#most versatile trainee on the whole show for real for real
gunhaos · 1 year
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haeminlgc · 4 months
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2023 review
What were some of your greatest accomplishments this year and out of all of them, which one was the most memorable one for you?
"The most memorable accomplishment from this year would definitely be the musical that I managed to land a lead role in. It was most unexpected to say the least since I don't really consider myself a singer nor a dancer. The experience definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me grow as a performer. In the end I really enjoyed being part of it and perhaps in the future would like to participate in more musical works. As for some of my greatest accomplishments, I can't not mention being part of the Hogamnote project! It was my first real acting project and I think we did rather well as a team. It was fun to work with everyone and get feedback from the director on how to portray my character."
What area(s) do you think you’ve personally improved on since the beginning of this year?
"Because of the musical at the beginning of the year I know my singing and dancing have improved. Of course they can't hold a candle to the actual idols in the company or the trainees who have been training relentlessly for a long time but they're solid and won't embarrass me any time soon. I also think that my ability to host and be in front of the camera more naturally has improved since I started my personal channel. It's not super popular but it seems to have a pretty okay reception from those who are interested in what I do."
What are some of your personal goals for 2024?
"Ah, some personal goals? Well, for a start I'd like to get involved in more projects to really get my name out there and gain valuable working experience. So I guess my goal is to audition for everything that's in my wheelhouse? Oh, and I'd like to continue hosting my personal channel for the whole of 2024. I think it will help me become more confident and outgoing in showing who I am on camera."
Out of all of the actors/models, what do you think makes you stand out from all of them?
"That's a great question! And one that I don't have a concrete answer to. Everyone in our agency is so talented and hardworking, showing their best sides consistenly. Even though I often say I have a fresh image, I'd like to think that I'm quite versatile and can fit into a variety of genres and roles, small or large. So... my versatility and adaptability?"
Aside from your main career path (actor/model), are there any types of gigs outside of it that you would be interested in doing in the future?
"One rather new dream that I have--though it is still connected to my main path--is to be able to sing an OST for a drama or a project that I'm in. I have found that I quite enjoy singing and would like to showcase that for the fans more. As for other gigs... I think it would be fun to host something or interview others for a program."
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crybabysunflower · 3 years
Okay so I had gotten some decent amount of appreciation for the previous Mystic messenger kpop au headcannon so I have decided to make another one and I hope it turns out good. I really hope it turns out good.
Zen (Ryu Hyun) as a kpop idol
He belongs to the hyung line (i.e. among the eldest members, hyung is a term used by men to address another man who is old enough to be their brother) but he is not the leader. Even if he is the eldest, he won't be the leader
He belongs to FNC entertainment
Lead Vocalist, Dancer, visual
He joined the company when he was fifteen. That day he had decided to bunk his classes and go for the audition.
His decision was not taken well by his family but he hardly cared, and was happy about the fact that he would now be staying at the company's dorms and not with them.
After that he also quit his school due to the fact that it was becoming hard for him to manage both studies and training.
During his trainee days and the early days of his career, he often used to get into fights with his groupmates.
He has the highest vocal range and stability in the group, his voice is quite bold, strong and versatile and also has a soulful, rnb like quality. He does almost all of the adilibs in the songs and can also hold a note for the longest time among his groupmates.
He can sing most of the music genres due to his versatility but RnB is his preferred genre. Later, when he makes a solo debut he becomes one of the well known K-rnb artists in the industry
He also has a very strong stage presence. He does a lot of fanservice during the concerts such as ripping off his shirt to show off his abs, doing sensual dance routines, making sexy facial gestures such as playfully sticking out his tongue.
During his solo career he makes a whole album of NSFW songs which he had penned down himself.
Workaholic, he is usually seen practicing for several hours. He always pushes himself further and further, to become better and better in his art. This however makes him prone to overwork his body which at times results in him temporarily losing his voice or injuring himself.
And whenever he is injured he becomes morose, but thanks to his fellow groupmates who are always there to help him up during those days.
Besides being skillful and prolific at singing and dancing, he is also a gifted musician and is highly skilled at playing the guitar, bass and piano.
Few years after his group's debut, he also pursues acting and makes his debut as a supporting character in a generic rom-com highschool drama.
But as years pass by, he soon progresses from doing lighthearted, commercial shows, to historical dramas to dark and gritty ones, and various other genres.
He is usually the lead protagonist but at times he also gets casted as an antagonist and he is good at both.
A running joke about him related to his acting career is that no matter whatever roles he gets, he always ends up being the one to die in the end.
Another running joke related to him is regarding his stage name Zen and his real name Hyun, he initially did not like it when his groupmates and his fans addressed him as Hyun instead of Zen and he always pretended that he does not know anyone named Hyun. However, since his fans used to call him Hyun repeatedly, he got used to it.
His hatred for cats is also something his fanbase makes memes on. His younger groupmates always tease him by wearing cat costumes and chasing him.
His groupmates often openly complain about how he always insists on showering together because he can't get enough of showing off his body.
He was the first one in the group to get involved in a dating "scandal" after a paparazzi caught him with his then girlfriend and the news ended up spreading like a wildfire.
This also resulted in him getting a ton of backlash from his local fanbase many of them were even insisting him to quit the group. They were also sending him death threats as well.
After that incident, he became more reclusive and had went on a long hiatus. He stopped going to variety shows for promotions, he had also stopped being active on social media (unlike before when he was the most active one from the group)
He had also stopped going for tours. He was afraid of facing his fans after that incident.
However, despite all the odds, he had people who had supported him and had helped him to stay strong, they were his groupmates and his international fanbase.
Due to the reason mentioned above, he was so grateful to the international fanbase that he decides to improve his english, as a gesture of thanks.
Later when he makes an appearance on a radio show, he reveals the reason why he used to hate being called by his real name. According to him, Zen is someone who is more bold and confident about himself, while Hyun is someone who lacks the self confidence, due to his rough upbringing and had made several mistakes, Zen is everything Hyun has ever wanted to be and thats why he pushes himself further and further.
He is a brand ambassador of several luxurios clothing lines such as Louis Vutton and Chanel.
He always gets nominated for the Top 100 most handsome faces and had topped the list several times, but even at times he might not get the first position, he somehow manages to secure a high position.
I hope it atleast turns out okay
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memoriesofyccjungrk · 4 years
▫︎ ▪︎  ━ ᴍᴀʀᴄʜ 2020 ᴇᴠᴀʟᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
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gahyeon realizes early on that this evaluation poses an issue for her. because gahyeon knows what concepts she’s comfortable with, but she’s not entirely sure of any group that encompasses what she actually wants to debut with.
knowing what she’s not comfortable with, what challenges her the most – gahyeon’s well aware that she can pick any bubble gum pop group off the charts and do any sugary sweet song – that was easy. because from watching performances and obsessing over what she may or may not end up with as a debut concept one day, she knows what she doesn’t want. but she hasn’t clearly thought about what she does want.
to be honest, she probably hasn’t thought much about it for the sole reason that she knows she doesn’t have a choice. what was the point of trying to figure out what she wanted if she wasn’t going to get it in the end, anyway ? plus, gahyeon knew the importance of being versatile; she wasn’t dumb enough to believe she would fall in love with whatever her eventual debut concept would be immediately. she was also aware that she may end up with something she didn’t like at all. so, she pick and chose songs that she was at least comfortable with, things that were nearing her comfort zone for the most part. of course, she’d stepped out of that with her performances of love4eva those evaluations ago, but for the most part she stuck with what she was okay with. anything girl crush, even a little sexy, always with an at least semi-challenging choreography. so, she knew what she wanted – but wasn’t sure if there was a song that came to her mind when she thought about her ideal concept.
gahyeon’s first thought is to do a boy group song. after all, she knew that was what she was always most comfortable with – what she always gravitated to. the dance moves were stronger, and gahyeon hadn’t really tried feminine dances until she became a trainee. but things changed, and gahyeon wanted to be more realistic about the evaluation. she would never debut with a similar concept to a boy group, that was practically impossible. so as much as she had considered just doing a madtown song, she decided against it. not to mention her conversations with yena that ultimately put the idea down for good: she had to pick a girl group song, because it just made more sense. it was much more realistic. if she wanted to show the trainers what she would be most comfortable with as a girl group member, what would it be ?
ultimately, gahyeon thinks this is as close as she could get.
