#mostly because any 'new' stuff I'm reading is...marvel catch-up stuff
comickergirl · 7 years
Hey! First would like to say I love your art!!! You're style is lovely & your comics are both wonderful & adorable :) Im going to be heading to a comic store this week & was wondering if you know any comics/graphic novels with dc female hero team ups?
Aw, thank you! Very glad you like it. :D
I do! (Though, a disclaimer: I’m not a huge fan of team books or event comics, which is where a lot of comic team-ups take place. So this list might be a touch...incomplete/short.)
Right then, THE LIST:
- Superwoman #13-16 - Lana Lang teams up with Kara, and once their team up is done, Lana works with Maxima, Traci Thirteen, and Natasha Irons, and I think Lois Lane is in there too. Lots of female characters!
- Mystic U #1- This came out just last week. It’s basically ‘Zatanna in college.’ (But, you know, with crazy magic hijinks.) This one isn’t so much a traditional superhero team up, but it does have dc female heroes (?) interacting with one another. (That question mark is there because I’m not sure if Enchantress would consider herself a...hero in the traditional sense.)
- Gotham City Garage - I just recommended this title recently but the very premise of the book is: Female Heroes Team Up to Fight Fascist Lex Luthor. So. On the list it goes!
 - Justice League #22 - This one is less recent, but it’s Shea Fontana writing the Justice League, and features Jessica Cruz nerding out over Wonder Woman, so, you know. It’s a good time.
- Birds of Prey - The Rebirth run. Issue 16 features a double page spread of just about...every female character currently associated with Gotham. And also Wonder Woman. So, a solid title, when it comes to female team-ups. (I’m behind on the more recent issues and the writing is sorta hit or miss for me personally but. When it’s good, it’s good.)
- Birds of Prey - ...Yeah any run, really. Except maybe not the New 52.
- Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell - Another title I’ve recommended before, and I’ll recommend it again, because it’s an entire self-contained graphic novel about Zatanna and Dinah, working together. It’s very fun. (This is less recent-ish, by the way, but as a TPB it shouldn’t be too hard to find.)
That’s all I can think of in terms of recent-ish DC comics with female hero team-ups. And again, as I mentioned, I don’t love team books and events, so those are big blind spots on my part--I can’t speak to the quality of titles like Justice League of America or Teen Titans so they COULD have really awesome team ups between DC ladies but they’re just not titles that I follow. 
Still, hope this list helps! :D 
(And I have another list that specifically mentions some Supergirl and Batgirl comics, so maybe check those out as well!) 
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Fandom: haikyuu, monster prom, and marvel!
My age: 19
Sexuality: bisexual
Gender I.D: Female
Likes: anime, art, music, nightmare before Christmas, harry potter, scented things, candles, Halloween, fall weather, animals, and fuzzy blankets.
Dislikes: spiders, super hot weather, liar's, blend food, and people who can't clean up after themselves.
Hobbies: reading, drawing, watching anime/tv shows, writing, painting, going on late night drives, and going on walks.
Personality: Personality:I don't talk to people I don't know usually and can seem shy but once I get to know them a can be talkative and a little bit loud (I get told to quiet down a lot. I don't really hate people unless they give me a reason too. I don't get annoyed or mad easily. I make dark jokes sometimes they're directed to myself. I try to be supportive of my friends but if I know what they're doing is stupid than one will call them out on it. I try to make everyone else around me happy before myself and even if I am upset I tend to be happy so I don't bother everyone around me. I'm really into the emo style, I also am touch starved.
Where I am from: Denver, Colorado
Fav color: black and purple
Fav animal: hedgehog
Fav sport: volleyball
Fav food: spaghetti
Do I have a pet: yes a dog
Do I have a mental illness: yes I am bipolar, I have depression and I have bad anxiety.
Do I have any physical disabilities: no I do not
Do I have any siblings: yes 7 of them
What are my siblings like: ummm well my brothers are all kinda gamer nerds expect for the 2 smallest ones. My sister is an artist and an alcoholic. My two small brothers are annoying but adorable.
Do I speak any other languages: no I do not tho I am trying to learn Japanese.
My current job: is at a fast food place.
My dream job: to become an vet.
I think I got it all, just message me if I don't!
