#most cooper howard thing I've ever seen
Pls More general sfw headcanons of cooper and reader? Ghoul or pre war whichever you prefer honestly.
General SFW Prewar!Cooper Howard Headcanons 2
(I'll do some Ghoul SFW in a follow-up; this got away from me a little.)
Clearly he enjoys film and theatre, but he has a fairly secret soft spot for musicals. Pretty much any musical will pique his interest, and you'll spend a fair few date nights out seeing shows. You find it very endearing that he wants to share his interests with you. He's got an especially soft spot for some of the older, cheesier musicals though; hope you're ready to see "Brigadoon" like a half dozen times! He's got that one on tape.
"Old Yeller" is banned media in the Howard household (as are most things about dogs who die), as well as books like "The Velveteen Rabbit", which he read to Janey when she was four and never truly recovered from. Coop cries like a baby every time and gets so embarrassed. You once asked Janey if she'd ever seen it, and she tells you, rather conspiratorially, that she once watched it at a friend's house.
The old man actually cries quite easily when he's moved by something. He'll try to hide it away, but every once in a while he fully loses it (tbh it's the 'child death' type stuff that really upsets him; to this day, he's still a little mad at Barb for showing him "Bridge to Terabithia" on family movie night and thinking he would like it). You think it's the sweetest thing and you always reassure him that it's nothing to be ashamed of.
I imagine that, like a good, engaged father, he takes a particular interest in Janey's likes and hobbies; if you ask him what she likes, he can give you an entire list of things you can engage with her on, every single one of them accurate and up-to-date. If Janey really likes a book series, he'll read it (or maybe listen to it if he's short on time). If she really likes a band, y'all have fun at the concert! Every group comes through LA so you may be going to several concerts a year eventually. He even knows who her favorite member is! He only falls in love with you more when you do the same with her.
He's a true romantic at heart; despite being really torn up about the divorce and thinking he'll never fall in love again, he does, and hard. It's not long before he (unbelievably, to him especially) finds himself wanting to propose. He waits a while, though, wanting to feel out the dynamic between you and Janey, worrying about how Barb will feel when she ultimately finds out. He doesn't want to be married to her anymore, but he still cares for her, and he doesn't want to hurt her.
I'd like to think that he and Barb had a pretty nice, large wedding (as I've said before, likely at an older age than many of their peers, even if, canonically, it seems they were already dating during Cooper's military service; they both strike me as the type to want to wait until they were better established to actually marry). Not anything too crazy, but since Cooper's career was really starting to take off, she did want to use the wedding as an opportunity to rub elbows, so there were quite a few people in attendance that he flat-out didn't know. It didn't bother him much at the time; Barb always loved an opportunity to network and Coop could never deny her anything. But, given a chance to do it over, I think he'd do things differently.
With you, he'd wanna go to the courthouse. He'd be happy to have a nice, private ceremony eventually, maybe a little vow renewal for your one-year down on the beach in Mexico or something. But when you get legally married it'll be at the courthouse, just the two of you and Janey. You wouldn't have it any other way.
You try your best to keep it under wraps, but, well...marriage licenses are a matter of public record, and there are people whose whole job is to unearth things like that. The fallout (ha) from it may be stronger than you anticipated, but, at the end of the day, you have one another, and you're happy with that.
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inkmonster21 · 4 months
Sing for Me
1. The Beginning
Cooper Howard x Fem!Reader / The Ghoul x Fem!Reader
She's a singer the nation adores. He's the actor everyone respects. What happens when these two get entangled in a heated affair? Passion, regret, rage, and even murder will commence. From before the bombs drop to the vast wasteland, these two souls live for one another.
Series Masterlist
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Strangers, friends, lovers. Isn’t that the natural flow of things? The instinctive humane magnet that pulls two souls together; wasn’t that just the way of life? I often wonder if I had never laid eyes on him would the word still be intact? If I had never said yes to the role, if I had just moved on to another project, maybe my world would still be turning. I could still have a real body, real blood flowing through my veins. I almost remember what it felt like to bleed. Is it strange that I missed it? The pain? In this sorry excuse of a world, I guess anything can be normalized. Sadly I can’t recall what happiness used to feel like. I assume amazing and warm.
