#moots and followers you're fine and not apart of this
muchymozzarella · 1 year
Fandom, Friendship, and Paranoia
Ever since I started engaging with and posting Miguel/Miles content, I gained 140 followers on Twitter, 600+ comments on my fics, and I've seen large artists with almost or above 10k followers post Flowerfang, one of whom specifically started shipping them BECAUSE of my fic.
Most of the friends I've made in the fandom are nonwhite like me, and we enjoy sharing our multicultural backgrounds, helping each other with translations and discussions on the culture behind Miguel and Miles' characters (many Mig/mi shippers are black, there was even a meme posted about it a month back)
Moreover I didn't lose any followers that I could see, and certainly no mutuals. Most of my moots are chill, and the reaction has ranged from interest in the ship to ambivalence to "not my ship but we're still buds". Most of my mutuals also post completely vanilla things, and even if some of my ships aren't for them, we treat each other well, respect each other, like each other.
I have certainly read a few of my friends excerpts of my fic and shown them some of my favourite art. I've made so many friends, so many mutuals from this ship. It's been joyful and fun and even with weird drama every now and then, generally positive.
The reason I say this is because if you truly believe that fandom should be about guilt, hatred, judgment and self-righteousness, then all you're doing is giving yourself problems. You become paranoid, untrusting and untrustworthy. Maybe you'll notice some friends leaving you because they KNOW you'll hurt them if they're honest and vulnerable, others who are ready to throw you under the bus the moment you express an opinion they don't like.
Y'all gotta get away from those kinds of people. Y'all gotta stop BEING those kinds of people. Because those who'll hate you, a human being, a real person, over a fake cartoon character, is someone who's primed to hate and will use whatever little justification they can against you. I've been in various online fandoms for 11 years now, I've seen it happen over and over and over again. There are people who've been around longer who've seen more.
You don't have to like the thing I like. I prefer older / adult Miles x Miguel, but honestly I never bother saying that because antis get mad when you age up a fictional character regardless. People who want to hate me will hate me no matter what. And I'm fine with that, because I've gotten very good at muting and blocking.
You will find a thing you like that others will find distasteful, unacceptable, even disgusting, and you'll spend your time trying to justify it in your head even as your so-called friends destroy you for breaking their rules.
That's not healthy.
A lot of us have trauma, one way or another, and fiction is a tool that allows us to work through it or find joy or even just distract us from the horrendous shit many of us have to deal with day to day. Trying to control other people's healing will open you up to having your own life torn apart.
All because you cared more about fake people than how you treat real ones.
I don't advise engaging in fandom as a judgmental, angry, self-righteous person, because that'll make you a hateful, paranoid, self-destructive person. And that's not something I wish on anyone over fandom.
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maranull · 2 years
🥖- baguette for u <33
Do you have any wholesome au/headcanons for the Haligtree twins??
(Please take as much time as you need, ik you're busy!!)
thaaank you for the baguette, imma make a long ass sandwich and divide it for all the cool peeps in here 🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪🥪 <- come grab your snack y'all
I didn't have any headcanons, but I made some:
She was a very happy and active kid. The Rot couldn't be as powerful as she was growing up, so she was mostly fine, apart from some weekly nightmares. (the true horrors began at her teens)
She loved horses and often begged Radahn for a ride on Leonard. Leonard was also the only horse that allowed her on its back, cause most other animals smelled the Rot in her even then.
She also really liked ants and spent days looking the go to and from their nests. Sometimes she would find some that looked lost, and she'd use a leaf to guide them back to the nest entrance.
She had a Runebear plushie and she kept it even as an adult. It currently gathers dust in the end of a self but she still gets a comforting feeling when seeing it.
When she began training with her swordmaster, they used sticks (she was barely a teen) and while they were breaking them daily in their clashes, she kept the fragments of the very first stick she used. They are coated in wood oil to prevent degradation and she keeps them hidden in a tightly shut chest in her room.
She loves the sea breeze and the sound of distant waves crushing on the shore.
She really likes listening to Miq reading her stories. Which he does often, and if the Rot is acting up, his reading soothes her.
Winter is her favourite season. Snow and ice help soothe her pain at the places where the Rot has torn her flesh.
She also likes eating frozen cream with honey on top. If the winter days happen to be warm and the night ice melts early, she wakes up in the middle of the night to gather it and make a couple bowls.
Miq was a social and a bit clingy kid.
Many nights he woke up and he would run to sleep with his mother/father. (Which would also prompt Malenia to follow him)
His own plushie was a red wolf.
He really loved the real Red Wolf of Radagon, and would bury his face in its fur every time he got the chance.
Marika used to makes his braids, one of the few times she was actively motherly to him. Despite his many differences with her, he always enjoyed the process and even let her do it after he reached adulthood (in mind and years).
