#mononoke kiss+
sollucets · 2 months
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fadel x intricate rituals
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retrothedivine · 6 months
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Found this on twitter and I don't think it would be more accurate.
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i7zlily · 2 years
hugging is a silent way of saying "you matter to me"
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zarryslux · 1 year
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volcanicnettle · 6 months
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 1 month
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p-ogman · 1 year
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For you my soul: my form, my truth, my regret
[My kusu playlist <3]
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mononokehunters · 1 year
Instead of fantasizing about getting it on with Kusu I fantasize about him being my doctor 😏 telling him about my issues and concerns 🫣 him listening carefully and taking me seriously 😳 and then providing a manageable treatment plan 🥴 with a sensible balance of life changes and medicinal remedies 😍 that don't have nasty side effects or cost a fortune 🥵 (and then I get it on with him)
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purplishly-prosaic · 2 years
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Commission of Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss for @/marshmallowbunnyjen on insta~🦊💜 Thank you so much! 💕
Commissions info in my sidebar!
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browngurl99 · 2 months
I think that Toki should kiss girls. So should Eboshi.
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gomacave · 3 months
i wanna draw a cool sexy pose with swords all cool and shit but the buster sword is so huge and fucking ugly GODDD i love it BUT ITS LIKE THE LEAST SEXY SWORD EVER
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comfy-n-cosy · 2 years
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retrothedivine · 7 months
A question that pops up in my head a lot pertaining to Kusuriuri and Hyper.
Are they two different people? Or is hyper just a physical manifestation of Kusuriuri's power? Of course, we can't forget the options of Hyper being a different entity entirely that shares a body with him. (I.e shared body trope)
I love the idea that Hyper is an alter-Ego formed by the motives to slay Mononoke, or just a drive for good in general. I've read many pieces of fiction where a character has a so called alter-Ego, but none are ever separate from the host. Now that I think of it, do we ever see hyper separate from Kusuriuri besides his 'transformation' scenes? I can't wrap my head around it. It also bugs me that we never get ANY clarification as to what hyper is, and I think that's just what makes mononoke the thrilling, mysterious series that it really is.
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kirbyskisses · 1 year
ashitaka >>> all others
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mahousouzou · 2 years
Wowee! This blog is 2 years old today! And it ain't got much going on lol. So I'm reaching out into the void looking for some more anime blogs to follow and maybe make some moots ❤️
Hello, I'm Kyuu! Welcome to my anime blog, mahousouzou. I am 30, and my pronouns are They/Them. I am primarily a fan of Thriller, Horror, Art House, and Slice of Life anime. I like to discuss theories and draw fanart.
My Top 5 Fav Anime:
5. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
4. Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
3. Mushi-shi
2. Mononoke (Ayakashi Horror Tales)
1. InuYasha (you won't find that here-- I've got a separate blog for that. You may know me as katerinu!)
I'll tag some more anime I enjoy as well. Please like or reblog if any of them are what you post ❤️
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koolades-world · 4 months
Ok so my birthday is the day after Mammon's. Can you please do headcanons on an MC whose birthday is the day after the brothers and they don't tell anyone because they don't want the attention to be taken away from the birthday boy and because they think that everyone will be too tired to celebrate their birthday so they don't want to pressure them?
hi! yes, of course :)
please enjoy!
Mc with a birthday right after one of the brother's
he couldn't believe it at first but then it dawns on him that he saw that in your paperwork back when you first arrived
thankfully, he did have some gifts ready for you to give for another occasion, so he gave you those
he also decided to give you as many favors you wanted to make up for his forgetfulness
expect lots of kisses and love as a silent apology
he’s honestly a little mad at himself at first for letting you keep something like your birthday to yourself
he’s supposed to know all these kinds of important things! he’s your first man after all
he takes you out to a dinner, just the two of you to make it up to you
afterwards, since he insists on getting you a present, so he takes you out to a fancy department store and lets you get whatever you want
he finds out after he sees your birthday event in mononoke land; the same one he had the day before
he immediately apologizes and almost throws himself onto the ground
he showers you in lots of in game currencies because usually he would've prepared something for you in a video game
after you go to sleep, however, he gets building and by the morning, your surprise is ready <3
he's very cool about it and pretends like he knew the entire time you were keeping your birthday hidden but inside, he's panicking
he decides to keep it lowkey for today and just take you out for lunch but goes all out the next day
we're talking breakfast in bed, a surprise gift around every corner and a lot of hand written love notes
he apologizes a million time and promises all the fan fair on your actual birthday next year
of course he immediately organizes a party for that night
do not under estimate his planning ability, and like promised, he's got it ready in record time
he makes sure you have the best time, before presenting you with a beautiful present
next year, he promises you'll have the best joint bash ever
Beel + Belphie
beel spits out the food in his mouth and belphie falls off the couch
they throw themselves onto you and let you know they would never mind sharing something that precious to them with someone they care for like you
you resolve to have a movie night together since it involves all of your favorite things
of course, you were between the two of them, and you fell asleep like that :)
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