ariana took the twenty from Simon for the sake of not making the situation even more awkward. Lydia seemed to be more friendly now. She could admit that maybe she came off a little strong with the being shocked over him bringing a date thing. She still wasn’t entirely convinced they weren’t dating, but whatever. Simon could tell her when he was ready to. She grabbed a couple of hot dogs, fries, and shaved iced cups from the stand before sitting back down at the picnic table with Simon and Lydia. She put the twenty back down in front of Simon and looked between the two. “So, how do you guys know each other?”
Simon smiled gently at Lydia’s softening up, nodding in agreement when she found a place that suited her and he debated on whether to sit next to her or across the table… ultimately deciding it’d be easier for them to suddenly move if they were next to each other so he did, still giving her space as he rested his spidery hands on the table in front of them. He took the opportunity to look around at their surroundings more, then up at the sky and hoped it didn’t start raining. Surely he’d have been able to smell the moisture in the air, right? Or… he should’ve been if he was smart and took some meds, which he forgot to do because he got caught up in the moment of going to a game. He looked back ahead when Ariana returned, stopping just short of licking his lips visibly when he saw the food. “Uh--” He hesitated, recalling when they actually first met in person. “About… three days ago?” He asked, glancing to Lydia for confirmation as he pulled a hot dog over to him but kept the money on the table.
Lydia looked to Simon as he sat down beside her, sighing deeply. “Please know I’m only enduring this because you have to sleep in my bedroom,” Lydia said under her breath, but the teenager was already back, carrying hotdogs - the worst of human foods - and fries. Simon was practically salivating for it, as he pulled the hotdog towards him. “Yes, three days. The circumstances are… complicated to explain. What about the pair of you? I was under the impression Simon didn’t have any children.”
This whole thing was weird even by White Crest’s standards. Ariana couldn’t wrap her head around why he brought someone he’d only met three days ago to her game. She also happened to catch that they were sharing a bed as she listened walking back up. Why were they sharing a bed? Lydia didn’t seem happy about it… and the circumstances were complicated. She’d taken the seat across from them and had been picking at her french fries. “Three days ago and complicated…  Right,” she said slowly, still looking between them kind of confused, “Oh, I’m not Simon’s daughter. We’re… well, we have a lot in common. It’s a totally not creepy relationship. He’s like my adopted uncle.” As she shoved a few more french fries in her mouth, she couldn’t drop the thought of wanting to know the circumstances. She blurted out, “Are the weird circumstances natural or not?”
The hot dog was gone in about three or four bites, vanishing from the plate almost as soon as it had been put on the table though Simon was still very polite about it though he almost choked when Lydia referred to Ariana as his child, coughing on his bite and pounding his chest as he situated his esophagus. Fortunately, Ariana seemed to have the answer under control and he gave a thumbs up, holding his breath for a few moments. ...Good? Good. Okay, now that he wasn’t dying-- wait adopted uncle? He felt himself get a little hot. Hopefully not that BAD type of uncle. He quietly crunched his shaved ice in a moment of silence before Ariana suddenly confronted them with the next question and he regarded her for a second with an expression that seemed to say ‘what weird circumstance WOULD be natural’? He didn’t know the answer so he didn’t expect her to and he fumbled for an answer before not answering at all and turning to look at Lydia again; he knew what all three of them were and he knew she was private regarding matters so he was going to let her answer that one.
Lydia looked at Simon in bafflement. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue? Surely you knew she’d ask.” She asked, before looking at the teenager again. Adopted uncle. It was sweet, in a slightly strange roundabout way. If Lydia didn’t personally feel attacked by the very notion of being dragged to a high school soccer game, she might feel more guilty about how she’d been behaving. “Yes, darling, it is complicated in a rather unnatural way. Obviously, we won’t discuss that too loudly here. Safe to say it’s… inconvenient, to say the least.”
Ariana couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the little bit of sass Lydia had going on. Poor Simon. He wasn’t the most confident dude, but she was determined to change as much. It did leave the question of Lydia not being very thrown off by the whole supernatural thing. Wait, she wasn’t a wolf was she? She sniffed as subtly as she could, the full moon had been a week ago so her sense of smell was still pretty strong. Lydia didn’t smell like a wolf or another animal. She nodded, “Okay, I get it now. That’s like… really random though.” She gave a quick glance around the area, trying to keep an eye on anyone who could be listening. “Thanks for coming then… I know you probably don’t care for high school soccer, but it means a lot that Simon could be here.” She offered a friendly smile, Lydia could have refused to come altogether. She still didn’t understand what was happening, but she could go with it.
“Sorry! I just… didn’t know if--” Simon cleared his throat and fell silent, spooning another bite of shaved ice in his mouth awkwardly and giving a more pronounced sniff than the one Ariana had been subtle about in what he assumed was an attempt to find out what Lydia was. “Thanks again for inviting me,” He said, giving the teenager a friendly smile. He paused again briefly. “It’s invisible,” He said quietly, looking at Ariana this time. “Like… an invisible tether that’s keeping us from being too far apart.” He tried to explain. “We don’t know how it came about but it’s, like…” He held his hand up and moved it in a ‘swish and flick’ motion.
Did Ariana just… sniff her? Lydia frowned in confusion, leaning back slightly. She tapped her fingers along the wood as Simon shovelled ice into his mouth, waiting for his awkwardness to pass. “It was certainly very random.” Lydia agreed. Her features lost some of their harshness as she listened to Simon explain. They’d told this story in so many ways now, with demonstrations of one kind or another, and here the public space added a new dimension. All the same, by the end of his little hand swish, she had a small smile on her face. “That’s roughly the gist of it. Anyway, I believe we’re here to celebrate your victory, Ariana. Simon was adamant about not missing it.”
Apparently Ariana hadn’t been as subtle as she hoped to be in her sniffing and Simon was far from discreet. As much was apparent by Lydia’s frown. As much as she loved socializing, other wolves really were so much easier. They didn’t find it weird when you were always sniffing the world around you. She listened as Simon explained further and nodded, “Hm, I know a couple of people who are pretty good at the magic thing. I can see if they’ve ever heard of anything like this.” As Lydia directed the conversation back to her, she smiled. It made her happy that Simon was so dead set on being able to come to her last game of the year. He really was the sweetest and she loved having him in her life. “True, I just might be a curious w- person. Thank you for coming with him though, not that you had much choice, but Simon’s like family and it’s awesome that you guys came.” She turned to Simon, “Did you see that goal I made in the first half? The look on Mark’s face was so priceless. That was definitely a highlight for me.”
He knew that Ariana might know at least one magic user so Simon nodded in agreement at Ariana’s suggestion - extend feelers, try to get this thing sorted. He felt a weird rush of emotions at these mentions of Ariana calling him a family member, feeling his face redden slightly and he looked down at is dwindling cup of shaved ice; it was strange, having gone so long without having any friends and now here he was forcibly bonded to a woman who he didn’t think hated him anymore with a teenage girl calling him an adopted uncle. He was thankful for the distraction from his own thoughts when she brought up some of her moves from the game and his expression lightened. “Yeah, it was amazing!” He said enthusiastically. “Soccer games are always the most entertaining; never a dull moment. You’re very deft on the field; I’m surprised anyone could keep up with you.” He wondered if anyone else on the team had supernatural blood, giving them an edge without it being an EDGE.
“I would appreciate as much discretion as possible,” Lydia replied to Ariana’s offer, especially after Simon had accepted it. She was much more comfortable as the conversation moved on to more pleasant and less interesting things. Although she couldn’t help but notice the way Simon shifted in response to Ariana’s words, straightening, reddening. He really couldn’t take a compliment. All she did in turn was raise an eyebrow at him, as the conversation turned to the game. Lydia hadn’t been watching, so didn’t have anything to add there, but was happy to check out while the two of them talked for a little.
Ariana nodded as Lydia expressed wanting discretion on the whole magical bond thing they had going on. Lydia seemed polite enough, but she had the feeling she should probably avoid pissing her off. As Simon spoke of how well she played, Ariana was positively beaming with pride. There was little in this world she enjoyed more than soccer and she loved working with her team to make winning happen. “Is it cocky if I say I know I am? To be fair, I may have a slight advantage physically and all.” The full moon had only been about a week ago so her legs still felt stronger than they would a week from now. “Soccer is definitely one of the more fun sports to watch. That and basketball. American football is just. Ugh. It moves so slow comparatively.”
“Non-American football is definitely one of the more exciting sports,” Simon agreed almost verbatim before shaking his head. “I don’t think it’s cocky; you’re confident and I think people are drawn to that about you.” He explained. “It’s a team sport for sure but people look up to those traits in leaders. Obviously. And I think that confidence and speed - and perhaps your slight advantage, but that’s just a bonus if anything - were instrumental to half the plays you and your team made tonight.” He paused, then cleared his throat and ate another spoonful of watered down shaved ice. “S...sorry.” He quieted down and itched at his nose, rubbing off some of the paint that was on his face.
When she heard the apology, Ariana gave him a stern look and reminded, “You say sorry too much.” Even when he was being helpful or talking her down from being upset, he always apologized. It was something she couldn’t quite understand, but she wanted to help break the habit. Help him gain some confidence. “But also, thank you. I try to be. In a team setting, I find it to be contagious.” She smiled thinking of her team, though she was going to miss playing with them. “I’ll miss the team, but I’m going to be coaching a children’s soccer camp over the summer which will be fun. May have to drag you to some of those games, too.” She took a few spoonfuls of the shaved ice and set the spoon down. “We still have to find you a piano so you can practice, too! You still have to play Moonlight Sonata for me.”
Simon chuckled despite the look she gave him at first; Moonlight Sonata, such a cliche choice for a wolf… certainly more-so than Post Malone. “In time,” He hadn’t played the piano in months… could he even still play a coherent melody, let alone something as iconic as Beethoven? He shook the thought off. “I’m more excited about you teaching the next generation - I can’t help but admire people who take time out of their lives to teach others, especially about a topic that interests them,” He remarked. “I think you’d be a good teacher - and you don’t forget that you said you’d show me a thing or two, too,” He pointed his spoon at Ariana playfully. “So no dragging me anywhere; I’ll show up on my own volition.”
Lydia drifted out of the conversation for a moment, satisfied to let Simon do his small talk. Although, her ears did perk up at the mention of a piano. Even moreso that the melody Ariana proposed was Moonlight Sonata. Now that was interesting. Lydia blinked as something cold dropped on her head. The clouds overhead had only grown darker. Lydia looked up to the sky, holding her hand upturned. After a second, another drop landed in her palm. “As cute as all this bonding is, I think it’s time to leave. I draw the line on walking through fresh mud to leave here.” She looked apologetically to Ariana, and less so to Simon.
There was a proud grin on Ariana’s face as Simon spoke. It was pretty cool she’d be teaching soccer to kids so they could share in something she loved. “Yeah, it’ll be rewarding. I’m looking forward to working with the kids,” she explained happily. When a drop of rain hit her, her smile faded into a frown. She’d have to call Ulf to pick her up so that she could avoid smelling like a wet dog. “That’s a good idea,” she responded to Lydia before giving them both appreciative looks. “Thank you both so much for coming. I’ll catch up with you soon, Simon!”
Damn, and the conversation had been going so smoothly. Simon found that he was frustrated at himself (again, as usual) that he wasn’t able to smell the rain coming - before the whole werewolf nonsense, he could but nowadays, the odour of wet dog just irritated his olfactory senses… he hadn’t mentioned yet today how much he actually hated this sometimes. He stood up quickly, catching Lyida’s gaze as he did so and returned Ariana’s look with his own smile. “Thank you for having us,” he replied with a small wave. “I look forward to the next time we meet. Be safe on your way home!” He spoke rather hurriedly and spent little time going back as far as he could towards the car, reaching the edge of their bond in an usual sense of urgency - get inside before you get wet, get inside before you get wet. He wondered if he and Ariana would ever have an exchange that didn’t end with him having a problem… maybe next time.
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saintheartwing · 4 years
Undertales of Friendship: In Which Papyrus Shows He’s STILL Great
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Papyrus groaned as he saw the ball slip past his paddle yet again, the score on the screen now 3 to 17. He looked over at his opponent, a beanie wearing colt with a dark brown coat and a controller for a cutie mark. Button Mash was the greatest gamer of Ponyville, and the owner of the only video games the town had, all made by Doctor Whooves. Today, Papyrus and Sans were babysitting the little gamer... and the former was getting his proverbial butt handed to him.
"WHATINTHEHOWDIDYOUIDONTSEE...AUGH!" He said, exasperated as Button Mash giggled. Sans just chuckled as he watched, drinking ketchup.
"admit it bro, he has you beat." sans said, shaking his head.
"NEVEEEEER! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL MAKE THE ULTIMATE COMEBACK AND... OH BOTHER." He said as the ball went by again, Button winning the game.
"paps, he boned you. big time." He winked at Button Mash, who chuckled.
"sorry pap. It was an... incident." He winked.
"AUGH! I NEED TO GO WASH UP, I PLAYED THAT GAME DOWN TO THE BONE." He went wide-eyesocketed and faceskulled. "OH DRAT. I WALKED INTO THAT ONE." With that, off he went, Button Mash piling on the couch by Sans. He was staying at their house for now until mom was out of work, and he loved coming by. The two had so many cool things from underground, like action figures and comic books, and best of all, thanks to their sciency friend Alphys, he had a place where he could plug in his games besides the outlets at home. Yeah, the two were pretty cool.
"hey kid, you having fun?" Sans asked.
"Sure am! Papyrus is pretty cool guy. But he is kind of a bad loser isn't he?"
"eh, pay it no mind kid. we monsters are ALL losers, I mean all of us lost to Frisk right?"
Button blinked. "I don't get it."
Sans gave a softer smile.
"in losing to frisk we won his friendship and our freedom. and we wound up winning a way out of the underground and into the lives of some neat ponies. like you."
