lestatlioncunt · 2 years
all of hearts for vesper?? <333
ANYAAAAAAA (<screaming at the top of my lungs like i’m on a rlly high mountain) thank you so much beloved <33
oc asks  
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
girl loves to act all tough and scary but nothing gets her heart racing like a very beautiful smile directed at her, that play of glances between two people followed by a cheeky smile...she’s blushing probably and can’t help smiling back (legends say fenix shoot his shot with one of his signature smiles but got decked in the face, i guess the attention must be wanted back first mr fenix). also when she hears the words “this made me think of you”, she’s like ohh you were thinking of me? hehe (dies and screams) and hugs,,those big bear hugs types. she didn’t get hugged enough in her life, the pure affection of that gesture makes her heart leap into her throat, she might be a lil stiff at start but she would soon melt into it
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
doesn’t believe in love at first sight, maybe at first fight. main traits she looks for in a relationship is reliability, someone that will be there for her when she needs help (not like she will show that she needs it but still, feels nice to know there’s someone), sincerity, she doesn’t like lies!!, and then FUN, FUN, FUN, FUN. she wants someone that will make her laugh and do stupid shit and that will do stupid shit with her too when she gets dumb ideas. she needs a partner in crime!!
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
she’s COMICAL about crushes, it’s not noticable unless you know her well enough. she’s trying her best to let it go unnoticed but suddenly she’s smiling way more around the person she likes, she’s even cracking jokes and you will catch her sighing dramatically as she looks at her crush from afar. with fenix she was mainly mean bc 1. he deserved it 2. it was incredibly fun to make fun of him 3. she was trying to deny her feelings sooo bad. when she’s in love she’s in general more...comfortable i would say, still on that smiling/joking more part, she feels like she can be herself and her cold shell in basically broken. you get to see real vesper without any filter
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
answered here <3
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
yes,,,she’s not admitting it but she’s so sad when she’s left on her own. at this point her & fenix are like a package deal, she feels weird when he’s not there especially since they spent so much time separated. ofc she still values her alone time or ‘with other friends’ time though. i don’t see a great difference with her acting when fenix isn’t around, i guess she will not need to save his ass after he pisses off someone and i guess...i must say..i think...if she talks about him and fenix isn’t there and the thing she’s saying is inherently positive (crazy since it’s nix) then she will speak about him with a big smile on her face...OUGH MY HEART
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
as stated on first question..HUGS HUGS HUGS. please for the love of god hug this woman, last time she got hugged she was a teen she needs that love. just let me say how an hug is like the physical form of a safe space with her, it’s probably the only way you will catch her crying. she mostly hide her tears and the only way to see her crying is if you hug her..insane about this. also something very specific between her & fenix: when she’s upset or frustrated or stressed or sad or literally whatever, fenix hands slides to the back of her neck and just gently rubs his thumb over her skin, gives a lil tiny massage, there’s smth so comforting about that kind of touch. it simply ease away all her worries
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
subtle. for sure subtle. she has her little moments but mostly subtle, you can easily pick up on her ways to show affection and love when you get to know her real well. and fenix is already the most showy lover she could find so the stress of dealing with him makes her subtle side bring some balance here jskdjf
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
not the type that would write love letters but she’s on the receiving end of little funny and raunchy notes. fenix and his way around words huh. anyways just like him she would probably feel sooo dumb writing super sweet lovely things so she avoids..writing anything in general. funny since words very often fail her and writing them without speaking them out loud would help her way more. open your eyes girl. she would get embarassed and shy if receiving a sweet love letter tho, but she would need to read that all alone or she would die
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
(looks straight into fenix’s direction) uhhh i guess...leaving, leaving for months without telling her anything, being a piece of shit towards her when she’s emotionally vulnerable, leaving, making her feel like she’s unlovable because no one ever sticks around too much with her, leaving, turning colder towards her the moment she starts falling in love, did i say leaving? yes? good bc i gotta do smth real quick (tearing to shreds fenix)
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aezyrraeshh · 2 years
15-20 for sasha/candy pretty please :D
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15. How adventurous are they?
