#more news at 7
hellshee · 2 years
there’s something completely ironic about brad colbert hating country music and me choosing a country song that i absolutely love and think fits the vibe of their relationship, especially from brad’s perspective 
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okay i need to leave my room to eat so i can bring it up then probably, yes i am liveblogging this.
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aeternxm · 4 years
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the major pouts have begun
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murcidea · 5 years
they didnt have 2 go and make kaneshiro so damn fine but they did it anyways. they did it for me.
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garrandia · 2 years
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ayyyyyy another amano vincent with a scythe cause why not? full  ↓ ↓ ↓
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have another version cause i like both
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
Things about the season 9 dragon fight that are just such things <3
- First death before they even got to the stronghold
- Ren's obnoxious ad spot (I wonder how many more times he can do that before someone hits him for it)
- Joe's "oh did somebody wake up the dragon already?" (Sir what does that MEAN)
- Ren going "um ACTUALLY it's a she" (respecting the pronouns of the thing that's killing you, VITAL >>>)
- Sheer number of badass False MLG water buckets
- Sheer number of Impulse boats wHY DOES HE HAVE SO MANY -
- "That went about as smoothly as I expected"
- Not technically part of the dragon fight but Cleo and Jevin nearly starting civil war 2 during the End City raiding and False just standing there the background hdghdhds (honestly though I'd love to see a Cleo vs Jevin war, I'm not sure the server would survive)
- "I'll do it" (push Jevin into the void) "that would be war" "you're not making me want to do it any less" "I'll copyright claim your video!" "No you won't" "I'll tell X on you!" "Go on, what are you going to tell him?" "... Cleo's being mean to me :((("
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casukaga · 3 years
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date night ❤️ [C2E126]
after 3 weeks, i finally finish my beauyasha date art! amidst all the other crazy shit that’s happened since then, i still got this episode on my mind.
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#finally i can relax holy shiiiiit 🎶#commentary on each drawing if u care:#1. floating up the tower! all the vibrant colors are supposed to be the stained glass since that’s in the entrance yk#(my coloring’s very abstract and just blobs of color — ofc ur not gonna see my fully render those windows 😌)#2. tavern talks! tried to add more hues in the bg since liam said the colors of the nook were more vibrant in this recreation#3. nothing much to say. smooches u in a field of simulated flowers.#4. anime blush and sparkles were on my mind when beau said those words...#5. comic book-esque?? this one’s my least fave of them all. the colors are wonky but i’m so done i don’t wanna do anymore lol!#6. one of my faves! i think it’s cute. lotsa glitter and i like the shading i did on the wings!#7. i went in like ‘the lighting might be difficult on this one bc of all the fireworks.’ but it honestly wasn’t that bad.#8. NOW THIS ONE. the one u see here is the second drawing i had. the first one was something different and it was outlined and everything#but the lighting was SO DIFFICULT for me to nail — and i didn’t like the drawing anymore — so i drew up and colored a new one during#yesterday’s stream#yk when ur beauregard lionett staring up at urself in ur damn kink mirror embraced by a woman u love so dearly? yeah. cries.#and scene.#(a stock image was used as a ref for that last piece btw!)#critical role#critical role fanart#crit role#c2e126#the mighty nein#mighty nein#beauyasha#beauregard lionett#yasha nydoorin#fanart#digital art#casu art#my shtuff#casu art c2 spoilers
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woahthisguy4721 · 3 years
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major same to the autistics have the "social deficit" trait of just having no desire to make new friends 99% of the time. like, you may or may not like HAVING friends, but either way don't feel like making them or socializing. my entire friend group and also my online friend group exists only because they adopted me into it and i decided to stay
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sheathandshear · 2 years
I get irritated when trans people talk about how “outdated” transgender terminology and schema are intrinsically bad and do “harm” to trans people, because the gender concepts that best fit my experience are incredibly out of vogue in the (online, younger, cultural-majority) Anglosphere, so I guess I... what, do harm by existing?
