#morgue vanguard
adi-fitri · 1 year
"...bertahanlah sedikit lebih lama. Tumbuhlah liar serupa gulma"
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Efek Rumah Kaca - "Bersemi Sekebun feat. Morgue Vanguard"
Dari album Rimpang.
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selamat-linting · 1 year
your faves' activism is going to a rich people event dressed in pink, my faves' activism is throwing dead rats at a government building, we are not the same.
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drgnrder82 · 1 month
Shutdown Syntax - Chapter 1 - Identification
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This is a test. I've never posted my serials on anything other than Kindle Vella, and certainly not on Tumblr. But I have this same serial being offered for free on Substack and going to try posting it concurrently here.
Trigger Warnings: This story will delve into dark themes, including death, human experimentation, torture, minor (not descriptive) body horror (implants in a science fiction setting), and violence. I will try to post trigger warnings on the chapters as they go, but this is a general warning. This will generally contain content similar to most science fiction movies and strong language.
"I'm not sure why you even need me here. Couldn't the identification have happened remotely?" Tim pushed up his round, gold glasses and clutched the photo. The metal doors lining the wall ahead of him reflected many distorted versions of his face back. The man in the photo, the man Tim was here to see… they looked nothing alike—except that they both wore glasses. At least, in Tim's estimation. Tim's black curls were like his mom's, while the man in the photo had straight sandy blonde hair with speckles of gray. Tim's light brown skin versus the man's white skin. Tim, a man who adored his mother and stood by her side identifying the man who walked out decades ago and couldn't seem to care less about his mother's wellbeing. Yet, here Tim stood at the morgue's door with Commander Aalato from Vanguard City's Police Department. 
The Commander, a few inches taller than Tim, with narrow, sharp eyes, broad shoulders accented by his uniform dress coat, and thinning, straight, black hair mostly ringing his head, nodded at the attendant bot. This bot was far different from the older models he was used to repairing back home in Emberfield. Its imposing height towered a head taller than Tim, covered in white medical-grade antimicrobial polymer, and its supposedly soothing blue circular eyes stared lifelessly at Tim.
"There's paperwork we needed your ident in person to complete. Legal reasons, you understand, right?" The Commander sighed. "You and your grandmother were listed on many of his legal documents. The lease on his apartment, your grandmother even cosigned. We just want to get it all squared away so there are no issues. But take your time, son."
Tim glanced at the Commander, who'd claimed to be a friend of Harold Griffin in the holo call, then cautiously entered the room. The daunting wall of stainless steel doors haunted him with thoughts of what was behind each. And the smell... chemicals and cleaners. Faint memories from chemistry class.
"I know it was a lot to come out here, son—" Each time Commander Aalato said 'son' grated on Tim's nerves. I'm not your son. "Take a deep breath. You'll be fine."  
The med bot remained still as door 204's light blinked off, turned green, and opened on its own or at the med bot's command. A tray-like bed rolled out.
"Please, step forward," the bot said, moving aside and indicating Tim could stand where it had been. 
Tim crushed the photo in his fist. "Yeah." Bending, he put his head between his knees.
"I'm sorry." Sudden impatience laced Commander Aalato's voice. "I need you to say…" 
"That's my dad." Tim coughed out the words, "It's Harold Griffin." His eyes were watering.
The Commander nodded, and the med bot assistant issued another internal command. The tray rolled back into the wall, and the door shut with a startling slam.
In nearly 20 years, Tim had only heard from his father a handful of times. Mostly via messages, usually relayed through his Gram. He hadn't seen the man except in pictures. Hadn't thought he'd get so… affected.
Commander Aalato nodded again. "I'll inform your grandmother that the body might not be released soon due to the ongoing investigation."
Nodding furiously, Tim stayed bent, keeping his eyes glued to his shoes—not trusting himself with actual words at the moment. But the silence grew uncomfortable. "That's fine," he said, gagging.
"When you're ready, we can go start those forms we need your scans for." Aalato chewed his lip for a moment and even glanced behind himself before adding, "It means a lot that you came out here, Tim, even if Harold didn't get to see you." 
"Do you require medical attention?" the med bot asked in its patented soothing voice. 
"No," Tim mumbled again and stood. He couldn't afford a hospital charge on top of this unexpected trip to Vanguard City. 
When Tim could stand, Aalato led him through the crisp white hallways from the First Precinct morgue to the elevator, pausing to temporarily disarm a biometric scan, as he'd done on the way into the morgue as well. Tim pocketed the photo, an old copy his Gram shoved into his hand at the train. He needed to shift his mind away from the man on the table.
"H-how long will this all take…?" Tim had limited time to close out his estranged father's affairs—like emptying his father's apartment and close his accounts and bills. Theoretically, Tim should have been able to do it all remotely from Emberfield, but the Commander insisted Tim needed to be in person. Vehemently. When the words ‘court’ and ‘grandmother’ came up, Tim didn’t really argue anymore.
The Commander initiated the biometric scan panel again after they'd passed and continued down the hallway. A small, rectangular service bot, with a slightly wider top than the bottom, on a single ball-like wheel trundled between them and into the morgue without so much as stopping at the biometric scanner. Tim watched the bot wobble unevenly and noted the multitude of dents in its casing. Unlike the pristine med bot, this bot couldn't have been less than a decade old and likely had severe chassis misalignment. 
"Tim?" The Commander called from the elevator, which Tim hadn't noticed arrive or open. 
"Yeah, I'm coming."
The moment he stepped aboard the elevator, another voice chimed in. "Visitor, Timothy Griffin. Escort, Commander Jonathon Aalato." 
"Hate these new recognition programs," Aalato muttered, scanning his thumb and then using the retinal scanner. "Give me the good old-fashioned tiered biometrics any day."
In the elevator corner, Tim’s eye caught on one of Bioforge's latest sensors. Seeing one helped him see them all. Six in total. Installed in various parts of the elevator cab. They were innocuous-looking, like nothing more than mirror plates. But up close, Tim could make out the faint conductive paths of the circuit boards, similar to the Bioforge IrisLink contacts on the market. Vanguard City, home to Bioforge Systems, boasted a nearly 30% install rate of IrisLink, perfect for testing their business and security add-ons before they went worldwide.
Of course, he'd never see these systems built into anything in Emberfield. The newest bot Tim maintained was nearly as old as him, Mr. Kepler's 26-year-old Nascent Systems Service bot, an in-home nursing aid bot on its last legs. Tim regularly cared for both Mr. Kepler and his bot on the same service call. Of course, he didn't get paid for helping Mr. Kepler. "Surprised the Vanguard PD agreed to the install," Tim murmured, committing the circuitry to memory.
Even out in the far reaches of the district, like Emberfield, the gossip tended toward the political fight between Bioforge and Vanguard City's Mayoral office and PD.
"You heard about that?" Aalato relaxed against the railing of the elevator cab. "I guess that debate played out on the world stage, didn't it?"
Understatement of the year. 
"You know," the Commander shot his eyes to the numbers moving rapidly. "Your father… he talked about you. He was proud of you, Tim. He said you were going places…" 
And there went another of the knives to the gut all over again. Was proud. 
"Yeah, well, I guess I disappointed many people." That happened often in Tim's life. Should have taken the job offers from Bioforge or CyberGen… Of course, things might have turned out just the same as they were now if he'd taken the coding position at CyberGen. 
