shivchhaya · 2 months
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How to Cultivate and Benefit from Mosambi Grafted Plants
Learn how to cultivate and bene.fit from Mosambi grafted plants with our detailed guide. Enhance your citrus cultivation today with Shivchaya Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
For more information visit: https://bit.ly/3ScddXD Contact us on: +91 77790 21916
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herbalsjoy · 6 months
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Health benefits of Mosambi Juice
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banglakhobor · 1 year
মুসম্বি চাষ করে লাভবান হতে চান! প্রথমেই করে নিন সঠিক পরিকল্পনা
ঐতিহ্যবাহী কৃষির পাশাপাশি বিকল্প চাষের দিকে মন দিতে চাইছেন ভারতের প্রায় সব রাজ্যের কৃষকেরা। তবে খুব মনোযোগী না হলে বিকল্প চাষেও ঘটে যেতে পারে বিপর্যয়। মহারাষ্ট্রের মারাঠওয়াড়ার অধিকাংশ কৃষকই এখন ঐতিহ্যবাহী কৃষি পরিত্যাগ করে আধুনিক কৃষির দিকে ঝুঁকছেন। ভাল লাভ পাওয়া যায়, এমন ফল ও সবজির প্রতিই কৃষকের ঝোঁক বেশি। তবে সঠিক পরিকল্পনার অভাবে প্রায়ই লোকসান গুনতে হচ্ছে তাঁদের। আরও পড়ুন: কন্যা সন্তান…
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prinsliworld · 2 years
Benefits of Sweet Lime : मोसंबी का रस क्यों पीना चाहिए?
Sweet Lime Mosambi Benefits मोसंबी या मुसम्मी या मौसमी (Mosambi or Musammi or Sweet Lime) एक ऐसा फल है जिसे सब जानते हैं और पोषक आहार के रूप में इसका उपयोग बड़ी भारी मात्रा में होता है. मौसंबी को ‘मीठा नींबू’ भी कहा जाता है. मोसम्बी नींबू की ही जाति का एक फल है और नींबू से अनेक गुना अधिक फायदे वाला भी है. मोसम्बी गुणों में काफी कुछ नारंगी के बराबर होती है. गर्मी के दिनों में प्यास बुझाने के लिए…
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that-thespian-life · 2 years
From Weight Loss to Improved Digestion: The Top Benefits of Mosambi Juice
Sweet lime, also famous as Mosambi, is a citrus fruit with various health benefits. It is a citrus fruit with many origins, including in Indonesia and China. Mosambi, however, originated from Meghalaya and Nagaland hills in India, according to a 2004 report in the Agriculture Review. During the scorching summer months, you'll usually find people sipping on Mosambi juice infused with chaat masala and black salt. Mosambi limes are milder and tastier than ordinary limes due to their lower acidity.
Since sweet lime has an overabundance of seeds and a thick rind, it could be easier to eat. Mosambi juice, on the other hand, is simply delicious. Despite its sweet taste, it retains the same essence as lime.
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There are several therapeutic properties associated with mosambi juice, including low-fat content. Aside from providing instant energy, it is also known to keep you cool during hot summer days. But what makes Mosambi an excellent fruit juice for your health? As well as tasting delicious, the fruit is packed with nutrients like Vitamin C, Zinc, Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Copper, and Calcium. 
Let us look at some of the beneficial properties of Mosambi juice associated with our bodies:
An excellent source of Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid, also known as Vitamin C, found in sweet lime juice, supports a wide range of bodily functions and promotes overall health. Vitamin C is water-soluble and cannot be stored in the body, so we need to get it from our diet each day, and Mosambi juice is one of the best ways to do that.
Enhances the detoxification ability
The detoxifying properties of Mosambi juices help to eliminate toxins and offset the adverse effects of stress and pollution on the body.
Boosts the overall immunity
Antioxidants in sweet limes can reduce inflammation, promote a healthy immune system, and increase infection resistance.
Homemade treatment for the common cold
Vitamin C in Mosambi juice reduces the severity and frequency of common cold symptoms by protecting the body from infections.
Promotes digestion
In addition to vitamins and minerals, sweet lime juice also contains fibre. So, in addition to regulating digestion, it prevents constipation and maintains healthy bowels.
Aids in the treatment of scurvy
A deficiency of Vitamin C can trigger scurvy, a rare condition. Bleeding gums, bruising, fatigue, and rash are among their symptoms. The great content of Vitamin C in mosambi juice makes it an excellent cure for scurvy.