For Haikyuu, I’d match you with Kenma. You both probably meet through a school project together. Kenma is smart and quiet so it’s likely you two, at first, don’t have any feelings towards one another but as you go to his house and vise versa, you both start to talk about your hobbies and interests and you both soon learn that you share a lot of those interests. Gaming and movie date nights are a must. You bring over your comfy blankets and the food while Kenma gets the games and movies set up. Kenma doesn’t mind the late-night drives as long as he doesn’t have to drive, he’ll also likely fall asleep on those drives. Kenma doesn’t mind your dog unless it’s one of those small yippy dogs. He can’t stand them but he doesn’t mind larger dogs, as long as they don’t knock over and break his stuff. You and Kenma both have bad anxiety and it shows though you try to comfort each other when possible. While Kenma knows depression isn’t something you can control, he tries his absolute hardest to help you and support you and keep you happy. He never wants to make you feel less than because of your depression or whatever is getting you down. Overall, very supportive.
Liam and you likely meet through one of your shared classes. Liam doesn’t particularly notice you at first but if he does catch you reading or drawing in class, he does become more interested. He’ll likely approach you after class or during lunch and ask you about your taste in art and whatnot. He likes to learn about new things such as anime and while some shows are not to his particular taste, he doesn’t actually mind it as much as he usually would a different medium of cartoon shows which he usually considered childish. Liam is like the dad who did not want a dog, mostly because he has to deal with Scott and werewolves enough already, but he does come around to your dog after a little bit. I feel like Liam would want to learn a language with you and although he is a faster learner than you, he tries to help when he can. Super surprisingly sweet.
Peter Parker and you meet when he saves you from a villain but you don’t exactly know who Spiderman is. Still, you’re determined to thank him and find out more about him. In your research about Spiderman, you get a job at the daily bugle. You don’t agree with the message but you are curious to find out how Peter Parker gets all these amazing shots of Spiderman all the time and in doing so find out that Peter is Spiderman. It’s shocking to you of course because you’ve been sitting across from the guy who saved your life for over 2 weeks now and when you confront Peter, he comes clean. As a way to thank him, you promise to keep his secret and soon the two of you grow much closer, and soon enough, Peter asks you out on a date. Meet cute I guess?
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spidersbane · 3 years
hi!! i hope you're doing well! i was hoping if i could get a marvel ship?
i'm a straight girl, an INFJ, and my hp house is ravenclaw. I'm usually very quiet, shy, and polite when i first meet someone, but eventually as time would pass and trust has been established, i would become this clumsy (j can't stress this enough) dork. my friends would often say that im a sincere and sweet type of person and kind to her loved ones. in a nutshell, they say im a soft enthusiastic cinnamon roll who's very loyal and protective to her friends.
i am very gentle and childlike, and i love kids and just having some fun after a long day (that could mean going outside or just chilling at home with any time of shenanigan, it depends)
//i am also a walking crackhead,,, i am very silly//
i am more of a peacekeeper of the group, as i don't like conflict and tension. so when it a situation does come like that, i tend to be more calm and composed.
i love to read books, actually, i love to learn almost about anything that would interest me. languages, cultures, politics, histories, philosophies, are just one of my favorites. i also love to write! i write for my school newspaper and have been joining competitions in the recent years now. while i love writing essays, i have a special place in heart for stories. speaking of which, i love really love stories. i love listening to them as much as i love reading them!
i also love art! my skills are far from great, but i enjoy doing it from time to time and learning about them as well. A lot of people tell me I'm really good with advices and comfort due to my empathetic nature. I love a good debate every now and then, so long as it's civil.
for music, i mostly listen to classical (mozart and beethoven) and disney/broadway, but i love jazz and rock as well! I also indulge in listening songs from the past because of this, so long as it has great lyrics and a beat. for shows and movies actually, anything with a good story basically, but i have a soft spot of disney. I love indulging documentaries as well!
lastly, I'd rather discuss deeper conversations and topics rather than do small talk because of my introverted nature. like gimme your mind amd thoughts about the world and beyond kind of talk.
