pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 377 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 ヒーローが衰退し ヒーローがすいたいし HIIROO ga suitai shi The heroes have faded,
2 敵が隆盛した ヴィランがりゅうせいした VIRAN ga ryuusei shita and the villains thrive.
tagline 1 舞い散る桜のように… まいちるさくらのように… maichiru sakura no you ni... Like scattering cherry blossoms...
tagline 2 No.377 ここに至るまでの連なり  堀越耕平 ナンバー377 ここにいたるまでのつらなり  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 377 koko ni itaru made no tsuranari   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 377 The chain up until this point   Kouhei Horikoshi
3 精力差から正攻法での勝筋は薄くか細い糸を手繰るようなものだったので せいりょくさからせいこうほうでのかちすじはうすくかほそいいとをたぐるようなものだったので seiroykusa kara seikouhou de no kachisuji wa usuku ka hosoi ito wo taguru you na mono datta node Because of the difference in energy, the winning move for a frontal attack was like pulling a worn and thin thread.
4 だからこそ策を講じ相手を分断させ優位を取りに行った だからこそさくをこうじあいてをぶんだんさせゆういをとりにいった dakara koso saku wo kouji aite wo bundan sase yuui wo tori ni itta That’s precisely why they devised a strategy to divide their opponents to go take the advantage.
5 風が強く かぜがつよく kaze ga tsuyoku A strong wind
6 吹き荒れていた ふきあれていた fukiarete ita was blowing.
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1 山田 やまだ Yamada “Yamada”
2 じゃあ jaa Then...
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1 雄英校舎地下 ゆうえいこうしゃちか yuuei kousha chika Beneath the UA school buildings
2 "電柱"がやられた‼︎ "でんちゅう"がやられた‼︎ “denchuu” ga yarareta!! “The electricity poles were hit!!”
3 スペアが射出できねえガタが来てる超突貫のツケが回ってきた! スペアがしゃしゅつできねえガタがきてるちょうとっかんのツケがまわってきた! SUPEA ga shashutsu dekinee GATA ga kiteru choutokkan no TSUKE ga mawatte kita! “We can’t eject any spares, the backlash is coming, and the price of our super-rush is coming right after!”
4 電磁バリアは⁉︎ でんじバリアは⁉︎ denji BARIA wa!? “[How is] the electric barrier?”
5 残存部で張られるが出力が… ざんぞんぶではられるがしゅつりょくが… zanzonbu de harareru ga shutsuryoku ga... “The remnants are generating, but the output is...”
6 こちらマンダレイ!浮上制御が効かなくなった! こちらマンダレイ!ふじょうせいぎょがきかなくなった! kochira MANDAREI! bujou seigyo ga kikanaku natta! “This is Mandalay! The levitation controls are no longer working!”
7 え⁉︎ e!? “Eh!?”
8 コントロールが奪われかけてる‼︎ コントロールがうばわれかけてる‼︎ KONTOROORU ga ubaware kaketeru!! “Control is about to be stolen!!”
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1 やっっと… yattto... “Finally...”
2 入れた‼︎落ちろヒーロー‼︎ はいれた‼︎おちろヒーロー‼︎ haireta!! ochiro HIIROO!! “I’m in!! Fall, heroes!!”
3 同時に現在管制島が襲撃を受けてる‼︎ どうじにげんざいかんせいとうがしゅうげきをうけてる‼︎ douji ni genzai kansei tou ga shuugeki wo uketeru!! “At the same time, the current control island is under attack!!” (Note: They mean the little sky island where Monoma and company are sitting.)
4 物間くん任務継続困難! ファントムシーフにんむけいぞくこんなん! FANTOMU SHIIFU (kanji: Monoma-kun) ninmu keizoku konnan! “It will be difficult for Phantom Thief (read as: Monoma-kun) to continue the mission!”
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1 「抹消」が潰された! 「まっしょう」がつぶされた! 「masshou」 ga tsubusareta! “Erasure has been crushed!”