I approach sexuality and relationships with people of any gender through the perspective of having been a queer woman. I loathe the term “deadname”, because I didn’t fucking die, I changed. I say “When I was a girl” and “when I was [name]” and use “she” pronouns to talk about my past self when I thought I was cis, because in a very real social and personal way, that’s who and what I was. I do think I was female-socialized in a way that continues to affect my behavior, whether through adoption or rejection. And even though girlhood and womanhood never felt like home, even though there was always that persistent discomfort, there were parts of it that I really enjoyed! Yes, I chose to present as high femme in part as a reaction to feeling undesirable because I was a big, fat kid who never felt like one of the girls, but it was also really fucking fun, and I have real grief in not being able to feel comfortable embodying that anymore. More than anything: I don’t actually feel that I’ve always been male. I don’t think my transmasculinity is anywhere close to cis masculinity. I think that the experience of having been female (and in some ways, still being) is so intrinsically intertwined with my experience of being male that they can’t be separated into “true” and “fake”. I’m uncomfortable with being 100% a “trans man” because I feel like it severs that part of me in a way that “female man” or “FTM” honors. If I do end up medically transitioning, for me it won’t be “gender confirmation” any more than getting a tattoo is “pigment confirmation” -- it’ll be transsexual, because I am deliberately choosing to take what I naturally started out with and modifying it through unnatural intervention across the binary that society imposes on it, and that’s fine. Modification and choice are value-neutral. Transition is an active choice rather than a passive inevitability. And if I do end up happily detransitioning or de-then-retransitioning later (gasp!), that also doesn’t make my masculinity have been less real any more than moving back to Omaha after living in Chicago for 20 years would make someone a “fake” Chicagoan. But I also don’t think that this means that I’m automatically “nonbinary” instead of binary, or that I’m “not really” trans, or that I’m hate-criming other trans people by feeling that way and talking about feeling that way using language that is comfortable for me and uncomfortable for others. In the rush to justify our existence to cisgender people and to shore up our own self-images -- which yeah, for some of us are really aggressively, unhealthily fragile and I think discussions about intra-community conflict and harassment do need to address that elephant in the room -- there’s been tremendous pressure to purge “trans voices” of all the weirdos and cis simps and unfashionable old fogeys who might give transphobes the wrong idea but like...
They’re going to get the wrong idea anyway. It’s not trans language they object to, it’s the existence of trans people itself. TERFs already think that trans men are alienated women. An Evangelical transphobe hears “trans man” and thinks it means “man who considers himself transgender”, i.e. a trans woman. (And trust me, most cis people, even those who’re genuinely trying to be accepting of trans people, actually struggle a lot less with the idea of “MTF/FTM” than “trans woman / trans man”.) Yes, the intra-identity policing of “acceptable” and “accurate” terminology is a tool, and yes, it can be used to certain political ends... but it’s incredibly disheartening to watch trans complexity get squashed by other trans people (or “cis allies” a la the ones gleefully participating in the Attack Helicopter harassment mob) because of the fear that a TERF might screenshot it and use it to justify the beliefs they already have no matter how carefully you word something. And while I don’t particularly care if insular groups of terminally online trans people feel the need to get into internet slap-fight threads with each other over the precise language of a tweet in order to distract from their own niggling insecurity, I do care when people start thinking that someone talking about their own trans experiences and/or identity with unfashionable terms or language that could be “misinterpreted” is cause to send them death threats or accuse them of “doing harm” or harass them in real life.
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
non-queer/gender boyfriend content incoming
rhys: *showing me an image on his fb feed that says 'autistic play is not inappropriate play'* what does this mean? inappropriate play?
me: autistic children will often play or interact with things differently to their neurotypical peers like... instead of building something with lego just sorting the blocks into size and colour or what have you and non-autistic adults see this as doing it "wrong" or not "appropriately" and try to stop it and force you to "play" how you are "supposed to". but there is nothing wrong with engaging in play differently as long as it isn't hurting someone, you're simply having fun in a way they don't understand. repeatedly trying to force autistic children to "play properly" isn't going to work it's just shitty and will make them feel bad because they don't understand what they're doing "wrong"
rhys: ohhhhh! is that why my mum would get frustrated with me for just posing my action figures on a shelf in cool ways and would try to get me to like. bash them together
me: yep! the "normal" way of playing with action figures is to act out scenes and make them interact with each other. but you had more fun arranging them nicely and looking at them.
rhys: i don't think she meant anything bad by it
me: not intentionally, no. she just didn't understand that is how you played and thought you just didn't know what you were doing and were confused
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Whatever body I end up in, I’ll stay away from Ismael. It’s awful to say, but I have to let him meet his destiny. This is it. I finally have plans, I want to live my life.
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infernumagi · 4 years
for john's birthday i'm saying he has a cat now
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woosansang · 2 years
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did you know they’ve been friends for eight years? ✨ q: what do yeosang and wooyoung mean to each other? video | translation
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crescentfool · 2 years
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moonboy 🌕
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1coweveryday · 3 years
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