pedge-page · 3 months
IT’S OUR 🇺🇸NATION’S 🇺🇸 BIRTHDAY 🎊🎉🎉 PATRI-SLUTS😋😋😩 AND IT HAS A BIIIG 😉💯🍆👅 PRESENT FOR YOU!!1! OUR DADDY 👨👀🍆💦 UNCLE SAM 🔥🔥🔥WANTS YoU😘😩🎊😏! HE’s BRINGING his STAR 🌟✨⭐️SPANGLED 💥⚡️🔥BONER 🙇😯🎉😩😩 TO GIVE YOU FREE🅱️OM TO HOE‼️ BUTT😉 that’s not ALL. HE’S gonna launch his rocket 🚀😩😋 into your HO(m)E OF THE BRAVE🍑🍑🍑 and EXPLODE✨💥😩 in your SPACIOUS SKIES👉👌👌👌. IF YOUve DECLARED your HOEDEPENDENCE 😩👉👌🇺🇸 DADDY will eat that ASS😩😋 like apple 🍎 pie 😋🇺🇸👌💯. iF yoUVE been a COMMIE 😡😤👺🖕❌❌ NO FREEDOM CUMMIES FOR U! 😣🍆💦💦❌🙅😔😔 send this to 2️⃣5️⃣ SONS of LIBERTITTY 👦👦🔥💦😜 & you’ll get Daddy SAMs’ MEGA THICC PATRIODICK‼️😜😜🔥🔥🍆💦💦🎉🎁💦😩😩
CAW CAW though the only nation I salute each morning is PEDRONATION 🦅🦅🦅🎆🎇🎆🎇💥‼️
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 7 months
Where are you from, and would you consider letting people send you train passes? I have a spare from Boston if you want!
GAAAAH I WOULD LOVE TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHowever im in Asia and “currently” staying in PH unfortunately! I think that would cost you more trouble (and i dont want to cause you trouble!?🙇) HOWEVER The idea of getting train passes from people around the world just ✨excites✨ me holy shit I fckn love 🫶train passes 😭 you have no idea how much this ask made me extremely happy ☀️ im grinning ear to ear 3am in the morning right now 🥹
I wish to collect them all 😮‍💨
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thepixelelf · 3 years
hood is just, perfect. reading those 100 chapters were so much fun. it is the best smau i have read yet! truly, i love it so much. first of all, i'd like to point out the hilarious things i found in the profiles chapter. i love how sunwoo's username is "thesunrises" and his bio being "when i start rapping" LMAO plus juyeon's tweet in the same chapter reminds me of chan's "do you know what else is big? my feet." it was hard silencing my laugh, especially since it was around early morning and everybody else living in the house is asleep. the concept that hood is not one, but 3 entities, is really cool. it legit felt like i was watching a movie.
i'm really happy with the endgame, bias things ig ✨ the pictures of changmin that you used for the tweets were really 😌👌 changmin shy trope is now my favourite. i promise, you won't be able to imagine the many times that fic made me flustered. when he straight up confessed, omaygad. at first, i thought reader would end up with younghoon. but reading their first conversation with changmin after many many years of not talking (?) , I PROMISE YOU, I FELT IT. i felt the changmin endgame mate.
i'm going to rant about changmin's character just bc. HE'S ADORABLE!!!!! changmin trying to find out hood's real identity for reader is so cute huhu. and the part where he got jealous of sunwoo bc reader and him kept on calling each other 'baby' just for funs, really got me screaming. that was my favourite part, i honestly don't know why. maybe bc i'm a sucker for jealousy leads or bc that's when changmin accepted his own feeling. idk lmfao. as much as how i love his simp-like (??) tendencies, i adore the fact that he stood up for himself at the end when he felt like he wasn't trusted by reader. it just shows that as much as he cares for them, he has self-love and respect, sum shit like that. anyways, i like their (reader and changmin) relationship. they can comfortably talk out any problems lol. v v v v v cute.
reader's character is just 🙇👑. i love how determined they are about their goals. the robin hood idea is just wow. i love how they were set on in exposing the academy's dark side even though they knew how much trouble they are getting into. just, mad respect. the thought itself seems reckless but how are we going to achieve success if we don't take risks? i just love love love love them. periodt. plus the fact that they were ready for any consequences is just 👌👌👌.