2 このままじゃ最凶の敵が野に放たれる‼︎ このままじゃさいきょうのヴィランがのにはなたれる‼︎ kono mama ja saikyou no VIRAN ga no ni hanatareru!! “At this rate, the most disastrous villain will be released into the wild!!”
3 雄英が落ちれば… ゆうえいがおちれば… yuuei ga ochireba... “If UA falls...”
4 黒霧…‼︎じゃあ…セントラルが…⁉︎ くろぎり…‼︎じゃあ…セントラルが…⁉︎ Kurogiri...!! jaa...SENTORARU ga...!? “Kurogiri...!! Then...[what happened to] Central...!?”
5 日本が……いえーー にほんが……いえーー nihon ga......ie--- “Japan will......no---”
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1 世界が せかいが sekai ga “The world will”
2 めくれた…!脱皮…?動かないぞ… めくれた…!だっぴ…?うごかないぞ… mekureta...! dappi...? ugokanai zo... He stripped it off...! Is he shedding...? He’s not moving...
3 俺が…いたとして…… おれが…いたとして…… ore ga...ita to shite...... “Assuming...I was here......” (Note: The “I” he uses is “ore,” so this is Tomura and not AFO.)
4 何をしたかった…? なにをしたかった…? nani wo shitakatta...? “what did you want to do...?”
5 ショッピングモールで…話でも? ショッピングモールで…はなしでも? SHOPPINGU MOORU de...hanashi demo? “Have a chat...like at the shopping mall?”
6 彼一人の掌で壊されてしまう! かれひとりのてでこわされてしまう! kare hitori no te de kowasarete shimau! “be destroyed in the palm of his one hand!”
7 無駄だ緑谷俺はおまえの敵だ むだだヒーローおれはおまえのヴィランだ muda da HIIROO (kanji: Midoriya) ore wa omae no VIRAN da “It’s no use, hero (read as: Midoriya). I am your villain.”
8 死柄木の人格…! しがらきのじんかく…! Shigaraki no jinkaku...! Shigaraki’s personality...!
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1 雄英のシステムなど私の手にかかればこの通りだ ゆうえいのシステムなどわたしのてにかかればこのとおりだ yuuei no SHISUTEMU nado watashi no te ni kakareba kono toori da “Systems such as UA’s, when put in my hands, end up like this.”
2 地下の避難システムも既に我が手中にある‼︎ ちかのひなんシステムもすでにわがしゅちゅうにある‼︎ chika no hinan SHISUTEMU mo sude ni wa ga shuchuu ni aru!! “The underground evacuation system is already in my hands!!”
3 旧態に縋った愚衆もヒーローも‼︎解放の名の下に散るがいい‼︎ きゅうたいにすがったぐしゅうもヒーローも‼︎かいほうのなのもとにちるがいい‼︎ kyuutai ni sugatta gushuu mo HIIROO mo!! kaihou no na no moto ni chiru ga ii!! “Fools who cling to the past and heroes too!! You should all scatter in the name of liberation!!”
4 このまま墜落したら下の八百万さんたち皆が…!雄英が落ちるのを止めないと…!それと同時に このままついらくしたらしたのやおよろずさんたちみんなが…!ゆうえいがおちるのをとめないと…!それとどうじに kono mama tsuiraku shitara shita no Yaoyorozu-san-tachi minna ga...! yuuei ga ochiru no wo tomenai to...! sore to douji ni If we crash like this, Yaoyorozu-san and everyone down below will...! If I don’t stop UA from falling...! While at the same time,
5 死柄木を逃がさないよう黒霧も見つつ……ああダメだクソ!息が出来ない!呼吸が! しがらきをにがさないようくろぎりもみつつ……ああダメだクソ!いきができない!こきゅうが! Shigaraki wo nigasanai you Kurogiri mo mitsutsu......aa DAME da KUSO! iki ga dekinai! kokyuu ga! not letting Shigaraki escape and also keeping an eye on Kurogiri...... Yeah, it’s no good, damnit! I can’t breathe! My respiration!
