#more pampering for huahua~
hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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Zixuan: *still on bedrest*
Yao: you did well, Zishie.
Zixuan: thanks Foxy.
Yanli: *holding the twins* A-Yao, hold them nah.
Yao: sure.
Rusong: aww they're so cute!
Yao: really precious.
Ruxuan, Ruming! I'm your uncle Foxy.
Yanli: and Xuan is mama bird.
Zixuan: *pouts* A-li.
Zixuan: I hope our children gets close to their uncle Foxy. Because they'll be around him a lot.
Yanli: they certainly will. And A-Yao would pamper them with gifts!
He already had A-ling pretty spoilt.
Jinling: I'm not spoilt by Xiao shushu. He just buys me things.
Yao: yea.
I must buy things for A-ling. And A-Song too!!
Yanli: I see.
Ruhua grabs Jinling's hair stick and threw it on the floor.
Jinling: Huahua! My crystal hair stick!
Rusong: how did it snap in two?
Jinling: it was a fragile type of crystal. Xiao shushuuuuuuu.
Yao: A-ling, A-ling. Don't worry. I'll buy you a set.
For you and A-song.
Jinling: *smile* thank you Xiao shuhsu!!
Zixuan: he loves to spoil A-ling and A-song.
As he should.
Mo xuanyu: Xuan gege, do you know how to change diapers?
Zixuan: c..change what?
Yanli: diapers, Zixuan.
Zixuan: ohhhhh. No A-Yu. I haven't changed one in my life.
The maids used to do it.
Xue yang: what a diva.
Yanli: so who's going to change the diapers, Zish?
Zixuan: and Huaisang is there.
He'll change their diapers.
When they're older, he'll be their babysitter but he has to undergo severe training.
Mo xuanyu: lol I agree. Where is he anyways?
Zixuan: gave him a vacation.
Because I want my twins to see beautiful things when they're born.
My babies are allergic to negative vibes.
Jiang cheng: *enters* I'm here! Sorry I'm late!
Yao: it took you long enough!!
Zixuan: *crying* Jiang cheng! Where were you!
Meng Shi: Jiang gui fei. What kind of conduct is this.
I'm very disappointed in you! You weren't aren't when my innocent little step son was giving birth.
You're married to two emperors. Act the part.
Jiang cheng: Tai hou and my emperor husbands. This wei wuxian was in lotus pier, and he used my sword~~
Zixuan: not in front the children!!!
Yao: oh my goodness!! How putrid!
Xue yang: wasn't bichen enough?
Su she: you have some freaky family members.
Mo xuanyu: *blocks Jinling and Rusong's ears*
Jiang cheng: that's not what I meant, guys!
He used my sword to cut lotus pods. Then the idiot dropped it in the muddy pond, so we had to fish out Sandu.
Meng Shi: and your sword is a mode of transportation.
Jiang cheng: yes! Taihou.
Meng Shi: why didn't you run or hire a caravan?
Jiang cheng: *facepalms*
Mo xuanyu: Jiang cheng, how could you.
Zixuan: what if I died during childbirth and my children became orphans.
And then my empire lost a super handsome and almost divine emperor with flawless skin.
Yao: and A-li would have sadly become a widow.
Then she would ask me to adopt the children.
Zixuan: it would be hard for them to fit in because they're not hulijings. A-li might become A-Yao's concubine, but she'll become more rich, and depressed cuz she misses me.
Do you know how it's like to be rich, depressed and a hot mess! And on top of that stressed?
Jiang cheng, do you see the ripple effect!
Jiang cheng: stop being dramatic. And look. I'm here.
Zixuan: I haven't had a drop of water or a grain of food, while waiting for you.
Because if I ate I would have thrown up. But read between the lines.
I fasted for you, my husband.
Yao: our confidante!
Zixuan: *sobs* consort Cheng. *sniffles*
Jiang cheng: jiejie. How do you deal with him?
Yanli: *laughing* just fine*
Jiang cheng: uhh.....are you done?
Zixuan: you have broken my heart. I don't think I can forgive you.
Yao: I'm very disappointed in you.