((ahh i feel like i wrote too much :")) and i would like to apologize for it))
thank you so much in advance! hope you're doing well and keeping safe! :))✨
Hi @latte-is-late ! Thank you for being so patient with this. I know I've probs kept you waiting a long time, and with everything going on, I appreciate your patience most! You absolutely didn't write too much, so no need to apologize! Also, I'd love to have you in my chat/inbox more often bc omg we have so much in common and I'd love to be friends pls <3
For Marvel/MCU - I ship you with Steve Rogers/Captain America !
i love my golden boi so much honestly, so this will be fun for me
first, Steve is ultimately a peacekeeper first, making the ultimate sacrifice to put himself in the ice, but that doesn't make him one-dimensional, bc as we see w Bucky (excluding Endgame :/), he's willing to go to bat for anyone he deeply cares about
he loves your choice in music so much, especially the classical/older stuff. he missed out on a lot of pop culture from his time in the ice, so I feel like trying to catch up on music in our era would be a little overwhelming. BUT bc you can listen to music from the past, this gives him smth to connect w you on
clumsy dork = scott lang energy and I refuse to believe that Steve and Scott weren't best friends. Steve often gets painted as like the wet-blanket mom-friend, and sometimes, he can be. so the fact that you can be more relaxed and more childlike helps him unwind too. it shows him that he doesn't have to be the big, mature tough guy all the time, and that he's safe to have fun w you too
as much as you want to learn about new things, Steve is right there with you. I think he has just as big a thirst for learning, but he doesn't get to indulge in it that much, so whenever you're learning about a new topic, he's more than willing to help you study it, or be learning it right alongside you
also art! drawing each other! posing for each other! encouraging each other in your artistic pursuits! he'd love looking at whatever art piece or writing piece you were working on, and he'd be so happy to listen to you talk about it. like this boy would have literal stars in his eyes omg
also Steve would love Disney/Broadway and no one can convince me otherwise. like the man is a walking Disney prince so
overall, y'all just care so deeply for each other, and want to invest so much into each other that a relationship between you two is incredibly fulfilling. times when he's on missions are hard, but he always comes back to you, ready to decompress and ready to jump back into spending time with you. he's just so devoted to you and you'd be equally devoted to him
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nobodies-png · 5 years
I'm very happy you've already done reader playing with the Org XIII:s hair! Let's reverse this to them wanting to touch/play with the reader's hair. Who'll ask for permission, who'll find an excuse, and who will just go for it?
oh this, I love t h i s a lot, nonnie - thank u v much
Xemnas :
Xemnas just goes for it. It happens during one of those rare moments where he can just properly c h i l l with you and walk around the castle - you’d ramble about whatever funny shit you saw Demyx do when s u r p r i s e, you feel the faintest of touches. Xemnas doesn’t even flinch when you turn around, surprised to see his hand still wandering through your locks. B u t he is super amused by your reaction.
His touch is so light and gentle you legit barely notice it. The b i g b o s s is just content with just feeling the soft texture of your locks and your scent, commiting them to memory.
Xigbar :
Xigbar probably uses his powers to sneakily play with your hair, giving you playful light tugs and touches here and there because it’s really fucking funny to see you turn around and look everywhere in confusion. When you manage to catch him and confront him about this, he’ll just shrug and give you some half-assed excuse. But the moment you say “well, you could’ve just a s k e d for permission”, Xigbar’s smile broadens, replying with a “so you’re saying I can? S w e e t.”
Okay, Xigbar is up for just giving you stupid hairdos, whether you have long or short hair. But he’s also down for teasing you as much as possible, like blowing air on your neck when you least expect it.
Xaldin :
Xaldin will try to find a good excuse cause he lowkey wants to try to be more a f f e c t i o n a t e with you without being too straightforward - and he highkey doesn’t want to be seen as a hypocrite, with how protective and reluctant he is about letting others near his hair. So chances are he’ll give you random excuses like “oh wait, you got something in your hair”, trying to be subtle. And it kinda works the first few times, but after the 25th attempt, you’re n o t so sure.
Xaldin’s not used to being gentle, so it’s hard to miss the slight tremble and hesitation in his hand. You end up helping loosening up so he doesn’t treat you like you’re made of glass.
Vexen :
Vexen has no problem asking you for permission, like come on he’s not a teenager in love. He’s curious about your hair so he’ll ask you if he can fiddle with it for a while, easy. But s u r p r i s e, it ain’t so easy. The more he thinks about it, the more he’ll overthink until he gets cold feet. Then he forgets about it. Then he’ll remember and r e p e a t the entire entire process. In the end, Vexen just goes for it so he can’t back off.
At first, he’s sort of rough, inspecting your hair more than playing with it. But as the conversation goes, he’d relax and end up just petting your head instead.