( ᴜʜ ᴏʜ (ɢ)ɪ-ᴅʟᴇ )
there are other options she considers – and*roma’s déjà vu had been in the running since the beginning, and she’d tossed around a few global icon songs before eventually deciding on uh oh. it was the more hip-hop vibe that really drew gahyeon toward it, the heavy rap focus which wasn’t common in girl groups ( and gahyeon doubted would be there when she debuted, but she could dream ), plus the choreography wasn’t quite the typical bubblegum girl group choreography. the influences were clear, and gahyeon appreciated them – not to mention the song was just fun to perform to. she had a good time throughout practice, so she thinks it’s a good choice.
even as they step out on the stage, gahyeon’s not sure it’s a perfect representation of what she wants – she knows it’s something she wants. that something like this would be something she could enjoy, but she still isn’t sure she knows what the perfect concept would be. but maybe this was as close as she could get with a recent girl group – what she wants just isn’t something she’s realistically going to get. but it’s something that she’s able to fall into easily, that she feels she fits best and something she knows she’s good at. hip hop and heavy rap ? that was what gahyeon looked for in a concept
her challenging song, however ?
( ғᴜɴ! ғʀᴏᴍɪs_9 )
the song was far from anything gahyeon would ever chose on her own, and really it’s no surprise that jiwoo ends up in the group with her. after all, the younger basically exuded this concept – most of the girls she knew did. and although her fellow trainees tried to convince her that she could pull off this sort of concept, gahyeon could never see it. she didn’t look at herself and think cute, never imagined herself doing anything so adorable without there being some sort of force behind it. she often worried that this is what she would eventually get stuck with. of course, royal’s past girl groups weren’t indicative of that – all luxe, brave girls, and h.a.m weren’t exactly cutesy concepts, feminine yes, but not so much cute – but gahyeon still had her fears. just looking over at the girls that trained alongside her, gahyeon could see where they’d work for such a concept. and sure, maybe gahyeon would, even if she doesn’t see it in herself. but that certainly doesn’t mean she was going to be happy about it.
she somehow knows that whatever song jiwoo picks as her ideal concept would be the complete opposite of gahyeon’s, and low-and-behold she’s correct the moment she watches the music video. so, of course, gahyeon agrees immediately. because although she’s never been entirely comfortable with ‘ sexy ’ concepts, she thinks they’re easier to do than something like this. because with that, gahyeon just needed to get over her insecurities – she knew she was good enough to do something like that and knew that if she just so happened to debut with a similar concept to luxe, she could probably pull it off. but this was a whole different ballgame. bubbly wasn’t gahyeon’s ideal – but that was the point.
so, gahyeon gets over herself real quick and begins learning, even if she internally cringes throughout the performance, it doesn’t matter. she has to do it, after all – that’s the point she reminds herself. even as she dresses up cutely and immediately wants to vomit simply based on the way she looks she knows that she has to do this. even if she really doesn’t want to. it’s not even that she doesn’t like cute concepts, because they work for some groups – well, a lot of groups. but gahyeon has just never been a fan and doesn’t believe she suits them. but she didn’t really get to make that choice in the end. so, she stares at herself in the mirror a moment before they perform and tells herself that it’s one performance, she’ll live. even if her cheeks ache by the end, it’s not like it’s the end of the world.
admittedly, the dance is hard. there’s a lot of bouncing around, and gahyeon thanks her stamina that she’s able to keep up. she’s always had a misconception that cuter concepts had easier dances, but that wasn’t necessarily the case – and she’s pleasantly surprised when she realizes she has more parts than she would’ve figured. but it’s a lot of bouncing and keeping a smile plastered on her face. this was a different kind of charisma that gahyeon hadn’t really ever practiced – more aegyo than anything else. she’s careful to keep her movements much more feminine and girly than her previous performance, especially as she goes into her verse. it’s hard – and certainly not something gahyeon’s used to. because this performance was supposed to be fun. it wasn’t sexy or hard-hitting – the title gave it away.
it was fun.
it was cute.
gahyeon wasn’t surprised at all by the end when her cheeks ached from the smile she kept on her lips throughout the performance – but she thinks she’s pulled it off. she hopes she has, after all the practice she’d done staring at the mirror and making sure she was keeping herself softer for this performance. where gahyeon would equate the type of charisma she had for her first performance as something more akin to a boy group or girl crush concept, this was more sugary sweet. it was hard to be conscious of every expression her face when they didn’t come as naturally, rap live, and ensure she was getting the right feel while dancing – so much so that gahyeon feels like she blacked out halfway through the performance. but she thinks it goes well. hopes that she didn’t look like she was trying too hard while performing, but she can’t really be certain. 
all she knows is that she steps off the stage with an aching face, she let out a long sigh. something like that wouldn’t be worth it, she doesn’t think – and the sinking feeling in her stomach afterward doesn’t ease the fear she’s had since she’s been signed. if anything, the performance just told her how miserable she’d be if she managed to get stuck with something like this. no matter the fun she had performing with her friends, it didn’t make up for the way she felt unnatural and drained afterward. the only thing she could do was hope. 
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yogaadvise · 7 years
Ritual Inspiration: Alex Auder
In the very early 90s yoga in New york city City was considered edge. Neither the hip progressive neither those in the corporate world were interested in wellness techniques, and also they absolutely weren't shouting to Hindu deities. However Alex Auder-who 'd matured in the 70s and 80s in the Chelsea Hotel, as well as had actually circumnavigated with her mother, a Warhol superstar with a propensity for adventure, known by her high-frequency spiritual energy-was. At 17, Auder began practicing at the freshly formed Jivamukti Yoga exercise Institution in the East Town in New york city City, where dancers, designs, as well as hippies alike involved learn yoga exercise from the studio's co-founders, Sharon Gannon and David Life.
After a hiatus from the technique, while at Bard College in upstate New york city, Auder returned to the city in 1994.' I was very clinically depressed, pointless, and also had no concept what to do with my life. Then someday, I suddenly kept in mind yoga. I went straight back to Jivamukti.' Over the next 2 years, Auder came to be an educator at Jivamukti, opened her own workshop, currently called the Satya Yoga Facility in Rhinebeck, New york city, and at some point came to be an elderly educator at one of New york city's premier yoga exercise workshops, Kula Yoga. She took place to run her own boutique studio out of her West Town house prior to relocating to Philly in 2015 with her partner and 2 youngsters, where she opened up the Magu Yoga exercise School in Mount Airy.
Auder's training design is affected by numerous yoga exercise designs suching as Iyengar, Kula, Katonah, as well as Jivamukti. 'I discover it difficult to dedicate to one type,' she states, acknowledging the means the technique and the practice of mentor modifications as we correct time. A longtime trainee of Advaita Vedanta, an arm of Hindu ideology that highlights non-dualism as well as liberation in this lifetime, Auder is an intellectual who perfectly weaves viewpoint right into her classes, which are also very in harmony with the refined motions of the musculature of the body. Auder is a real master teacher-one who comprehends the essence of yoga exercise and also could unbelievely share that significance to students of all levels via her passion and also proficient feeling of touch.
