themonsteroffice · 7 years
Hey everyone. There is no easy way to say this after a lot of thinking and deliberation I’ve decided to shut down Monster Office.  I know I made promises that I didnt keep and honestly its because I didnt want to disappoint anyone but I also really didnt feel like continuing.  There are a few different reasons. The first being that I started monster office way back when I was in school and I just had a lot more time to focus on it. However even then I definitely bit off more than I could ever chew.
 Secondly this project just isnt what I wanted it to be. Im so happy many folks could make friends and share art and interact. However, time and time again whenever I tried to steer this in a certain direction things just always took a wonky turn somewhere. Lighthearted events and prompts would turn into serious dark situations and I honestly just could never keep up with what was going on. Especially the things I heard happening in the discord server were unsettling to say the least.
Thirdly, I’ve just kind of outgrown this. Monster Office was a way for me to explore my concept of dreamons and I think I’ve reached the point where I have learned all I can about them from this project and its just time for them to become part of my main original works. 
I held off on this because I didnt want to take away a community for you guys but I also dont think I have to do that. In a way you all have been the one to make the community and I feel like me pulling my ideas away from it wouldnt necessarily ruin things. After all at its core, Monster Office is just an office environment for monsters. And it can stay that way. There just wont be Dreamons, Mimics, REM, or Kaleidope tied to it. That doesnt mean that you all have to stop interacting with one another. Again you all made the community what it was and Im glad I could bring people together to make friends and I hope you all continue to make friends and have fun with characters and roleplaying with one another. If you are interested in keeping up with my works and asking my characters questions I have a worldbuilding blog @merriway where I talk about my original works and characters. I really appreciate everyone’s interest and time in this and Im sorry it didnt get further. Life really does pull us in all sorts of directions but while this project may be ending there will be many more things for all of us in the future, so please keep creating and being awesome.
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Unofficial Monster Office Discord Reminder
just a small reminder to any new faces that we have a Unofficial Monster Office Discord. If you want a link to it ask ether me, @astrodile @window-service @ask-the-gilded-beetle or @thewebbedvent and make sure you have a Monster Office OC cause we will ask if you have one.
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asktickarus-blog · 7 years
((red rampage. long post & probably badly drawn burn wound under the cut))
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(( @officernolan here ya go))
Tickarus had been going about his intern duties the same as any other day when a sudden rumbling & the floor beneath his feet quaking jolted him, before he knew what was going on chaos broke out as the buiding began to crumble & employees rushed to evacuate
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scared & confused he ran down the halls sprinting on all fours seeking a place to hide & quickly found a busted vent to take cover inside
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as he hid in the vent hearing the sounds of panic from his co-workers trying to escape he did not notice the vent bolts beginning to bust out & fill the space with hot steam, nor did he notice the crumbling ceiling outside
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a large chunk of the rubble fell in front of the vent trapping the young monster inside as the side of the vent burst unleashing the scalding hot steam onto his legs & lower back burning the flesh & causing him to emit a feline shriek of pain
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piranhartist · 7 years
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Some new characters I cooked up for an interaction blog called @themonsteroffice
I triED to jump into MO back when it had first started but compleeeetely failed at that, namely from bad timing with school work and having a character that was a bit too tricky for me to regularly draw .;D (thOUGH SHE’S STILL CONNECTED TO THESE TWO AYEEE)
I'm not gonna futz over making an isolated blog for Lou unless I actually stick with this sorta thing a while >:I But everything'll be tagged 'mointeract' and ‘monsterofficemayhem’ if you wanna block either at any time~
Lotsa nummy flavor text down below
Lou is gonna be the main one interactions can be sent to- though their brother and mama can potentially be poked too.
Loumice (loo-miss) is a bat-like monster that does a touch of gardening for the Green Dept.
They tend to work nonstop from the time they clock in to the wee hours of the morning, caring for the nocturnal plants that are a bit trickier to cultivate than normal business hours. They seem pretty much holed up in the green department, but if their brother is visiting you may get lucky to see them walking through another room. Loumice is a supposedly mute monster, very awkward and timid when approached, and if not for their older brother Quirk- probably wouldn't even be in the office to begin with.
Up until this point the two siblings were living under the care of a gentle forest spirit (whom most have mistaken as some overgrown sloth), and while Quirk was a naturally sociable n' mischievous fella, his big purple sibling would rather stay hiding inside of a tree trunk. So he made a point of taking Lou and himself out to Kaleidope City where a bit more of the action was. And where there's action its good have a little money on you, but Quirk wasn't gonna be the only one gettin' himself a job. So when the two heard about the "Monster Office", Quirk sweet-talked things for Lou's sake to get them a lil position that their green-thumbs could come in handy. (And maybe get them talking to a few people besides their own mom)
Lou's gender is completely nebulous, and they tend not to put much thought in what people call them. (It freaks them out enough just to be spoken to in the first place.) He/Them pronouns are their general go-to’s I suppose.
