#moose would do stupid shit like that in the spur of the moment
cod-dump · 11 months
I can just imagine that one day Phoenix is walking around base with Moose while 141 is visiting and Ghost just happens to be following them
Moose is scared out of his mind
Phoenix is getting annoyed
Ghost doesn’t even realize that he’s following them, he’s just going on auto pilot
Phoenix: Simon, so help me god if you don’t stop lurking in the shadows I’m going to whoop your ass
Ghost, stepping into the light: huh?
Moose: Phoenix I’m scared
Phoenix: Don’t you worry big guy, I’ll handle it
*Phoenix then drags Ghost down to his level and starts to go off on him*
Phoenix: I swear, is this about the fact that I give moose kisses? Is that what you want, a kiss?
Ghost, quietly: yes
Phoenix: Oh my god, you’re insufferable
*Phoenix pulls Simons mask up slightly (now without checking for other shadows around) and presses a gentle kiss to Simons cheek*
Phoenix: Happy? God, I can’t believe you
Phoenix, turning back to Moose: Anyway, let’s go annoy Graves. I heard he had cake in his mini fridge and I want it
This results in Moose being thoroughly convinced that in order to ward off Ghost he has to kiss him. Ghost just melted away after Phoenix gave him a kiss so Moose immediately goes, “I know what I have to do.”
It’s a panic response, too, when it finally happens. Ghost bumps into him at the gym and Moose’s mind goes blank. Ghost is close, trying to talk to him and getting even fucking closer. So Moose grabs him in the spur of the moment, kisses his covered cheek, before taking off out of the gym.
Ghost was stunned, eyes wide. And every Shadow in that gym turned their gaze on him. Their eyes were heavy, all of them way too quiet. The gym was silent in seconds and Ghost felt overwhelmed.
Moose can and will get away with eating Graves’ cake. He’ll take the fall for eating all of it, too. And Graves is just frustrated, annoyed, but he’s accepting the fact his cake is gone… and that he should probably leave more if he wants a chance to actually get some. Which means Moose and Phoenix get even more cake next time.
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oskea93 · 4 years
Two Ghost (2)
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“You look absolutely stunning.”
I couldn’t help but blush, reaching my hand across the table, intertwining mine and Ryan’s fingers. “You look handsome as well.”
He gave me a smile, bringing my hand up to his lips, “I can’t wait to marry you.”
“I can’t wait to marry you either, Ryan.”
4 months.
Ryan and I were to be married in four months. Every little detail was being taken care of courtesy of the wedding planner I had hired. I wanted this wedding to be special, nice. Seeing as this was my first “official” wedding, I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted the perfect venue, an amazing reception area, the delicious cake, and my handsome groom waiting for me at the altar. I didn’t have to worry about rival gang members interrupting the ceremony or my groom getting ushered away due to “club shit.”
“Are the girls staying the night with Gemma?”
I took a sip of my water, shaking my head. “No-”I started. “She’s supposed to be dropping them off when dinner is over. Charlotte has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”
“Maybe this weekend we can have some alone time.” He spoke, wiggling his eyes brows in a suggestive manner.
I couldn’t help but laugh, “We’ll just have to see about that.”
Silence overtook us once our meals appeared. We made small talk, telling each other how good the food was, finally settling on the check. I watched as Ryan removed his platinum credit card, giving the waitress a smile as she walked off with the payment.
“You sure you don’t want to let Gemma take the girls for the night?” He smiled, reaching for my hand.
I entwined our fingers once again, pulling at his hand, “You know I can’t, baby.”
I had told Ryan from the very start of our relationship that my kids were number one. I wasn’t the type of mother to push them off on other people just because a new man came into my life. Ryan would press every now and then, seeing if I would finally buckle. Unfortunately for him, I wasn’t going to buckle to no one when it came to Charlotte and Sophia...
The car ride home was silent, but a comfortable silent. I watched as the big city lights grew dimmer the closer we got to Charming. The small town coming into focus in the windshield giving me a sense of calm. Even though Ryan was a Hale, he wanted as far away from Charming as possible. He didn’t want to stick around like his two older brothers. He had seen what Charming had become in the past decade and the people that had overtaken the streets. The Hales and SOA were bitter enemies, Jax and Ryan included. The two men had grown up around each other, often getting into fights growing up. From what I heard from Ryan, as soon as he turned 18, he packed up his stuff and left Charming. He didn’t come back to the town until his brother’s untimely death, which he of course blamed on the club.
“You want me to walk you in?” I turned my attention to Ryan as he placed the car in park in front of my house. “You know, make sure there’s no boogeyman or anything.”