younghoon is so clever in thinking of using sharpie to hide the notes. like omg. kinda dumb if you were supposed to you know, 'not get caught' BUT SINCE THAT'S NOT HIS PLAN, i just pure adoration for him please. it really was insensitive of reader at the end when they asked younghoon to help with the 'sending president kim to jail' scheme. it's still his father after all (add the fact that reader literally apologized and thanked every single character individually to the 13 reasons why i love reader). but, he thought rationally and that's why the plan succeeded. younghoon is king. happy for him that he gets to pursue music <333
eric and sunwoo deserves the best best best friend award, like seriously. i cannot get over the 3's friendship, they are wholesome af. eric and sunwoo might be my favourite characters in the series huhu. hyunjae was surprisingly perceptive. his character is the most hilarious one LMFAO also haknyeon, like wtf. he's smart. if reader didn't end up with changmin, might have shipped them with haknyeon LOL chanhee is such a mood every damn time. i love him too. I LOVE ALL OF THEM. anyways, shout out to kevin, jacob, juyeon, and sangyeon :">>
srsly cannot imagine how long this series took you ! it's not even finish yet aaaaaa i'm excited for the upcoming specials hehe. thanks for the nice read, really. read it all in one sitting. i hope you have a great day! good luck to any future projects, will be binge-reading your works once school gets off my back :">>
wow anon thank you so much for reading and enjoying hood!! this seriously made my day and I am so so happy that you came here to tell me what you thought about something I feel like I lost blood sweat and tears for. even though I've stepped a bit back from writing for the last month, I too am really excited to put out the special oneshots/blurbs for all my beloved hood characters! thank you again, and I hope your schoolwork goes well 💕
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tannaru-hito · 2 years
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【活動報告などです】 皆様、こんにちは。山科です。 制作活動でバタバタしており、活動報告をおこたっておりました。 多岐にわたるので、まとめてご報告させてください。 (お願いごともあります。。) 🎩『蒔く愛』 前回もちょいと投稿させていただいたのですが、監督作『蒔く愛』がギャラリーN映画展2022 https://gallerynfilm.comにて準グランプリを受賞しました。 記事↓ シネマスコーレでの特別上映&表彰式 http://rintaroh.net/archives/28561798.html ギャラリーN映画展 概要など https://bijutsutecho.com/exhibitions/9759 『蒔く愛』は演劇を背景にする役者陣と撮ったコミカルな作品です。 (意識していなかったですが、ジャック・タチ監督風味があるかなという感じです……) ギャラリーN映画展は美術と映画の境を凌駕し、新しい境地での映画の観方を探れる映画展だと感じ、観客としても楽しめました。 『蒔く愛』に関しましては、また上映の機会をつくりたいと思います。 そして、今度は早速名古屋でシェアハウスをテーマに作品を作って欲しいとの依頼がきまして、ゴールデンウィーク最終日に名古屋にロケハン予定です。 🎩『裸の監督』 大工原正樹監督と共同監督し、映画美学校のメンバーと撮った『裸の監督』がyoutubeに公開されました。(他作と合わせてお楽しみください) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWo2uBIyeOXLIYoow_b5NR2YieFFR-Wur 混沌から紡ぎ出される軽やかな愛憎劇となっています。 🎩『ライフ・イン・プレイ(仮)』 現在、ある映画祭の企画コンペに応募した企画が仮採択となり、脚本の改稿、改稿の繰り返しで格闘中です。映画祭での上映が決まった状態での制作となり、オーディションの告知等もまたあるかと思われます。ただ、制作費が足りない予感がしているのでクラウドファンディング含めて検討中です。その際は、何卒よろしくお願いします。。 🎩『明るみのナンパ師(仮)』 映画美学校の修了制作の時期(6月11日/12日)が迫っており、こちらも脚本と格闘中です。都内で「カフェ」や「面接室」にお安く使わせていただけるところがあればご紹介いただけると嬉しいです。。最近、課題の一環で撮った『道化の煙幕』は映像祭に出品しました。 🎩『飛来する者たち』 こちら造詣力を批判されながらも奨励賞をいただいた小説作品です。 http://www.asiawave.co.jp/bungeishichoo/shinjin2021kekka.pdf アジア文化社出版の文芸思潮84号以降に掲載予定なので、購入して読んで頂けると嬉しいです。 文芸思潮は芥川賞作家の高橋三千綱さんや、作家・編集者の五十嵐勉さんが集った作家集団「塊」が発端に関わっている文芸誌です。 その独特の文学的革新性に満ち溢れた匂いに感化され、私も筆を手にするに至りました。 http://www.asiawave.co.jp/bungeishichoo/ (具体的な掲載号数はまた改めて告知します) こちら実は長編映画のプロット化を既にしております。自筆の原作の映画化というより小説を起点としたものになりそうです。 企画書にまとめて企画コンペに出しているので、こちらも通れば制作開始となります。 🎩『宇宙は今時語るに及ばず』 https://www.bunka758.or.jp/about/archive/fan_de_nagoya/ ファン・デ・ナゴヤ美術展2022にて展示しました こちらの作品の図録が仕上がりました。 写真を載せておきます。嬉しいことに欲しいとのご要望が多くあり、ドンドコ配布していたら在庫が厳しくなってきました。 今後、10名様目安で、需要があれば増販しようかなと検討中です。。 🎩私の所属するアーティストコレクティブ、新聞をつくる集団Ad Morningsの号外が出ました! 