I stare into the cracked mirror, dusting the powder over my face, touching up the tattooed perfection. "Ready in 5," Conor speaks from the curtain. "Thank you," I take one last look into the remains of myself. I press my hand to my chest, feeling the light thump of my heart, one of the remaining parts of who this woman used to be. I stand, the black shawl dragging the ground behind me, the edges ripped and frayed. I pass Conor, grabbing the glass of water and drowning it down. "You've got a big crowd tonight." I smile at him, the facade growing. "Why wouldn't I? Even in this wasteland, I'm still the best singer the world has ever seen." A light centers onto the stage in the back of the venue. I step out beginning the set.
The crowd applause rings through the venue. I raise both my arms taking a bow, soaking in their appreciation. I blow a kiss before sauntering off the stage and behind the curtains where my assistant waits with refreshments. "Honey, I've got someone I want you to meet.” I roll my eyes knowing exactly what that means. “I’m not taking the time today, Louis.” He proceeds to grab my elbow and guide me to the dressing room. “Yes, you are. Especially when it’s a director.” My ears peek at the mention. “A director?”
The door swings open and I see a man sitting on my sofa. Expensive suit and tie, most definitely involved in the business. “There she is!” He extends his arm, grasping my hands, “Our Nation's sweetheart. Boy, my wife is going to be upset at this one.” I smile at him. “Well, the pleasure is all mine. I hope you enjoyed the show.” He beams at me, “the show? Oh, I could’ve watched for hours.”
Louis steps in, tossing my robe over my shoulders and taking my jewelry off my limbs. “Mr. Vander is here to discuss an opportunity for you.”
Mr. Vander nods with excitement brewing. “I certainly am! I’m casting a new film, Under the Covers, and I want you to be our leading lady.” I open my mouth, eyes widening “You know I’m a singer, not an actress, right?” Mr. Vander waves his hands in protest. “That's just the thing! I've had some written songs for the film. It's not a full-blown musical, but I'm widening my wings. I guarantee you will do just peachy!” I twiddle my fingers. “I don’t know, Mr. Vander. The big screen? Me? I just can’t see it.” Mr. Vander slides a script across the table. “Take a look, give me a call. No pressure, Sweetie.” He leaves without another word.
As soon as the door closes Louis is flipping through the pages. “You’re doing this.” I sigh at his words. “Can’t I take a break? It’s been show after show, and now I finally have some time off and you want me to go out to California and embarrass myself? I’ve got a lucky set of cords, that’s all.” I begin to wipe away my makeup.
Louis chuckles as he reads a line from the page. “You would kill this role. She’s a sassy badass. Look! Just read this line right here.” He pushes the paper into my face as I sit. I look over the words with a light giggle before turning to gaze at myself in the mirror. Louis begins, “I made a bad call.” I roll my eyes, “you think? Just sit there and let me do all the work. You men are sure good at causing trouble, but you ain’t too good at getting out of it. That’s where you need me.” I bite my lip as I finish reading. It would be fun to star in a film. Different and unique. I would still be able to sing. Not many singers get the chance to branch out like this. I wave my hand with confidence. “Oh, what the hell? Why not. I’m in.” Louis jumps up in celebration.
The following week I was on the set of a real movie. Trailers lined the lot, makeup bags and racks of clothes in every corner, and people buzzed around in their madness. Louis stands behind me, hands on my shoulders, “You got this.”
“Excuse me? Hi there, I'm Mr. Vander's executive assistant.” A woman asked directly. “If you would follow me. Mr. Vander wanted to make sure of your arrival.” Louis hauls my bag behind him as we follow the woman through the busy lot.