Before Tim could respond any further, the elevator doors rattled open, clearly in desperate need of an upgrade more than the sensors, and Tim followed Commander Aalato to his office.
Whoever said scans and biometric identification would make form signing faster lied. Utter bullshit. Every single form felt like it needed triple identification and voice recognition, and still, he wasn't done after all that. By the time he was done, Tim could barely see straight. Commander Aalato handed Tim a mag key and a worn leather wallet. 
Tim frowned at the objects.
"The only personal effects we found on your father." 
"Right," Tim said, taking them and dropping them in his backpack.
The Commander slid a scrap of paper to Tim, an address. "Your father lived on Nova Crescent. I could see if a squad car could—" 
"No," Tim bit his lip, regretting the interruption. Something about sitting in the back of a cop car sat wrong in his stomach. "I'll… walk."
"I would take the subway. Or you're going to be walking for a couple of hours." 
"Right." Another difference he needed to account for. Back home, all Tim had was a motorbike and sometimes his Gram's car. And if either of those broke down—as they often did—he could walk. "Thank you, Commander."
But whatever sparse kindness Tim felt—mainly from the police Commander—evaporated when Tim stepped out onto the squad room floor. A few officers murmured not-quite condolences as he passed by their desks. There were more people sitting in chairs, some with cuffs, others there of their own accord answering questions. Many leered at him, one asking for help and 'honestly, he was innocent', but Tim sidled by. Decommissioned bots, taken from fighting rings or illegal busts, lined the back wall. Many models Tim recognized, some completely custom builds that he would have died to get his hands on to study the circuitry or special operating system and AI design.
But the police station felt more like Emberfield than part of Vanguard City. Not one IrisLink or holo image was projected from a watch, ring, or glasses, unlike stepping out onto the street where a barrage of holo images and vids assaulted the eye. From billboards to holo ads projected by miniature drones, to embedded holo emitters in the glass of towering buildings, not to mention all the IrisLink users, many of which utilized additional holo projections on top of what IrisLink could overlay via the contacts.
Lightning shot across the sky, striking one of the skyscraper lightning rods. No one on the bustling rush hour street noticed—bot or human.
Tim pulled out his phone and asked it for directions to the address. Bots swiveled their sensors at him, some appearing somewhat humanoid, like the med bot in the morgue, and others more boxy and similar to most of the bots he serviced in Emberfield. The bots’ unnerving stares returned to their path or owner. Even in the city's cacophony, Tim's voice seemed loud… trying to get his phone to hear the address since it misheard it the first time. A few people rolled their eyes. One man shushing him while on the street and returning to a meeting on his IrisLink. 
Most IrisLink systems could pick up the user's faintest whisper in a concert. Another amazing feature. 
Tim held his phone where he could see it and not interfere with the passersby on the street. He read ahead in the directions to his father's apartment when umbrellas began opening all around him. A split second later, the sky opened up. 
"Damn it!"
Three subway changes, two times going the wrong direction, one dead phone, and zero helpful people or bots later, Tim stood at the head of Nova Crescent, watching his father's apartment building name, Ionium, flash to occasionally say 'I', then' o', then 'u' in order. 
"Just get it over with," Tim reiterated to himself, thankful that rush hour had died away. People squeezed into the subway and elevated trains, resembling a tightly packed sardine can. He'd had to wait several times for the next train and could barely squeeze on board, squished with other people with varying degrees of dampness. Now, fewer people, droids, bots, etc, walked the street, jostling him around.
Tim learned some nifty information the longer he stood packed in the subway. 
An ad projected after the fifth stop. A tell tale glitch Tim watched for so he’d know it was about to play again, as all the ads seemed to loop depending on the district of Vanguard they were in. But he just wanted to make sure he'd caught the text right. 
Sable's Market - Dreg's finest AI refurb.
His father had lived in The Dregs. Fitting name. Harold Griffin had been in the dregs of society. Why not live in a place with the same damn name?
In The Dregs, the buildings were all shorter and older than downtown's sparkling eye, filled with red or white-washed brick in very boxy shapes where no architect had a single creative thought. Now that it was night, neon assaulted the eyes on literally every building, the only way most businesses broadcast their name.
Steeling himself, Tim walked up to the Ionium building. A lone bot trundled up the street past the front door, chirped, then turned back—wobbling the whole way. It repeated this until Tim passed it. Out of nowhere, the bot let out an ear-piercing squeal.
What few people—few service or companion bots here in The Dregs—who were on the street looked his way, but Tim rolled his eyes and pushed his way through the door. The boxy bot tried to follow him, red lights blinking all around its boxy little body, pissed-off chirps, and its wheel squeaking violently now. Tim closed the door on the bot, letting it bounce off the door. It kept ramming the door, the chirps and whirls getting angrier with each bounce. 
"What the hell was that?" Tim asked, readjusting his glasses and studying the little malfunctioning bot through the window. Its arm whacked the glass. Tim jumped back, worried it would break through.
Quickly, Tim checked the mailboxes and found his father's name—Griffin - 3B.
The entryway matched the building's gritty exterior—gorgeous decaying walls, paint peeling under layers of grime, and wallpaper older than Tim. The elevator, of course, was out of order.
Tim trudged up the stairs to the third floor, dodging bugs—more than he found at the height of summer back home—along the way. But on the third floor, the door loomed ominously. Like a ghost might pass through and shout 'boo'. 
Steeling himself, Tim whispered a prayer, "Don't judge a creepy-ass apartment building in the Dregs by its exterior… and interior." Maybe his father's apartment had charm or was renovated. He pulled out the mag key Commander Aalato had handed and—though he felt like eyes were watching him from all over—he swiped it on the door's lock panel. 
Any hope that his father's apartment might be better than the rest of the building was crushed when he opened the door. A putrid stench hit him, forcing him back. Gagging, Tim rushed in to open the windows. As the smell lessened but didn't disappear completely, neon light from the street flooded the room. He went back and slammed the door and flipped a few switches—one flickered on a dim hall light, and the others did nothing. Sighing, Tim ventured back into the main room to see what disaster he'd inherited and immediately tripped over boxes, piles of paper, and an overflowing trash can stuffed with molding takeout containers he'd missed the first time through. When he found the next light switch, Tim regretted turning it on immediately. Private investigation was supposed to be lucrative, or so Gram had said about Harold Griffin's former career.
Clearing out the towers of boxes alone might take longer than the two days he'd taken off work. Perfect.
In the living room—or maybe an office, depending on how you looked at it—the stacks of boxes leaned precariously, ready to collapse if the cardboard gave way.
An entire city bathed in tech, and his father stuck with paper reports? Who even sold reams of paper in Vanguard?
Where to start?
The trash seemed as good a place as any, even if Tim gagged all the way down three flights of stairs while searching for a back door and dumpster. Getting the molding containers out helped the stench, but he could still kind of taste the gross smell while in the main room. At least he could work without constant nausea, even if his eyes were still watering.
The couch looked safe enough, just lumpy and worn. Tim settled in, found a power strip buried between boxes and the couch, and plugged in his dead phone.
Under the coffee table, Harold Griffin hid even more boxes. How? Tim dragged a box out when his phone buzzed with message upon message. It had booted up without him realizing. Clearly, his phone knew Tim needed a break to check on anyone (cough cough GRAM cough cough) that was worrying their reading glasses off.
GearBox (work). GearBox. Jack.