今回の回には私は参加できなかったのですが、面白い試みなので、是非追ってみてください! https://admornings.com などなどでした✨ 遊んでもいます。 最近はジャック・リヴェット映画祭に行ったり、聖蹟桜ヶ丘にある映画人たちが集う飲食店キノコヤで美味しいご飯を食べたり、神保町にある老舗喫茶店、ラドリオに映画仲間と行ったりしました。たのし=(^.^)=というような普通の日々も送っています。写真載っけときます。 仕事もしていますよ。笑 VPのディレクションの仕事が多くなっています。 普段から周りの方に助けていただいて感謝ばかりです。本当にありがとうございます。 まだまだ人間としても作家としても発展途上で未熟者ですが、応援していただけると嬉しいです。 今後とも何卒よろしくお願いします🙇 山科晃一 https://yamashina7961000.wixsite.com/my-site-1 (Chofu, Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdPpt1BPKXD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sakenoiroha · 3 years
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🌸 🍶本日の日本酒🍶 🗾北海道 男山さん🗾 ✨男山 立春朝搾り 純米吟醸生原酒 2022✨ 立春の朝、搾ったばかりのうまれたての生原酒です。 旭川の永山神社のお祓いを受けた縁起のいいめでたいお酒です。 しっかりとした味わいの中に、フルーティな味わいを楽しめます。 使用米:吟風 精米歩合:55% 日本酒度:+1 酸度:1.7 720ml:¥1,760(税込) 🉐お酒が1,000円割引で買える⁉️🉐 酒のいろはでは、超お得なポイントカード発行中‼️ お買い上げ2,000円で1ポイント捺印⭕️ 9ポイント貯まると1,000円割引券🎫としてご利用出来ます🈹️ ご来店お待ちしております🙇 ⬇️オンラインショップでのご購入はこちらから⬇️ sake-iroha.com 🍶Today's Sake🍶 🗾Hokkaido Otokoyama 🗾 ✨Otokoyama Rissyun Asashibori Junmaiginjo Namagensyu✨ Freshly squeezed raw sake on the morning of the first spring. It is an auspicious and auspicious sake that was purified by Nagayama Shrine in Asahikawa. You can enjoy fruity flavors in a strong flavor. Rice used:Ginhu Rice polishing rate:55% Sake degree:+1 Acidity:1.7 720ml:¥1,760(taxin) We look forward to your visit. #札幌#すすきの#札幌市北区 #札幌麻生#札幌酒屋#日本酒 #ビール#焼酎#ウイスキー #ブランデー#シャンパン#スパークリングワイン #ワイン#sapporo#hokkaido#sake #beer#shouchu#whisky #whiskey#brandy#champagne #wine#北海道#男山#立春朝搾り#純米吟醸#生原酒#限定酒#旭川 (酒のいろは) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ8oXaBJ_cl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. Who Is The Bright and Morning Star - Jesus Christ or Lucifer? 2.4K views CarpenterKarenAnne 14K subscribers Up nextAutoplay 9:36 False Jesus: Lucifer exposed ! savebygrace12 122K views 1:10 Adam Levine Confirms 2. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvyLwFGnNsf/?hl=en 3. 95,167 likes behatiprinsloo never leaving 🐍 daptmgpjwjd 💜💜💜 allaboutbehati 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 gracecujilema periodttttt gracecujilema 😍😍😍😍 tiffanyaddante Dont blame you roamlosangeles Me neither 🏖🧘🏼‍♀️💙 fernandoramirez0663 😜🌷 mendozaflorr Queen!!!😍🔥 619sunflowers Wouldn't that be a dream iskandr_a Close up on booty is always preferable. ❤️💕🌹💕❤️ adianamirsa Slaaayyy 🔥 samy_zehe @fanrooar brincos dieraaa jajajaja jt_plus_levines_girl WoW wUt a WoMeN u aRe😍😍😍 dailybehatiprinsloo Obsessed with these Cabo vibes 😻😻😻 99_mamiz 🔥 annisaapu hot mommaaaa🔥😍 miggilona 💕 neuton_mondal you are really incredible!. sil_behati 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 the_hojat 💪🤟 sosomon999 so sexy girl gabi_crowley @kirstenconner thought this was you das_srisha Mama😍😍 kirstenconner @gabi_crowley omg 💗 xu_alterna 😍 brinawil 🔥 taleeeeenyousef I loveeee your hairrrr it's goals 🔥💜💜💖😘😍 jennaleigh.00 stunning 💕 sweet_dreams_cabo Yes, stay ❤️ nnoeeeliaa QUEEN😭😍 dallidos Baby lindseypraino Wow three weeks in Cabo!! That’s awesome!! victoriasecretsxangels MAMA ✨✨✨ flow7102 Obsessed with you. yanesukur OMG, so PRETTY 😍😍 malawmi_kingbawl ❤ frankiesbikinis queenie. 🐍🐍🐍 ponto_de_luz_artesanatos Wonderful 👏👏👏😉 flower_behati 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 lalesc35 Hot mama. karlamtzl11 ❤️❤️ takug__ ⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ simplylushclothes We'd love to work with you! DM us at simplylushde for more info! mehmetkupeli0111 Oh oui fille🆗🆗 arkel78 We are in Cabo too... AMAZING weather!! ❤❤❤❤ xinguo_633 我喜欢你所有的样子 adriamonue amazing donnaallen_valko Your looking so happy and gorgeous as ever Behahi! chrisforeveryoungswimwear ❤ beadforeverr OMG 😍😍😍😍 angels.bombshells 💕💕💕 iamlowennicolas @guiaeguia hot momma!!! 