Jiang cheng: Zixuan. I made soup. Do you still want some?
Or are you still feeling nauseous?
Zixuan: gimme that, Jiang. You're forgiven.
Yao: poor baby has been starving from his fast.
Zixuan: Jiang cheng, I'm weak. Can you feed me? *bats eyelashes*
Jiang cheng: sure.
How are you feeling now?
Zixuan: I'm still sore.
Jiang cheng: now what did you name them?
Zixuan: Ruxuan and Ruming.
Jiang cheng: sounds ok.
Zixuan: be a little enthusiastic, nah. They're royalty.
They came out from my~~ what's the word?
Xue yang: royal Zishussy.
Zixuan: yea.
Jiang cheng: noted.
Zixuan: A-Yao will let you hold them.
Next day..
Around midday, a group of beautiful young ladies, all holding fans in their hands,  came to meet their dowager empress Shi.
Greetings taihou.
Meng Shi: greetings darlings. Rise please.
Someone from in front of the crowd: I'm Xu.
And I'm Lu Wan.
We're all aristocratic fox spirits.
Meng Shi: ohh, pleasure to meet you. What brings you here?
We want to see Dianxia!
Also we would love to marry him.
Taihou, I'm good at calligraphy and painting.
And I'm good at poetry and playing the Qin.
Meng Shi: *giggles daintily* excellent.
I always dreamt of Songsong getting a girlfriend, and settling. But then my Songsong is the one who must make the decision right. Why don't you go meet him?
Ladies: *squealing*
*goes to rush outside*
Meng Shi: hey hey wait. You have to go through Huangdi first.
Yes Taihou.
Well we got to meet our inlaws right.
The group of beautifully dressed hulijing ladies confronted and bowed to A-Yao.
Greetings father-in-law Huangdi.
Yao: *astonished* father-in-law???
Oh gosh, you all saw Rusong, didn't you.
Miss Xu: yes Huangdi, and we're in love!
Dianxia is extremely handsome.
Huangdi are we perfect for future concubines?
Xu: I'll be Dianxia's empress.
Can we see Dianxia?
We miss seeing him.
Yao: hmm sure then. He's in the garden.
Awwwwww Dianxia loves nature?!
We love nature too!
Yao: mhm. He's taking a stroll. And maybe he's going to sit and play the guqin.
*squealing* omg!!! We love music too!
He's so talented!
Let's go look for him!
Meng Shi: Yao'er.
Yao: A-niang?
Meng Shi: did a group of ladies come to meet you?
Yao: more like they came to meet A-Song.
Meng Shi: *giggles*
Yao: did you send them?
Meng Shi: yea,. They wanted to meet our little Song'er so I let them. Wangzi needs a Wangfei.
Yao: you're right. But Song'er loves someone already.
She's A-Qing of Yi city.
Meng Shi: A-Qing? Beautiful. I would love to see her.
And why didn't this child tell me? Am I chopped liver?
Yao: *laughing* A-niang, maybe he's shy.
Meng Shi: oh my. This boy.
He's a handful, but a cute handful.
Yao: agreed.
Rusong: *walking through the garden while reading*
Xu and others: *confronting him* greetings Dianxia.
Rusong: *looking up from his book* oh hello. How may I help you?
Xu: Dianxia why are you so hot. 
Rusong: I...I was born like it.
Ladies: awwwwwwwwww!
Rusong: are you here to meet Nainai? May I escort you?
Xu: no no. We met her already. We came to meet you. *blush*
Heehee, how are you, Dianxia?
Rusong: I'm doing well.
Xu: you're really really cute.
And such a gentleman too!
Dianxia what are you going to do?
Rusong: well I was going to play the guqin.
Aww the guqin?!!!! We want to hear!! Play it for us na, Dianxia!!
Please! We would love to hear your music!
Rusong: sure.
Dianxia are you single?!
Rusong: well actually I have a girlfriend. But she's out if town.
Ladies: *disappointed*
Xu: is she even a beautiful hulijing?!
Rusong: no. But don't worry guys. You can still hang with me and listen to music.