i'd say they are pretty adventurous in the relationship since the kind of relationship they are in is so new for both of them. they experiment with what they like and don't like silently (even if maybe they should talk about this first, but the communication is not their strong suit), simply watching the other's reaction and if it's okay or not.
if we are talking going on some sort of adventures together, then i'd say yeah, somewhat. their whole plan is an adventure on its own, they regularly drive around the city together or sit on the roofs somewhere really high up. other than that they keep the relationship quiet, just enjoying each other and each other's company.
they are adventurous in, um, other things in their relationship, however. if you get what i mean.
16. Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?
oof. it depends.
in the beginning of the relationship, when it was just fwb they didn't really trust each other much, so there were a lot of lies and untold truths from both sides and they knew it, and both of them didn't care much.
when they got into a romantic relationship prior to the confrontaion about sasha's betrayal, there was this huge lie hanging over them. they opened up more at this point, testing the waters of what they can and can't tell, eventually ending up telling things they didn't tell anyone before or were scared to do so earlier; it was scary for both of them, that realisation, that comfort. neither of them trust comfort for they see it as a golden cage that will eventually close and they'll be left inside at the mercy of another.
but the comfort wasn't a cage, it was a bear trap, and it snapped finally, when candy confronted sasha about what they figured out. at this point, sasha felt guilty, which was unfamiliar for the guilt is usually the feeling he drives away quickly with the mindset he does what he has to, but each time he saw how candy learns to trust him and open up (which is hard for him and even harder for them), he felt even more and more guilty. he didn't regret what he did, he regreted keeping it a secret for so long, because at this point he wanted them to trust him and be a part of his world.
so the Rooftop Convo happened, and the trust is broken completely. candy goes away, them comes back, because they are still in the trap of comfort and they still care for him, and they can understand why he did what he did, because he did it out of a desire to survive and candy can respect that and they can eventually forgive.
after that, the trust is slowly rebuild, and it gets stronger as ever to the point where both of them become a person they trust the most to each other, and the trap becomes an embrace of a loved and cherished one.
it's still hard for both of them to be completely honest, as time and time again they prove to each other that they won't use that trust again, it becomes easier.
i went off again :/
17. What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
for candy it would be another betrayal; if they learn once again that he used them, they will not only break up, they would probably want to rip his throat out. which.. would be considered a permanent break up, i think.
now, for sasha it would be candy's ties to the camarilla. candy uses them for both of their advantage, but if sasha were to learn that all of this time they were spying on him, and working for the camarilla in secret, that would be a deal off. idk if he would kill them or even want to do it, but it would be permanent, yes.
also, cheating could make both of them break up.
but since both of them are, ahem, obsessed with each other, neither of them would do the things above, so you can be sure that evil little guys will stay together for the rest of their long, long existence <3
18. What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
What are their dates like?
rides in candy's car is the most popular date they go on. candy is a good driver so the ride is smooth and pleasant, and it gives them a chance to be together, just the two of them and no one else, to talk about whatever they want or to be silent and holding hands on the center console (because sasha is touchy and candy certainly doesn't complain).
the other thing they do is sit on the hospital roof. this is always the unplanned date, they just.. drift there. they also like to watch movies in his appartment and laugh and tell jokes and make out and simply be comfortable.
so as you can guess, their dates are pretty chill most of the time. but they also like to do more loud and out and about things. both of them LOOVE clubbing, and they often do so, dancing together, feeling the other near. sasha also likes to take candy out, but they are not good in being in expensive restaurants, so they sometimes go to a ferris wheel or to some bars.
How long do/did they date?
as for how long they've been dating, ummm.. i'm still reworking the timeline (so don't look at it, it's all wrong now) and the numbers are rough. but counting fwb they've been together for about six years, without the fwb five (excluding the year apart).
Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
not really, as i said they are obsessed with each other and with how they make each other feel, so i'd say they are too attached and in tune with each other to do that.
they did take a break, if you can call it that, after the confronation though. but the circumstances were unique.