🔥 behatiprinsloobrasil 🔥🔥🔥🔥 mundial.2026 Dam I wish I could be Adam Levine for an hour ,✋🍑👅🙇 koke_diazz 💘💕 njii_ ❤️ lllxxii97 🔥🔥🔥🔥 lllxxii97 🔥🔥🔥🔥 ryantigustiayup @elyarza NGIMPI burakalisik ❤️ jackewboite Just watched Animals mv few minutes ago, can’t get u out of my mind! Love u Bee! cdnyaneshwar 👌 _sarmientograce Lol jessafayealford Queen! duda_hernandez1 💕💘 rodrigoremicio I♥️♥️♥️ love you raradwika 💜💜💜 gareth5377 Awesome! 4everdeizzy like it svitlaya_gs 🦄🦄🦄 itisbeautifulinside ✨ aleckosbucan ♥️ portiamalolosparcia 🔥 starlitcandice you're so cool you're so cool you're so cool⚡ eleniziko Are you pregnant? #3 @behatiprinsloo 💖 behatisunshine mami fashion_makeup.xo Stunning 💗 lexi_jo9 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 leelevi 🙏🙏 frettylecious 🔥🔥🔥 julliann__ Love you be yusufutudu O's windows debilu89 You`re always boring!!!!!, pathetic witch!!!!! javdim83 Wonderful and beautiful mom!!! atrisky @joctora ujpddz074 ❤ 海外留學生女神名媛是我們的常客 ❤ 良心賣家 ❤ 星級售後服務 nursejen808 ❤️🌹 iwillbeolivia 💞💞 djkennybrian 💜💜💜💜 super_frank_lamps 🐍 yeahva Nice chirurg.1976 her hair you called goals? where? in circus? lmpa_pachuau My queen ❤️❤️❤️❤️ iamblest.a Superb Beauty 😘 wanglaoye1997 dashing 11barbara.david_ 😍😍 2 DAYS AGO 4. Fact-checking President Trump’s latest tweetstorm 3 days ago Newsday Editorial: Puerto Rico is still in great need 2 days ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Puerto Rico aid Puerto Rico statehood White House Puerto Rico More News Knowledge Result Image result for puerto rico Map of Puerto Ricomap expand icon Puerto Rico Territory OVERVIEW TRAVEL GUIDE DescriptionPuerto Rico is a Caribbean island and unincorporated U.S. territory with a landscape of mountains, waterfalls and the El Yunque tropical rainforest. In San Juan, the capital and largest city, the Isla Verde area is known for its hotel strip, beach bars and casinos. Its Old San Juan neighborhood features colorful Spanish colonial buildings and El Morro and La Fortaleza, massive, centuries-old fortresses. President: Donald Trump Trending PLAN A TRIP Puerto Rico travel guide 5 h 20 min flight 5. https://www.google.com/search?q=puerto+rico&oq=puerto+rico&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60j0l3.7649j0j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#scso=_ycOoXOLSFrDy5gLK76b4Cw23:1960.8095703125.238037109375.1904296875.7142333984375.8095703125.6190185546875.1904296875.7142333984375.4761962890625.6666259765625.761962890625.90478515625.8095703125.857177734375.761962890625.142822265625.1428833007812.90478515625.952392578125.952392578125.047607421875.4761962890625.4761962890625.28570556640625.38095092773438.3333282470703.95237731933594.14285659790039 6. TOP STORIES Texas Relief Money Caught in Trump Administration Dispute With Puerto Rico Wall Street Journal - 4 hours ago Disaster relief talks stalled by Trump feud with Puerto Rico | TheHill The Hill - 1 day ago Orlando Sentinel Puerto Rico should be granted statehood – if the people want it | Editorial 21 hours ago The Washington Post Congress must step up to help Puerto Rico 21 hours ago National Post New Brunswick morning radio host arrested in Puerto Rico, FBI says 1 day ago Broadcasting & Cable Telemundo, NBCU Face Liberty Puerto Rico Blackout 2 days ago The New York Times Company Trump to Puerto Rico: Who’s Your Daddy? 