Lexaeus :
Lexaeus has enough braincells to know that he should just fucking ask you like a decent human being. So that’s exactly what he does. No overthinking, no bullshit. And since he’s a man of few words, you listen patiently to his explanation cause it’s rare to hear him talk - He thinks your hair is pretty and wants to play with it, but he understands if he’s overstepping any boundaries and will back off if necessary. Done. Boom. Easy.
You’d think Lexaeus would be afraid of hurting you but n a h b i h, he’s got his strength under control so no worries. You can basically f e e l the happiness radiating off him while he gives you little braids.
Zexion :
Oh Zexion’s c o n f l i c t e d. He wants to ask you directly because that’s the normal thing to do, but he finds that option way too embarrassing. What if you laugh at him ? Social interaction is already hard enough. After asking  Lexaeus and Vexen - who both give very contradicting advice, Zexion would most likely just have the castle Moogle pass you a note, asking you to meet him at the library. And after like, 40 minutes of idle chatter, he’d just awkwardly ask if you’d let him play with your hair.
Tension ease off his shoulders as he starts to relax. Zexion probably starts telling you a lot of stories about him as a kid pulling a lot of pranks on Vexen’s hair along with Isa and Lea.
Saix :
Saix goes for it. He knows the right thing to do is to ask for permission, but it’s just hair so it can’t be that bad if he just fiddled with it for a while, right? It’s not really a big deal for him - but if it’s a big deal for y o u, then he’ll openly explain that he just felt like touching your hair, with the most deadpan voice. Maybe even a smug faint grin. Depending on your reaction, he’ll either drop the subject entirely or properly ask you for permission.
Okay but knowing Saix, you just sort of expect him to be super stiff and cold about this entire thing. But s u r p r i s e, he gives you a ridiculous hairdo, knowing that no one will ever believe you if you tried accusing him.
Axel :
Axel is the type of guy to ask for permission w h i l e he’s doing the thing. His hand is already running gently through your scalp when he asks if he can play with your hair - since you two are close, he doesn’t think he should be so polite and proper around you. He ruffles his friends’ hair affectionately all the time, so you’re no different ! If you complain, he’ll back off but pout and insist for a bit. Like come on, i n d u l g e him.
Soft and gentle touches are reserved for intimate moments, so Axel ends up doing the same thing you’d do with his hair : trying every single possible hairstyle and getting way too invested.
Demyx :
Demyx doesn’t even have to do anything. By the looks he gives you - and specially your hair - while you two hang out, you can pretty much figure out what’s going on around his head. He thinks he’s subtle but s w e e t i e, tapping your chin and humming loudly while staring so openly is quite the o p p o s i t e of being subtle. When he finally makes up his mind to ask you for permission, you cut him off with a “yes, go ahead before we both die of old age”.
Demyx just marvels at the difference between his and your hair, wondering if he should get a similar style to yours. He tries to give you a total makeover and f a i l, resulting in both of you laughing your asses off at the final product.
Luxord :
As another gentleman, Luxord also asks you directly without any problems. He’s not a c a v e m a n like some o t h e r members so he’ll just approach you whenever it seems convenient and after some small talk, just bring the subject up. Maybe even offer another friendly game, like he usually does in legit every single situation lmao. You obvi let him just play with your hair cause it’s way easier than being defeated in some card game for the 342854th time.
It’s not a big deal for him. Luxord likes to just fiddle with your hair whenever you’re close while he reads or does other stuff. He thinks it’s super calming and loves seeing you slowly fall asleep next to him.
Marluxia :
Marluxia finds some excuse to play with your hair whenever he feels like it, mostly under the pretense of wanting to give you even more advice on how to take care of your appearance more. There’s no ill will in his words  though and you gotta admit the man has some g o o d tips. It becomes something so reocurring, he doesn’t even have to say anything - you just simply let him play with your hair. It’s not like he’s doing anything bad, so why not ?
You’d expect some fashion judgement coming from him, but surprisingly, Marluxia is pretty chill. He falls asleep while playing with your hair more often than he’d like to admit.
Larxene :
The thought of asking or coming up with an excuse doesn’t even cross Larxene’s mind, she just goes for it as soon as she realizes she wants to play with your hair. You don’t even have time to complain when she pulls you towards her with her usual sharp look and smirk, telling you to stay still and behave while she just does whatever she wants. And y’know how Larxene is, she can’t resist throwing in some unnecessary comment here and there.
