enigmatist17 · 2 years
Scarab (Mktober #4)
They find it in Marc’s jacket, nearly two weeks after defeating Harrow and his cult. Marc drops it after realizing what it is he’s holding, and kicks the damn thing under Steven’s bed before the other can see it.
Steven does, eventually, sitting back on his heels as he’s cleaning out under his bed. The sand has to go, Marc had declared, and Steven pulls out whatever was glinting from his flashlight.
“Marc? How…?” 
It was in our jacket, I…kicked it under the bed
“Oh, but why?” Steven puts the thing on his palm, and the little scarab floats with its little ding. It begins to circle around and around before stopping, pointing right of the front door. “Interesting…”
Why is it moving?
Steven blinks as ever so slowly the scarab begins to move to the left, and hovers when Layla is unlocking the door. It takes them a moment to realize the scarab now follows Layla, who pauses when she sees what Steven is holding.
“Is that the scarab?” She questions, and the other nods.
“Start walking around for me love? I think it follows you now?” Steven asked, and they are both amazed when it does follow her.
“I’m not sure, but I quite like it.” The Brit grinned, handing it over when Layla pushes him to complete cleaning up his sand circle.
The scarab is light in her hand, and Layla traces its intricate design with a small hum.
It follows her, and later on, they’ll discover it follows her boys.
Abdallah El-Faouly is pleased to hear when Taweret reports back, promising her daughter and his son-in-law would never again lose each other.
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s0up1ta · 2 years
Tumblr media
i uh- here you go
inspired by day 15 of #mktober2022
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Night (#19 MKtober)
Marc and Jake shared a common fear.
Darkness, absolute inescapable darkness.
It reminded Marc of the cave, of the water blotting out the light and extinguishing his and his brothers’ cries. He was too ashamed to admit his fear, always excusing a lamp left one, the tv running through shows he never paid attention to, when phones progressed his was always showing the display. Only those close to him, really only his beloved Layla and brother Jean-Paul, ever noticed. Layla always had the hallway lit, the few times they actually did sleep through the night. Jean-Paul had soft LED’s in most of his home, dim enough to not draw the eye, but lit enough where Marc could sleep without fear.
Jake always remembered the closet, so small and cramped and smelling of musty clothes and dried blood. Wendy would stuff a towel to blot out light at the bottom, and he would beg and kick and cry until he remained in the dark, waiting for Elias to save him. He took comfort, the few times he fronted over the years, to head out into cities late at night. There he was surrounded by fluorescent signs and cars passing by, never treading into alleyways as he walked and walked until the sun rose.
It doesn’t take Steven long to notice their common fear.
The fish tank had long been a source of comfort, and it didn’t take long for fish themed nightlights to be placed in at least every other socket in Steven’s flat. Neither alter says anything, but if it’s easier to fall asleep than before, Steven is happy.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Duat (#22 MKtober)
Layla should have pressed more to hear about the Duat.
She had brought her boys to the beach for a day of fun. Jake enjoyed standing waist-deep in the ocean, just admiring the water and other distant beach-goers. Marc hung out more with Layla under their umbrella when Jake let him front, the two chatting and the American was enjoying putting sunscreen on her.
Steven had not fronted until they had returned to her hotel room, and after Layla had called her nicknames for him a few times.
“I turned to sand in the Duat.”
Marc had not spoken about their time, and Layla had assumed Steven didn’t for Marc’s benefit. Hearing Steven shudder in horror about the sand, and how he just couldn’t handle the beach, her heart ached for the sweet and trembling man curled up in her lap.
“No more beaches then, we can go so many other places.” She promised, cradling her boyfriend close and suddenly wanting to strangle Harrow again.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Heart (#25 MKtober)
Marc Spector struggled to share who he truly was with anyone. After RoRo, after his life imploded, everything that could be considered fragile and vulnerable was pushed down. Down so far, locked up and wrapped up in walls and guards of his own design that no one could ever get access to them.
Handing Steven Grant his heart had been so easy.
