#caviar flavor frenzy
how-to-humaning-401 · 5 months
when the when i when me when the doodle moment
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bonus lil au sorta thing where snatcher is a magician and conductors a puppeteer for silly funnies
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iwantmycarkeysback · 3 days
FF art dump
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^ tjhat IS the poison bear btw. js a little interpretation of that thing
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gdomggdsss · 1 year
Working on a caviar skin for th Halloween flavor frenzy skin contestt
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(A tier)
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randomdoodler · 5 months
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Just remembered the ridiculous amount of fan designs I made + some fun bear-enemy switcheroos
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fermithesilly · 5 months
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The Bride and the Ugly Ass Groom💞💞 (also an art style test with a new line art brush I made)
Based off of this image⬇️
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tailsdollr · 1 year
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Both Unwanted Daughters
Yennefer x Renfri. Rated mature for references to Renfri’s past.
Here is what I imagine would have happened if Yen came to Blaviken instead of Geralt.
Yennefer pretends she does not sense the wild woman in the smoky tavern approaching her. But she does. She has no choice.
The woman’s chaos is like frenzied sparks broken free of a wildfire. The warmth skitters across Yennefer’s skin. She has to focus to prevent herself from visibly reacting to it.
When she raises her eyes and gets a real, proper look at the woman, she reacts anyways, with a sharp intake of breath.
Yennefer has grown inured to beauty. In her world, beauty is an object created for display. It is one tool among many, used to impress and manipulate people. After decades of attending lavish parties with caviar illusions, false white smiles, and finery created with the burnished skin of endangered species, she has forgotten what it feels like to be awestruck by beauty.
Actual beauty.
Beauty that does not exist to be observed. Beauty that roars to life, streaked with dirt and clad in audacity, and sinks its claws into your flesh.
The woman swaggers closer still, her scabbard slapping softly against her hips. The way she moves suggests that her slight, gently curvaceous body is far more powerful than it looks. The table full of craven thugs she has just left in the corner studiously avert their eyes.
“Madam Yennefer of Vengerberg.” Her eyes glitter with a mocking humor. She bows so low that her honey brown curls tumble forward, momentarily obscuring her face.
“What do you want?” Yennefer demands sharply, pretending to be very interested in her cup of wine.
It isn’t true that Yennefer feels nothing in the face of beauty. Dangerous beauty. Ungovernable beauty.
She feels plenty. She feels irritated.
“Well.” The woman smirks and leans rakishly against the bar. “I love a girl who gets right to the point. My name is—“
“Princess Renfri of Creyden.”
Princess Renfri’s eyebrows shoot up. She is surprised, but pleased. “How did you know?”
“I know about every political intrigue that happens in the North.”
Bitterness briefly clouds Renfri’s face. “Is that what it is called in your world when a man rapes you and tries to kill you?” She aims a scornful glance at the sorceress. “Political intrigue?”
Yennefer cannot help it. She snorts. She is not given to snorting. But it is so childishly naive and stupid.
“Just barely.”
“What the shit is that supposed to mean?”
Yennefer shrugs. “You are not a proper heir. So, I would call it minor political intrigue.” She waves her hand casually. “And you only qualify as that much because in recent years, the exploits of Meve and Calanthe have convinced a few powerful men to pay more attention to disaffected little girls.”
Renfri does not like disaffected little girls and her eyes blaze. But Yennefer pretends not to notice.
“Your situation is worth, at most, a mention near the end of a meeting, just when things are wrapping up and people try to cram in the smaller matters that do not actually warrant conversation.”
Renfri’s face hardens. Her body bunches up and her anger is raw. It infects the flavor, there is no better way to describe it, of her chaos. It tastes exactly like the thing that she is—-an unwanted daughter with a weeping infected wound. It is too familiar. Yennefer feels it like a stab to her soft fleshy underbelly and she has to harden herself to mirror the anger she sees in the princess.
“And who the fuck are you to speak that way about me?” Renfri demands.
Yennefer spins on her stool and looks at her defiantly. “Even less. If you are minor political intrigue, then I am what minor political intrigue shits out. Unlike you, I have never had a throne to lose. Unlike you, I have nothing to reclaim. There is no greatness awaiting me with open arms. I was born into pig shit and thrown out with the refuse. How dare you ask me for anything?”
Yennefer can feel heat creeping into her voice, so she stops abruptly and turns back towards the bar again.
Renfri blinks, clearly taken aback. Clearly considering the twist the conversation has taken. Yennefer drinks her wine. She nods at the bartender to indicate that she is finished with her plate.
