#moonjumper x oc
rubys-forest · 5 months
Fire lady and her man from the moon
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goblinbugthing · 2 years
Random moonie hcs
Because I love him /r
Instead of giving ppl the middle finger (yk, flicking them off), he just actually flicks at them. Literally flicks ppl off.
He runs his fingers through his hair a lot. It’s a nervous stim
He plays Soul Melter EX and/or Ultimate Cup Z when he’s mad. Aggressively button mashing in order to release stress. Just like me fr
Rewatches the kirby anime when he’s sad. It’s his favourite show literally ever. Kirby’s little “poyo” melts his ghostly heart every time he hears it.
He purrs. Why? Because I said so. Shut up (/lh) I need serotonin
Refers to every cat he sees as ‘my child’. He is catdad. I mean he’s also regular dad bc he, Chrome, and Alex adopted mu but he is catdad
He wraps his tail around Chrome and Alex when they cuddle. They both love it.
He naps a lot. He’s just a tired guy
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how-to-humaning-401 · 18 days
hooray yippee yahoo yay yay i stylized snatcher its been over a year and i finally stylized an ahit character
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tired old man...
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and uh might as well put the whole alive family here too bc uhhhh silly
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also uhhhh yknow snatchductor because eeeehhehhehueueuahuuee i miss them.......
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 6 months
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I love being at the stage of having/liking characters where you just start drawing them doing whatever the fuck. Forget me not trio going to the mall, if you even care, otay?
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I keep forgetting I have to pay attention to this AU too so here’s some random headcanons so I can get them out of my mind and write faster.
Vanessa is half Draconic on her dad’s side of the family — that’s where she gets her Ice magic from. She used it to make intricate sculptures before she went completely insane.
Vanessa has four sisters and one brother, all of which are also half Draconic. Only two of her sisters survived the supposed curse placed upon the women of the family — the other two, however, also went insane.
The Prince’s name — and I really hate to deadname him like this — was James Lightshard. Alex has called him Jamie for most of the time they’ve known each other — though Moon never really liked their birth name, they absolutely love the nickname Jamie to this day.
Snatcher (though he will literally never admit it) has a HUGE soft spot for cats and children, despite literally being born out of Moon’s repressed anger and hatred of Vanessa. This is a part of himself he chooses to ignore because he doesn’t want his reputation as “big scary ghost man who kills people” to be lost.
Vanessa and Moon actually had a child before the kingdom’s fall. He was named Umber, and was only a few months old when Vanessa went batshit and killed everyone in Subcon.
The only reason Emporia as a country still exists in modern day is because Vanessa got herself killed before she could continue her rampage nationally. She’s got a stubborn Soul, and literally will not let herself be reaped, so the Reaper sent to take her instead put a curse on her that bound her to the Manor. That’s why she hasn’t been able to attack anyone else outside of it.
Moon was the youngest child of five, and the only boy out of all of them. He was definitely the least favourite — that was very obvious — but he was still given most of the same pleasantries his sisters got because, as the only boy, he would be able to marry Emporia’s princess (Vanessa) and combine the kingdoms. Their parents were still bitchy about them though, because they were living in the early 1800s and didn’t understand the concept of being trans and believed they were ‘too feminine’ to be a ‘real’ Prince. (Dickweeds.)
On a semi-related note, Moon is trans! They don’t have a specific label for how they identify, and just refer to themselves as ‘trans’ when asked about it. Chrome introduced him to the topic of transness and queerness, which led to that egg being cracked. Tell him he’s valid and pretty >:( /lh
I can’t think of anything else right now, so this is it! Enjoy your info :)
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snakarscrolls · 1 year
shadowpuppetry / snatchmoon?
snatcher x moonjumper(fandom oc): thog dont care
betaahit stuff: *escapes through a window*
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artblock-tm · 3 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day! The ghosts are in love <3
And for those who don’t have someone, or don’t give a flying damn (like me!), you’re not alone.
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starless-phantom · 3 years
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Ah yes… a powerful monarch, eye shot red, after being heartbroken now reaps the souls of whoever is unlucky enough to stumble into their domain… and her smol blueberry boyfriend.
So I have several ships. This OC belongs to my good bud @yo-yo8 , her name is Zelphyr -w- tall powerful queen.
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nightseeye · 4 years
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Instead of finishing the drawing i have of a nice cute Valentines day thing, have this shit i said in vc which a friend said reminds me of rift (the clock)
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deadxbush · 4 years
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idk its 1 am and my brain said they gae so I guess they are now
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rubys-forest · 4 months
Moonie design...
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bonus oc x canon doodles below‼️
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goblinbugthing · 2 years
random ahit au skit i thought of literally right now (ft. moonchrome content)
Moon: *tippy tapping on a laptop*
Chrome: whatcha doin, babe?
Moon: researching Japanese mythology.
Chrome: neat. Why?
Moon: well, you said that butterflies, specifically red ones, represented death in Japanese mythology, right? When we were talking about Morpho Knight?
Chrome: yup. (I see where this is going now. Haha.)
Moon: well… I got a bit curious, so I wanted to look through other Japanese mythology stuff. It’s really interesting!
Chrome: yeah, sure is. Mind if I join ya?
Moon: not at all! *he scoots over, patting the couch cushion next to him* take a seat, mon amour!
Chrome: *smiling, of course sits down*
(Moon automatically cuddles up next to it, and they proceed to spend a few hours just reading about Japanese mythology and folklore.)
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how-to-humaning-401 · 5 months
when the when i when me when the doodle moment
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bonus lil au sorta thing where snatcher is a magician and conductors a puppeteer for silly funnies
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clowniepartiez · 4 years
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am i late to pocky day? yes. was i super nervous to post this? BIG yes. but i’m super proud of it so i am going to post it hoping i don’t get attacked for it- 
also here’s an alt without the gradient!
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tass3l · 5 years
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hi im back on my bullshit. quotes yoinked from MAG159 ;)
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i just want moonjumper to bully snatcher
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mallohollow · 4 years
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more Sai x Moonjumper ? more Sai x Moonjumper. :)
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