“Mr. Vander? Your star is here.” He flies out of his seat and grabs my hands, kissing my knuckles. “Ah! My leading lady! My Songbird! I am so happy you decided to say yes. We are going to make this such a special film. Now if you please follow me, I’d like to introduce you to your costar.” Walking a short way, we stop at a scenic backdrop where a man is walking down the street. He dips down an alleyway silently. He tips his hat slightly, before walking towards a building in question. Loud bells ring out, and the buzz of people continues, as their tasks have switched.
“Cooper,” Vander waves the man over once the scene has been cut. “This is our leading lady. She’ll be portraying Mary.” The man takes the hat off and shakes my hand lightly. “Cooper Howard. It’s a great privilege. My daughter adores your records.” His cheery smile and soft eyes struck me. His skin is smooth and warm to the touch. I had to kick myself just to speak. “Hello, Mr. Howard.” "Oh please, call me, Cooper."
And from then on, from that one moment, I was in trouble.
We would rehearse together, have our lunch together, and have dinner together when the day rolled around too late to go home. It became a natural routine. He made me feel special. By 4 weeks in I was in deep shit. I couldn't wait to see him. He started to invade my mind at all hours of the night. I started to question if he would like certain outfits as I put them on each day.
He told me about his life. He shared little details that seemed intimate. I sit in my makeup chair as he enters my trailer with a coffee. "Your ears must've been burning. I was just going to ask for one." I tease as I take the cup into my hands. He smiles that dumb smile, and I can feel myself sink into the chair. My makeup artist twists a tube of liner and groans upon seeing the state of said liner. "Ugh, I need to get another lip liner, don't move." I sit very still with wide eyes making her laugh. "I didn't mean it literally!" I smile as the door shuts. It doesn't take Cooper but a second to be standing over my chair, hands on my shoulders, exchanging glances in the mirror. It was now 9 weeks into filming, and I was fucked. I was completely infatuated with this man.
I feel the exposed skin on my shoulders burns as his fingertips brush over it. I feel my head lean into his touch ever so slightly. "You look beautiful." Why the fuck was he doing this to me? It's on purpose, it has to be. He certainly didn't act like this to any other female on set. Was it just a method to make sure we had that connection when we filmed?
Cooper's light squeeze on my shoulders brings me back. I smile at him in the mirror. He tilts his head, "You alright, darlin'?" I nod silently. Cooper leans down, his lips trailing up my ear as he whispers, “You nervous about the kiss?” I stare into his eyes, mine widening. “I thought we weren’t filming that scene until a few weeks.” His smirk only grows. I unknowingly provided my answer. I knew I was going to say it if he didn’t leave my trailer. I couldn't help myself. His fingers burned my skin. My lungs filled but wouldn't release. I was surely going to burst. "I-" "FOUND IT!" My makeup artist walks in victorious. "Cooper, they need you on set." I avert my eyes from him, trying to control my breathing. He nods and releases my shoulders before exiting. I felt my body exhale the large sigh I was holding in. I shake my head lightly trying to push my inner thoughts away.
The detective watches the passing car. He begins to trail the group on foot as they turn down a street. "Well, if it isn't my big tipper." He looks up to see Mary Jones, the singer from the club the men in question were just seen leaving. She makes her way across the street, meeting him under the lamplight. He was losing his chance, but he would get shot if he was promised she'd be the last thing his eyes set upon. "Just leaving, Mary?" He narrows his eyes at her. She knew something. She was the boss's favorite girl after all. The detective points down the road. "Those men, did they mention anything interesting?" She narrows her eyes, "Are you asking me to go against my boss? Where else would I sing?" Her sly smile cuts him deep. He wishes no harm to come to his beauty. He could let them get a head start. He lays his hand on her waist, pulling her in, their faces inches apart. "Now, you listen, doll. Those men, they could hurt you." Mary runs a gloved finger over his bottom lip. "And I can handle myself, sugar." She stares at his lips, her tongue darting to wet her own. “But if you’re so concerned, why don’t you walk me home? Make sure I get there safe and sound.” They move swiftly down the streets sharing cigarettes and longing gazes.
He leans on her door, drinking her in. “Don’t go to the club tomorrow.” He says in a whisper. She picked his chin up, “You understand I have to. But you can come visit and return this for me.” She leans up pressing her body against him, attaching their lips in harmony. His hands moved to grip her waist, pulling a small moan from her mouth.