Provides relief from muscle cramps
Sports enthusiasts recommend Mosambi juice for reducing muscle cramps and hydrating the body after a workout.
Strengthens bones
Research has shown mosambi juice prevents osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and promotes bone health.
Optimal for the eyes
Sweet lime juice's antioxidants and antibacterial properties protect your eyes against infections and cataracts.
Boosts energy levels
Regular consumption of mosambi juice reduces weakness and fatigue and increases energy levels.
Ensures blemish-free skin
Mosambi juice has mild bleaching and cleaning properties that help remove spots, blemishes, and pigmentation. 
Keeps the skin healthy
In addition to providing vitamins and minerals for gorgeous healthy skin, mosambi juice is an excellent source of antioxidants. The fruit contains the antioxidant Vitamin C, which is vital for maintaining healthy, glowing skin. 
Anti-ageing properties
There are excellent anti-ageing properties in Mosambi juice, and it is also proven to reduce wrinkles. Among its benefits are stimulating collagen production, firmness and preventing sagging.
It helps in treating acne
A detoxifying juice such as Mosambi juice is excellent for our skin because it detoxifies the body. Skin problems such as pimples and acne are treated with daily consumption of Vitamin C.
Provides strength to hair
The juice of Mosambi helps maintain healthy hair and prevent split ends, giving you that shiny appearance you've always dreamed of. 
Wrapping Up
Lime and oranges provide natural sugars, improve heart function, and control high blood pressure. So, after discovering how beneficial Mosambi is in many ways, grab it soon this summer before it becomes too late.
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Is there any side effects of mosambi juice?
However, a high intake of this fruit can result in nausea, vomiting, and digestive issues. In addition, brushing your teeth after consuming these fruits is essential, as their acidity can lead to cavities and erode enamel.
What is the best time to drink mosambi juice?
Drinking mosambi juice twice daily in the morning or after meals. In general, drinking two glasses of mosambi juice should be allowed per day.
Is Mosambi juice high in sugar?
Sweet limes have high fibre content and a low glycemic index > 50. The combination of both factors makes it an excellent addition to the diet of people with diabetes. Also, if you are considering making any changes to your diet, you should consult a doctor first. Sweet lime does not have a high sugar content, but it does have natural sugars.
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kashmirmonitor · 2 years
Dengue patient administered Mosambi juice instead of plasma; dies
Dengue patient administered Mosambi juice instead of plasma; dies
Prayagraj (UP): A dengue patient in Prayagraj was allegedly given sweet lime juice instead of plasma which caused his instant death. A video allegedly exposing a fake blood bank unit from UP has gone viral on social media. It has been shared on social media by a local journalist. To the unversed, both plasma and mosambi (sweet lime) juice ‘look’ similar. Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak…
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भारी बारिश से संकट में मौसंबी के बाग, पेड़ से गिरते फलों को लेकर चिंंतित किसान
भारी बारिश से संकट में मौसंबी के बाग, पेड़ से गिरते फलों को लेकर चिंंतित किसान
महाराष्ट्र में भारी बारिश ने मौसंबी की फसल को भी प्रभावित किया है. जालना जिले के मौसंब�� किसान फल खराब होने से संकट में हैं. किसान मुआवजे की मांग कर रहे हैं. मोसंबी उत्पादकों की बढ़ी समस्या. Image Credit source: TV9 Digital महाराष्ट्र के कई जिलों में इस समय रुक – रुक कर हो रही बारिश की वजह से मुख्य फसलों के साथ- साथ बागवानी फसलों को भी बड़े पैमाने पर नुकसान हो रहा है.राज्य के नासिक, जालन समेत कुछ…
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rewh0re · 1 year
Last time I had mosambi my mouth was burning so I'm scared of mosambis now and my mom just handed me a bowl full of it😔
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Top 10 Health Benefits Of Mosambi Juice at Livlong
Mosambi or Sweet Lime comes with multifarious benefits for our bodies such as the immune system, helping combat common colds, etc. Visit Livlong for more information.
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metamatar · 9 months
things im homesick for: chaat, delhi metro announcements, crowds in general, getting into an auto and going wherever, eating momos in the cold while the chutney makes my eyes water, guavas, never checking the weather forecast bc indoor is same as outdoor and i understand it in my bones, normal sized red onions, juice shop with 30 rupees mosambi juice at every corner, my cats tummy, warm rain.
