#more likely the latter its been 3 months and im still not over this series.... crazy to me still...
ruporas · 1 year
hi!! it's the anon with massive brainrot that spammed 3 fat asks at once <3
i'm so so so happy that u responded to all my ramblings so earnestly. and in DEPTH. that last rant u had about the nature of vashwood and how they view each other and their insecurities and all that... it took me forever to read cuz i kept stopping to just Sit and Think About It
but u also asked about that spotlight metaphor i mentioned and. it's bad lmfao
i was actually thinking about in 98 trigun where wolfwood takes a very permanent vacation. i'd remembered a kind of spotlight effect on him during that scene, and looking it up just now i realize it was cuz one of the church windows cast this warm square of light over him
so my memory was slightly off- i'd thought it was more of an actual spotlight- but i lost my mind when i thought you might've been referencing it for some reason. i didn't wanna bring it up tho cuz i figured i was wrong, and evidently i was lol
anywho, YAY LOST PAGE RECOVERY! kind of honored that i accidentally dug it up
bound to want still reads surprisingly smooth despite the fact it was missing a whole page tho. i never would've known if you didnt say anything. ETERNALLY happy i have it now, of course- it's beautiful and i adore the composition <3 it speaks so strongly to the atmosphere and what's going on
side note: would it be ok if i messaged u to talk about vashwood more? cuz i can Seriously ramble nonstop but i feel like im annoying your other followers lol (it's like i have everyone cuffed to desks as i aggressively slap a whiteboard with bound to want pasted on it)
i just. want to praise your work so Bad. i notice so many little things and it gets swept under the rug so much cuz an anon ask can only get so obnoxious haha.
but yeah! thanks sm for bein so amazing. i hope school goes well for you so u can thrive with vashwood this summer <3
(also i SAW that tag about bonus content. i Saw it. i'm Thinking about it)
OHHHHHH I understand what you mean by that though! It makes sense to me to presume that considering the confetti notes haha, but yeah, just one reference to his permanent vacation and it's in the confetti!!
BUT WAH, thank you so much again for your kind kind words!!! Yes, feel free to message me whenever, I always welcome it. It'll definitely take me some time to respond because life and I also like to sit down with a response and have the proper coherency to respond with my full attention and stuff. It's an honor to hear about detail analysis about my work so!!! I welcome it, thank you so so much!!!
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chelzone · 2 years
PNGtuber Video Plans (12/09/22)
i need to get on myself an plan out stuff more for the future set of videos, as well as think about what's goin on currently so ummmm
im still in the middle of my Night in the Woods playthru rn. later tonight ill record part 12, an i think i still have like,, at LEAST six or seven more recordings to get thru before the game is finished proper,,
next main game (most likely mid-to-late December) ill be recording for daily is either gonna be Dear Esther (if i want a lighter experience) or Kentucky Route Zero (if i feel insane and wanna go all in). like 3-4 days ago i fixed recording issues with both so either is possible now thankfully. ive played the former in full before but its been yeaaaars. ive played thru act 3 for the latter, and thats ALSO been many years since then
HL2 beta map exploration will still continue, as next time i will go thru the 2nd half of non-story-focused maps set during the early 2001 era. expect that part 5 video later this month, as i like to space out videos focusing on this 'series'.
Garry's Mod map stuff will continue but im unsure if i wanna do a generic themed one SOON or if i wanna wait til its closer to xmas and do the xmas / winter-themed maps then. i could do both! just need to see how im feeling. there's a bundle of themes i have downloaded currently so im prepared either way
there's still more HL1 mods i wanna play thru over the next year or so. these currently include Half-Life Echoes, USS Darkstar, TWHL 2, Residual Life, and uhhh im blanking on the others i may or may not have installed. that's only a small bit of great half life mods at that!
i really really still wanna play The Nameless Mod someday in my videos (a deus ex mod) but im still iffy if i wanna play the original release (was from like 2009 or so) OR still wait for the team to finish the 2.0 version in the coming years (later 2020s upcoming release)
Deltarune playthru might be on hold for a long time. while i COULD play chap 1 an 2 in the meantime, idk im feeling more so that i wanna wait for the eventual full release of the game later this decade
my mind is yelling at me to work on writing now so that's it for planning an shit for the moment. there's a lotta other games ive got downloaded from itchio and steam that i havent mentioned yet in these posts, so sorta maybe expect surprises in the coming months an what have u!
0 notes
voidstilesplease · 3 years
Tumblr media
Swords and Arrows
or That Summer When The Ares and Athena Cabins Finally Allied For Capture The Flag part 1 of 3
(A Steo Demigod AU) || For @anonymous's prompt: "Scott as a Roman demigod instead of Greek" || word count: 2,647 || The Entire Demigod Series -> [AO3][Tumblr] (it's finally a working link tfg)
Stiles pulls back, "I was going to ask if you missed me," he says, face flushed and beaming. "But it appears I don't need to."
"You never need to."
"Why the long face, little brother?" Tara asks cheerfully, wedging herself on the bench between Theo and one of their half-siblings, and placing down her tray brimming with colorful food as opposed to Theo's bleak and half-empty one. She grins at Theo, but he's not in the mood to return the goodwill.
Theo pokes half-heartedly at the contents of his tray: a lonely sealed bag with a couple squares of ambrosia inside - the food of the gods - some cheese and two slices of wheat bread. "Don't call me little brother," he mutters with little heat, leaning to the table to whisper a request to his goblet, which immediately fills up with sparkling water.
Tara looks over Theo's head at Fred, their Head Counselor, sitting on Theo's other side. "He's not back yet?"
Fred shakes his head, wiping the bbq sauce at the side of his mouth. "Nope," he replies, popping the 'p' and catching on to the question without much elaboration. By now, there's only one 'he' that reduces Theo to a brooding and sulky man-child. "He hasn't answered Theo's last IM, too."
"Try the last five Iris Messages," Theo grumbles in annoyance. He turns to Tara, face contorted in a sour expression. "I mean, how difficult is it to take my call? He always has drachmas in his pocket exactly for this reason."
"He's probably busy disintegrating monsters," Fred says reasonably. Which, of course, makes sense. Monsters make the most infuriating and persistent roadblock of all. They make any journey twice as long for demigods - if they don't manage to kill you, that is. "Or, you know," Fred adds, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "maybe he's being an accomodating companion to the Son of Jupiter."
Theo grinds his teeth hard and fixes his head counselor with a death glare. Fred only shrugs at Theo's reaction, obviously aiming for the exact response, and chuckling through a bite of ambrosia. Theo has half a mind to punch him in the jugular. He doesn't need a reminder of who Stiles is with, thanks. Spitefully, he harshly impales a piece of grape from Fred's tray with the tines of his fork and shoves it to his mouth in the most menacing manner he can project.
It only makes Fred guffaw, spraying bits of food onto the table. The campers across from him slide their trays away protectively, shrieking an indignant chorus of "Fred!" as they make sure no stray bits made it into their platters. Fred raps at his chest as he reaches for his goblet, still laughing his dumb ass off while trying to wave his hand in apology.
Their neighbors also share their opinion on the appalling table manners of the Ares brood - spitting out food may slightly be a common scene from their lot, unfortunately.
Brett from the Apollo cabin throws corn kernels at Fred, a strange display of solidarity if you can believe it, while Ara, the half-Korean junior counselor of Athena cabin, gives the Ares and Apollo tables a look of disapproval. She's a pretty terrifying 15 years old, which is why Stiles is extremely fond of her. With Stiles gone to New Rome the first week back to camp, Ara is doing a kickass job taking over the head counselor duty. (But, to Hades with it, Theo would much prefer Stiles to be scowling at their table.)
"Okay, first of all," Tara says over the little chaos. "Fred, you're disgusting. Second," she holds Theo's chin to compel him to look at her, then smirks, "Stealing a piece of fruit is not a cabin 5-worthy intimidation tactic."
Theo opens his mouth for his scathing retort, but at the same time, one of Stiles's younger siblings points in the direction of the cabins. "Hey, it's Stiles!"
Many heads look up, but Theo springs to his feet instantly, scanning the area for Stiles. He catches sight of him almost immediately, bounding to the Mess Hall in his orange shirt, face bright under the camp's enchanted borders, as radiant as the last time Theo saw him four long months ago. Without much thought, Theo finds himself carried by his feet towards Stiles.
Stiles sees him coming too, and his smile broaden. Theo sprints, forgetting himself and where they are. They meet halfway, by the entrance of the Mess Hall, with Theo knocking into Stiles's open arms strong enough that it's a surprise they're still upright on the ground.
Theo squeezes him to make sure his mind did not conjure a Spectre to appease his longing. Stiles feels solid under his hands, if a little sweaty, and he smells as if he was run over by monsters. But underneath the grime, he catches the scent of Stiles's favorite body wash. He feels himself sagging in satisfaction.
Stiles pulls back, "I was going to ask if you missed me," he says, face flushed and beaming. "But it appears I don't need to."