It stuck with Marc for a while, the events of the Duat replaying over and over in his mind at night. Seeing Steven there, sweet, kind and loving Steven who had given up the Field of Reeds to save him, eyes unseeing and body still. His heart had felt so heavy in his hands until Marc had seen him, and it finally felt warm when he placed it in Steven’s outstretched hand. Steven had saved him, had kept him from dying so long ago, and he wanted nothing more than to show Steven that he truly was all Marc needed.
Steven had accepted it, going so far as to get replica hearts made from quartz. They were a surprise, and Marc had been unable to say anything as he held one in his hands, not even realize Steven was controlling their arms when he hugged the heart to their chest.
Thank you for giving me your heart. I hope to show your trust was deserved every single day mate.
Marc is very much not crying as they stand in the living room, Steven’s words taking so much yet giving him what he needed to hear.
One day, he would fully bare himself to both Steven and Layla, and later on his third, but for now this was enough for him.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Scales (#11 MKtober)
Click clack, click clack, click clack.
The noise those scales had made never left Marc nor Steven's mind. How could they, the scales were going to determine if they would live in happiness for eternity, or turn to sand and forever be reaching up for the sky.
In the end, it hadn't mattered, Marc not sparing a moment when he ran for Steven, ran for the person who made it worthwhile, ran for the person who was his only true superpower in this damned world.
Marc would feel his blood turn to ice when he heard a similar noise, Layla having to drag him out of traffic when he seized up. It would take hours for him to unwind at times, Marc constantly checking to make sure Steven was there, Steven was safe, and Steven was alive.
Steven would only feel nervous if he heard the sound, gripping his bag tight in his hands and trying to seem unaffected. It would last until he was either home or somewhere alone, curling up and trying to force himself to breathe, why was it so hard? He wasn't going to fall, wasn't going to turn to sand, wasn't going to see the darkness again...
Every day it was getting better, sure, and one day the sounds wouldn't send the two into overdrive.
For now, they had Layla and each other, and would take every step with their support.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Reeds (#27 MKtober)
Can you tell me about the Field of Reeds again?
It was so peaceful, so quiet and calming
What else?
It smelled like Layla’s perfume, the old market I used to go to in Turkey, and of your apartment with the books.
It’s the kind of place that I could have been in forever, walking down the roads of the so many places I’ve been to.
It sounds beautiful.
It was, but you weren’t there, Jake wouldn’t have been there. What kind of place is supposed to be a peaceful afterlife, if my brother’s aren’t there, if Layla isn’t there?
Next time, even if we have to fight the gods, we will be.
I know, and next time I’ll believe it’s paradise.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Cupcake (MKtober #3)
The first time Layla brings home cupcakes, Marc just starts laughing to himself. “What?” She wasn’t expecting to see her husband so emotive, the man picking up one of them with a grin.
“Oh nothing, they’re just funny.” He hums, and she has the distinct feeling that he’s not laughing at her. 
“Wanna share with that class?” She asked, and blinks when a rapidly red-faced Steven comes out, setting the small cake down with a huff.
“He’s laughing at me.” Steven whines, and Layla pats his hand with a look. 
“Why’s that?”
“Because of the bloody cupcake van that I stole, which by the way was the only car unlocked!”
“You stole a car?!” Layla’s mouth hangs open in disbelief. It makes more sense when he starts describing why, and with supplemental information from a giggly Marc and, surprisingly an amused Jake, Layla can’t help but start laughing herself. 
“I would pay to have seen that.” Steven throws his hands up with a groan, wondering if his cheeks were hot enough to fry an egg.
“I will never touch another ruddy cupcake again.”
He does, two weeks later when Layla surprises him with vegan ones, a little van drawn on each with icing.
Marc and Jake laugh, but Steven decides they’re redemption enough.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Limo (#30 MKtober)
I’m sad it’s almost over :(
Jake loved his limo.
It had taken years for him to get it just right, sneaking out late at night when Marc wasn’t busy with Khonshu. Every piece had been selected with care, everything but the base frame tailored over secret nights. She’s a beautiful car when Jake finally feels like he’s done all he wants, and now only has to christen it with a passenger.