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1 強化された"変速"の反動ーー‼︎ きょうかされた"へんそく"のはんどうーー‼︎ kyouka sareta “hensoku” no handou---!! Recoil from the enhanced “Gearshift”---!!
2 細胞を休ませないと酸素を取り込めない さいぼうをやすませないとさんそをとりこめない saibou wo yasumasenai to sanso wo torikomenai If I don’t rest my cells, they can’t take in oxygen.
3 まだ… mada... Not yet...
4 倒れるなと言った たおれるなといった taoreruna to itta I told you not to collapse.
5 が… ga... But...
6 不幸中の幸いというべきか ふこうちゅうのさいわいというべきか fukouchuu no saiwa to iu beki ka Should we call this “an unfortunate blessing”?
7 AFOも「統合」の乱れが深刻なようだ 向こうも「とうごう」のみだれがしんこくなようだ mukou (kanji: AFO) mo 「tougou」 no midare ga shinkoku na you da The disturbance in AFO’s (spoken as: over there) “integration” seems serious.
8 OFAとAFOは感応し合ったことで今互いに"中"が見えている 俺たちとオール・フォー・ワンはかんのうしあったことでいまたがいに"なか"がみえている ore-tachi (kanji: OFA) to OORU FOO WAN wa kannou shi atta koto de ima tagai ni “naka” ga miete iru As AFO is responding to us (read as: OFA), we can now see the “inside” of each other.
9-10 肉体を自由に動かせる状況ではなさそうだ にくたいをじゆうにうごかせるじょうきょうではなさそうだ nikutai wo jiyuu ni ugokaseru joukyou de wa nasa sou da This doesn’t seem to be a situation where [he] can freely move [that] body.
11 今のうちに一秒でも早く体を動かせるようにしろ いまのうちにいちびょうでもはやくからだをうごかせるようにしろ ima no uchi ni ichibyou demo hayaku karada wo ugokaseru you ni shiro While you can, even if it’s for one second, quickly try to get your body moving.
12 ここに至るまでの連なりがーーー ここにいたるまでのつらなりがーーー koko ni itaru made no tsuranari ga--- The chain up until this point---
13 必ずお前の力となる かならずおまえのちからとなる kanarazu omae no chikara to naru will surely become your power.
14 見っけ! みっけ! mikke! “Found ya!”
15 やっっとシッポ出したわね‼︎見つけるのに苦労したんだから! やっっとシッポだしたわね‼︎みつけるのにくろうしたんだから! yattto SHIPPO dashita wa ne!! mitsukeru noni kurou shitanda kara! “You finally gave yourself away!! I had a hard time finding you!”
16 あ? a? “Huh?”
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1 でもでも私ちっとも苦じゃないの! でもでもわたしちっともくじゃないの! demodemo watashi chittomo ku ja nai no! “But I’m not bitter at all!”
2 だってジェントルの為だもの! だってジェントルのためだもの! datte JENTORU no tame da mono! “Because it’s for Gentle’s sake!”
3 元・犯罪動画投稿敵 ラブラバ もと・はんざいどうがとうこうヴィラン ラブラバ moto hanzai douga toukou VIRAN RA BURABA Former Crime Video Posting Villain: La Brava
tagline 参戦‼︎ さんせん‼︎ sansen!! [She] enters the battle!!