"You never need to."
Theo doesn't know how long they stood just smiling at each other, but they break apart at Chiron's pointed clearing of the throat. It's not even in Theo's head to be embarrassed by his actions despite the cackling and many leering faces of the other demigods. Mr. D merely raises an unimpressed eyebrow, though the twinkle in his eyes can only be from amusement.
Chiron is sitting on his wheelchair today, hiding his horse's ass behind the illusion of human legs - why he still does it is a wonder - and rolls forward to them.
"Stiles Stilinski," he greets merrily, the lines of his eyes crinkling when he smiles. "Welcome back." Chiron gazes a little behind them, then, nodding kindly towards another boy Theo only notices, is standing patiently at a distance.
The boy, Scott McCall, son of Jupiter and a praetor of the Roman demigods' army, the Twelfth Legion Fulminata, steps forward to bow his head in respect of the centaur. "Chiron," he also acknowledges Mr. D who didn't bother to get up from the head table. "Lord Bacchus."
"Hm," Mr. D hums without correcting the demigod, sipping on his diet coke dismissively.
Theo doesn't hate Scott, but he also doesn't like him - strongly, irrationally, dislikes him. Instinctively, he shuffles closer to Stiles as if his boyfriend is going to dissolve into the Mist if he isn't close enough to pull him back.
Theo's been agitated since Stiles told him, a week prior, that he was flying to New Rome in California where Camp Jupiter is, the Roman camp, for a 'friendly' visit. Everyone's allowed to cross borders, but no one has really done so just to tour around. After all, the camps are on opposing sides of the country and monsters don't pause to consider not killing vacationing demigods.
A couple of times before last week, when Theo visited Stiles in his Manhattan apartment, he'd, out of the blue, mentioned the varied courses and scholarships that New Rome University offered, as Theo laid his head on Stiles's lap while the latter read. Theo hadn't minded it at the time, as Stiles quickly dropped the subject. But another month passed and Stiles mentioned it again, randomly, during one of their IMs, adding that he might check into the enrollment requisites. Theo started to worry, then.
If Stiles goes to New Rome for college, Theo can't follow him. He never even got to finish eighth grade. And Scott, he's one of the Romans, their leader, and grudging as he is to admit, one of Stiles's friends now the more he visits Camp Half-Blood. He will eagerly encourage Stiles, telling him of the countless perks that Camp Jupiter has. He will be as big a hero there as he is in Camp Half-Blood, and he can rise to praetorship alongside Scott if the Legion so wishes it.
Scott is not a bad person per se, but he wears the color and insignia of the place Theo might lose Stiles to. And if Theo blinks the wrong way, he might not see quick enough that Stiles is being whisked away to the other side of the coast, leading a life without him.
After officially welcoming the son of Jupiter to the camp, feeding him, and getting him settled in Cabin One, the campers go about their daily routine of training.
The blade vibrates when it hits the shooting log, right on the marked spot. Then it disappears into thin air and reappears in Theo's hand only to be thrown back to the same spot. He does it repeatedly, unrelentingly, until Tara aims with his bow and hits his blade with an arrow to send both weapons clanging to the ground, a few meters away.
Theo heaves; he doesn't even know he's breathless just from throwing until then. Wiping beads of sweat from his forehead, he nods appreciatively at the bow in Tara's hands when his sister stands beside him with a smile. "If we aren't siblings, I'd mistake you for a daughter of Apollo."
"Please," she laughs, opening her palm, gesturing at the fallen weapons. Both her arrow and Theo's blade fly to her hands in a matter of seconds. "I don't want to light up like a glow stick while waxing poetry during a fight." Children of Apollo don't actually do those in the middle of a fight, but they do glow when they're healing, and they can make others speak in rhymes just for fun. Tara offers the knife back to his brother. "Also, we're children of Ares. By birthright alone, we should know to wield any weapon of war."
Theo takes the knife and snorts, "And yet, I suck at archery."
"I can't summon weapons out of thin air," She points out, grinning at him as she puts the arrow back to its sheaf. "I guess we just can't have it all or Zeus would be zapping us one by one."
Theo scoffs, leaning into position to begin throwing again.
"Speaking of Zeus," Tara says, a playful tone in her words. "Where's your favorite son of the Sky God?"
Theo spares her a glare before flinging his knife and burying it onto the battered practice log. He purses his lips before answering, "He's at the Big House with Chiron, Mr. D, Stiles, and the other head counselors." He clenches his fingers around the blade's hilt when it returns to his hands. "They're talking about a little orientation on New Rome University's scholarships and handing brochures and study guide for the DSTOMP." Theo doesn't bother hiding the acid in his voice from his sister. She'll recognize it anyway, even if he masks it with neutrality. He can't mask it with neutrality.
She quirks a brow, "You don't sound too eager," she notes. "Are you still jealous of Scott, little brother?"
"I'm not jealous of Scott," he says, gritting his teeth. "And don't call me little brother."
"Why are you so strung up, then, if you're not baselessly jealous?"
He finds his reply being interrupted for the second time that day, this time by a distant rumbling coming from the sky. All activities on the ground cease as everyone turns to the increasing volume of an invisible running engine. Theo scans the space above them, at first not grasping anything in motion, until a burst of light reveals a flying, glowing red bus coming down fast to the ground.
Someone goes to alert Chiron as the rest of them scamper to the landing site by the amphitheater. The bus landed surprisingly smooth, despite its breakneck descent.
"Is that a Ferrari bus?" One of the campers points out.
Sure enough, the logo at the front of the vehicle, a black prancing horse on a yellow background, is of the famous luxury sports brand. But why would there be a flying Ferrari bus at Camp Half-Blood?
"Oh gods," Lori gasps somewhere on Theo's left. "Is that dad's sun chariot?"
As if on cue, the bus door opens, and a teenager who looks about Theo's age exits, wearing what he can only describe as a hipster look. He flashes a blinding grin - and quite literally at that, since they have to shield their eyes momentarily from the glimmer of his teeth - clears his throat dramatically, and announces:
"Hello demigods
The sun landed on your grounds
I am so awesome."
There's silence at first, then a series of enthusiastic applause from Brett and the rest of cabin seven comes next. The teenager bows theatrically, although Theo finds nothing extraordinary about what he just said. But soon, the others join in with half-hearted claps, recognizing the powerful aura suddenly seeping into their skins that could only mean there's a god among them - well, another god, aside from Dionysus, their Camp Director. And with the terrible haiku, there will be no mistaking who graced their camp today. The last time Theo had seen him, during the almost war on his first year at camp, the god had worn the body of a muscular mid-20's blond man. Now, it seems he favors to look even younger despite his four thousand years.
"Lord Apollo," Chiron's voice drowns out the applaud as he trots forward, now in his form as a white stallion from the waist down. "It's a pleasant surprise. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."
Mr. D isn't as warm. He snorts, rolling his eyes. "Oh, bother, what brought you here now?"
Apollo's bright persona doesn't falter as he gestures at the bus - that is apparently his sun chariot. Theo remembers the time when he almost drove Apollo's chariot, if the Hermes cabin did not snitch it from under their noses, and thus putting three cabins grounded after a severe prank war. He had to take Liam's dish duties and pay him just so his present for Stiles could be delivered in time for Christmas.
"I'm here at the request of my little sister." The god says proudly, as the door opens again, this time with grumbling teenage and prepubescent girls coming out from the bus. All dressed in the same outfit: silver jackets, silver camo pants, and black combat boots, and they carry at their backs a quiver of sharp silver arrows. They glance at Apollo with apparent distrust, standing as far away from him as possible, as the god continues, "To deliver her hunters safely while she's away on a personal errand."
Several demigods groan in displeasure at the news, and even Chiron's lips form a thin line, though he tries to smile through the tension. Mr. D seems to be delighted now, though, happier to see the strange, vicious-looking ladies than his own brother. Personally, it feels like an omen of danger. Mr. D is never happy unless something perilous is about to descend upon his campers - even if his own daughter, Malia, is among them.
"Thank you, Lord Apollo." One of the hunters says albeit she looks physically pained by her words. She stands at the front of the group, a silver ring headwear around her head, with bouncing black curls, a pointed nose, and a strong chin. The other hunters also look at her when she speaks. It's easy to recognize her as the group's leader. "And thank you, Lord Dionysus, Chiron, for accomodating the hunters of Lady Artemis."
Chiron nods at the girl, eyes softening with kindness born out of familiarity, "You're always welcome, Allison."
Mr. D laughs boisterously, then. Like his punishment has just been lifted and he can go back to Olympus and away from the brats, celebrating by getting drunk on wine after years of prohibition. "Well, at least, Capture the Flag this Friday seems more enticing now, don't you think so, Chiron?" He gives a wicked grin at his campers, not waiting for a reply, his change in demeanor promising a torturous next few days for the demigods. "Ready to lose the Camp Half-Blood banner to these little girls for the 58th time in a row?"