*cheering* yayy!! Dianxia!!
We still love you!!
Xu: just saying, we can be better than your girlfriend.
We are hulijings after all.
Rusong: *laughing* I see.
Xu: at least she's taking good care of our Dianxia.
Rusong: *smile*
Ladies: *squealing* dimples!!!!!
Rusong: shall we?
Ahhh right behind you.
Rusong: would you like some flowers? Feel free to pick some from the garden.
You're so kind Wangzi.
Rusong: maybe if you like a certain flower, you can make a bouquet out of them.
Anything to remember you by.
You're hella handsome.
Rusong: *laughs slightly* thanks.
I have asked my attendants to arrange tea and snacks.
Aww Dianxia, we were just here to listen to you play. You're too kind.
Rusong: well you're my guests after all.
Xu: so ideal just like Huangdi.
Rusong: us Mengs are known for our hospitality, and we hope that the empire does the same.
Xu: *melting* gosh, that's well said. But i love when your lips move.
Meanwhile, in one of the spring Pavillions~~
Yao: *having tea with Meng Shi and team dimple*
Meng shi: Yao'er, Yao'er, how is A-qing like?
Yao: very vibrant and energetic. Quite mischievous too.
Xue yang: she's a big simp too.
Meng Shi: oh. Lovely. Lol, a simp as well Chengmei?
Xue yang: yea. She popped out of me.
I gave birth to her.
Meng shi: *laughing* awww.
Yao: xue yang and Xiao xingchen are her guardians.
And they're all from Yi city.
Meng shi: ohhh I see. How sweet.
Mo xuanyu: we ship them a lot.
Su she: they make a good pair.
Meng Shi: that's good.
Xue yang: A-Qing is broke by the way, Miss Meng, so I don't know if that might be a problem.
Meng Shi: it's fine, Chengmei.
It's one's character that counts.
Yao: mhm.
Meng Shi: did you give her the thing?
Yao: of course I gave her the thing.
Mo xuanyu: *sips tea* what thing?
Meng shi: the hairpin Yao'er had commissioned for Rusong's soon to be bride.
Xue yang: I hope she didn't sell it by now.
Meng Shi: what?
Su she: it's a joke, taihou. Don't listen to xue yang.
Yao: she's good at heart, and she knows the significance of the accessories.
Meng Shi: oh good.
Yao: she has the same antics as Chengmei.
Meng shi: lol.
Anyways I need to talk to Mr. Dianxia later.
Yao: go for it, A-niang. He didn't tell you about his gf.
Meng Shi: exactly.
A-Yao, I think we should send her some gifts.
Yao: my same thought. And we can give some money to Xiao Daozhang as a sign of courtesy and good relations.
Meng Shi: yea.
Xue yang: what about meeee.
Yao: I'll give you candy, and maybe a new plot of land to practice your fierce corpse.
Xue yang: that's why I love you Jiggy.
Yao: *pats head* love you too, my little gremlin.
Later on, Rusong was walking down the hall, after playing the guqin for the fox spirits.
Rusong: why did Nainai send girls for me? That's so strange.
Oh right.......I didn't tell her about my girlfriend yet.
Rusong: I wonder if she found out? Guess I'll be hiding from Nainai for the while.
Meng shi: Songsong.
Rusong: *turns around* oh...hey Nainai.
Meng Shi: Meng Jin Rusong, the Hulijing Wangzi.
Rusong: (you know you're screwed when she or A-Die calls your whole name and title)
Meng shi: Dianxia *pinches cheeks* you didn't tell me about your gf.
Rusong: yea Nainai. I was going to tell you soon.
Meng Shi: baby Songsong, you're super cute. And I'm so happy for you.
A-Yao told me a lot about her.
Rusong: oh I see. The emperor of Hulijings and Kitsunes, Meng Yao Jin guangyao had let out my secret. *laughing*
Meng Shi: heehee yes. *kisses his dimple* secrets safe with me, Songsong.
Rusong: ok, Nainai. Today I'll spare Mr. Huangdi.
Meng Shi: but it's good that he told me. Because you wouldn't have told me.