Harrow admittedly wasn’t supposed to be his first one, but it had been worth it to seek revenge on the man who killed them.
No, he gets his chance months later, when things have changed in a way he had never dared dream. Layla adores his limo, the two talking about his work and mostly it’s Jake just grinning and showing off his work with pride. He takes her for a long drive in and around London, just happy to drive his baby and share the space with someone he cared for. Layla is more taken about how happy he is, as well as apparently possessing all of the driving skill Marc lacked, and would stay in the back of his car forever if it was what he wanted.
Jake just really loves his limo.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Museum (MKtober #5)
J.B is watching one of his stupid otter videos when he catches sight of a familiar figure entering the museum, arm and arm with a gorgeous woman. “Stevie, is that you?”
“Steven, with a V.” The other mutters, and the woman gives his hand a squeeze. “What d’you want?”
“Just curious what brings you here, sans job and all.” J.B’s former coworker looks insulted, and opens his mouth to retort when the woman steps in.
“My husband and I are here as visitors, it’s rude to mock others for no reason.” She hissed, and J.B wonders who the hell married this mess of a man. “Anything else to say?”
J.B swallows nervously and shakes his head, Steven watching with a dreamy look on his face as they storm past the security officer.
You’re lucky it’s crowded, I’m going to go full avatar on his ass.
“I know, but he’s not worth it.” Steven hums, and it’s not long before he’s taking Layla from exhibit to exhibit, completely happy to explain each piece’s significance. They part at some point to get lunch, Steven, Jake and Marc silently bickering about what to order when Layla wanders over to a random little gift shop stall.
There are Tarewet plushies, and she has to have one.
“So, what did ol’ Stevie pay for your company?” A woman asks her, chewing on some gum as she looks at Steven with disdain. 
“You must be Donna.” The other looks a little surprised, and Layla gives her a look of complete disgust. “Finally a face to a name I rather hate.”
“Excuse me? Who do you think you are, talkin’ to me like that?” She said in disbelief.
“I’m Steven’s wife, the very man you were shit talking a second ago.” She replied, and the dangerous look in this mystery woman’s eyes have Donna take a step back in discomfort. “If I ever hear from Steven, when he comes to visit, that you’re rude to him, I will make sure you’re out of a job before you can even think of apologizing. Steven is a wonderful person, and I’m so glad he doesn’t work here with such shitty people anymore.” Layla scowled, and tosses money for the plushie on the counter behind them. Donna says nothing when the woman leaves, almost envious of the way she sidles up to Steven and gets a bright smile in return.
J.B isn’t around when Layla eventually drags Steven out for closing, the two arm in arm as they walk off into the evening.
Steven laughs when he learns about her threats, and only wishes he had been there to watch.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Avatar (#18 MKtober)
Layla had wanted to remain temporary.
Stop Harrow, help with cleanup, and give up the suit right?
Tarewet was so sweet though.
You don't have to do anything you don't want! Sometimes I may have you get an artifact or two, but that's all!
That was tempting, and being able to carry heavy stone without breaking a sweat was amazing! Marc had always made being an avatar seem like torture, but then again he'd never been given a god who treated him like a person.
It was good Layla remained an avatar, because when she and Marc find out Khonshu never left, she pushes to make being an avatar something Marc could be proud of.
The two of them would fight together in harmony, subduing rather than killing, aiding rather than just doling out violence. Khonshu would constantly complain, but Layla was more than able to drown him out.
Being an avatar was a good thing, and she'd fight Khonshu every day to make sure Marc knew this.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Soup (#10 MKtober)
"Honestly Marc, it's a bloody wonder we're still alive." Steven sighed, hugging the blanket around him tighter.
We'll be fine, just go lay back down.
"We are eating some soup, and that's final. And taking blood pain pills. And drinking water." Steven scowled. Marc had woken up sick hours ago, full of coughing, runny nose, sore body, the whole works. Instead of doing anything about it, Marc had just suffered in silence until Steven had roused himself. Taking control had been far too easy for the alter, who was now shivering as he stood over the stove, a nice soup boiling below him. "Oh, and Jake knows too."
