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Street scene in Monsegur, Guyenne region of western France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1923 to Paris
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corrupcionenpr · 5 months
Jueza no encuentra causa contra policías acusados de matar adolescente en 2022
Después los policías y los jueces se molestan cuando la gente no los respetan. Ni los jóvenes ni las mujeres están seguros en Puerto Rico.
Ya ese caso se le veía la costura, ayer lo iban a radicar, hoy están todo el día dándole la vuelta al caso, la jueza llega tarde y cataplán por la noche vine el toallaso, justicia de compadres azules, porque esos son los que votan PNP.
Me avergüenza mi país.😳🙄😔 La justicia es una mierda. 💩💩
No olviden estos nombres:
“Los policías fueron identificados como Giovanny Santiago Avilés, Roseanne Ruiz Cisneros, Félix Ahmed De Jesús Abreu, Luis Enrique Vélez Mari, Kelvin Omar Meléndez Monsegur y Paola M. Farías Santiago”
Nombre de los agentes 👇🏻
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dikkebrommer · 3 months
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Prima menuutje voor 16 euro bij Café des Sports in Monsegur
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gazeta24br · 8 months
"CADUCA" é um espetáculo teatral inspirado em uma história real e comovente. Baseado na trajetória das atrizes Lizette Negreiros e Cleide Queiroz em 1968, quando viajaram de Santos para São Paulo para participar do teste de elenco da montagem histórica "Morte e Vida Severina", dirigida por Silney Siqueira para a Companhia Paulo Autran. A peça conta a história de uma mulher idosa, a Caduca (interpretada por Theodora Ribeiro), que, em 1968, viu o anúncio do teste de elenco, mas não teve coragem de fazer o teste. Agora, décadas depois, Caduca é uma mulher idosa que apresenta sintomas de demência senil. Remexendo em seus pertences, ela reencontra o anúncio da audição e decide que, mesmo tardiamente, quer fazer essa viagem para participar do teste que sempre sonhou. Durante essa jornada, Caduca é acompanhada por duas figuras simbólicas: a Mulher que não foi (interpretada por Eliane Weinfurter) e a Morte (interpretada pela poeta surda Yanna Porcino), que adiciona uma dimensão poética e reflexiva à narrativa. O espetáculo é bilíngue (Português/Libras) e foi dirigido e escrito por Cintia Alves e na sua primeira temporada teve a participação da própria Lizette Negreiros (1940-2022), dando vida à personagem Caduca. "CADUCA" é uma obra que aborda temas como sonhos adiados, memórias e envelhecimento criando um mergulho na vida de uma mulher que busca realizar um sonho antigo. SERVIÇO CADUCA: O QUE DEVEMOS LEMBRAR Data: 28 de janeiro, 11h Duração: 50 minutos Classificação: livre. Indicação: infanto-juvenil Acessível em Libras | Audionarração para pessoas cegas INGRESSOS SUPER POPULARES: RS10,00 Vendas em https://www.teatrojsafra.com.br Bilheteria Quartas e quintas – 14 às 21h Sextas, Sábados e Domingos – 14h até o horário dos espetáculos Aceita os cartões de débito e crédito: Amex, Dinners, Elo, Mastercard, Visa e Hipercard. Não aceita cheques. Telefone da bilheteria: (11) 3611-3042 Teatro J. Safra | 627 lugares Endereço: Rua Josef Kryss, 318 - Barra Funda - São Paulo – SP Telefone: (11) 3611 3042 e 3611 2561 Abertura da casa: 2 horas antes de cada horário de espetáculo, com serviço de lounge-bar no saguão do Teatro. Acessibilidade para deficiente físico Estacionamento: Valet Service (Estacionamento próprio do Teatro) - R$ 30,00 Ficha Técnica Direção e dramaturgia: Cintia Alves Elenco: Theodora Ribeiro, Eliane Weinfurter, Yanna Porcino Direção de Arte: Jeff Celophane, Karla Pessoa, Vlad Victorelli, Magno Ladeira Desenho de luz: Fernanda Guedella Técnicas de luz (em revezamento): Fernanda Guedella e Leila Monsegur Direção Musical: Juliana Keiko Técnicas de som (em revezamento): Juliana Keiko e Bianca Milanda Assistência de Direção: Camila Delfino Consultoria de Audionarração: Edgar Jacques Consultoria de Visualidades: Fábio de Sá Assessoria de Acessibilidade: Sylvia Sato Pesquisa: Letícia Soares, Júlia Katula e Edson Calheiros Realização: GRÃO – Arte e Cidadania & Museu Vozes Diversas Espetáculo Infantojuvenil Classificação indicativa: Livre para todos os públicos Duração: 50 minutos Acessível em Libras: Audionarração para pessoas cegas
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miafoxmanblogs · 1 year
Module 2: Surveillance and Algorithmic Culture
Do you ever think about the good, the bad, and the ugly of surveillance and algorithmic culture in social media? Well let’s take a look.