Lou very seldom finds themselves eating anything. If they don't eat something prepared just as such- it'll cause them to act horribly drunken and delirious. They're also just too timid to venture out to the lounge or cafeteria. Luckily Quirk always brings them a snack or two when he pops by.
Since taking up work at the office in fact, it's hard for Lou to go anywhere else in the building even to just gO HOME unless his brother is there to escort them out.
Lou deeply loves their brother and mother, even if their brother's actions sometimes gets under their skin.
Lou says no-mance to romance; its a bit alien to them, but moreso they get flustered enough just from general socializing.
If taken out of their robes for whatever reason, Lou contorts themselves to a smaller bat-like form out of anxiety. They can only hold their normal shape for other outfits if they're by themselves or around those they consider family.
Lou’s brother decided to permanently move to the city, while Lou themselves jumps between staying with him or their mom from day to day.
Lou and their brother seem to have hands that can act completely independent of their arms. This is a huGE relief to Lou with how much they want to keep their body covered.
In another universe, Loumice cultivates and raises Startoys as opposed to plants. Said Startoys tend to collect at a mysterious looking celestial tree known as Apalon, which they and their family sometimes visits.
They feel most at ease when completely surrounded by something familiar, like an enveloping field of flowers, the walls of a hollow tree, or their mom's arms in a hug. Gentle rainshowers & running water also seem relaxing to them.
Lou's body tends to give off a cold aura, while their brother Quirk gives off a warm one
Sorta piggy-backed from this, Lou does best at cultivating plants with water, while Quirk has more a preference to sunlight. The two of them both have odd (and undiscovered) powers related to each
Both of them are fascinated by the beach
Both sibling's 3rd eye's close horizontally (Quirk's also has a contact in it)
You won't like Lou very much if they’re mad.
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ceruleanfox27 · 7 years
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Local small meets a mimic and doesn't like it
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An invisible monster guy, he’s tall and has fours arms,
occupation: Vermilion department
A kind, helpful, and energetic guy, giving 100% to most things he tries, easily lost in his work he may lose track of his surroundings, time and people trying to talk to him. He gets flustered when he gets things wrong and has unwanted ‘attention’ on himself. Yet he loves to ‘perform’ (often unintentionally and mostly to smaller groups) being quite theatrical and is particularly good at accents and impressions. He would make a good actor, he can act, sing, and dance, but suffers from crippling stage fright. But is happy working on posters or photography.
He takes very good care of his body, and often goes biking, or running, in part due to his invisibility, making it difficult to treat him if something was to ever happen.
He can also play trumpet, though maybe a bit rusty.
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cherrymangomuffin · 8 years
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*wheezes* I’m so nervous, but I said i’d join when my friend did, so....here I go...tossing in my sona ;-; @themonsteroffice 
Name: Cherry Species: Ancient lava monster hiding in a robotic suit (because they have trouble regulating their own body heat) Small summary: An extremely shy creature wanting to bring others happiness through the sharing of flowers. They own a small flower shop were they make small arrangements to be delivered for birthdays, anniversaries, or if someone just wants to be nice and have some flowers sent to someone randomly. They even make flower crowns enchanted with a small amount of magic to help lift your spirits. The upstairs of the building is a small tea room for customers to relax in, drink some tea, have a muffin.  Cherry is a bit of a shizeshifter as well. Normally they stand at about 5′3″ (though it sometimes varies). When they get very nervous or anxious, they tend to shrink up and scurry off to hide somewhere, so don’t be alarmed if this happens. 
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bran-draws-things · 8 years
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“...and research continues..”
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vannbanker · 8 years
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[[ referring to previous happenings and @ecunderbase ‘s character Carp over there...! :o ]]
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firelara · 8 years
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Nadia is a babe and I love her with all my heart
I drew her in work out gear before in my sketch book so I thought I’d redo it on my computer! 
She likes to work out sometimes, but it’s mostly just for fun! 
Look at her I love her....
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themonsteroffice · 8 years
For those who have not read the new FAQ I’d recommend looking over it real quick but also just a reminder:
The new Monster Office community tag is: #MOInteract!
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oogiezucca207 · 8 years
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oogie wonders into a flower shop to get accidentally get cover by flowers
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asktickarus-blog · 7 years
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Tickarus: *hisses*
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Updated reference character sheet for Tix! Please click for better quality :> Tix are comfortable with not wearing clothes as she has enough fur to keep her warm. But she normally do wear t-shirts, tank-tops, light cardigans, shawls, tight shorts, skirts, finger rings, toe rings, fur accessories, tail accessories, band shirts and other band accessories.
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Dumplin’ has a rough time with the office Mimics.
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“whot kin ey git fer ya?”
((Alistair interactions are now open ^^))
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