#mostly because she's lloyd's main target
kassycreations · 10 months
My ideal Disaster Cousins dynamic is one where Lloyd is (rightfully, honestly) an asshole and an annoyance to Morro and Harumi. Like he will go out of his way to inconvenience the both of them in any way he possibly can as a small payback for what they did. It isn't on the same level as taking over someone's body and having them fight their family or reviving their father as an evil husk but it gets the point across
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cinnabunnii · 2 years
Collection of non au specific Pixal hcs I have BC she's practically my brand (probably part 1)
Randomly punches Jay, Kai and Cole, and then pretends nothing happened (this is BC of the shit ass teasing she had to SEE LIVE from Zane's head and like... Yeah <3 her main targets are Jay and Kai BC Cole was less of an arse to Zane, the pretending nothing happened is more just to emulate the fact that they didn't seem to care AB how Zane reacted to their teasing) (And she's strong af this isn't just light joking punches, she gave Kai a nosebleed once. Girlie leaves bruises.)
Small... Like .. 5'4 mby... (Not that small, slightly shorter than me but like almost a foot and a half shorter than Zane bc y not)
Her Sam X Armour is thinner compared to Nya's, mostly BC she's a robot but she's quite chunky and armoured without the armour after rebuilding herself anyway.
Hnnnsnfnmnfffhh reaches for black pixal HC (like human disguise skin tone yk gigglessss)
When in human disguise she still has her glowy purple pattern stuff visible (idk I just like making it obvious that she's still a robot)
She just really enjoys any and all life, even to the point of a little jealousy (common HC but I'm just ONNGGGG)
She doesn't need a bed, or a room at all, the only reason she has one is because Zane begged to have one built for her (see HC above, BC like we all know bbg.. that's the only reason she has 1 nightmare in the entire show, BC she only sleeps in the room to feel close to Zane after he was thrown into the never realm.)
She refuses to take her Sam X Armour off after battle if she's been damaged underneath it so that she doesn't worry anyone, and just fixes it herself (or with the minipix) later.
Sometimes tries to modify herself to be able to seem more human (but giving yourself the ability to eat, as a robot, is hard and stupid BC it just clogs up wires and cogs)
Gen Z. Knows ALL the memes from Lloyd, she freaks the others out with it. It's funny.
Her and Lloyd are incredibly close after the year before S8, we all heard the "I could kiss you pix" "I don't think Zane would approve" they r close to the point of Lloyd being comfortable joking ab kissing her u can literally HEAR the joking tone in her voice when she responds to him!!!! CMONNNN they r such an underrated duo (gaslights you into thinking ab them)
Loves doing silly mundane tasks, even though Master Wu tries to get the ninja to do their own chores bc of "responsibility", she ends up doing most because she actually enjoys it.
Cyrus sends her a huge weekly allowance bc he loves his silly robot daughter fr. And because in her spare time she helps him make blueprints for mechs <333
I think that's all.. for now.
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olivescales3 · 8 months
Hey I saw you claim that Ninjago was somehow "pro-war" and that sensei WU groomed lloyd to be the green ninja????? I'm curius about the first part, as for the second part Wu didn't even know lloyd was green ninja how the heck?
Okay so. I had an unfinished text about this. At least someone gave me the chance to post it. Though, please keep in mind that, even though I did my research, Ninjago is still a long story and I'm not going to look at everything, JUST THE BEGINNING.
About the second part: that was OP's post, but even if Wu didn't know Lloyd was the green ninja, he still taught a minor how to kill and use tremendous amounts of power. I don't know if Lloyd's troubled past was already exposed from the beginning, but if so, this makes the entire context even worse.
Ninjago basically places genocides in front of the audience (Serpentine War), with Wu being a major war criminal and participant in this, and expects the audience to be okay with it; plotlines like these where the show solves literal allegories of real-life issues with war is a common occurrence.
Lloyd was groomed by both his father and Wu to be drafted into wars that mostly end in misery and more wars— and everyone, including the people who live in Ninjago, is okay about it, with even the show itself trying to make the viewers choose a side.