Letting her play with your hair is kind of a game of chance : sometimes she’ll be nice and just relax, sometimes she’ll tug your strands “accidentally” just to get a reaction.
Roxas :
Like Axel, Roxas thinks he shouldn’t have to ask, you two are close after all ! B u t he also doesn’t want to make you mad on accident. He’d give you a lot of excuses, only to run away before doing anything. “Ah, your hair keeps getting in your face - here, let me get that for yo U ACTUALLY, I GOTTA LEAVE RIGHT NOW.” In the end, he’d confess that he was really nervous about this entire thing.
Your depression is instantly cured as soon as you see his expression of amazement, like he’s seeing a new world for the first time. Roxas has the time of his life playing with your hair and just chilling with you.
Xion :
After consulting Axel and Roxas a dozen times - and maybe other members of the organization as well - Xion f i n a l l y musters up the courage to ask you directly. She might stutter and stumble over her words at first, avoiding eye contact, but she’ll get it out eventually. Usually, she has no problem asking you stuff, but Xion kind of thinks this request might be odd and just really childish.
She’ll just kinda fiddle around, gasping and muttering under her breath like “oohh” and “ahhh”. But after testing the waters, Xion would try her best to give you a super fancy hairstyle. 
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Hello. Could I request a male Fire Emblem, Drrr!! and BSD matchup please? I'm a ISTP Leo female. I usually came across as an enigma and quiet person, but that's only because I'm a rational person and rarely express my emotions. People usually praise me as an independent and cool person. I'm also a good secret keeper, hence why a lot of people like to confide in me. They also told me that my appearance doesn't match with my personality. [1/4]
Due to my perceptive nature as well as my intellect, pranks and deception rarely work on me. On the other hand I’m not good at lying, and I rarely compromise with others. I also hold grudges. I’m very stubborn too. I usually keep my distant because I don’t like socializing. I’m very blunt too, so I won’t sugar-coat my words. I also have strong likes and dislikes, and I’m only courteous towards people that I’m on good/neutral terms with. [2/4]
I like reading, mostly manga, fashion magazine, classic literature and news. I am fond of extreme sports and martial arts. I really like video games, and I spend most of my free time gaming. I have a sweet tooth and I can’t stand bitter food/drinks. Recently I took a liking to cooking, been trying to improve my skills and as a result prefer my own cooking over someone else. [¾]
I don’t like misogynist, especially if they are female themselves. Even though I like animals, the same can’t be said for amphibians and reptiles. I really hate people who badmouth and make fun of people with illness (physical and mental). My strength is my creativity, and it is my dream to become a writer and be able to publish the creative ideas inside me into written works. I hope that day will come soon. [4/4]
Hey, Anon-san! I hope you enjoy your match-ups! ^^ Thank you for waiting!
I hope your dream comes true
Lon’qu (FE: Awakening) -
As the only unit in the army who cannot talk to women, you can’t help but feel it has something to do with him being misogynistic. You watch him from afar but it does little to confirm your suspicions as he’s always interacting with the other men. The women don’t particularly mind because he does his job well and he doesn’t make them uncomfortable. You interacted with him once and he snapped at you, telling you to back off and leave him alone. If he’s misogynistic, fine. You can avoid him. Until you can’t.
Chrom, having had noticed your poor sword fighting skills, decides to assign you to train with Lon’qu. There are far better swordsmen who can teach you, you argue, but Chrom argues back Lon’qu is a better teacher than all of them and can be spared from time to time to help you. You can’t argue - he’s the crown prince, after all. Lon’qu follows orders no matter what they are but even he can’t help but behave awkwardly around you. His interactions with you are kept minimal and his instructions don’t make much sense. Eventually, you tell him outright he isn’t helping and being around him makes you uncomfortable. Lon’qu surprises you by apologizing and that he’ll do his best to teach you. He’s dedicated to his sword-fighting skills, that’s for sure.
Slowly but surely, he adopts a teaching method that’s effective. Your swordplay improves gradually and reaches the point you can hold your ground against him in a fight. You surprise him with your martial arts skills and you learn he isn’t competent in hand-to-hand at all, but learning from you is the last thing he wants. The two of you rarely talk outside of training sessions and he has a reserved personality that makes him quiet and awkward. You do see him helping out in the kitchen often, usually peeling potatoes. The two of you sometimes work together to cook for the rest of the army but even during times like those, he hardly opens up to you.