Approximately 50 million messages and calls from Gram. 
Not to mention, the server was blowing up. 
AlgoRhythm: Did you see the release notes?
CiferCore: No! Wait. What release notes?
AlgoRhythm: Scriptmancer's code made it into the latest security update for Bioforge's T-1100 chip! The ones in all the latest IrisLink lenses. They're famous!
SyntaxShade: Nothing new. Script's code always gets picked up for patches. They're already famous. 
Tim grinned. 
Not always.
In the chat, he wrote: 
Scriptmancer: Well, they wanted code to fix the security problems, Syn, not make more holes. 
Sure, SyntaxShade wrote beautiful code, sometimes even poetic code, but those segments weren't security patch-worthy and rarely got picked up. Also, he'd never say that to Syntax's virtual face.
AlgoRhythm: Sorry about your dad, dude. You aight?
Tim stared past his phone at the open box by his feet. Manila folders with aged and curling labels. More of his friends pinged the chat with condolences, even Syntax. Jack's handle, HexaGhost, logged in for another round of condolences as if he hadn't texted and called enough.
HexaGhost: Seriously, man, how you feeling? 
Scriptmancer: I'll be fine.
What was there to feel? He didn't really know his father. The man walked out when Tim was six.
Well, that killed the conversation. Tim rubbed his itchy beard, needing a trim as much as he needed to move on. Figuratively and actually. Time wouldn't stop for him and he'd spent most of the day either traveling or at the police station.
Scriptmancer: Later
Tim pulled out the first folder from the box—someone's personal info, photos, addresses. Of course, his dad had been a private investigator, but what was he supposed to do with all this? He couldn't just dump it.
Tim scanned the apartment. This was the wrong place to start. If only his dad had bots. But no, Tim was stuck with these boxes, alone. And all this furniture. Oh, God! The furniture! What was he supposed to do, carry a couch by himself?
Maybe Gram could sweet-talk the super into leaving the furniture for the next tenant, lightening his load.
Sidestepping more box mountains, Tim headed for the desk. Please let this be easier, he prayed.
Waving a hand, he found a shockingly new holo emitter display, but seconds later, a loud fan kicked on. Leaning down to peer under the desk, Tim found a large computer—well over a decade old.
"Seriously?" His father seemed to have only made the most basic upgrades to keep this ancient machine chugging.
Tim stood and eyed the boxes, realizing he’d have to search through the old computer for client information and ensure that nothing was stored on cloud servers as backup.
Having a conscience sucked sometimes, but he couldn't be the reason some sweet old lady and her cat-bot lost everything, thanks to his father's work.
Exhaustion weighed on Tim—mind, body, his dark, un-caffeinated soul. The day had been brutal between traveling, dreading the morgue visit, and getting lost on the way to this craphole apartment. He needed sleep, just a few hours to recharge. In the morning, he could grab something from a nearby restaurant for breakfast, find where to properly dispose of the client information—maybe Commander Aalato would know— toss everything else and be home before he got himself fired. Maybe.
When Tim moved, the holo screen changed images. It was still on the lock screen, but the generic old 'artist' wavy and rolling three-dimensional lines gave way to a picture of a woman with light brown skin, warm brown eyes, and loose black curls tied to the side holding a small boy in her lap.
The same picture hung in Gram's hallway, encased in a silver frame. At his grandmother's house, the picture was unmoving and unchanging, unlike here, where the holo image embedded with onboard basic AI moved, attempting to be organic. The holo image of his mother shifting a four-year-old Tim on her lap, blinking occasionally.
A prickle stung his eye. Why would a man who left them keep a picture like that, anyway? God! This couldn't be done fast enough.
He kicked the desk, another mistake since he'd expected a cheap pressed particle board, not real wood. Swearing, Tim headed toward the front door, searching for a bedroom. Surely, his father hadn't been sleeping on the couch. Or maybe he had. Who knew?
A smaller hallway branched off the main one, leading to a bathroom with ancient, older-than-dirt fixtures and tile and two doors, one on either side of the bathroom as if there were two bedrooms. Tim frowned. His father lived alone—what was the point of a second bedroom, especially when the living area had become the messiest, most disgusting office imaginable? His imagination ran rampant, with new, taller mountains of boxes that might crush Tim once he went into either room.
However, opening the door on the right, all Tim found was his father's room. Spartan furnishings at best. A full-sized bed with rumpled plaid sheets, a small walk-in closet with a fairly simple wardrobe of slacks, sweaters, jeans, button-down shirts, a few pairs of sneakers, and boots. A little side table next to his dad's bed. The lamp was on, shining on a book… and a frame—silver, like the one at Gram's. Inside sat a school picture of an older boy… just graduating from Emberfield High School…
Tim's heart thumped in his chest, and he broke into a cold sweat.
"What the hell, old man?" Slamming the door shut, Tim backed away from the bedroom door until he landed against the opposite door. Reluctantly, he twisted the handle even as his brain reminded him there was a perfectly good bed he'd already sat on—the couch. Even so, Tim opened the other door and found… a bedroom. Mostly empty except for furniture waiting to be used. A dusty, empty bookcase, a twin bed unadorned with sheets, a desk, a lamp, an empty closet… 
He also found an identical silver frame to the others (bought in a pack, he supposed) containing a picture of his mother, this time without Tim on her lap, sitting at the desk.
Tim stumbled in, trying to wrap his head around what the hell he was looking at.
How long did his father have this here? Did his father have this apartment, this empty room, for 20 years? Was he just waiting for Tim to... what? Come out live here in Vanguard? Were they all supposed to live out here as a family?
Had his father even ever reached out to talk to him to ask?
Oh. Well...
"Tim?" Gram called, her hand covering the phone as if it would do any good, blocking the sound of her yelling. And she refused to get any of the newer glasses interfaces, where she could mute the call with an eye blink and actually be discrete. "Someone wants…" 
"Gram! I'm busy!" He'd call back from the garage or his room or the basement. Wherever work called to Tim. Fixing local bots or in the throes of coding. Or trying to escape reality, but not too far. Enough kids he knew dove too far into mixed or virtual reality games. Losing their jobs, or one guy Tim had gone to school with was already divorced because he couldn’t stop immersing himself in VR. Tim preferred to keep it light. Remote into bots and…
"It's just…" A sad look crossed her face when she found him still holding her phone. "On the phone… it's your…"
"Hell, no! Not doing this today. You know how I feel about that conversation. Don't need the bastard in my life."
Tim… just… ignored Harold Griffin.
How had his father kept this room empty all these years? Was this actually a room for him? The desk and chair were small. Or, rather, too small for Tim now. They looked… child-sized. God. Why…?
A mutinous tear rolled down his cheek.
“Damned bastard.” Blaming his father was easy, though. There were so many times Tim could have done something… anything!
Tim drew his fingers along the cheap, veneered wood-like substitute, questions reeling around his head when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up.
The door to the apartment clicked and opened, a usually soft sound, but with the apartment silent, the slight sound felt deafening—not helped by the fact that the hinge could use a good oiling. The door slammed into the wall, and its bang reverberated through the apartment.
That sweat that had broken out earlier sent goosebumps flying up his back and arms. Tim's eyes darted around. The only thing in reach was the dinky little lamp on the edge of the desk. But it was a better choice than his fists (based on repeated bullies in high school and the usual outcome for Tim).
