#mori okimoto
atemourisan · 2 years
I'm not dead, my artwork just takes an eternity to finish but I am thinking of some ideas for Okimoto.
I'm still unsure what Okimoto's weapon shall be in my fanon .
But I am thinking of some concepts of him that I came up with while doing some roleplay.
As since in the Chosokabe chapter of my fanon, Okimoto was the leader of the Mōri clan during the time that he did clash with the 14 year old Yasaburō aka Motochika and let's just say that Yasaburō at the time enjoyed clashing with Okimoto as for some reason Okimoto put up an interesting fight.
But what sparks Okimoto's joy in Yasaburō was simply because he was able to inflict a wound on him as Okimoto had never been wounded before in his life.
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blue-and-art · 3 years
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Remember not to self-medicate your anxiety disorder with alcohol.
My Mori Okimoto, not handling stress very well. This was a lighting practice I wanted to do.
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blue-and-dog · 4 years
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Hey y’all, have some Sengoku BASARA OC art I forgot to post!
1) Kou, the eldest daughter of Maeda Toshiie and Matsu. She is four. She likes mushrooms. She’s wholesome.
2) Megohime redesign.
3) More Megohime.
4) Learned the Border Effect trick on Clip Studio and tried drawing Ayane with more detailed hair.
5) Mori Okimoto, the late older brother of Mori Motonari. My version is a somewhat eccentric but even-keeled man with the element of wind; with this element he manipulated papers and pages to be his weapon. But the pressure to maintain perfection caused him never-ending stress, and this drove him to drink, until his body just couldn’t take the damage anymore...
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New thing i’m gonna be doing
so i will be doing some updates and head cannons with my ocs since i’m being more active on this app. All of my ocs are for MHA and i have a total of 100 ocs. here is the list of them:
Akari honoka- 
Arata nakamura- 
Himari machiko- 
Hana hinata- 
Hideaki sadeo- 
Itsuki tomoharu- 
Kira emiko- 
Kiyomi kokoa- 
Kobayashi rora- 
Lilly flores- 
Minoru naoko- 
Mistura misturu- 
Nobu noburo- 
Rekkusu tsuchida- 
Rufu naoki- 
Ringo shig- 
Sakiko sayo- 
Sousuke kaharu- 
Waku miyabi- 
Yuki yutaka- 
Amestsuchi hamakawa- 
Chiyo hoshi- 
Hitomi mei-
Haruto tsubasa- 
Izumi kazuno- 
Kana koemi- 
Kyoji okimoto- 
Maeno abe- 
Makiko souta- 
Midori maui- 
Michio norio- 
Mitsuzuka kazetani- 
Miyu toshiaki- 
Ryuu norio- 
Shigochiyo kumanosuke- 
Takehide yaginuma- 
Tama shuji- 
Toya tsuneo- 
Tobei katsuragi-
Tsuramatsu yoshiteru- 
Akabashi genbu- 
Akamatsu eiji- 
Akimoto miki- 
Bashira hachi- 
Chikakazu adachi- 
Genjiro haruki- 
Harumi ayame- 
Jenpei kaichi- 
Karin kiyo- 
Kota tetsuya- 
Manami ren- 
Minato ichika- 
Nao miki- 
Riku honoka- 
Rui shichi- 
Sakura akiya- 
Sumiko yoroizaka- 
Wakana murayama- 
Yochi ayame- 
Yukio kazuno- 
Hachiro seito- 
Hattori kaito- 
Kioshi suzuki- 
Kimko hairi- 
Kouki asahi- 
Masato kikuchi- 
Mas lmai- 
Saburo miki- 
Suguru osako- 
Hotoke zenaku- 
Azami kazumi- 
Danuja haruka- 
Masumi kura- 
Kenji seiji-
Ryuichi saturu- 
Sakiko toki- 
Satou takahashi- 
Takara sora- 
Tsuki seiki- 
Yoahino shun- 
Akumu chi- 
Kazuna kaeke- 
Minori nobuyuki- 
 Osamu rokuro- 
Raiden sora- 
Rin fuyu- 
Tor yumi- 
Torao yasha- 
Yami kuro- 
Yoru akuma- 
Hideo honoka- 
Yutaka miki- 
Hotaru ayame- 
Ito mori- 
Keiko emiko- 
Keita shitara- 
Sato kobayashi- 
Saki ayame- 
Shimizu matsumoto- 
Yuina honoka- 
so these are all of my characters name’s some of them are still in the processes of being devolved, but feel free to request a headcannon. p.s. ill update you guys of the characters development.