19. What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
What do they fight about?
they don't really fight much, but they do bicker when their personalities clash (ex. how to do certain things, when candy is being too stubborn, when sasha doesn't want to do housework), which resolves pretty quickly.
fight happen for two different reasons- candy's anger issues and sasha's being vague again. candy is bad at controlling their anger, and they don't want to take it out on him, but it still happens. sasha also tries to be more honest, but telling half-truths is a big defence mechanism of his.
candy snaps easily because they always expect an attack from everyone, and sasha is used to people using his emotions and words against him. when they first fought, they expected the other to weaponize their reaction and use the moment of weakness, because that's what they had to endure time and time again, but hurting each other is the last thing either of them want, and once they see that, they do become better (only when it comes to each other lmao).
What are their arguments like?
quiet. not that they talk like sensible people, but they are quiet, in a "quiet before the storm" way. with both of them being too stubborn to see each other's point at the heat of the moment.
How do they make up?
after the fight happens, both of them want to be alone for a while. after they've had some time to mull over things, they would gravitate towards each other silently. like one of them would come out to the living room, seeing another sitting on the couch and they would approach it and sit near them, eventually ending up with their hands around each other.
apology is still hard for both of them, but they know they are sorry by the look in each other's eyes.
20. What does their home look like? Their room?
they live in sasha's appartment, and it's big with lots of things around, because he is a hoarder. it's nice, spacious, and soon candy's things join his.
he bought lots of cushions for the couch, because candy likes them and candy lets him take their shampoo, because he says it smells better than his. both of them try to make it their home in all the different ways, and it worked for them for both of them love to spend time there (which is surprising because candy doesn't usually like to spend time in one place, and sasha has never used his appartment for anything other than a place to sleep). candy still gets itchy after staying in one place for long, and sasha is still a workaholic, but they know have a place to come back to!
their room is nice-- there is a big bed, which is enough for three people, but they still end up with sasha clinging onto candy in his sleep, there's also a shared closet with the clothes inside all mixed, because at this point they share them. there are nightstands on the both sides of the bed, with sasha's being full of different things and candy's almost empty save for the charger for their phone and some spare maps.
there are also vases of flowers in the apartment and the bedroom, which candy gifted him, because it makes him happy (despite what they say, candy can be romantic. don't belive them when they say otherwise).
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lavampira · 2 years
🍓 + evie <3
[send 🍓 + an oc for some random facts]
tyyyy !!
🍓 she used to be on a roller derby team and still enjoys skating
🍓 baking and cooking for others is her primary love language
🍓 she owns a vintage typewriter that she keeps on display with her bookshelf of collected old novels
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shadowglens · 2 years
21 for any couple :flushed:
21. a kiss above the collarbone | prompt list
sage leaves her bag to leak mud and water into the floorboards by the door, her hiking boots heaved off and left scattered not much further down the hall. the quick hunting run had turned into a three day hike through dead-infested woods after a storm had brought down enough trees to block every road they knew, and having to spend days with no one but daryl for company had put her in a foul mood. 
continuing down the hall, she finds negan in the kitchen. as he catches sight of her, clothes torn and bloody with gore and eyes darkened from lack of sleep, he frowns, caught halfway to standing. then, as if remembering himself, he makes a show of looking her up and down and whistling quietly.
“well, you look like shit.”
sage just glares at him, tugging her jacket free and groaning as the movement pulls on a bad scrape at her lower back. a few twigs fall free from the pocket as she heaves the wet material onto the counter and negan breathes out a strained laugh. 
“that bad, huh?”
in answer, sage reaches across the bench, pours herself a glass of whiskey, and downs it. if she notices the bag of supplies sitting packed at his elbow or the crowbar resting behind him on the counter or the fact that he’s wearing boots and a raincoat inside, she doesn’t mention it. 
negan rounds the counter in a few long strides as sage tries to look anywhere but his face. one of his calloused hands gently removes the glass from her hand while the other wipes grime from her hair. sage feels herself leaning against him despite herself. 