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celesteablack · 5 days
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What even is this?
oranges (ya mosambi jO bhi hai ye) ka cannibalism
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manousjournal · 4 months
Travel Sketches (Nov 2023 - March 2024)
Nov 2023.
Bishnumaya just turned 100 this October. She comes from Pokhari, about 15 kilometers from Mirik town. As we spoke, she recalled old memories, her expressions shifting as if reliving those moments. She seemed elsewhere, gazing past me into the distance, and then, as if continuing a conversation with herself, she said, “Nowadays people ask about caste when they meet someone, and how is that of any use?”
She described how, when she was small, there were no proper schools in her village. She learned to read and write, however little, by arranging corn kernels on the ground to form shapes that resembled letters and numbers. Reflecting on her long life, she added that everyone around her—friends her age and younger siblings—is dead, and she feels like a monster who swallowed them all.
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The sun is out, but it’s only warm where the light falls. The history of Mirik is reflected in its lake, which used to be a marshland. According to Wikipedia, the name Mirik comes from the Lepcha words Mir-Yok, meaning "place burnt by fire." It's very green now for a place that was once burnt.
A town fair is underway, offering a range of attractions: a Ferris wheel, flower park visits, fast food stalls, ice cream carts, horse and boat rides, live pop music, card game betting, balloon shooting, local bingo-type card games, and hoopla with prizes up for grabs. Some prizes are cash with notes of 20, 50, and 100 rupees.
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For the past ten years, I haven't had a permanent home. When I wanted to sidestep the weight of planning and longed for comfort and familiarity, I returned to places I liked a little more than others: Auroville, Dharamshala, Shillong, Aizawl, Nagaland. 
I like meeting new people and have formed what feels like extended families in some of these places. Since I have mostly felt free to move around, sometimes nostalgia of people or a time or a curiosity to see how things may have changed would draw me back to a place.
Earlier in August, while I was temporarily living in Auroville, I got a call about a six-month project called The Great Himalayan Exploration, a collaboration between UNESCO and Royal Enfield. The project aims to document the intangible cultural heritage of local communities in the Himalayan region of Northeast India.
My work on this trip specifically involved photographing the people behind various cultural practices and examining the ecosystems they exist in. To build context, I engaged in various methods, such as scanning old photos from people’s personal albums, taking photos of their living spaces, landscapes, and exploring archival resources. From November to April, we were in West Bengal, Sikkim, Tripura, Mizoram, Assam, Nagaland, and Meghalaya.
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On our way back to Siliguri from Mirik, we made a lengthy stop near a tea estate. Lalita, from Tingling village, shared that she had spent two decades working on the estate, much like many other women from the village. Their collective hope was to earn a minimum of 500 rupees per day for their labor. Currently, they are receiving 250 rupees per day for an eight-hour shift.
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Sanchamaya, 74, sits with her friend Bodhimaya in the front yard of her house in Darap, both lifelong farmers of the area and belonging to the Limbu community. They're nice and welcoming. It's our second day in Pelling, West Sikkim, and I've ended up at the wrong house. Today, we're supposed to see a drum dance(chyabrung) performance by local Limbu boys, which I'll catch later.
They talk in basic broken Hindi, with Shusan translating most of it. Sanchamaya leads me to the back of their house, where she proudly shows me trays of dried large cardamoms. Later, we'll visit her cardamom field. They also cultivate Mosambi, oranges, guavas, maize, peas, ginger, and onions. Sanchamaya spends her days with her friend, grandchildren, working in the fields, and cooking in the kitchen.
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I visited Chuba village, 3 hours away from Gangtok, with Semeon from Haflong, Assam, a textile design graduate from NID and working at Sonam’s design studio called EchoStream based in Gangtok. Semeon was familiar with the village and the community I was there to meet. Arun Gurung and his wife, founders of Chubako, are endeavoring to revive an old tradition of sourcing wool from indigenous banpala sheep to make clothes. They operate a small cooperative called Chubako. In this village of 43 families, one person from each household now works for Chubako. (photo above: Arun Gurung, founder of Chubako)
(photo below: Designed by Sanskruti Shukla, co-created with the craft community of Chubako for Echostream, Gangtok)
Local stories of the craftspeople of Chuba are showcased and incorporated into wool through interactive workshops focused on storytelling and design development. The felted art rugs depict the flora and fauna of Sikkim.