To understand what happened, it needs to be understood that wars are bad, first and foremost, because it kills people (it's more deep than that). Secondly, children nor teenagers shall ever go to war, because TO KILL and to BE KILLED has an abhorrent toll on a minor's mental health— especially since they're developing their brains. To make a kid's show where characters, who started as minors, go to war and *kill*, the show is giving a horrible message to the audience (speaking from experience, I've seen Ninjago kids be very aggressive). Furthermore, Lloyd, the character in question, has been manipulated since childhood by both his mentor and his father, two characters who are meant to be trustworthy figures. Of course, Garmadon IS evil, but, as I said, the show expects us to pick a side. Grooming is a strong word, used to describe the mind-washing and manipulation of kids into conditioning them for becoming victims of CSA; I chose to use this word because Lloyd was mentally washed by both of his important parental figures to kill, and is conditioned to continue killing because the plot needs— in other words, he has to kill evil people.
Why am I complaining about the show's characters killing evil, you may ask? That's because the show doesn't even *try* to find solutions for war; Ninjago, in the lore, was created exactly to avoid facing issues outright by the First Spinjustu Master, which snowballed into innocent civilians being killed with no end in sight. All of Ninjago's wars were started because of characters portrayed as 'evil', either by pure evil nature or revenge, and they are all fought back against just because they are 'evil', without exploring *why* wars happen in the first place. Everything is black and white, with the ones who start revolts being the ones to lose, and a few evil characters being brushed away as victims of those revolts, such as Garmadon who became evil because of the Overlord, in an attempt to make the audience feel bad for irredeemable characters, and to stretch the show longer. Harumi, one of the few important and main women of the show, goes on a targeted rampage against Lloyd because he 'owed' her saving her parents, and wanted to sacrifice him for his father— some could say that she was going through trauma, but we are quite literally showing kids that evil starts from evil, and that because she wants to kill Lloyd and serve Garmadon, we have to root against her— which in majority of the cases means death.
Sacrifices of characters are constantly being shown as self-righteous and selfless, glorifying martyrism to a young audience, without the issues of death being shown as permanent (main characters get revived), or why should minors even be drafted into war. The quantity of characters who die just for plot or to give the show some 'depth' is absurd. Death is serious and countless people in real life suffer because of it. This returns me to Lloyd and Wu, who are considered good guys but have committed horrible crimes.
I don't know if I'm 100% lore correct, but I did my research. Here it is. So no, Ninjago is not "somehow "pro-war"", it IS pro-war.
For contrast: Chima's plot always ended with pacifism. I'm not saying that you can't make characters kill each other, but Chima, as a kids show, has a decent message of respecting diversity, including showing the evils of colonialism. It also shows how people can be skewed into committing bad actions and how they can be forgiven (Laval forgave Cragger even if the latter tried to wipe out the entire Lion Tribe; Flinx forgave the Ice Hunters even when his own father kept talking about how 'evil' the Hunters were)
I'm not in the mood to argue or discuss. I don't know how to block the comment section, but if anyone somehow wants to, please don't. I'll ignore the comment. Also, I am genuinely sorry if I sound aggressive or cranky— it's not my intention.
This is a Chima blog, so I'll end this here.
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jinxed-ninjago · 2 years
Little bit of context: The Benefit of Grief is the 10th episode of Crystalized. I watched it and it’s been my favorite episode of Ninjago since. I do regularly listen to Inner Steel thank you 😌
ANYWAY. I fucking love The Benefit of Grief so so much. I seriously just want to ramble about it so. Crystalized spoilers ahead!
Okay. So. Let’s start with a recap on what happened prior to The Benefit of Grief.
Zane turned off his emotion meter because he couldn’t handle the grief of losing Nya. To save Nya, the ninja break Aspheera out of prison and steal her staff so she can drain Nya of her elemental power. Afterwards, Zane, Kai, Cole, Jay, and Lloyd end up in prison. Eventually Nya and Dareth break them out and they become fugitives. They split into two groups — Dareth, Kai, and Zane and Cole, Jay, Lloyd, and Fugi-Dove (who’s there for some fucking reason but his interactions with Jay are absolutely hilarious so it doesn’t matter).
While Kai, Dareth, and Zane are wandering around, they run into Sally. That’s where the main plot of The Benefit of Grief starts. Sally lets them in her van, and they start talking after Sally turns on a song — Inner Steel, a song she wrote herself. After a few minutes, Zane asks about a picture on Sally’s dash — a picture of her and her parents. This triggers a breakdown from Sally, and she stops the van and gets out and sits on the ground a ways away from the van.