Button smiled, going to change the cartridge in his arcade style machine. Now no longer a ping pong game, it now focused on the adventures of Daring Do. It was a game made by Dr. Whooves for Rainbow Dash, and Button Mash also wound up with it.
This was the game Papyrus came out to.
Button giggled. "It's called Daring Do and the Digital Descent. It's about how Daring Do, that's the main character, has to explore these ruins, raiding tombs for lost treasures and hidden artifacts."
Papyrus hmmed. "MAY I TRY ONE LIFE?"
Button was about to nod as the door opened, Button's Mom coming in. Chess Queen was a gamer like her son, with a picture of a chess pawn for a cutie mark, and she loved to play games with her son. Sadly, work often made that hard to do, and so she tried to get what time she could. She thanked the skeleton brothers for babysitting, and left, promising to call on them from now on for babysitting jobs.
But as they left Papyrus just slumped into a chair, Sans looking at him worriedly. "what is it bro?"
"come on. I know you too well... out with it."
Sans hmmed. "have you tried working as a guard for twilight?"
Sans chuckled. "well... you made a good joke there."
"THE POINT IS SANS THAT THERE IS NOTHING FOR ME TO DO BUT BABYSIT. YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING ANYWAY SO THAT IS NO DIFFERENT... BUT ME I NEED A GOAL, I NEED AN ADVENTURE. I NEED... SOMETHING." He sighed sadly. Sans looked at his brother and nodded in understanding. Papyrus needed something to fill his life, a goal. He hmmed and recalled that game and suddenly had an idea. It was crazy, but...
"hey, why don't we talk to rainbow dash? i'm sure you would be helpful in one of her adventures with daring do."
Papyrus considered. "WORTH A SHOT. LET'S GO OVER RIGHT AWAY!"
"pap... it's midnight."
"PERFECT! SHE WON'T HAVE LEFT FOR WORK YET!" And with that he leapt out the window dramatically... .right into the outside garbage can.
"I'M ALRIGHT!" sans watched as two ponies clothed in green carried the garbage can off. "NO I'M NOT!"
Sans sighed. This might be harder than he thought.
R,K, Yearling, a well known writer of action stories, was reading aloud the adventures of the famous adventurer Daring Do to several of the young foals and monsters, and was rather pleased how into the stories they all were. She was especially glad to see some of them getting symbols on them which could mean they would also be adventurers.
Good thing to. R. K. Yearling was not as spry as she used to be, despite still being a very active and adventurous philly. See, she was actually in truth Daring Do herself, the legendary explorer, tomb raider, and overall exciting individual. Only one pony in the audience knew who she really was, and said pony with a rainbow mane and tail and a light cyan coat with a rainbow thunderbolt cutie mark was practically squeeing with joy, trying to hide how excited she is to see the legendary pony who was not only her idol, but also a friend.
"... and so, with the chalice of the changelings secure in her maw, Daring Do leapt onto the plane piloted by her best friend and sped away into the night sky. Below, her doglike nemesis shouted up at her, screaming, 'CURSE YOU DARING DOOOOOOOO!' as the temple collapsed around him. And so, the world was saved again, thanks to the brave efforts of Daring Do." R.K. Yearling smiled as her audience cheered, the latest story about the Changelings Chalice already a success. As the foals went to buy a copy, the author approached RD, giving her a hoofbump.
"Not bad reading, R.K." Rainbow said with a wink. The two giggled at the fun of a secret identity.
"I HAPPEN TO THINK SO!" Another voice said, scaring the two out of their skins. A fitting thing, the duo soon seeing Papyrus before them when they turned to the castle library entrance. Papyrus had managed to get out of the garbage dump and clean up, but ever since had searched for Rainbow Dash everywhere. By the time he had located the legendary cloudbuster, they were at the castle library, and Papyrus listened intently to the story R.K. read aloud.
And his favorite part was that Daring Do encountered lots of deadly puzzles, his secret (yeah right ~sans) love. R. K. Yearling, being Daring Do in disguise, was not shocked by the skeleton.
"Ah, you must be one of the monsters from the underground. I have heard of you."
Rainbow chuckled some. "R. K., This is Papyrus. Friends call him Pap. He tried to be part of the royal guard for Asgore while they were underground, but has yet to try it for any of the princesses."
R.K. Hmmmmed. normally she worked alone. But an adventure with Rainbow proved even she could use some help from time to time. Besides, the adventures she had since that time with Rainbow Dash were some of her best sellers! She hmmmed some more as she considered.
"Well... Daring Do does work with others on occasion. I can contact her and see if maybe... MAYBE... you can join in. But I warn you. She doesn't work too well with others, nor does she allow any slacking off. You need to do your part."
R.K. chuckled worriedly, looking to Rainbow Dash just to make sure this guy was on the level. Rainbow shrugged but nodded reassuringly.
"Well... at the very least he is somewhat good with puzzles..."
R.K. hmmmed. "Perhaps I can convince her then." She said, walking off. Papyrus tilted his head some as he looked at her.
Rainbow laughed nervously and shook her head feverishly, trying to say how wrong he was, leading him to Sugar Cube Corner to have a snack while they waited. They did not have to wait long. As the two were snacking on some cupcakes (Papyrus preferring the one from Muffet now that she FINALLY could make them be edible), in walked a golden coated mare with a mane that was somewhat like a monochrome verson of Rainbow Dash's mane. On her flank was a compass for a cutie mark, and on her head was a pitched hat. The pegasus, Daring Do herself, smiled as she saw her friend and the skeleton.
"Shhhhhhhhhhhh... not so loud. Even walls have ears." She pointed at a nearby wall, where an ear shaped monster was sipping a milkshake, then groaned.
"Well, excuuuuuuuuuuse me." He said flatly, walking out as Daring Do pulled out a scroll. It was covered in arcane runes, done in a very weird pattern.
"R.K. said you wanted to help, and Rainbow has said you are a monster who likes hard puzzles."
Daring DO pointed a hoof at the runes. "Try this one then. No one can figure it out, not even me." She hmmed as she looked at it. But Papyrus blinked.
"THIS... THIS IS NO PUZZLE... IT IS A MAZE!" He pointed at a small dot amidst some lines. "LOOK, THIS HAS TO BE EITHER WHERE YOU START OR WHERE YOU END, AND..." He pointed to a strange symbol that seemed to have no meaning. "... THIS HAS TO BE THE FINISH! SOOOO... IT IS LIKE MY INVISIBLE ELECTRICITY MAZE!" He began to trace his finger across it, but sweated as he could not find the solution. But as he worked...
"Hey... Pap your right!" Rianbow said, pointing her hoof along a path Papyrus had not tried yet. He stared in wonder.
"So, It is a map and not an inscription. This brings me much closer to it."
"CLOSER TO WHAT?" Papyrus asked, curious.
"Long ago, the ancient zebras of the jungle wherein I found this believed that there lay various stones of incredible power. These were not like the Elements, or even many amulets or glyphs, this was a stone that was forged of its own will. A stone that, if the legend holds, was able to bring about eternal life.
"It is called the Lazarus Lapis."
Daring Do chuckled. "Not with this stone. With it you can cheat death over and over. Immortality in the tip of your hoof... or in your case, the palm of your bony hand."
Rainbow Dash hmmed. "So, you want us to come along?"
Daring Do smiled. "I already had it shown that friends can help when the going gets rough. So, your in." He looked to Papyrus. "As for you, I heard your trying to get into the royal guard somewhere."
Daring smiled. "Pretty lofty goal, it is not easy being one of their royal guards. But if you help me out, I'll put a good word in for you. I have connections in the palace."
Papyrus beamed, but before he could say a word Daring continued. "BUT... you have to listen to me, and when I say jump, you ask how far you fly, got it?"
Papyrus saluted.
"Good. We set out at once for the Zebracan Wildlands!" She shouted the three heading out, unaware of a shadowy figure watching their every move, chuckling at what they were looking for.
"Immortality... heh heh heh..."
"Shhhhhhh..." Rainbow Dash said, chuckling some, Daring Do rolling her eyes. the journey to Zebraca had been easy going until they arrived, and sine finding the starting point, an old abandoned village, they had followed the map through what appeared to be a massive and abandoned zebra metropolis. Daring was on constant lookout, her gaze set to all directions, finally raising a hoof.
"WHAT IS IT?" Papyrus whispered, despite his speech still being all caps for some weird reason. Daring Do looked back at the others and narrowed her gaze.
"We are not alone." She turned back to the front... winding up nose to nose with a zebra clothed in tribal garb and wielding a nasty looking spear. Daring eeped some.
"Take flight!" She screamed, both she and Rainbow Dash taking to the air... but Papyrus just smiled, even as more of the zebra cannibals suddenly appeared.
He approached, several of the cannibal zebras speaking to one another in an ancient tongue, one pulling out a book titled "1001 cooking uses for Skeletons", looking Papyrus up and down. You had to admire their creativity in being able to cook Skeletons, all things considered. But still, high above in the air, Rainbow and Daring groaned.
"Is he REALLY that stupid?!" Daring finally said. "They will tear him apart unless he gets outta there!"
Rainbow suddenly had an idea. "Papyrus! Show them your really cool normal attack!"
Papyrus looked up. "OH. OKAY!" He looked to the zebras. "NOW, BE WARNED, IT IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS." He began to pull out a variety of bones, heaving them in rather impossible ways, where they formed the shapes of letters, changed size, turned all colors, and even did the occasional ballet routine around the zebras.
Then... the attacks began to hit, Pap not even seeing as his wild attack was sending zebras flying left and right. They began to chant and dodge, some catching bones to use in their soup, others shouting in fear and running. Papyrus heaved as he finished, wide eye-socketed as the zebras had mostly vanished, save one he unintentionally trapped in the perfectly built bone cage.
"OH MY... GUESS I OVER DID IT." He said sadly, Daring Do blinking some.
"Ok... that was cool." She said. Rainbow Dash shrugged.
"Eh, it needs to be about 20% cooler." She said, the two landing below to interrogate the zebra.
"Papyrus... break out the spaghetti." Daring Do said, grinning evilly. The zebra native said just two words.
The three, having learned a little from the zebra thanks to the torture of the almost utterly inedible spaghetti, found that they actually had the map upside down, and finding that out they reached the end of the maze. As it turned out, the end had led them to a massive temple, showing the image of a tomb on it. The three looked at it in awe as they approached.
"Whoa. Awesome." Rainbow Dash said. The others were silent until finally Papyrus spoke.
Daring Do chuckled... then thought about what he said. Papyrus was right... it was too easy. It wouldn't be so easy to get in... unless...
She eeped as a gunshot echoed, the three taking cover. They looked up, and saw a crimson pony with a long black beard, wearing an outfit like as if the pony was trying to be Count Dracula. around him were several spiky maned ponies, several well armed.
"Well, well, well. We meet again Daring Do." The crimson pony said, chuckling some, his golden eyes staring at her, as she gritted her teeth.
"Bloodname." Daring said, the pony shouting in frustration.
"BloodRAIN! RAIN!"
"SEEMS RATHER SUNNY TO ME. HUMID, BUT SUNNY." Papyruis said, earning him a shot that just pass through his ribs. Thank goodness for being a skeleton. "OK, NOW THE TEMPLE IS COOL. THIS STALLION SURE HAS THE COOL EVIL VILLAIN PART DOWN."
The pony chuckled. "Finally, some appreciation. I may have let you steal my last chance at immortality Daring Do, but the Lazarus Lapis is too amazing to pass up. And soon it will be ALL MINE."
Rainbow Dash snorted. "Not likely. Time to get physical!" She said, about to take flight...
As a tranquilizer dart impacted her thigh.
"Wha? OOOOoooooooohhh..." She managed to get out as she fell to the ground. A similar dart impacted Daring Do. Papyrus eeped as he also was hit by one, falling on his face so hard the skull left an indent of his smile in the ground.
"That WORKED?" One of the men asked, stunned. "Wow. I didn't think a skeleton could get knocked out like that."
"I suppose they're not the only ones stunned." Bloodrain remarked with a wry smile. "Bring them. We may need them inside for the traps."
The men loyal to the evil pony grabbed the three and hauled them in. Inside, there was a massive open cavern, the floor metallic in nature, with an opening on the other side.
"Strange... what is this?" The lead pony said, sending one of his men across. But no sooner had he taken three steps when he suddenly let out a scream, a jolt of electricity shooting through him.
In an instant the minion dissolved into dust.
"An electricity maze?!" BloodRain said. He looked over at Daring Do and checked her supplies. And among them was a paper. It listed three challenges leading to the Lapis.
"First, the Path of Life. He who takes the easy path through life will find only a quick death.
Second, the Way of Life. He who cannot decide what is most important is unworthy of life.
and Third, the Stone of Life itself. He who understands the word of life may claim command over it."
He sighed as he looked to the three. "Awaken them. NOW."
As he awoke, Papyrus saw that Daring Do was being held by one of the guards, and Bloodrain had a gun toting guard aimed at Rainbow Dash. Papyrus was wide eyed.
"Listen monster. You have two choices. Either you cross the challenges or you will watch your friends suffer, and then still have to get the Lapis to save them. Which will it be?"
Ppayrus blinked. He looked at his friends. He then narrowed his eyesockets.
BloodRain eeped as Papyrus' left eye glowed a frightening orange. But still he stood. He said nothing, everyone in the room shocked as he spoke outside of his normal self. He looked at the paper and read the clue. Then he looked around the massive room... and saw the answer.
"IT'S THE STALAGTITES!" He said, throwing several bones at them. One by one they began to fall onto the metal plate, forming a path. It was a lot of hard work, but the path through life was never easy. As the last of several stalagtites fell, he leapt onto them and just walked across with no problem, then he reread the clue.
"OK... ONE DOWN... NOW... THE WAY OF LIFE." He entered the next room and saw that the floor was actually suspended above what looked like a chamber of lava. In the center of the room were various pillars with pictures, seven in all. They showed bits, food, a heart, a smile, a spear, a ballon, and a skull. Papyrus almost hit the skull given how cool it looked but he remembered the clue. What was most important?