Here, the self-styling non-conformist shares some details about her individual trip, method, rituals (or do not have thereof), as well as the methods which her deep study of viewpoint has actually affected her life.
What initially drew you to the practice?
One could claim that-in my unconscious memory-it was my mommy that attracted me to the technique, as she was, for a short time, an adherent of Muktananda, [the Siddha yoga expert] It was the 70's in California, and also my mother was spending time at his ashram, having all kinds of overjoyed experiences.
In my grown-up life she informed me that she really got stuck at the ashram and also wished to leave, but each time she got to the front door, she would certainly be overtaken by a magical pressure and just couldn't go. At some point my mother told Muktananda that she had a daughter she needed to return to, to which Mutkananda responded, 'Bring her to me.' Certainly these stories get moved, however I do keep in mind strolling up with my mama as well as meeting Muktananda. That was my initial intro to a widely approved guru.
And after that over the years I would certainly go with my mom to see Gurumayi whenever she 'd come into the city, and we would certainly play kirtan [ religious songs] at house, and also mom would certainly meditate. I never ever remember my mommy doing real asana, however I do remember her resting cross-legged as well as obtaining this small amount, jiggly quivery thing ... and I would imitate her doing that.
When did you obtain your very first intro to the asana practice?
My good friend Lynn Appel stated to me someday, 'You've obtained to have me to Jivamukti.' I have no idea why she believed I would certainly like it, yet she brought me to Sharon Gannon's class on Secondly Method in between Ninth as well as Tenth. As well as I liked it immediately.
I have no idea how Lynn knew I would certainly like it, because I was long over ballet, which I had done as a little girl, yet I was truly multi-levels wowed. The physicality wowed me as well as I was always very normally adaptable, but I hadn't been doing any type of sort of technique. When I saw people do full onward folds up, I was like, 'Wow! How are those individuals doing that?' But it wasn't just that! Sharon's dharma talks, as well as the songs, also: I'm obsessed with Bob Dylan, as well as she was playing Bob Dylan. The means she presented herself, her appeal, but likewise her not-typical-at-that-time-yoga-aesthetic. She had long hair and black eyeliner and also she was so ... Lower East Side. At that time, in the very early 90s, that design was so particular as well as new. We all complied with in her footprints, grew our hair long and also used 2 braids.
When did you initially begin teaching?
I started messing around at university, in the Bard gym, just doing my very own practice. Buddies saw me, and would ask me exactly what I was doing. Eventually I just said, 'I'll reveal you.' And also I started doing a really casual class, the type of point where I would certainly reveal them exactly what to do, yet we would certainly all do it together. And after that someone resembled, 'You ought to educate this at the Bard health club.' And also I believed, 'All right, exactly what the heck? They could have this together with aerobics.'
Long tale short, after instructing there for some time, my hubby (partner at the time) Nick said, 'You know there's this structure for rental fee around the bend near Bard. You need to simply rent out that and also you ought to do classes below.' So I called Sharon Gannon, and I stated, 'I'm considering mentor. Would you be eager ahead up right here and observe my course and offer me your true blessing?' So she and also David came upstate, and oh my God, never ever been so worried. I actually nearly really feel pale considering it currently I was so nervous!
They slept over in this funny little residence that I was leasing at the time, and over dinner, she analyzed my course, and claimed that she really felt like I had actually heard what I had been examining with her and that she concurred with my teaching, as well as offered me her true blessing. I would certainly decrease to the city and also teach at Jivamukti once a week.
How would certainly you explain your style of mentor now? And also exactly how has it altered over time?
I would certainly so love-and also most likely hate-to have a video clip of how I showed at that time 'cause I'm really interested to understand how various it was. Maybe it was much better! I would certainly claim that my style has altered so much since of training at Kula Yoga exercise in New york city City for all those years. I trained myself to come to be pretty versatile, so for instance when I instructed briefly at YogaWorks, my mentor was much more in their style. Today, my style is physically like a virtually meta-version of a Kula class because it introduces a series with numerous variations, but unlike at Kula, sometimes I don't finish up moving via the sequence.
These days, due to my very own injuries and also what I have actually observed over the past Two Decade of bodies, I'm interested in just what I'll call structural alignment-which I understand is filled word. Because we remain in the globe of Vinyasa yoga exercise, as well as there are particular stances that we understand are duplicated over and over again-Chataranga, Higher Pet, as well as whole lots of different changes, with so much lunging, and so much action where we move from open-hip to close-hip-and additionally due to the fact that so numerous very adaptable ladies are drawn in to the technique, I've ended up being curious about exactly how we can preform these normal transitions while preserving stability in our joints. Component of that, ultimately, is holding individuals back from what they usually want to, which allows sensation. And so I attempt to delicately, however continually, coax students from the obsession to really feel a lot, and also rather tune into the nuance. My style remains in some ways extremely advanced since what I ask of my trainees is to relocate a lot more from the bones and also less from the fuel of the muscles without the trainees going slack.
I take pleasure in training 'progressed' students that have actually plateaued or have had their patterns established - and together we relocate right into a new place and point of view. And through this, I see how my concept of just what's advanced has changed greatly over time.
Have there been any kind of advancement or zero hours in your teaching? Like an, 'Aha!' minute that's shifted the means you approach the practice of teaching?
Before I had my initial youngster, I had actually not been introduced to what I think is currently really accepted as-integrating core work into a method. I had a teacher who showed at my workshop in upstate who would certainly typically say, 'As well as currently we do abs.' And I would certainly always roll my eyes and also think how foolish and also 'L.A.' it was. Yet individuals loved it, so I just thought 'whatever, if it works for you ...' And then when I transferred to L.A. briefly, I discovered everyone did this core work and also I just assumed, somehow it simply felt like stupid conditioning modern exercise world. Therefore I was really mobile as well as never ever truly had standard core strength.
When I ultimately reached Kula in 2006, and also started mosting likely to Schuyler [Grant]'s classes and also started educating there, it completely kicked my evaluate. It was truly the very first time my eyes were open to just what I'm calling the contemporary Vinyasa world, where individuals are drifting as well as piking and doing handstands. I became extremely curious about that, because it was so beyond my abilities. This was my initial 'Aha!' minute. Realizing that there was a lot more to the technique than the asana that had come so quickly to me due to my flexibility.
The second was fulfilling Nevine Michaan. Besides simply for approaching placement in a brand-new method, I was so moved by a lady who entirely had the info she had examined throughout the years. She had taken this info, absorbed it, made it her own, as well as had no apologies. My doubters would certainly often inform me that I claim method way too much while I show, however after discovering from Nevine's teaching, I decided I would permit myself to own my very own dialogue, own the information I desire to pass on, as well as I am not mosting likely to keep aiming to please my movie critics, or shift the method I show to please others. I am going to teach what I believe in, just what I recognize has actually worked for me, actually own this persona, and also not stress if I do not appeal to every person. My courses are smaller due to this, however I in fact favor it by doing this since I could actually instruct the individual bodies. That was a huge shift.
The third shift came during my current move to Philly. In opening my own area, I've been drawing back from just what was required of me as an instructor at Kula. Currently I think a great deal concerning my hip labrum injury, as well as what I could state and also educate in order to help my pupils reinforce and also elongate in order to stay clear of injury. My mentor currently is a real blend of all the various types, as well as I've come to be far more available to discarding exactly what I understand doesn't help me or my method any longer. Currently that I have my very own workshop, I simply do exactly what I intend to do, and exactly what I believe is healthy for the students.