I leaned over the center consult, pulling his chin in my hands, placing my lips softly on his. The kiss was slow, sweet. Kissing Ryan was like kissing a soft, fluffy cloud. His lips were tender and plush. Sure, there was the occasional nipping or eagerness, but kissing Ryan felt safe.
“Goodnight, babe.” I pulled away with a smile.
I gathered my things, removing myself from the luxury vehicle. “I’ll call you when I get home.” Ryan smiled. I simply nodded my head, closing the door behind me as I started making my way towards the front door.
As I entered the house, I placed my things down on the entryway table, kicking my heels off to the side. I looked down at my watch seeing that I had at least 30 more minutes before the girls would be home. This was my chance to get a quick shower and get things ready for bedtime. I made my way up the stairs, bypassing my bedroom and went right for the shower. I stripped out of my dress, folding it, and laying it on the counter. I washed up real fast, skipping my hair since it would take too long.
Once I was dressed in my pajamas, I made my way to each of the girls’ rooms, picking out their pjs and getting their beds ready for bed. Hopefully, they would be out when Gemma drops them off but they could also be wired for sound. I would have to be the bad guy and put them to bed after Gemma allowed them to do whatever the hell they wanted at her house.
I ventured down the stairs as headlights flooded through the windows. I slipped on a pair of flip flops and walked out to help get the girls in. Instead of being met with dark curls with streaks of blonde, the blonde, slicked hair of Jackson Teller shown dully in the light of the street lamp. Jax and I stayed silent as he passed me Sophia. I watched from behind as he unbuckled a sleeping Charlotte, carefully removing her from the car. We made our way into the house, carefully taking both sleeping kids up to their bedroom. I almost wanted to forgo putting them in their pajamas since they were sleeping so well. I didn’t want to wake them up, especially Sophia, who became a little gremlin if woken up before time. Thankfully, Jax was able to get both girls into their pajamas and tucked into bed before I could lift a finger.
I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, filling the tea kettle, placing it on the stove. I had my back turned, reaching for my cup when a familiar set of hands latched onto my side. “How’s the fiancé?”
I stayed silent for a moment as his lips softly moved from my shoulder up to my neck. He followed the tattoo pattern that was inked in my skin, setting fire to the artwork.
“Fine.” I breathed out.
“Just fine.” He continued to tease. I moaned out loud as his hand crept under my shirt, running his callused hands up and down my side.  
The sound of the tea kettle began to whistle, snapping me out of my lustful thoughts. I quickly pushed away from the counter that Jax had me trapped against and removed the pot from the heat. With shaky hands, I poured the boiling water into the cup, dousing the tea bag in the liquid.
“We gonna talk about what happened the other night?”
I stayed still, watching as the steam rolled off the cup.
The other night.
What happened between Jax and I the other night was one of the reasons why I dreaded seeing him. I was in a vulnerable state that night. I had too many glasses of wine and Gemma was watching the kids for the night. I didn’t expect anyone to come over, especially not Jax. I had just gotten out of the bathtub, only wearing a robe when I answered the door. From what I remembered, Charlotte had left Bullwinkle, her stuffed moose and was now refusing to go to bed without it. Jax showed up, looking like he always does, and next thing I know my robe is off and Jax and I are going at each other like wild animals. I don’t know whether it was the fact that I hadn’t had sex in months or the fact that I was drunk and Jax and I were alone. I woke up the next morning feeling like shit and Jax sleeping next to me.
“I was drunk and that’s it.” I turned around. “It was a mistake and it won’t happen again, okay.”
Jax looked at me for a moment, a Cheshire grin spreading across his face. “Caroline, you weren’t that drunk.”
I looked down at my painted toes, heat spreading across my face. “I had a couple glasses of wine before you even showed. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing and that’s it.”
Jax let out a laugh, his fingers pulling at his unkempt beard. “You make it sound like it was a random hookup, like you and I don’t even know each other.”
I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of my drink. Ever since I met Jax, he has driven me absolutely crazy. I fell in love with him the very first moment I met him, even having sex with him within an hour of knowing him. I was young, naïve, and looking for a way out. I knew I didn’t belong at that bar, I wasn’t like the girls that worked there. I knew that I needed better in my life and being a “hang-around” was not going to be my destiny. I had heard about the infamous Sons of Anarchy, especially Jackson Teller from the other girls. Most of them knew them on a personal level and had certain favorites. Before I even met him, the girls told me to stay away from Jax. He was a whore and was only looking for someone to keep his dick warm for the night. Well, being the naïve 18-year-old I was at the time, I was willing to be that person. From the moment I saw him walk into the bar, I was smitten. I didn’t even care if I never saw this guy ever again, I just wanted to be alone with him for however long.