Zane decides to go make sure she’s okay and tries to comfort her. She explains that she ran away from her parents to move to Ninjago City so she can start a music career, and stole her dad’s van to do so. Once she calms down, they get back in the van. Eventually Sally has another breakdown. She almost runs into some police cars and abruptly breaks before driving off, triggering a police chase. Eventually she stops right before she drives off a cliff but then she messes up the center of gravity of the car and the car falls off the cliff and into a river below.
Police chase continues. Eventually they get out of the river. Sally has yet another breakdown. Zane comforts her again, explaining that her parents appear to love her based on the picture Sally had on her dash. Then Zane says “My creator Dr. Julien once attempted to protect me from feelings of grief by erasing my memory banks. But now, I am beginning to see that emotions, even unpleasant ones, do in fact serve a purpose.”
Zane explains to her that she’s feeling grief because it’s her heart telling her to go home. After a little more back and forth between the two, Sally decides to go home and is met with nothing but love and affection from her parents.
The scene cuts to Zane, who is now smiling while looking on. Kai mentions he turned his emotions back on, and Zane confirms he did, the reason being “I realized there is a benefit to them. Even grief.”
Yes, I just explained the entire episode (mostly) from memory. Moving on.
It’s such a good fucking episode. It’s not something you expect from a show that has a target audience of 5-13. The message is something that would only be able to be shown with Zane. Any other character wouldn’t have had the same impact. The message wouldn’t have been as impactful if Zane wasn’t the character delivering the message.
The entire episode is themed around grief and why it’s important. It’s a beautiful fucking episode and my eyes legitimately water just thinking about it.
The message is so so important. Negative emotions serve a purpose. If you don’t feel negative emotions, you can’t truly feel positive ones, and it’s seen so clearly with Sally. If she hadn’t felt the grief she felt, she wouldn’t have been able to have as happy a reunion with her parents as she had.
So. Here are some reasons it’s important that it was Zane that delivered the message, as opposed to Kai or Dareth:
Zane’s the only one who can fully turn his emotions off since he’s a robot, and he did it because he couldn’t deal with the grief he was feeling.
Zane’s also the only one who can voluntarily feel emotions. He’s the only one who can truly learn how important it is to feel negative emotions. He’s not human, so he doesn’t fully grasp the importance of human emotions until the end of The Benefit of Grief.
The human characters know why grief is important. They’ve had to go through it before, whereas Zane never did to the extent he did with Nya. Zane never saw why grief was important, not until he met Sally and spent time with her.
In summary: The message of The Benefit of Grief only has the impact it does because it’s Zane learning how important grief is. It’s Zane learning that negative emotions have a purpose and a benefit. It’s a robot learning all this. A robot who can control whether or not he feels emotion. And that’s what makes the episode so fucking beautiful.
Zane’s always been weird. He’s always been a bit quirky. He still has human things to learn. And this episode is a wonderful example of that. He had to learn why feeling negative emotion is important and why it’s beneficial, something humans generally learn early on. Grief is a very complex emotion. It’s a very human emotion.
It’s easy to simulate happiness or sadness.
It’s difficult to simulate grief. It’s a very specific branch of sadness, and it makes it hard to even just pretend to grieve. You can only feel true, genuine grief after loss.
And I think Zane getting to a point where he’s able to process his leftover grief from losing Nya is so fucking important, not just for his character arc but also for the episode’s message and the other characters.
Having a message like The Benefit of Grief’s message in a kids show is honestly pretty important. Grief is normal. Grief is okay. Grief can take time to process. And it’s okay.
It’s okay to grieve.
It’s okay to have depression after losing someone.
It’s okay to feel negative emotions.
And it is fucking important that you feel negative emotions like grief and sadness in life.
And for that message alone, The Benefit of Grief is my favorite piece of official Ninjago media across all the seasons, mini-series, Day of the Departed, and The Lego Ninjago Movie.
The Benefit of Grief is the best episode of Ninjago and you can pry that opinion out of my cold lifeless hands.
