#more rgb content keeps me alive
nitetime-moon · 5 months
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I read a transcript for the FE Echoes drama CD (linked below the cut) and had to draw some scenes from it. Coincidentally, I started with the Alm & Lukas hug at the end first, so what better artwork to use for the FE Aspec Week's Friendship prompt!
The reference I used is also below the cut!
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I seriously couldn't find the original artist for this, everything just linked back to Pinterest 😭. If you know who made this, please let me know so I can properly credit them!
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TPoH Theory: RGB d/ed because of a train.
CONTENT / TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of s/icide and mental issues in general, if you are sensitive to this type of stuff i recommend to not read.
This will be long af so get ready-
WELL, here's a theory i've had in the back of my head for a while, and it says that RGB died because of a train, why? Let me explain.
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In chapter 4 (Diegesis page 73 to be exact) we can see RGB standing on train tracks when he's having the funky dreamy thing, then he gets distracted from whatever the hell was happening there and proceeds to say the phrase that almost gave him an oscar: ''This isn't how i died''
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He mentions that he felt like he just got ran over by a steam locomotive, taking into consideration the first image it starts to make some sense, but it takes even more form later.
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Page 249 on its entirety starts to give more obvious hints to RGB, a train literally passes behind him, but only when he turns around to see what happened the iron and the person (probably hate) appear, getting all of the attention instead.
(I'm going to come back to the iron later, keep that in mind)
Now i think we all know what happens in Chiaroscuro, with the black and white train appearing out of nowhere just to chase our heroes and scare the hell out of them, this one was kind of tricky, but i interpret this train as a way to show how the thought of knowing the answer is chasing RGB wherever he goes, wandering around a desert full of erased memories trying its best to keep itself alive as a hint for him to catch up to.
Also one more fact about this train, is that it seems to be the only place where RGB gets a memory of him while being human (not counting the butterfly thing), which is pretty odd considering that all the previous memories show him as a TV-headed monster, just wanted to point that out.
Now to stop making this way longer than it should, lets check page 506
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He's trying to figure out how he died, but nothing convinces him, he's sure that none of the things that are being shown are the reason of why he's dead, but then the train appears, almost on a way that screams ''I'm right here'' And then, it cuts to the scenes with the doctor that i'm going to bring up.
Now we get to the fun part, which is my interpretation of how he exactly died, i'm going to try and make it short to not waste more of your time.
So, RGB was an actor, a well-known one actually, he had everything that he could want, but even with that he wasn't happy, he hated himself, and he did it so much that he wanted to smash the mirrors where he saw himself and his hands started to shake everytime he looked at them, this is here where he decides to go with the doctor, which gives him the gloves and tells him to avoid the mirrors, while also telling him that therapy is ass (because it's the 60's yay).
However, this was not enough, and due to his untreated mental issues he started having problems either with his boss, or with hate (if we follow the belief that they used to know eachother before entering the world of make believe) which caused such a conflict that escalated into a fight, where the iron comes in.
So what is the worst thing that you can do to an actor?
Ruin how they look
Now with his face (and possibly body) burnt by the iron, his career ended inmediately, and his problems got even WAY worse than before, to a point where he decided to end everything, there was no point on continuing anyway.
So he decides to go to the nearest train station that he could find, and the rest, is history.
Another detail i want to bring up. What happens to a human body when it gets ran over by a train?
It disappears almost entirely
And guess what
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RGB literally does not have a body.
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localguy2 · 1 year
I've watched the first 7 episodes of Dragons Rising and while yes I haven't finished it I have so much to say.
First of all, the animation, holy fuck the animation looks so good, and here I thought that it couldn't get better than Crystalized's animation.
The fight scenes are once again, incredible, standard with Wildbrain's animation, the set pieces and backgrounds and just everything is so incredibe and including the Ninja powers & Spinjitzu, which may I add both look absolutely gorgeous.
Wildbrain has taken it to the next level, so amazing job to them.