Malenia quickly learned to do them after they left the Erttree, and each morning she does them, it's a quiet and peaceful time for both of them.
His favourite season is spring and he adores, adores flowers and caterpillars.
His favourite flower is the one he cultivated himself, Miquella's Lily, and he becomes overjoyed when he sees one growing in the wild on its own, outside of his garden.
Speaking of gardens, his is a little water garden only he cares for, and all the plants he raises bloom with an amazing health and radiance.
He loves the sun and always tries to sneak a couple minutes from his work to just... lay under its rays and relax.
Hope you like them! Also, I have it stuck in my head that they both love hot cocoa from that one mention I read in Stolen so I should add that here too. Hmm, hmm.
(I always make time for moots, I just write slow 👍)
Thank you for the ask! <333
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ddejavvu · 2 years
hi hello congrats on 3.6k!! you absolutely deserve it, i love seeing you grow so fast <3 hm how about molly’s pumpkin patch - secret relationship trope with spencer reid?
(also i noticed that we are mutuals so hey new moot! :))
come vacation on my island!
🎃 molly’s pumpkin patch - send me a trope and a character, and i’ll write about what it would be like! (ex. enemies to lovers with regulus black)
hihihi!! thank you so much, i'm happy you're here :) <3333
"Y/N, come on!" Emily leaned over you, glancing disdainfully at the paperwork spread out over your desk, "You can finish that on Monday."
"Or I could finish it now," You mused, smirking contentedly down at your work when you heard JJ scoff from across the room.
"One day you'll come with us for drinks," Penelope urged, squeezing your shoulder as she passed you on her way to the door, "And we're gonna get you so fucked up that you won't be able to walk."
"Can't wait," You grimaced, bidding lighthearted goodbyes to your team after everyone had stopped teasing you.
"You and Reid both," Derek shook his head, "Cut from the same stubborn little cloth."
"Have fun tonight," You didn't acknowledge his taunting, only leveling him with a knowing look, "But you'd better not have too much, because everyone heard you talking about how you ran out of condoms the last time, and you're not ready to be a father."
He groaned, an amused smile on his face when he finally left the room, everyone in tow behind him.
You weren't often able to render Derek speechless, so you prided yourself when it happened. You didn't always quip back at him when he teased you, so when you did, he had to take a moment to process.
It had never happened twice in one day though, like it did now. Because only five minutes later he'd come storming back in, eyes scanning the room for his jacket and instead landing on you perched on the edge of your desk, Spencer standing between your legs. You'd quickly broken apart the kiss you'd been sharing once you heard someone come in, but if the split second of make-out that Derek had caught wasn't enough to convince him that he was actually seeing what he was seeing, Spencer's flushed cheeks and your swollen lips were.
You weren't really able to turn your head, Spencer's hands still frozen on your cheeks. But you watched Derek out of the corner of your eye, stomach dropping as he turned on his heel and bolted back out of the room.
Spencer was the first to tear after him, and you followed quickly behind them. You weren't sure you'd ever seen your coworkers run that fast, even when they were chasing murderers.
It was evidently too late when you reached the parking lot, the rest of your team standing around and staring bewilderedly at Derek who stood there huffing.
"Guys," He started, gesturing wildly between you and Spencer, "They were-! On the desk!" Before he could finish his sentence, Spencer landed a light kick to the back of Derek's calf, cutting the man off and eliciting a hiss from him. You thought that as long as Derek was too pained to speak, you'd be fine, but everyone's eyes seemed to be scanning your slightly rumpled outfit, the way Spencer's tie had been loosened significantly, and the slight reddening patch of skin just under Spencer's jaw.
Penelope was, predictably, the first one to put it together. She had you wrapped in a hug faster than you could process, nearly knocking you off of your feet as she rambled about 'all the juicy details you have to spill!'.
You watched Hotch chuckle deeply, glancing once more at the tie you'd nearly ripped off of Spencer's neck, a genuine smile spreading over his cheeks, "Just don't mess up your paperwork, I'd have a hard time explaining why essential government files are wrinkled and torn."
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mashep23 · 4 years
Blame it on the Rain
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Modern!AU. A surprise rainstorm changes the course of your day.
Warnings: Like one cuss word? Pure fluff
A/N: My endless thanks and love to: the incredible @river-soul for her beta work and guidance, and the wonderful @whisperlullaby for her support and feedback. 💖💖💖
Disclaimer: image not mine
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Oh no. You groan in dismay. The skies open and fat rain droplets splatter darkly onto your clothes and coat as you dash down the sidewalk. You spot cover ahead and dart directly to the storefront with a blissfully wide awning.