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abybweisse · 5 years
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@gkrosental Oh, I’ve blogged about this before, but it’s split between various posts. So, it might be hard to find. You can check my blog, though, for #advanced technology, #medical technology, #technological advances, #medical advances, #reaper technology, etc. Oh... and stuff like #george and #giygas....
For one thing, that’s not Sebastian’s mobile; it’s the one Vanel’s thugs have. He just takes it from one of them to talk to Vanel.
The other thing is that modern technology shows up in the manga quite frequently, and Yana-san explained once that it’s an alternate universe to begin with, and these things are, therefore, only... slightly anachronistic. Let’s not forget that our earl has some kind of television; it’s been vaguely mentioned by our earl and Finny, and much more directly mentioned by Soma. Funny thing about the TV is that our earl must not be the only one to have one, since John Brown mentions the same TV program to the crowd at the Crystal Palace; he promotes the rumor that the show is based on Queen Victoria! But yeah... some of them are definitely still anachronistic, even for the Kuroverse.
The reapers (and their superiors) have advanced technology. We know this for a fact; even ages ago, when Othello was newer to the reaper organization, he’s seen carrying around a box of computer parts, like a keyboard. Othello says that humans can get ahold of such knowledge through demon contracts, etc. Even though Sebastian hasn’t been told (that we know of) to “invent stuff for me” by our earl, we can pretty well assume that Funtom’s innovative toys come from a combination of our earl’s imagination and Sebastian’s demonic abilities. Funtom is best known for its Bitter Rabbits and candies, but they also sell video game consoles... with game controllers connected by wires. Indeed, Funtom sells a few things that you’d only expect the reapers to have. But it doesn’t end with Funtom, not even regarding video games. How else would Chlaus show up in ch1 with that game cartridge packaging for “Mouse3”? It was actually full of the drug evidence he’d brought back from Italy... but the packaging is probably legit.
I suspect that reapers, like Undertaker, also have an effect on the advancements that humans make... accelerating the process of innovation. Those dialysis machines are a perfect example. I’m not sure yet who actually built them. Perhaps Druitt, since he has a medical license? And because Undertaker saved him on the Campania for REASONS...?
At one point, during the murders arc, Charles Grey makes a comment that Germany’s about ten years ahead of where it should be; I’m not sure how he learned that (perhaps from John Brown?!?), but this means that the Kuroverse is dealing with an accelerated timeline for its technological advances. Characters like Grey and Othello acknowledge something is amiss. But, it’s complicated why it’s happening. Germany might have some reaper or demon/angel intervention, too, but they also have/had prodigies, like Sieglinde Sullivan. She managed something her parents, with all their learning and training, had failed to do. SuLin was the result. Idk how they got the rest of the advanced technology they are using, like radar and tanks. Divine intervention? Other geniuses? Since coming to Great Britain, Sieglinde has continued to shock and amaze with her latest inventions... which seem to be financially backed by the queen....
The reason I mentioned #george and #giygas is because of my main theory regarding Black Butler... that’s it’s largely based on a Nintendo game called Mother3. I mean, that’s what “Mouse3” by “Ninkyodo” refers to, after all. But, as I’ve said in many of my posts about this, it’s not just Mother3 being used for the manga series; it’s the entire game series. And this topic is one of those situations that requires going all the way back to the first installment: Mother. In the US, it was titled EarthBound: Beginnings.
In Mother, a young alien, named Giygas (the translation varies, but this is one of the common ones), is traveling from their home planet, populated by this technologically advanced civilization. Their spacecraft crash lands on Earth and they are taken in by a couple, named George and Maria. They raise them as their own, and they later manage to travel with Giygas back towards their home planet, and Maria stays there... but George returns to Earth... with stolen technology, which he continues to research... and spreads around to other humans. Giygas is sent by their superiors to stop George, because the alien race is worried that humans will eventually use their own technology against them. However, George has died by the time Giygas returns to Earth, so they decide to target George’s descendants. Humans have started to incorporate the knowledge that George brought back; it’s even showing up in some humans’ natural abilities, as if it’s being genetically inherited. We meet one of those descendants, Ninten. He, with the help of friends, has to collect melodies from a song and sing it to Queen Mary, who is... kind of like Maria... but on another plane of existence, called Magicant.