He looked at the pictures. he knew each one represented something. And he chuckled.
"OK, WHOEVER MADE THIS PUZZLE MUST HAVE FELT BAD AFTER THE FIRST ONE. IT IS TOO EASY." He pushed on the heart. "LOVE. LOVE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, HAPPINESS... WAIT!" Quickly he realized there was two answers, and before he took his hand off, he also pressed his hand on the smiling face. Above him, two ropes began to burn away. Papyrus watched as they led down to the door on the other side, finally opening up. He almost waked through when he heard the click of the gun.
"Good enough skeleton. Now get over here. We got the last one." Bloodrain said, laughing as he walked by. Papyrus growled at his men, who suddenly shivered. As BloodRain went through, he turned, bones in hand.
"TIME TO USE THE TECHNIQUES SANS TAUGHT ME." He quietly murmured, suddenly letting fly with the bones, using his fabled blue attack. One by one all of the gyuard ponies felt weighted down, Rainbow and Daring staring.
Daring froze. "He almost got it." She said, she and Rainbow flying after Bloodrain, but soon emerging in a final massive chamber, the crimson pony standing over a zebra.
And all around were stones with various markings on them. DOZENS of them.
"Well if you won't tell me..." Bloodrain finally said, grabbing a random stone. "I'll just have to find out by trial and error!"
"NO!" Daring Do shouted, but it was too late. even as Bloodrain rubbed the stone on himself, he suddenly began to regress from a frightening and powerful being down to a cute and helpless baby foal, crying and begging for mommy. Daring Do blinked some.
"Well... that was unexpected." She said, looking to the zebra, who stood up. On his flank was a familiar looking mark, looking suspiciously like an outline of the Delta Rune.
"He chose poorly." The zebra said in perfect Equestrian. "As for you... I knew you would come. the legend told of this day."
Rainbow Dash blinked. "Legend?"
"Yes. The Lazarus Lapis. It was never meant to be in Equestria, or in any dimension where it could be used for terrible means. The legend states that when greedy hearts seek it, there will come ones who will find the stone, and use it's hidden power to send it somewhere safe. So it has always been, so it always will be."
Daring Do nodded. "But... which stone is it?"
"You must choose." He pointed to baby Bloodrain, who was sucking his hoof innocently. "But... choose wisely. The true Lazarus Lapis allows immortality. False ones will bestow other blessings and curses. The one he had returned him to infancy."
Daring Do hmmed. "It would have the word of life... the word of life... Lazarus. He who was dead and reborn..."
Rainbow looked to her. "Daring?"
"An old legend. Lazarus was a name given to a pony that died and was reborn. Life and death in one stone. But... what does it mean?"
The three turned to see Papyrus, walking in casually. "THE DELTA RUNE! THE LAZARUS STONE MUST HAVE THE DELTA RUNE, LIKE THIS ONE!" He pointed to a stone with a set of wings and three triangles on it. He picked it up... and nothing happened.
"Only one way to know..." Daring Do said. She pulled out the ashes of the pony who had braved the maze, ashes she had seen upon waking up. The minions had said what happened. If this was the true stone...
Papyrus touched the stone to the ashes, and they began to glow. Slowly, the ashes began to reform into the servant pony, with less scratches and a cleaner coat. He gasped and was wide eyed, finally letting out a delighted cry. "HA! I'm free, I'm free-"
Before falling onto another stone, and turning into a changeling. Still he laughed.
"You have chosen... wisely." He turned to Papyrus. "It is to your world the stone must go. That is the fate of the stone of life, to be given to those who can guard it." "He turned to the side, pressing his hoof, and revealing a massive vortex. "If you wish to keep it, you must stay here and guard it. But if you throw it in, it will go where and when it is meant to, to one from your world meant to safeguard the stone."
Papyrus smiled, looking to Daring Do and Rainbow Dash. The latter spoke with a smile. "Eh, we got the princesses to help with reformation stuff, we don't need it here. Besides, if it fell in the wrong hands..."
Daring sighed. "Shame we can't keep something though... a souvenir."
The zebra smiled. "That can be arranged." He turned to Papyrus, who nodded.
"OK! I DECLARE THIS QUEST COMPLETED! WE WIN!" He tossed the stone in, the vortex closing forever. Sighing and smiling, he turned to the others. "WELL! THAT WAS FUN! WE MUST DO THIS AGAIN SOMETIME!"
All in the room, even the baby and the changeling, laughed.
And a few days later...
Papyrus was standing by his brothers unkempt bed, the clock nearby saying 4pm. Sans opened his left eye, showing the blue inside.
"pap..." But Sans froze, seeing his brother. He sat up and was wide eyesocketed, smiling broadly.
Papyrus was clothed in golden armor, wielding a nice looking halberd, a flowing cape behind him. He smiled proudly.
Sans hugged his cool brother. "i knew you would do it buddy. you made me so proud."
At that, Sans froze. The Lazarus Lapis? But... it couldn't be... could it?
*50 years ago*
In the underground, Toriel looked through the ruins, looking for snails, as she heard a whooshing sound behind her. When she turned around, she saw a small stone on the floor, oddly with the mark of the Delta Rune.
"What is this?" She said, picking it up. Legends spoke of a stone like this that could reform the recently destroyed. Given the failed determination experiments sans told her about, many doubt the stone existed.
She smiled some. "Maybe... with this... .there won't be anymore taken souls." She said, looking for a way to use the stone to make resurrection points, among other things. If she only knew the full story of why the stone came to her... or that it was to be with her back in Equestria.
But... what entity had caused this to be, or had it simply been a coincidence?
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The Squidbeak Splatoon - Third Time’s the Charm Chapter 1: The Great Squidnapping
In the far flung future, centuries from our time…
The world is nothing but vast & endless oceans, as far as the eye can see. Aside from the deep-sea world, there was no life to be seen. However, if you look just a little bit further into the horizon… land!
At first glance, this bit of land looks unremarkable as monochrome colours dominate everything in sight. But it’s when you take a deeper look into this land that you see something different, something not at all what it appears to be on the outside.
Welcome to Inkopolis… to the City of Colour!
The streets, the markets, the residence, the city center, everywhere you look, there is a new colour to gaze upon. Bright or Dark, Plain or Mixed, Singular or Combined, every colour in the collective Palette is there to enjoy! This gives the residence of Inkopolis a sense of energy & enthusiasm all day long. At night, these same colours along with the city’s beautiful lighting give way to a dazzling view that invoke feelings of imagination & serenity.
The people of Inkopolis are full of various races that have evolved beyond their Cephalopod roots to live freely on land. Jellyfish, Horseshoe Crabs, Urchins, Prawns & most dominantly, the Inklings. Inklings are a unique Species of Inkopolis because they’re half human & half Squid who can change between the two forms at will.
Also compared to normal Squids, their Ink Production is faster & much more potent. They need to be for them to participate in Inkopolis’ most famous sport: Turf War.
2 Teams of 4 Inklings battle each other in a game of Territorial Control, where players must paint as much area as possible using special weapons that utilize their natural ink as ammunition. The more turf inked, the more points that team gets, with the winner being the team with the most turf controlled when time runs out.
Certainly, the City of Inkopolis is a land that embodies enthusiasm, energy, competition & interaction. A perfect blend for a peaceful & prosperous community! But that same peace & prosperity would soon come under threat…
One day, sometime before a special Turf War Event called a “Splatfest” was scheduled to begin, people on the streets were surprised by a breaking citywide broadcast. Callie & Marie, Inkopolis’ Top Pop Idol Duo, take the stage…
Callie: “We interrupt this program to bring you important news!”
Marie: “The Great Zapfish, source of all power for Inkopolis… has mysteriously vanished.”
Callie: “City Officials have released this picture showing a crashed UFO, which was taken around the estimated time of our Zapfish’s disappearance!”
Marie: “We encourage everyone to share any information about this UFO & others that may lead to the missing Zapfish.”
Callie: “Until the Great Zapfish is recovered, we advise Turf War Veterans to expect restrictions & limitations on battle scheduling, public or private… That includes the upcoming Splatfest, which is -as of now- on hold indefinitely.”
Marie: “Our sincere apologies for any inconveniences…”
Callie: “That’s all for now. Thank you everyone & until next time…”
Callie & Marie: “Stay Fresh.”
But the public was feeling anything BUT “Fresh”. Everyone was sent into a silent panic. Who could’ve done that? How did we not notice? What’s going to happen to us?!
The Great Zapfish is an entity as big as an observatory tower that is the main source of energy for the entire city. Even in its absence, Inkopolis can still run on reserve power, but that will only last for about 2-3 months at best. People throughout the city, for the next few weeks, would live in fear & hopelessness of having to leave in the near future…
Over a Month Later…
Inkopolis still runs, but it’s clear that the dwindling power has robbed it of its enthusiasm. There aren’t as many lights bathing the city as it used to, most have resorted to staying at home out of fear & a select few fled the city to find a new place to live. What was once a city of energy, is now slowly losing all signs of life. But somewhere within the center of Inkopolis, a small group of teenagers are still kicking hard in Turf War.
Day 1, Arowana Mall, 12:50-
8 Inklings are swapping ink against each other, one side Blue & the other Orange. 2 Blue Inklings holding an N-Zap & a Splat Roller push forward, jumping off the central hill in an attempt to claim more turf as the battle enters its final minute. Suddenly, one of them gets splatted out of nowhere, while the other gets echolocated as she attempts to escape. She gets splatted by an Aerospray on her way forward.
Aerospray Inkling: “Nice going, Miwa!”
Miwa: “You can thank me later, let’s push!”
Miwa is a 14 year old Inkling who’s considered of the most skilled on the turf; one of very few who reached the coveted S+ Ranking. She’s proficient with most weapons, prefers Chargers & despises Blasters.
The battle ends with a score of 57-39 for Team Orange. The winning team jumps for joy & exchanges high fives in celebration as a member of the losing team steps forward.
N-Zap Inkling: “Y-You all got lucky because you had a Charger on your side!”
Miwa: “(Ho boy, here we go again…)”
Aerospray Inkling: “Is that so? Wanna trade & see how it ends?”
Splat Roller Inkling: “Yes! Let’s rematch!”
But just as they were about to start, an official of the Turf War Management approaches them, saying they’ve reached the maximum allowed number of matches & they’re to leave immediately.
Splat Roller Inkling: “But… But that’s not fair; we’ve only had 2 matches. Isn’t the maximum limit supposed to be 5?”
Official: “New rules have been placed: 2 per group only, regardless of arrangements.”
& just like that, everyone packs their things in misery & returns to the City Center…
Inkopolis Plaza, 13:15-
Miwa sits on a bench drinking here favourite juice as she relaxes after being forced to stop battling on such short notice. As she throws her empty bottle in the bin, 2 friends arrive to join her.
Green Inkling: “Yo! Reached your threshold already?”
Miwa: “Let me guess: Reduced Turf War Capacity?”
Purple Inkling: “Yeeeah, what a pain…”
Miwa: “Relax guys, I’m sure it’ll all be fine. Can’t let those smiles turn upside down, right?”
Both of her friends look at her speechlessly, their expressions arched in worry…
Ever since the Great Zapfish’s disappearance, Miwa & several others have been trying to get some energy back into everyone by engaging in Turf Wars as much as possible, creating enthusiasm through tense competition & distracting the public from the crisis. But as the days went by with no sign of the Great Zapfish returning, their efforts soon fell to deaf ears & now, they’re slowly losing their battling privileges.
Purple Inkling: “Listen, maybe… we should go plan our move out & get it over with. I’m sure there’s plenty of land outsi—“
Miwa: “& give up on everything we have here?! Like it’s all worth NOTHING to us?!”
Green Inkling: “Girl, there’s not much else we CAN do. We gotta move on…”
Miwa: “I can’t… I WON’T allow…..”
A cold silence descends upon the 3 companions, as if to look for a way to challenge each other’s arguments, to challenge the very desperate situation they find themselves in. Yet sadly, quietness…
Green Inkling: “Gals look, it’s HIM again! Haha!”
Miwa’s green friend points towards the Vending Machines Corner, an old man sits under a manhole cover looking around as if seeking something.
Miwa: “*Again*??”
Purple Inkling: “Oh you’ve never seen him? He always shows up here between 13-14 o’clock for some reason. What is this bum doing? Hehehe!”
Miwa: “Heh beats me, I don’t live in the sewers myself!”
The 3 continue laughing as Miwa decides to take a picture of this peculiar man. Moments after she’d put her phone down, the old man starts looking directly at her, exchanging such a sharp gaze. Miwa stares in confusion.
Miwa: “(Why’s he looking at me like that? Did he catch me taking his picture? What’s wi—)”
Miwa’s friends tap her shoulder to say goodbye in a hurry. As soon as she turns to face the old man however, he was no longer there. She waits a little longer hoping to see him again, but he never does & Miwa decides to return to her apartment for the day.
Flounder Heights, 18:45-
Miwa sits on her desk working on whatever homework she has to finish, however little there was to complete due to the crisis. She couldn’t help but think about the old man she saw in the Plaza. With her curiosity soaring high & an idea for a gag in mind, Miwa puts her pen down & starts surfing the web for something similar to his outfit.
Suddenly, she comes across a startling discovery. While the old man’s outfit was nothing to write home about, the hat was EXTREMELY valuable: The Legendary Cap. A very special & rare headgear that only the best of Inklings were awarded with it for their services & bravery in the Great Turf War, 100 years ago.
A cap like this is IMPOSSIBLE to get, even with the help of the back alley dealers like Spyke!
Miwa: “(What was he doing with a hat like that! He couldn’t have stolen it… Is it a fake perhaps? &…) Why was he looking at me?”