Tim snatched the lamp and crept towards the door to the spare room to hear someone mumbling.
Had he locked the door when he'd come in? Probably not. No need to lock doors in Emberfield. What the hell was he thinking? 
Tim peered around the door. A shadowy man shuffled down the hallway, wearing baggy clothes that looked white or light-colored and formless.
The guy—which felt like a safe assumption since he was taller than Tim and broader in the shoulders but also had a deep timber to the mumbling—seemed disoriented. The mumbling increased, the man's hand running through his shaggy hair. Tim could see splotches of dirt and streaks of an oil-like substance on the guy's arms. It all matched perfectly with the man's graying, floppy, nearly disintegrated slippers.
"Mess. Mess everywhere. No, I need the file. I turned that off. The garbage. Oh, right, the file. That's what I need…"
Tim patted his pockets, searching for his phone to call the police… but it was still charging on the coffee table. So he watched. The man moved around slowly, sometimes clutching the side of his head, as if the more he thought, the more it hurt, which made the mumbling become that much more erratic.
"I didn't leave a phone…" the guy muttered, spinning in a slow, confused circle. Thin, graying stubble covered his chin, and heavy bags hung under his eyes that darted around the room, wide and frantic. It felt like something was missing from the man's face. He squinted at the room, the box, and then grabbed a file and held it close to his face.
Tim clutched the lamp, his knuckles white. He waited for the man to turn again and start rifling through the damp, sagging box in front of him. Silent as a shadow, Tim crept closer.
"Contact information. No, the other guy… not this asshole." The man's voice rose as files flew over his head, raining paper like a storm.
Tim froze, his breath caught in his throat. What was he searching for? Wringing his hands on the lamp neck, Tim edged closer, now well into the hallway and almost into the office space, his eyes caught on a dirty bandage taped to the man's head.
Well, that head's about to hurt a lot more. I'm not ending up as some missing person on a holo vid no one gives a damn about.
Tim muttered a silent prayer to any deity that might care, and when he was close enough, he swung the lamp with all his strength.
The impact jolted up Tim's arms, somehow knocking his glasses askew. The man screamed, joined by Tim's scream, mixing and echoing in the small space. Tim stumbled back, tripping over a box that collapsed under his weight. Papers poured out, turning the floor into a slick mess. He hit the ground hard, sliding onto his back as the man crashed onto the desk, eyes wide and locked onto Tim, both frantic and terrified.
"Tim?" the man's voice rasped out, rough and strained, but something in its tone tugged at a distant, nearly forgotten memory, stirring it back to life. "What the hell are you doing here?"
Memories flooded Tim in an instant, and he gasped for breath. The man should have had glasses. Somewhat like Tim's. "Dad?"
This wasn't possible. He'd identified his father's body this morning. Harold Griffin died. He was on the table... even if Tim couldn't bring himself to look at this father's body for more than a second, it had left Tim with absolutely zero doubt. Harold Griffin had died.
The man with Harold Griffin's face stared at Tim, clutching his chest while gasping for breath.
Tim's chest tightened, and he considered screaming again. "You're dead!"
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beracun · 1 year
Menikmati Rimpang di Kesunyian
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Setelah menggeber menonton acara musik berturut-turut mungkin saya perlu tone down sejenak, saya ingin menonton konser Rimpang sendirian. Rimpang adalah album yang syahdu, saya ingin menikmatinya dengan sangat personal bahkan di tengah keramaian konsernya. Doa saya terdengar, saya mendapat tempat duduk di bangku paling atas posisi tribun, di tengah tapi hampir mepet dengan pilar, sempurna. Beberapa ada bangku kosong yang menjadi jeda, sampai akhirnya ada orang yang duduk di sebelah saya yang juga menonton sendirian, berbasa-basi sedikit ternyata ia orang Jakarta Timur juga, selebihnya saya berbicara seperlunya. Momen paling menggetarkan tentu saja kehadiran Morgue Vanguard yang melakukan spoken word-nya di tengah lagu Bersemi Sekebun, bagai sosok penuh mitos ia hadir di balik kelambu dengan suara lantangnya. Dari sekian banyak penampil yang juga mencuri perhatian saya adalah ketika lagu Sebelah Mata dibawakan bersama Sivia Azizah. Lagu ditutup dengan Di Udara, dan sebelum Encore saya buru-buru meninggalkan lokasi. Bergumam dalam hati, lagi-lagi ERK berhasil membuat konser yang mematri ingatan sebagai salah satu yang terbaik yang pernah saya datangi.
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hardynwa · 11 months
Video: Boyfriend arrested after allegedly killing 300 Level UNIPORT student
The police in Rivers State have arrested Damian Okoligwe, a 400-level student of Petroleum Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, UNIPORT, for allegedly killing his 20-year-old ex-lover for money ritual. Nkang, a 300-level Biochemistry female student of the University of Port Harcourt who had earlier been reported missing, was found mutilated at the suspect’s residence situated on Road 15, NTA Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. It was gathered that Okoligwe was caught by his estate security personnel when he was trying to dispose of the victim’s body. Witnesses stormed the suspect’s apartment after the security team raised the alarm, where they discovered Justina’s dismembered body parts in bloody sacks. Video: Boyfriend arrested after allegedly killing 300 Level UNIPORT studentCredit: X // sabiradio pic.twitter.com/NabSPjiZZX— Vanguard Newspapers (@vanguardngrnews) October 26, 2023 He was reportedly whisked to the police station while the deceased’s body parts were taken to the morgue. When Vanguard correspondent contacted the state’s Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Grace Iringe-Koko, a Superintendent of Police (SP), who refused to make a comment on the incident, however, said the Commissioner of Police (CP) would address the press on the development by 12 p.m. on Thursday (today). Read the full article
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade My Mum killed dad in his sleep with pestle then ran away — Son makes revelations S A 12-year-old boy, Ibukun Solomon, has narrated how his mother, Tayelolu, killed his father, Felix, with a pestle while he was sleeping, after a minor argument in Ondo town, Ondo State. The Vanguard reported that the mother of three, reportedly killed her 65-year-old husband, a farmer, by hitting him thrice with a pestle while sleeping in their house, located at the Government Reservation Area, GRA, in Ondo town. Reports had it that the couple, in recent times, have been having a crisis and the wife always threatens to kill the husband and elope. It was gathered that after another argument last weekend, the deceased went to sleep on the chair and the wife reportedly hit him several times with a pestle. Narrating how his father was killed, lbukun, told newsmen that “my mother killed my father with a pestle in my presence and took to her heels. She used the pestle to hit his head when he was asleep. “Earlier on the fateful day, a minor argument had ensued between them that resulted in a fight. After the fight, my father went to lie on the chair and my mother hit his head with the pestle. “He became unconscious and fell down from where he was sleeping. My mother used the pestle to hit my father’s head three times. He later died. “When my mother saw that my father was already unconscious, she hid the pestle at the back of our house and ran away. ”I alerted some of the residents, who rushed my father to the hospital. But he later died. His corpse has been deposited at the morgue. “My mother had three children for my father and I’m the last child.” Speaking on the ugly incident, a brother of the deceased said that the family members have mediated several times to settle the incessant fight between his brother the his wife. He lamented that all their efforts proved abortive. According to him, “The woman had been threatening to kill her husband whenever they were fighting. And the deceased informed us about the threats. But we never knew she would carry out the devilish act. “But this time, she took laws into her hands and killed our brother for nothing. She must be arrested and prosecuted accordingly.” Efforts to reach the state police spokesperson, Funmi Odunlami, proved abortive. But a top police officer confirmed to Vanguard that the fleeing suspect would soon be arrested and charged to court for murder. #MyMumkilledDadwithpestlewhilehewassleeping
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tuwuhrena · 1 year
Tumbuhlah liar serupa gulma
Di bawa entah kemana oleh alogaritma
Tapi yang pasti malam ini aku bahagia
Menemukan secuil cinta, di lagu baru baru ERK
Band ini memang istimewa
Liriknya yang cerdas dan pilihan katanya yang indah benar-benar mempesona
Malam ini aku diajak duduk dan mendengar "bersemi sekebun" dan suka sekali 🤍
Lagu ini feat Morgue Vanguard
Aku suka di akhir kalimat Morgue Vanguard bilang
Tumbuhlah liar serupa gulma.