You gracelessly slide under the shelter of the canopy, your haste for cover hindering your ability to slow down. Your flats abruptly catch traction on a patch of dry pavement and you pitch forward. Barely managing to stay upright, you have just a moment to breathe in relief when you're jostled from behind. Stumbling slightly from the jolt, you feel hands on your hips steady you from behind as you hear a man's voice swear quietly.
"Oh shit - er, shoot, sorry - I didn't realize you'd stopped! Are you okay?"
You're both breathless and laughing softly as you step apart. You take a moment to straighten your jacket and hitch your bag higher onto your shoulder, reassuring him before you even turn around.
"Oh gosh, yes I'm fine, thanks. Are you...okay…" Your voice trails off as you turn and face a broad chest, eyes travelling up and up. Good heavens. What were you saying? You blink to focus, your eyes taking in a startlingly handsome face before your brain catches up and you rush to cover your faltering speech.
"H-here let me move underneath a little more so you have some room," you offer as you shift to stand deeper under the awning.
He grins in thanks, following you under the canopy, and stepping further away from the rain dripping overhead from the edge. He looks down to check his clothing, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to smooth it after your sudden, albeit gentle, collision. You follow his gaze down, realizing he's dressed in some kind of uniform under his open coat, and you have to make yourself look away before he notices your stare.
"Sorry for almost causing you to fall, but thanks for catching me," you say after a moment, smiling as you chance a sideways glance at him. He's mid-peek, looking in your direction too and you catch his eyes, a surge of warmth filling you at his sheepish expression.
He clears his throat before replying, "I saw you make a break for it so I followed you. I should have been paying more attention." He gives a self-deprecating huff and shakes his head, shoving both hands into the pockets of his jacket. "I'm the one who needs to apologize for almost knocking you down."
"No need, honest. It’s all good." You deny sweetly, reassuring him.
You're rewarded with a cute half grin and you have to purse your lips to keep your smile small as you look out through the raindrops. You both stand there in a companionable silence, watching the street as the world seems to slow down.
It's soothing, relaxing, and makes you feel peaceful. Soon, you’re taking slow deep inhales of the fresh, clean air and enjoying the experience, feeling the tension ease from your shoulders. You hear a quiet, measured exhale from your companion and you both seem to realize at the same time that you’re doing the same thing. You share a shy grin before quickly looking away.
You spend the next couple minutes surreptitiously exchanging sideways glances with him, trying your best to make it seem like a natural move. You’re feeling ridiculously obvious, constantly biting your lip to contain your smile when you get caught looking. At the same time, however, if you’re getting caught then that means he was looking too...right? You're giddy at the thought and take one last long deep breath as you notice the rainstorm begin to lighten.
When the rain slows to a light misting sprinkle, as much as you’d like to be brave and say something to him - introduce yourself, anything - you lose your nerve. Sighing inwardly at yourself, you start preparing to set out from under the safety of the canopy. Pulling up the collar on your jacket and securing your bag to your shoulder, you smile and bid him farewell.
"Looks like it's letting up - better make the most of the break!" You say chipperly. "Thanks for keeping me company."
You give a small wave before heading down the sidewalk. He returns your wave and gives a small nod, a slight furrow to his brow, but otherwise a friendly expression on his face. As you turn away, you can't help but think maybe you should say something else, something to prompt another smile from him, just once more. Feeling a tiny rush of confidence and holding onto that feeling, you turn suddenly and call back to him.
"I hope you have a great day!" You allow yourself a moment to truly admire and appreciate the stunning smile you get in response. He really is just too pretty.
His lips spread a little wider before he returned the sentiment with a sincere, "Thank you! I hope you do too!"
You knew, just knew, that your answering smile was blinding, but you couldn't have toned it down if you tried. In an attempt to seem less obvious (moot point, really), you give him a quick nod before turning and heading back down the sidewalk.
You can't deny you have a little bit more pep in your step as you make your way to your meeting. As you come up to the company entrance, you pause to look through your bag, checking to make sure your portfolio is still dry. As you shift the bag back onto your shoulder, you feel something snag and pull on your jacket.
Your brow scrunches in a frown as you use your hand to try to correct the fabric, wondering what you could be caught on. Looking down as you pull your bag away from your body, you hear something hit the pavement. What the…?
After a quick glance around your feet and then behind you, you see an identification badge laying on the ground. As you stoop to retrieve it for further inspection, you realize you had inadvertently taken a souvenir from your fellow shelter-seeker under the canopy.
His handsome face looks solemnly back at you from what is obviously his work badge. Stark Technologies emblazoned across the top, S. Rogers under his photograph, SECURITY is in large print along the bottom.