I blink quickly, suddenly becoming very aware of my closeness to Cooper. Hell, I just kissed the man. Well, Mary technically kissed the detective. I beg my bones to stay professional, but the heat growing in my core causes me to shutter.
"Beautiful! Just stunning. I could swear you LOVE this man! Singer my ass, you picked the wrong path Sweets." Mr. Vander cries as he takes off the headset. He spins me around dramatically. "My little songbird!"
"Whoa, now, bud. Don't go breaking her," Cooper's voice peels out in a firm tone. Mr. Vander sets me down, holding me at arm's length. "Now, this Friday we will be filming your solo. So, drink some tea or whatever the fuck you do." I laugh trying to sway back and forth to gather friction between my legs. I can feel his body heat next to me. He lays an arm on the small of my back, drawing circles. I jump lightly at his trailing fingers. I need to get away from him before my internal flames ignite this entire lot.
"Cooper, I need you to rehearse as much as you can. Love you, buddy, but you have two left feet and your chops are going to need some tuning. So, with that being said, please spend every waking moment together." Fucking great. Vander walks away but turns back quickly. "And Cooper, I want you both in the dance studio tomorrow morning. Jessica wants to rework the choreography."
I am so fucked. I can barely stand close to this man now without wanting to pounce on him. I take the larger shawl off my shoulders and toss it on the chair. I begin to walk away to my trailer, but Cooper catches my elbow. "Hey." I smile lightly, I take a second glance at his lips, missing the warmth. I register his lips moving, sound coming from his mouth, but I can't hear a word he says. I grab the collar of his shirt, bringing his lips down to meet mine in a rushed kiss.
The echo of my name and his fingers snap in front of my face. I shake my head, running away from the thoughts. "Yeah?" I stare anywhere but his eyes, I stare at his hair, his eyebrows, lips... fuck, I'm looking at his lips again. I turn away from him and make my way to the trailer door. "I'm sorry, Cooper. I am just so tired." I open the door, but his hand pushes it shut before I can escape. He leans down with furrowed brows. "You seem frazzled." He runs a single digit up my arm causing goosebumps to run along my skin. I bite the inside of my cheek to hold the shutter inside. I shake my head, "No, I just didn't sleep well, and today ran long. Just tired."
He hums softly. His finger traced the strap of my dress. “You look so beautiful.” I shutter at his touch, and he knows it.
He opens the trailer door for me, "Then you better get some rest. I'll have you worn out tomorrow." WHAT? He must be fucking with me.
I feel the smirk creep on my lips. Unable to hold it in, I allow myself to surrender just a little. I reach out, straightening his shirt collar, and adding a subtle tug. "I think you'll be surprised how tired I can make you." I watch as his eyes search mine. Seeming to dig into my soul. Finding me and my true desires. He leans down ever so slightly, like a magnet forcing us together. Inches between us, so so close, but I pat his chest with a smirk. I watch as Cooper opens his eyes with stardust lining his lashes. I whisper to him, "Goodnight, Cooper." And I close the trailer door. Just an inch before it shut, Cooper caught it with his hand.
He peals the door open, stepping inside, making me back away into the small counter. He stares into my soul, communicating silently. He dips down quickly capturing my lips. His hands guided me to the small couch. Clothes were torn, and only the essential items were removed for our intimate skin to brush against each other. Cooper rushed to tear my panties away, and I was right behind him, pulling his rock-solid cock from his pants.
He fucks my body deep into the couch, the repeated grinding against my clit causing sparks to ignite. I clasp at the wide planes of his back, my fingernails skidding down the fabric of his dress shirt, threatening to rip the material. "Cooper, fuck!" I moan out as I watch where our bodies meet. Cooper took my wrist, pinning my arms above my head, sinking into me deeper. He watches me with knitted brows, completely lost in the actions. He dives down to my neck, teeth grazing a spot on my neck that stimulates the blissful warmth.