Fast forward to present day and two children later, I can see why the women at Jury’s gave me such a warning when it came to Jax. They were familiar with men like him, handsome, dangerous, and unfaithful. I didn’t see that until it was too late. I was blinded by the handsome husband and being bought with money, jewelry, and trips to new and exciting places. Not to mention, a gorgeous building to start my clothing store. I didn’t want to believe that my wonderful husband was fucking anything with blonde hair and long legs. I wanted to believe that he was just busy with the club or that stupid porn studio he invested in. When it became evident that Jax and I’s relationship wasn’t going to work anymore, I felt like a total failure. Old ladies don’t leave. Old ladies stick it out and try harder to please their men. Well, I was done trying.
I was able to get away from Jax and keep it that way for almost two years. I met Ryan and we instantly hit it off. He was the ying to my yang. He was the type of guy that never interested me but I was grown and looking for an adult relationship. A few weeks after Ryan purposed, Jax and I started fooling around. It all started when the club went into lockdown and everyone had to go to the Red Woody warehouse. It was late and the sexual tension was building up. It happened in a blink of an eye and I told myself it wouldn’t happen again. I was engaged to be married. I knew what it felt like to be cheated on and here I was fucking my ex in the bathroom of a porn studio. I did everything in my power to stay away from Jax and it seemed like it was working. I guess you could say it was working until last week when we had sex everywhere but the bedroom…
“It’s getting late, Jax.” I spoke.
I didn’t realize how close he had gotten, being close enough that we were almost toe to toe. I looked up at him, his green eyes staring right into mine.
“I can be out of here before the girls get up.” He whispered, his hands finding mine.
If Charlie and Sophia found their dad and I in bed together, that would be one long therapy session that I didn’t have time for. They knew us apart and with other people in my case. Charlotte, especially, would get her hopes up and think that Jax and I were back together. “And what happens if they wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare or something? What if it starts storming, Jax? You know Sophia hates thunderstorms.” I was trying to come up with every pathetic excuse in the book to get him to leave.
My heart started beating fast as he brought our hands up, pinning them to the wall behind me. I was trapped against the wall, Jax’s body flush against mine. “We’ll cross that bridge if we get to it, darlin.”
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hdawg1995 · 8 years
DnD Antics: the bard and necromancer kill the party... with laughter
so earlier in the week me and ryan (spine) were goofing around and it was decided that we would secretly bring it into the game. mehehehe~
oh and the universe is gonna be destroyed next session.
so to start us off we did some last minute activities which included nazul (ghost boy) making a petition to turn the small gnome town we left into the greatest steam punk city this side of the world. a few nat 20s and a 50 or two later the whole town has left...
ryan (spine): i go to the blacksmith. DM: you find a gnome, crying in his work shop. Spine: what you got for sale? gnome: nothing! that gnome in the town over with her mech shop has ruined me!  Spine: meh. you know i was the one who helped her make that shop. gnome: you? YOU? I HATE YOU! *turns invisible. steals Spine’s money* Spine:....i was gonna offer to upgrade your shop but what ever. Zack: *enters* hey how much are these shiri- Gnome: *still invisible. steals Zack’s money.* Zack:....*takes sitrikin*
mean while the witcher is training with master splinter and the turtles. they stole some of his mutigen so there half ling sized and doing a pretty good job at beating his butt. when his training is over all but 2 of the party members wants to train as well!
linsy: you’re not gonna join us? ryan (spine): im still grounded. i can’t leave my room.
so the necromancer scrys his water bed (its water. like. hes a lizardman... his room is a mini swamp... he called it his wide screen tv) to watch as the party goes up against the turtles.
meanwhile envoy is praying to the blue flying moose so she knows she still connect to them because eff the ring master and his stupid face gonna stab him in the throat
everything is going well until nazul spring boards off of Zack and sends him into a spike wall killing him.
envoy over the PA system in the do jo: YOU’RE GROUNDED NAZUL! nazul:...how do you know whats happening???
mean while me and Ryan begin our plan. the others have concerns and so far the DM has face palmed at a note he received in order to keep the srprise a surprise.
tim: what are you two doing? me: shhh things ryan (spine): its nothing harmful. tim: now im scared. me: this is just envoy and spine goofing off cause there best friends.
later~ ryan (spine): and rose WILL participate. command familiar! she can’t fight it. she is grounded. ryan (frost): like you? group: *snikering* ryan (spine): shut up shafeek you’re grounded too! i get my door back tomorrow.
as the training continues its really neck and neck. suddenly!