One question lead to another, each without an answer. So, Miwa decides there was only one way to solve this mystery…
Day 2, Inkopolis Plaza, 13:40-
For the first time in over a month, Miwa didn’t take part in any Turf Wars. Rather, she spent her time waiting around in the plaza for the Cap wearing man. They look at each other from a distance for minutes on end, with Miwa waiting for the right opportunity to face him.
With each passing minute, she grows more tense. The old man was still looking at her & her alone.
Miwa: “(He’s not going to look anywhere else, isn’t he?... I need to find a way to distra—!!)”
& just like that, the old man vanished while she was looking around.
Miwa: “But it’s still 13:50 o’clock!”
She makes a mad dash for the manhole to investigate. No sign of him. There was only one way he could’ve escaped her sight…
Miwa: “Yuck… (Am I really doing this?...)”
Hesitation holds her in place, but not for long as her curiosity becomes too strong to bear.
She jumps into the manhole cover, unaware of what fate has in store for her…..
Unknown Area, 14:00-
After a unexpectedly long journey in the dark depths, Miwa finally emerges to find that she’s now FAR outside the city limits, tall cliffs & waterfalls encircle a bowl shaped area full of small islands, each with its own theming. The most distinct landmark is a giant sculpture of an Octopus at the highest peak.
Miwa continues to admire the scenery, until she finds the old man beside a small shack.
Miwa: “Hello, sir?... W-What am I saying?! Listen, I need to know whe—“
Old Man: “That look in your eyes…”
Miwa: “Wha??”
Old Man: “I’ve been waiting for someone like you! You’re just who we need to defeat the Octarians!”
Miwa: “Octarians? You mean the ones Inklings fought in the Great Turf War? Wait, are you some sort of military general?”
Old Man: “Absolutely! I’m Captain Cuttlefish, Leader of the Legendary Squidbeak Splatoon! A pleasure to make your acquaintance, welcome to Octo Valley.”
After exchanging introductions, the Captain moves on to explain what’s going on. It seems that he’s been investigating the Great Zapfish’s disappearance alone & has concluded that it was the Octarians’ who stole it, as revenge for their defeat in the Great Turf War 100 years ago.
Despite his best attempts, he wasn’t able to get anyone to believe his findings & is currently understaffed to do the job. This led him to try & find a capable Inkling from the streets of Inkopolis to help return the lost Zapfish, which is where Miwa comes in.
Miwa: “So, you want ME to help you recover the Great Zapfish?”
Cpt. Cuttlefish: “I won’t lie: It won’t be easy. We’re alone against an army. The best I can do to help you is provide telecommunication support & hide Mini Spawn Points around the valley, they will only save you so many times.
So, what will you do young one? Will you join me as my 3rd Agent on this covert mission?”
Most would take a step back to consider, but Miwa didn’t as she saw an opportunity. If she can do this, everything will be back to normal. She’ll take back her home, Turf Wars & bring back the Inkopolis she loves! Miwa turns to the Captain to give her answer, when…
Cpt. Cuttlefish: “I’ll take your silence as ‘Yes, of course I’ll help!’”
Miwa: “Wait What?!”
Cpt. Cuttlefish: “I’ll make the necessary preparations for you, so meet me again tomorrow at 12 o’clock!”
Miwa: “Wait a second!”
It was settled: Miwa will be the Squidbeak Splatoon’s Agent 3, on a quest to explore Octo Valley, stop the Octarian menace & retrieve the stolen Great Zapfish!
Will she succeed? What obstacles await her? Tune in next time for Chapter 2: Krak on, Agent!
Thank you for reading & have a good day! 👋🏻😄
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tristala · 6 years
Thoughts on Sofia the First Part 4:
Season 4
Day of the Sorcerers
     I have been looking forward to this episode and it finally happened. My son finally made a choice and it was worth the wait. It’s good to see Hexley Hall again with all of the magic around them. Jun and Wu-Chang were a sight for sore eyes and good additions to the episode. Mystic Isles...maybe Sofia and Cedric will go there someday.
     The Order of the Wand was fascinating and they do have a question that has been on my mind for a while. Why are they serving under the royals? I’m not surprised that Greylock’s with them at all, his king is full of himself.
     I never thought I’d love a rock ballad but here we are. My Evil Dreams is now one of my top favorite songs in the series. The lyrics are great and really made me empathize with Cedric. Jess Harnell did an amazing job singing and voicing the sorcerer. Wormwood telling everything and Sofia’s reaction to Cedric’s confirmation was heartbreaking. Both raven and sorcerer being smug and confident as they took over the kingdom and Sofia trying to stop them were one of the most intense scenes in the series. The redecoration of the throne room and the throne itself was gorgeous. I also like that it was Sofia’s throne Cedric transformed.
     The way he said “This is all I want.” was top notch. I knew he wouldn’t harm Sofia and that was in itself, rewarding.
      “I never thought you were capable of something like this!”
     “You never thought I was capable of anything. No one did!” Let it out man.
     “Everything you did was the greatest thing ever. But did anyone notice when I did something right?  Noooo.  They only noticed when I made a mistake.”
     “And you made a lot of mistakes.”
     “So. Did. You.”
     Cedric finally got to tell Roland everything he has been bottling inside for decades was very satisfying.
     “Then maybe you should have tried doing something great.” ROLAND YOU BIT-
     Sofia is seriously one of the purest cinnamon rolls out there.
     “The worst thing you did, was saying we weren’t friends, because I know that’s not true. You helped me save Royal Prep. You helped me beat Princess Ivy. You even let Morgana catch you so I can get away. Only a great sorcerer could do those things, and a great friend.”
     Not gonna lie, I teared up right then and there.
     Miranda’s a gift for being a good human being and siding with her daughter in defending Cedric. The long conflict has finally been resolve of will he or will he not take continue his schemes.
     I just wish that it was actually a long special. This is a huge turning point for Cedric. Maybe it could’ve shown that even when he had taken over Enchancia, he was still not respected by his peers (Maybe Greylock will though). Seeing the other sorcerers and wizards beating the Order of the Wand would have been nice too. Nonetheless, I’m still happy for my princess and sorcerer.
The Mystic Isles
     I have mixed feeling about this special. The outfit changes are nice as usual, Sofia’s travel get up in particular and it’s nice to see the ponytail again. I was afraid that Amber would act the same way again regarding to what happened in the Curse of Princess Ivy but she reacted differently-ish. The Library is enchanting, as usual. Prisma was obviously the evil crystal master and I like how it’s natural for Amber to still slip up and be selfish like any other human being. The animation is beautiful. Skye’s just eh, maybe he’ll grow on me. The Dancing Deserts was fascinating along with the Shatter Stone but I didn’t care for the Rompkins at all. Sorry but I just have no patience for those types of characters.
     I didn’t like the “fact” of “If someone helps an animal in need, they’re automatically not on the evil list.” Prisma’s song is punny but I like the tune. I also like that she acts a bit insane, with her voice being all whimsical and dreamy while she’s doing immoral things like trying to murder children.
     Who I Am reached the top ten of my favorite songs of the series. Darcy Rose Byrnes hit those notes perfectly, as well as Ariel Winter. Amber distracting Prisma was humorous, of course she’d have 3 mirrors on her person.
     What I didn’t like about this special is Sofia becoming a Protector. I mean, why would fully grown magical adults depend on a girl who already has so much responsibility on her shoulders. Is this gonna be a big arc with magical hijinks, and I guess Prisma will be the main villain. With that said I’m still happy for Amber’s character growth and her bonding with Sofia.
Through the Looking Back Glass
     Another favorite episode. I guess Cedric centric episodes are generally good. Finally got to know about Cedric and Cordelia’s past. It’s also worth it to say that Calista wasn’t annoying in this ep and that she likes Sofia and considers her as one of her favorite people. The song’s really catchy in a good way and Cordelia’s voice is captivating, I’d like to hear her sing more in the future. Man, the looking back glass is pretty op. This could solve any crime committed, could be used to win debates and so much more.
     Young Cordy and Ceddy are adorable and I had the same reaction as Sofia and Calista when they hugged. Good to see that they made the potion mix up subtle the first time it was featured. Roland you lil shi-prankster. I feel bad for Cordelia but my temper flared when I heard and saw people criticize a young kid who was barely ten at the time. It was cruel and it’s what lead up to his low self esteem.
     The sibling bickering was entertaining but I do feel for Cedric when his sister kept hurling insults toward him. Their predicament with the shrinking spell is creative and I assumed that people in the palace were able to leave. The big reveal for brother and sister was melancholic, especially for Cedric.
     “And you blamed me...All these years.”
     Imagine three decades being looked down by almost everyone, people who already decided what you will always be, a failure rather than see your potential for future deeds must have been painful. I have social anxiety and it always affects me whenever I made a simple mistake, so I could only imagine what it must have been to multiply that to 3 for decades.
     It was nice that Cordelia took the blame and stood up for her brother and told off Roland that not everything is Cedric’s fault.
Princess Jade
     It was a good ep. But Amber’s the one who made me like it even more. Jade’s princess look is nice as well as Amber’s village outfit and her bun is so cute! Ruby’s a sweetie, making sure her friend tries new things, same goes for Sofia.
     “Well, there’s more to life than fashion...I cannot believe I just said that.” Me neither Amber, good for you.
     I also adore how she worked with Ruby and others and had a marvelous presentation. My girl is growing up so fast.
Ivy’s True Colors
     The title was actually made me look forward to this episode when I saw it, it was like a pleasant surprise for Ivy to get redemption. I kinda wish the Deep Sleeps affected humans too but then again it could’ve gotten too complicated. Roma‘s cute and it was nice to see a princess have a skunk friend though I bet having black and white fur helped. Also, I think the monochrome look of the island is beautiful.
     I’ve always wanted to know more about Ivy since she mentioned that her land’s also black and white. And being imprisoned on an island without a trial for a decade without anyone to talk to is depressing. Maybe her family or her people aren’t the best kind. That could explain her being new to the whole friendship and love thing. The song is now another favorite and on the top ten songs, the lyrics are somewhat cheesy but beautiful nonetheless. I thought that Nettle’s appearance would screw up the plot but it actually worked out fine for me. Her friendship with Ivy’s really neat and I hope that I do get to see them again.
Pirated Away
     I added this episode mainly due to Amber and Miranda moments. I despise the pirates, they were one of the most annoying characters in the series. I was a bit disappointed when Amber said that Miranda isn’t her real mom when she was the one who said that step-dads are just as real as dad-dads. I assume she said this out of frustration. I adore the princesses’ sailing outfits though.
     It was lovely to finally see Miranda and Amber having a heart to heart talk with Amber admitting that she can be selfish at times. Miranda pointing out that her girls are growing up so fast gave me a bittersweet feeling and I don’t know why. I do like the ending with the magnificent meteor shower.
The Mystic Isles: The Princess and the Protector
     As I feared, this arc started out bad for me personally. Chrysta was annoying and just didn’t put much effort in training Sofia. As much as I love her wings, her arms are like sticks. I also think that it’s a bad idea for the Protectors to assign an inexperienced “trainer” to teach a child. This isn’t some simple test you guys, Sofia isn’t a guinea pig and this could affect her growth. You’re risking her safety as well.
     What I did like is Sofia telling Chrysta off. While I am well aware that this was the point, it still did not sit well with me. Chrysta gave off bad vibes and I think she might be a hit or miss.
The Mystic Isles: The Falcon’s Eye
     I really did not like this episode and I’m really not liking this arc. It’s was pretty boring save for the fact that the Wicked Nine is part of the plot and Jun appearing again.
     Twitch and Prisma make an interesting duo along with the Locket of Vor. The Wicked Nine caught my attention and suddenly became more compelling but was made me doubt it again after seeing the way they approached the whole thing. I also did not like the security of the Falcon’s Eye. It’s so dumb, even a human can climb those walls. The series is not fitted to have smart sneaky battle strategies. I know it’s for children, but at least make Christa more competent. She is the so called best Protector in the Isles. At least she’s trying to be a better trainer.
     “And you know what they say about finding medallions on the ground: Hang them from your neck and enjoy many compliments.” …..No. That is some terrible advice right there.
The Mystic Isles: A Very Mystic Wassalia
     Skye really did not grow on me. He’s just really boring and now that this is probably the last time I’ll see of him until the finale so it seems he’ll always be just eh to me. Elfabetty was very annoying, I can’t stand types of kids in cartoons that just go off and cause trouble for everyone.
     The only thing I like was Sofia and Chrysta’s interaction. It was obvious from the start that the fairy doesn’t have anyone to celebrate Wassalia with and Sofia, bless her, was really sweet to give her a gift and made the effort to go around the Isles to tell everyone about her. But I wish they showed Sofia spending time with her family too.
The Birthday Wish
     Reliving and making sure things go well for the day just for it to move on a lot of times must have been an exhausting ordeal for Sofia. But I did find it refreshing to see her distraught and annoyed, she had a wider variety of expression in this ep. Tizzy, I love you but you should really check your spells more. And where’s Cedric? He should’ve been there, it’s his friend’s birthday after all.
In Cedric We Trust
     Feeels. Roland and Baileywick being dismissive of Cedric is understandable. I mean, he did freeze them and almost took over the kingdom. Sofia’s dress is really pretty and suits her age, especially now with the show ending. Cedric did give me second hand embarrassment again, specifically discussing a crown with Roland. Wormwood’s really fed with Cedric and it’s saddening. His betrayal made things worse too.
     A trait I like about Prisma is her keeping her promises, even if she has menacing intentions.
     “Oh Twitch, are you jealous?”
     “Actually yeah, a bit.” Gotta love the honesty there.
     Cedric trying to prove himself and saying that he and Roland used to be close as kids in a catchy song gave me mixed feelings. It’s refreshing that he’s not scheming anymore but I’m not completely sold on the idea that they were close. And Wormwood whyyy. Well, I do know and somewhat understand but how could you leave your best friend like that.
     Prisma hitting Cedric on the shoulder looks painful. But the main highlight of this episode is Cedric saving Sofia and risking his life in the process. I just hope that Wormwood realizes his mistake and redeems himself.