The very first time that I took your course, I was so moved by the complexity of the architectural alignment as well as after that the insanely eloquent, beautiful tapestry of thoughtful assimilation that occurred at the end of class. I was relocated by it in a method that I have hardly ever other times been moved. And also as a yogi that is additionally extremely curious about piking up into handstands, I wonder to hear just how you see the link in between piking handstands as well as the yogic quest bordering satchitananda (our capacity to experience the best unvarying truth of this reality).
I would certainly state the pike up has possibly absolutely nothing to do with satchitananda, to be fairly sincere. I feel rather sure it has nothing to do with it since we certainly know plenty of people that can pike up and are overall assholes. And also we understand plenty people that pike up and also are impressive people. And also a lot of people who are incredible experts as well as amazing people, and when I say fantastic people, I mean are using the methods to their mundane, rote day-to-day live, which to me shows that the techniques are occurring or that it's not just when you're showing as well as in the yoga exercise space, which I fail at 800 times a day.
It is possible that the only element of the pike up that links it to satchitananda, and I don't speak for anyone else, simply my own personal practice-is that when you feel your very own internal structural integration, it is a little bit simpler, a little bit I claim, like truly a small little bit less complicated to attach to equipoise in the state of problem, which is quite a lot at all times. I would say that everything is always a bit in a state of conflict of every person's own minds interacting with each various other and the characteristics of the home are so mercurial as well as moving with everyone's emotions, specifically as you add individuals into a household.
That's when the practices obtain used. Exactly how can you preserve equipoise in the problem of dynamics moving constantly? So I want to claim that, yet I truthfully do not know if it holds true. I truthfully do not know if acquiring the skills of a pike up help with that in any means. For me, truly, it's as easy and also as shallow as just feeling good literally. But for somebody who naturally does pike ups, I would claim that for them, it may be another thing. As a non-natural piker-upper, acquiring the skills to obtain me to pike up helped me really feel more literally protected as a result of just what it needs me to do in my core.
What aspects of yogic philosophy do you locate most intriguing? What texts and also lessons do you most return to?
I constantly go back to extremely basic shlokas [verses], like rested tab ananda, which is just what I typically use in course, due to the fact that it's easy and to me, I intend to be able to use it to visceral physicality. To make sure that's kind of the video game I constantly play with myself. 'Exactly how do I take this shloka and use it to just what we are experiencing as hatha yogis in a really sensible means as well as extremely practical?'
What other habits notify your life and also your practice, besides yoga exercise, if any?
In answering this inquiry, there is a great deal of me that doesn't wish to belong of this Facebook-era glorification of placing our 'perfect lives' on display. But with all of that stated, I actually am additionally an extremely non-ritual person. I have very inadequate hygiene. I just take a shower a couple times a week. I don't shave my hair-my legs or my armpits. I find it extremely challenging to do any type of self-maintenance as well as I'm not attempting to state, 'Poor me,' yet with both kids and also business as well as the husband, as well as not having a great deal of money ... I frequently don't even brush my teeth. If I brush my teeth twice a day I believe, 'Remarkable!'
In New York, I took courses frequently as well as after moving and also opening Magu I have actually not yet found a regular- I really feel fortunate if I find the space to meditate and take a course at my very own place. This may just be the result of having actually never ever been really regular concerning anything-another result of my weird/outlier childhood years and expanding up in a house where consistency was not respected at all. I can obtain really down on myself as well as my method, yet my husband will certainly claim, 'That's insane. You have actually had a yoga exercise method for 20 years.' My instructor Nevine constantly says to me, 'You are a mommy of kids. You can not have a constant technique. Go stroll with your husband-that's your technique.' That makes me really feel better.
Do you really feel that raising your kids is a yoga exercise for you?
Yes, other than that it's a feeling of consistent failure due to the fact that the minute that traits get heated up is the minute where you feel the practice dissolving. Which on some level, is where there I locate ritual-I fess up to that failure as well as try to come back on track every single time. To acknowledge, I'm not a best individual undoubtedly, I've not kept my equipoise in this minute. How could I bolster myself somehow or an additional to obtain back there or to try once more the following time?
When you have a companion, oh my God, it's so tough because you're taking care of their feelings also. And I could have an entire idea in my head, 'This is how I am today. I'm actually not going to shed my cool. I'm going to be completely non-defensive. I'm mosting likely to accept all the different complicated emotions of the various other's that provide to me.' As well as after that I stroll right into the house as well as that's gone.
For me, mothering and also being a better half is a yoga method in the method that I could truly be providing love. The foundation of the practice is to be at risk, to be able to provide love when faced with problem, not take scenario also personally. I have actually become really utilized to having my defenses on due to the fact that of the person that raised me and because of this, it's truly difficult for me to reveal susceptability. It's very easy for me to articulate that in the class, however in just the affection of residence, it's really hard for me.
How do you connect to Bhakti (the technique of dedication), and also is it a huge component of your yoga practice?
I actually think at heart I am a Bhakti yogi. If I hadn't end up being a mommy as well as a homeowner, I 'd most likely be some crazy Bhakti someplace in the wilderness.
There was a period where I nearly came to be a total Krishna Das fan. Back then, prior to he got famous, I was close with him, as well as we would certainly increase to Ananda Ashram, and also there would be only 10 of us, and we would certainly chant to Krishna all day long. That, I have to claim, is my dream. If I could return and also do it that way I would, yet see I don't like it with all the hundreds of individuals. I guess my genuine trouble is that it frustrates me when traits become mainstream. It's truly dumb, I must still go offer myself the experience, but it simply aggravates me so much. And that's my trouble. I think it's partly because of the method I grew up.
I would like to go find a root right into Kirtan as well as Bhakti, due to the fact that I do not really have that very much any longer, with the exception of when I shout for course, or if another person does. Oh my God, when anyone else chants, I resemble, 'Oh please! Yes!!' I'll begin crying. 'Hare Krishna!'
The various other component of this is that I have a very practical, essential side that maintains me very intellectual. I do not suggest that being a Bhakti yogi isn't intellectual. But, there is some feeling that the crucial mind, viveka, is moistened a small amount bit in the complete Bhakti encounter, which can be a fantastic, freeing minute. We need that to free ourselves from the dogma of thought flow, yet I additionally delight in the dogma of idea flow.
So my heart is Bhakti, yet my mind is a lot more Vedanta.
If someone only had five minutes a day to devote to a practice, exactly what would you encourage they do?
Find a way to connect to the breath that assists you really feel embodied. In such a way, that's exactly what we're all looking for regardless of exactly how newbie and just how advanced we are. And I would certainly claim the advanced we obtain, the even more symbolized we feel.
To me the advanced practice is the sensation of complete embodiment and a capacity to release the 'efforting,' so we locate simple and easy initiative: poise. The act of meditation-whatever forms it takes-with the body grounded and the breath being found, is exactly how we find grace and also embodiment. That is absolutely possible to do in five minutes with breath as well as tranquility. Physical tranquility, focus on the breath, working out into the witness mind: these techniques can generate the effective as well as calming experience of embodiment.
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idolizerp · 5 years
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STAGENAME: N/A CURRENT AGE: 24 DEBUT AGE: 19 TRAINEE SINCE AGE: 16 COMPANY: KJH ETC: He is known for his interest in film and videography, often uploading content on the group social media
Kiwon is approachable. If there were a name for sexy-cutie when it came to boy group members, Kiwon would have that label plastered firmly across his forehead, from his squishy cheeks to his well defined abs. He’d like to point out to the fans that still call him mochi that years of dieting should have absolved him of that moniker, but these things tend to stick despite his best efforts. He’s a boy of contradiction, as softer features pair with a coarse Busan satoori and his gaze on stage can veer into sexual at the drop of a hat. Off stage he’s all laughter and eye smiles, because on a very real level Kiwon is a genuine person, does little to make a persona for himself that strays too far from the truth. Perceived authenticity is part of the Atlas brand, and Kiwon represents something pleasant and unthreatening, designed to attract fans with versatile but largely boy next door charms. There’s some reversal there, but not too much, not more than any other group with a stronger stage persona might suggest.