Rusong: I would have, lol.
Meng Shi: *pouts*
Rusong: *hugs* Nainai. You believe your Songsong, right. Nainaiiiii.
Meng Shi: *pats head* I can't pretend to be upset with you, can I. You always put on that cute face.
Rusong: nah it's just that I'm naturally cute.
Meng Shi: oh really, Dianxia.
Now what did you do with the ladies?
Rusong: just got them some tea and snacks, then I played the guqin.
Meng Shi: lovely little Dianxia.
Later in the day......
Yao: Songsong.
Rusong: A-Die. Nainai was in her fox spirit matchmaker mood today.
Yao: *laughing*
Well you didn't tell her about your gf.
Rusong: right.
Xue yang: and you're a supermodel, so.
Mo xuanyu: who wouldn't fall in love with you, little Dianxia.
Su she: you have your A-Die's face after all.
Rusong: yea team d. And I can't help being cute.
Mo xuanyu: exactly.
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allaroundmelbourne · 7 months
West Melbourne pet bakery finds the recipe for small business success
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When Cookie the Yorkshire terrier was diagnosed with a liver condition that meant she couldn’t enjoy store-bought dog food or treats, her doting owner set about creating her own.
Starting out in a small CBD apartment in 2015, Meg Cai, began by baking a canine-friendly birthday cake for Cookie.
Cookie declared the cake a success and before long the former banker-turned-baker began creating feline-friendly treats too to cater for her two rescue cats Heihei (meaning black) and Huahua (meaning tabby).
Meg’s friends and family started placing orders for Meg to bake drool-icious delights for their pampered pets.
But it was during the lockdowns of 2020 that saw business boom for Supaw Pet Bakery, with pet parents looking for a special way to celebrate their pampered pooches and cute cats.
What was once a small home-based business has grown into a seven-day-a-week commercial operation delivering baked treats Australia-wide.
To know more: https://news.melbourne.vic.gov.au/west-melbourne-pet-bakery-finds-the-recipe-for-small-business-success/
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fivepeaches · 3 years
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Happy little ghost king
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hulijingemperor2 · 4 months
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Taihua Gongzhu, who had plunged the empire into baby fever, is one~ and she's her parents beloved.
She sits freely and playfully on the lap of the most powerful emperor A-Yao. But A-Yao is in Diedie mode. Like Rusong, he'll bring her to imperial court, where she'll sit on her own throne which is her A-Die's lap.
Now while A-Yao hold her, Qin Su is feeding her grapes which she cut in half. Meng Shi looked on and admired her cute little granddaughter.
Taihua: Diedie. Diedie. Diedie. *chewing her grapes*
Yao: yes baby.
Taihua: where's Song gege? Er ge?
Yao: your Song gege is with A-Ling. They're doing sect leader stuff.
And your er ge is in the cloud recesses.
Taihua: why?
Yao: he's leading a large day hunt group. As he'll get his Jun title soon.
Taihua: ohh.
Qin Su: A-Hua, your brothers will be home soon.
Taihua: yay! A-niang!
Bring gifts.
Qin Su: ah, I'll send a message to them, to bring gifts for you.
Meng Shi: but Song'er and Yi'er supposed to know. Whenever they go out, they got to bring gifts.
Qin Su: right. They should be accustomed by now.
Meng Shi: let's see if they'll remember.
Taihua: Nainai, where are my gifts?
Meng Shi: from your brothers?
Taihua: no. From you, Nainai.
Meng shi: *laughing. Then she took a flower ornament from her hair and put it in Taihua's hair.*
Taihua: *giggling* beautiful Nainai!! *hugs* thankyouuu.
Meng Shi: you're welcome, my sweetheart!
Yao: awwww.
Qin Su: *squishes cheeks* my pampered little baby.
Yao: *kisses*
Taihua: love you A-Die, A-niang.
Yao: we love you too!
Team dimple: *enters*
Su She: *kisses A-Yao's dimple* Huangdi.
Taihua: Shanshan!!!
Su she: hey A-Hua.
Mo xuanyu: aww, baby Hua. *holds*
Xue yang: hey little supermodel.