You're an idiot.
"See?" Steven huffed before turning his head, coughing a bit violently into the tea towel he had clutched in one hand. "Ew..."
I finish?
"Yea yea alrigh', it's almost done anyways." Steven sighed before letting Jake front. Jake immediately felt disgusting but steeled himself to keep standing until the soup was done. It did smell amazing, well whatever he could smell, and his stomach let out a pitiful noise.
"Marc, you need to say something." It wasn't an angry tone Jake took, just a gentle but firm nudge of concern as he went back to the bed, bowl and water bottle in hand. After dragging fallen blankets off the floor, Jake nestled himself in a nice cocoon, digging into the soup quite happily. Even though there was no meat in it, Steven had obviously tried very hard to make it flavorful, and Jake quite enjoyed that.
See, not so bad when you get some help, is it?
....maybe not.
Jake hummed as Steven sent Marc a feeling of love, and it doesn't take Jake long to fall asleep after he finishes the soup.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Taweret (#24 MKtober)
Layla’s mother had never understood why her daughter loved her husbands’ work so much. He was always gone, or lost in explanations of dead people who were not famous, Layla hanging on to his every word. Perhaps that’s why they drifted apart over the years, and eventually fell off after his death. Not that she hated her daughter, but she had wanted a child to dress and share her passions, not try after her husband had finally exhausted himself and Layla.
Layla wondered if that’s why Tarewet became a maternal figure in such a short time. Temporary avatar was wording of the past, the goddess quite in love with helping to guard humanity and its children. Layla could always call upon her in a bad day, and walk away feeling like she could take on the world. That Tarewet loved her, lover her more than her role demanded of her, and it was something Layla took comfort in. More than once she wished she could hug the goddess, and Tarewet told her she wished the same.
Maybe one day, who knows.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Suit and Egypt (#15 and #16 MKtober)
This weekend was a bit rough on my end, so I missed yesterday :( However this is going to combine both, so I hope you guys like it!
It was Egypt where Layla first saw his suit.
It had been after their wedding, the two on a job. It was their early days, back when the trust was there, but not strong. Where sometimes they got in each other's way, and bickered about it after the bodies littered the floor. Where they’d be in bed the next morning, idly talking shop or just admiring each other. This shouldn’t have been any different, but the assassin hiding in the shadows had taken Layla by surprise. They were strong and fast, too fast if she was honest, moving much like a snake.
Turns out they had been cursed, and were more snake than a person at the moment.
Glinting gold caught her eye a second before the snake person was suddenly gone, crashing into a bunch of crates with a sickening crunch. There, crouched over her, was a figure dressed in white, glowing eyes looking her over worriedly. 
“Are you okay baby?!”
After they had destroyed the cursed artifact, and Marc had taken off into the night with her in his arms, they spoke on a rooftop. He told her of the night he became a protector of the night, that he served a god, and said god had sent them to destroy the curse. There had been a lot of arguing and cursing until they had embraced, with Marc vowing that he would always come back to her, until the end of time.
It was Egypt when Marc first saw her suit.
The pain from being resurrected, the pain from Harrow using his magic to attack them, it all vanished when Layla came flying out of nowhere. All Marc could focus on was her, his amazing wife who seems to be processing the fact he was alive as Marc ran to her.
“Oh baby...” The hug doesn’t last long enough, nor does Steven’s gushing when he can’t help but front and remark. 
No, Marc doesn’t get a chance to admire his wife’s armor until they’re holed up in a hotel the next morning. She glitters in the morning light, and Marc runs his fingers over her wings with a reverent expression on his face. She was beautiful, so beautiful, and she draws him into a kiss after finally making the armor fade away.
“Until the end of time, hm?” She smiled, and Marc kisses her again.
Egypt will always remind them both, and in turn, they will always remember Egypt with a matching fondness.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Moon (#13 MKtober)
Jake Lockley loved seeing the moon. It may seem a bit silly to the average person, but something about the silent ghost of the night was always peaceful to him.