2 days ago Slate How Puerto Ricans Hear Trump’s Insults 2 days ago CBC For Trump White House, belittling Puerto Rico might be more than a 'slip of the tongue' 2 days ago BuzzFeed News “We Are Your Citizens”: Trump Keeps Repeating Lies About Puerto Rico 2 days ago The Washington Post Fact-checking President Trump’s latest tweetstorm 3 days ago Newsday Editorial: Puerto Rico is still in great need 2 days ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Puerto Rico aid Puerto Rico statehood White House Puerto Rico 7. It is an offense to say this reality is not against mankind and is just what is. Better to say it is not meant to be. This is so extremely simple to do in seeing some things here that are to occur as just what is to be but the things are very very bad such as someone to be deformed. Also this reality is a trick. The devil tries to have for someone to say something like, "This is og god, someone I love to die?" Really this can be a trick, some things like this. It is bad. It is something where people or a person is to assume something is real that is not okay. Something is obsessing w my thoughts very bad and trying to take my thoughts and claim my thoughts. It is scarce here despite it being pretended otherwise for someone to voice their opinion. It is actually unwelcome. It is actually very bad here, worse than is to be acknowledged here and something supresses and tries to disguise things that express that its very bad here. 8. It is an offense to say this reality is not against mankind and is just what is. Better to say it is not meant to be. This is so extremely simple to do in seeing some things here that are to occur as just what is to be but the things are very very bad such as someone to be deformed. To consider this it seems to me impossible a person is to think this can really be how things really are to be. Also this reality is a trick. The devil tries to have for someone to say something like, "This is of god, someone I love to die or have died?" Really this can be a trick, some things like this being said possibly because hypothetically the other person is supposed to accept death as an eternal thing n etc and is supposed to believe in inequality and etc further than the situation demands really. It is bad. It is something where people or a person is to assume something is real that is not okay. Something is obsessing w my thoughts very bad and trying to take my thoughts and claim my thoughts. It is scarce here despite it being pretended otherwise for someone to voice their opinion or rather for the opinions of mankind to be available. It is actually unwelcome, the say so of humankind. It is actually very bad here, worse than is to be acknowledged here and something supresses and tries to disguise things that express that it is very bad here. So once more its best it can have some grain of salt or further to be available as it is to be revealed this reality is the rule of the devil. It is actually good news considering what is to be what mankind is to face in this reality here. 9. https://youtu.be/zqWJ4ktcWLM 10. This made me healthier, I think because i can be a more fully integrated pile of whatever it is Im supposed to be. Then this is great there is dessert and dinner here and why not dessinner since it has apples and tomato sauce in the recipes? Bread is quite a preferred item, one of the mysteries of the universe yet to be fully revealed of its meaning, yet already quite useful for a seeker a scrumdiddlyumptious, a fascinating thing of bling to a human to some degree. I am just thinking this. 11. Two apples is good. No need for just one, what the heck. Those cute cows just said, "Eat more apples". They are really wise and selfish in addition. I think they are next era activists. Selfish is the new activism, i think. 