Ini dia liriknya :
Akhirnya tercerai, kau jatuh terjerembap
Dalam selokan
Diayunkan senapan
Kau saksikan
Langit hitam
Asap mengepul ke udara
Laras panjang hantam kepala
Nasion di atas manusia
Pecah berserakan cinta
Hu-uu, hu-uu
Hu-uu, hu-uu
Hu-uu, hu-uu
Bagaikan di taman
Kanon air melengkung di angkasa
Menghujam, memberai
Satu gugur
Bersemi sekebun
Pada yang perlahan padam
Ada sejenis api dari kemustahilan
Sejenis harapan yang datang dari pelan nyala sekam
Sejenis badai lahir dari rajutan bukan kepalan
Tak semua seruan harus dilantangkan
Serupa 98 di depan Kodam
Dibisikkan dalam geliat temaram yang bersenyawa dengan pitam
Menitipkan marwah bara pada kalam-kalam
Dalam diam menyumbang logam bagi godam
Dalam sunyi berdansa dan menanam
Kawan yang perlahan dimangsa kalam
Beberapa perang bukan untuk dimenangkan
Beberapa kemenangan bukan untuk dirayakan
Dan dalam rentetan kekalahan bertahanlah sedikit lebih lama
Adalah bentuk keluhuran
Merongrong kuasa yang tiran
Di jalan bersama kalian
Doa orang tua terngiang
Kawan bergandengan lengan
Harap jangan gelap kelam
Kawan yang perlahan padam (Bertahanlah)
Yang meranggas datang dari waktu-waktu terbenam (Bersabarlah)
Biarkan mengakar saat temaram (Bertumbuhlah)
Tak apa mengakui ringkih di palangan
Bertahanlah sedikit lebih lama
Tumbuhlah liar serupa gulma
Sila dengarkan dan semoga jatuh cinta ya 🤍
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irockumentary · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
#RAVEPASAR harus selesai sebelum waktunya. Adanya salah paham antar panitia dan pihak terkait menyebabkan acara harus berhenti sebelum tengah malam dari jadwal awal yang ditentukan disurat yang terlampir. Namun itu tak menghalangi niat besar para inisator untuk memberikan festival yang mandiri serta penuh pengalaman yang takkan pernah dilupakan. Nama besar seperti Senyawa, Raja Kirik, Morgue Vanguard, Wok The Rock turut memeriahkan #RAVEPASAR ini.
Beberapa nama pun belum sempat tampil karena acara harus selesai duluan, dan pihak penyelenggara berjanji akan segera menggelar pertunjukan ini lagi sebagai bentuk konsistensi atas janji mereka kepada yang belum tampil. Salute buat teman-teman #RAVEPASAR
Photos by: Christopher Theo
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Sigmund had a lot of knowledge when it came to the Hive, did some sections himself, but this particular one required someone who really knew what they're doing.
No one in the hospital was really surprised when he wheeled in a body bag, much too big for a Human. He used the morgue and adjacent facilities from time to time for a small fee.
He had called Roanoke beforehand to confirm the other had time and now was waiting for the man in one of the rooms. A big thrall was laying on the table. There was nothing strange about it besides its size.
"Good evening, Doctor." Sigmund greeted Roanoke pretty officially, extending a hand for a handshake. "Sigmund. We spoke earlier. I'm really grateful you found the time for this little project of mine."
Roanoke had had surgeries- past tense. He cleared his schedule to meet the man who kept paying for their morgues though out of some curiousity when he called. An appendectomy could be handled by someone else, and a Partial Colectomy was much the same.
He closed the door to the room quietly behind him, looking back at Sigmund and giving a smile. He reached out to return the handshake, before pulling back and placing a hand on his own chest. "Roanoke is just fine. No need for formalities if you're not a patient."
He stepped back to walk over to the table, light examininf the Thrall on a first look. Hive bodies were much different than Awoken, but he had some amount of experience with them with what the Vanguard sometimes called him for. "Big catch." He mused, as if he was looking at a fish. "What did you wanna do to it?"
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pigeontheoneandonly · 4 years
7, 10, 36, 51 for Mass Effect Asks?
7. Preferred class? Soldier.  Adept is a close second. I cannot, for the life of me, wrap my head around how to play vanguard. 
10. Best Shepard quote? Oh damn.  HARD. This will take some explaining.  My favorite Shepard quote is from the Traynor romance, right before they assault Cronos Station, when they're waking up in bed together.  And Shepard says, "Everyone looks at me like I know what I'm doing." That is the most human Shepard's ever been, at any point in the series, IMO.  I love the quietness with which she says it.  The hint of fear, the outright forlornness.  Like it's the first time she's ever admitted that to another person, at any point in her life. I also feel like it's Shepard at her strongest.  Because this is what she's feeling inside, and she suits up and walks onto Cronos Station anyway, kicking off the counter-invasion of Sol with no looking back.
36. Funniest moment in the games? Hmm… So many good picks.  Grunt's email comes to mind.  Kaidan tripping the monastery.  The volus delivering a pizza to their super serial planning session in Shepard's apartment. 
51. That One Headcanon that hurts to think about? Oh, plenty of them lol. I have one where Kaidan dies in the Citadel coup.  And it's not because Shepard's still angry, or can't see his point of view, but because these misunderstandings and missed chances keep building one upon the next, and she can't talk him down despite the increasing desperation of the situation, and then one of her squad takes a shot.  They thought there was no other choice.  And Kaidan collapses. But that's not the sad part.   The sad part is hours later, after she's done debriefing the Council and the Alliance, after she's finished helping Bailey contain the aftermath, after she's sent her people back to the ship, having just barely convinced them that she understands. It's when she's alone in the C-Sec morgue, save for the body and the thousands of unanswerable questions.  It's when it hits her that she's out of distractions.  It's when the truth that Kaidan is gone sinks in, and there's nobody left in that room to be strong for, to force her to keep up the pretense of being okay. And all at once, everything in Shepard's world implodes.  And she can't stop it. And Kaidan's still gone.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 35
ooooh baby functionist universe time
the cover with the neon ‘everything is fine’ sign is rlly good but also the pile of dead data stick bots makes me so sad omg noooo they're so cute leave them alone :( 
minimus and rewind...! its so cool seeing them interact
also I just love the crowd shot, and you can immediately see that there are a ton of data stick bots like rewind around - which isn't what we’re used to at all
also some good ole totalitarian govt stuff like the ‘you are our eyes’ sign (which, in retrospect, is fucking evil damnnnn)
also I'm so [eyezoom] on this functionist universe stuff bc like, this is basically the only time we ever see dominus be a character (rather than hearing abt him thru other characters), and even so he remains pretty ambiguous 
like, minimus clearly isn't thrilled that dominus didn't show up to see him at the space airport or w/e when they've been apart for two million years - and even tho we later see why he didn't show up, it still shows that there's some tension there
the amount of crowd shots in this issue is insane 
oooof, the fact that they sold luna 2 - and to the black box consortia, who we just heard about last chapter when they previously got into a space battle w/the galactic council and the djd
fu!minimus being part of the primal vanguard is interesting, I wanna see more about that. what was he doing w/them for 2 million years?
rewind just casually saying this completely fucked stuff, like that the govt ‘outlawed the intellectual class’ and ‘deported the knock-offs’ (which I'm assuming is cold constructed bots?)