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e ella novinindagi adu muchihogittu. neevu nannannu kelidare, ellie prarambhisabekendu tilidilla kopa, preeti, gondal, elliew hogad rastegalu idakkinta uttamavada sthalavide endu nanage tilidide ekendare neevu yavagalu nannannu allige karedoyyuttiri murida nambikeyondige nimma balige bandiddene hidialu nanage ondu kaigintha hechinadannu needidaru nanu nelakke appalisuva modalu sikkibidde nanu surakshithavagiddene endu heli, neevu eega nannannu hondiddiri neevu chakravannu tegedukolluvira nanu niyantrana kaledukondare? nanu illiddare neevu nannannu manege karedoyyuttira? neevu kalaji vahisabahude murida atmada bagge? neevu eega nannannu hididittukolluvira? bandukannu nanna talege hididukolli ondu, eradu, mooru enicy adu nanage door nadealu sahaya madidare adu nanage anu beku prati nimishavu sulabhavaguttade neevu nannondige hecchu mathanadidashtoo neevu nanna karala alochanes tarkabaddagolisuttiri haudu neevu, avarannu mukthagolisi murida nambikeyondige nimma balige bandiddene hidialu nanage ondu kaigintha hechinadannu needidaru nanu nelakke appalisuva modalu sikkibidde nanu surakshithavagiddene endu heli, neevu eega nannannu hondiddiri
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livesanskrit · 11 months
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
Krishnadevaraya was an emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire, who reigned from 1509 to 1529. He was the third ruler of the Tuluva Dynasty.[citation needed] He ruled the largest empire in India after the decline of the Delhi Sultanate. Presiding over the empire at its zenith, he is regarded as an icon by many Indians. Krishnadevaraya earned the titles Karnatakaratna simhasanadeeshwara ("king of Karnataka Ratna Simhasana"), Yavvana raja pratistaphanacharya ("Establisher of Young king to Bahamani Throne"), Kannada Rajya Rama Ramana ("Lord of the Kannada empire"), Andhra Bhoja ("Andhra Scholar King" or "King Bhoja of Andhra"), Gaubrahmana Pratipalaka ("Protector of cows and brahmins") and Mooru Rayara Ganda ("King of Three Kings"). He became the dominant ruler of the peninsula by defeating the sultans of Bijapur, Golconda, the Bahmani Sultanate and the Gajapatis of Odisha, and was one of the most powerful Hindu rulers in India. Indeed, when the Mughal Emperor Babur was taking stock of the potentates of north India, he rated Krishnadevaraya the most powerful, with the most extensive empire in the subcontinent. He earned the titles of 'Kannada Rajya Rama Ramana' , 'Andhra Bhoja' and 'Mooru Rayara Ganda'.
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srilan-75 · 1 year
Watermelon juice , barley , Guilinggao/tortoise jelly, cincau , milk , coconut water , Luo Han Guo , Wong Lo Kat,mooru or lassi or beer or soju this is what you need to drink for this weather 👌😬😁☝️
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indiantiquest · 2 years
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. . Antique Adukku pathiram complete set of six concentric brass canisters, to cook, hold, reheat & serve, A versatile set of vessels useful in all daily cooking. In old days pilgrims and travellers used to carry this set to do make shift cooking and serving food on the go as there were no frequent eateries., after use these can be stacked one in to another for ease of transporting without eating much space. . . Dimensions of the six vessels from smallest Mooru vessel 4.25 inches wide 2.5 inches tall Poriyal vessel 4.35 inches wide 2.75 inches tall Puli kulambhu vessel 5 inches wide 3 inches tall Kootu vessel 5.25 inches wide 3.25 inches tall Rasam vessel 5.5 inches wide 3.5 inches tall Sambhar vessel 5.75 inches wide 3.75 inches tall . . #indiantiquest #antiqueshop #antiquebrass #adukku #pathiram #vintagevessels #antiqueseller #oldisgold #rarefinds #cookpots #reheat #serveware #antiques #vintage #throwback #railadukku #travelcookware #sambhar #kitchenvessels #rasam #foodstylingprops #foodphotoprops #pulikulambhu #kitchenprops #mooru #poriyal #kootu #aviyal #kaasipathiram (at Indian Antique Quest) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnwSBY-gc0J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lsid1008 · 4 years
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My hollow knight oc ‘Mooru’. When it grow up? It’s become....
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Like this. But I don’t think Mooru can grow up.
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isaiah-the-starborn · 3 years
when a song you associate with a fish scientist is problematic in Japan
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falconfeather23435 · 3 years
Okay so this all started because I have a character & I wanted her to call Oikawa something other than Crappykawa because honestly after a while she wouldn’t, & then my brain went “oiks...mooru oinkawa” & NOW I’VE FALLEN INTO A RABBIT HOLE BECAUSE MY FRIEND INTRODUCED ME TO LLAMAGUCHI
So far I have
•Oikawa as Mooru Oinkawa (it doesn’t fit because it’s a cow & a pig but it’s fine)
•Tendou as hendou
•the mumu twins (Miya twins) as emus because it fit
•Sugawara as sugarwara the sugar glider
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snowhittae · 3 years
i like you, you have good taste in drinks
mooru people unite!!