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kinneys · 3 years
long post of my tma thoughts just to get them on the page
ok so context ive only been into it for just over a year, and I binged s1-4 quite quickly last year. i dipped out of s5 for a few months this autumn/winter, it definitely slogged in the middle for me. in feb i caught up on s5, relistened to all of it in one go around 197 airing, then in the last 3 weeks (!) i managed to relisten to all of s1-4 which was an Experience. 
anyway i will firstly say i think s5 had the weight of insane expectations and the slow release + delays from covid definitely dampened it. s5 was MUCH much more engaging to me on a binge relisten, and unless you just fully despise the ending, i would really suggest anyone on the fence do that.
i will secondly say i think tma suffers both from an audience that wants it to be much darker than it is and an audience that wants it to be much happier than it is, the latter of which has extreme parasocial relationships with the RQ crew and seems to aggressively try and cancel them constantly for very minor issues lol. tma is a horror tragedy podcast but its always been VERY clear that you’re supposed to see jon and co as The Good Ones and root for them to succeed at preserving their humanity+love in the face of Evil Forces. im absolutely fascinated by all the parallels between jon and elias and all the attention given to the fact that this IS something jon chose, he IS culpable, the delicious tension in s4 where he’s stealing statements from people without their consent, etc, but ultimately i dont think its really fair to the overall mood and clearly telegraphed arc of the podcast to have expected it to have an utterly hopeless jon is an evil monster ending or to have the relationship with martin ever be anything but wholly loving. it IS not something i think fully works narratively because it requires a big suspension of disbelief; it’s hard to believe someone who had undergone the things jon had could still be a loving and good person and partner, but that is pretty firmly established as the universe of the show. 
so i dont think it is fair to say that the relatively happy finale and its intense focus on jon and martin’s love for one another is something the teenage fans bullied them into because they couldn't stomach Full Horror. the ending is still pretty horrific - the Web is strongly implied to have like 100% won, and Jon’s been cowed into helping it grow immeasurably more powerful in incomprehensible ways, ultimately his agency was denied to him re: choosing an alternative: that ‘oh no’ realising he let go of the lighter is a very bad moment for him. i think jon would have loved to make the ultimate sacrifice, and was prepared to kill all of humanity to kill the fears for good and redefine *his* place in the story, as selfish and awful that is, but his love for martin did tear him away from that. because he loved martin, he gave in to what the Web wanted, allowing himself to potentially doom innumerable worlds, forever, because he couldn’t let go, and because his other choice involved killing Martin, which he couldn’t bring himself to do. to me that is still a pretty tragic ending, but my personal criticism of it would be that it absolutely does feel like trying to have it both ways re: being tragic but not so tragic they get yelled at on twitter. 
overall s5 is mixed-to-good for me. its really hard to compare it to the other seasons - really it is only vaguely comparable to s4, and even then, its just so far removed that its hard to. i thought daisy and basira ended perfectly. martin got so much added depth as a character that was executed very well. a few of the episodes are definitely series-best for me, like Helen and Scalesa. so much of the character exchanges between jon and martin i really really enjoyed, i have never been that into them at all as a pairing but I got so much more invested. but there are absolutely balls that they dropped and the pacing was definitely inconsistent. some statements were great, others not. 197 was a high it never hit again.
i am very obsessed with elias, he is a fantastic villain, and I do think he was underused, but I do think they kind of wrote themselves into a trap if he is the final boss - of course you’re not gonna see him until the very end. i was sooooooooooo glad to hear his snide little voice saying ‘that we serve’ to Jon, it’s always been so important to me that he forces Jon to acknowledge his complicitness and their shared lust to Know and the way they are paralleled that way. but jon is clearly nothing like elias fundamentally - he has clung desperately to his humanity where Elias has severed every inch of it (except his gay marriages) and I think a climatic showdown between them was only ever gonna read as Good vs. Evil. i liked seeing elias be pathetic at the end, not a king of anything after all, and beg for his life and jon get to deliver the final blow.
so tl;dr....I don’t think s5 was as successful as the other seasons in sticking its landings but I do think the ending still is notably horrific in a big existential way and I don’t think we were ever gonna get the intense traumatic tragedy some people seem to feel cheated out of. i think if you want just imagine it ended at s4 lol
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Translation Plans
Well... my break was pretty good. was finally able to download the clean fresh live version of the cxm secret mission that i had my eye on since i ranked up, saw the 1984 wonder woman movie (it was okay and I could write an essay on what didn’t sit well with me as a fan of the comics [im kinda of a comic book purist when it comes to the way characters think and their behaviour] but I really liked Lynda Carter’s cameo).... made a lot of progress on one of the hakumyu piano arrangements i’m working on (have now probably listened to certain parts of that song over a hundred times now), watched a bunch of the original hakuoki musicals in hd.... and I finally got my dad to play Batman: Arkham Asylum. My bro and I have been trying to get that to happen for years lol... especially since it has Conroy and Hamill doing the Batman and Joker voices (the animated series is the best!). super steep learning curve tho since it’s being played on the ps3 and the last console he used was the Nintendo Gamecube.    
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to stock up on translations as much as I would have liked to during this time on account of my hardware seriously acting up... to the point that I needed to send my laptop in for repairs and get a new one. Aside from how unresponsive my keyboard was and how hot it got, the laptop itself had become quite slow... though that might have been because my passport [external storage drive] took a bad fall which made a lot of my files harder to access since it was barely able to handle files being accessed/copied/moved off of it (this is after diagnosing it and repairing it via command prompt chkdsk x: / r), with the latter being what I spent most of my break waiting for as i avoided using my laptop since the majority of my drama rips and game capture videos were on it... To give you an idea of how long this took (and how long it is still taking), I went from being able to transfer my 50mb of files in a few seconds... to sometimes taking more than a day (tho other times i’d be able to get 4gb moved in >24 hours, making the timing super inconsistent. also i don’t have access to a cd drive now so i can’t just re-rip things)... which is why I haven’t been able to work on any videos since my last post (I have more than 1.3TB of stuff to move, so my new laptop isn’t exactly at its best right now and won’t be for a long while since I’m not going to be using a recovery service as waiting out the transfers for everything out will definitely be cheaper... the ballpark estimate I got was being anywhere from $500-2000, which is money that i am not exactly eager to part from just for the sake of saving time)... meaning I also probably won’t get to videos for a while since subtitling requires accurate timing and im not fond of things freezing on me while working on videos... ugh. i still have to do an insane amount of grinding later in warframe once my current batch of files finishes transferring... 
Anyway, below is a list of what I’ve mostly managed to schedule (anything with a “?” is something that I haven’t committed to) and a list of what I’d like to get done this year (can’t make any guarantees... however, im probably going to try and translate some things with souma this year cuz of hakumyu), while the stuff in bold text is on my shortlist of things I intend to prioritize (Saito’s Ginsei no Shou chapters and Shinsengumi Oni-tan are still being worked on though not as actively since they’re a lot longer...). 
Also, aside from December, the month that CNY falls on (February this year) and March (bday) will be the only foreseeable times when I put out less translations tho I’ll probably be playing video catch-up during that time this year since i’m not sure what i’ll be able to get done as i wait for my files to get moved.
oh well. I’m still aiming towards posting stuff on a weekly basis for the rest of the year... here’s hoping that it’s less volatile.... tho i unfortunately have non-existent expectations given what made the news yesterday. just glad i don’t live there.
Yuugiroku 3 Saito Fall story today!
Chapter 7 of Saito’s route from Ginsei no Shou + 4-koma
Hakuoki Kyoka-Roku Kazama CG Character Perspective [no vid. havent beaten this game and im not sure when i’ll feel like speed running through it]
Hakuo Gakuen Q & A
Stellaworth Hana no Shou After Story - Harada
Chapter 1 of Saito’s route from Ginsei no Shou
Web drama 8
Yuugiroku 3 - Short Episode #8 (Kazama/Amagiri/Shiranui) [still need to get video and screenshots] 
Yuugiroku Drama CD Thumb Sized Samurai Track 1-4 (4 is WIP)?
Char monologue?
2017 Otomate Hakuoki SSL April Fool’s Day
薄桜鬼 遊戯録 隊士達の大宴会 店铺特典「教えてください山崎さん!」 (completed yesterday)
Yuugiroku 3 - Short Episode #6 “Yukimura the page’s secret”?
char perspective?
Hijikata Biyori (cuz these are short) 
Yuugiroku 3 Short Episodes (these are longer than the ssl cross and daily stories)
Kyoka Roku Conversation in the Rain - Okita/Toudou/Kazama
Kyoka-Roku CG perspectives
2013 Otomate Party Hakuoki drama “Ideal place for a disagreement”
Saito Ginsei no Shou Chapters
Shinsengumi Oni-tan
Stellaworth Hana no Shou After Stories - Souji, Heisuke (THIS YEAR FOR SURE DAMMIT!)