I really like the sense we get thru minimus and rewind’s convo that all of this fucked up stuff has happened slowly enough that its become almost normal - like, they talk about it casually, even though its clear they don't necessarily agree with any of it 
plus the sense of ‘even if things get really bad ill be okay’ that both rewind and minimus seem to adhere to - rewind having been upgraded from being in the disposable class due to his connection w/dominus, and minimus saying ‘I like to think that obsolescence is something that happens to other people’ 
I love all the fucked up signage this issue. ‘take pride in being a means to an end,’ yikes
god and the fact that there isn't MORE data sticks, there's just LESS of other alt modes bc of how many alt modes the govt has wiped out completely...
oof, and continuing the whole ‘slow change’ thing - minimus saying that ‘the council never touches the astro class,’ and maybe that used to be true, but the govt will keep pushing that line, clearly...
and we get to see minimus’s alt mode! altho we the readers know that this isn't minimus’s true form...
‘amazing, the lengths some people will go to cross class boundaries,’ minimus says, as if he isn't doing exactly what rewinds describing, but even moreso as a loadbearer wearing an entire suit of armor
and then the casual public execution of the last lunabot...oof.
love the ‘cybertron. the present day’ text overlay...I was so confused about this when I first read it lmao. I figured it had to be some sort of au/quantum nonsense but STILL
back on the lost light, chromedome is going full kool-aid man on rewinds door
mannnnn I absolutely love the plotline of rewind 2 and chromedome 1...im so glad the story acknowledges that they ARE different, they did experience different stuff on their own lost lights, and rewind 2 being a quantum duplicate doesn't mean he had the same experiences as rewind 1...
and I love so much that chromedome just Doesn't Get It, bc of course he wouldn't - he’s too relieved that rewind is back to even consider that its not quite the same, that the rewind he was forced to blow up is still dead (which is a fucked up thought, so of course chromedome, the master of pushing the past away and moving right along, would want to avoid thinking about that in favor of continuing his relationship w/rewind 2)
it also makes a lot of sense that rewind, who records everything and puts a huge emphasis on history/the past, would be hyperaware of all the differences between him and rewind 1, and his chromedome and this chromedome
AUGHHHH and chromedome referring to an offer he made to rewind that was pretty clearly ‘if your memories of the djd slaughter are too much, I can remove them for you’ ooooof...I love these two so much, like...their absolute opposite approaches to trauma is fascinating
oooh mannnnn and then rewind starts ‘remembering’ stuff from the functionist universe...the plot thickens...!
I really like how one of the main ‘things’ in a lot of tf universes is energon/energy shortages, its interesting when the angle is kinda like, ‘energon is a finite resource and the methods to obtain more often involve destroying other planets,’ that's a pretty unique, alien problem for the tfs to have
it also makes sense that the functionists would form partially in response to that (perceived) shortage, and any sort of scarcity would push them further into their extremist views
I like how expressive the characters with visors are...its cute...
poor rewind has to go thru So Much
WHY can just anyone go into the morgue and touch the dead bodies. I mean I guess megatron being one of the captains explains why he’s in there, but that still shouldn't be allowed 
‘megatron mountain’ vhbjdkshfbjskfbhhk that's so fucking funnyyyyy I love rodimus....I quote that line a lot, especially when watching g1 lmao
the fact that swerve diluting his engex bc he’s a cheapskate saved everyone's s lives is amazing lmao
also like...damn brainstorm sure tried to murder Literally Everyone huh. like I guess the logic would be that if he succeeded in changing the past it wouldn't matter that they had died there cause the timeline wouldn't exist, but STILL. I guess that shows how confident brainstorm was in his plan
it makes so much sense somehow that rung doesn't drink. and we’ve seen firsthand why magnus doesn't lol
mannnn that panel of brainstorm shooting magnus with some wacky beam and causing the magnus armor to fall off in vehicle mode...Super Cool, just peak mad scientist vibes there
ok but if minimus switches to alt mode when ultra magnus does - as we see here, where minesweeper-minimus is inside big-ole-car-magnus - does that mean that inside the minesweeper is turbofox-minimus?? I want to seeeee
ghsdufjkbvksadfbhjs the panels of rodimus telling megatron that brainstorm time travelled are so fucking funny
and megatrons rant about how absolutely bonkers the lost light is....hvbhjdskfbasjh that's so funny oh my god. like yeah dude you're right and you gotta roll w/it sorry 
'on this ship, a minor breakdown is practically a rite of passage’ vbjdsnfbkasdfn its true and I love it
goddddddd it kills me how at this point in the story its So Obvious to everyone that brainstorm travelled back in time to do evil decepticon double agent stuff - and we as the reader can even buy that bc brainstorm has been so sketchy until now, and nothing he’s done contradicts what rodimus suggests - but it turns out in the end, it was all just for love. AUGHHHHHHHH its about the LOVE!!!! that's why I love this arc so much.
back in the functionist universe - god I cant believe rewind waited until Now to reveal to minimus that dominus has a tv face...like I get that that's a difficult topic to bring up in conversation but like, a little sooner might've been good hbvhjkdhnfbjaksl
oh man it hurts...rewind saying that they're in a ‘blind spot...’ oh man :(
rebel rewind, tho!! I love it sm
oh man and rewind never even broke the news about dominus to minimus oof. that's a tough reveal 
MANNN I really like the whole ‘flathead’ thing, its so awful and brutal. its such a logical extension of empurata, and as dominus says, once people get used to seeing empurata’d bots, it loses its punch...and the flatheads thing is even more invasive 
and writing wise, both empurata and the tv-heads are such good devices to show evil govt bs. I talk abt it a lot but I like all the ways jro gets creative with the ‘alien robots’ thing; a lot of these concepts wouldn't work at all with humans or other organic aliens
GODDD and dominus’s chilling speech being interrupted by the functionist propaganda....fucking horrifying I love it
also seeing dominus here is fascinating - clearly the council managed to pin him down enough to turn him into a flathead, but they never discovered his true alt mode...same with minimus, actually 
the cog is so fucking ominous. just floating there...
and the council is scary too! their names, and the fact that they all look the same...seems about right for an evil alien governing body
mannnnnnn and then the reveal that the data slug alt-modes will be ‘recalled’ next...rewind noooooo...and the one council guy even admitted that they still served some purpose in society, BUT that their ability to mass store data made them dangerous to the goverment...evil!!