YESSS MOORU PEOPLE UNITE!! hi I like you too <3
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julieterbang · 5 years
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kues · 6 years
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sanasambhramaa · 5 years
The timeless traditional rituals of South Indian wedding | Sana Sambhramaa
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The timeless traditional rituals of South Indian wedding | Sana Sambhramaa
                                                                                                                         The timeless traditional rituals of South Indian wedding
 Glimpse on Brahmin Pre-wedding rituals
Marriages are considered a sacred milestone in one’s lifetime. A lot of importance is attached to marriages since it is tied to a number of rituals. Weddings in south India are focused mainly on traditional customs and rituals which vary from region to region. All these rituals have a spiritual significance which is normally adhered to by all.
 Sana Sambhramaa walks you through these rituals in a traditional and professional way…
We have tried to compile the various events and their associated rituals systematically to make your weddings simpler and perfect….
Come, step into this wonderful divine journey…              
                                                                                             CHAPPARADA POOJA- AUSPICIOUS SYMBOL FOR THE FUNCTION
This ritual is performed on an auspicious day before     the wedding date.
The chappara is erected using poles and twined green     coconut leaves in front of the house.
It is decorated with mango thorna ,bale kamba and flower     garlands
This ritual is performed both at the bride and groom’s     residence
The 4 poles are twined with fresh flowers and rangoli     is put in front of the house.
Ladies perform puja to this chappara by applying haldi     kumkum to each of the poles. They also put gejje vastra and flowers.
Puja is also done in front of the erected chappara.     Naivaidya and Mangalarathi are performed.
The Bride/ Groom and the Kalashagithi also participate     in this function.
Arathi is performed to the Bride/Groom and their     parents by elderly ladies of the In return Dakshina is given to the     ladies.
The chappara symbolizes that an auspicious function is     being performed in the house.
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This ritual is carried out either on the previous day     or on the day of the wedding. Normally it is done on the day the Naandi     Shastra is done.
It is normally referred to as a’ Mangala Snana’ and is     carried out in both the groom and bride’s side.
The groom/bride along with his/her mother is made to     stand on a long Peeta around which rangoli is put.
Five copper kalasha filled with water and mango leaves     are placed around the Peeta. The kalashas are joined to each other with     Mooru elle dhara(Hasidhara).
Five sumangali ladies sprinkle this water together on     the groom/bride and their mother with the mango leaves.
The mother is offered normally saree and blouse pieces     from her maternal relatives.
Also, the 5 ladies  are given arashina      kumkuma and
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Prayers are offered to the family deity. Normally the     photo of kula devatha is arranged on a Peeta. Rangoli is put in front.
Lamps are lit and all the puja     items and wedding items     are arranged in front of the Peeta.
Punyaha or cleansing of the puja items is  carried     out by the purohit by sprinkling water from the kalasha.
Shodashopachara pooja is carried out by the purohit
Beesokallu and Vonke are decorated with rangoli and     flowers
Vonke is used for pounding haldi. Normally 5 ladies do     this Shastra accompanied by sampradaya songs.
Godhkal Shastra is also done by the ladies.
Also in some families they carry out a Shastra where a     ring is dropped in Godhi (wheat) and the bride/groom has to search for the     ring and utter some sentences like Muthinantha gandana/hendithi kande.
Sumangali ladies and kanye muthaidhe girls are invited     for this function
The lady of the house washes their feet and takes their     blessings
The ladies are then offered arashina, kumkuma, bangles,     flowers, fruits, and blouse piece.
They are also offered kosambri and lime juice along     with Thambittu and ellu unde as a traditional practice.
The parents of the groom/bride along with the groom/bride     take all their blessings.