Taihua: uncle dimples. Koi.
Su she: yes yes, little Gongzhu, we fed the koi.
Taihua: nice.
Shanshan, why did you kiss A-Die?
Su she: *blushing*
Taihua: A-niang. Shanshan kissed A-Die.
Qin Su: *playfully gasps* oh my gosh.
Xue yang: because Shanshan is a simp.
Taihua: you and uncle Mo are simps too! A-Die what's a simp?
Yao: *laughing*
You'll know when you're older, baby.
Taihua: *pouts*
Yao: kisses her on her plump cheek*
Thereafter, Rusong and Jingyi arrives
Both: guess who's here!!!
Rusong: *stretches out his arms*
Jingyi: Huahua! *does the same!
Taihua: Song gege! Er ge!
Both: *hugs her, then Rusong held her in his arms* Missed us?
Taihua: yea.
Er ge, Gift!
Jingyi: ohh, *pinches cheeks* A-Hua. I definitely got something for you.
*gives her a toy with a little bell*
Taihua: *shakes it* yay.
Thankyou Er ge!
Song gege, gift.
Rusong: *opens a box with a crystal pendant* I got you this. For good luck.
*hooks it on her little belt*
Taihua: Shiney!! Thankyou, Song gege.
Yao: you two did well!
Jingyi: huh?
Meng Shi: we wanted to see if you are fulfilling your duties of caring about your sister.
Rusong: aw, Nainai. Of course we will.
Meng shi: great! As I expected.
Qin Su: her brothers can give her anything, and she'll consider it as a gift.
Yao: that's so true.
Yao: Song'er, how was your sect leader work?
Rusong: it's going well.
The clan is planning to set up more districts in the East-West corridor.
And Ling gege and I are also planning to a have a tournament to bring the clans together, just to have fun.
Yao: oh those are all brilliant ideas.
I see you two are following in my footsteps.
Rusong: of course.
Also we're doing this thing, where we take turns to host banquets.
Yao: ah, how cute.
Do you two report to Su xiandu on time?
Rusong: yes we do, A-Die.
Su she: they would both show up, Huangdi.
I never saw A-Ling or A-Song by themselves.
Yao: just lovely. No one can separate them.
Rusong: we're a team.
Yao: perfect.
Yi'er, how was the hunt?
Jingyi: it was so fun, A-Die.
I think I'm cut out for leadership.
Yao: that's great to hear.
You'll rule Gusu one day.
Meng Shi: did that Wangxian child give you competition?
Jingyi: *laughing* Sizhui? Ahaha, he's my friend Nainai.
Meng Shi: I know, dear.
But I have to make sure no one is giving my grandson competition.
Jingyi: don't worry, Nainai.
And he's busy preparing to be a clan leader, for the Wen and Lan.
A-Die made me a lord of Gusu.
Meng Shi: mn. Well that's good news.
Yao: A-niang. Our Jingyi and Rusong are very powerful, aren't they?
Meng Shi: indeed, Yao'er. Your children are made powerful.
Taihua: Song gege, can you take me on a walk? Er ge? Let's go out.
Qin su: are you done with your grapes, A-Hua?
Taihua: yea A-niang.
Qin su: lovely. You go take a walk with your brothers.
Rusong: hold her A-Yi.
We'll take her to her favorite spot.
Jingyi: sure.
Come little Gongzhu.
Taihua: er ge, er ge, er ge!!
Rusong: *smiling*
Taihua: Song gege, floof!
Rusong: of course you can play with my fox tail.
Taihua: yay!
Rusong: she likes to stick flowers in my floof.
Qin Su: adorable little habit.
Taihua: for Song gege to look pretty.
Qin su: ahh. Good idea, Hua. *squishes cheeks* baby.
Meng Shi: Yao'er, soon our Hua will get her hulijing tail.
You got to teach her how to make it appear and disappear.
Yao: yea A-niang. That would be such a milestone for her.
Meng Shi: indeed.
She'll have one tail, then the full nine will come in when she's older.
Have you thought of anything for her milestone?