Arin and Sora and Riyu.
Fuck me i love them already so much-
poor Sora got treated so badly, she reminds me of Nya when she was still figuring out her powers, she's frustrated of herself and feels responsible for the Photacs despite it not really being her fault, she was still young when she made them and the Imperium used her technology for things she resented can't wait to see where she goes next.
I don't even know what to say, he's just so damn loveable, it broke my heart to see him ask the Cloud Kingdom writers to bring his parents back, because despite being at least a bit more mature and skilled, he's still just a kid at the end of the day, and that scene with him in Imperium when he finds that group of kids like is just... Fuck man, he literally says he feels so seen, he saw people sorta like him but that was also taken away with how they immediately started talking about serving the Imperium Claws, such a good character and I'm hyped to see what they do with him.
Little dragon baby, that's all I'm gonna say, you just can't hate on him, are you seriously going to pick a fight with a little guy like that?
Okay now, old team members.
Finally, we got actual RGB siblings content, not like a few seconds worth of interaction, and hell it's really good as well.
They just take the piss at each other and mess around, I especially like the scene in the Cloud Kingdom archives, and the one on the new bounty where Sora explains how Arin told a barber to give him "The Zane", only for Kai to interject and tell Arin to get "The Kai", it's such a fun scene.
Nya is badass as always, great to see, I especially love how she's respected by the craglings to the point that their leader takes her word for a lot of stuff.
Kai has taken a more responsible role while still being himself, which I love so much because he's being serious while also being the dumbest guy alive
And Lloyd is well, Lloyd! He's just chilling and I'm happy that not all focus is on him, actually that brings me to another the point, the show doesn't really focus on 1 character all that often, it keeps changing POVs constantly and it's really nice, props to them.
Sidenote: this scene... Ugh man it hits...
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Lloyd is so surprised by this, and the kids coming along to explain it is just uhhhh I love it.
Finally, dialogue, lore and the humor.
One of my biggest gripes with Ninjago from SotFS to Crystalized is was that it was no longer a story with some elements of comedy, rather it was a comedy with a story.
It still told really good stories don't get me wrong, but the comedy just didn't land most of the time, and that sorta unintentionally affected the story as well, it felt too childish and while Ninjago is a kids show, the jokes were just too on the nose sometimes.
But, with Dragons Rising?
Haha, NOPE!
I love the comedy here, it's so goofy and fun at times but it's never on the nose, I found myself constantly smiling when they joke about something, the gags are aimed at kids and adults as well, and it shows.
This scene for example.
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This is such a ridiculous and goofy gag I can't help but smile each time I see it, and the series keeps this type of humor up the whole time, it's fantastic!
The lore.
Jesus man I love the world they've built, it's so good and you really feel the sheer diversity and verity of the Crossroads, you really get a feel for it.
It basically screaming: The Merge displaced so many many people, which is everyone is welcome here regardless of what you are, Nindriod, Frog, serpentine, Human, anything! You're accepted here.
And I think that's lovely.
And for the Dialogue, it's excellent.
It reveals what you need to know most of the time using Flashbacks, and these flashbacks are nice as well.
The dialogue isn't boring, not at all, even if it's a small comment and it feels really fitting most of the the time thankfully.
Now, the only issue I have with DR is potentially the pacing, but I literally don't have it in me to blame the predoucers.
This is the first time this team has tried writing 22 minutes long episodes, and they have done an absolutely spectacular job at that so far.
Remember, this team is used to writing 11 minute episodes only, so you could imagine how challenging it was for them to write a 22 minute episode.
And the best part is, they pulled it off almost flawlessly, they hit perfectly with the humor, world building, lore and just everything, seriously amazing job to these guys!
So overall, Dragons Rising Part 1 so far is absolutely awesome, I still haven 3 more episodes and I honestly can't wait to finish them, I'm so excited for part 2 and I hope yall are as well.