“I misjudged you.”
Yennefer ignores her. She is still trying to stifle the emotion that sent the heat into her voice.
Renfri stands and watches her in silence. It should feel awkward. Dishware clinks and men sit at tables telling foul jokes. And Renfri is silent.
Yet it isn’t awkward. Once Yen is calmer she feels a tinge of regret. Her anger is misplaced. Misdirected. Renfri hasn’t done anything wrong.
“Wait,” Renfri says, breaking the silence. She has just thought to ask something. “How did you know I was her? You’ve heard the stories. But how did you connect them to me?”
Yennefer glances over and looks her up and down. “Only a Princess would be so utterly, comically shit at tailoring the clothes she stole off an oversized thug.”
Renfri chuckles. Her shoulders have loosened now. She thinks they are on the same side. That is dangerous. They are not on the same side.
“You lie like a fox, Lady Yennefer. I look dashing.” She pulls down her vest and pats her hips as though to make sure everything is still there.
Despite her best efforts, Yennefer’s eyes follow the movement of her hands, lingering just a precious beat too long on her waist. On the spot where it swells elegantly into her hips. Renfri’s lips curl into a smug smile.
Yennefer yanks her eyes away but Renfri has smelled the blood in the water. She leans against the bar, sliding closer, until Yennefer is forced to look directly at her again.
“So that is how you knew I was a princess? I look like utter shit?” Her voice is sing song and mocking.
Yennefer rolls her eyes. “That and the squad of goons at the table who obviously defer to you. What other wild woman roams the countryside looking deranged and commanding an assortment of idiots with clubs and daggers?”
Renfri laughs again. It is throaty and self assured. There is nothing calculated about it. No wonder they fucking hated her at court.
“Now that you have confirmation that I am a princess, are you intrigued, Lady Yennefer?” Her eyes slide from Yennefer’s face down her neck. She wets her lower lip. “Tell me. Have you ever wanted to bed a princess? In your very long life?”
Yennefer purses her lips and ignores Renfri’s attempt to goad her about her age. “Just tell me what you want. I don’t have time for games.”
The smile does not leave Renfri’s lips but she grows serious. “Alright. I need your help.”
“That’s better. I prefer honesty.”
Renfri laughs. “I was being honest. I would kill to make those enchanting violet eyes flutter closed in ecstasy-“
Yennefer holds up her hand. “Stop. Just tell me what you want so I can tell you no, and so you can leave me in peace, disgraced, feral, exiled Princess Renfri of Creyden.”
Just as she did not respond to Renfri’s attempt to goad her, Renfri manages not to take the bait.
“Fine,” she responds. She lowers her voice and scoots closer still. Yennefer can no longer see her cup of wine because her entire view of the bar is blocked by Renfri. She turns the full force of her doe eyes on Yennefer. They are light honey brown like her hair, shot through with green.
“You are in town to meet with Stregobor. And I want to kill him.”
Yennefer blanches.
“That frightens you?”
Yen carefully returns her expression neutral. She thinks quickly.
She is there to meet Stregobor because after twenty years of clawing and scraping and scheming, she is finally on the precipice of being appointed to the Council. Stregobor, who has always disdained her, but who she has thoroughly outmaneuvered, is her final hurdle to being seated on the council.
It is a done deal. A formality. But Yennefer is wise enough to know that done deals can unravel at the last possible moment.
She cannot afford to go into this meeting ignorant of a crime Stregobor has committed. She must know what his vulnerabilities are. Who his enemies are.
Whatever the contemptible, awful little toad has done to Renfri, Yen can use that information to curry favor with him. Or to manipulate him. Or to blackmail him. She doesn’t know yet. But information is power. And the fact that she doesn’t know why Renfri of Creyden wants to kill him is an unacceptable, even shocking, lapse in information and power.
She must get the princess to share. To speak freely. She must make sure her appointment goes off without a hitch. So, Yen goads her again, but hopefully in a less obvious way this time.
“Not frightened. Just surprised. Stregobor is so respectable. So highly regarded. It simply surprises me that he could have done something to deserve death.”
She speaks the word as though it is real. But she seems amused. Like Yen’s lie is a joke they are both in on.
“What did he do?” Yen repeats.
Renfri casts her eyes down, then looks up fetchingly.“I will tell you, but it will take some time.”
Yen leans forward as though she is telling her a secret. They are so close now that she can feel Renfri’s breath on her. “I have time. I don’t meet him until tomorrow.”