12. Two apples is good. No need for just one, what the heck. Those cute cows just said, "Eat more apples". They are really wise and selfish in addition. I think they are next-era activists. Selfish is the new activism, i think. Let's do this. 13. https://youtu.be/EVSbSe963Jw 14. Maybe all just tomatoes or something else outside the box. We can give our imagination a workout on this one maybe. Hot dogs (like corn dogs) are good w dough however and can be good w cheese. So, hmmmm. But for a moment i thought the tomatoes were most well matched for the tree recipe. But i love cheese, yum. The real meaning ir remedy of being undeprived. Whew. How do we get outta this place where nobody understands deprivation cannot sustain mankind (his hunger for more) for a second, let alone make one healthy? 15. Maybe all just tomatoes or something else outside the box. We can give our imagination a workout on this one maybe. Hot dogs (like with corn dogs) are good w dough however and can be good w cheese. So, hmmmm. But for a moment i thought the tomatoes were most well matched for the tree recipe. But i love cheese, yum. The real meaning of being undeprived. Whew. How do we get outta this place where nobody understands deprivation cannot sustain mankind (his hunger for more) for a second, let alone make one healthy? 16. Make that "satisfy" instead of "sustain". This is maybe more exact. In other words, it is, ie the promoted practices here are, deprivation until it is not. 17. Ive experienced three earthquakes noticeably, last one in 2011. Its startling and very unusual. All short quakes and not so extreme. Who you gone be mad at??? There are anomalies abounding all around. What are they to be but ignored. So try to do that with the quake then, i guess. Its actually an irritating occurrence anomalies are ignored n etc. This reality is very bizarre and its true nature would ultimately be revealed as very bizarre. Things are secretly revered to be left unexamined n left unexplained and mysterious. It is bizarre possibly most all and secondly evil maybe just to express how bizarre it is here. But Michael Jackson: quite an anomaly. Is this figure a storm? I venture that he would be like a earthly disturbance the nature of an earthquake because things/occurrences/situations etc are not to be left in a way they cannot be solutions and things further resolved abd uncovered for their true nature. 18. Ive experienced three earthquakes noticeably, last one in 2011. Its startling and very unusual. All short quakes and not so extreme. Who you gone be mad at??? There are anomalies abounding all around. What are they to be but ignored. So try to do that with the quake then, i guess. Its actually an irritating occurrence anomalies are ignored n etc. This reality is very bizarre and its true nature would ultimately be revealed as very bizarre. Things are secretly revered to be left unexamined n left unexplained and mysterious. It is bizarre possibly most all and secondly evil maybe just to express how bizarre it is here. But Michael Jackson: quite an anomaly. Is this figure a storm? I venture that he would be like a earthly disturbance the nature of an earthquake because things/occurrences/situations etc are not to be left in a way they cannot be solutions and things further resolved and uncovered for their true nature. So that is that. This is not what people and things are for is nothing more and "read n weep", ie losing of mass proportions. 19. https://youtu.be/SEAwwCP88Lg 20. https://youtu.be/znw93fFhLyw
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natureselements · 7 years
Good Morning Starshines!🌞
I am looking for a sweet soul to collab with and create a new logo for my little shop🌿 After many attempts, still not quite being able to put to paper something that really stands out to me, I wanted to reach out to your precious beings and see if anyone was interested or had any recommendations!😄🌼💚 and deff willing to trade some goodies for your time and energy🙇
Thanks in advance loves, and sending many well wishes and bright blessings✨
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