He must have been headed to work! Oh man, he's gonna need this. You check your watch. There's no time. You'll have to return it to him after your meeting. Standing up and stashing the badge safely into your pocket, you enter the beautiful brick building to attend your meeting.
Luckily it's brief, your client wants to peruse the contents of your portfolio with his financial team before contacting you to finalize details. Expecting this, you graciously thank him for his consideration and within a half hour, you've concluded your meeting and are striding toward Stark Technologies. The trek isn't more than a few blocks, so you decide to walk it and enjoy the sun filtering through the clouds, the rainy morning a distant memory.
When you enter The Tower, you have to take a moment to get your bearings. Looking up and around, it's easy to spot the gleaming information desk positioned in the center of the bustling lobby. As you approach, you think of how you're going to phrase your request. Not wanting to get him into trouble for not having his badge, especially as a part of the security staff, you decide to just ask to speak to him.
The pleasant lady behind the desk sends you a sweet smile as she speaks into the phone to relay your request. After a quiet exchange, she directs you to a cozy waiting area situated to the side of the bank of elevators.
You sit stiffly on the edge of a plush couch and admire the décor as you wait. The building interior is predominantly glass, making the whole space appear larger, but also quite bright and open. You've got a silly smile on your face, thinking about the amount of Windex they must go through, when a throat clearing pulls you back to the present.
"Well, hello again."
You startle and stand quickly, flustered as you turn to face him. You watch his eyes flick down to your feet then back up to your face, a pleasant and patient smile in place. You lick your lips, trying to settle your nerves.
"Hi! Uh, so I know it probably seems odd that I'm here but um, I actually have something of yours. Came to return it - figured you might need this." You give him what you hope is a winning smile before reaching into your pocket and withdrawing the lost item. Your eyes stay on the badge in your fingers as you hold it out to him.
"Oh! Hey, thank you!" He takes the badge gently from you, fingertips brushing yours. When you finally lift your gaze, you find him grinning boyishly. He swiftly fastens his ID to his crisp shirt, completing his uniform.
You give him an appreciative once over and murmur a quiet, "You're welcome," as he continues.
"You know, you just saved me from so much paperwork and hoops to jump through to replace this stupid thing. Where did you find it?"
"It was stuck to me," you share with a laugh.
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise, an open mouthed grin in place. Shaking your head and shrugging one shoulder, you continue.
"It must have happened when we bumped into each other. I wanted to get it back to you as soon as I realized I had it but I had to make my meeting first," you finish apologetically. "I hope you didn't get into trouble."
"No, not at all," he quickly assures you. "I should have noticed I didn't have it. Thank you again for bringing it to me. You didn't have to so I really appreciate it." That heartstopping smile he aimed at you was going to kill you.
You lick your lips again before you reply and notice his eyes drop to track the quick movement before flitting back up. For half a second, you suddenly feel emboldened.
"It was my pleasure, trust me." Unwilling to let the opportunity pass you by yet again, you jerk your chin toward the badge pinned to his chest and ask, "So, what does the 'S' stand for, Rogers?"
"Steve. It stands for Steve." He says, eyes crinkling as his lips spread into a wide grin. You give him your name and can't help but laugh as he holds out his hand. As you shake his hand, you both murmur, "Nice to meet you," and you're certain that you have matching delighted expressions on your faces.
You realize you've taken up a considerable amount of his time while he is on the clock and you give him a regretful smile as you release his hand.
"I'd better let you get back to it. Don't want to get you into real trouble." Quirking a corner of your mouth up, you grip the handle of your bag on your shoulder and tilt your head as you step back.
Steve starts slightly as he looks around, almost as if he'd forgotten where you both are. He looks back at you and nibbles on his lip before taking a small step closer.
"I do have to get going. But before I do...would it be too forward to ask you for your number?" He searched your face earnestly and you could swear he was holding his breath.
"Not at all. I was kinda hoping you would," you admit, beaming up at him as you hold out your hand for his phone. You draw your lip between your teeth in a slow pull, eyes travelling over his face as you wait. The look in his eye and the slow spread of his lips is slightly less boyish and a touch more sinful as he slips his phone from his pocket and hands it to you.
You enter your number into a new text thread and send yourself a simple message before relinquishing his phone back to him. You watch as he eagerly takes it back and saves your contact information. When he looks back up, he has a breathtaking smile on his face, eyes focused on yours. You have to blink a couple times to focus before drawing yourself up a little straighter to bid him goodbye.
"I expect to hear from you soon," you say confidently, smirking and winking as you turn to leave. His surprised but pleased huff of laughter makes you grin just a little bit wider when you peek back over your shoulder.
"Yes ma'am. You will." He's beaming, eyes tracking you as you give one more small wave before pushing through the door.
Tagging my discord family:
@buckyownsmylife @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
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