Renfri considers for a moment. “May I join you for dinner? In the private luxury suite you have no doubt rented for the week?”
It is both the worst and the best idea that Yennefer has heard in ages. It is a dangerous game being seen with a woman who wants to kill the man with final approval for her appointment to the council. But she can use any information she gains to her advantage.
Any desire, any deep burning want she feels for the princess is entirely incidental.
“Shall I change into court attire?” she teases. I have never had a private dinner with a princess.
Renfri smiles and drags a finger down a lock of Yennefer’s hair. She watches the soft, shiny lock slide between her fingers. “Actually, the less attire the better.”
She barely has to move. It is just a subtle lean.
And they are kissing.
I have been dreaming of writing this fic for probably the past year and a half. Then I heard The Calling, off of The Amazing Devil’s Ruin album. And I thought oh. This is Yen and Renfri. And I started writing.
I will probably work on it here and there until it is done. But since I know it is really almost exclusively for me (not many Yenfri readers) I will take my time. But I’m putting my whole heart into it.
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arham-ali · 4 years
Pizza Free for all is a PC game. The software engineer of this game is 'Sprout Game'. What's more, 'PopCap Games' that distributed it. This game comprises of a solitary player. To be specific, the method of this game is 'Single Player'. This game is for these clients who utilize the Windows working framework. This is a flavorful game played on Windows working framework. Clients need to convey quick pizza. Consequently you get dollars. During playing the 'pizza Free for all' game is required to explicit fixing on the pizza.
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There are numerous levels in this game. That notwithstanding conveying pizza and fulfilling clients increment the quantity of stars consequently. At last gets the entire day report. This report contains full subtleties. Which is what amount was sold for the entire day, what amount was spared, what amount was the objective to sell, and so forth
Pizza Free for all has kitchen at least 2 and branches at different areas. Whose activity is to take the right client's organization rapidly and convey the right request to the client rapidly. The client arranges the pizza while remaining at their area. Also, when they submit a request, they appear in a symbol. Snap on the symbol fastly and get the request from the client. The client who puts in the request. You need to pick the kitchen as indicated by the fixing that the client has requested. Furthermore, the request must be taken rapidly. In the event that there is a deferral in taking the request. What's more, if the client needs to pause, the audits from the client are bad, which prompts a diminishing in stars. Furthermore, the Every day Report likewise deteriorates. Also, on the off chance that the request is taken rapidly and conveyed on schedule, at that point the surveys from the client show signs of improvement. Furthermore, the quantity of stars increments. Installment is additionally gotten from the client. Which makes the Day by day Report far and away superior.
PIZZA Free for all LEVEL'S
Speed ​​mode must be chosen when the game beginnings. After that LORENZO has a few directions. In the event that they are perused, it is better, in any case, press the 'ESC' key and skirt the guidelines. Or on the other hand click on the 'following straightaway' should likewise be possible. There are two kinds of pizzas. first 'pepperoni pizza' and second 'cheddar pizza'. In this game will assume the job of the game. The 'LISA' that will give kitchen guidance is the correct decision of pizza. Kitchens ought to be chosen by the request got. Every kitchen type is extraordinary. The kind of kitchen will be chosen for the sort of pizza request. Additionally, you need to enliven the pizza. At the point when the day is going to end, a fly shows up. By which you get more dollars in coins.
Beginning the game once more. Get some more things, which can be beaten on pizza. Get additional things (shrimp, dark olives, pineapple meatball, and so on). These things are added to our kitchens, which is the administration we need to provide for the client.
Where the game was halted. after the 'Bora' level is trailed by the 'Tomaha Metro' level. In which more things are included and the work is additionally expanded. Which requires difficult work. (Doughnuts, chicken wing, bacon, and so on). Add these things to your kitchen. Furthermore, offer extra types of assistance to Pizza Darlings.
MATIRA Straight
Start the game from your 'Matira Straight' level by tapping on Speed ​​Mode. More things have been added to it. (Banana, Counterfeit Krab, Nut, and so forth) Add things to your kitchen as well. At this level, 'NICCOLO' will convey the request rapidly by a dashing vehicle.
Cold Station
Cold Station includes more things (Ice 3D square, Riddle Meat Frankfurter, Singed Eggs, and so forth). Request at this level where to convey. That is the entire cold region. And furthermore there are pizza kitchens. What's more, the conveyance kid likewise utilizes the vehicle as indicated by the region.