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wishthefish916 · 6 years
Chase Is So Goddamn Lucky
Ok, not really. He’s been through hell and back, but what I mean is, Chase tried to shoot himself, in the head, and lived to tell the tale. This theory will establish how and why that was, so if you’re sensitive to suicide and the analysis of, maybe be careful about proceeding.
How did Chase survive a bullet to the head? Well the simple answer is that he missed. Going back to the frame just before he pulled the trigger in his Power Hour, you can see exactly how the gun was positioned, the angle his gun was at, approximately how high up against his head it was, as well as how far forward his hand was, as he pulled the trigger. 
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As he was putting the gun to his head, it bumped towards the front of the brim of his hat, which tells me it must’ve been lined up more with his hair floof than with his actual temples. 
Also, look how steep an angle that gun is at. In premeditated suicide with a handgun, the weapon is commonly parallel to the floor, but here, its closer to 20° from X, placing the trajectory in the little nook where hat and head meet.
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So, judging by both the steep angle of the gun and the distance he holds the gun in front of him, if we were to follow the path that the bullet would have taken, we’ll see that it wouldn’t pass through his head at all. The worst the bullet would do is whiz through his hair and deafen him temporarily. 
Great Wish, but what does this have to do with anything? Well, it brings into question his motive for trying to kill himself. Yes, Stacy just left him and took the kids, and yes his work was struggling. But would that be enough? I mean, his last words before pulling the trigger were “Stacy I love you, please don’t go”, which, might I add, were said with a strange smile on his face.
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You don’t say something like that and then immediately try to kill yourself. He didn’t even take the time to pause before pulling the trigger, which you’ll see in just basically every suicide attempt. It’s the brain’s last dose of self preservation, an unstoppable reflex to keep you from doing what you’re about to do because it’s ultimate job is to keep you alive. Because of this, I find it hard to believe this was premeditated, which you’d expect in any suicide attempts. Hell, when doctors screen for depression they'll ask both is you’re feeling suicidal and also if you have a plan because they usually go hand in hand. Chase is very depressed, that much is clear from TIE. But he wasn’t always. In fact, I’m willing to go so far as to say that Chase did not have depression before he tried to kill himself.
That’s a bold statement, I know. After all, we’ve seen him actively being depressed, so much so that it’s his most well known character trait. Why would he try to kill himself if he didn’t want to die? I’d better have some evidence to back this up, right? Lucky you, that’s what I do best.
Take a look at all the other Ego’s first videos before this point. It always starts off with the bright and shiny new ego, trying hard to show off their individual skill set, and over the course of the video their original character starts to chip away until their left with a broken version of themselves. Jackieboy Man coming in as the courageous hero and giving into cowardice at the end. Marvin the Magnificent, a magician who wants to show off his skills and ends up giving up on his entire career by the credits. Henrik the wise doctor who over time accidentally and also intentionally kills his patients and forgets everything he once knew about human nature. Jack, filming normal videos and over time, growing sick and paranoid before Anti makes him kill himself in a pumpkin carving video. Then look at Chase. This happy go lucky dude who makes jokes in his videos to make others smile, who by the end has turned a gun on himself. There’s this recurring theme of character decay that I’m seeing, and I think we all know where it’s coming from. Anti.
Don’t buy it yet? Look to the thumbnails. Which thumbnail? All of them. Egos, gameplay, vlogs, you name it. As we established back during Mayhem2k18, leading up to and after any Anti video, tracing all the way back to his beginnings, there’s a huge concentration of lens flares in video thumbnails, followed by a significant drop off in intermittent periods(more on that in another theory). This also rings true following the different Ego’s videos, Chase’s included, which tells us that Anti must be present in those videos as well.
And of course, the video that even brought this question to my mind in the first place, Dude Simulator. I’m really surprised I haven’t heard anything about it before, all things considered. Take a look at the thumbnail.