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heartofbasara-blog · 6 years
Sengoku Basara-Persona 4 Crossover Drabble.
The Shadow of Mori Motonari
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“Oh glorious sun, bless my army!  For it is time Japan basket in my glory as the Child of the Sun!”
Motonari struggled to keep his focused as a distorted, rough, and grumbled up voice ranted on, so irritating it was as if his ears were being stabbed by rusty knives.  He was frozen in place, unable to look away from an…an imposter.  Yes, that’s who he was.  An imposter…one that was greatly grading on his nerves.
Did this fool truly believe he could warp his mind by kidnapping him to this fog filled replica of his palace?!  And to stand on top of the Trail Gate of Itsukushima…dancing so idiotically in a ridiculous priest outfit.  Greens and blues that imitated his armor…even having an exact replica of his helmet…
How pathetic.
“Hm?  What’s this?!”  The imposter gave a blank look, his inhuman yellow eyes widening with fearful disgust. “A-are you spacing out on me?!”
He jumped down from the gate, running up to Motonari and quickly getting into his personal space.
“How dare you place your attention on something else?!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.  “Is this not enough for you?  What do I need to do to have your full attention?!”
“Get away from me!”
Having enough with this obnoxious sight, Motonari slapped him across the face.  The imposter cried out in pain while Motonari jumped high into the air.  He took out his ringblade, slicing apart the imposter multiple times across the chest. He cried out in pain, falling down to the ground as Motonari stood over him, glaring at him with cold, indifferent eyes.
“Explain yourself. Now,” he ordered.  “What stupidity has possessed you to even think of presenting yourself as me.”
To have his exact face, body type and features…it couldn’t be a coincidence.  Which of his enemies thought this would be a successful plan?  He waited, patiently, for the imposter to catch his breath.
“…I-is it not obvious?” Though Motonari held his weapon to him, he struggled to his feet.  He lifted up his head to meet Motonari’s gaze, a mad gleam forming their unnatural glow. “I am the true Mori Motonari!”
Motonari felt himself freeze in place.  More than anything he wanted to cut this imposter down, cut off his shrill tongue and end this nonsense.  But…he couldn’t move, couldn’t keep his eyes off his gaze.  It was as if he was staring into a mirror, something about this man that captured his attention.  The imposter’s lips turned into a twisted smile, a soft laugh escaping him.
“That’s right.  I am your shadow, your true self.  The self you do not want anyone else to see.  The repressed self…the self that cries out for love and validation that you refuse to let the world see.”  He took several steps back, opening up his arms as he if he was on stage, gesturing all the attention to be on him.  “Whether it is as Shōjumaru, Motonari, or Sunday, I desire all of the love, hate, admiration, disgust…every amount of recognition!  So long as everyone knows my name, so long as my face is recognized and my presence is known, I do not care how I am seen!”
He takes out his own ring blade, circling it around him as if it were to represent the rising and setting sun.
“It is all I ever wanted, all we have ever wanted.  We were never destined to be second born, to only be a replacement for Okimoto!  Oh that fool…so indifferent to us, like we didn’t even exist!  How dare he!  How dare he, father, and everyone else just cast us to the side like we were mere peasants!”  He laughed. “Ah…but that does not matter anymore.  No one else matters!  After all, I have finally perfected it!  I have perfected how to gain everyone’s attention once and for all!”
Motonari cringed as his shadow continued to rant and carry on, making a fool of himself by raising his voice, swaying back and forth, side to side, twirling around.  He grip tightened on his ringblade, the shadow’s laugh becoming more and more unbearable to hear.
“…Stop it…  Stop it with this foolishness!”
He lashed out again at full speed.  However, the shadow was able to see it coming, dodging it with a graceful step to the side.