Kiwon is flirty. With the cameras, with the fans, he’s a charmer. He’s a master of skinship with his members, playing coy and forward as necessary for the moment, vacillating between the two to prompt fans to screaming hysteria and joy. Does he enjoy the commodification of perceived homosexuality? He’s sort of on the fence about it. He likes the attention, mostly, and someone has to do it. With the image of the group often hung up on being “more” than “just idols,” Kiwon unabashedly carries the idol brand with pride, or at least the perception of it. He dances, he sings, he does aegyo. He gives the canned answers they’re supposed to deliver and he panders to the cameras, keeps his head down, does cheesy commercials without blinking an eye. Being shameless is perhaps integral to his character. He’s nearly impossible to shame - embarrass, sure, but he’ll go along with just about anything in the end. He’s never been a leader, not really, and being a follower makes him an ideal idol pawn to pull in fans. They can dress him up in girls clothes or character outfits, school uniforms or headbands, and with a tasteful amount of embarrassment and self deprecating amusement he’ll soldier through filming, flirt and then pull back, playing the game that more traditional idol fans are so familiar with.
Amongst the rest of the group, noted for being rough around the edges, a bit less typical as idols, Kiwon is polished and shining and designed to appeal to a set of fans that the more “artist” types in the group could easily miss out on, especially back in the early days. He’s the fan appeal put forth with a shining falsetto and a clear vocal tone to bring something more typical but still necessary to the group. Does he sometimes feel his talents would be better utilized elsewhere? Ironically, not as much anymore, but it was a big complaint in the early days, when their hip hop image was ill fitting and hard to carry off. He’s come much more into his own after the rap line bargained for greater creative control, which is an irony he must recognize but does not appreciate, still holding some resentment for the whole thing in his heart.
the wind blows in off the sea and chills the little hospital room, window left open to air out the stale, stagnant hospital air. a baby boy is welcomed into the world but there isn’t much special about the whole ordeal. the whole thing is just average. he’s an average weight, neither early nor late, he’s healthy enough. he cries, as all babies do, and his mother dotes on him immediately, as all mother’s should. his father is not absent or drug addled and is instead smiling, gently, down at the little boy, his smile obscured by a beard that is not trendy in the slightest but seems to suit the man. there’s an older sister who giggles and laughs to see him, cooing sweetly at the baby, with ringlet curls that cascade around her shoulders. it’s a happy family and despite the winter chill in the air, it’s a warm picture.
BUSAN. MAY 1999.
childhood continues in much the same way. solidly middle class, they have the opportunities the two children need. they have love in their hearts for one another, and they mean well. there are spats and disagreements, and his father works too long and too late, and his mother deals with postpartum depression in a country that doesn’t look too closely at mental health, that doesn’t do a lot to notice, to suggest help, to encourage aid. and a little of the warmth drains. from his mother’s eyes, from his father’s heart. a little more gray seeps in.
kiwon would love to bring it back, for all of them. he’s four, nearing five, and precocious. he has to be, they keep him in plenty of kindergarten programs to ensure it, wanting only the best for their son. and maybe mom wants some time at home too, without he and his sister underfoot. kiwon is a perceptive child, sweet and insightful, with an emotional intelligence that far outpaces his motor skills, his language skills.
this year, kiwon is introduced to dance. this year, kiwon begins to do taekwondo. after school hours are taken up increasingly by math, by english, by sports programs. he finds them all fun enough, dabbling in this and that accommodatingly enough. he’s eight years old and doesn’t have much of a choice, after all. he complains in class about being sleepy, about his mom only sleeping at home. she doesn’t cook or clean, he says to his teacher, she just sleeps all day long.
postpartum depression has turned, now, into regular depression, deep seated and lingering.
time has come and gone, months passing much in the same way they always have. his sister sowon remains a charming example of humanity, even at 15 and full in the throes of teenage foolishness. it’s funny. they find a common ground that detracts from constant bickering and whining. they find a passionate interest in idols, they find an affection for catchy music and bright, poppy tunes. sowon nudges him into dance lessons with her and he obliges. he hasn’t bothered with dance since he was seven, eight and it was an afterschool activity to keep him out of the house, soon traded out for taekwondo and soccer and gymnastics in cyclical rotation, as if his mother had forgotten what she had signed him up before the year before and picked at random. so they do it. they go to dance lessons. and eventually, kiwon transfers to an art school in busan. tests in for his dance, his potential.
he’s fifteen when it happens. when he’s lucky enough to convince his parents it’s time to go to school in seoul. his sister outgrew the dream soon after it’s conception but kiwon dreams for this, lives for this, loves this. his mother doesn’t mind the idea. she doesn’t mind much of anything. her eyes are glazed over almost perpetually and kiwon can’t remember the last time that she left the house, but sometimes when he tells her stories, when he shows her videos of performances that she never attends, he thinks she might be smiling. might be a little happy. he wants to bring happiness to people. he’s spent his whole life trying to cheer up a family that can’t bring itself to be lighthearted anymore. his sister just wants to move out to university overseas, his father just wants to make it to retirement, and maybe his mother can’t even want anything anymore. so, kiwon wants enough for all of them.
his audition goes smoothly. he later realizes this is because the company has a dearth of trainees with what one would consider traditional idol talent. he should have known, that would be the way of things. perhaps because of that, it’s his personality that they find the most appealing. stage presence, charisma, charm - he has all of it. he can soften out the edges. that’s what he hears them saying, in his audition first. he doesn’t really know what that means until he meets the boys. clearly a conceptual direction had been enacted, because when he’s added to the lineup, he finds it’s full to the brim of talented rappers and dancers. there’s a lot of producing going on, songwriting, hours spent in studios working on music.
kiwon feels out of his element, wonders what he’s gotten himself into. wonders if he should have carried on with auditioning. he’d gotten a call back from msg, maybe he should have taken them up on it. but he’d taken a chance on a good gut feeling, and now he felt a little bit out of his depth. the boys are nice enough, and the smaller trainee pool feels like a family. there’s a warmth now that he’d lost in his life, something he hadn’t known had been missing until he started to dorm with the others. it feels right, it feels good. even when the heating breaks in the winter and the air conditioner breaks in the summer, he doesn’t mind. even when the concept pushes his vocals to the edge of their limit, even when they throw a rap verse at him to see if he could do it, early on (he pretty much can’t), even when they begin debut prep for a concept that skews so far into hip hop he’s not sure how he’s going to pull it off, he figures it can be okay.
the past few years have been hard. it’s been a lot. it’s been hip hop and pseudo swagger, oversized jerseys and a marathon of comments about the size of his cheeks or how awkward he looks, sometimes. comments about how the school uniform concept is played out, or about how they’re from a company no one has ever heard of except for that scandal one time. years are spent flying under the radar, frustrated, struggling. he grapples with a concept that doesn’t suit him, wears it like a poorly tailored stage outfit. pann posts accuse them of wearing fake designer goods because they can’t afford the real thing, and kiwon can’t even defend them, they’re probably right, and even if they weren’t, kiwon certainly can’t tell one way or another.
when they call the group in for a meeting, things are tense. he’s sure this is it. they’re disbanding. the company is too tired of being in the red. it’s over.