2011 Hakuoki Reimeiroku Otomate Party drama
Stellaworth Nightshade Kuroyuki CD
薄桜鬼 遊戯録弐 祭囃子と隊士達 A店特典「あなた好みの想いの形」
薄桜鬼 真改 ~風華大全~ 特典「稽古の痛み」
2016 Otomate Party Code:Realize drama* (this is almost 30 min so i will probably translate less that month if i get to it)
2019 ????????????? Halloween SS?*
????????????? Stellaworth Vocal CD (8 tracks)*
*have to check these 3 since I don’t actively follow these fandoms/tags tho im pretty sure no one has translated anything from the fandom for the last 2 items.
also, re:patreon goal - i am currently not able to access the files for the drama i am looking to get a translation commissioned for as it is in the process of being moved off of my damaged passport. 29gb  remains as part of that transfer, which is the result of me trying to move all 865 files from where i keep the majority of the hakuoki dramas i’ve saved all at once... ended up doing that because every time I access that hard drive, each time i open up a folder, and every time I highlight a file to move, the file explorer goes “not responding” for an uncertain amount of time, and have instead opted in doing something that would hopefully reduce the likelihood of something crashing.
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edge-lorde · 6 years
Relic and Relic II: Resurrection
by Jonathan Brookes
relic and its sequel (could be a part of a series?) are sci-fi books set in modern times where the american military, with aid from a contracted private company, have decided to start a program to clone neanderthals with the eventual goal to use them as soldiers. information leaks, military personnel gone rouge, and civilian meddling cause this plan to go awry.
but why do this thing in the first place? a few reasons. 1: the military assumes neanderthals won’t have human rights. theyll be able to completely control their ‘Thal population (yes they do use the term “’Thal”) and everything they do, including when they die, without violating human rights under the Geneva convention. 2: theyed be able to eventually replace all modern human soldiers with ‘Thal clones that would have no families back home and thus save “human” lives and prevent human suffering. 3: they could, through multiple generations, breed 'Thals to be the perfect soldiers, which they cant do with modern humans cause of human rights.  
believeability: 8.5. i think the authors reasons as to why the military would be interested in making a soldier class of clones they could have complete control of is sound. however, some of the finer points arent that believable, like that a pathologist at a morgue knows how to determine if DNA is neanderthal or not. 
idk because both books make jokes about how “this sounds like a crazy sci-fi plot!” but if your reading a sci-fi book you’re expecting that. its ok for the premise of a sci-fi story to be crazy as long as the science is explored, which i think it is. there are actual 'Thals in these books, though one of them has no lines and then dies and the other is a literal newborn baby who does little besides sleep. a baby who sleeps and eats? unbelievable! 
ive read a lot of neanderthal books now, and they come in 2 main flavors; prehistoric and sci-fi. the former speaks for itself. the latter usually has a plot where people are reacting to getting a hold of a live neanderthal, be that through cloning, time travel, or just discovering they never went extinct. relic definitely falls into that sphere, no doubt about it, what makes it unique is that it doesnt really explore those themes at all. the ‘Thal who dies? DNA saved for cloning and then cremated. no explanation as to how he even exists, he was just a college professor with no family ties or close friends who just *happens* to have enough neanderthal DNA to effect his appearance and has ‘Thal mitochondrial DNA. they just took samples of a few things and cremated him with out a second thought, zero calls to look into anything about him or save the body. the baby? treated as an asset to a company by both the “bad” military guys and the “good” civilians. the people with her best interest at heart wanted her to be raised as a normal child and essentially forgotten about by science, which i dont think ive ever seen before in this sub-genre. 
i actually think this makes the ‘Thals MORE believable, in a way... 
characterization: 9. like i said above, the neanderthals dont actually do much in the story, but when they are doing something its pretty human like. the baby does baby things. the college professor had autism, which has been proposed by real scientists to have some sort of neanderthal connection before, but is still up in the air as far as i can tell.
one of the civilian characters thinks that the reason ‘Thals would be better soldiers is that the military wouldn't have to feed them, they could just eat the enemies they were assigned to kill and generally terrorize the countryside. but he is the only character to bring that up so i dont think its reflective of the actual thal canon in this story. the baby isnt eating solid food yet though, so the jurys still out. at one point the military people decide the 'Thals will probably make better scientists than soldiers too. 
hybrids: 1.5. it acknowledges we interbred at some point so that counts for something. im going to count the college professor as a hybrid, and i guess the baby counts too. shes not an exact clone of a neanderthal specimen, shes got the profs mtDNA and test results said she was a 95% match for neanderthal DNA, so maybe theres some other stuff in that last 5%. 
interspecies sex: 1. in the broad sense, since we interbred. other than that, nothing. the prof didnt even have a girlfriend. 
accuracy: 7. this story is nothing if not researched, though still written by a layperson. most tidbits of information about 'Thals come from some published article. like the profs description, and the babys got red hair-- not accurate that all ‘Thals would have had red hair, mind you, but perhaps she is the clone of the specimen that is thought to have had red hair? passable. what is not passable is that the baby is said to look like a mixture of Asian and Caucasian, which, idk how your supposed to discern on a newborn in the first place, and second buys into a concept of race that would not have existed at the time neanderthals were around. shes also got blue eyes, which we currently dont think neanderthals had because our blue eye mutation happened after they went extinct, but it could be that the color will change as she grows, or 'Thals had their own blue eye mutation we dont know about yet. and there was something about the baby having pigmented sclera, though when it said her eyes were blue that didnt come up again so maybe the author dropped that. 
the baby was born a month premature but full size and healthy, could be an insinuation that neanderthal pregnancies were shorter, which i dont know if thats substantiated or not. she also needs to eat more than a normal baby and needs more protein and fat in her formula, but that one at least seems plausible. could be a glimpse of more voracious tendencies to come though, as the cannibal theory comes from danny vendramini’s body of work, no i wont link it. i dont think the author was going that way though. 
a lot of the actual science is glossed over too. like theres this one scene where a guy is trying to show a doctor how he knows the baby is a neanderthal and the book is like “he brought up some charts and talked seriously, then he brought up some other charts and compared the two.” 
OH and there was that whole deal with mitochondrial DNA. apparently the reason it was so important to get some from the prof is that mtDNA is harder to extract than nuclear DNA (i dont think thats true) and if you try to clone a neanderthal and give it modern human mtDNA it will age rapidly and die because the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and modern human mtDNA doesnt tell the ‘Thal mitochondria to make enough energy. thats gotta be bullshit if i ever heard it. 
kind of hope the author writes another relic book. the second book was vastly better written than the first, so i can only hope the authors growth is exponential, and the second one ended on kind of a weird note. 
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nazih-fares · 7 years
Another month of September and here’s come another version of Visual Concept’s award winning basketball franchise, out now with NBA 2K18. For several years now, Visual Concept has evolved its prized franchise and manages to come back every time with new fresh ideas. Not particularly perfect ideas, some even completely pointless, but we can always be sure of one thing: every new NBA 2K is always impressing me. It’s all generally thanks to its highly technical gameplay, life-like realistic graphics, or the game mode galores; so how can the studio top last year’s edition, considering we gave NBA 2K17 a 9.1/10?
For the past four years, Visual Concept has been relying heavily on its career mode, which allows the player to create a virtual player to his own effigy, and discover the life of a basketball players on his professional road in the great American NBA league. The formula has never really stayed the same throughout the years, but the studio is always more ambitious and it feels perfect in NBA 2K18. In this year’s MyCareer, things start in a very classic way: After creating your player (note that the customization options are more limited this time), you start with a series of street basketball matches. DJ, the big mouthed character that will be the voice of your character is no random streetballer, as he dominates the competition and takes the title with his friends, and eventually gets spotted by a Scout of an NBA team (the one chosen by the player as a favorite team at the beginning of the MyCareer mode).
This start will not necessarily appeal to all players. Since many would probably have preferred more realism, and why not even a return to the previous NBA 2K17 path: you start with College basketball matches, the NBA draft, and then transition to the league teams when picked. Inevitably, the basketball fan will question realism, especially since NBA 2K has done better in the past. That being, this new approach has its own interesting take on MyCareer, that it dramatically changes the relationship that DJ will then have with the rest of the NBA universe, because as an undrafted rookie, he is not a potential star, and so will become the eternal underdog. This will always provide more motivation to the player who holds the joystick, which will be constantly provoked by his teammates, but also opponent team players, as he works hard to prove himself.
NBA 2K18 illustrates rather well the transition between streetball, where DJ shone to where he lands in the NBA. The first matches are of a disconcerting ease, as if the avatar is some sort of reborn Reggie Lewis. Once in the NBA, things are much harder: your player has officially a ranking of 60 and it will have to train hard before reaching peak performances worthy of a true league player. First of all, the question arises as to how an NBA team has been able to offer a contract, even a temporary one, to a guy who can barely make a simple shot. Then because the performance improvement is still dependent on the VC, (in-game currency), is only after many hours of play that you will finally have stats worthy of the NBA players. Some will think that this is a good thing, especially since the NBA is extremely competitive and the simple fact remains that there’s a lot of work to be done to get to a good level. Other players though will probably find it a somewhat vicious way to direct players to the game’s microtransaction system, which allows you to buy large amounts of VC. Plus I’d like to point out that at the silly way the game also handle the player’s energy levels through the season, which degrade after each performance, and has a direct impact on his ability to run faster for example. It’s a logical concept, but in the game, to recharge your batteries, the game invites you to go to a gym, where you can practice in many ways. If this adds a wealth of gameplay features, it also invites whether lazy gamers to spend a few extra real life money to buy Gatorades, sold exactly in the same spot.