A Royal Wedding
     Finding out that Amber’s the heir to the throne was a pleasant surprise but I did feel bad for James until I thought that he didn’t even like doing kingly duties and I remembered that he trained a bit as a knight.  
     Speaking of, why did Roland know anything about this and how could they keep this from him? Shouldn’t he know about these things? You know for a king, Roland seems to know squat on some important parts.
     “W-well, I’m not like that anymore.” That is true and I’m proud of you.
     “James, I understand this is difficult to hear.”
     “No, you don’t understand dad. You got to be king.” Ooo. He has a point there.
     The song’s pretty but James stap, don’t sabotage your sister. Meanwhile, the twin’s wedding garb are very stylish along with Amber’s hair and tiara. It’s good to see Sofia’s blue gown again, I hope it’s going to be her default dress.
     Amber mastering the greetings and her brother’s shocked reaction were funny. James planning to become a knight is the perfect role for him.
The Royal School Fair
     I’ve missed the Royal Prep kids. It seems like it’s been a while since an episode focused them. I also appreciate that the writers didn’t make a complete 180 with Hildegard’s personality. She still wanted her and Clio doing things together  but was more accepting of her friend’s choices and was willing to let them be separated in the end. The song is really cute and catchy, one of the best in the series. I feel bad for Desmond but I also love how James was supportive. First Hugo, now him. That boy seems to have a strong sense of brotherhood.
     Amber and Sofia’s relationship has gone through a lot. From Amber hating her, to loving her and wanting Sofia to go with her to the same school.
     “No one ever said you had to be a knight to be a hero.” A great lesson.
     Another great lesson is: We may have to decide on somethings but that doesn’t mean we can’t change them. Nothings stays the the same, perhaps for a long time but never forever.
     “And no matter what we choose, it...won’t be forever?”
     “Oh nothing is my dear.”
The Lost Pyramid
     Everyone looked fabulous in their travel garb. They made the effort to give each princess an individual design whereas they could’ve just easily given them the same uniform design. I love Princess Cassandra and her whole exchange with Zooey.
     “Cassandra, are you…”
     “Blind? What gave me away? Are my socks mismatched again?”
     “You never mentioned in your letters you couldn’t see.”
     “Well, you never mentioned you could.”
     “Good point.”
     I love it.
     Another thing I loved was how Cassandra taught them to see in the dark. And it’s nice to see a more realistic/normal portrayal of a blind person.
The Elf Situation
     A good, warm final regular episode. Arielf and Elfabelle are cute and didn’t annoy me.
     “We river elves prefer it rainy.”
     “We tree elves prefer it leafy.”
     “Leafy? Is that even a thing?” I’m with you there.
      Got another favorite song. I adore it for showing them having fun and acting like regular children especially with all that’s happening. Bittersweet, but more on the sweet side. The lesson’s great by saying that kids don’t have to try acting like grown ups so fast and should instead enjoy their childhoods.
So, this now sums up my thoughts on certain episodes of Sofia the First. Part 5 will be my conclusion.
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hayamibun · 2 years
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Jumpsuit-----> Cynful Clothing & Co.----> Cynful Jaclyn Jumpsuit - Black
This Jumpsuit is my absolute fav! Fits like a glove, showed off my avatar's curves (in which I love). Comes in many colors, and sizes are Maitreya Lara (+ Petite), Belleza Freya, Legacy (+ Perky), Kupra, Reborn. Great buy.
Shoes ----> [Sheba]----> Vay Heels *Monochrome
I have worn these shoes for many outfits, so obviously I am obsessed. Probably one of my fav buys. Wish there was more coloring to them, but I am a simple black and white girl at the end of the day. 
Watch ----> PetroFF-----> MK Watch-white
The watch was a nice touch outfit and comes with more colors as well. Love that the watch actually shows SLT time on it, and the fact I didn't have to do much editing when it comes to my avatar. Plan to use this watch for more fits in future, watch out! 
Bag ---->Hollyhood----> CC Filly Bag Duo - Tux
As usual, you can't go wrong with Hollyhood. Love adding that luxury to certain fits, and this creator provides. The bag comes with multiple colors as well as positions to carry it (which I love LOVE LOVE THAT). Can't wait to continue using their products! 
Hair ----> L'Etre & DOUX----> Kiara hairstyle
As usual working with this creator with the hair. Honestly, I love that they call most of the hairstyle's blogger edition, LOL. I did go through quite a few hairs before finding the right one, a few of them the edges were NOT okay baby. But ended up finding this beauty, so a win win . Definitely recommend checking out her store. 
ALL in ALL, this outfit is a favorite of mine. I will get more into tattoos and nails down the road, so stay tuned my fellow fashionist.
 And Keep the Passion for Fashion! 
Male Model: Bestie Shin 
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knowledgebaseng · 3 years
Nollywood Actress Kehinde Bankole And Her Twin Sister Celebrate Birthday With Stunning New Photos
Nollywood Actress Kehinde Bankole And Her Twin Sister Celebrate Birthday With Stunning New Photos
Nollywood actress, Kehinde Bankole and her twin sister, Taiwo are a year older today and they decided to bless our feeds with stunning photos. The duo who is one of our favorite celebrity twins dazzled in matching red monochrome looks well-coordinated from outfits to makeup as they posed for the camera. Kehinde who is an award-winning talent made her entertainment debut in the 2003 Miss…
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the9jafresh · 3 years
Nollywood Actress Kehinde Bankole And Her Twin Sister Celebrate Birthday With Stunning New Photos
Nollywood Actress Kehinde Bankole And Her Twin Sister Celebrate Birthday With Stunning New Photos
Nollywood actress, Kehinde Bankole and her twin sister, Taiwo are a year older today and they decided to bless our feeds with stunning photos. The duo who is one of our favorite celebrity twins dazzled in matching red monochrome looks well-coordinated from outfits to makeup as they posed for the camera. Kehinde who is an award-winning talent made her entertainment debut in the 2003 Miss…
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garycdewitt · 3 years
Best white living room ideas in different ways
The white living room looks very attractive and has a light, airy and spectacular setting. A light interior is a clean sheet that is suitable for the implementation of any image and the embodiment of various design ideas.
Features of white Living room
Subject to certain design subtleties, you can achieve a truly beautiful living room design:
The white interior is simple and functional. Elements in snow-white colors have a very stylish and respectable look.
Shades of white contribute to the visual expansion of the space, so they are especially suitable for a small living room.
White surfaces are highly reflective and add extra volume to objects.
This color scheme is a great option for those who want to avoid unnecessary costs and repairs for a change of scenery. The white room can take on a whole new look with just an upgrade of accessories.
White living room decoration
The interior of the living room can be either completely made in white or have a fragmentary finish:
Walls: Wallpaper is used to decorate the walls. To prevent the setting from looking too boring, canvases with floral, geometric patterns, stripes or ethnic motifs are selected. Surfaces with textured plaster, decorative plates or paint have a very interesting look. A neutral white background provides an opportunity to create experiments using different textures. The walls can be laid out with a natural stone, untreated brick, or marble cladding and stucco mouldings.
Floor: The wooden floor will give the living room a special solidity. Thanks to the parquet board or embossed coating, it turns out to give the atmosphere a luxury. Tiles are also used for decoration, mainly in the form of small white elements, made in gloss.
Ceiling: For the ceiling plane, stretch plasterboard structures or classic whitewash are used.
In the white interior of the living room, you can create an accent wall by using photo wallpaper or applying various patterns.
Such a bright spot will form the effect of contrast in the room and add variety to the whole atmosphere.
white living room furniture ideas
White furniture made of wood, plastic or MDF looks solemn, elegant and chic. A large and spacious living room can be decorated with a spacious corner sofa with armchairs, and in a small room, you can install a small sofa and a couple of comfortable pouffes so as not to clutter up space.
For a visual increase, the room is decorated with a light sofa with leather upholstery, a bleached oak table, a carved sideboard, a laconic chest of drawers, a mirrored wardrobe or a white modular wall.
Dark furniture will look very fashionable in a white living room. Such contrasting inclusions in a monochrome interior add a noble and luxurious look to a simple room.
Decor and lighting ideas for white living room
As a lighting device, you can choose an elegant white chandelier with a long suspension. To create volumetric and local lighting, wall lamps with metallized shades are suitable.
A room with antique furniture, exclusive vases and rare paintings will be decorated with a crystal chandelier.
White walls make a great backdrop against which to hang photographs, panels, and other art objects.
The area near upholstered furniture is often decorated with a carpet with a long pile or a pleasant delicate texture.
A good solution would be a zebra mat, which combines black and white colors and, due to this, looks neutral and at the same time very elegant.
An interesting option would be decor in the form of textiles, for example, such as cushions, furniture capes or blankets with different textures.
Which curtains to choose for a white living room?
You can choose curtains by color in harmony with the walls or canvas with ornaments, the shade of which is combined with pieces of furniture or accessories.
To complement the white living room, the windows are decorated with cream, light gray, beige, mother-of-pearl curtains or ivory curtains. A good solution will be products made of fabric with a soft shine and play.
Black curtains have no less original and stylish look. This black and white combination, applied in proper proportions, is a win-win for guest room design.
White Living Room Design Ideas
The white palette is considered the most optimal choice for a small living room in Khrushchev. It promotes visual expansion of space, increases the height of the ceiling and fills the room with light.
For an even greater sense of spaciousness, multi-level lighting is organized in the room, mirror and glass elements are added to it, or the hall is combined with a balcony or kitchen.
The living room will look very noble in white with bright accents that are found in furniture upholstery, pillows or paintings.
The modern interior will be favorably complemented by lilac, turquoise or orange details, and for a more classic design, elements in gold or marble are suitable.
For an unusual design, a white living room is equipped with colored contrasting lighting. It can emphasize the layout of the room and be located on the walls or decorate furniture items.
An excellent design solution for the hall, both in a city apartment and in a country house, is to create a zone with a fireplace. In the design of the hearth, granite, brick, white rocks or textured tiles are used.
Combinations of white
A classic technique is the use of a black and white combination. A living room in this range undoubtedly attracts attention.
A tandem of matte and glossy textures will look especially advantageous in this color combination. You can dilute the black and white duo with bright accents in rich reds, oranges or yellows.
The union of white with green or light green allows you to endow the atmosphere with lively notes, freshness and natural motives.
The grey and white living room has exquisite rigour. The purity of the white color will be favourably combined with the cold grey tint and give the design certain originality and pretentiousness.
The composition of white and brown fills the atmosphere with luxury and tranquillity. Such a pair forms a rather practical, comfortable, neat and well-groomed interior.
interior designs for living rooms
The white interior of the living room can be embodied in a wide variety of styles.
White living room in a modern style
The palette of white shades is very often used in modern minimalist design. White tones combined with grey shades and well-chosen furnishings allow for a harmonious and cosy atmosphere.
There is no extra decor in the room, but for light walls, you can choose black and white photographs in monochrome frames.
In high-tech style, white, perfectly aligned, painted or plastered walls, combined with ceramic floor tiles and laminate flooring, can significantly expand the space. The interior uses multifunctional glass or plastic furniture with austere outlines.
White hall in classic style
In a snow-white living room in a classic style, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings, the windows are decorated with thick curtains and the room is furnished with luxurious brown or grey-black furniture.
A fireplace with a white brick or marble finish will give the atmosphere a kind of romanticism.
Living room in Provence style
The Provence style room is characterized by delicate pastel shades and an abundance of the white palette.
Snow-white shades are harmoniously combined with lavender, pale yellow, blue, mint and pink tones.
French-style is distinguished by the presence of elegant furniture on graceful legs, wicker elements, openwork lace, flower arrangements and indoor potted plants.
Living room in Scandinavian style
White is the leading color in Nordic design. This style is decorated with natural materials and textiles. Compact and functional wood furniture is used to arrange the living room. Brick, sand and chocolate colors are selected as companion colors.
The decor in the form of woollen blankets, pillows and scented candles adds a special cosiness to the atmosphere.
The use of white in the design of the living room is considered a great solution. This palette not only adds chic to the setting but also adjusts the space.
, http://www.thechairandsofa.co.uk/?p=7648
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chellesbookreport · 3 years
Best white living room ideas in different ways
The white living room looks very attractive and has a light, airy and spectacular setting. A light interior is a clean sheet that is suitable for the implementation of any image and the embodiment of various design ideas.
Features of white Living room
Subject to certain design subtleties, you can achieve a truly beautiful living room design:
The white interior is simple and functional. Elements in snow-white colors have a very stylish and respectable look.
Shades of white contribute to the visual expansion of the space, so they are especially suitable for a small living room.
White surfaces are highly reflective and add extra volume to objects.
This color scheme is a great option for those who want to avoid unnecessary costs and repairs for a change of scenery. The white room can take on a whole new look with just an upgrade of accessories.
White living room decoration
The interior of the living room can be either completely made in white or have a fragmentary finish:
Walls: Wallpaper is used to decorate the walls. To prevent the setting from looking too boring, canvases with floral, geometric patterns, stripes or ethnic motifs are selected. Surfaces with textured plaster, decorative plates or paint have a very interesting look. A neutral white background provides an opportunity to create experiments using different textures. The walls can be laid out with a natural stone, untreated brick, or marble cladding and stucco mouldings.
Floor: The wooden floor will give the living room a special solidity. Thanks to the parquet board or embossed coating, it turns out to give the atmosphere a luxury. Tiles are also used for decoration, mainly in the form of small white elements, made in gloss.
Ceiling: For the ceiling plane, stretch plasterboard structures or classic whitewash are used.
In the white interior of the living room, you can create an accent wall by using photo wallpaper or applying various patterns.
Such a bright spot will form the effect of contrast in the room and add variety to the whole atmosphere.
white living room furniture ideas
White furniture made of wood, plastic or MDF looks solemn, elegant and chic. A large and spacious living room can be decorated with a spacious corner sofa with armchairs, and in a small room, you can install a small sofa and a couple of comfortable pouffes so as not to clutter up space.