Later, Ness (in Mother2, aka EarthBound) and his pals have to fight people who are under Giygas’ power, including a rather bothersome and wholly self-centered boy named Pokey Minch. By now, Giygas has been driven mad by his futile attempts to stop the spread of this stolen technology and knowledge. Then they have to fight Pokey Minch again, but Pokey has been drastically changed by time-traveling equipment he stole from a human inventor (Dr. Andonuts). Ness and his friends have to fight not just this futuristic version of Pokey but also an unhinged and unleashed version of Giygas; the alien has lost their physical form and now exists as an evil force of immense power. Through prayer (mostly), Ness and his friends are able to banish ... perhaps truly destroy... Giygas, but Pokey escapes to cause problems yet another time.
With Mother3, which never got a worldwide release (which is why Chlaus says in Black Butler that “Mouse3” [and the drugs] were hard to get ahold of in Italy), mirror twin brothers Claus and Lucas get separated after their mother is killed (and their father is too full of grief to help them). Claus ends up missing (he’s dead at the bottom of a cliff), and Lucas and the family dog, Boney, go on a quest to avenge his family. Lucas, Boney, and friends they make have to defeat King Porky; King Porky is what the time-traveling Pokey Minch decides to call himself when he travels to this future setting and settles down to become a tyrant. Giygas seems to be gone, but King Porky still follows Giygas’ destructive life path. King Porky is obsessed with popularity and technological advances. And, at some point, the lifeless body of Claus gets turned into a Fascinating Chimera, and the mirror twin brothers have to compete to fulfill a prophecy... of waking the Dark Dragon. Dr. Andonuts was previously forced to help King Porky, but even he eventually gets revenge.
I have a lot of posts about Mother3 theory, and I’m trying to focus here on a particular aspect, so here are some parallels, particularly regarding technology:
Our earl — Lucas
Real Ciel — Claus
Sebastian, under contract — Boney, the loyal family dog
Sebastian, aka the “Black Butler”, once the contract is fulfilled — Dark Dragon, particularly once the prophecy is fulfilled
Undertaker, bringing otherworldly technology to humans — George
Reaper superiors and/or John Brown — the original manifestation of Giygas and that alien race
Reapers, in general — Magypsies, in general
Prince Soma — Pokey Minch
Prince Soma with the Right Hand of Kali — Pokey Minch with the unhinged Giygas (This parallel would be further strengthened if Prince Soma ends up stealing anything out of Sieglinde’s lab or convinces her to make any sort of contraption for him.)
Queen Victoria, who demands unwavering loyalty and is trying to increase Great Britain’s power through technology and new infrastructure — King Porky, who demands the same and is also focused on infrustrucfure, technology, innovation, etc.
Queen Victoria with John Brown — King Porky drunk on unbridled power, basing his actions on what he thinks Giygas would want of him.
Undertaker, inventor of Bizarre Dolls — Dr. Andonuts, inventor of Fascinating Chimera
Sieglinde, chemist and inventor of various contraptions — Dr. Andonuts (also his younger version, Lloyd), inventor of various contraptions
There are so many other parallels, not just in characters and plots, but also in their timelines. However, like I said... I’m trying to focus on your ask regarding technological anachronisms.
TL/DR: It’s definitely supposed to be the Victorian era, but it’s an alternative universe to our own, so it took some different paths along the historical timeline. Add to that the fact that reapers and demons/angels (or other supernatural beings, like gods) have been intervening in human lives, and advanced technologies and innovations have been introduced along the way because of it.
There are lots of examples of this throughout the series, including the mobile phone used by Vanel’s thugs (Sebastian grabbed theirs; he doesn’t have one of his own). Other examples include TVs, video game consoles, war tanks, radar, and all the contraptions Sieglinde makes for herself and for others, like the Phantom Five.
This all works just dandy with my theory that the manga series is largely based on Nintendo’s Mother game series, since both deal quite a bit with “stolen” technology and runaway technology/innovation.
Thanks for the ask and for letting me screenshot the message to answer in a post. 😊
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afandomroom · 4 years
Character File: Sage Brooks
Note- This is the updated version of Sage’s initial “Fact File”
Warning- Brief mentions of parent death, death, abandonment, and bullying. Nothing descriptive or angsty, this isn’t a story just a fact file, but I’m adding warnings anyway. Also uh…I know parts of her story might not be...totally believable or even sorta stretched? But trust me when I say this is much better than her original story.