Maybe that’s why he could see the god of said moon when he was a child.
He had accidentally fronted when it was Museum Day for Marc’s fifth-grade class, Marc having become lost not too long after they had arrived. He had been reading a placard for one of the huge Egyptian statues, and Jake figured he got scared when he realized they were all alone.
Your group is not far away, young one
Jake looked around for the source of the voice, a little confused when he didn’t see any adults around.
Can you hear me?
The voice sounded curious now, maybe excited, and Jake looked up when a shadow moving across the floor caught his eye.
It was a…it was a bird person?
Oh, Jake figured that would be mean to say, but he wasn’t really wrong. The big bird skull reminded Jake of some ravens that hung around the school, but no feathers or eyes were attached to it. In fact, he didn’t really see feathers anywhere, but could easily imagine them on the big bird person. Were they hiding under his mummy wrappings? They seemed to be constantly shifting, the glinting of golden runes sometimes peaking above into view, before they faded a moment later.
“You are bird?” Jake didn’t know if the bird person would understand his Spanish, so he was nice.
Astonishing…I am not a bird, not to your standards little one
Jake would learn that the bird person had a name, Khonshu. Khonshu was always kind to Jake, teaching him about himself and the other gods of the Ennead. That was when the moon began to mean so much to the alter, which meant that Khonshu was there. That Khonshu would heal the worst of Wendy’s beatings, and would tell tales of old to Jake until he fell asleep. That Khonshu would keep protecting him, Marc and Steven, even if it had meant making them the avatar he wanted to avoid.
The moon meant safety, love, and acceptance, and Jake held those ideals very close to him.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years
Layla (#12 MKtober)
Marc worshipped her, both before and after his disappearing act. She was his reason to keep going, to not let the next thug hit too close to a vein, to hold on tighter when he almost fell from great heights. She was a gentle hand, a caring touch, and helpful ear who just kept giving him so much. She also was his greatest critic, pushing Marc harder when all he wanted to do was stop, to break down the walls he had built to keep the pain away.
How many times he held her now, choking out a memory as Layla holds his hands tight? He doesn’t know, all he focuses on is her, and knows that she’s going to help Marc be the greatest part of himself.
Steven is always in awe of Layla, eyes wide and full of the love Marc kept locked up inside himself. So willing to praise her, willing to let her in, willing to being honesty no matter what pain might be caused. Without a heavy filter from the world shackling Steven, he was always pushing Layla to be her own best person. When she doubted Marc’s love, he would tell her all the thoughts Marc had of her day in and day out, only stopping when she would smile. Steven would hold her when she felt despair, sometimes feeling anger of the past Steven was learning about all the time. No matter the cause, she would always hug Steven, giving him more chances to shower her with the love he was just always overflowing with. All she ever had to do with Steven was prove she wasn’t going to abandon him, a simple praise enough to lift his worst moods and send the Brit to happy tears.
She saw Steven for Steven, and loved him apart from Marc without hesitation. It was all Steven had ever wanted, wanted to keep his life now full with love and company no matter the cost.
Jake adored her, quickly setting Layla within his mind as someone to trust, someone to help him keep the other two safe. Late nights in his cabs, laughing over the radio host and shitty takeout, or gossiping while he learned how to paint her nails, that’s what he ever wanted. To be given space, but heard, not feared and locked out of sight because he was “too violent” and unreasonable. She wasn’t hurt he didn’t love her like Steven and Marc, she actively encouraged Jake to branch out, well after teaching him what consent was. It had been hard, Marc clearly uncomfortable and Steven just being encouraging, but it was important. For all he showed, Jake was still so new to being his own person, more than a tool and a visceral reaction to protect. Layla didn’t judge him, just being a supportive friend who was more than happy to let him experience all manner of things. He respected her more than almost anyone, and would kill to keep her safe without a single thought.
They all loved Layla more than anything, and were more than happy to let her know for the rest of time.
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