For a visual increase, the room is decorated with a light sofa with leather upholstery, a bleached oak table, a carved sideboard, a laconic chest of drawers, a mirrored wardrobe or a white modular wall.
Dark furniture will look very fashionable in a white living room. Such contrasting inclusions in a monochrome interior add a noble and luxurious look to a simple room.
Decor and lighting ideas for white living room
As a lighting device, you can choose an elegant white chandelier with a long suspension. To create volumetric and local lighting, wall lamps with metallized shades are suitable.
A room with antique furniture, exclusive vases and rare paintings will be decorated with a crystal chandelier.
White walls make a great backdrop against which to hang photographs, panels, and other art objects.
The area near upholstered furniture is often decorated with a carpet with a long pile or a pleasant delicate texture.
A good solution would be a zebra mat, which combines black and white colors and, due to this, looks neutral and at the same time very elegant.
An interesting option would be decor in the form of textiles, for example, such as cushions, furniture capes or blankets with different textures.
Which curtains to choose for a white living room?
You can choose curtains by color in harmony with the walls or canvas with ornaments, the shade of which is combined with pieces of furniture or accessories.
To complement the white living room, the windows are decorated with cream, light gray, beige, mother-of-pearl curtains or ivory curtains. A good solution will be products made of fabric with a soft shine and play.
Black curtains have no less original and stylish look. This black and white combination, applied in proper proportions, is a win-win for guest room design.
White Living Room Design Ideas
The white palette is considered the most optimal choice for a small living room in Khrushchev. It promotes visual expansion of space, increases the height of the ceiling and fills the room with light.
For an even greater sense of spaciousness, multi-level lighting is organized in the room, mirror and glass elements are added to it, or the hall is combined with a balcony or kitchen.
The living room will look very noble in white with bright accents that are found in furniture upholstery, pillows or paintings.
The modern interior will be favorably complemented by lilac, turquoise or orange details, and for a more classic design, elements in gold or marble are suitable.
For an unusual design, a white living room is equipped with colored contrasting lighting. It can emphasize the layout of the room and be located on the walls or decorate furniture items.
An excellent design solution for the hall, both in a city apartment and in a country house, is to create a zone with a fireplace. In the design of the hearth, granite, brick, white rocks or textured tiles are used.
Combinations of white
A classic technique is the use of a black and white combination. A living room in this range undoubtedly attracts attention.
A tandem of matte and glossy textures will look especially advantageous in this color combination. You can dilute the black and white duo with bright accents in rich reds, oranges or yellows.
The union of white with green or light green allows you to endow the atmosphere with lively notes, freshness and natural motives.
The grey and white living room has exquisite rigour. The purity of the white color will be favourably combined with the cold grey tint and give the design certain originality and pretentiousness.
The composition of white and brown fills the atmosphere with luxury and tranquillity. Such a pair forms a rather practical, comfortable, neat and well-groomed interior.
interior designs for living rooms
The white interior of the living room can be embodied in a wide variety of styles.
White living room in a modern style
The palette of white shades is very often used in modern minimalist design. White tones combined with grey shades and well-chosen furnishings allow for a harmonious and cosy atmosphere.
There is no extra decor in the room, but for light walls, you can choose black and white photographs in monochrome frames.
In high-tech style, white, perfectly aligned, painted or plastered walls, combined with ceramic floor tiles and laminate flooring, can significantly expand the space. The interior uses multifunctional glass or plastic furniture with austere outlines.
White hall in classic style
In a snow-white living room in a classic style, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings, the windows are decorated with thick curtains and the room is furnished with luxurious brown or grey-black furniture.
A fireplace with a white brick or marble finish will give the atmosphere a kind of romanticism.
Living room in Provence style
The Provence style room is characterized by delicate pastel shades and an abundance of the white palette.
Snow-white shades are harmoniously combined with lavender, pale yellow, blue, mint and pink tones.
French-style is distinguished by the presence of elegant furniture on graceful legs, wicker elements, openwork lace, flower arrangements and indoor potted plants.
Living room in Scandinavian style
White is the leading color in Nordic design. This style is decorated with natural materials and textiles. Compact and functional wood furniture is used to arrange the living room. Brick, sand and chocolate colors are selected as companion colors.
The decor in the form of woollen blankets, pillows and scented candles adds a special cosiness to the atmosphere.
The use of white in the design of the living room is considered a great solution. This palette not only adds chic to the setting but also adjusts the space.
0 notes
imotibg2015 · 3 years
Best white living room ideas in different ways
The white living room looks very attractive and has a light, airy and spectacular setting. A light interior is a clean sheet that is suitable for the implementation of any image and the embodiment of various design ideas.
Features of white Living room
Subject to certain design subtleties, you can achieve a truly beautiful living room design:
The white interior is simple and functional. Elements in snow-white colors have a very stylish and respectable look.
Shades of white contribute to the visual expansion of the space, so they are especially suitable for a small living room.
White surfaces are highly reflective and add extra volume to objects.
This color scheme is a great option for those who want to avoid unnecessary costs and repairs for a change of scenery. The white room can take on a whole new look with just an upgrade of accessories.
White living room decoration
The interior of the living room can be either completely made in white or have a fragmentary finish:
Walls: Wallpaper is used to decorate the walls. To prevent the setting from looking too boring, canvases with floral, geometric patterns, stripes or ethnic motifs are selected. Surfaces with textured plaster, decorative plates or paint have a very interesting look. A neutral white background provides an opportunity to create experiments using different textures. The walls can be laid out with a natural stone, untreated brick, or marble cladding and stucco mouldings.
Floor: The wooden floor will give the living room a special solidity. Thanks to the parquet board or embossed coating, it turns out to give the atmosphere a luxury. Tiles are also used for decoration, mainly in the form of small white elements, made in gloss.
Ceiling: For the ceiling plane, stretch plasterboard structures or classic whitewash are used.
In the white interior of the living room, you can create an accent wall by using photo wallpaper or applying various patterns.
Such a bright spot will form the effect of contrast in the room and add variety to the whole atmosphere.
white living room furniture ideas
White furniture made of wood, plastic or MDF looks solemn, elegant and chic. A large and spacious living room can be decorated with a spacious corner sofa with armchairs, and in a small room, you can install a small sofa and a couple of comfortable pouffes so as not to clutter up space.
For a visual increase, the room is decorated with a light sofa with leather upholstery, a bleached oak table, a carved sideboard, a laconic chest of drawers, a mirrored wardrobe or a white modular wall.
Dark furniture will look very fashionable in a white living room. Such contrasting inclusions in a monochrome interior add a noble and luxurious look to a simple room.
Decor and lighting ideas for white living room
As a lighting device, you can choose an elegant white chandelier with a long suspension. To create volumetric and local lighting, wall lamps with metallized shades are suitable.
A room with antique furniture, exclusive vases and rare paintings will be decorated with a crystal chandelier.
White walls make a great backdrop against which to hang photographs, panels, and other art objects.
The area near upholstered furniture is often decorated with a carpet with a long pile or a pleasant delicate texture.
A good solution would be a zebra mat, which combines black and white colors and, due to this, looks neutral and at the same time very elegant.
An interesting option would be decor in the form of textiles, for example, such as cushions, furniture capes or blankets with different textures.
Which curtains to choose for a white living room?
You can choose curtains by color in harmony with the walls or canvas with ornaments, the shade of which is combined with pieces of furniture or accessories.
To complement the white living room, the windows are decorated with cream, light gray, beige, mother-of-pearl curtains or ivory curtains. A good solution will be products made of fabric with a soft shine and play.
Black curtains have no less original and stylish look. This black and white combination, applied in proper proportions, is a win-win for guest room design.
White Living Room Design Ideas
The white palette is considered the most optimal choice for a small living room in Khrushchev. It promotes visual expansion of space, increases the height of the ceiling and fills the room with light.
For an even greater sense of spaciousness, multi-level lighting is organized in the room, mirror and glass elements are added to it, or the hall is combined with a balcony or kitchen.
The living room will look very noble in white with bright accents that are found in furniture upholstery, pillows or paintings.
The modern interior will be favorably complemented by lilac, turquoise or orange details, and for a more classic design, elements in gold or marble are suitable.
For an unusual design, a white living room is equipped with colored contrasting lighting. It can emphasize the layout of the room and be located on the walls or decorate furniture items.
An excellent design solution for the hall, both in a city apartment and in a country house, is to create a zone with a fireplace. In the design of the hearth, granite, brick, white rocks or textured tiles are used.
Combinations of white
A classic technique is the use of a black and white combination. A living room in this range undoubtedly attracts attention.
A tandem of matte and glossy textures will look especially advantageous in this color combination. You can dilute the black and white duo with bright accents in rich reds, oranges or yellows.
The union of white with green or light green allows you to endow the atmosphere with lively notes, freshness and natural motives.
The grey and white living room has exquisite rigour. The purity of the white color will be favourably combined with the cold grey tint and give the design certain originality and pretentiousness.
The composition of white and brown fills the atmosphere with luxury and tranquillity. Such a pair forms a rather practical, comfortable, neat and well-groomed interior.
interior designs for living rooms
The white interior of the living room can be embodied in a wide variety of styles.
White living room in a modern style
The palette of white shades is very often used in modern minimalist design. White tones combined with grey shades and well-chosen furnishings allow for a harmonious and cosy atmosphere.
There is no extra decor in the room, but for light walls, you can choose black and white photographs in monochrome frames.
In high-tech style, white, perfectly aligned, painted or plastered walls, combined with ceramic floor tiles and laminate flooring, can significantly expand the space. The interior uses multifunctional glass or plastic furniture with austere outlines.
White hall in classic style
In a snow-white living room in a classic style, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings, the windows are decorated with thick curtains and the room is furnished with luxurious brown or grey-black furniture.
A fireplace with a white brick or marble finish will give the atmosphere a kind of romanticism.
Living room in Provence style
The Provence style room is characterized by delicate pastel shades and an abundance of the white palette.
Snow-white shades are harmoniously combined with lavender, pale yellow, blue, mint and pink tones.
French-style is distinguished by the presence of elegant furniture on graceful legs, wicker elements, openwork lace, flower arrangements and indoor potted plants.
Living room in Scandinavian style
White is the leading color in Nordic design. This style is decorated with natural materials and textiles. Compact and functional wood furniture is used to arrange the living room. Brick, sand and chocolate colors are selected as companion colors.
The decor in the form of woollen blankets, pillows and scented candles adds a special cosiness to the atmosphere.
The use of white in the design of the living room is considered a great solution. This palette not only adds chic to the setting but also adjusts the space.
, http://www.thechairandsofa.co.uk/?p=7648
0 notes
lucian-bane · 3 years
Best white living room ideas in different ways
The white living room looks very attractive and has a light, airy and spectacular setting. A light interior is a clean sheet that is suitable for the implementation of any image and the embodiment of various design ideas.
Features of white Living room
Subject to certain design subtleties, you can achieve a truly beautiful living room design:
The white interior is simple and functional. Elements in snow-white colors have a very stylish and respectable look.
Shades of white contribute to the visual expansion of the space, so they are especially suitable for a small living room.
White surfaces are highly reflective and add extra volume to objects.
This color scheme is a great option for those who want to avoid unnecessary costs and repairs for a change of scenery. The white room can take on a whole new look with just an upgrade of accessories.
White living room decoration
The interior of the living room can be either completely made in white or have a fragmentary finish:
Walls: Wallpaper is used to decorate the walls. To prevent the setting from looking too boring, canvases with floral, geometric patterns, stripes or ethnic motifs are selected. Surfaces with textured plaster, decorative plates or paint have a very interesting look. A neutral white background provides an opportunity to create experiments using different textures. The walls can be laid out with a natural stone, untreated brick, or marble cladding and stucco mouldings.
Floor: The wooden floor will give the living room a special solidity. Thanks to the parquet board or embossed coating, it turns out to give the atmosphere a luxury. Tiles are also used for decoration, mainly in the form of small white elements, made in gloss.
Ceiling: For the ceiling plane, stretch plasterboard structures or classic whitewash are used.
In the white interior of the living room, you can create an accent wall by using photo wallpaper or applying various patterns.
Such a bright spot will form the effect of contrast in the room and add variety to the whole atmosphere.
white living room furniture ideas
White furniture made of wood, plastic or MDF looks solemn, elegant and chic. A large and spacious living room can be decorated with a spacious corner sofa with armchairs, and in a small room, you can install a small sofa and a couple of comfortable pouffes so as not to clutter up space.
For a visual increase, the room is decorated with a light sofa with leather upholstery, a bleached oak table, a carved sideboard, a laconic chest of drawers, a mirrored wardrobe or a white modular wall.
Dark furniture will look very fashionable in a white living room. Such contrasting inclusions in a monochrome interior add a noble and luxurious look to a simple room.
Decor and lighting ideas for white living room
As a lighting device, you can choose an elegant white chandelier with a long suspension. To create volumetric and local lighting, wall lamps with metallized shades are suitable.
A room with antique furniture, exclusive vases and rare paintings will be decorated with a crystal chandelier.
White walls make a great backdrop against which to hang photographs, panels, and other art objects.
The area near upholstered furniture is often decorated with a carpet with a long pile or a pleasant delicate texture.
A good solution would be a zebra mat, which combines black and white colors and, due to this, looks neutral and at the same time very elegant.
An interesting option would be decor in the form of textiles, for example, such as cushions, furniture capes or blankets with different textures.
Which curtains to choose for a white living room?
You can choose curtains by color in harmony with the walls or canvas with ornaments, the shade of which is combined with pieces of furniture or accessories.
To complement the white living room, the windows are decorated with cream, light gray, beige, mother-of-pearl curtains or ivory curtains. A good solution will be products made of fabric with a soft shine and play.
Black curtains have no less original and stylish look. This black and white combination, applied in proper proportions, is a win-win for guest room design.