As a new member of an NBA team, your in-game character will have to show attend numerous training sessions. Forget the “Doin ‘Work” system of NBA 2K17, because NBA 2K18 allows you to go to the training room before each game, where you can participate in up to three exercises. These exercises will allow you to accumulate XP for each of the available Badges, depending on your post and the archetype you have chosen for your player. The system is rather smart but because of the imperatives (maximum score to reach, limited time, etc), it is sometimes difficult to work out specifically some components of his game. We would have appreciated, however, that some basic exercises allow us to improve certain skills, especially shooting at mid-distance, three points, or even free throws.
Fortunately, it would be a bit simplistic to limit NBA 2K18 to micro-transactions which, let’s face it, are quite optional. Visual Concept rolled up the sleeves to propose novelty and this time, it’s done with a miniature open world hub called the neighborhood. You will find absolutely everything there: your apartment and private plot, Foot Locker to buy sneakers, NBA official product store, hairdresser, tattoo artist, arenas for ProAm matches, a room to bet on matches… The Neighborhood manages to bring together in a single space all the modes that are linked to your avatar. As a concept, it is damn impressive and the first hours of roaming around the Neighborhood are very pleasant, but the fun is short-lived, especially for those who would like to just play official matches, and possibly live through the story mode created by the developers. Crossing the streets of NBA 2K18’s Neighborhood is long and laborious; there is no shortcut, except the one allowing instant access to the NBA matches. To give you some ideas, if you want to talk to your agent, you will have to walk to his home which can take you up to 3 minutes. Buy a new pair of basketball? Walk to the shop! Even to get out of the house, you will have to physically go to the door. We understand the willingness of developers to come up with something more realistic, but a little more flexibility would’ve not hurt on that front. Ultimately, if the proposed result is rather impressive, it will not appeal to everyone, and could be considered as an added gimmick.
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Other than the changes listed above, Visual Concept took the opportunity to review their game mechanics and give us more realistic sensations on the court, if that’s even possible given how lifelike everything was already. The physics engine of the game has been improved and this is noticed especially on the player animations, which are much less calculated than in the past. This is particularly noticeable on steals, jumps or rebounds, and depending on the point of contact, the hit applied to the basket, the bodies twist, pivot and ultimately give a very pleasant feeling of fluidity, instead of being just a formed cluster of pixels. Controlling the players is therefore very pleasant, and visually, the sensation of realism is striking.
It is now possible to make a pass while jumping, without going through the “fake jumpshot + pass” combo which had its limits; a longer and more accurate pass can be made by holding down the A key and then quickly selecting the desired player. The power gauge is now displayed at the player’s hands, and provides greater clarity on the difficulty of shooting and the intensity of the opposing defense. Everything in this NBA 2K18 gives the impression of being more natural and obvious. Especially when it comes to attacking, because in previous episodes, it could be annoying to see how some players, even the smallest, could stop a monster such as LeBron James, but thankfully in NBA 2K18, the biggest dunk masters are truly powerful beasts!
Besides the MyCareer mode, NBA 2K18 launch with a plethora of game modes that are all rich in content. We talked about Career and Pro AM, which largely benefit from a new system of player archetypes, but we could also spend a moment talking about the MyTeam mode, which is the equivalent to NBA 2K of the FIFA Ultimate Team, or even MyGM, which allows you to play as the General Manager of an NBA team of your choice. It is the latter that has changed the most this year, since Visual Concept has decided to endow it with a small story mode scenario, which to my regret, was not a good idea.
After several tries, I quickly realized that the scenario was exactly the same from one team to another. Barely named General Manager, you meet the owner of the team, a man obviously a bit obnoxious with a lot of investments done over the years. As the season progresses, we learn via social networks that the owner has “lost” an enormous amount of money, which leads to the same conclusion: the man is forced to sell his team, and the new owner, friendly as he is, wishes to move the franchise to Seattle. This evolution may be appropriate for your party if you have chosen a team like the Kings, which has been in turmoil for years, but it is much less credible when we talk about teams like the Lakers, Knicks or other franchise attached to the cities they represent.
Disregarding this added – pointless – story mode to MyGM, it is still safe to say that this mode hasn’t lost its depth. The possibilities are still numerous, especially since this year the game allows to sign “two-ways contracts”, or to benefit from the Hardship Exception, in case of many injuries in the team. On the trade side, the whole is rather coherent, even if we continue to see quirks, such as the Spurs able to propose Tony Parker in exchange for a random rookie like Brook Lopez early in the season. Overall, the game regularly overlooks the small specificities of some players, or some teams, which is a weird thing for a game that is proud of its realism.
Last year, despite its many qualities, NBA 2K17 annoyed me because of absurd little bugs. Things have improved this year, and I’m happy to say those random issues are fixed, like faces not loading properly on players, and more. The online part of the game also offers a much nicer experience and during my test, there’s been barely any lag, even with my humble connection. However, difficult not to be impatient in front of too many loading times that seem to have multiplied, and present almost everywhere now, even when opening your smartphone. It breaks the mood and pace of the game, especially in Career mode, which is already wasting a lot of time with its endless displacements in the Neighborhood.
Besides all this, NBA 2K18 is still the greatest sport simulation in the market. I might be a bit too harsh on some points, but this is expected from a game that seeks perfection on all fronts. At least from a purely technical point of view, the game is still a high-end graphical feat, with textures always finer and more precise, especially regarding the skin of players and their small imperfections. Small other details lack in details, like the coaches, the face of the national anthem singer, and the trio of Shaq, Ernie and Kenny is still not very expressive, despite an excellent dubbing.
NBA 2K17 was reviewed using an Xbox One retail copy of the game provided by 2K Games. The game is also available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC in both retail and online store releases. We don’t discuss review scores with publishers or developers prior to the review being published
It's no surprise that this year as well, NBA 2K18 is a very strong entry in the franchise. Another month of September and here's come another version of Visual Concept's award winning basketball franchise, out now with NBA 2K18.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Old flames Mario Balotelli and Milan start to regret reviving the occasion | Paolo Bandini
Injury may have impeded Mario Balotellis return to Milan, but his attitude on the tar – rather than off it – has led to more the issue of his wasted talent
He is to say situations would be different. He told us he had changed his courses. Mario Balotelli told us all the words he thought we might want to hear as he rejoined Milanon loan this summer. Ive learned from my misunderstandings, he did. Ill grant everything. At one point, he even informed Gazzetta dello Sport that: I used to be a boy named Mario, but now Im Mario the man.
If he clanged like a spurned love trying to win back a lost spouses acceptance, then perhaps thats exactly what he was. Balotelli had adored Milan since he was a child, and was not the first to frame the relations between the two countries in romantic expressions. Adriano Galliani announced the strikers imminent return last-place August by telling reporters: Some affections never end.
The Rossoneris chief executive is notorious for his willingness to arouse old-time liaisons. Such players as Andriy Shevchenko, Ruud Gullit, Kak and Roberto Donadoni have varied the golf-club under his stewardship, only to proceed afterwards in their careers. None had already been recaptured anything like their best organize during their second stints with the team.
So why fus with Balotelli? He had never sparkled as brightly as the aforementioned wizards in the first instance. His ten-strike charge for Milan was robust with 26 goals tallied in 43 tournament images and hitherto he had faded following a bright initial six-month trance. It was Balotelli who salvaged a third-place finish for Milan after joining in January 2013, but he too who obtained 10 yellow placards and one red-faced while cutting a tetchy and isolated illustration during the following campaign.
Since then, he had weathered a dreadful time at Liverpool tallying only a single Premier League goal and falling behind Rickie Lambert in the pecking order. Milan fans were not exactly stirring for his recall. In information, there used to be whistlings at San Siro when Balotellis name was announced amongst the equivalents for the home opener against Empoli.
But there was some technique to Gallianis madness. Balotelli, unlike those previous high-profile returnees, was still in his mid-2 0s. Besides, this was only a loan with no cost fixed. In gist, Milan were going a risk-free experiment of a participate they had sold for 16 m a year earlier, and whose better seasons could still lie ahead.
The golf-clubs new administrator, additionally, had an existing relationship with Balotelli. Sinisa Mihajlovic had been an deputy at Inter back when the player was emerging from the Nerazzurris youth team. A private find was arranged between them before Milan signed off on the deal.