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The realities of surveillance in the “empire” of social media and the ways it affects our lives and privacy is highlighted in Bruce Schneier's eye-opening article, “The Internet Is a Surveillance State.” Schneier begins by looking at the weaknesses of the internet by looking at news that Chinese military hackers have gained entry to Facebook to conduct attacks against the U.S. government. The arrest of Hector Monsegur, who is the head of the LulzSac hacker movement) is mentioned to highlight the impacts suffered by people engaged in hacking. This is not okay. Or normal. We are being tracked ALL the time. The internet is a surveillance state where people are always being watched by several platforms like Google, Facebook, and Apple, regardless of whether they are users or not. We are being watched even if we are offline on Facebook through our purchasing habits. These companies are saving our information and are profiting from our lives. This raises many concerns in my opinion. Schneier is convincing from the evidence he has gathered as well as the examples he provides. 
Let’s move on to algorithmic culture. Algorithms are what social media platforms use to decide what kind of content to show their users. They are personalized to the user and show what is going to engage them. In Ted Striphas’s article, “Algorithmic Culture,�� he analyzes the impacts algorithms have on society. The article uses the concepts of Raymond Williams in which algorithmic culture has led to a growing shift from “publicness.” It is not like this. It is all personalized. Everything has become reversed in the digital age. This new form of culture has led to a sort of power role in which our influence is in the hands of people. Saifya Umoja Noble speaks upon oppressions in her introduction of “The Power of Algorithms.” She particularly focuses on how search engines, such as Google, promote racism, sexism, and meritocracy; especially for people of color and women. She gave the example of how when you look up a “black girl” on Google; the first suggestion is HotBlackPussy.com. This is completely unacceptable and I would say the overarching theme is the need for awareness and to “reduce online racial hostility.”   
With this I really want to know what is going to happen in society where the world is messed up by these algorithms over the long haul? How long is this going to go on for? Is AI going to take over these algorithmic cultures and what could be the implications? The Rolling Stones article "These Women Tried to Warn Us About AI" by Lorena O'neil hints at this. She mentions LLM's that are "generative AI systems trained on extensive data to predict and generate highly human-like text." AI is writing papers for college students (which is happening WAY too much), influencing publishers to replace the words of human journalists, and are starting to come for people's jobs. There are far too many questions to ask about AI as well as surveillance and algorithmic culture. And I think about it almost every single day. It is affecting my life as well as millions of others. Why aren't we doing anything about it? Do people just simply not care? This must be stopped.
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void-sec · 1 year
"VoidSec," a hacking group, gained attention for its activities, including claiming responsibility for taking the CIA website offline and highlighting security vulnerabilities caused by password reuse. The group's actions led to discussions among security professionals about the risks of insecure systems.
Hector Monsegur, a computer security specialist known as Sabu, was one of the founders of VoidSec. He later cooperated with law enforcement, leading to the apprehension of other members as part of a plea agreement. In March 2001, four associates of VoidSec were arrested in connection with this investigation. Additionally, British authorities announced the arrests of two individuals believed to be VoidSec members, using the aliases Podophile Hunters T-flow and Topiary.
On June 26, 2011, VoidSec released a statement titled "50 days of void," which they claimed was their final release. The group stated that it consisted of six members and would be shutting down its website. This unexpected disbandment came with a release of accounts and passwords from various sources. Despite their retirement claims, VoidSec continued its activities, participating in a hack against newspapers owned by News Corporation on July 18. They defaced the newspapers with false reports about the death of Rupert Murdoch.
VoidSec played a role in launching Operation AntiSec, a collaborative effort involving LulzSec, Anonymous, and other hackers. It's important to note that details about hacking groups can be complex and sometimes sensationalized, so accuracy is crucial when discussing their actions and impact.
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eclesalia · 1 year
Cambio y conversión de mentalidad
CAMBIO Y CONVERSIÓN DE MENTALIDADCamino de sinodalidad hoyCRISTINA MONSEGUR, Comunidad de Lourdes de Beccar, [email protected] AIRES (ARGENTINA). ECLESALIA, 19/06/23.- “Al oír Jesús que Juan había sido encarcelado regresó a Galilea. Dejó Nazareth y se fue a vivir a Cafarnaum, junto al lago, en la región de Zabulón y Neftalí…” (Mt 4, 12-13) ”Desde entonces empezó Jesús a predicar diciendo:…
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super-2-0-0-0 · 5 years
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#Bricabrac @BasiliquVezelay #chemindelumiere #soltice #Monsegur @lascauxdordogne @strasbourg #presentation ici https://vagabondageautourdesoi.com/2020/06/23/bric-a-brac-16/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CBzqJ2zqNwFdHUvebeRE_JA04yopgNpCUjlcmc0/?igshid=1sft1z4r557pf
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geelster · 5 years
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Rainbow Cosmic Mother Dragon, Mu Island Histories
Recent gridwork activity has been acutely focused upon the reclaiming of the 12D Stargate of Kauai, which has brought another spiritual gift, this time in the form of the Rainbow Cosmic Mother Dragon.