Also also, it's very very long. So..be prepared. Wish there was a way to sum this all up.
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Name- Sage Celia Brooks Birthday- August 15th, 2002/1999 Age: Canon: 18 - 21 Future: 26 - 29 Hometown- Eyton, Northern Ninjago 
(Blood) Family- Aster Brooks (father; deceased), Lily Brooks (mother; deceased)
(Found) Family- Asher Woodman (older brother figure), Marion Nettle (younger brother figure)
(Future) Family- Willow Woodman (Niece), Cedar Woodman (Niece), Katlyn Woodman (Sister in law)
Hair- Black, falls to the center of her back, usually pulled into a braid of some form. Eyes- Silver Height- 5”3’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sage grew up in a small Northern village by the name of Eyton, a traditional, old fashioned place, where the main income was fish and river crustaceans/mussels. 
Sage’s parents moved to Eyton a year before Sage was born, taking an old, partially abandoned house as their own and fixing it to their liking. Aster took a job on the fishing boats, and hunted in the nearby forests both to bring meat home and bring in extra cash. Lily opened a baking business, and sold flowers during festivals. 
While there wasn’t any proof of the matter, people of Eyton whispered about how Aster looked suspiciously similar to a man who’d accompanied a gang that’d caused some trouble a few years prior, until a warrior had chased them off. 
Again, without proof they couldn’t hold a trial or even attempt to kick him and his slowly growing family out, but that didn’t stop the villagers from turning up their noses and even encouraging their kids to stay away from Sage and her parents. 
Despite her social isolation, Sage was a very sweet child, who always tried to be nice to her classmates despite feeling that they hated her. She wasn’t blind to the way adults acted whenever she walked through town with her father.
When she was seven years old, one of the town’s fishermen was found dead on shore, an arrow sticking out from his skull. Aster was the only notable archer in town, and it was noted that he’d had an argument with the man a few nights prior. Given his possible prior gang affiliations, he was placed under house arrest until a proper trial could be put together. 
The trial would be put off when an illness, deadly to adults (when left untreated) but nonlethal for children under seventeen, swept through the village. Lily caught said illness, and despite Aster’s attempts to take care of her, refusal from the village to treat her and inevitably Aster himself led to both of their deaths. 
After burying both her parents within the same week, Sage was kicked from the village after a mostly unanimous decision. 
For two years Sage wandered about alone, until she came to a village with a stone wolf statue in the center. 
On her third day there, she was cornered by a group of town kids, who taunted her and pushed her around until another street kid, a boy with white hair and blue eyes, stepped in and fought of the bullies. 
He only spent a few seconds checking to make sure Sage was ok, before turning to walk off by himself, determined to remain alone. 
Within that same week, a skeleton horde attacked the village. Sage was quick to find an elevated porch to hide under, hoping she could wait out the raid. 
This was when she spotted the white haired boy running, assumedly from the skeletons. Thinking quickly, she grabbed him and dragged him under the porch before he could be spotted. 
After what felt like hours of awkward silence between them, the boy introduced himself as Asher and the two ended up spending the night under the porch. They decided to stick together afterwards, Asher stating that they’d be partners, looking out for each other to survive. 
Sage would grow to care very much for Asher (platonically and soon in a familial way), and while Asher felt the same, he struggled to come to terms with caring for someone other than himself for a long time. 
When Sage was eleven, Asher managed to…find a job. A thief named Ronin offered to hire them for help on a job. Despite Sage feeling the job betrayed her morals, she didn’t was Asher to do the job alone, and so, she agreed to join. 
And this was the beginning of Sage’s long life of crime. As they got older, their names were spread around more and more, and soon a steady enough flow of money began to come in. 
As time went on, certain events started to change Sage’s overall demeanor and personality. At the beginning of her teenage years, anxiety and general depression ran rampant. By sixteen, an apathy started to overtake her. She started losing touch with the caring, over all happy girl she’d once been. 
During the SOG takeover, Sage became a target for UV’s wanted list after shooting some of the gang members. (Reason has yet to be determined). She caught the attention of Mr.E while running over the rooftops, and miraculously escaped with few injuries.