You will need to be the first to arrive and the last to leave, Mihajlovic was reported to have told Balotelli. You must ever give your all, otherwise I will make sure you find your suitcases waiting outside the gates of Milanello.
Balotelli seemed to have taken that word on board. He put in a swashbuckling cameo off the bench during a derby demolish to Inter before commemorating his first start with a fine free-kick destination to open the scoring in a 3-2 win over Udinese.
Just when his stellar was in the dominance, though, he was sidelined by a athletics hernia. The harm, which turned out to require an operation, took Balotelli out of action from September right through to mid-January.
When Balotelli reverted, he discovered that he was no longer needed. After a difficult firstly half to the season, Mihajlovic has at last received an attacking partnership that worked, MBaye Niangs range and readiness to float out and serve intersections from either side reaching him the perfect foil to Carlos Baccas penalty-box prowling.
Milan went nine recreations without defeat, surging back into the hasten for European regions. Where formerly Balotelli asked Why ever me? now he was instead turn left meditate Why never me? He averaged fewer than 13 times on the pitch in his first eight league games back from trauma, and failed to record a single aim or assist.
Mihajlovic was unsympathetic to propositions that Balotelli necessitated more substantial opportunities to make an impact. The number of minutes you have on the pitching do not thing, said the manager. You can be decisive even in five. He needs to show me that he has feeling and desire.
That final feeling was its most important one. Innovated for the succumbing instants of a 2-1 win over Genoa, Balotelli had been asked to lead the defensive endeavor from the figurehead but never broke out of a move. Merely a late intervention from Milans athletic manager, Antonio Bovenzi, deterred a frenzied Mihajlovic from storming over to make an example of his striker at full-time.
Sinisa Mihajlovic alleged Mario Balotelli is not yet amply fit. Photograph: Elisabetta Baracchi/ EPA
And yet, after Niang marred his ankle in a car accident last week, it was Balotelli to whom the manager grew. He may or may not be the most obvious selection. Jrmy Mnez, Milans preceding scorer in 2014 -1 5, has invested most of this season recuperating from a hernia of his own but started alongside Balotelli in the Coppa Italia semi-final second leg against Alessandria on Tuesday. The Frenchman touched a pair of goals during what became a 5-0 rout.
Balotelli grabbed one just as he had be done in order to the reverse fixture but his rendition again shortage dynamism or verve. Various newspapers determined him as the most difficult participate in a red-and-black shirt.
Mihajlovic persisted, selecting Balotelli to start alongside Bacca in Sundays match away to Sassuolo. Unlike third-tier Alessandria, these rivals were strong enough to give Milan real concerns. Just six points behind the Rossoneri at kick-off, Sassuolo had won both home editions of this fixture since their promotion to the top-flight in 2013.
They would soon make it three out of three. After taking the extend through a beautifully taken destination from Alfred Duncan in the 27 th instant, Sassuolo never looked at risk of going pegged back. Nicola Sansone shaped the score 2-0 under contentious situations late on, his team-mate Davide Biondini fortunate not to have been penalise for a pollute on Andrea Bertolacci in the buildup, but Milans legitimate grievances over that incident could not mask their own drawbacks in attack.
Balotelli and Bacca never appeared in sync as partnership agreements, the former is inadequate to fill wide cavities and give junctions as Niang might. If the lack of cohesion was comprehensible, given the two players scant ordeal of playing together, then Balotellis indifferent body language and failure to impose himself on his own terms were harder to justify. He did not touch the dance once in Sassuolos penalty country, and was subbed off in the 55 th minute.
His replacement, Mnez, did not fare much better. Mihajlovic claimed subsequentlies that neither player is hitherto at full fitness, but that disagreement is becoming harder to immerse. Almost two months have gone by since Balotelli moved his first post-injury illusion, against Fiorentina. This was the first tournament pair he had started since then, and likewise the first one Milan have lost.
We cannot accuse his conflicts on extra-curricular distractions. With the exception of one crude gesture made towards Napoli supporters who collected outside Milans hotel to abuse him last-place month, Balotellis behaviour has been beyond reproach. He has saved his head down, bided out of the gossip line and adhered diligently to riders Milan be incorporated in his contract governing conduct, social media use and even personal grooming.
But the cold reality is that he has achieved little on the tone so far to reassure Milan that this relationship was worth revitalizing. He had recently 10 competitions left in which to do so, and is unlikely to play in all of those unless his actions sharpen up swiftly.
Balotelli may experience annoyed by the timing of his hernia, which cost him force at a time when the picture was beginning to look a little more positive. He would not be the first lonely soul, though, has found that the success or flop of any love affair can come down to a matter of timing.
Talking points
No change at the top, with Juventus maintaining their three-point produce over Napoli after both teams won. The Partenopei will be happy to have Gonzalo Higuan back among the goals after recent overblown reactions to the striker leading four recreations without one. None was more liable on that figurehead, of course, than Napolis owner, Aurelio De Laurentiis, who were of the view that Higuan needed to lose a kilo and a half in order to get back to his early season formation. Was there more to such a comment than a clumsy attempt to motivate a stellar participate? Knowing De Laurentiis, you surely would not bet against it. He has been at loggerheads with Higuan for some time over the players refusal to extend a contract which ranges to 2018, and there was a smell here of the public reviews he levelled against Ezequiel Lavezzi and Edinson Cavani before the latter are each sell off Paris Saint-Germain.
Gianluigi Buffon has not let in a Serie A destination for 836 instants. Image: Giorgio Perottino/ Reuters
Another clean sheet for Gigi Buffon, who has now disappeared 836 instants without admitting a goal in Serie A, establishing his the third-longest such streak in its own history of the Italian top flight. The only actors left to overtake are Dino Zoff, who lasted 903 hours in 1972 -7 3, and Sebastiano Rossi, who exited 929 hours for Milan in 1993 -9 4. It is no foregone conclusion that Buffon will catch them; next up for Juventus are Sassuolo, who have won three directly. The Old Lady wobbled for a spell against Atalanta on Sunday, and there was a period – before Mario Lemina gave the game beyond doubt with this excellent goal – when even the succes was searching far away from secure at 1-0.
Could Roma hitherto have a say in the claim race? An eight part spread to commanders Juventus will not be easily bridged, but Luciano Spallettis side have at least demonstrated themselves as the next challenger in line behind Napoli after blowing away Fiorentina on Friday. The Giallorossi have now won seven straight-from-the-shoulder in the conference and the tempo of Mohamed Salah and Stephan El Shaarawy exclusively examined more devastating this week with Diego Perotti drawing the fibres in a No10 role.
The relegation scrap just got a whole lot tighter, with only one point dispersing Palermo and Frosinone after the Sicilians lost to Inter and the Canarini acquired at home to Udinese. Where Palermo are without a triumph in seven coincides, Frosinone have won half of their last-place six.
Verona, though, might be finished when he was threshed 3-0 at home to Sampdoria – who are finally putting some distance( or, at the least, some more squads) between themselves and the relegation zone.
Results: Atalanta 0-2 Juventus, Bologna 0-0 Carpi, Frosinone 2-0 Udinese, Genoa 1-0 Empoli, Inter 3-1 Palermo, Napoli 3-1 Chievo, Roma 4-1 Fiorentina, Sassuolo 2-0 Milan, Torino 1-1 Lazio, Verona 0-3 Sampdoria
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Old flames Mario Balotelli and Milan start to regret reviving the occasion | Paolo Bandini
Injury may have impeded Mario Balotellis return to Milan, but his attitude on the tar – rather than off it – has led to more the issue of his wasted talent
He is to say situations would be different. He told us he had changed his courses. Mario Balotelli told us all the words he thought we might want to hear as he rejoined Milanon loan this summer. Ive learned from my misunderstandings, he did. Ill grant everything. At one point, he even informed Gazzetta dello Sport that: I used to be a boy named Mario, but now Im Mario the man.
If he clanged like a spurned love trying to win back a lost spouses acceptance, then perhaps thats exactly what he was. Balotelli had adored Milan since he was a child, and was not the first to frame the relations between the two countries in romantic expressions. Adriano Galliani announced the strikers imminent return last-place August by telling reporters: Some affections never end.
The Rossoneris chief executive is notorious for his willingness to arouse old-time liaisons. Such players as Andriy Shevchenko, Ruud Gullit, Kak and Roberto Donadoni have varied the golf-club under his stewardship, only to proceed afterwards in their careers. None had already been recaptured anything like their best organize during their second stints with the team.
So why fus with Balotelli? He had never sparkled as brightly as the aforementioned wizards in the first instance. His ten-strike charge for Milan was robust with 26 goals tallied in 43 tournament images and hitherto he had faded following a bright initial six-month trance. It was Balotelli who salvaged a third-place finish for Milan after joining in January 2013, but he too who obtained 10 yellow placards and one red-faced while cutting a tetchy and isolated illustration during the following campaign.