White Living Room Design Ideas
The white palette is considered the most optimal choice for a small living room in Khrushchev. It promotes visual expansion of space, increases the height of the ceiling and fills the room with light.
For an even greater sense of spaciousness, multi-level lighting is organized in the room, mirror and glass elements are added to it, or the hall is combined with a balcony or kitchen.
The living room will look very noble in white with bright accents that are found in furniture upholstery, pillows or paintings.
The modern interior will be favorably complemented by lilac, turquoise or orange details, and for a more classic design, elements in gold or marble are suitable.
For an unusual design, a white living room is equipped with colored contrasting lighting. It can emphasize the layout of the room and be located on the walls or decorate furniture items.
An excellent design solution for the hall, both in a city apartment and in a country house, is to create a zone with a fireplace. In the design of the hearth, granite, brick, white rocks or textured tiles are used.
Combinations of white
A classic technique is the use of a black and white combination. A living room in this range undoubtedly attracts attention.
A tandem of matte and glossy textures will look especially advantageous in this color combination. You can dilute the black and white duo with bright accents in rich reds, oranges or yellows.
The union of white with green or light green allows you to endow the atmosphere with lively notes, freshness and natural motives.
The grey and white living room has exquisite rigour. The purity of the white color will be favourably combined with the cold grey tint and give the design certain originality and pretentiousness.
The composition of white and brown fills the atmosphere with luxury and tranquillity. Such a pair forms a rather practical, comfortable, neat and well-groomed interior.
interior designs for living rooms
The white interior of the living room can be embodied in a wide variety of styles.
White living room in a modern style
The palette of white shades is very often used in modern minimalist design. White tones combined with grey shades and well-chosen furnishings allow for a harmonious and cosy atmosphere.
There is no extra decor in the room, but for light walls, you can choose black and white photographs in monochrome frames.
In high-tech style, white, perfectly aligned, painted or plastered walls, combined with ceramic floor tiles and laminate flooring, can significantly expand the space. The interior uses multifunctional glass or plastic furniture with austere outlines.
White hall in classic style
In a snow-white living room in a classic style, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings, the windows are decorated with thick curtains and the room is furnished with luxurious brown or grey-black furniture.
A fireplace with a white brick or marble finish will give the atmosphere a kind of romanticism.
Living room in Provence style
The Provence style room is characterized by delicate pastel shades and an abundance of the white palette.
Snow-white shades are harmoniously combined with lavender, pale yellow, blue, mint and pink tones.
French-style is distinguished by the presence of elegant furniture on graceful legs, wicker elements, openwork lace, flower arrangements and indoor potted plants.
Living room in Scandinavian style
White is the leading color in Nordic design. This style is decorated with natural materials and textiles. Compact and functional wood furniture is used to arrange the living room. Brick, sand and chocolate colors are selected as companion colors.
The decor in the form of woollen blankets, pillows and scented candles adds a special cosiness to the atmosphere.
The use of white in the design of the living room is considered a great solution. This palette not only adds chic to the setting but also adjusts the space.
0 notes
avika152 · 3 years
Best white living room ideas in different ways
The white living room looks very attractive and has a light, airy and spectacular setting. A light interior is a clean sheet that is suitable for the implementation of any image and the embodiment of various design ideas.
Features of white Living room
Subject to certain design subtleties, you can achieve a truly beautiful living room design:
The white interior is simple and functional. Elements in snow-white colors have a very stylish and respectable look.
Shades of white contribute to the visual expansion of the space, so they are especially suitable for a small living room.
White surfaces are highly reflective and add extra volume to objects.
This color scheme is a great option for those who want to avoid unnecessary costs and repairs for a change of scenery. The white room can take on a whole new look with just an upgrade of accessories.
White living room decoration
The interior of the living room can be either completely made in white or have a fragmentary finish:
Walls: Wallpaper is used to decorate the walls. To prevent the setting from looking too boring, canvases with floral, geometric patterns, stripes or ethnic motifs are selected. Surfaces with textured plaster, decorative plates or paint have a very interesting look. A neutral white background provides an opportunity to create experiments using different textures. The walls can be laid out with a natural stone, untreated brick, or marble cladding and stucco mouldings.
Floor: The wooden floor will give the living room a special solidity. Thanks to the parquet board or embossed coating, it turns out to give the atmosphere a luxury. Tiles are also used for decoration, mainly in the form of small white elements, made in gloss.
Ceiling: For the ceiling plane, stretch plasterboard structures or classic whitewash are used.
In the white interior of the living room, you can create an accent wall by using photo wallpaper or applying various patterns.
Such a bright spot will form the effect of contrast in the room and add variety to the whole atmosphere.
white living room furniture ideas
White furniture made of wood, plastic or MDF looks solemn, elegant and chic. A large and spacious living room can be decorated with a spacious corner sofa with armchairs, and in a small room, you can install a small sofa and a couple of comfortable pouffes so as not to clutter up space.
For a visual increase, the room is decorated with a light sofa with leather upholstery, a bleached oak table, a carved sideboard, a laconic chest of drawers, a mirrored wardrobe or a white modular wall.
Dark furniture will look very fashionable in a white living room. Such contrasting inclusions in a monochrome interior add a noble and luxurious look to a simple room.
Decor and lighting ideas for white living room
As a lighting device, you can choose an elegant white chandelier with a long suspension. To create volumetric and local lighting, wall lamps with metallized shades are suitable.
A room with antique furniture, exclusive vases and rare paintings will be decorated with a crystal chandelier.
White walls make a great backdrop against which to hang photographs, panels, and other art objects.
The area near upholstered furniture is often decorated with a carpet with a long pile or a pleasant delicate texture.
A good solution would be a zebra mat, which combines black and white colors and, due to this, looks neutral and at the same time very elegant.
An interesting option would be decor in the form of textiles, for example, such as cushions, furniture capes or blankets with different textures.
Which curtains to choose for a white living room?
You can choose curtains by color in harmony with the walls or canvas with ornaments, the shade of which is combined with pieces of furniture or accessories.
To complement the white living room, the windows are decorated with cream, light gray, beige, mother-of-pearl curtains or ivory curtains. A good solution will be products made of fabric with a soft shine and play.
Black curtains have no less original and stylish look. This black and white combination, applied in proper proportions, is a win-win for guest room design.
White Living Room Design Ideas
The white palette is considered the most optimal choice for a small living room in Khrushchev. It promotes visual expansion of space, increases the height of the ceiling and fills the room with light.
For an even greater sense of spaciousness, multi-level lighting is organized in the room, mirror and glass elements are added to it, or the hall is combined with a balcony or kitchen.
The living room will look very noble in white with bright accents that are found in furniture upholstery, pillows or paintings.
The modern interior will be favorably complemented by lilac, turquoise or orange details, and for a more classic design, elements in gold or marble are suitable.
For an unusual design, a white living room is equipped with colored contrasting lighting. It can emphasize the layout of the room and be located on the walls or decorate furniture items.
An excellent design solution for the hall, both in a city apartment and in a country house, is to create a zone with a fireplace. In the design of the hearth, granite, brick, white rocks or textured tiles are used.
Combinations of white
A classic technique is the use of a black and white combination. A living room in this range undoubtedly attracts attention.
A tandem of matte and glossy textures will look especially advantageous in this color combination. You can dilute the black and white duo with bright accents in rich reds, oranges or yellows.
The union of white with green or light green allows you to endow the atmosphere with lively notes, freshness and natural motives.
The grey and white living room has exquisite rigour. The purity of the white color will be favourably combined with the cold grey tint and give the design certain originality and pretentiousness.
The composition of white and brown fills the atmosphere with luxury and tranquillity. Such a pair forms a rather practical, comfortable, neat and well-groomed interior.
interior designs for living rooms
The white interior of the living room can be embodied in a wide variety of styles.
White living room in a modern style
The palette of white shades is very often used in modern minimalist design. White tones combined with grey shades and well-chosen furnishings allow for a harmonious and cosy atmosphere.
There is no extra decor in the room, but for light walls, you can choose black and white photographs in monochrome frames.
In high-tech style, white, perfectly aligned, painted or plastered walls, combined with ceramic floor tiles and laminate flooring, can significantly expand the space. The interior uses multifunctional glass or plastic furniture with austere outlines.
White hall in classic style
In a snow-white living room in a classic style, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings, the windows are decorated with thick curtains and the room is furnished with luxurious brown or grey-black furniture.
A fireplace with a white brick or marble finish will give the atmosphere a kind of romanticism.
Living room in Provence style
The Provence style room is characterized by delicate pastel shades and an abundance of the white palette.
Snow-white shades are harmoniously combined with lavender, pale yellow, blue, mint and pink tones.
French-style is distinguished by the presence of elegant furniture on graceful legs, wicker elements, openwork lace, flower arrangements and indoor potted plants.
Living room in Scandinavian style
White is the leading color in Nordic design. This style is decorated with natural materials and textiles. Compact and functional wood furniture is used to arrange the living room. Brick, sand and chocolate colors are selected as companion colors.
The decor in the form of woollen blankets, pillows and scented candles adds a special cosiness to the atmosphere.
The use of white in the design of the living room is considered a great solution. This palette not only adds chic to the setting but also adjusts the space.
0 notes
thekingcasino3 · 3 years
Best white living room ideas in different ways
The white living room looks very attractive and has a light, airy and spectacular setting. A light interior is a clean sheet that is suitable for the implementation of any image and the embodiment of various design ideas.
Features of white Living room
Subject to certain design subtleties, you can achieve a truly beautiful living room design:
The white interior is simple and functional. Elements in snow-white colors have a very stylish and respectable look.
Shades of white contribute to the visual expansion of the space, so they are especially suitable for a small living room.
White surfaces are highly reflective and add extra volume to objects.
This color scheme is a great option for those who want to avoid unnecessary costs and repairs for a change of scenery. The white room can take on a whole new look with just an upgrade of accessories.
White living room decoration
The interior of the living room can be either completely made in white or have a fragmentary finish:
Walls: Wallpaper is used to decorate the walls. To prevent the setting from looking too boring, canvases with floral, geometric patterns, stripes or ethnic motifs are selected. Surfaces with textured plaster, decorative plates or paint have a very interesting look. A neutral white background provides an opportunity to create experiments using different textures. The walls can be laid out with a natural stone, untreated brick, or marble cladding and stucco mouldings.
Floor: The wooden floor will give the living room a special solidity. Thanks to the parquet board or embossed coating, it turns out to give the atmosphere a luxury. Tiles are also used for decoration, mainly in the form of small white elements, made in gloss.
Ceiling: For the ceiling plane, stretch plasterboard structures or classic whitewash are used.
In the white interior of the living room, you can create an accent wall by using photo wallpaper or applying various patterns.
Such a bright spot will form the effect of contrast in the room and add variety to the whole atmosphere.
white living room furniture ideas
White furniture made of wood, plastic or MDF looks solemn, elegant and chic. A large and spacious living room can be decorated with a spacious corner sofa with armchairs, and in a small room, you can install a small sofa and a couple of comfortable pouffes so as not to clutter up space.
For a visual increase, the room is decorated with a light sofa with leather upholstery, a bleached oak table, a carved sideboard, a laconic chest of drawers, a mirrored wardrobe or a white modular wall.
Dark furniture will look very fashionable in a white living room. Such contrasting inclusions in a monochrome interior add a noble and luxurious look to a simple room.
Decor and lighting ideas for white living room
As a lighting device, you can choose an elegant white chandelier with a long suspension. To create volumetric and local lighting, wall lamps with metallized shades are suitable.
A room with antique furniture, exclusive vases and rare paintings will be decorated with a crystal chandelier.
White walls make a great backdrop against which to hang photographs, panels, and other art objects.
The area near upholstered furniture is often decorated with a carpet with a long pile or a pleasant delicate texture.
A good solution would be a zebra mat, which combines black and white colors and, due to this, looks neutral and at the same time very elegant.
An interesting option would be decor in the form of textiles, for example, such as cushions, furniture capes or blankets with different textures.
Which curtains to choose for a white living room?
You can choose curtains by color in harmony with the walls or canvas with ornaments, the shade of which is combined with pieces of furniture or accessories.
To complement the white living room, the windows are decorated with cream, light gray, beige, mother-of-pearl curtains or ivory curtains. A good solution will be products made of fabric with a soft shine and play.
Black curtains have no less original and stylish look. This black and white combination, applied in proper proportions, is a win-win for guest room design.
White Living Room Design Ideas
The white palette is considered the most optimal choice for a small living room in Khrushchev. It promotes visual expansion of space, increases the height of the ceiling and fills the room with light.
For an even greater sense of spaciousness, multi-level lighting is organized in the room, mirror and glass elements are added to it, or the hall is combined with a balcony or kitchen.
The living room will look very noble in white with bright accents that are found in furniture upholstery, pillows or paintings.
The modern interior will be favorably complemented by lilac, turquoise or orange details, and for a more classic design, elements in gold or marble are suitable.
For an unusual design, a white living room is equipped with colored contrasting lighting. It can emphasize the layout of the room and be located on the walls or decorate furniture items.
An excellent design solution for the hall, both in a city apartment and in a country house, is to create a zone with a fireplace. In the design of the hearth, granite, brick, white rocks or textured tiles are used.
Combinations of white
A classic technique is the use of a black and white combination. A living room in this range undoubtedly attracts attention.
A tandem of matte and glossy textures will look especially advantageous in this color combination. You can dilute the black and white duo with bright accents in rich reds, oranges or yellows.
The union of white with green or light green allows you to endow the atmosphere with lively notes, freshness and natural motives.
The grey and white living room has exquisite rigour. The purity of the white color will be favourably combined with the cold grey tint and give the design certain originality and pretentiousness.
The composition of white and brown fills the atmosphere with luxury and tranquillity. Such a pair forms a rather practical, comfortable, neat and well-groomed interior.
interior designs for living rooms
The white interior of the living room can be embodied in a wide variety of styles.