It's rolling through me, I can feel the tightness building in my core, the cord tightening. I toss my head back, closing my eyes. He pushes deeper. The trailer gives a slight rock, as our moans fill the vicinity. If anyone was near there would be no hiding our actions.
"Oh my God, I'm coming." I pant, the coil popping and my release begins flowing. I arch up into his chest. Cooper pulls out, finishing on the crumpled costume. I breathe deeply for what feels like hours. I open my eyes to see Cooper smirking above me, soft kisses peppering my cheeks as his hands glide down my arms, releasing where he's had them pinned above my head. Unable to move I just stare at him as I catch my breath.
“Oh my god.” He breathes out, readjusting himself before sitting by my feet. A smirk builds its way to his mouth. He runs a thumb over my legs.
I stay silent. I feel like I should pinch myself. I could swear I was dreaming if it wasn't for his fingertips trailing up my leg.
Oh, fuck, this was a mistake. This is so wrong. Maybe this was just a moment of weakness. He has a wonderful family...
He calls my name softly, continuing his soft touches. "You're thinking too loud, darlin'." I sit up, jitters still running through my body. "How could I not? That was-" "Amazing." He leans in catching my lips again, softly this time around. He pulls away, just enough to whisper. "Let me walk you to your car." I nod wordlessly, quickly changing into my regular clothing. Just as we are about to walk out the door, I tug his arm. "Wait." I press my lips down on his, meeting perfectly.
He walks me to the car, only passing a few stragglers, but paid them no mind, his hand still glued to my waist. He opens the door to my car, allowing me to get seated. He leans down with a smile, "I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight, beautiful."
As I drive away down the road, my smile slowly fades. "Oh, my god." I just slept with someone's husband, and I loved it! I stare at myself in the rearview mirror. I let myself fall limply against the headrest. I curse his name lowly as I fall into the shame of the actions I am committing behind closed doors.
Her car door shuts, and I am left staring at her vehicle slowly disappearing. my eyes in a daze, cheeks perking the color of a rose. Hell, I'm acting like a damn teenager. She makes me feel things again. Certain feelings of the warmth a good woman like her can spread. I am fucked. She was so warm, so tight. She fit so perfectly around my cock. I wanted to go slow, I was trying to beg myself to pace myself, but she was too irresistible.
I chuckle, running a finger over my lips. I had kissed costars before. It was never a problem. It certainly never leads to scandalous acts, but when it comes to her it seems everything is out of the ordinary for me. I shake my head lightly as I am whisked to my car. Floating on the memory of her eyes, laugh, kissable plump lips, and skin that smelt of strawberry jam. It was those thoughts that got me home. It was those thoughts that invaded my mind as poured myself a drink upon entry. They were also the thoughts that broke the thread as I pumped my shaft in my hand, once again overcome with the need for her. Concealed in the master bathroom, in the shower, allowing myself to fantasize about another woman. "Fuck," Her name left my mouth in a breathless moan.
I looked into the mirror at the man before me. He was a shameful mess. The present visions of her supplying my imagination didn't trouble me. The constant pressing of my cock threatening to twitch at the sound of her voice on the radio didn't trouble me. What troubled me was the fact that I enjoyed every second of it. I yearned for the morning sun each night, the fact of knowing I would be able to see her the next day was enough to close my eyes each night. I would get to hold her, brush her hair behind her ears, and smell the sweetness of her skin. A shameful mess I was indeed. The want grew each hour I spent thinking of her.
The bright sun in the sky barely kissed the hills as I opened the door to the studio. I was more in my element. Acting was fun, but I had been missing the feeling of confidently knowing what to do. In here, I could sing and sway to my plans and no one would correct me. I stretch on the ground freely, humming as I do. The door opens and I look back, silently hoping Cooper walks through. But it's just, Louis.
"Well, you seem to be in a good mood this morning," Louis calls out from the door. I smile at him, continuing to stretch. "I just caught up on some much-needed rest." Yes... Rest...