instead, it’s a new beginning. the rap line threatened to walk, they’re told. they’re getting more control, creatively. there’s going to be a brief period of rest before the next comebacks, because things are being restructured. they need to think about a new direction. all kiwon can think is, if they were going to be asking opinions, why didn’t anyone ask him? he’s one of the more “idol” members of the group, if they wanted to sell cds for once, they should have asked him. he’d have been the first to point out they should ditch the chains and quit cosplaying as a group they weren’t. should lean into the tracks that people liked, the mellow stuff, or the things like the satoori rap that no one else was going to be able to do.
but no one had asked him, had they? he was just a dancing monkey. a wind up toy. something pretty to set in the front of the group, to sing the (honestly pretty vocally mediocre) chorus bits and provide a helpful bridge to hand off to the rappers. to the real talent. it was clear that was what the company thought of them, anyway. he brooded over this unhelpfully thereafter.
the scale of the group has grown beyond what kiwon had ever thought possible. years of aggressive image management, diet control, perseverance have tailored him into someone even more appealing than might have initially been thought possible. it turned out with proper styling and the loss of baby fat, he made a better idol than he did an eighteen year old with mochi cheeks in oversized jerseys for teams he’d never heard of. their music slowly moves in a direction that embraces kpop, embraces their status as idols rather then eschewing it, and for that at least he can’t help but be grateful. there’s resentment, too, though. he’s learned that that illusion of family had only been a lie, a company construction. duress and hardship had brought them close together but in the end, they’d all made it clear to kiwon that it was every man for himself, and he’s not about to get left behind. he’s not about to pretend he’s worth less just because he doesn’t create in the same ways that they do. if kjh wants to play the favoritism game that’s fine, if they want to put a valuation on each member’s contribution, whatever. kiwon will make himself invaluable. kiwon will diversify. he won’t make the mistake of trust again, the mistake of blind loyalty, of reliance. for all their gabbing about what a family they are, about how tightnit the company is, kiwon knows the truth. in the end, it’s going to be kiwon on his own, just like it always has been.
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joleen75x67160-blog · 7 years
If You Want To Be A Champion, Modification Your educator Philosophy Currently!
Why Disregarding educator Will Expense You Time and also Sales
Sending your kid to a nursery institution is a large action not just for the kid but additionally for the parents. In order to gain credit history each member of the team will should join the presentation of each participant as well as the solution will have to add to the remedy. Educators aged 60 with Three Decade of service or aged 62 with a minimum of 1 year of service are additionally qualified for regular retired life advantages. Ive always been a very huggy person and also id always hug my primary school educators while in school. Just if the instructor comprehends music concepts and has rate of interests in different areas of songs or even has attempted their hand at song-writing, they will certainly have the ability to provide you an all-round education and learning. If you are the sort of person with uncertain job times, do too much traveling, have toddlers in your home and in general, have an uneven routine, you will certainly profit considerably from a teacher that is even more versatile. This basic habit showed me the value of coming back to the family no matter where on globe were you the whole day. Working in galleries or at historic websites could supply satisfying educator works if you're a retired history instructor. In my experience, numerous school districts deal with Ton of money Institution to create their very own instructors in scarcity areas like math, science as well as special education. The worth of a teacher is not procedures by the variety of fits he has, however by the quantity helpful which he makes to his students. Embracing youngsters in an expert setting is possibly not a great idea in this day and age. Attempt to think about suggestions the instructor can do to help your child that are not extremely time taking in on a daily basis. These are small minutes which have actually gathered in the regard you have for your teacher. An instructor who shows from experience has run into the obstacles that stand in the way of discovering as well as could assist you expect where job will be most necessary in that location. Likewise, it's quite typical for the same instructor to go along with a class from quality to grade throughout grade titan gel school, to ensure that a partnership of real affection is allowed to form between teacher and trainees. Respect: As pointed out previously, the very best instructors don't require respect from their students, they regulate it. Yet regard is a two-way street, and excellent educators use their trainees regard.
Best Make educator You Will certainly Read This Year (in 2015).
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Given that trainees residence task will begin at 6pm which suggests when moms and dads have actually picked up youngsters from lock vital, childcare, after college sporting activity functions and so a lot more will start around 6pm daily. The teacher has to recognize that, the kids do not take much time to evaluate right stuff or the ability of an instructor. Am a senior high school teacherin uganda, This are really intriguing quotes, i will publish for my friends to review especialy instructors in the villages where there is no access to net. I might distinguish the stares as well as reports of me doing drugs that. typically got back to me. Although I had my mentor credentials: I started teaching with my Master of Arts in Teaching, something that some instructors did not have, yet it did not appear to matter. When student instructor connections move from the healthy and balanced motivating level to a sexual or charming mode, problems begin to develop and both the pupil and also teacher will experience over time. I will certainly publish this at a college where I have a special program - I recognize numerous instructors that will love this stuff (in addition to me). Teachers need to not complain when they all obtain excellent pay as well as have beautiful youngsters to take care of as well as instruct. You sound like a wonderful instructor that makes that special connection with each kid. To begin a yoga exercise instructor training program you needs at the very least one year of routine yoga technique in the house, recognition concerning the prices of training and also pay for them. I bear in mind getting hugs from my women educators when I remained in elementary school but I don't think I would have suched as if my male teachers would have given me a hug. This design needs the trainees to alter courses each hr for a new subject and educator. In general, 65% of former public school teachers report that they are better able to balance work as well as personal/family life since they stop mentor. Your instructor should be able to listen to just what rate of interests you so that they could make drum tutorials extra intriguing as well as inspiring for you. Then one have to consider myriad meetings with moms and dads (after college and also evenings), with various other educators as well as management personnel and the school board. And, YOU are the ideal example that preschool teachers do not constantly have to be over 55! It is natural if teacher has bigger sympathy to some trainees more than to the rest. We require teachers who are committed to motivating theoretical understanding, instead of rote memorization. It is extensive as well as except everyone, but perfect for the educator that is over as well as past where a very first year intern generally remains in their growth.
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We are pleased to reveal that Tar Stream Primary school's Terra Tunes chorus received the absolute most sceneries from their video recording for the 2016 Concert for Popular music in Our Colleges Month ®! Rocketeers walk in space to repair the area as well as maintain Terminal, to ensure that potential astronauts will definitely possess a base to pilot to. As the terminal runs now, along with a team from three on the U.S. edge, nearly two-thirds from the work performed by each astronaut on a daily basis adheres merely to maintaining the terminal, handling strategies, and keeping well-balanced. Moot was actually the Department from Learning's choice to demand debtors to file individual insurance claims proving that they had actually been ripped off, rather than simply removing the financial obligation of all students who joined universities found guilty from bring in misleading insurance claims to get them to enroll. Stuster's study possesses an entire subcategory from log entrances dedicated to applaud inflation," a sensation wherein the astronauts feel obliged to pass out extreme praises, even when undue," to ground personnel, and an overall avoidance of criticizing ground employees for insufficiencies, real as well as viewed." The heritage from praise returns to the moon attempt-- when the rocketeers were bathed in dignity, and also strove to pass that on to the army of specialists that made the goal possible. We after that left out 356 baccalaureate as well as baccalaureate/associate's-level universities that mentioned that at least half from the undergraduate degrees rewarded in 2012 were actually below the undergraduate's-degree level, in addition to twenty colleges along with less than 100 undergraduate students in any year they were open in between fall 2013 and broken 2015, and also an added seventy-eight colleges with less in comparison to seventy-five trainees in the federal college graduation rate associate (new, permanent students) in between 2013 as well as 2015.