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Gangamaya Gurung, 83, Arun Gurung's mother, lit up like a child when she saw Semeon. They shared a bond akin to best friends. Despite her age, Gangamaya remains active, tending to sheep, cutting grass, farming, and weaving. When asked about her leisure activties, she said, "eat, watch TV - eat, watch TV."
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Sampati Debbarma, a farmer, returning from work in Takarjala, Tripura.
Jan, 2024.
We have been out on this trip for 3 months. My thoughts scattered in a kind of bardo between the world I know and the world I am coming into contact with. I picture house fronts with flowers in Darjeeling, roads winding, the long cold rivers snaking toward mountains that seem no bigger than my thumb, the snow capped peaks shifting colours, the prayer flags in high altitudes and on house doors. Gangtok’s Lal Bazaar skateboarders flash by, a school in Tripura where a student lives on 700rs a month, nini bung tamo and 4 other sentences I learned in Kokborok nag me like a tune. Sidangcherra to Pecharthal to Panisagar to Damchara checkpoint we make our way from Tripura into Mizoram by road. I think about where I will be later in the summer and see a white fluffed cloud taking the shape of a growing tree far on the horizon.
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Krismas Ruaitheh(Christmas feast) at Khatla Presbyterian Church, Aizawl. This is my 3rd time in Aizawl. I used to go for dinners, sometime evening tea to my friend’s family house further up the road from the Khatla church. We are here to document the traditional community feast of the Mizos.
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Priscilla is currently pursuing her BA in Political Science in Delhi, and she's home for the holidays. She was volunteering at Khatla Presbyterian Church where she and her friends were tasked with serving lemonade, a customary drink after the meal. For Priscilla, the most remarkable aspect of the feast is its longstanding tradition — dating back to pre-Christian times — where the entire community comes together to share its moments of joy and sorrow + they still use Changel Hnah (plantain leaves) — the traditional way to serve meals.
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On an idle walk one evening in Khatla, I find myself in a local thrift store and get invited to meet James Lalhmingliana. He is 80, one of the founding members of Aizawl's first bike club, Aizawl Thunders. He went to school at Sts. Edmund’s in Shillong.
In 1966, he joined the Mizo National Front uprising, fighting for freedom. He went underground for seven years, first in Arakan, Burma, then in 1969 to East Pakistan for shelter. "It was useless," he says. "We wasted our good years. When I came back, I was put in jail, but not for long."
He has been housebound for years due to his health.
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At 8 am on a cold January morning, we arrive at Joonbeel Mela. (Joon and beel are Assamese terms for moon and wetland. The Tiwa community first organized this in the 15th century to exchange goods between indigenous tribal communities in Assam and the surrounding areas.)
It is known as the only fair in India where people still practice barter, exchanging goods like fish, sweet potatoes, yam, homegrown vegetables, turmeric, chili, kali miri, and rongalau.
Over a few hours, I have brief interactions with people from Jagiroad, Pamlatar, Deosal, Sira, Changsari, Potia Pathar, Bengenabari, Palahguri, ulukunchi, morigaon, Nagaon, Saru Amli, Belguri, Damal, and places as far as Langpih, mawlynnong in Meghalaya.  No one refuses a photo.
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This is my fifth time in Nagaland. I first came here ten years ago and stayed at Kevesho's home. He is the father of the Tetseo Sisters, a well-known folk group of four sisters from Nagaland.
Kevesho Tetseo, son of Nülhüprü Tetseo was born in 1950s in Thüvopisümi village, Phek District, Nagaland. Initially schooled in the village, he finished his HSLC at Government High School in Kohima and graduated from Kohima College in Arts. He worked in the Education Dept. for sometime and now retired. Active in cultural music, Chokri language preservation, and in church choir since his youth.
(Tati - - a single string musical instrument which is used as an accompaniment with singing of li- indigenous songs by the Chakhesang Nagas.) 
Kevesho learned how to make Tati from observing elders in his village when he was young and has done Tati making work since 1990s and a good number of it has been produced till date by him including improvising it for longer life by using steel wires as strings.
He tells me, the woven shawl he is wearing in the picture is "thipiqhü". It is the most prestigious shawl (indigenous cloth) among many traditional clothes of the Chakhesang tribe. It is a shawl they wear with humility and honour.
“Nagaland is my home and I love my culture, its rich traditional heritage, and the natural beauty.”