This Shastra is conducted in both the bride and groom’s     side. Normally a prior date is fixed or it is conducted on the previous     day of the
This function is an eye-catching function with ladies     and girls dressed in their best traditional attire. The colorful display     of baskets/trays filled with flowers and fruits add to its beauty.
The Naandi deity represents the ancestors and they are     worshipped to seek their blessings.
This ritual is carried out in both the groom and     bride’s place.
This ritual ensures that the  wedding functions go     on without hassles promising a happy married life to the couple.
Normally  the Kula vriksha is taken and tied with     a saree and panche and kept for puja. This is normally referred to as     ‘Naandi kolu’.
Kalasha stapane is done. Lord Ganesha, the remover of     obstacles is invoked.
Normally Navagraha Homa and any other homa recommended     are performed by the purohit.
The bride/groom along with their parents and the     Kalashagithi also participates in this
The Kalasha kanadi plate is kept for puja and it is      used throughout the wedding.
The Naandi visarjane is  carried out at the end of     the wedding rituals by the purohit.
 For more details contact : 9113800763.
For more visit : http://www.sambhramaa.com
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livesanskrit · 2 years
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit . It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet Krishnadevaraya. Krishnadevaraya was an emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire, who reigned from 1509 to 1529. He was the third ruler of the Tuluva Dynasty.[citation needed] He ruled the largest empire in India after the decline of the Delhi Sultanate. Presiding over the empire at its zenith, he is regarded as an icon by many Indians. Krishnadevaraya earned the titles Karnatakaratna simhasanadeeshwara ("king of Karnataka Ratna Simhasana"), Yavvana raja pratistaphanacharya ("Establisher of Young king to Bahamani Throne"), Kannada Rajya Rama Ramana ("Lord of the Kannada empire"), Andhra Bhoja ("Andhra Scholar King" or "King Bhoja of Andhra"), Gaubrahmana Pratipalaka ("Protector of cows and brahmins") and Mooru Rayara Ganda ("King of Three Kings"). He became the dominant ruler of the peninsula by defeating the sultans of Bijapur, Golconda, the Bahmani Sultanate and the Gajapatis of Odisha, and was one of the most powerful Hindu rulers in India. Indeed, when the Mughal Emperor Babur was taking stock of the potentates of north India, he rated Krishnadevaraya the most powerful, with the most extensive empire in the subcontinent. He earned the titles of 'Kannada Rajya Rama Ramana' , 'Andhra Bhoja' and 'Mooru Rayara Ganda'. #sansgreet #sanskritgreetings #greetingsinsanskrit #sanskritquotes #sanskritthoughts #emergingsanskrit #sanskrittrends #trendsinsanskrit #livesanskrit #sanskritlanguage #sanskritlove #sanskritdailyquotes #sanskritdailythoughts #sanskrit #resanskrit #celebratingsanskrit #krishnadevaraya #rajakrishnadevaraya #vijayanagara #vijayanagaraempire #tulu #tuluva #karnataka #kannada #karnatakatourism #kannadaempire #hampi #king #southindia #karnatakadiaries https://www.instagram.com/p/CnfEMcaPJB5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stumbleimg · 5 years
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Mooru-Dzhu River, North Caucasus, Russia [OC] [3864x5152]
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444names · 2 years