Louis eyes me up and down, not convinced. "I'm not buying that shit. What happened? You look... different. Did you curl your hair for rehearsal?" I slap his hand away from my hair. "So what if I did? I have appearances to keep up."
Louis rolls his eyes, "Yeah fucking right." He lies down on the floor with me as I stretch. "Who was it?" I look at him in confusion, "What?" Louis cackles, "Who did you fuck? Come on I want details." "No one. My god, Louis. Make yourself useful and go put my bag up." Louis tosses the bag over his shoulder with a smirk. "I'm just saying, you've never been this perky in the morning unless you've been riding a dick all night." I cover my eyes in embarrassment. Several of the crew were on set now and heard what Louis blared out. "Shut the fuck up." I snide at him.
I look around in hopes that Cooper wasn't around to see or hear the exchange, but I am never so lucky. He stands at the back of the room, tying his shoes, a small smirk littering his lips. If he did hear, then he is acting like he didn't.
He waltzes over looking awkward. Fuck, I knew this was going to be weird. I narrow my eyes at him as he sways from one foot to the other. "You okay?" I ask with a small smile. He was finally on my rank. These were my stomping grounds and he was completely lost. A light confidence perks in my veins. "Not much of a dancer, or a singer for that matter." He watches as I spin, the black leotard hugging my body. I catch his eyes burning into my frame. "I'm sure you're better than you think." "Oh, I don't know. Never been good at dancing with pretty women."
Jessica stands in front of us and the few extras needed. "I want to run the solo with the choreography from the first take. I know we talked about it, and I know you said you weren't all for the sexy moves, but-"
"No, let's do it." I want to run it." I interrupt her quickly, her eyes lighting up. She claps her hands with a smile. "Everyone else, take your position. We're going to run it."
Jessica gives me the floor as she begins the music. I feel the chords flowing, the music taking over. I begin the rehearsed song and choreography. Swaying lightly to begin, but slowly making out into the crowd. I sing and turn around the tables, captivating the eyes of everyone in the room. One in particular looked as if he was fighting his own will to stay seated. I sing as I sit at the table he's at. His eyes dive into mine and suddenly it is just the two of us, and I am singing directly to him.
I rest my hand on his chest. I can feel the rapid thump of his heart. Cooper stands placing his hands on either side of my face as I sing. He allows his hand to feel down the side of my body. Memorizing the curves of my waist. I turn his head to look back into my eyes, finishing the melody. He brings my face in, passionately pressing his lips down onto mine. Applause erupts from the studio, but he doesn't pull away. Cooper grips my waist tightly, dragging me to the edge of the table, pushing his hardened cock into my thigh. I gasp feeling his length against my leg.
Unknowing to others, but I know. By the look on his face, he knows that I know. A smirk grew on his lips. “I’d say that scene will be perfect, darlin’.” Cooper pulls away from my body, the warmth disappearing. He sits in the seat watching my every move such as a predator stalking their prey.
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vaulthistorian · 6 months
A side blog for another obsession, Fallout. I've been playing for years but haven't felt compelled enough to write anything about it until the Honest Hearts DLC showed up. So here I am, finally. It may be a small community (or a large one) but please accept my humblest gifts.
Currently fighting for my life over here with Joshua Graham x Daniel (if that's even a thing, because their backstory makes me squeal in excitement despite limited in game interactions)
I will write about Courier Six and Lone Survivor. So come down and hangout with me. Also open to any ships revolving the characters listed below. The ships you're most likely to see between characters will be Joshua Graham/Daniel and Joshua Graham/Caesar mentions.
Requests are open at absolutely any time once I start writing, anything for the few listed characters I ever feel compelled to write about, feel free.
Characters I will write include Fallout New Vegas: Joshua Graham, Daniel (Zion), Caesar, Ulysses, and Six (you)
Fallout Tv series: Lucy MacLean, Maximus, Cooper Howard (The Ghoul).
Fallout 4: (All Companions), the Lone Survivor (you)
This is my Fallout blog. I am also a huge Fallout 3/4 nerd so don't feel shy to request that as well. I've finished the Fallout show so be aware that this blog may produce spoilers if you haven't seen it already. Feel free to come talk to me about it. I'm trying to find my people!!