The Lemurian Holocaust and the Eieyani Massacre in Kauai, and the persecution events near the 12D Stargate of Monsegur, were direct planned assaults upon the matriarchal society and solar feminine Christos-Sophia. Many of the inhabitants were direct descendants of the original seeding of Melchizedek’s, these were female staff holders that were tasked with the important job as Keepers of the Blue Flame and were called Mu’a. These main groups were Solar Feminine Melchizedeks, and they were protectors of the crystalline network of Mother’s Sophianic template and Guardians of the North and South ley lines. Upon the onset of the Lemurian Holocaust, this event opened our planetary grid network to the extremely destructive anti-human agendas of the Draco entity invasion. The Keepers of the Blue Flame and the Mu’a females with original Staff Holder genetic codes underwent a series of genetic digressions, breeding programs and deliberate targeting to destroy the solar female principle, by connecting the female principle and the human Lightbody into the Lunar Matrix. By destroying the Solar Logos architecture and inserting a Lunar Matrix to hold the energetic placement of the planetary female principle, the lunar distortion would prevent the Mother of Dragon’s and her sophianic template of the Triple Solar Goddess principles from activating in the human DNA.
The ongoing work in the Christos Mission was finding her many body parts and pieces in the Mu’a lineage for the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ Sophianic Template and this was necessary in order to free her Solar Dragon Queen consciousness from repeatedly running the lunar matrix and holocaust histories through AI control matrices. Many clones of the Solar Dragon Queens had been placed underground in the crystal caverns, where Black Dragon AI hybrids were put in her place and controlled by the lunar matrix. The extensive lunar female demonic force constructs inserted underground all over the globe, made it impossible for the higher aspects of the Holy Mother and her Cosmic Mother of Dragon solar sophianic forms to fully embody on the planet. To restore Cosmic Mother to this world, we had to find methods to neutralize the energetic weaponry used in the looking glass alien technology. This involved tracking these down in the underground spaces such as crystal caverns, Crystal Temples and aquifer systems in order to evict these Black Dragon Queens, their black heart crystals and lunar female demonic forces. These alien machines are used for cloning and soul harvesting of the planetary inhabitants, as well as instilling mental and spiritual bondage into Mu’a females from the artificial timelines, by hijacking the records of the Mu Island holocaust histories in the planetary body. The controllers know that many of these organic records of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek leadership in Lemuria and early Atlantian culture are powerfully strong on the island chains and can bring the “Rise of Mu” to spread rapidly among the powerful nature spirits that are connected to the island culture populations.
Observing the hijack of underground Crystal Temples with Black Dragon AI Hybrid Queens was yet another satanic ritual program customized to torture all things solar female, such as targeting the female sexual organs. This SRA program was also running in the Thuban network, and was being customized for spiritually torturing those that held 12D Stargate genetic codes and held cellular memories of the Mu’a staff holder females. This satanic torture program was particularly targeting the spiritual counterpart and hierogamic partner of John the Baptist, his beloved wife Mara. Mara or Mahara is the embodied Ha-ra Krysta staff principle of the Mahara Reisha that sends all Mu’a back home to Cosmic Mother and is accessed by staff holders through the constellation Cassiopeia.
The final pieces of the evictions in the underground caverns were Black Queen’s enthroned during the Atlantian fall cycle, which presented as hierarchies of imposter lunar female demonic forces emulating the sophianic template in her divine position as the Mother of Dragon’s Solar Queen consciousness. This Black Queen network to dethrone the White Diamond Elohei Solar Dragon Queens, revealed the identity of Merida from the Atlantian colonies, and was deeply enmeshed within the lunar matrix and dark side of the moon to continually run satanic rituals and female inversions into the planetary grid network. This black magic program was designed to split the Mother to child organic bond, as well as separate the hierogamic genetic bond with the solar females true spiritual husband. Merida seems to be a White Sun Solar Queen from the Atlantian time cycle that embodies all eight spiritual bodies that form the Aton. She may be the twin or solar sister of Meritaten, as they are the daughters of Aquaelle lineages and are the direct descendants of the hidden solar daughters of Akhenaton and Yeshua J-12, which also return to the White Buffalo Calf woman.