“Why?  I only speak the truth…”
He was able to parry his own ringblade against Motonari’s.  Motonari cursed under his breath, using all of his strength to keep the other back.  He felt the blades slide across each other, slipping from the other’s grasp.  He had to take a moment to catch his balance, though in that time the shadow was able to trap him around his ringblade.  Motonari attempted to fight back, but was caught short as his shadow pressed himself as close as he could, the only thing standing between them being the ringblade itself.  The shadow smiled, having his free hand come to cup the side of Motonari’s face, his fingers gently stroking him in an affectionate way.  His eyes grew wide, his heart coming to a complete halt.
“…What’s wrong?”  The shadow’s voice becomes softer, barely a whisper as he inched his face closer to Motonari’s.  “If this was all a lie, why did you stop fighting?” He chuckled.  “Because you know it’s true. That I am your deepest fears finally coming to light…”
The shadow leans in like he was about to give him a kiss on the lips, though at the moment, Motonari was able to reach for his hidden tanto.  He sliced his shadow across the face, making him drop his ringblade and allow him time to escape.
“You know nothing about me!” he cried out, his voice cracking as he reclaimed his ringblade.  “You aren’t, and never will, be me!”
As soon as those words were utter, the air grew thick.  All light was faded away, being replaced with the dark, blue aura that surrounded his shadow.  An inhumane smile made its way across his face, an ear piercing, distorted laugh echoing.
“You still deny me?!”
His form turned into a shadowy gas, morphing into an unfathomable creature that was nothing of this world.  Motonari’s eyes grew wide as his shadow’s laugh rang louder and louder.
“I am a shadow…  The true self…”  From it’s body, a bright beam of sunlight vanquished the remaining darkness.  “And no longer will I be denied!”
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under-sengoku-skies · 6 years
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And his swashbuckling adventures!!
We don't know much about Pirate McTrickster, save for the fact that he's a little shit and a... Uhhhh....
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Aku no hana (悪の華)? Villainous flower? Flower of evil? Idek but the other thing says kaizoku (海賊) and that means pirate, so let's roll with that and check out what the deal was with the real slim shady by the sea Motonari.
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Mori Motonari (毛利元就), childhood name Shojumaru (松寿丸), started out as the second son of Mori Hiromoto, a local daimyo struggling for power in Aki prefecture. However, he would go on to make a name for himself as a brilliant warlord, strategist, and master of sneakiness.
The Mori clan claimed descendance of Oie Hiromoto, advisor to Minamoto Yoritomo, the first Kamakura Shogun. The territory they held since 1336 was in Aki Province, and the castle they had used as headquarters since the early 14th century was named Koriyama.
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Here you can see Aki Province (安芸国)^, now part of Hiroshima Prefecture.
Koriyama Castle is no longer standing, however there are around 130 relics still left on the castle site. More about that for any fellow archaeology nerds here and here. If you Google Koriyama Castle you're most likely going to see the other Koriyama Castle in Nara Prefecture (no ties to the Mori).
The territory the Mori held during Motonari's childhood was under constant threat from a barrage of enemies, including the Aki branch of the Takeda (led by Takeda Motoshige), the Oûchi clan, and the Amako. In 1506 Motonari's father died, passing the clan's succession onto his eldest son Okimoto. Just 10 years later Okimoto died of quote un-quote "unclear circumstances", leaving his still-too-young-to-rule son (Komatsumaru) under the care of Motonari. 7 years after that Komatsumaru also died of "unclear circumstances".
This is the Sengoku Era we're talking about.
Most family drama ends with a pile of corpses.
I'm not saying that those "unclear circumstances" were named Motonari... But he did have a lot to gain from it... And... It is a rather popular theory that he dispatched them himself...
Anyhow, Motonari went on to lead the Mori quite well through their ups and downs. He won some battles, he lost some battles. He expanded the Mori's territory quite a bit. got married and had some sons to become his pawns* successors. He made alliances (including one with the former enemy clan of Oûchi), he lost alliances (yeah, the thing with the Oûchi didn't last).
Now I know what you're thinking. Where are the pirates? Well. All this talk of alliances really ties in nicely to the battle on the waves that gave Motonari his stripes as a naval officer. Let's get on with it, shall we?