Once on the battlefield, Lon’qu acts like he was never uncomfortable around you. The two of you fight together, working in sync to eliminate enemies and ensuring Chrom’s safety. He’s a completely different person once in battle and he admits to you his fear for women disappears once placed in front of an enemy. This is news to you and he realizes a second later he revealed something he shouldn’t have. Unable to turn back, he continues on to admit he’s taken a liking to you, admires your determination, straight-forwardness, and ability to improve. He finds you pleasant to be around and he apologizes for his actions from the past. Now you finally understand it was a fear that made him awkward around women, nothing else. He has come to trust you, and that’s a step in the right direction.
Kida Masaomi (Durarara!!) - Neither you nor Masaomi look like how you act, which is one reason why the two of you gravitate toward each other. At first, Masaomi talks to you the way he does with everyone. That’s fine with you since you’d rather stay by yourself. There’s no reason for him to interact with you any more than necessary - but when you see him on the streets, it becomes a different story. No one would peg him as a gang leader and while it isn’t a secret, it’s something not many people know. When he notices you while out with his entourage, he approaches you the next day to keep what you saw to yourself. His tone shifted and his eyes gleamed with an emotion you wouldn’t expect him to express. You tell him his secret is safe with you.
It isn’t a secret that you have a fondness for extreme sports and martial arts and when Masaomi catches wind of this, he decides to take advantage of your skills. He doesn’t try to flatter you or manipulate his words when he asks you outright to act as his bodyguard. You refuse, partly because of your introverted nature and dislike for socializing, but mostly because he must have a ton of others capable of protecting him. He doesn’t trust any of them, he admits, doesn’t trust many people in his gang. He trusts you, however, and it isn’t like you’ll actually protect him. He has his own fighting skills but what he doesn’t have is someone to confide to. He wants you to be that person for him. So long he doesn’t rope you into anything dangerous or illegal, you agree to take him on.
As a result of this arrangement, the two of you spend a lot more time together - both at school and outside of it. When both of you are wearing your school uniforms, the air is pleasant and light-hearted. He loves indulging your sweet tooth and passion for video games, gaming with you whenever possible. During lunch, he makes it a mission to snatch bits of your lunch every day to the point you start making food for him. On the streets, though, the relationship between you two is strictly professional, but thanks to your creative mind, you also act as a tactician at times.
The two relationships you share with Masaomi remain parallel to each other until they gradually blur. He no longer calls you his bodyguard nor a member of the Blue Squares. When you ask him about this, he’s come to realized that it’s his duty to protect you. He can’t let you go or let you go to the front lines when needed. He knows you aren’t helpless but the thought of you getting injured because of him is one of his fears. He wants to protect the happy memories the two of you share and you feel the same way.
Tanizaki Junichirou (Bungou Stray Dogs) - Tanizaki gets along with everyone so his interactions with you are friendly and inviting. Naomi is usually with him and she befriends all women who may come to work for the ADA. Because of this, the three of you are often together eating at the cafe downstairs, or working on cases. Naomi tags along whenever she can but most of the time, she stays back to let the two of you wreck some stuff. His ability works well with your combat skills but you also compliment the other ability users in the ADA. Tanizaki gravitates toward you most of the time though, so the two of you are often working together.
Both of you match each other in terms of intellect and fighting prowess. As a result, each of you examines the case at different angles to reach the same conclusion. Sometimes, when he’s stuck, he asks you for help (asking Ranpo takes too much time) and he marvels at the creative ways you tackle the problem. Since he was a student, his academic skills are lacking, but he provides you as much help as possible when it comes to your writing endeavors.
In your down time, you and Tanizaki eat out, indulging each other’s cravings. You aren’t a fan of other people’s cooking so you treat him to homemade meals more often than you accept his. He isn’t much of a reader but he does enjoy the recommendations you give him. When it comes to video games, he prefers watching you and Dazai duke it out so he can cheer for you. He rarely plays himself since he’s terrible at them.
The blur between friendship and lovers is difficult to distinguish and Naomi is first to realize something has changed between you and her brother. She doesn’t call you out for it or threaten you - instead, she’s happy. She’s happy her brother has found someone to love and that you’re the one who’ll be by his side for years to come.
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