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Anti, staring directly at us with a smile, RGB lens flares everywhere, holding a gun. Why is this relevant, you ask? It otherwise wouldn’t be, just another cryptic Anti clue in the sea of pre-existing cryptic Anti clues, if it weren't for it’s upload date. 
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April 11, 2017, exactly three hours after Chase’s Power Hour. You ask me, that sounds a hell of a lot like Anti sending a message. One we all apparently missed. 
And the final nail in the coffin for me, what sold me absolutely beyond a doubt that Chase almost shooting himself was Anti’s fault, can be seen in the moments just as he pulls the trigger.
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Looks pretty average, right? Take a closer look.
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A small shadow of green, right next to Chase’s neck, the exact moment he pulls the trigger, and only the moment he pulls the trigger.
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Way I see it, Chase did not pull a gun on himself because he wanted to die. I think that Chase was an otherwise content dude before he came onto the channel. I believe that over the course of his Power Hour, as Chase’s life started to crumble around him, Anti got more and more into his head until eventually the virus was strong enough to make him cause harm to others(Chad and that drive-by scene), and almost to himself, but in a moment of quick thinking, Chase pulled the trigger before the gun was lined up enough to do any real harm. That’s why there wasn’t a pause before he pulled the trigger, and that’s why Chase was able to get right back up after “shooting himself”. 
Chase is very lucky. He could have died, he should have died. He was under Anti’s control, where he was forced to try to shoot himself, and he came out physically unscathed. The man must’ve had one hell of a four leaf clover in his pocket; almost nobody has that much pure Irish luck on their side. For everything else that followed, well. Everybody’s luck runs out eventually.
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
HP Omen Sequencer review | Rock Paper Shotgun
HP Omen appear to be going all in on optical mechanical peripherals this 12 months, as they’ve not solely gone and caught a bunch of sunshine beams of their Omen Reactor gaming mouse, however their new Omen Sequencer keyboard is completely chock stuffed with them. The thought is to present each of them lightning quick response occasions, as the shortage of transferring elements signifies that every system’s respective switches can reset rather a lot faster than their totally mechanical counterparts.
Within the Sequencer’s case, HP declare its zero.2ms response time makes it 10x sooner than your common mechanical change. They fail to say the precise model of change they really examined it in opposition to, however it positive makes for some compelling advertising copy. In fact, I can barely inform the distinction between common mechanical keyboard switches, not to mention detect whether or not one’s 10x faster than the opposite. The one factor that’s actually vital to me is how a lot noise they make and the way simple they’re to kind on (okay, two issues) – and man alive does the Sequencer make one hell of a racket.
In equity, I wouldn’t say the Omen Sequencer was any extra grating on the ears than the Razer Huntsman, which was additionally of the optical-mechanical change persuasion. Evidently, although, for those who’re not so keen on the CLICKIES and the CLACKIES it’s possible you’ll wish to contemplate a barely quieter keyboard. Certainly, if I had been to placed on the far more frequent Cherry MX scale of loud to deafening, the Sequencer would positively be up there on the latter finish of the spectrum alongside, if not past, the Cherry MX Blue change.
For all their noise and irritation, nevertheless, the Sequencer’s optical mechanical switches do present a welcome stage of tactile suggestions for common typing – far more so than their linear Blue rivals. On this sense, they nearly have extra in frequent with Cherry’s bumpy MX Brown switches, as you’ll be able to really feel a definite form of step happen earlier than you attain the tip of a key press.
Does this make the Sequencer extra nice to kind on? In some methods, sure, as I do know precisely after I’ve pressed every key, however I additionally felt that, for all of HP’s tremendous duper pace claims, my typing pace truly slowed down due to it. It in all probability doesn’t assist that the so-called ‘English format’ appears to have extra in frequent with a conventional US format than a UK one (half-height Enter keys are the DEVIL), however loads of my early hours with the keyboard had been both spent going again over errors I’d made as a result of I’d misjudged the spacing, or simply typically getting slowed down with every subsequent key press.