In Braeburn Spot, includes more things (Chocolate Bar, Caviar, Eggplant, and so on). What's more, the kitchen additionally increments.
BERMUDA Sea shores
In Bermuda Sea shores, (Lobster, Dark Bean, French Fries, and so on). The zone is a sea shore by the waterway.
In Rapids City, the conveyance kid will utilize the pizza copter for quick conveyance as per the zone.
In Eskimo Town, more things are (Roquefort Cheddar, Taco, and so on). These things are added to the kitchens and make an increasingly tasty pizza.
In Moon Base Alpha, thing (Pumpkin). 'NICCOLO' alters his vehicle to quick conveyance.
In Goal Mars, this is the last level. It doesn't include more things. Convey pizza while adding similar things to your kitchen. The speed ​​must be improved to settle the score. Since the take the request rapidly and convey it rapidly. Something else, the star rating will diminish.
PIZZA Craze Framework Necessities
Working Framework
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64/32 Bits)
Intel Center 2 Pair E8400
2GB (Suggested 4GB)
2GB (Suggested 4GB)
Designs CARD
Specialized Data
Engineers: Sprout Game, Popcap games
Distributer: Popcap Games, Games House
Stage: Windows
Language: English
Genre(s): Activity
Mode: Single Player
Most recent Update: 22 April 2020
Download Now
FAQS (Every now and again Posed Inquiries)
Just snap on the download catch and hold up until the game downloaded.
HOW TO Introduce Free for all PIZZA PC GAME?
Exceptionally simple to introduce
Double tap on the arrangement
Pick where you introduce the free for all game arrangement
Snap on the following
In the wake of following some "Next" steps
Snap on the completion and appreciate the Pizza Free for all Game
WHERE I DOWNLOAD PIZZA Free for all GAME Arrangement?
You can without much of a stretch download the Pizza Craze arrangement from our site.
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airoasis · 5 years
25 Small Facts You Didn't Know 3 Minutes Ago
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/25-small-facts-you-didnt-know-3-minutes-ago/
25 Small Facts You Didn't Know 3 Minutes Ago
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Are you a curious person? Do not deny it! All of us are! The sector round us is filled with surprises and secrets and techniques, so it is impossible not to be. So right here i am to fulfill your curiosity, and rather probably make you the most proficient person in any room. 1. Chocolate milk was as soon as a treatment This scrumptious beverage used to be at the start invented via an Irish medical professional when he was once touring to Jamaica back within the 17th century and observed how locals drank water blended with cocoa. After returning home he made some changes to the recipe and it was bought at a drugstore. 2. Chook’s saliva is absolutely an luxurious delicacy You might think that caviar and cakes are the meals of the wealthy.But in China, they choose Birds nest soup, and the swiftlets’ saliva is certainly one of its elements. This bizarre dish is believed to have first rate flavor and be just right for wellbeing. Three. The popsicle was invented via an eleven-12 months-historical boy again in 1905, Frank Epperson, who used to be most effective 11, left a blend of powder flavored soda water with a stir stick in it on the porch. Considering it was once really cold external on that night, the drink froze. And that is how your favorite hot climate treat used to be born! Four. Bananas’ curved form What makes all bananas appear like crescent moons? This yellow fruit grows in rainforests the place there may be now not much daylight.That’s why bananas bend attempting to arrive for the breaks of light in the canopy. 5. Elephants can not jump You could have visible them leaping in cartoons but its definitely not possible. And now not best for the reason that it can be hard to do it when you weigh four plenty or extra. The elephants have relatively susceptible leg muscle mass and rather rigid ankles. 6. Flamingos are born white or grey It takes them as much as 3 years to get their mature crimson, orange, or pink plumage. And the colour of their feathers changes given that they consume a lot of brine shrimp and algae.That is why zoo flamingos could flip white if theres not sufficient of those elements in their weight loss plan. 7. Cats are not able to taste sugar It simply so happens that their style buds for sweet should not very responsive. If your cat ate sweet and was beautiful delighted, it doesn’t suggest the pet has a candy tooth. It was once on the whole more in regards to the fats contained in that sweet. Eight. Crocodiles are not able to stick their tongues out Wanna be aware of easy methods to inform a crocodile from an alligator? Alligators can stick out their tongues whilst crocodiles don’t.There is a membrane that holds their tongue in location on the roof of their mouth so it doesnt move, which protects their airway once they spend a lot time underwater. 9. Your fats cells do not simply disappear If you’re seeking to shed just a few kilos, you wont virtually lose fat cells. They stay with you but alternate their size. And if you acquire weight they grow better. 