meanwhile, rodimus doesn't know enough about science to be appropriately frightened about their timeline being wiped from existence, so he’s having a grand ole time
‘no one’s nodding, perceptor’ bvhjdbfasdfhbk their expressions....the lost light command crew are all clearly team ‘leave the science to the scientists’ lmao
I do love the paradox stuff, and brainstorm’s way around it all 
‘so I'm not allowed to take an interest in magic?’ hvbjhsdkfbjhkdf ily sm rodimus
but also like....rodimus suggests a parallel universe could've formed and perceptor is like ‘no way, that's not scientifically possible,’ as if brainstorm didn't basically defy science by time travelling at all...and more to the point, functionist cybertron DID get created, so rodimus was actually RIGHT this time
love that we’re already seeing perceptor’s admiration for brainstorm and his invention even here....sapiosexual mfer
a time travel chase....so beautiful...I love sci-fi so much
seriously time travel is one of my favorite tropes ever, this arc was inevitably gonna be my fav 
‘he’s going to kill orion pax.’ DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN
meanwhile, on functionist cybertron...aw, is that bulkhead? great cameo! oh wait what's going on with all the data sticks...? uh oh!
the fact that their heads just EXPLODE....soooo fucked!! 
god and then the council picks up their dead bodies, for...probably something evil, I’d assume
god and then dominus got even more fucked....
‘there are certain words you cant afford to lose’ ;_; REWIND....GODDD IM SAD 
GOD GOD GOD the reveal that minimus has CAMERAS in his EYES GODDDDDDDDDDDD that's so FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and rewinds reaction...ME TOO BITCH TF!!!!!!
all the ‘you are our eyes’ messages are even worse now huh!!
they did it while minimus was asleep...that's so fuckedddd
FUCKKKK and then rewind’s impassioned rebel speech, which I adore.....rewind ily sm...he’s such a good revolutionary, I wish we could've seen him leading an anti-funtionist rebellion....BUT THEN ‘oh? what about the back up?’ and its just like HHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and then his head starts smoking and we see another billboard, but this time it says ‘WE are your eyes’ - is the implication that everyone is now a surveilling spy, whether they like it or now, so now it’s ‘we?’ like, we’re all in it together, spying on each other! ooooof
also. this is like the third time rewind has died on-screen in this series lmao (well, if you count the fake-out death where he thought he’d be cancelled out during slaughterhouse)...he ALMOST died in issue 12 too....poor rewind
‘the custom-made now’ is such a great title. jro always killin it w/the titles
plus ‘elegant chaos’ is such a cool arc name. fucking epic 
M A N NNNNNNNN THIS ISSUE WAS BALLER...this ARC is baller....I talked a lot hvbhdjkhfndsak lmao but there's so much to talk abt!!! I love the look into the functionist universe, I love seeing alternate versions of characters and settings so much, and I love time travel, so this issue is basically made for me
plus I fuckign love alien robot politics and seeing the absolute control the govt has over cybertronian society in the functionist universe is fascinating - plus from a storytelling standpoint, I think it was brilliant to show the ‘other side,’ aka what things would've been like without the war...which is something ill talk about later when its more directly addressed in the story but man do I enjoy that 
basically I love this arccccc I cant wait to read more hhhhhhh
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berandapratama-blog · 5 years
Dear Esme #8 idealisme embun pagi
Di kedalaman hutan yang tergelap Dan rawa yang paling senyap Jangan pernah melunak ketika datang senjakala Marah lah pada pudaran sinar 'MV-Kontra Muerta'
Dear Esme, suratku kali ini di iringi oleh kontra muerta - morgue vanguard. Hip - Hop musik asal bandung yang belakangan ini turut berkontribusi atas terpakainya kuota internet yang terbeli, mempertahankan api semangat agar tidak meredup, yang hanya tinggal sisa - sisa.
Tidak banyak yang mungkin akan aku bicarakan, berkali - kali di benturkan oleh mood swing yang sudah seperti musim di Indonesia, tak dapat di tebak.
Kabar demi kabar datang silih berganti, ada kawan yang terbantai ada juga yang semakin jadi.
Ada waktu dimana semua yang kita kerjakan dengan menggebu - nggebu akan lesu di iringi mendung bergelayut, teman yang tak ada lagi yang tersisa, menguap selayaknya air terpapar cahaya pantul rumah rumah kaca. Terseleksi satu - demi satu. Strategi paling terakhir adalah menjaga otak agar tetap waras, pada kondisi yang paling terhimpit sekalipun. Akan ada masa dimana semua akan berjalan sendiri, membelot dari semua yang sudah di rencanakan, tiba - tiba auto pilot. Dan akan ada waktu dimana semua yang sudah tersusun rapi, akan lari sendiri - sendiri.
Esme, aku tidak pernah menghendaki untuk mundur dari kekalahan yang tidak pasti, selayaknya embun pagi. Aku berharap setiap keringat yang menetes seperti bulir-bulir embun yang terjun bebas tanpa berfikir untuk naik lagi menyatu kembali dengan sang awan. Diantara semua yang datang menghantam bertubi - tubi, aku tak mampu melihatnya satu-persatu, memetakan satu persatu, andai kau disini Esme tepatnya saat ini. Kemungkinan terbesar saat ini adalah memperbesar kemungkinan pada ruang ketidakmungkinan sehinga setiap orang tidak lagi menemukan sudut kemungkinan untuk berkata tidak mungkin, sebelum mata pena mengering, sebelum paru di sesaki tragedi dan perulangan menemukan maknanya sendiri.
Akan tiba hari perginya ginjal dan lambungmu
Jantung berhenti, menghitung kelelahan harimu
Akan tiba hari di mana teman tak ada yang lagi tersisa,
Lirik tak lagi berbisa
Dan hasrat berontak hanya tinggal sisa-sisa Tapi tidak hari ini
Akan datang hari di mana melawan penindasan adalah kesia-siaan
Akan datang zaman yang akan memberi karpet merah bagi Despot, rezim, tiran, firaun dan segala kata macam gantinya
Akan tiba waktu di mana setiap orang menjilat Pantat kekuasaan dan berpura-pura menjadi pahlawan
Akan selalu ada mendung bergelayut
Tapi tidak hari ini
Kala mengalah Kala hidup tak berarti apapun Dan kala kematian datang
Dan pada akhirnya akan ada waktu berpetualang berakhir
Kala dibantai tanpa ujung
Kita bisa percaya bahwa kanker kekalahan Menempel pada paru-paru takdir, serupa nikotin
Niscaya terbungkam, Tidak hari ini
Langit pasti menutup, Tapi tidak hari ini Detaknya akan berdiri, rangkul kawan kalian kanan-kiri Gelap pasti kan datang, Tapi tidak hari ini!
- Surat ini terselip beberapa penggalan lirik dari Morgue Vanguard - Kontra Muerta dan Homicede - Barisan Nisan, karena mampu mempertahankan api yang mungkin bisa saja meredup.