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Daisy Yaden was born in Zotlang, Mizoram. She studied at the Welsh Mission School in Mission Veng, Aizawl. She will turn 98 this June. She learned to weave shawls on a backstrap loom, stitching, and baking from her mother, often baking cakes in the fireplace. She taught in the interiors of Nagaland, in places like Noklak and Changtongya. She started her career by teaching people self-sufficiency—how to cook, make jams and pickles—skills she picked up from a British magazine called Woman’s Own. She used to compose little tunes for children at Sunday school. She loves flower gardening and her favourite film is "Gone with the Wind."
Photographed at her house in Duncan, Dimapur.
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I am sitting with Marian, Daisy's daughter, at her house in Duncan. Marian, now 75, lived in Bombay from 1970 to 2012. She went to college there and worked as an air hostess with Air India for 34 years. In 2012, she returned to Nagaland. We agreed to meet again for lunch and look at her old photo albums.
(below: Marian,16, in Kohima trying a sari for the first time / in Santa Cruz, Bombay in the 80s with James Ferreira and friends)
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Khinchi is Christian, and Sindri is Songsarek, belonging to one of the last animism practising communities. I learned a few words in Achik: Khading bo, Methela, Namja, and Manja. Here I am in the extended kitchen space at Sindri's hut, in Sadolpara, Dadenggre, where they are taking a break from cooking lunch. 
First published in Hindustan Times June '24
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mad-who-ra · 2 years
Petition to name all the stray ginger cats Mosambi
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nohkalikai · 1 year
ate some spicy kelp from a packet to stave off the heat u feel frm being indoors and my god it made me miss having fresh fruit w salt and chilli powder on a hot day.
orange guava plum peach mosambi watermelon jamun imli. special mention to cucumber with rock salt and pepper. especially the one a cab driver in guwahati bought for my brother and i in 2006. god bless.
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shivchhaya · 27 days
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Fruits Grafted Plants
Discover the key to a thriving garden with our exceptional range of grafted plants! Select from our premium offerings, including Chikoo, Custard Apple, Lemon, Mosambi, Mango, and Orange. Each of these horticultural wonders is crafted to blend the best characteristics of multiple plants, ensuring vigorous growth, delightful fruit, and beautiful blooms—all in one extraordinary package. Enhance your gardening expertise with these marvels of horticultural craftsmanship!.
For more information visit: https://bit.ly/3QEHAoT Contact us on: +91 77790 21916
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amazingthingsforyou · 2 months
Frankz Rechargeable Citrus Juicer, Orange Juicer Squeezer, Mosambi Juicer, Wireless Portable Juicer Blender with USB Charging Electric Fruit Juicer Machine for Travel & Kitchen Purpose (Multicolour)
About this item
✅【 Easy to Use & Clean】: The Frankz citrus juicer is designed for simplicity, with several detachable parts for easy separation and cleaning. The wireless portable juicer includes a brush to assist with cleaning. However, avoid washing the main body; it's recommended to wipe it with a damp cloth, while other parts can be washed by hand.
✅【 Wireless & Portable Design】: The juicer uses USB-C technology for charging, making it perfect for outdoor use. Take this rechargeable citrus juicer on your camping trips and never worry about running out of power. Enjoy delicious juice anytime and anywhere with just one click.
✅【 Compact Design】: This orange juice maker is highly compact and portable, taking up minimal space. Use this citrus juicer at home or bring it to picnics to enjoy nutritious juice anytime.
✅【 Safe to Use】: All parts of the juicer are made of high-quality ABS+AS material, ensuring safety and non-toxicity. Enjoy flavorful juice daily with peace of mind. For best results, cut fruit in half or smaller before juicing to prevent clogging. Use the juicer only after it’s fully charged and avoid using it while charging. Charging time is 1.5-2 hours.
✅【 Free Hands】: Unlike traditional manual juicers, this new model requires no manual pressing. Just press a button to start, freeing your hands and conserving energy.
✅【 High Juice Yield】: With proper operation, the juicer can extract juice almost completely from the fruit, separating the residue perfectly. This travel juicer is suitable for oranges, grapefruits, lemons, apples, tomatoes, kiwis, watermelons, and even pomegranates.
✅【 Usage Tip】: This citrus juicer is portable and should not be plugged in while in use. Before using, fully charge the juicer. A red light indicates the need for charging, and it will change to white once fully charged.
✅【 Important Note】: Before using the citrus juicer, ensure it is fully charged. The red light signifies it needs charging, and it will turn white when fully charged.
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