Since then, he had weathered a dreadful time at Liverpool tallying only a single Premier League goal and falling behind Rickie Lambert in the pecking order. Milan fans were not exactly stirring for his recall. In information, there used to be whistlings at San Siro when Balotellis name was announced amongst the equivalents for the home opener against Empoli.
But there was some technique to Gallianis madness. Balotelli, unlike those previous high-profile returnees, was still in his mid-2 0s. Besides, this was only a loan with no cost fixed. In gist, Milan were going a risk-free experiment of a participate they had sold for 16 m a year earlier, and whose better seasons could still lie ahead.
The golf-clubs new administrator, additionally, had an existing relationship with Balotelli. Sinisa Mihajlovic had been an deputy at Inter back when the player was emerging from the Nerazzurris youth team. A private find was arranged between them before Milan signed off on the deal.
You will need to be the first to arrive and the last to leave, Mihajlovic was reported to have told Balotelli. You must ever give your all, otherwise I will make sure you find your suitcases waiting outside the gates of Milanello.
Balotelli seemed to have taken that word on board. He put in a swashbuckling cameo off the bench during a derby demolish to Inter before commemorating his first start with a fine free-kick destination to open the scoring in a 3-2 win over Udinese.
Just when his stellar was in the dominance, though, he was sidelined by a athletics hernia. The harm, which turned out to require an operation, took Balotelli out of action from September right through to mid-January.
When Balotelli reverted, he discovered that he was no longer needed. After a difficult firstly half to the season, Mihajlovic has at last received an attacking partnership that worked, MBaye Niangs range and readiness to float out and serve intersections from either side reaching him the perfect foil to Carlos Baccas penalty-box prowling.
Milan went nine recreations without defeat, surging back into the hasten for European regions. Where formerly Balotelli asked Why ever me? now he was instead turn left meditate Why never me? He averaged fewer than 13 times on the pitch in his first eight league games back from trauma, and failed to record a single aim or assist.
Mihajlovic was unsympathetic to propositions that Balotelli necessitated more substantial opportunities to make an impact. The number of minutes you have on the pitching do not thing, said the manager. You can be decisive even in five. He needs to show me that he has feeling and desire.
That final feeling was its most important one. Innovated for the succumbing instants of a 2-1 win over Genoa, Balotelli had been asked to lead the defensive endeavor from the figurehead but never broke out of a move. Merely a late intervention from Milans athletic manager, Antonio Bovenzi, deterred a frenzied Mihajlovic from storming over to make an example of his striker at full-time.
Sinisa Mihajlovic alleged Mario Balotelli is not yet amply fit. Photograph: Elisabetta Baracchi/ EPA
And yet, after Niang marred his ankle in a car accident last week, it was Balotelli to whom the manager grew. He may or may not be the most obvious selection. Jrmy Mnez, Milans preceding scorer in 2014 -1 5, has invested most of this season recuperating from a hernia of his own but started alongside Balotelli in the Coppa Italia semi-final second leg against Alessandria on Tuesday. The Frenchman touched a pair of goals during what became a 5-0 rout.
Balotelli grabbed one just as he had be done in order to the reverse fixture but his rendition again shortage dynamism or verve. Various newspapers determined him as the most difficult participate in a red-and-black shirt.
Mihajlovic persisted, selecting Balotelli to start alongside Bacca in Sundays match away to Sassuolo. Unlike third-tier Alessandria, these rivals were strong enough to give Milan real concerns. Just six points behind the Rossoneri at kick-off, Sassuolo had won both home editions of this fixture since their promotion to the top-flight in 2013.
They would soon make it three out of three. After taking the extend through a beautifully taken destination from Alfred Duncan in the 27 th instant, Sassuolo never looked at risk of going pegged back. Nicola Sansone shaped the score 2-0 under contentious situations late on, his team-mate Davide Biondini fortunate not to have been penalise for a pollute on Andrea Bertolacci in the buildup, but Milans legitimate grievances over that incident could not mask their own drawbacks in attack.
Balotelli and Bacca never appeared in sync as partnership agreements, the former is inadequate to fill wide cavities and give junctions as Niang might. If the lack of cohesion was comprehensible, given the two players scant ordeal of playing together, then Balotellis indifferent body language and failure to impose himself on his own terms were harder to justify. He did not touch the dance once in Sassuolos penalty country, and was subbed off in the 55 th minute.
His replacement, Mnez, did not fare much better. Mihajlovic claimed subsequentlies that neither player is hitherto at full fitness, but that disagreement is becoming harder to immerse. Almost two months have gone by since Balotelli moved his first post-injury illusion, against Fiorentina. This was the first tournament pair he had started since then, and likewise the first one Milan have lost.
We cannot accuse his conflicts on extra-curricular distractions. With the exception of one crude gesture made towards Napoli supporters who collected outside Milans hotel to abuse him last-place month, Balotellis behaviour has been beyond reproach. He has saved his head down, bided out of the gossip line and adhered diligently to riders Milan be incorporated in his contract governing conduct, social media use and even personal grooming.
But the cold reality is that he has achieved little on the tone so far to reassure Milan that this relationship was worth revitalizing. He had recently 10 competitions left in which to do so, and is unlikely to play in all of those unless his actions sharpen up swiftly.
Balotelli may experience annoyed by the timing of his hernia, which cost him force at a time when the picture was beginning to look a little more positive. He would not be the first lonely soul, though, has found that the success or flop of any love affair can come down to a matter of timing.
Talking points
No change at the top, with Juventus maintaining their three-point produce over Napoli after both teams won. The Partenopei will be happy to have Gonzalo Higuan back among the goals after recent overblown reactions to the striker leading four recreations without one. None was more liable on that figurehead, of course, than Napolis owner, Aurelio De Laurentiis, who were of the view that Higuan needed to lose a kilo and a half in order to get back to his early season formation. Was there more to such a comment than a clumsy attempt to motivate a stellar participate? Knowing De Laurentiis, you surely would not bet against it. He has been at loggerheads with Higuan for some time over the players refusal to extend a contract which ranges to 2018, and there was a smell here of the public reviews he levelled against Ezequiel Lavezzi and Edinson Cavani before the latter are each sell off Paris Saint-Germain.
Gianluigi Buffon has not let in a Serie A destination for 836 instants. Image: Giorgio Perottino/ Reuters
Another clean sheet for Gigi Buffon, who has now disappeared 836 instants without admitting a goal in Serie A, establishing his the third-longest such streak in its own history of the Italian top flight. The only actors left to overtake are Dino Zoff, who lasted 903 hours in 1972 -7 3, and Sebastiano Rossi, who exited 929 hours for Milan in 1993 -9 4. It is no foregone conclusion that Buffon will catch them; next up for Juventus are Sassuolo, who have won three directly. The Old Lady wobbled for a spell against Atalanta on Sunday, and there was a period – before Mario Lemina gave the game beyond doubt with this excellent goal – when even the succes was searching far away from secure at 1-0.
Could Roma hitherto have a say in the claim race? An eight part spread to commanders Juventus will not be easily bridged, but Luciano Spallettis side have at least demonstrated themselves as the next challenger in line behind Napoli after blowing away Fiorentina on Friday. The Giallorossi have now won seven straight-from-the-shoulder in the conference and the tempo of Mohamed Salah and Stephan El Shaarawy exclusively examined more devastating this week with Diego Perotti drawing the fibres in a No10 role.
The relegation scrap just got a whole lot tighter, with only one point dispersing Palermo and Frosinone after the Sicilians lost to Inter and the Canarini acquired at home to Udinese. Where Palermo are without a triumph in seven coincides, Frosinone have won half of their last-place six.
Verona, though, might be finished when he was threshed 3-0 at home to Sampdoria – who are finally putting some distance( or, at the least, some more squads) between themselves and the relegation zone.
Results: Atalanta 0-2 Juventus, Bologna 0-0 Carpi, Frosinone 2-0 Udinese, Genoa 1-0 Empoli, Inter 3-1 Palermo, Napoli 3-1 Chievo, Roma 4-1 Fiorentina, Sassuolo 2-0 Milan, Torino 1-1 Lazio, Verona 0-3 Sampdoria
The post Old flames Mario Balotelli and Milan start to regret reviving the occasion | Paolo Bandini appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Old flames Mario Balotelli and Milan start to regret reviving the occasion | Paolo Bandini
Injury may have impeded Mario Balotellis return to Milan, but his attitude on the tar – rather than off it – has led to more the issue of his wasted talent
He is to say situations would be different. He told us he had changed his courses. Mario Balotelli told us all the words he thought we might want to hear as he rejoined Milanon loan this summer. Ive learned from my misunderstandings, he did. Ill grant everything. At one point, he even informed Gazzetta dello Sport that: I used to be a boy named Mario, but now Im Mario the man.
If he clanged like a spurned love trying to win back a lost spouses acceptance, then perhaps thats exactly what he was. Balotelli had adored Milan since he was a child, and was not the first to frame the relations between the two countries in romantic expressions. Adriano Galliani announced the strikers imminent return last-place August by telling reporters: Some affections never end.