The latter isn’t essentially a foul factor, after all, and the spacing is one thing I finally acquired used to over time. Certainly, each of those issues weren’t actually a problem when it got here to enjoying video games both, as mashing the WASD keys in fast succession felt simply as responsive as every other mechanical keyboard I’ve examined just lately. That’s the issue, although – even when all these different keyboards aren’t technically as quick because the Omen Sequencer, they positive as heck really feel like they’re, which in flip makes them really feel nippier and extra comfy to kind on for lengthy durations of time.
The one factor I want all keyboards may have, although, is the Sequencer’s big crimson quantity curler. With its grooved steel texture and clean rolling motion, that is palms down the most effective quantity management I’ve ever come throughout. Initially, I believed it is likely to be a fraction too near the devoted media keys beneath it, however HP have pitched the angle good, permitting you to glide a full three fingers over it with out bumping into the remainder of its keys.
A real beaut.
It’s a real masterpiece of design, and I additionally somewhat favored the cheeky USB passthrough port tucked away within the rear minimize off nook on the different finish of the keyboard as nicely. At first, I believed its angled edges had been merely a little bit of foolish ‘gamer’ design, however I used to be pleasantly shocked to see it getting used like this.
Elsewhere, the Sequencer has your pretty normal set of further controls, akin to a devoted gaming mode key that locks the Home windows button, and 5 programmable macro keys alongside the far left hand aspect. I’m often a bit cautious of getting macro keys to this point over on a keyboard, as 9 occasions out of ten I often mistake the bottom macro key for Ctrl. Luckily, there’s a large sufficient hole right here to stop that from taking place frequently, even when it does add to the Sequencer’s total bulk within the course of.
To utilize stated macro keys, you’ll need to obtain the Omen Command Centre app from the Microsoft Retailer. I’ll admit I used to be a bit dissatisfied with the shortage of choices accessible right here after I examined the HP Omen Reactor mouse, however with the Sequencer I’m much less fussed about what’s on provide. You continue to get the identical recordable macro choices (keyboard shortcuts, software launchers, in-game textual content messages and multi-key mixtures with customisable delay choices), however on a keyboard that’s all I’d ever actually wish to use these keys for anyway.
You too can use the Command Centre to create your individual customized RGB lighting zones along with full keyboard color schemes, too, permitting you to choose and select which keys get illuminated and which of them keep off. No matter you determine to choose, although, you’ll in all probability be happy to listen to the Sequencer’s lighting is pretty innocuous in comparison with loads of different mechanical keyboards on the market, as its largely closed-in key caps forestall loads of the sunshine from spilling out onto the primary board. There’s a teensy little bit of underglow current, however most of it’s coming from the letter and quantity cut-outs.
On the entire, there’s rather a lot to love in regards to the HP Omen Sequencer, regardless of it feeling a bit stodgy to kind on as an on a regular basis keyboard. There’s not solely that magnificent crimson quantity curler within the prime nook, however its RGB lighting additionally received’t make your eyes bleed once you’ve acquired it going full rainbow. Throw in USB passthrough and its devoted macro and media buttons and also you’ve just about acquired every little thing you possibly can probably ask for.
And also you thought these minimize off corners had been only for present…
The one drawback is the value, because the Omen Sequencer will at the moment set you again a whopping £160 / $180. Its anodised aluminium body does go a great distance in making it really feel like a premium keyboard (did I point out that pretty quantity curler?), however that’s nonetheless some huge cash to pay for one thing I’m not utterly completely satisfied to have as my essential typing board. I’d be prepared to reside with it only for the sake of that attractive, scarlet surprise, however actually, there are different higher and faster-feeling gaming keyboards on the market that can in all probability serve you simply as nicely within the grand scheme of issues, akin to our present greatest gaming keyboard crown holder, the £120 / $130 Cherry-based Fnatic Streak, or the even cheaper £96 / $80 HyperX Alloy Elite.
from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/hp-omen-sequencer-review-rock-paper-shotgun/
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