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But even giving that an even more aggressive UNITED STATE field plan could possess confined Asia's as well as China's subsequent occupations from the worldwide consumer market, this isn't clear that acquiring difficult right now, as Trump makes a proposal, would achieve considerably, considered that just around 18 per-cent from China's exports most likely to the U.S.http://paralaprensa.info, you could contact us at our internet site. jpg" width="283" alt="months in order"/> Popular music In Our Universities Full week is encompassed consist of the entire month from March, coming to be Music In Our Schools Month, and also making it possible for popular music education and learning professionals more versatility in scheduling initially Planet's Largest Gig, a sing along gig made to link schoolchild with each other worldwide via popular music, is actually funded by MENC. He discussed afro-americans as well as other minorities in conspicuously distancing phrases, as they" as well as them." His foremost dark surrogates featured Omarosa, very most widely known for showing up on The Student along with Trump, and also Don Master, a past-his-prime and also clownish boxing promoter distinctive for eliminating two males; Hillary Clinton's project, on the other hand, called LeBron James, Beyonce, and also Obama. Typical folks are revolted by records that Republican governmental candidate could have stayed away from paying out federal government earnings taxes for virtually 20 years Ordinary folks are actually repelled through Trump's verbal assault on the dignity of 1996 Miss Universe champion Alicia Machado as well as past Philly Inquirer reporter Jennifer Lin Nonetheless, the Trump group could not look after less. Analyzed exclusively on its own phrases, this would be a definitely dreadful deal for migration advocates as well as Democrats: That would certainly make up giving the restrictionists a whole series of factors they long for, for certainly not removing securities off dreamers that also lots of Republicans are unwilling to see taken out.
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idolizerp · 5 years
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NICKNAME(S): God-given-visuals, something often used to brand him but is never really said as more than a joke between band members. Ha-choo, a fun play on the fact that he tends to sneeze a lot. Not often used amongst fans, but a staple between friends.  INSPIRATION: Growing up with an musician mom and singer dad exposed him early to music and art, and he’s always been in love with it. Becoming an idol only helped him find a way to channel his passion and make something great. SPECIAL TALENTS:
freestyle rap
did taekwondo for a while, able to ‘show off’
currently studying a music major in university
knows how to play the piano
is allergic to dogs
has a small following from his brief days in modelling and as an underground rapper 
Haneul had always wanted more of the ‘idol’ side compared to the band side of things, and the company’s lack of promotion and exposure for the group is something he wants to fix. He aims to slowly bring XLNC into the public spotlight, either through their songs or something else entirely. He also wants to fix their unprofessional image, and he wants it done quick- preferably in time to show a new side of the band when their next comeback rolls around.
Despite being unable to go solo, Haneul wants to make it big- even if he has to drag the rest of the band along. He hopes that XLNC can be the ones to change the scene of kpop and make it big, bringing back the popularity that bands once had. Instead of Nitro and Nightmare being the breadwinners, and despite knowing that it will probably never happen, he aims for XLNC to be at the top of their company and be the most respected ones.
For himself, Haneul wants to expand his talents as an artist. He wants more of his input in their songs, their music, and how they play, the whole works. His goal is to become more or less the de facto leader of the band, and become well known for his songwriting ability, not just his pretty face.
Despite the so called versatility and freedom that Koala T was supposed to give them, the image presented for Haneul is a fairly stereotypical one. He starts off as the flower boy- the pretty one, the icon of a bubbly rookie but not the one meant to be saying very much, doing very much, more or less just there as a placeholder, a space filler. After that it’s the story of how he grows. A showcase of rare moments of genius, then hard hard work and a few emotional breakdowns here and there, and finally bam, real talent and the fans were the ones who helped him do it. In contrast to his more rough-around-the-edges (and dare we say it, raw and real) bandmates, Haneul is expected to be the perfect one, the good boy, a mary sue story with just enough heartbreak in it for the fans to buy into.
Of course, like any good story, it has just a tiny bit of truth in it. Haneul’s always been fairly friendly, mostly calm, and a good boy when he wants to be. His smile is too pretty to be considered fake and of course that plays into both his and the company’s advantage- despite being almost entirely written up on a piece of paper during a company meeting, his facade fits perfectly. Haneul can be the perfect statue: there’s no need to talk too much about a song he didn’t write, think up new details to stories that didn’t really happen, get frustrated over things he knows he can’t change only to expose even more vulnerabilities for the knets to latch onto like vultures. That’s everyone else’s job. It’s all too easy to play innocent and shy and docile, the rest of his personality just comes as a ‘pleasant surprise’ when he does show it.
That’s what makes the ploy real, of course. Haneul’s usually playful, plenty clingy, just enough mischievous and even the slightest bit of a playboy. Or what’s what the watered down version that KTM presents to the public. In truth he is all of those things and far more, a charming player with too much wit and too much ambition for his own good. But even he knows that it’s not in his favour to be this bold- perhaps if he was in a typical idol group, but not with XLNC. Instead, all the ambition and rebellion is written off as being passionate and free spirited, falling into the funnel of whatever they deemed as ‘emo’. On stage, he is expected to be cool and charming- or depressed, or angry, whatever the song calls for, he acts it out. And yet off stage Haneul has to play nice, like the stage was just for performance and well- both of them are, really.
The only thing that the company allows, that he allows himself, are brief moments of weakness. Briefly lapses in his golden personality, shows of the vulnerable teen inside who can still cry, still scream. And yet for the sake of a good show, these moments have become just as manufactured as the next. Sometimes Haneul can’t tell what he’s really feeling anymore, but as long as the fans gobble it up, that’s fine, right?
Haneul’s life was one of the things that Koala T like to dig out and show off over and over again, and yet it was not nearly as glorious as they made it out to be. Yes, he was born to a family of artists, but they had never been celebrities, they never lived in fancy houses, never were the musical geniuses people thought about. No they were rather plain, some third rate singer that had enough time on his hands to pursue a full time job on top of occasional gigs and a classical musician that, despite never being home, made just enough to keep up their modest apartment. Being born into his household meant that from young, he had no misguided dreams about what it was like to pursue the path of an entertainer. The starving artist trope was all too real and, as time went on, music just existed to be less and less of something that was enjoyed and more as a burdened tool that could not perform well enough to grant them the life they wanted to lead.
He was never encouraged to go down the same path his parents did- quite far from it, all Haneul’s parents wanted from him were good enough grades, a solid university, and some boring office job that could coast him (and them) comfortably through the rest of their lives. And for much of his childhood that’s what he had followed. A free spirit hammered down to a neat and tidy uniform, a lopsided smirk straightened to the perfect schoolboy’s smile, at least 16 teeth showing in every school photo. Perhaps that was when he got so good at acting, so good at pretending. If it made his parents happy and in turn benefited him, then it was okay to keep at it for a little while longer. And then when he grew up, he dreamed, he’d be the biggest superstar, far better than his parents would have ever dreamed of. And for a while he had almost thought this would come true.
The boy’s pretty face garnered attention from youth and soon, Haneul had been scouted away to film a commercial. Yet his doll like features were truly as empty as a doll’s, completely lacking the spark of energy the producers had wanted. That plus the strong opposition from his father soon had the boy dropped out of the program, and that was meant to be the end of the story. The whole ordeal fizzled to a lackluster end and life went back to normal, falling into the monotone best that it had been all along and which he was probably doomed to listening for the rest of his life. At that thought, whatever was left of Haneul’s wild dreams gave one last lurch. If his parents had thought he was still the goody two shoes he had been before, then they would soon be proven wrong with the twisted streak of rebellion growing inside.
Middle school found the teen packed away to some mildly prestigious boarding school half a city away. Middle school also found him… never where he was supposed to be. Yes, he went to most of his classes, yes, his average was at that rocky 90%, but what his parents never knew was that the rest of his time went to busking on the streets, in cafes or around Hongdae at night, wherever he could get his hands on and wouldn’t get kicked out of just because he was a lanky kid with a half broken mic and some soundcloud mix of beats. But he had never been the type to do things without a goal. Oh yes, Haneul knew exactly what he was doing. There had always been star scouts regularly in every spot he went to and he knew if he could make any sort of impression then… his chance came. It was KTM that extended to him the olive branch, the alluring words- the chance to be the next big thing. And of course he said yes.