The Rossoneris chief executive is notorious for his willingness to arouse old-time liaisons. Such players as Andriy Shevchenko, Ruud Gullit, Kak and Roberto Donadoni have varied the golf-club under his stewardship, only to proceed afterwards in their careers. None had already been recaptured anything like their best organize during their second stints with the team.
So why fus with Balotelli? He had never sparkled as brightly as the aforementioned wizards in the first instance. His ten-strike charge for Milan was robust with 26 goals tallied in 43 tournament images and hitherto he had faded following a bright initial six-month trance. It was Balotelli who salvaged a third-place finish for Milan after joining in January 2013, but he too who obtained 10 yellow placards and one red-faced while cutting a tetchy and isolated illustration during the following campaign.
Since then, he had weathered a dreadful time at Liverpool tallying only a single Premier League goal and falling behind Rickie Lambert in the pecking order. Milan fans were not exactly stirring for his recall. In information, there used to be whistlings at San Siro when Balotellis name was announced amongst the equivalents for the home opener against Empoli.
But there was some technique to Gallianis madness. Balotelli, unlike those previous high-profile returnees, was still in his mid-2 0s. Besides, this was only a loan with no cost fixed. In gist, Milan were going a risk-free experiment of a participate they had sold for 16 m a year earlier, and whose better seasons could still lie ahead.
The golf-clubs new administrator, additionally, had an existing relationship with Balotelli. Sinisa Mihajlovic had been an deputy at Inter back when the player was emerging from the Nerazzurris youth team. A private find was arranged between them before Milan signed off on the deal.
You will need to be the first to arrive and the last to leave, Mihajlovic was reported to have told Balotelli. You must ever give your all, otherwise I will make sure you find your suitcases waiting outside the gates of Milanello.
Balotelli seemed to have taken that word on board. He put in a swashbuckling cameo off the bench during a derby demolish to Inter before commemorating his first start with a fine free-kick destination to open the scoring in a 3-2 win over Udinese.
Just when his stellar was in the dominance, though, he was sidelined by a athletics hernia. The harm, which turned out to require an operation, took Balotelli out of action from September right through to mid-January.
When Balotelli reverted, he discovered that he was no longer needed. After a difficult firstly half to the season, Mihajlovic has at last received an attacking partnership that worked, MBaye Niangs range and readiness to float out and serve intersections from either side reaching him the perfect foil to Carlos Baccas penalty-box prowling.
Milan went nine recreations without defeat, surging back into the hasten for European regions. Where formerly Balotelli asked Why ever me? now he was instead turn left meditate Why never me? He averaged fewer than 13 times on the pitch in his first eight league games back from trauma, and failed to record a single aim or assist.
Mihajlovic was unsympathetic to propositions that Balotelli necessitated more substantial opportunities to make an impact. The number of minutes you have on the pitching do not thing, said the manager. You can be decisive even in five. He needs to show me that he has feeling and desire.
That final feeling was its most important one. Innovated for the succumbing instants of a 2-1 win over Genoa, Balotelli had been asked to lead the defensive endeavor from the figurehead but never broke out of a move. Merely a late intervention from Milans athletic manager, Antonio Bovenzi, deterred a frenzied Mihajlovic from storming over to make an example of his striker at full-time.
Sinisa Mihajlovic alleged Mario Balotelli is not yet amply fit. Photograph: Elisabetta Baracchi/ EPA
And yet, after Niang marred his ankle in a car accident last week, it was Balotelli to whom the manager grew. He may or may not be the most obvious selection. Jrmy Mnez, Milans preceding scorer in 2014 -1 5, has invested most of this season recuperating from a hernia of his own but started alongside Balotelli in the Coppa Italia semi-final second leg against Alessandria on Tuesday. The Frenchman touched a pair of goals during what became a 5-0 rout.
Balotelli grabbed one just as he had be done in order to the reverse fixture but his rendition again shortage dynamism or verve. Various newspapers determined him as the most difficult participate in a red-and-black shirt.
Mihajlovic persisted, selecting Balotelli to start alongside Bacca in Sundays match away to Sassuolo. Unlike third-tier Alessandria, these rivals were strong enough to give Milan real concerns. Just six points behind the Rossoneri at kick-off, Sassuolo had won both home editions of this fixture since their promotion to the top-flight in 2013.
They would soon make it three out of three. After taking the extend through a beautifully taken destination from Alfred Duncan in the 27 th instant, Sassuolo never looked at risk of going pegged back. Nicola Sansone shaped the score 2-0 under contentious situations late on, his team-mate Davide Biondini fortunate not to have been penalise for a pollute on Andrea Bertolacci in the buildup, but Milans legitimate grievances over that incident could not mask their own drawbacks in attack.
Balotelli and Bacca never appeared in sync as partnership agreements, the former is inadequate to fill wide cavities and give junctions as Niang might. If the lack of cohesion was comprehensible, given the two players scant ordeal of playing together, then Balotellis indifferent body language and failure to impose himself on his own terms were harder to justify. He did not touch the dance once in Sassuolos penalty country, and was subbed off in the 55 th minute.
His replacement, Mnez, did not fare much better. Mihajlovic claimed subsequentlies that neither player is hitherto at full fitness, but that disagreement is becoming harder to immerse. Almost two months have gone by since Balotelli moved his first post-injury illusion, against Fiorentina. This was the first tournament pair he had started since then, and likewise the first one Milan have lost.
We cannot accuse his conflicts on extra-curricular distractions. With the exception of one crude gesture made towards Napoli supporters who collected outside Milans hotel to abuse him last-place month, Balotellis behaviour has been beyond reproach. He has saved his head down, bided out of the gossip line and adhered diligently to riders Milan be incorporated in his contract governing conduct, social media use and even personal grooming.
But the cold reality is that he has achieved little on the tone so far to reassure Milan that this relationship was worth revitalizing. He had recently 10 competitions left in which to do so, and is unlikely to play in all of those unless his actions sharpen up swiftly.
Balotelli may experience annoyed by the timing of his hernia, which cost him force at a time when the picture was beginning to look a little more positive. He would not be the first lonely soul, though, has found that the success or flop of any love affair can come down to a matter of timing.
Talking points
No change at the top, with Juventus maintaining their three-point produce over Napoli after both teams won. The Partenopei will be happy to have Gonzalo Higuan back among the goals after recent overblown reactions to the striker leading four recreations without one. None was more liable on that figurehead, of course, than Napolis owner, Aurelio De Laurentiis, who were of the view that Higuan needed to lose a kilo and a half in order to get back to his early season formation. Was there more to such a comment than a clumsy attempt to motivate a stellar participate? Knowing De Laurentiis, you surely would not bet against it. He has been at loggerheads with Higuan for some time over the players refusal to extend a contract which ranges to 2018, and there was a smell here of the public reviews he levelled against Ezequiel Lavezzi and Edinson Cavani before the latter are each sell off Paris Saint-Germain.
Gianluigi Buffon has not let in a Serie A destination for 836 instants. Image: Giorgio Perottino/ Reuters
Another clean sheet for Gigi Buffon, who has now disappeared 836 instants without admitting a goal in Serie A, establishing his the third-longest such streak in its own history of the Italian top flight. The only actors left to overtake are Dino Zoff, who lasted 903 hours in 1972 -7 3, and Sebastiano Rossi, who exited 929 hours for Milan in 1993 -9 4. It is no foregone conclusion that Buffon will catch them; next up for Juventus are Sassuolo, who have won three directly. The Old Lady wobbled for a spell against Atalanta on Sunday, and there was a period – before Mario Lemina gave the game beyond doubt with this excellent goal – when even the succes was searching far away from secure at 1-0.
Could Roma hitherto have a say in the claim race? An eight part spread to commanders Juventus will not be easily bridged, but Luciano Spallettis side have at least demonstrated themselves as the next challenger in line behind Napoli after blowing away Fiorentina on Friday. The Giallorossi have now won seven straight-from-the-shoulder in the conference and the tempo of Mohamed Salah and Stephan El Shaarawy exclusively examined more devastating this week with Diego Perotti drawing the fibres in a No10 role.
The relegation scrap just got a whole lot tighter, with only one point dispersing Palermo and Frosinone after the Sicilians lost to Inter and the Canarini acquired at home to Udinese. Where Palermo are without a triumph in seven coincides, Frosinone have won half of their last-place six.
Verona, though, might be finished when he was threshed 3-0 at home to Sampdoria – who are finally putting some distance( or, at the least, some more squads) between themselves and the relegation zone.
Results: Atalanta 0-2 Juventus, Bologna 0-0 Carpi, Frosinone 2-0 Udinese, Genoa 1-0 Empoli, Inter 3-1 Palermo, Napoli 3-1 Chievo, Roma 4-1 Fiorentina, Sassuolo 2-0 Milan, Torino 1-1 Lazio, Verona 0-3 Sampdoria
The post Old flames Mario Balotelli and Milan start to regret reviving the occasion | Paolo Bandini appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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