“where’s kit?” she asks before he can say anything. 
he lets her interrupt him, fingers still idly wiping at the blood behind her ear. “with judith. said the house was too quiet.”
negan grabs her by the chin, lifting her dirt-stained face to look at him. the grey at his temples looks starker, like it’s grown almost. she clenches her fist to stop from reaching and smoothing out the lines of his forehead. 
“had me worried for a minute there, doll.”
she hums, twisting so she’s facing him fully. “surely that old heart of yours can handle it.”
the soft look on his face twists into something dangerous as he runs his tongue between his teeth. “next time, let’s not test it, yeah?”
something deep in her stomach churns and aches as the warmth of him bleeds into her worn out skin. she wants to shout at him, wants to shove him away, wants to kiss him and feel his teeth on her skin, wants him to wrap his arms around her and hold her together as she screams. she wants a lot of things, these days. 
right now, she wants a distraction most of all.
indulging herself, sage opens her mouth in invitation.
with a smirk, negan slips his middle and forefinger inside, his thumb rubbing along the underside of her jaw. she bites down on his fingers a little, circling them with her tongue, and the smirk on his lips pull tight enough to show the white of his own teeth. 
“eager, are we?” he says, voice dropped low despite the fact that they have the whole house to themselves. the timbre of it makes her toes curl in her thick, muddied socks. 
sage pulls his fingers from her mouth with one hand, the other palming him through his jeans. “just be a man and fuck me, would you? i’ve had a long day.”
negan laughs as he rocks his hips forward into her hand. “yes, ma’am.”
in one swift motion he picks her up by the waist and deposits her on the kitchen counter. she shoves his jacket from his shoulders as negan bends to pepper kisses down the column of her throat, his hands catching in her hair and the fabric of her henley.
“negan,” she snaps, and he sighs dramatically before leaning back far enough to let her pull his shirt over his head. 
“you really are in a mood,” he mutters even as he tugs her own shirt away. sage hooks her legs around his waist and tugs until he all but falls on top of her on the bench, both of them groaning at the angle but not stopping. negan sucks and bites on the skin above her collarbone as he steadies himself with one hand on the counter.
sage bites at his ear, fingers scraping down his back, and she feels his moan through her skin. “i thought we were fucking, not making out.”
“damn woman, give me a bit of credit,” he mutters against her skin, one of his hands slipping beneath her bra to tug at her nipple. “i’m getting there.”
“not with your pants still on you’re not.”
he pulls back long enough to smirk at her, pupils blown black. “speak for yourself, baby.”
“then help a girl out.”
negan laughs at that, just this side of husky. within moments sage has her panties dangling from her ankle and negan’s kicked his jeans and boxers halfway across the kitchen. he sways back between her legs, hands wandering and lips pulled into a smirk that she wants so badly to wipe off his face.
“happy now sweetheart?” he murmurs, hands rubbing back and forward along her bare thighs as she wraps her legs back around his waist.
sage lets herself smile, grabs his face with both hands, and kisses him.
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ruvviks · 2 years
46-48 for vitali <3
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46) are they the life of the party or a wallflower?
vitali doesn't really party anymore but when he did? well. tee hee. people were essentially lining up to dance with him SGHFJDHGJFDGD AND THAT IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION!! you can read a bit more about his college years here if you're inch rested >:)
47) are they an early bird or a night owl?
early bird! vitali wakes up between 5 and 6 in the morning and likes to go to bed on time, it wasn't always like this and there's definitely exceptions but then he would rather stay up all night than go to bed at 3am or something. he and vincent tend to go to bed at the same time, usually a little bit before midnight and then they stay up for another 30 minutes to just talk about their day or anything else they want or need to talk about :) <3
48) are they a good kisser?
YOU KNOW IT BAYBEEEY he's had many opportunities to practice. trust me on this. and he has Perfected his kissing skills he is so good. vincent is very lucky. softest lips in all of night city. he loves to hold vincent's face oh so gently while they kiss. oooooohhhh i still need to write about their first kiss thank you for reminding me HDGFHDGJDH that fic is going to take forever to finish i am still stuck on chapter three :(
oc asks!