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ivannmakhsara · 5 years
Top 50+ Tracks of the Year 2019
Di tahun di mana saya benar-benar disibukkan dengan pekerjaan yang jauh dari musik (bersinggungan sih, tapi tak terlalu intens), saya ternyata berhasil mengumpulkan lagu-lagu favorit lebih banyak dari tahun sebelumnya. Bahkan melebihi saat saya kerja di majalah musik. Meski saya sudah tak terlalu aktif datang ke gigs dan bertemu dengan pegiat musik, saya bisa jamin daftar ini bebas kepentingan. Kalaupun ada niat untuk dibicarakan, maksudnya lebih supaya artis-artis yang berada di daftar ini lebih terekspos. Selera saya sih gitu-gitu aja lah, kalau saya denger lagu yang kebetulan pendengarnya gak sampai satu juta orang, bukan karena saya mau dianggap snob, tapi memang karena saya beneran menikmati lagu-lagu tersebut, tak peduli mereka lagi jadi bahan gunjing- eh pembicaraan atau tidak. Walaupun bukan berarti kalau tidak masuk daftar putar ini saya benci lagunya ya, bisa dua hal: saya memang gak sreg atau ya saya belum dengerin.
Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, banyak genre dapat ditemukan di daftar putar saya ini. Selera saya memang eklektik gitu deh. Gado gado. Dan seringkali agak norak. Enaknya bisa dengerin musik dari beragam genre, tahu kapan harus putar apa di situasi apa. Kalau lagi di jalan pagi hari dan di saat kerja saat deadline mendekat, lagu-lagu pilihan saya jadi lebih kencang dan keras. Kalau lagi sedih, lagu-lagu yang saya pilih jadi agak melambat. Kalau lagi santai, saya dengerin musik yang ganggu banget. Meskipun saya akui, saya gak bisa suka Andmesh atau pop melayu kayak gitu. Jadi maaf ya, saya gak akan masukin lagu-lagu itu.
Sedangkan lagu-lagu koplo, ada beberapa yang saya suka dengerin, tapi nggak masukin ke daftar, kayak “Salah Apa Aku” yang jujur saya udah cari, tapi belum nemu juga siapa yang nyanyi lagu itu sebenarnya. Atau kayak “Pamer Bojo” dari Didi Kempot yang sering banget saya dengerin di satu kurun waktu tertentu tapi gak ada versi live-nya yang direkam khusus (nanti saya cari lagi deh), karena bagian paling serunya adalah interaksi penontonnya, terutama pas yel-yel. Satu-satunya yang masuk dari genre tersebut ada di urutan teratas dalam daftar ini.
Selamat menikmati
3way Asiska - A Whole New World versi Arab Full Qolqolah
A Fine Tuning Creation - Layangan Bunyi (Piano Version)
Ache, Dandy Gilang - Clear Eyes Wide Heart
The Adams - Masa-Masa
ALICE - Your Beloved Hex
Armand Maulana - Bawa Daku Pergi
Atlesta - Living the Rumour
Avhath - Serpentine
Aya Anjani - Juwita
Beetleflux, Dara Delila - Glimmer Lights Inside the Cuckoo’s Head
Beeswax - 0312
Bilal Indrajaya - The Object of My Affection
Bin Idris - Ibrahim dan Iblis
Blue Room Boys - LEMIGO
B.U.R.I.E.D - Dominate
Christabel Annora - Dua
Circarama - Megantara
Coldiac - TARA
Cubfires ft Dandy Gilang - We Don’t Have Each Other
Daramuda - Golden Dust (Sandrayati Fay)
Diskoria - Balada Insan Muda
Diskoteq - Shout!
Duara - Sarariman’s Dream (2018)
Efek Rumah Kaca - Tiba-Tiba Batu
eleventwelfth - it’s all my mistakes
Emir Hermono, Clevt, Devin Adamn - 0812
Eva Celia - Kala Senja
Gabber Modus Operandi - Padang Galaxx
Glosalia - Hail Gundala
Goodnight Electric - VCR
Greybox, Tara Basro - Green Kit Kat
Hong - Maruk (2018)
Ikkubaru - Street Walkin’
Indra Lesmana - Hon
Isyana Sarasvati - Lagu Malam Hari
Jamie Aditya Graham - Better With U
Jangar - MSG
Jevin Julian, Kara Chenoa - No Clue
Jirapah - Menjamur
Joe Million & Indra Menus - Jalur Sutra
JKT48 - High Tension
KimoKal - Just Like You
Kurosuke, Kittendust - Velvet
L’Alphalpha - Batas
Laze, A. Nayaka - NO HANDOUTS
Logic Lost - Broken View/Hero Worship
Lone - COCO
Maliq & D’Essentials - Senja Teduh Pelita
Mantra Vutura, Bam Mastro - Moonlight
Mardial, Moneva - U-Turn
Matiasu - Confusion
Matter Mos, Dipha Barus, Candra Darusman - Woosah
Mirrorlakes - Three Songs
Modern Guns, Ijal Bulb - No Chance to Bloom
Mondo Gascaro, Rien Djamain - Dian Asmara
Morgue Vanguard - Kontra Muerta
NonaRia - Jadi Wanita
ONAR, Elfa Zulham - Badai
Oneding - Ciptaan Manusia Runtuh Ciptaan Tuhan Tumbuh
Oscar Lolang - Bila
Oslo Ibrahim, Romantic Echoes - You Made Me Cry
The Panasdalam, Pidi Baiq - Secangkir Kopi 
Pangalo - Menghidupi Hidup Sepenuhnya
Parlemen Pop - Gairah Hasrat
Pee Wee Gaskins - Lonely Boys, Lonely Girls
Perunggu - Menyala
Pijar - Antologi Rasa
Polka Wars - Terai
Polyester Embassy - Parak
Ramengvrl - whats ur problem
Rayssa Dynta - Under Cover
Riza Rinanto, Joyflowtin, Ayub Jonn - Capricorn
Scaller - North Star
Setabuhan - Tabuh Langit Tanduk Jawara (Jonathan Kusuma Remix Version Two)
Setabuhan - Tabuh Langit Tanduk Jawara (2018)
Sharesprings - Talk About the Past (The Wake Cover)
The Sideproject - Touche
Sigmun - Minotaur
Skandal - Racau
Sir Dandy, Soleh Solihun - Mudah-Mudahan Ramai Terus (MRT)
Sisilia Virgana - Pada Saatnya
Steffani BPM - Almost
The Spouse - Sacred Heart (Soundtrack of Ave Maryam)
Texpack, Edo Wallad - Gadog
Vague - Cangkang https://hemalabel.bandcamp.com/track/cangkang
Vira Talisa - Matahari
Wahono - Prambanan
Wangi Gitaswara - Biru (2018)
The Wellington - It’s So Fine
Zara JKT48, Widuri Puteri - Seperti Cemara
Zat Kimia - Aku
Zatua - Hey Joamal
Zeke and the Popo - Charlie
Zigi Zaga - Psycho Mob
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nawirisme · 6 years
Punk, HipHop dan Anarki : Setelah Boombox Usai Menyalak
Punk, HipHop dan Anarki : Setelah Boombox Usai Menyalak
Di tahun panas ini, meskipun bulannya sedang basah-basahnya saya berkesempatan mendapatkan sebuah buku yang membuat saya merasa jadi seorang pengecut kelas kakap sekaligus membuka sebuah khazanah baru tentang musik.
Buku itu judulnya Setelah Boombox Usai Menyalak yang merupakan kumpulan karangan Herry Sutresna atau yang dikenal juga dengan nama Ucok dari kolektif Homicide dan kini menggunakan…
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bajingsat · 6 years
"CSDB FM" by Grimloc Records
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fatahsidik · 7 years
Check Your People - Morgue Vanguard x Doyz..
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