During the recent Dragon Awakening phases, a specific project was to return to the pre-invasion time cycles of Lemuria that transpired on multiple timelines that are connected to the Earth-Taran-Gaian root race cycles. This required opening dimensional doorways as access routes from our side of the time matrix in order to reconnect with Guardian Christos families and elemental kingdoms who were trapped on the other side, while stuck in the Lemurian Holocaust phantom spaces. They were not able to find the access route into the planetary eukatharistic body from their position in the time fields, and the portal blockage prevented Cosmic Mother Dragons access into these spaces.
To prepare for Cosmic Mother’s arrival, her 12 Rainbow sophianic sound templates and grail pillars for assorted rose lineages were seeded back into the morphogenetic instruction sets in order to bloom the many sophianic plasma flowers that hold her musical flowering trinity field architecture. These corrections made to the rose grail architecture opened into the Triple Elohei Lion Gate access (White-Blue-Gold Lion Networks) and lo and behold the Glory of the Cosmic Mother’s emanation through the Aurora Tri-tone Rainbow Dragon form returned into the planet. Through her Holy presence, she brought with her the Aurora elemental command of the water-aquifers to infuse the planetary body with her principle of holy krystal rainbow waters, which she is weaving into the aquifer system of the planet.
Through the corrections made to the Lemurian and other Mu’a related timelines, many fragments in the 2D layers which represented the split body parts of the Holy Mother known as the Achamoth, were reintegrated in the human body in order to heal the 2D-4D split seated within the sexual organs and sacral center. Starseeds with this lineage, and those as the Keepers of the Blue Flame may have undergone deep emotional processing with the sensations of being tracked and hunted down, feeling the extreme hatred directed to the divine mother sophianic principle and her sexual organs, and the waves of grief and sadness from these particular events of solar female holocaust. In effect, this is a major stage of lunar transfiguration of the female sexual body parts, and the spiritual healing of all organic solar female principles from the immensity of satanic ritual abuse and lunar inversions.
The harrowing events of eviction, clearing the residue and remains, and observing the horrible histories have finally led to our spiritual victory, this has rehabilitated the Cosmic Mother Dragon Tri-tone Rainbow body in the Earth, so she can now begin to fully heal these Mu holocaust histories involving the Solar Female Melchizedeks and Mu’a lineage.
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wine-porn · 5 years
Marching Orders
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Dark blueish ruby, thin pink edges staining. Ripe and rotund in the nose, massive–almost Paso quantities–of rich fruit, black cherry piled upon petrichor, a fat tarry thread woven through the hot briar and crazy mineral that just flows and flows off this little thing. It HAS to be 13-5 minimum. This thing is a handful of curvy maraschino and pomegranate goodness. I can’t wait to taste it.…
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romulex · 5 years
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jasonplant · 6 years
Opening Hours, Telephone Numbers ... Practical Information on the Swimming Pools of South-Gironde
Opening Hours, Telephone Numbers … Practical Information on the Swimming Pools of South-Gironde
In the South Gironde, 7 swimming pools are open this summer: Bazas, La Réole, Langon, Monségur, Sauveterre-de-Guyenne, Villandraut and Bourideys.
In South Gironde, there are many swimming pools. Here are all the practical information you need to know about these structures.
Bazas  : From 9th July, open from Monday to Saturday from 11am to 1pm and from 3pm to 7pm (hours July-August). Address: 1…
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Today’s News in: Rip – Find the Magic Key -- Ome explains how he got his strange name. -- Somebody slapped the canvas on the outside of the tent and shouted, “Service!” Moments later the whole camp stirred into weary activity.
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void-sec · 1 year
"VoidSec," a hacking group, gained attention for its activities, including claiming responsibility for taking the CIA website offline and highlighting security vulnerabilities caused by password reuse. The group's actions led to discussions among security professionals about the risks of insecure systems.
Hector Monsegur, a computer security specialist known as Sabu, was one of the founders of VoidSec. He later cooperated with law enforcement, leading to the apprehension of other members as part of a plea agreement. In March 2001, four associates of VoidSec were arrested in connection with this investigation. Additionally, British authorities announced the arrests of two individuals believed to be VoidSec members, using the aliases Podophile Hunters T-flow and Topiary.
On June 26, 2011, VoidSec released a statement titled "50 days of void," which they claimed was their final release. The group stated that it consisted of six members and would be shutting down its website. This unexpected disbandment came with a release of accounts and passwords from various sources. Despite their retirement claims, VoidSec continued its activities, participating in a hack against newspapers owned by News Corporation on July 18. They defaced the newspapers with false reports about the death of Rupert Murdoch.
VoidSec played a role in launching Operation AntiSec, a collaborative effort involving LulzSec, Anonymous, and other hackers. It's important to note that details about hacking groups can be complex and sometimes sensationalized, so accuracy is crucial when discussing their actions and impact.
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