*Tbh he used them to play kingmaker and eventually manipulated it so that his second and third sons became the heads of other clans.
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I mentioned that Motonari allied himself with the Oûchi, right? Yeah. He did that pretty early in his career. Like, before they finally betrayed him and made this battle a thing the Oûchi went through three clan leaders. The second of which, Oûchi Yoshitaka, did what I like to think of as the Sengoku equivalent of the time Shia LaBeouf showed up on the red carpet with a bag over his head that said "I'm not famous anymore" (lost a battle, retreated into court life, and got wayyy too into the tea trade and wayyy too out of military affairs). Eventually, his general Sue Takafusa got so tired of Yoshitaka's shit he staged an uprising. Then Sue installed Oûchi Yoshinaga as head of the clan, changed his name to Sue Harukata, and basically ran the clan's military. Well, he ran the show before he made Yoshitaka commit seppuku too because during his midlife crisis Yoshitaka was about as shoes are to a hobbit.
Meanwhile, Motonari was expanding his territory by paying irl risk with his sons and allying himself with some pirates (the Murakami clan, 村上氏). Neither Sue nor Motonari trusted each other, so Motonari bided his time and strengthened his ties with the Murakami, all while paying lip service to Sue until he was strong enough to cut ties with the Oûchi. Their joint-conquests were depleting his resources and he wanted a little vengeance on Sue for killing his old ally. Once he did break it off, Sue gathered an army of 30 000 men (which Motonari could barely get half of), and launched an attack at Oshikibata... Which failed because Motonari bribed a bunch of Sue's soldiers.
Then, in 1555, Sue threatened Motonari into a brilliant scheme that would make everyone say
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It happened on Miyajima island. The entirety of which was a Shinto shrine, and no births or deaths were supposed to happen on it.
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You may know it today as Itsukushima: home of that shrine you see on postcards a lot.^
Seems like the perfect place to build an easily conquerable castle to tempt the Oûchi into a trap. Miyao castle was constructed on Miyajima, facing the mainland on a hill. Perfectly attackable, yet in a spot that would supposedly allow Sue to take back the land peppering the inland sea that Motonari's naval forces patrolled. Then there's Sakurao castle (on the mainland near the island), which was initially within Mori territory, but Motonari got the vassal holding Sakurao to fake defection to Sue's side. It was believable to Sue, because said Mori vassal fought against Motonari during his succession as clan heir. What made it such a trap was the fact that if Sue were to take the bait on Miyajima, the Mori could swoop down and take back Sakurao castle on the mainland, effectively surrounding Sue on the island and using the Mori's naval forces (which were much stronger than Sue's) to take Miyajima back.
Sue fell for it and took Miyao Castle. The night before Motonari's attack, he sent over a ship of fake Sue forces, who found and cut off Miyao's water supply. Motonari's third son, Kobayakawa Takakage, sailed straight towards Miyao Castle as a distraction, starting during the day. At night, a fleet of local Murakami pirates had agreed to transport Motonari's troops to the island, and did so in a thunderstorm, obscuring their approach. Motonari, his second son Kikkawa Motoharu, and his eldest son Mori Takamoto went around the east side of the island to Sue's rear guard.
The next morning son #3 launched a land assault on the front gate, while Motonari with sons #'s 1 and 2 militarily butt-fucked Sue's forces from the rear. The day was won with both territory and a reputation gained.
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Here's a poorly made map of how it went down^
Fucking superb you funky little pirate.
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Now here's a heartwarming story for the ages that'll really get you to like this guy. (Discalimer, no one knows for sure if this was actually true, but it's pretty widely circulated nonetheless).
On Motonari's deathbed he handed each of his three sons an arrow, and told them to snap it. The three sons snapped the arrows easily. He then brought out a bundle of three arrows and asked them to snap it. When they couldn't, he replied that while one arrow may break easily, three held together? Not so much. The same was true with the brothers. If they stood together they would be stronger. To turn on each other, as families often did in the Sengoku, would be to destroy what they built together as the Mori.
The story is still taught today to Japanese schoolchildren, because teamwork and stuff.