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solasan · 2 years
26 + 39 + 40 for vórimë pwease 🙏
26. how stylistically fancy is your oc? or would they rather go for comfort and plainness instead?
answered here <3333
39. is it difficult for your oc to focus, or do they have no trouble being in the moment? do they daydream or zone out?
no, she's generally pretty good at staying in the moment. vórimë's quite vigilant — she's had to be, given her position and past — and observant by necessity, so she's used to batting away distractions as they come. that's not to say she's never lost her attention to daydreaming, but usually when that happens she's been stuck in a very long, very boring meeting, and her daydreams aren't particularly fantastical; mostly neurotic thoughts like "when did i last sharpen my sword" or "did i blow out the candles in my room before i left" etc. basically the middle earth version of "did i leave the stove running?" shjsdjdsjk
40. how humble is your oc? or are they closer to royal in their self-perception? why? is this obvious to others?
not very humble at all dshjdsjksdk. she's not a braggart; she won't go around extolling her virtues or demanding she be worshipped. but yeah, she does kinda look down her nose at a lot of people; particularly mortals, bc she makes no effort to rly get to know any of them and see the virtues of their short lifespans. (this drives arwen crazy sometimes bc aragorn is not an exception). i've mentioned it before but she's also just... very proud of herself in general, and she doesn't feel like she should have to be humble abt that, if that makes sense?
if someone condescends to her, valar help u, bc one of the most arrogant elves in rivendell is abt to verbally kick ur ass across a field. u can see why her and thranduil butt heads sm in the beginning shjdjkdsjk
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druidgroves · 2 years
💌 🙈🫣
beloved mutual jasmine montliyets !!! i associate you with blush pink & matcha green for colors. like in my head those are Your Colors™. i also think about kotor & baldur's gate whenever i think about u ! you already know i love ms. ursula :> for vibes it's very much pastels, pastries, pretty dresses with lots of layers that show when you spin around, sunsets where the sky is all kinds of oranges & pinks, & intricate white lace !
send me a 💌 and i'll tell you something i associate with you
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kirnet · 2 years
okay there are so many options but i’m gonna go with nanami for the bingo card 👀
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He is LITERALLY my man and an anti capitalist king. He has not a single flaw*
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arklay · 2 years
you have an ask now :] 🤲❤️
:0 hi hello
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thank youu beloved!! 💖💖
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wlwaerith · 2 years
lilac steel sapphire 😚💕💕
why do you follow me?
lilac - you make my dash better and i cherish you
steel - you post the most beautiful art/fic/edits
sapphire - i want to put you under a microscope and study you
thank you jas ily <3 i'm flattered that you want to study me ^-^
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pinkfey · 2 years
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forces you to look at her…….
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lestatlioncunt · 2 years
formally requesting all of the fun facts about selene <33
hiiii jasmine beloved, sorry for the late reply, i'll info dump a few things about her let’s see <33
i’ll start by saying that i chose the name selene from greek mythology in a moment of extreme I Love the Moon, i even toyed with the idea of making her somehow related with the bosmer god of secunda but let the thought go ultimately
since the khajiit use the lunar phases to determine the forms the khajiit takes at birth, r’amha started calling her ‘his little senche pup’ since selene was born when both masser & secunda were full :3
also on the topic of r’amha. selene’s father died in the war against elsweyr so he got killed by a khajiit. i think that she could’ve easily grow a dislike or even hate for them, instead she found a second father exactly where she technically lost the first
her first impression of martin wasn’t exactly the best: she walked through a damn oblivion gate and fought hordes of dremora to come and get his ass, he could’ve at least show some gratitude or just, collaborate a little bit more. girl u will love this man later tho
the kill that granted her the entrance into the dark brotherhood was the adoring fan hfkjsf. at this time the oblivion crisis already ended and martin died and she’s slowly turning more hostile and crazy. go girl kill
the thing with her and being considered a hero is that. she’s unwillingly one. she was just a random elf that got dragged into all of that. ofc she wanted to fight to save everyone and herself from mehrunes dagon but it’s more of a “well if i don’t do it there’s no life anyway.”, plus at some point fighting means having a future with martin, that's why when in the end he sacrifices himself she feels betrayed?? not exactly by him but from her fate, her status? the people started calling her hero, champion. she never wanted that, they made her a hero and her so “hero-like” actions only brought death into her life. she starts growing more and more resentment, everyone is cheering for her, calling her champion now, she doesn't feel like a champion, she lost everything. she saved tamriel at what cost? what does good actions take to? death. that’s why she joins the dark brotherhood in the end
the whole shivering isles thing is my fave. at this point she doesn’t have anything to live for, she ends up here where everyone sounds so out of their damn mind, it’s ironic but she feels like she found her place. sheogorath it’s like a funny little grandpa in her eyes. that’s why when it’s her turn to be next lord sheogorath she doesn’t fight it in the slightest, i think at this point the shivering isles made her lose that last bit of sanity she had left. still, she didn’t laugh like that in such a long time, what’s wrong with being insane right?