Yao: indeed! I'm planning to have a lantern party in honour of Hua's milestone. 
Meng Shi: Amazing idea, Yao'er. You honour your children so much
Yao: as I must. They're the apples of my eye.
Meng Shi: I commend you.
Yao: thanks A-niang.
A-Su. I got a gift for you.
Qin Su: *blushing* really?
Yao: I should buy my empress gifts once in a while.
*claps twice. Then an attendant came in with some gold, jade and kingfisher jewelry and  ornaments*
Yao: beautiful, right?
Qin su: Huangdi. Everything is so exquisite!
Yao: *adorns her with a necklace*
Meng shi: you both are adorable.
Qin Su: I feel like I'm living a dream.
Yao: *kisses her hand*
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege, what are you going to do now?
Yao: right now I feel like relaxing.
I had a lot of work to do, as well as take care of Hua.
Xue yang: Jiggy why don't you use the maids or Sisi jiejie?
Yao: I only use the maids and aunt Sisi when it's urgent, and when we're all busy.
But the maids help with changing diapers.
Su she: Huangdi, we'll help you relax.
Yao: oh that would be lovely, team dimple.
Can someone call Huan as well. I miss him.
Mo xuanyu: why do you miss him, Yao gege?
Su she: if he relaxes you, I'll bring him here.
Xue yang: we'll go to the cloud recesses and kidnap him.
Yao: sounds lovely.
I'm familiar with your unique way of kidnapping.
Qin su: I'll wait for the children here.
You relax, Huangdi.
Yao: mn.
In the cloud recesses 📍
Xichen: *drinking tea*
Mo xuanyu: *ties him up with a curtain.*
Xue yang: *covers Xichen's mouth*
Mo xuanyu: *steals the rest of tea*
Su she: *teleports them out*
Jing Manor 📍
Xichen: oh, I had a feeling. Where else would team d carry me to.
Team d, is A-Yao ok?
Xue yang: Jiggy is calling you.
Mo xuanyu: our Yao gege was missing you so much, and you were just drinking tea?! How could you?!
Anyways, we carried the rest of tea.
Su she: Lan lips, you got to be a better husband than that.
Xichen: I was just about to come, team dimple.
But I decided to drink some tea first.
Mo xuanyu: so you care about your tea more than Yao gege?
Xichen: *sighs* no. Team dimple.
Shall we meet A-Yao?
Just suddenly, Ayao walked out with his hulijing entourage.
Xiying: our new oils worked wonders for your imperial floof.
Yao: I see, I see. It's so soft.
*closes fan* Huan!
Xichen: I'm here, A-Yao Huangdi. *bow*
Yao: *blushing*
Thank you team dimple.
Xichen: *swept him off his feet.* Missed me A-Yao?
Yao: yes I did.
Xichen: I'm so honoured that the emperor missed me.
Yao: *flicks his floof*
Xichen: hulijing Huangdi, your tail is so soft and fluffy as always.
Yao: yes. I did something different.
Xichen: nice.
Now let's go. Team d and I will help you relax.
You had a tough week.
In the harem palace 📍
Xichen: *puts him down on his throne. Then sits on the floor to admire him*
Su she: *starts playing the flute*
Mo xuanyu: *serves him tea*
Yao: thank you.
Xue yang: relaxed?
Yao: yep. Thank you team d.
Xue yang: *kisses* anything for our gorgeous Jiggy.
Xichen: how is your baby princess?
Yao: she's doing great! Hua is hanging out with her brothers.
Xichen: that's lovely.
Yao: Hua is the apple of my eye.  She can ask anything from me
Xichen: A-Yao, you gave all your children that privilege.
Yao: yes.
And I promise to love them equally.
Xichrn: you're a perfect A-Die and Huangdi.
Yao: *smiling* A-Huan.
How come you didn't make a fuss about team dimple kidnapping you.
Xichen: i got used to it. And I know they'll take me to my angel. *kisses*
Mo xuanyu: yea Lan lips, don't get too clingy.
Yao gege is ours by the way.
Yao: lol.
Su she: Huangdi. How's my music?
