princessmagpie · 1 year
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HI AND WELCOME! :-) I'm Princess Magpie - you can call me Magpie, Mags or Ophelia!
On this blog I'll post and reblog content relating to my interests, which includes but ain't limited to: horror media, melodic/power/death metal music, lighthouses, art, monsters, animorphs (and other apple-grant books like remnants, bzrk & gone), sphinxes, sci-fi media, animals, anatomy & biology, nature, animals with human faces, pokemon, strange video games, uncanny content, speculative biology, kingdom hearts, fun and lighthearted content, digimon, silly things, danganronpa, books, comics, and much more.
I do my best to tag all my posts with the proper tags. For posts made by me i use the tag #magpie musings
MY ART I'm a digital artist who enjoys drawing monsters, creatures, aliens, cryptids, humans, humanoids, anthros and animals. I enjoy drawing OCs and fanart alike!
If you want to see my art only, please visit @princessmagpiesart where I only post my own art and don't reblog anything else.
I post art here occasionally under the tag #magpies art
I post all of my new art on Patreon - you'll be able to access sfw art and finished pieces, sketches, WIPs for only $1 á month. For $3 or $5 á month you'll be able to access all of the above and nsfw art and monthly "art request" perks.
If monthly backing isn't your thing I also have a Ko-Fi page where you can make art requests or commission me! :>
Commissions are always open! Shoot me a message and we'll talk.
VTUBING I'm also a Vtuber/PNGtuber as a hobby! I usually stream art (with music and no mic) and weird games (with mic) - please check out my Twitch account to learn more!
WHERE TO FIND ME If you want to find me on other sites, please check out my Linktree for where to find me :-)
YOU MAY KNOW ME FROM... Some people may know me from previous (now inactive) blogs; othercrow, operationtixandtricks (Monster Office RP blog; playing my OC, Tix), davidtherat (Animorphs RP blog; playing David). If you know me from any of these, don't be shy to follow and say hi! :>
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((tix is back! and ready for a cozy autumn season! <3 )) ((ask box is open, and so are rp’s and interactions! :D ))
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operationtixandtricks replied to your post “You wouldnt happen to be hiring once applications open would you?”
tix voice: :0???
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syd-the-spider · 6 years
tix says, a little hesitant: "uhh, syd.. that.. that's not food..."
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ryffthegryff-blog · 6 years
C2 and D3 maybe pretty please???? :>c
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Inspired by the words of @operationtixandtricks, Lionel has drawn a friend picture!
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blockmechanics · 7 years
((happy holidays, izzy! :> i hope everything is going well at your place! and a happy new year, too! best wishes!!
I’m dying, grandma is always parking in my room to stare at me for 5 minutes at a time, pls send help.
Also you have happy holidays and happy new year.
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((happy holidays, tufty!! i hope youve had some cheerful days with your child and the rest of your family! happy new year wishes to you!! :> ))
Aw, thank you sweet pea!!! Happy holidays to you, you wee angel
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princessmagpie · 1 year
following old friends :>
i’m trying to find and follow some of my old friends who might still use tumblr ;;v;;
so if you’ve received a follow from me recently, you might know me from my othercrow blog or my animorphs RP blog where i played as David (davidtherat) or from my Monster Office RP blog where i had the character Tix (operationtixandtricks). 
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((Side note: Tix is an herbivore. This means she can’t digest meat-based products. She could try and eat meat - but it would most likely upset her stomach a lot. She eats a largely plant-based diet; fruits, berries, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, spicies, sugars and everything else that can be made from these kinds of raw ingredients. She likes a good cooked meal and also enjoys sweets made from non-animal ingredients. She usually swallows her food whole, unless she is eating for the sake of enjoyment. In these cases she will use cutlery to dish out smaller ‘portions’ for herself to taste. Then she swallows it. Tix has no teeth and therefore don’t require any chewing of the food. The ‘chewing’ happens once the food enters her digestive system. Here, much like birds, enzymes and bacteria in her first ‘stomach’ will soften the material. Then the softened food will enter her second ‘stomach’, where it’ll get crushed and mashed up by stomach-muscle-retractions and grinded by small rocks that are inside the stomach - in Tix’s case it’s gemstones because she feels like it makes her much more fancy than she actually is. Food continues to the intestines where nutriens enter the blood. Any waste will leave through the cloaca. Thanks for reading the tiny “Anatomy of Tix” section :> And thank you so much for the question! :D ))
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love, stranger, accent, please? :>
Love- Very supportive of the person hes in a relationship with, hes the kind of person that makes them tea when their haveing a rough day or to give emotional support when they feel unsure of themselves.
Stranger- Although polite he doesnt actively make small talk with strangers.
Accent- Unidentifiable, everyone always claims he has a diffrent kind of accent, he doesnt really notice it himself though.
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cursedmouthgall · 7 years
@operationtixandtricks Gall walked into the storefront of Mothimor’s shop with an excited grin on his face, he had heard great things about this tailor and had been dying to get something custom made for himself. He was about to rush inside when just as he opened the door he felt something slam hard into him causing him to fall to the ground with a soft thud as he grunts loudly. “Oof, what the hell just hit me?” He grumbles before looking up to see who or what had hit him.
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@operationtixandtricks "MEEHP MEEEEEEEEEEEHP" *continuous frog screams* //headcanon accepted U v U
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jewels-and-medicine · 7 years
autumn ask! :> corn mazes: do you have any secret talents/abilities?
Jamison:“Secret ones? Oh dear, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be a secret now if I told you! But I may tell you something else? Err… I suppose I am able to see almost three hundred and sixty degrees around my head due to my eyes, does that count?”
Dahl:Dahl scoffs, crossing his arms in irritation, “I am secretly able to make anyone do as I say with the proper equipment.” He stretches out his claws. “Oh ho ho… yeah. Oh that doesn’t count? Too bad.”
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skindogben · 7 years
💭 :>c??
“Sweet little Tix. Such a nervous creature, but a faithful customer. Talking to her is a very nice break from the more.. brazen acquaintances I have.”
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operationtixandtricks replied to your photo: Sometimes you gotta use your very top-heavy being...
((this would make for the best fucking walking animation in forever!!!!))
That’s all the motivation I need, here I gooooooo
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