Sometime, early on in the takeover itself, Sage was traveling across the rooftops when she found a boy cornered by SOG members. She didn’t hesitate to shoot the gang members in the head with her bow, only realizing later that there may have been a more merciful way to deal with them. 
After learning that the boy didn’t have a place to go, she brought him with her to the apartment she shared with Asher at the time. He would introduce himself as Marion. 
Something about the rescue inspired her, and from there she would do her best to save other targets of the SOG for the remainder of the takeover. 
This was the start of a change in Sage, one that would reconnect her with herself. She started caring more, smiling again, thinking of different ways out of situations than just...shooting first. She felt severe guilt, but she also felt a form of freedom. She realigned her morals. 
Sage would do her best in the years that followed to provide Marion with a better life than her own, and would become a main supporter in his journey to master his element and become one of Ninjago’s protectors. 
Three years later, Sage ended hiding a young man with a green streak of hair from a team of muggers. Deciding to take a risk, she invited the strange man to their home. She wouldn’t let him know that she recognized him as the Morro until a week or so later. 
While Morro never joined in the thieving business, he did freelance with lifting and loading jobs to pull his weight. He’d also become Marion’s mentor later on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the future- Eventually, Sage would leave the crime life. The guilt of her actions and belief that her parents would be sorely disappointed in the way she’d led her life drove her to quit. 
She would never turn herself in, instead running a branch tea shop with a close friend, volunteering and donating when and where she can as an attempt to give back. 
She’d continue to be a supportive and loving figure in her brothers’ lives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season by Season:
- Season 1- Sage meets Asher Sage and Asher were in a village that was attacked by the Skeleton Horde She was in Jamanakai with Asher when Lloyd first attempted to raid the place for candy. She was going to offer to help him snag some candy, but got scared off when the ninja arrived. 
- Season 2- Sage and Asher continue their partnership, their loyalty and trust has grown quite a bit.
- Season 3- Sage and Asher begin their lives in crime.
One of the jobs Ronin hired them for was keeping an eye out while he grabbed Zane.
- Season 4- They were in one of the villages attacked by Chen’s cultists. 
- Season 5- Asher and Sage officially refer to each other as siblings.
They were in Styx when the ninja attempted to steal from Ronin. Sage saw them leaping across the roofs.
- Season 6- With the ninja’s rise in fame, stealing becomes both harder and easier. On one hand, they’re too busy to come after them. On the other, cops were alerting the Ninja to every crime. Sage and Asher end up laying low.
- Season 7- When Borg disappears, Sage and Asher are given the job of stealing his tech.
- Season 8- Sage and Asher are offered a job by Harumi, but they ultimately turn it down. 
- Season 9 – Sage is wanted by the SOG, saves Marion, and begins fighting against the SOG. 
- Season 10- Sage, Asher, and Marion hide in an underground bunker during the oni attack. This is when they meet Jerome Rune and Calvin Rune. 
Season 11- Sage, Asher, and Marion were not in the city during Aspheera’s attack. Rather, they were trying to remove Marion’s vengestone cuffs. They spent the rest of the season try to help Marion with his abilities. 
- Season 12- The minute Sage hears about the video game linked disappearances, she drags the boys away from the city and to a rural village. Girl isn’t taking any chances. 