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scoobydoojedi · 6 years
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Mōri clan
The Môri of Aki province were descended from Ôe Hiromoto, (1148-1225), a noted Minamoto clan retainer, and lived in Koriyama castle (Yoshida) in Aki province from 1336 until Môri Terumoto moved to Hiroshima in 1593. The family initially acted as jitô and experienced a power struggle in the 1470's that saw the main Môri line absorb both it's branch families in Aki. They supported the Ôuchi during the Ônin War, although afterwards they often found themselves caught that clan and their rivals, the Amako. The Môri reached their height under the rule of Motonari, who absorbed both the Ôuchi (1557) and Amako (1566) domains and extended Môri holdings to Kyushu and influence throughout the Chugoku and were the backbone of the Kôno of Iyo province on Shikoku. Their expansion on Kyushu was checked by the growing power of the Ôtomo, with whom they clashed at various points between 1557-1565. They lent aid to the Ishiyama Honganji complex in Settsu province, besieged by the Oda, but under Terumoto faced the inexorable westward expansion of Oda Nobunaga, whose retainer Toyotomi Hideyoshi was poised on the borders of the Môri’s inner domain when Nobunaga was killed in 1582. They then became loyal and valuable supporters of Hideyoshi and were the most powerful family in western Japan under his rule. In 1600 they sided, however relucatantly, with Ishida Mitsunari and afterwards saw their domain and influence considerably reduced. Though perhaps the second wealthiest daimyô in the archipelago prior to the battle of Sekigahara, controlling a vast swath of territory in western Japan, after Tokugawa Ieyasu's victory in that battle, he forced the Môri to relocate from their relatively central base in Aki province to the comparatively remote castle town of Hagi, and reduced their territory & wealth by roughly three-quarters.
Nevertheless, the Môri remained a political force throughout the Edo Period, playing a prominent role as well in the earliest stages of pushes for Westernization, opening up of the country, industrialization, and the like in the Bakumatsu period.
*Prominent People*
Mōri Okimoto (1492- 1516)  Brother of Motonari Mori he was a Japanese daimyo of the Sengoku period, who ruled the Mōri clan In 1516, Okimoto died. Okimoto's son Kōmatsumaru succeeded to the leadership of the clan, and Motonari became his overseer. Kōmatsumaru died eight years later in 1523, and Motonari succeeded him.
Mōri Motonari (1497 – 1571) Sandwiched between the powerful Amago and Ōuchi clans, Motonari led the clan by carefully balancing actions and diplomacy. Eventually, Motonari succeeded in defeating both and controlled the entire Chūgoku area. In his late years, he crushed the Ōtomo clan of Bungo province.
Mori Takamoto (1523-1563) Takamoto was Môri Motonari's eldest son. He served as a hostage to the Oûchi clan in 1537 and married an adopted daughter of Ôuchi Yoshitaka. He returned to Aki in 1541 and became the official daimyô of the Môri in 1547, though his father continued to help direct the family from retirement. In1560 Takamoto received the title Daizen-daibu with the blessing of the Court, a gesture in recognition of the Môri’s donations to the Court’s coffers. Takamoto was also named shugo of Aki province and was made a member of the shôgun's private guard, the shôbanshû. On his way back from fighting theÔtomo to lead the Môri campaign in Izumo province he died suddenly while visiting Wachi Masaharu, forcing his father out of his semi-official retirement. Takamoto’s son Terumoto eventually succeeded him. No specific cause for Takamoto’s death other then illness was ever disclosed; however, his father was sufficiently suspicious of Wachi to have him murdered in 1568. Takamoto, a likable figure, was a man of culture and certain paintings by him survive.
Mōri Terumoto ( 1553 –1625), son of Mōri Takamoto and grandson and successor of the great warlord Mōri Motonari, fought against Toyotomi Hideyoshi but was eventually overcome, participated in the Kyūshū campaign (1587) on Hideyoshi's side and built Hiroshima Castle, thus essentially founding Hiroshima.
Terumoto was a member of the council of Five Elders appointed by Hideyoshi. At the height of his power in late 16th century, Terumoto controlled 1.2 million koku. This means he could mobilize more than 120,000 men to a battle.