coolie: i want to bull rush the wall DM: okay linsy: no no no, rephrase that. you want to through the wall. coolie: yeah. linsy: through the hole leo made. coolie: no :)
elizander bull rushes the wall (much to the enjoyment of the yak) and smacks everyone with debris. 
the turtles have powers based off of the TMNT board game (DM’s wife is like the biggest turtles fan i have ever met. im not surprised she has a pathfinder esk TMNT game) and at this point miky is hypnotising the party (that isnt dead aka Zack). how ever, Vale is a kitty and she likes shiny things. she wants miky’s nunckuks... and knocks him out for them which makes raph go into ‘raph rage’ and he kills her in the first hit but keeps going.
soon im having a hard time keeping my excitement in as frost crystal is the last one standing (everyone is either dead or has fallen into the void). by now ryan (frost) and linsy are beyond curious and coolie has just brushed it off as antics but then me and ryan (spine) stand up-
*the lights go out. a spot like and music starts up. Envoy and Spine are at the finish line* Spine, dressed as jessie: PREPARE FOR TROUBLE! Envoy, dresses as james: AND MAKE IT DOUBLE! Spine: TO PROTECT THE WORLD FROM DEVASTATION! Envoy: TO UNITE ALL PEOPLES WITHIN OUR NATION! spine: TO DENOUNCE THE EVILS OF TRUTH AND LOVE! envoy: TO EXTEND OUR REACH TO THE STARS ABOVE! Spibe: SPINE! envoy: ENVOY! Spine: TEAM ROCKET! BLASTS OFF AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! envoy: SURRENDER NOW, OR PREPARE TO FIGHT! rose: rose! thats right!
the party is dead. both in real like and in game. the bard, necromancer, and his familiar do perform checks and the DM has thrown his hands up in the air laughing. Envoy and Spine, together, can now do the team rocket motto as a performance spell. all attention (and aggro) will be directed at them. #WorthIt.
and then we make pizza for the turtles :D
after we rest to get spells back, we learn about genis and how apparently they...dont... have... weaknesses....im still gonna stab the ring master in the thro-
so we all get together and go to the earth sanctum thing and being the jerk he is the ring master shows up and is like “thanks for opening the door for me. bye!”
once in side him and the bard have a dance off. the bard wins... but nothing happens. went like this. envoy: DANCE OFF! ringmaster: PANTS OFF DANCE OFF! me: can i counter song that? DM: you can’t counter song a counter song. me:....i didn’t play a song??? he has counter song???
bear: ursoc want dance! ringmaster: sure thing buddy! *dances with bear* bear: *tries to bear hug and crush the ringmaster* ringmaster: *poofs away* nu-uh-uh! that wasnt nice mister bear. bear: ursoc want dance! ringmaster: i’ll send you to a place where you can dance all you want!
ring master makes the bear and eventually the raven disappear and he is currently distracting our ranger with a LITERAL STAR!
ringmaster: *holds up cards* hello witcher. i heard you like to play games~ elizander: *picks a card but touches the ring master’s hand* coolie: i use devour magic. DM: :) okay. ringmaster: nu-uh-uh~ *drains elizander’s health.* me: COUNTER SONG! DM: there isn’t a song. me: oh but me shouting DANCE OFF is a song??? coolie: *draws a card from the DM’s tarrot cards*..... ryan (spine): please tell me thats not what i think it is. ryan (frost): is it DEATH? coolie:....”the fool”.... me: you were a fool for trying to EAT THE RING MASTER! elizander loses all his wisdom and intelligence. has to be songed away from a ledge so he DOESNT DIE me: its the hag encounter all over again...
DM: Spine, you realize you can’t connect with yethan. spine: SHIT envoy: *checks to make sure shes connected with the moose* ringmaster: *appears riding the blue flying moose.* envoy: YOU SON OF A HAG! GET OFF MY FRIEND! *nat 20* ringmaster: *spurs the the moose, making it stop* thats a nice mount you have there. envoy: The Blue Flying Moose Is Not A Mount You Can Just Ride Around Like Some Rodeo Pony, They Are My FRIEND!
mean while the cat person is having a philosopurrr moment with the ring master. TBH his plan... is very selfish and doesnt make much sense and the cat is calling him out on it.
we eventually get down into a maze full of beholders. this is where we left off.
im gonna kill him he spurred the moose who the eff does that this lilly livered yellow belly son of a hag thats who gonna smack him with battle cry i swear
unfortunately the ring master currently has a head start now, disabling Zack’s wings, cutting Spine off from his summons, and temperately separating our ranger from her animals. next time we meet the fate of the universe will be decided and honestly i have NO idea how im going to help. Envoy is very upset and will not be negotiating anything any time soon.
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