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armageddonpitchman · 4 months
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@janeyjhoward sent: 🫂[hug your adult child] Note: Inspired by this post by @vaulttecexec
It was time.
Cooper had known for some time that his battle was finally coming to an end. He masked it as best he could for as long as he could for his girls, kept up on the drugs, but a twitch there, a snarl there, soon enough he knew no amount of drugs was going to save him this time. And as much as he wanted to fight it, Cooper Howard was tired.
Barb and him had carved out a pretty good life for themselves in the Wasteland. They got to be a family again, Janey was grown now, and he couldn't be more proud of the young lady she had become. She was as brave and as beautiful as her mother, from him she inherited his empathy, and his kindness. He got to see her grow, and it was more than he could have ever hoped to get.
He wanted to go out on his terms, he wouldn't allow himself to turn feral in front of her. He wanted Janey to remember him as he was, not what he was going to become. He and Barb had several difficult conversations, and it had been decided, she was going to escort Janey up north to a group they had made allies with, and she would come back to help him die. He hated he asked her to do it, he had honestly wanted to just end it while they were gone and save both from that heartache. But Barb insisted on being there, and he agreed.
Barb and Cooper had been up almost all night talking the night before, about the past, about their first apartment that perpetually leaked. Anything to avoid the actual conversation of what the next day was bringing. But then he had a horrible coughing fit, which solemnly brought reality back into the picture.
One last dance, one last dance with his wife. He remembered how'd they dance at the diner as she'd close up after her shift ended, how they danced at their wedding, so many dances, so much love for centuries. He was beyond thankful he had asked that pretty girl in the corner of the dance hall to dance all those years ago.
When she left, he stood there, composing himself a moment before moving to greet Janey. My name is Cooper Howard. He told himself as his daughter walked in. "C'mere Janey-Bug," Cooper said pulling her into a warm embrace. Putting a hand on the back of her head as he hugged her, he held her a long moment before he continued.
"Kiddo, it's time." Cooper said hoarsely, knowing Janey was well aware what that meant. He could see the realization set into her face, she was about to protest but he took her hands, looking her in the eyes. "Baby, I've lived centuries." Cooper said hoarsely, trying to get this out was even worse than he imagined this would be. "Most get maybe a few decades tops before they change, I've outlived every Ghoul I've ever known. Sooner or later, it comes for us all."
He held her face in his hands a moment, smiling softly, "the biggest privilege I've had is getting to be your Daddy." He brushed a gloved thumb over her cheek a moment, "and I got to see you become the best cowgirl the Wasteland has ever seen and I'm so, SO proud of the person you've become." Pulling her into another hug, he rubbed her back like he used to when she was little and didn't feel well. "You're gonna do great things out there, and you're gonna be okay. It will hurt, but you and your Mama will be okay. And just know when you're lost, or feel alone, I'm gonna be right there with ya, even if you can't see me." She was crying, god he swore to himself once he would never be the source of his daughters tears, but he'd rather have this than the alternative.
Barb was in the doorway, he looked at her, still holding onto Janey. "It's time, bug." Cooper said, kissing her forehead one last time before Barb tried to delicately guide her out the door. It was all he could do not to break and ask them to stay, but this was better, he wanted her to remember him this way, not what was going to come.
"Us cowpoke take it as it comes kiddo," Cooper gave her a wink and a smile, "remember that." He could see her trying to compose herself, she stood up a bit straighter and nodded. They were about to turn away when he paused, "wait."
Janey turned around as Cooper took his hat off, walking over to her, he put it on top of her head. She suddenly looked six years old again, stealing his hat in his trailer, wanting to be like her hero. Janey looked up at him with tears in her eyes and he nodded, "I know, go. It will be okay."
As the two went to leave, Cooper watched them leave the house, letting a tear fall as they got out of his line of sight. Wiping at it, he stood there a moment before walking to the window, sitting down he looked out and saw Barb and Janey walking north. His girls will be okay. He's going to spend what time he has left writing to them both. Cooper Howard will fade, remembering his wonderful girls. And he will be happy.