He sided against Tokugawa Ieyasu but was not present at the Battle of Sekigahara. Terumoto was in Osaka Castle defendingToyotomi Hideyori at the time and surrendered to Ieyasu soon after Sekigahara. Ieyasu reduced Terumoto's domains, leaving him only Nagato and Suō Provinces, worth 369,000 koku in total.
He is believed to have been a below-average general on and off the battlefield, having lacked motivation and will. He made little impact in these final years of the Sengoku period, as he often had his subordinates and lesser members of the clan fight instead. It is believed that if he had fought at Sekigahara or brought Hideyori to the battlefield, Ieyasu would have been defeated. However, he managed his domain well and successfully held the Mōri clan together even when his domain was reduced to a third.
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blue-and-art · 3 years
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Wanted to do a nicer piece of one of my Sengoku Basara OCs. Here’s Okimoto using his wind element to manipulate paper (but he can do this with any item movable by wind, with enough focus)
The older brother of Mori Motonari, and previous head of the clan, Okimoto was known as scholarly and optimistic, never seen without a notebook or jotting information down. A secret between the two brothers, however, was Okimoto’s deeply-rooted anxieties, which led him to drink away his worries frequently. Despite this, Motonari (then Shojumaru) still respected and learned from his older brother.
Until one day, Okimoto didn’t wake up.
Okimoto’s fighting style is heavily based off the paper masters from Read or Die: The TV (Minute 1:30 of this video is a good summary).
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blue-and-art · 3 years
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Love making fake manga pages.
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blue-and-art · 3 years
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Mouri Okimoto was generally a pretty nice guy….but the thing about war is depending on whose side you are on, you see people as the good guys or the bad guys.
And here, he’s clearly the bad guy to someone.
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blue-and-art · 4 years
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Hey y’all, have some Basara OC art I forgot to post.
1) Kou, the eldest daughter of Maeda Toshiie and Matsu. She’s four. She likes mushrooms.
2) Megohime redesign. Hate the eyes in the pic.
3) Megohime again. Something is still missing in her design....
4) Gakuen designs for Nana, Ayane and Kotoko.
5) Mori Okimoto, the late older brother of Mori Motonari. He was an eccentric but even-keeled, scholarly man who used the element of wind to turn books and papers into weapons. But the pressure to maintain perfection clearly got to him, as he seemed to drink himself to death...
6) Learned the border effect trick in CSP, tried it on Ayane.
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blue-and-art · 3 years
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Okimoto stuff made from bases found on my Pinterest board.
Couldn’t find official source for the first base, but if someone else finds it and links me I’ll update the post.
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atemourisan · 2 years
Sengoku Basara OC Mōri Okimoto
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Motonari's older brother Okimoto.
I was ofc inspired by how Motonari is wearing a cheongsam in Sengoku Basara.
And ofc in my fanon Okimoto is quite charming and handsome looking but he's also a bit of a goody two shoes.
Motonari and Okimoto do share a deep bond with each other that two brothers would share, he wants to be like him but doesn't know how.
And in my fanon, Okimoto doesn't die he just goes missing and when Motonari is given news of Okimoto's disappearance, he just devasted beyond belief, and even went on hunger strike until his retainers found a trace of him but so far none. And ofc Miya aka Myokyu would grow very worried for her husband starving himself that she begged him to eat atleast something, but he still ate nothing. And it took for Miya to go on hunger strike and join her husband as she doesn't want Motonari to suffer all by himself but ofc this prompts Motonari to consume some food and he begs Miya not to do the same and apologizes to her for scaring her as it was wrong of him.
Okimoto on the other hand before his disappearance would keep watch over little Shōjumaru after their mother Lady Fukubara was killed by Lady Sugi-No-Okata.
Though Motonari and Okimoto would one day reunite, Motonari is full of emotions since he finally could breathe a bit better that he has his brother back, Okimoto would also be very protective of him, even wanting to protect him from Motochika, Harukata Sue, Yoshitaka Ouchi, Haruhisa Amago, Sōrin Otomo and ofc Xavi and ofc those who betrayed him.
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