10. Visitors lights can also be blue. Sure, you’ll discover it in Japan. Some traffic lights there turn blue instead of green due to the fact that historically both colours had been named with the same word. Eleven. Charles Darwin invented an place of job chair This noted scientist was once the primary who came up with the notion to connect wheels to a chair in order that he would transfer round extra rapidly. Yeah, he used to be an actual genius in spite of everything! 12. Hawaiian pizza is in reality Canadian This pizza with ham and pineapples was invented in Ontario in 1962 by way of a Canadian chef. He named it Hawaiian after the manufacturer of canned pineapple he used. Thirteen. Snail tooth are the toughest common fabric there is a form of aquatic snail known as limpet.Limpet teeth are one hundred occasions thinner than a human hair but they may be able to withstand extra strain than it takes to create diamonds from carbon. Earlier than, it was once believed that spider silk used to be the strongest material in the usual world. 14. Tigers have striped epidermis they are saying a leopard can not exchange its spots. However tigers are not able to change their stripes either on the grounds that their skin has the equal stripe pattern as their fur. Besides, the stripe sample is distinct for every animal identical to human fingerprints. 15. Champagne was once once used as shoe polish Wanna consider like a nineteenth-century aristocrat? Then just sprinkle some champagne for your sneakers when you consider that that is how they made their footwear shine back then.16. Bulls do not hate purple regardless of normal notion, bulls are more commonly colorblind to purple and inexperienced. Its the motion of the swinging material that sends them into a charging frenzy within the ring, due to the fact that they recall it a threat. 17. Silver objects dont purify water from bacteria. Silver does have antibacterial residences. Nonetheless, simply hanging something silver within the water, whether or not its a spoon, chain, or coin, wont reduce it, given that there arent enough silver ions to get that cleaning influence. 18. A cockroach can reside with out its head if you happen to ever had these insects in your apartment then you know how tough it’s to get rid of them. They appear quite invincible! And its partly true, considering a cockroach can live for a few weeks even after decapitation. 19. Chocolate used to be as soon as a forex Many centuries ago a tribe called the Aztecs could not grow cacao in the dry highlands of crucial Mexico.That’s why they traded with the Maya and different peoples to get it. Average men and women in the Aztec empire also needed to pay taxes with cocoa seeds. 20. A dog is as wise as a boy or girl I imply, each pet owner already believes that their pooch is a genius, right? But now science backs up this notion. Puppies are approximately as smart as a 2-year-ancient child. 21. A town the place mobile phones are banned. Its rough to assume existence without telephones, however inexperienced bank, placed in West Virginia, has turn out to be a phone-free zone in the identify of science. Right here, no wireless signals are allowed considering they could interfere with the work of probably the most world’s biggest radio telescopes in the national Radio Astronomy Observatory. 22. Fidgeting burns calories well, it makes sense since moving manner blasting calories. However just hear me out: in case you sit all day fidgeting that you could burn a whopping 600 calories! So, maintain tapping your finger and shaking your knee if you want to stay fit! 23.Your hair involves traces of gold Yep, youre an actual treasure, my pal! There are up to 14 elements in each strand of your hair, including nanoparticles of gold. 24. A writer expected how the giant would sink In 1898, U.S. Author Morgan Robertson wrote a novel referred to as Futility. Within the guide, he described how the largest ship of its day, that was once called the Titan, hit an iceberg and went beneath. And in 1912 ordinarily the same occurred in real life. What a creepy twist of fate! 25. Sporting orange might be dangerous to your career Its consistently difficult to opt for what to wear for a job interview to make a just right affect.For some motive, hiring managers to find orange the worst color and are more likely to reject a candidate wearing it. In case you marvel, the first-class color to put on is blue! Which of these tips have been the most superb for you? Let every body know in the comments beneath! Recollect to present this video a like, share it with your acquaintances, and click on subscribe to stay on the intense aspect of life! .
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gdomggdsss · 1 year
Here's the finished version of my caviar skin for the Halloween skin contest!
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gdomggdsss · 1 year
Pineberry and Waffle shenanigans part 3
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fermithesilly · 9 months
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lazy cavifort drawing
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gdomggdsss · 1 year
Hey, say some stuff that are Canon to Flavor frenzy
Pine, Pina Cobrada, and Macahorn are canonically lgbtq+, Roquefort and caviar are married, i dont remember anything else rn my mind is kinda blank
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