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Hiii, I really love your fics and hc’s! Would you ever write a little something with gun- and/or knife play? With Cooper on either end of the action, because I feel like he’d be into it either way🫦👀
Much like with the primal play kink ask, I have plans to incorporate more knife/gun play into future works (I had a lot of fun with the bit of knife play that features in "Working Girl"), but I love this ask so I figured I'd give at least some flavor as to what I think you could expect from him.
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul Gun & Knife Play Headcanons (NSFW)
Most of the knife/gun play I've seen written for Cooper, at least personally, features him as The Ghoul, and I totally see why. I'd like to throw my hat in the ring, however, and say that I think he'd be almost equally as into it pre-war. Like many of the more "exotic" kinks he would sometimes fantasize about, it wasn't really Barb's thing, so he didn't explore it much during their marriage, but he'd be very agreeable to trying it with a new partner. Brings it up like it's a joke, but he's feeling out every aspect of your reaction to see if he thinks you'd be agreeable to trying it. He's patient and willing to start small; buying you nice lingerie and then slowly, adoringly slicing it off with a small foldable you both picked out together, sitting you in his lap and showing you how to clean/maintain one of his guns while the two of you rub against one another.
Doesn't really have a preference for whether he's the one wielding the weapon or not. In fact, I'd say pre-war Cooper likely leans towards preferring to be the one being "threatened"...stick the barrel of a pistol in his mouth and tell him to suck like his life depends on it and you're gonna get quite the enthralling performance.
Prewar!Coop's a curmudgeon for safety, especially if his partner is on the receiving end of whatever's being done. No live weapons, no very sharp blades. No weapon play at all if anyone's been drinking or partying in any other way. He may find the idea of doing it "for real" titillating, and it may sound amazing when he's drunk and he knows there's a hunting knife or a small pistol in the house, but not enough to forego the additional safety that comes from pretending a bit and waiting until you have a clear head. He'd never forgive himself if any harm befell his partner because he didn't take enough precautions. Besides, can you imagine the headlines...?
As The Ghoul, that concern for safety isn't entirely gone, but I'd call it "front-loaded". And, honestly, he isn't truly all that worried about anyone getting hurt; he trusts himself to have the control to not do you any actual harm, provided he isn't all fucked up. He has steady hands. No, his worry comes from the fear that you'll reject him for even asking, that it'll make you see him as the threat he is. The reaction he got from Barb the few times he playfully brought it up long, long ago is still bouncing around somewhere in the back of his brain. The fact that you like and trust him enough to sleep with him to begin with (and vice-versa, frankly) is a huge deal to him; he doesn't want to press his luck and send the only person he's really cared about in decades running away screaming because he struggles to fend off that primal desire to exchange a little violence.
Before, he may have been able to figure out a smoother way to say "It would really turn me on if you'd let me hold this gun to your head while you blow me." or "I want to hold this knife to your throat while I fuck you from behind.", but now he has so little room for error when it comes to keeping interactions pleasant and sexy. You'll probably have to bring it up first if the two of you don't experience some sort of perfect moment for him to do so, but he'll create opportunities for you to do so. Offers to teach you how to improve your shooting and hand-to-hand combat with mostly good intentions. When one of you gets the drop on the other, try to ignore the glint in his eye...and the bulge in his pants. He'll insist neither means anything.
Considers his desire to be the one being played with long put to bed, but he's lying to himself. In truth, he doesn't trust anyone enough to even have vanilla sex with them for a long time, and when he meets someone he does, he's still too afraid of the level of control he would have to cede to you for it to work. It would be hard to get him to agree to letting you brandish anything at him, even if you pointing a gun at him in seriousness (because let's be real, basically anyone this man has ever met has had plenty of reason to point a gun at him) makes him so hard so fast that his head swims. If you get him in a particularly tender moment, and maybe a little more intoxicated than usual, he might spill the beans a bit.
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