Yao: quite elegant, as always! Lean in.
Su she: ok Huangdi. *leans in*
Yao: *gives him a deep kiss*
Su she: *froze, while blushing*
Xue yang: omg. You're red!
Mo xuanyu: Shanshan, you have a fever.
Shanshan, don't faint.
Su she: Huangdi. *blushing*
Mo xuanyu: we can relate. Yao gege is just gorgeous.
Yao: Shanshan, are you ok?
Su she: *wiping his nosebleed* yea Huangdi. I'm fine.
Rusong and Jingyi: *entering with little Taihua*
Taihua: A-Die!
Yao: Hua!
Rusong: A-Die, when we came back, she was asking where you went.
Yao: aww. My baby missed me?
Jingyi: yea.
A-Hua, do you see team dimple too?
Taihua: mhm.
Rusong: *joking* aren't they ugly?
Taihua: yea!
Yao: *rests her on his lap*
Mo xuanyu: Dianxia, we're not ugly!
Xue yang: we get it, we get it. You guys are supermodels. Haha.
Su she: well we are ugly in the midst of Huangdi.
Xichen: Huahua, how are you?
Taihua: good, Chichen.
Xichen: *laughing* Chichen?
Yao: she can't pronounce your name.
Hua, Say Xichen.
Taihua: Chichen.
Yao: how about Zewu Jun.
Taihua: Zi Jun!!!!
Yao: *kisses* perfect for now.
Rusong: better than me. I used to call him Chicken Lan
Jingyi: *laughing* what?!
Team dimple: *cracking up*
Yao: haha, oh I remember.
Jingyi: I used to call him Bichen and Hanguang Jun's sword Xichen. 
And then Wuwoon for respect.
Rusong: I love Wuwoon. It fits him.
Yao: so it's a family tradition to butcher Xichen's name?
Rusong; yup.
Taihua: Wuwu Jun!!!!
Jingyi: yes baby, he's Wuwu Jun.
Xichen: at least your children love me.
Yao: indeed.
Su she: I'm surprised.
Xue yang: and the little divas love to tease team d.
Yao: they must. *joking* because you're ugly.
Xue yang: diva.
Su she: *laughing*
Mo xuanyu: *pouts* Yao gege.
Yao: oh team dimple. You're adorable.
I was only teasing you.
Yao: A-Hua. Did you enjoy your stroll?
Taihua: yea A-Die. Song gege and er ge are fun!
Yao: I'm so glad that you had fun! *tickles*
Taihua: *laughing*
Yao: what do you want to do, Hua?
Taihua: maybe a caravan ride!
Yao: ah, I see.
You're just like your A-niang.
She loves caravan rides.
We do that a lot!
Taihua: waawww!!
Xichen: you even used to drive Meng Furen in the caravan around your private nature trails.
Yao: mhm.
Taihua: A-Die! Let's go, let's go, let's go!! Bye Wuwu Jun!!
Yao: aha, yes yes my Gongzhu. Let's go!
We got to meet your A-niang too.
Afterwards, A-Yao, Qin Su and Taihua went for their caravan ride through Jingjing.
And now the people who got a glimpse of her, got inspiration to paint and name things after her.
Taihua: A-niang, do they work here?
Qin su: of course they do.
Taihua: then why are they just standing?
Qin Su: *smile* because your cuteness caught their attention.
Taihua: ohh really???
Yao: you're the cutest thing.
Taihua: yayy.
Qin Su: you're their Taihua Gongzhu.
Taihua: do they like Song gege?
Yao: a lot!
Taihua: more than me?
Yao: of course not.
Don't tell A-Song.
Taihua: mn!
A-niang, what job do you do?
Qin Su: Huanghou, A-Hua.
Taihua: omg, really?
Yao: what do you expect, baby? I'm a Huangdi right?
Taihua: I thought you were just rich, A-Die.
Yao: ahaha.
Taihua: so you rule over them? They have to do what you say?
Yao: yes.
Taihua:  Can you tell them to go to work.
Yao and Qin Su: *laughing* 
Yao: very very soon, I'll tell them. *kisses*
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