White living room in a modern style
The palette of white shades is very often used in modern minimalist design. White tones combined with grey shades and well-chosen furnishings allow for a harmonious and cosy atmosphere.
There is no extra decor in the room, but for light walls, you can choose black and white photographs in monochrome frames.
In high-tech style, white, perfectly aligned, painted or plastered walls, combined with ceramic floor tiles and laminate flooring, can significantly expand the space. The interior uses multifunctional glass or plastic furniture with austere outlines.
White hall in classic style
In a snow-white living room in a classic style, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings, the windows are decorated with thick curtains and the room is furnished with luxurious brown or grey-black furniture.
A fireplace with a white brick or marble finish will give the atmosphere a kind of romanticism.
Living room in Provence style
The Provence style room is characterized by delicate pastel shades and an abundance of the white palette.
Snow-white shades are harmoniously combined with lavender, pale yellow, blue, mint and pink tones.
French-style is distinguished by the presence of elegant furniture on graceful legs, wicker elements, openwork lace, flower arrangements and indoor potted plants.
Living room in Scandinavian style
White is the leading color in Nordic design. This style is decorated with natural materials and textiles. Compact and functional wood furniture is used to arrange the living room. Brick, sand and chocolate colors are selected as companion colors.
The decor in the form of woollen blankets, pillows and scented candles adds a special cosiness to the atmosphere.
The use of white in the design of the living room is considered a great solution. This palette not only adds chic to the setting but also adjusts the space.
, http://www.thechairandsofa.co.uk/?p=7648
0 notes
Best white living room ideas in different ways
The white living room looks very attractive and has a light, airy and spectacular setting. A light interior is a clean sheet that is suitable for the implementation of any image and the embodiment of various design ideas.
Features of white Living room
Subject to certain design subtleties, you can achieve a truly beautiful living room design:
The white interior is simple and functional. Elements in snow-white colors have a very stylish and respectable look.
Shades of white contribute to the visual expansion of the space, so they are especially suitable for a small living room.
White surfaces are highly reflective and add extra volume to objects.
This color scheme is a great option for those who want to avoid unnecessary costs and repairs for a change of scenery. The white room can take on a whole new look with just an upgrade of accessories.
White living room decoration
The interior of the living room can be either completely made in white or have a fragmentary finish:
Walls: Wallpaper is used to decorate the walls. To prevent the setting from looking too boring, canvases with floral, geometric patterns, stripes or ethnic motifs are selected. Surfaces with textured plaster, decorative plates or paint have a very interesting look. A neutral white background provides an opportunity to create experiments using different textures. The walls can be laid out with a natural stone, untreated brick, or marble cladding and stucco mouldings.
Floor: The wooden floor will give the living room a special solidity. Thanks to the parquet board or embossed coating, it turns out to give the atmosphere a luxury. Tiles are also used for decoration, mainly in the form of small white elements, made in gloss.
Ceiling: For the ceiling plane, stretch plasterboard structures or classic whitewash are used.
In the white interior of the living room, you can create an accent wall by using photo wallpaper or applying various patterns.
Such a bright spot will form the effect of contrast in the room and add variety to the whole atmosphere.
white living room furniture ideas
White furniture made of wood, plastic or MDF looks solemn, elegant and chic. A large and spacious living room can be decorated with a spacious corner sofa with armchairs, and in a small room, you can install a small sofa and a couple of comfortable pouffes so as not to clutter up space.
For a visual increase, the room is decorated with a light sofa with leather upholstery, a bleached oak table, a carved sideboard, a laconic chest of drawers, a mirrored wardrobe or a white modular wall.
Dark furniture will look very fashionable in a white living room. Such contrasting inclusions in a monochrome interior add a noble and luxurious look to a simple room.
Decor and lighting ideas for white living room
As a lighting device, you can choose an elegant white chandelier with a long suspension. To create volumetric and local lighting, wall lamps with metallized shades are suitable.
A room with antique furniture, exclusive vases and rare paintings will be decorated with a crystal chandelier.
White walls make a great backdrop against which to hang photographs, panels, and other art objects.
The area near upholstered furniture is often decorated with a carpet with a long pile or a pleasant delicate texture.
A good solution would be a zebra mat, which combines black and white colors and, due to this, looks neutral and at the same time very elegant.
An interesting option would be decor in the form of textiles, for example, such as cushions, furniture capes or blankets with different textures.
Which curtains to choose for a white living room?
You can choose curtains by color in harmony with the walls or canvas with ornaments, the shade of which is combined with pieces of furniture or accessories.
To complement the white living room, the windows are decorated with cream, light gray, beige, mother-of-pearl curtains or ivory curtains. A good solution will be products made of fabric with a soft shine and play.
Black curtains have no less original and stylish look. This black and white combination, applied in proper proportions, is a win-win for guest room design.
White Living Room Design Ideas
The white palette is considered the most optimal choice for a small living room in Khrushchev. It promotes visual expansion of space, increases the height of the ceiling and fills the room with light.
For an even greater sense of spaciousness, multi-level lighting is organized in the room, mirror and glass elements are added to it, or the hall is combined with a balcony or kitchen.
The living room will look very noble in white with bright accents that are found in furniture upholstery, pillows or paintings.
The modern interior will be favorably complemented by lilac, turquoise or orange details, and for a more classic design, elements in gold or marble are suitable.
For an unusual design, a white living room is equipped with colored contrasting lighting. It can emphasize the layout of the room and be located on the walls or decorate furniture items.
An excellent design solution for the hall, both in a city apartment and in a country house, is to create a zone with a fireplace. In the design of the hearth, granite, brick, white rocks or textured tiles are used.
Combinations of white
A classic technique is the use of a black and white combination. A living room in this range undoubtedly attracts attention.
A tandem of matte and glossy textures will look especially advantageous in this color combination. You can dilute the black and white duo with bright accents in rich reds, oranges or yellows.
The union of white with green or light green allows you to endow the atmosphere with lively notes, freshness and natural motives.
The grey and white living room has exquisite rigour. The purity of the white color will be favourably combined with the cold grey tint and give the design certain originality and pretentiousness.
The composition of white and brown fills the atmosphere with luxury and tranquillity. Such a pair forms a rather practical, comfortable, neat and well-groomed interior.
interior designs for living rooms
The white interior of the living room can be embodied in a wide variety of styles.
White living room in a modern style
The palette of white shades is very often used in modern minimalist design. White tones combined with grey shades and well-chosen furnishings allow for a harmonious and cosy atmosphere.
There is no extra decor in the room, but for light walls, you can choose black and white photographs in monochrome frames.
In high-tech style, white, perfectly aligned, painted or plastered walls, combined with ceramic floor tiles and laminate flooring, can significantly expand the space. The interior uses multifunctional glass or plastic furniture with austere outlines.
White hall in classic style
In a snow-white living room in a classic style, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings, the windows are decorated with thick curtains and the room is furnished with luxurious brown or grey-black furniture.
A fireplace with a white brick or marble finish will give the atmosphere a kind of romanticism.
Living room in Provence style
The Provence style room is characterized by delicate pastel shades and an abundance of the white palette.
Snow-white shades are harmoniously combined with lavender, pale yellow, blue, mint and pink tones.
French-style is distinguished by the presence of elegant furniture on graceful legs, wicker elements, openwork lace, flower arrangements and indoor potted plants.
Living room in Scandinavian style
White is the leading color in Nordic design. This style is decorated with natural materials and textiles. Compact and functional wood furniture is used to arrange the living room. Brick, sand and chocolate colors are selected as companion colors.
The decor in the form of woollen blankets, pillows and scented candles adds a special cosiness to the atmosphere.
The use of white in the design of the living room is considered a great solution. This palette not only adds chic to the setting but also adjusts the space.
, http://www.thechairandsofa.co.uk/?p=7648
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dreamleaguesoocer · 3 years
Best white living room ideas in different ways
The white living room looks very attractive and has a light, airy and spectacular setting. A light interior is a clean sheet that is suitable for the implementation of any image and the embodiment of various design ideas.
Features of white Living room
Subject to certain design subtleties, you can achieve a truly beautiful living room design:
The white interior is simple and functional. Elements in snow-white colors have a very stylish and respectable look.
Shades of white contribute to the visual expansion of the space, so they are especially suitable for a small living room.
White surfaces are highly reflective and add extra volume to objects.
This color scheme is a great option for those who want to avoid unnecessary costs and repairs for a change of scenery. The white room can take on a whole new look with just an upgrade of accessories.
White living room decoration
The interior of the living room can be either completely made in white or have a fragmentary finish:
Walls: Wallpaper is used to decorate the walls. To prevent the setting from looking too boring, canvases with floral, geometric patterns, stripes or ethnic motifs are selected. Surfaces with textured plaster, decorative plates or paint have a very interesting look. A neutral white background provides an opportunity to create experiments using different textures. The walls can be laid out with a natural stone, untreated brick, or marble cladding and stucco mouldings.
Floor: The wooden floor will give the living room a special solidity. Thanks to the parquet board or embossed coating, it turns out to give the atmosphere a luxury. Tiles are also used for decoration, mainly in the form of small white elements, made in gloss.
Ceiling: For the ceiling plane, stretch plasterboard structures or classic whitewash are used.
In the white interior of the living room, you can create an accent wall by using photo wallpaper or applying various patterns.
Such a bright spot will form the effect of contrast in the room and add variety to the whole atmosphere.
white living room furniture ideas
White furniture made of wood, plastic or MDF looks solemn, elegant and chic. A large and spacious living room can be decorated with a spacious corner sofa with armchairs, and in a small room, you can install a small sofa and a couple of comfortable pouffes so as not to clutter up space.
For a visual increase, the room is decorated with a light sofa with leather upholstery, a bleached oak table, a carved sideboard, a laconic chest of drawers, a mirrored wardrobe or a white modular wall.
Dark furniture will look very fashionable in a white living room. Such contrasting inclusions in a monochrome interior add a noble and luxurious look to a simple room.
Decor and lighting ideas for white living room
As a lighting device, you can choose an elegant white chandelier with a long suspension. To create volumetric and local lighting, wall lamps with metallized shades are suitable.
A room with antique furniture, exclusive vases and rare paintings will be decorated with a crystal chandelier.
White walls make a great backdrop against which to hang photographs, panels, and other art objects.
The area near upholstered furniture is often decorated with a carpet with a long pile or a pleasant delicate texture.
A good solution would be a zebra mat, which combines black and white colors and, due to this, looks neutral and at the same time very elegant.
An interesting option would be decor in the form of textiles, for example, such as cushions, furniture capes or blankets with different textures.
Which curtains to choose for a white living room?
You can choose curtains by color in harmony with the walls or canvas with ornaments, the shade of which is combined with pieces of furniture or accessories.
To complement the white living room, the windows are decorated with cream, light gray, beige, mother-of-pearl curtains or ivory curtains. A good solution will be products made of fabric with a soft shine and play.
Black curtains have no less original and stylish look. This black and white combination, applied in proper proportions, is a win-win for guest room design.
White Living Room Design Ideas
The white palette is considered the most optimal choice for a small living room in Khrushchev. It promotes visual expansion of space, increases the height of the ceiling and fills the room with light.
For an even greater sense of spaciousness, multi-level lighting is organized in the room, mirror and glass elements are added to it, or the hall is combined with a balcony or kitchen.
The living room will look very noble in white with bright accents that are found in furniture upholstery, pillows or paintings.
The modern interior will be favorably complemented by lilac, turquoise or orange details, and for a more classic design, elements in gold or marble are suitable.
For an unusual design, a white living room is equipped with colored contrasting lighting. It can emphasize the layout of the room and be located on the walls or decorate furniture items.
An excellent design solution for the hall, both in a city apartment and in a country house, is to create a zone with a fireplace. In the design of the hearth, granite, brick, white rocks or textured tiles are used.
Combinations of white
A classic technique is the use of a black and white combination. A living room in this range undoubtedly attracts attention.
A tandem of matte and glossy textures will look especially advantageous in this color combination. You can dilute the black and white duo with bright accents in rich reds, oranges or yellows.
The union of white with green or light green allows you to endow the atmosphere with lively notes, freshness and natural motives.
The grey and white living room has exquisite rigour. The purity of the white color will be favourably combined with the cold grey tint and give the design certain originality and pretentiousness.
The composition of white and brown fills the atmosphere with luxury and tranquillity. Such a pair forms a rather practical, comfortable, neat and well-groomed interior.
interior designs for living rooms
The white interior of the living room can be embodied in a wide variety of styles.
White living room in a modern style
The palette of white shades is very often used in modern minimalist design. White tones combined with grey shades and well-chosen furnishings allow for a harmonious and cosy atmosphere.
There is no extra decor in the room, but for light walls, you can choose black and white photographs in monochrome frames.
In high-tech style, white, perfectly aligned, painted or plastered walls, combined with ceramic floor tiles and laminate flooring, can significantly expand the space. The interior uses multifunctional glass or plastic furniture with austere outlines.
White hall in classic style
In a snow-white living room in a classic style, the walls are decorated with beautiful paintings, the windows are decorated with thick curtains and the room is furnished with luxurious brown or grey-black furniture.
A fireplace with a white brick or marble finish will give the atmosphere a kind of romanticism.
Living room in Provence style
The Provence style room is characterized by delicate pastel shades and an abundance of the white palette.
Snow-white shades are harmoniously combined with lavender, pale yellow, blue, mint and pink tones.
French-style is distinguished by the presence of elegant furniture on graceful legs, wicker elements, openwork lace, flower arrangements and indoor potted plants.
Living room in Scandinavian style
White is the leading color in Nordic design. This style is decorated with natural materials and textiles. Compact and functional wood furniture is used to arrange the living room. Brick, sand and chocolate colors are selected as companion colors.
The decor in the form of woollen blankets, pillows and scented candles adds a special cosiness to the atmosphere.
The use of white in the design of the living room is considered a great solution. This palette not only adds chic to the setting but also adjusts the space.
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