That’s how Haneul left, left the boring life he had behind. It had taken a few angry phone calls, perhaps, a trip home where more than one curse was thrown around and furniture with it and Haneul couldn’t even quite remember how he did it but- he went back with signatures scrawled unwittingly across some paperwork. The then 16 year old was filled with no, not dreams, but ambition and plans to prove himself to the world and most importantly, as better than his parents. And like always it was too late when reality caught up. The company had been interested in his appearance, that was all. Nothing else was expected of him, no chance given to even prove himself. Despite the days laboring away in lessons and training until the wee hours he was, until the end, just a pretty face to stuff wherever they needed one. And when the managers settled upon an idol band concept but conveniently had one last open spot with nobody particularly suitable, then it was time to show his worth- to mold himself into the band player they needed. Make yourself useful, they told him.
Debut a year later was underwhelming. Even though his teammates were so talented, even though he himself had at the last minute found talent in playing the bass and was deemed acceptable, even though he was supposed to make a splash in the world- Haneul’s appearance on the scene had hardly dented the water. And it was in this- mediocre fashion that they continued, never really good but never really bad either. They had minor struggles, minor successes, and that was it. It wasn’t going his way at all. And the scary thought that slowly surfaced was: maybe he would have been better off just as a typical accountant or salesman? Haneul would not let that happen. He had so much potential, so much to prove…. and he was so afraid of failing.
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meditativeyoga · 7 years
Teaching Yoga to Someone with Cancer: Is it Different?
At first glimpse, the concept of yoga for cancer cells people going through treatment and also now in survivorship seems evident, a sensible step. What better way to handle anxiousness, gain toughness, rise versatility as well as develop sensations of health? It looks like every person knows yoga is excellent for you. Cancer cells survivors come with high assumptions of yoga exercise. These expectations are none various than those of routine trainees. Why would training yoga to cancer cells patients and also survivors be any various than teaching yoga exercise to healthy people?
I have some answers to that inquiry. They are responses based on my personal cancer journey as well as yoga exercise experience, my experience mentor yoga to cancer cells survivors for greater than 10 years, and also on study. During my recuperation, I observed I needed something various from yoga exercise and also went looking for it. Observing various other yoga exercise courses concentrated on cancer used by yoga exercise educators from numerous traditions, I discovered vital distinctions. Let's discover them.
Safety First Healing begins with feeling risk-free. Yoga exercise educators are trained to show to a diverse yet general population. Understanding of the limitations imposed by surgical treatments, chemotherapy and also the many life-long negative effects as well as vulnerabilities of cancer cells treatments and restoration are not covered in a lot of yoga instructors training. Conditions for security begin with an instructor's desire to find out about cancer, to be appropriately trained to show yoga exercise for cancer cells survivors, and also to put in the time to understand pupil demands and problems. The initial distinction is the knowledge as well as training to feel confident that you recognize the conditions of the injured body under that baggy t-shirt, after that to show the yoga that is educated by that knowledge.
Risk Factors I am asked inquiries concerning yoga benefits constantly, yet seldom inquired about its risks. Survivors expect instructors to understand the results of cancer treatments on the body, what presents have most advantages, and also just what postures could be possibly harmful.
The popular concept is that yoga exercise is excellent for you, whatever its style, flavor or size. We know that is not real. Simply like cancer, yoga exercise is not one-size-does-fits-all. Every person's cancer, therapies, adverse effects and body is various. Nothing concerning cancer cells is static or foreseeable. As an educator, you need to prepare to adjust your mentor to the transforming needs of trainees. The difference in training yoga to cancer survivors is that the dangers are greater and also an educator needs to recognize exactly what they are.
Who's Responsible? When offering a class for cancer cells survivors, an educator is stating, "I am accountable. I know exactly what yoga is best for you and I will certainly shield you from more discomfort, injury plus tranquil your uncertainties or anxieties." Trainees expect yoga instructors of cancer survivors to have that expertise.
Most yoga educators are educated to ask for injuries or worries as class begins. Cancer cells survivors could hesitate or ashamed to speak about their concerns, like the freshly installed expanders, chemo ports, or the neuropathy in their feet. They might not also know some conditions, like osteopenia triggered by cancer therapies, can put them in jeopardy in certain tasks or placements. The yoga exercise teacher needs to know the threats if such conditions exist as well as to adjust the yoga exercise for these life-long problems and negative effects accordingly.
The key distinction is that teachers should ask the ideal questions and to collect this important info meticulously, typically privately, and with terrific sensitivity.
Facts Motivate Other ways yoga for survivors could be various is by cultivating awareness as well as enhancing inspiration. Survivors wish to know why something benefits their condition, not simply that it benefits them. I locate using research realities about yoga exercise and cancer cells produces inspiration and great public relations. They listen attentively to every reality and also tip on ways to combat cancer making use of yoga. They really feel as well as see the benefits. They remember as well as thank me. They bring this information and great sensations back to their medical professionals. This is absolutely a win/win for survivors and also for yoga. Yoga could make a difference.
Feelings Matter Your feelings come first. A yoga exercise instructor has numerous points to be aware of during a yoga course. The initial one must be the change of her feelings. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed with the suffering of others. Inexperienced educators might be inclined to treat pupils with reluctance based upon their unrecognized fears about cancer as well as passing away or an absence of confidence in training survivors. Doubt is neither handy nor recovery to the pupil. In my experience as a survivor, an instructor who was excessively compassionate just made me feel extra like a void. Directly, I discovered hope and also well-being in being dealt with regular without coddling or denying that I had cancer. The distinction is that authentic, open teaching starts with identifying and acknowledging everybody's emotions, not simply the pupil's hopes and fears.
How do cancer clients and survivors really feel? It could not be evident. Occasionally they bring concerns and uncertainties regarding yoga exercise planted by warnings from well-meaning Western doctors. Primarily they come with curiosity and a need to recognize how as well as why yoga exercise will certainly assist them be healthy and balanced and remain cancer-free. They pertain to yoga exercise as individuals desiring again to really feel whole and also typical, not like cancer survivors. They bring life difficulties, not simply cancer cells challenges.
Who's the Teacher? Finally, the truth is that some pupils will certainly not make it. Educating yoga exercise to those touched by cancer cells constantly has the opportunity that a person will not make it through. A yoga educator must be prepared to encounter that truth of cancer.
There is a lot to gain from survivors regarding being in a warrior present. Dealing with worry assists make a warrior. It is the initial lesson cancer cells teaches a survivor, being planned for the unpredictability of their brand-new life. Having actually used the coat of a dangerous diagnosis, exercising savasana, final resting present, is not just an "concept" or an abstraction, however an inescapable component of everyday life. I believe this is the biggest difference in training yoga exercise to cancer cells survivors. A dangerous health problem could aid us all discover exactly how to live fearlessly. An additional distinction is it could become a common objective for both the yoga teacher as well as trainee. If faced straight, cancer is everyone's teacher.
So, the distinctions are a lot more challenging to explain as well as, the good news is, fewer than the resemblances of training yoga exercise to non-survivors. What are the similarities? Well, for this yoga educator, it is the most satisfying work I have actually ever had. It fills me with pleasure and thankfulness to deliver yoga exercise's presents to all pupils. The similarity is the privilege to witness the renewal of each body, the makeover of tension to leisure, the unfolding of the feeling of wellness, the harmonizing of mind with body, and to see every one leave with that Yoga glow.
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