Accobob Accrob Accrolf Acobes Acoldout Ahmes Aket Akho Alatah Amandy Amanpep Amehesat Amhe Ammy Ampis Amut Amuty Anal Analio Anavag Andet Andu Anhu Anny Anpean Anputu Anten Antum Anut Aped Apef Apelly Apen Apenutut Apion Apish Apped Apperan Appet Arahpa Arch Arcía Aret Argebuch Arin Arish Arnavis Arro Arshis Arty Ashil Aslo Aslob Aslouty Astu Astummy Atedu Atefnut Ateput Atet Baahes Baahet Baald Baat Babil Babings Babit Balat Baldon Ball Bannolf Baper Bapi Bapionth Bard Bari Bart Bastum Batet Batut Bekau Berep Berger Bessek Betether Bobell Brin Brings Bris Brishal Buce Buceneb Buchurld Buis Bukry Buret Cammit Campio Cams Camunum Candetch Candy Canep Canov Canuty Catger Catgey Chain Chaings Chat Chekho Chip Chit Chort Cláudim Cold Coldony Dantiz Danup Davarnon Davin Davinont Davish Detwer Dezuel Donsnut Dony Doukau Doukrys Dour Dourles Douro Dout Dublio Duniti Ehes Ehit Emaall Eurch Eurcía Finalan Fince Fings Finold Flan Flee Flet Garis Garsh Gebuis Gion Gird Gorles Grim Gris Hael Haings Hampio Hams Hatet Hebuis Hedet Hedro Hedu Heheh Hekaul Hekhber Hekhekhe Hepet Here Herenço Hergery Hergey Herk Heskhes Hono Hothons Huren Hurgeren Hurles Hyneitic Hynevis Iandedu Ianton Igorau Igoren Igorlee Ihynet Ihys Imet Immit Immiti Issia Iusat Iusau Iusaul Jacolins Jamut Javis Jedet Jessia Jeth Jimmit Johnutur Johnuty Josin Keis Khbery Khbet Khep Kherkert Khertet Khet Khmetch Khotean Khotet Loug Luish Luishatu Maal Maalagar Maald Maalic Maccro Maccrose Mace Mafded Mander Mandy Mannuty Manton Manut Marah Marchet Marcía Mard Marger Marrobbi Marship Mashal Mastum Maulinan Maulis Mehabino Meher Mehez Menhiz Menton Menu Mill Minanup Minov Mnenep Mneput Mneserah Mnez Monov Monti Mony Moor Moorus Morald Morld Morleshu Morussis Munez Nath Nebuket Neferes Nefnu Nefnup Nehithy Neis Neneb Nentu Neral Nesmandy Nettat Nevin Nevis Nezuela Nikitjed Nikiy Nite Nithep Nublich Nublis Nuty Opdemin Opder Oret Oser Osre Osret Otenhu Owarnan Ower Pain Painavis Painsu Pauce Paujoe Paulio Penen Placco Plan Plandet Ptalbet Ptari Ptat Ptawep Raeles Rall Rapethys Rapio Raujo Renen Rens Reskiy Reth Robekau Robenet Robeshit Roboe Roccolf Ropdet Ropeles Rosé Russon Saalion Satenput Satger Satmet Schald Sche Segey Seka Sentut Serau Seraul Seret Sert Sertic Serty Setawy Sete Setenhon Shapep Shatgeb Shen Sheret Shis Shiz Shor Shothird Shurger Siahmen Sissis Sist Sober Sobet Sons Sonsnu Sonsu Sopdubi Soped Sopedet Soperty Spaulio Stabil Stabit Stawera Stawy Stubin Stum Stummy Sturolis Syeamho Syedro Tabi Taria Tartic Tate Tatet Tathe Tawer Tawerenu Tawero Tearro Teped Tephtah Tert Teshu Tesmace Teted Thek Thepriah Thower Thysh Tubi Unesh Unit Unnet Upchabin Upchaf Upchip Uphirau Vadio Vadjet Vagan Vagarro Vard Varetes Varian Varis Vart Venut Vingleth Vings Visird Wadio Ward Wark Weis Weiti Wenut Wenço Wepet Werep Wertic Wort Wose Wosertum Wosin Yamet Yampbell Yams Yeamer Yeames Yeams Yedet Yevi Yevinov Yevskiy
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indiantiquest · 2 years
Antique super rare size mini mooru sombhu/ Mini butter milk server
Antique super rare size mini mooru sombhu/ Mini butter milk server
Antique super rare size mini mooru sombhu/ Mini butter milk server, golden brass tin lined inners from Kongunadu, The mini mooru sombu in the most loved pattern of all times, handmade, 70+ years old classic collectible  Dimensions of sombhu  3 inches tall  2.75 inches wide  Provenance- Mylammal family heirloom from Sirumugai
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