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aezyrraeshh · 2 years
💌 :3c
jasmine beloved hi hi <3
i associate you with the softest pink, with golden rays of sunshine, with knowing smiles when your friend tells an inside joke, with holding hands during rain to warm them up, with the barely contained laughter, with sitting in the grass making flower crowns, with the smell of a burning candle that someone dear gifted to you and with the soft sound of piano in the otherwise silent apartment!
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elgaravel · 2 years
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"i want to meet you in every place i've ever loved. listen to me-- i am your echo. i would rather break the world than lose you."
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shadowglens · 2 years
13, 14, 31, 36 for sara and dane pls :]
13. what do they do for fun? do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
fun was such a foreign concept for both of them for so long that even once they're "free" from their respective duties, it's still something they don't really know how to engage with. sara would spend her free time working or in meditations with yoda, because the idea of socialising or engaging with the noise of the world was overwhelming - once the jedi have burnt down around her, she doesn't know what to do with the echoing silence. dane was rarely allowed free time and was taught discipline and piety and hard work, so once he'd torn the cult to the ground, he didn't know what to do with the expanse of the galaxy spread open before him.
they fumble their way to happiness and freedom together. sara finds a comforting familiarity with research and academia and history. dane enjoys the rush of adrenaline that comes with taking risks and exploring. they find a happy medium.
14. anything they both dread?
the bond being severed. the galaxy going back to the way it was before, even if sara feels nauseous at herself for thinking such a terrible thing. dane dreads chains and cages, too. it's why they disappear to the edge of the galaxy, where they are safe and free and not judged for their happiness at this new, broken world.
31. do they finish each other’s sentences? pick up any phrases or habits from each other? know when the other is hiding something?
it's not that they finish each other's sentences so much as they know intrinsically what the other is thinking and feeling. dane can sense her distress and can bleed some of his own warmth down their bond. sara can feel when he's about to explode at someone and can let some of her own well-trained calm seep into his veins. it makes lying impossible, but when you're already laid bare before someone what point is there in hiding? it's a level of co-dependency they couldn't live without, not anymore. even the force struggles to decide where one person ends and the other begins - their signatures almost cancel each other out, turning into one small void in the force.
36. what’s their greatest strength as a couple? their weakness?
they understand each other's desires and weaknesses and fears so well, better than they know themselves. they're very intune with their feelings as a result, and are a seamless unit in almost every situation. that level of dependency and connection is a weakness though, especially if exploited, but it's one they'll both weather if it means they get to keep it.
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risingsh0t · 2 years
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tagged by @leviiackrman to use this adorable picrew, thank you so much jess! 💖
tagging @chuckhansen @shellibisshe @dihardys @jackiesarch @blackreaches @indorilnerevarine @kingsroad @belorage @montliyets @arklay @aartyom @fenharel @loriane-elmuerto @florbelles @marivenah @swordcoasts @queennymeria if you want to!
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