Later that year, Sage meets Morro
Facts: - Her father taught her the archery basics; she chose to learn how to shoot and uses a bow as her primary weapon because of her father’s prowess with the weapon. - She taught Marion and Asher’s daughters how to use a bow. - Has callused fingers from archery. - Can throw knives like a boss. - She does know a few things about fighting, but it’s not her strong suit and she prefers long range and dodging to melee and hand to hand combat. - Her favorite tea is Passion flower, and her favorite food is puffy pot stickers(or just pot stickers in general) - She has a kill count of 27, and is very closed off when asked about it. - She can pick locks relatively well, including handcuff locks and jail cell locks. - Like Asher, she is notorious for breaking out of holding cells and police custody. - Every year since she was 14, she visits Eyton to update her parents on her life and apologize for the life she is living. - Learned to drive a car and ride a motorcycle at 15. A fellow thief for hire taught Asher and Sage. - Built/repurposed her motorcycle, Asher’s motorcycle, and their pickup by herself. - Her motorcycle is her baby and if you break it she will break you. - Impulse drives her motorcycle when incredibly stressed. - Taught herself mechanics and medical stuff - Got all of her education from libraries, everything she knows about math, history, etc. is self taught - She was 17 when she got her first tattoos. - In total she has four tattoos. A raven carrying a hyacinth on her back, vines around her right arm, an ace flag yin yang on her left, and Edelweiss around a knife in a currently undetermined location. - Each tattoo has some varying form of significance. - She picked up roof running to help with jobs, it became a hobby later on - Tried to teach herself guitar, but they moved around too much for her to focus on it. - Family is everything to her. - A sign that you have her full trust you is that she becomes willing to be more...physical around you. Nudging your arm, playful punches and shoves, hugs, hair ruffling. She also won’t freeze or tense up if you grab her suddenly. -Basically she becomes notably less awkward and anxious, and wary around you. - She is fiercely loyal, and will stay by your side even if it means she might die. - Very tired and frequently has nightmares. Anxiety and guilt also prevents sleep. - Has to have a knife on her person at all times in order to feel safe; even in her own home and while she sleeps. - Crystal necklace is from a friend, a reminder that she isn’t alone and that she has people there for her. - Various scars, each with their own story. - Most people don’t assume Sage is a criminal when they first meet her.
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theliberaltony · 3 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
We’re fast approaching President Biden’s 100th day in office and already Congress has passed a massive $1.9 trillion coronavirus aid package; helped usher in Biden’s history-making Cabinet picks; and approved a measure in the House that would give undocumented immigrants, including those currently with temporary protections under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, a pathway to citizenship.
To understand just how much of the president’s agenda is getting through Congress and the extent to which various members of Congress support that agenda, we’re once again tracking how often representatives and senators agree with Biden and how that compares with our expectations, based on Biden’s 2020 vote margin in the member’s state or district. (If this sounds familiar, it’s because we did the same for former President Trump.) We’ve also added a number of new features to help illustrate how members of Congress vote relative to one another and identify the outliers in each party. (Hint: Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Krysten Sinema of Arizona might not be the only thorns in Biden’s side for the next several years.)
A member of Congress’ “Biden score” is just a simple percentage of how often a senator or representative supports the president’s agenda. (We calculate this by adding the member’s “yea” votes on bills that Biden supported and “no” votes on bills Biden opposed, then divide that by the total number of bills on which that member has voted and we know Biden’s position.) As we did during the Trump administration, we’re relying on the Office of Management and Budget’s “statements of administration policy” to determine the administration’s stance on a bill. To read more about what types of measures we’re tracking, check out our detailed methodology post from 2017 — it’s about Trump-era congresses, but the same rules still apply. And, as a reminder, these ratings will update through the 117th Congress.
It’s early yet — we have just 13 votes that aren’t related to the confirmation of Biden’s Cabinet,1 but there are two interesting trends we’ve noticed at the margins so far: 
Republicans are not unilaterally voting against Biden’s agenda
After Biden was elected last year, story after story predicted that Republicans would thwart his agenda as control of the Senate remained in limbo and that Trump retained an ironclad grip on the party. And while the latter is still  at least partially true, it’s also not yet entirely clear the extent to which they’re impacting the GOP’s ability to compromise. Republicans, for instance, haven’t entirely stymied Biden’s agenda. 
Sure, no Republican in the House or Senate voted in favor of Biden’s COVID-19 relief bill. But in the Senate, many have backed his Cabinet picks, and in the House, Republicans and Democrats have found common ground on bills like reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act and allowing farmworkers a pathway to legal immigration status. 
Now, it doesn’t mean these bills featured overwhelming bipartisan majorities, but 140 different House Republicans have voted at least once for something Biden supported. And for some members who fall in this category, the choice appears to be a matter of political caution. Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith and Michigan Rep. Fred Upton — two of whom represent districts Biden either won in 2020 or was competitive in — are so far the GOP members backing Biden’s agenda most frequently.
House Republicans who back Biden the most
The 11 Republican House members who vote with Biden’s positions most often, and how often we anticipated they’d vote with Biden based on their district’s 2020 vote margin
Representative District 2020 vote margin biden score plus-minus* Brian Fitzpatrick PA-1 D+ 5.8 76.9% -2.1 Chris Smith NJ-4 R+10.5 61.5 +43.8 Fred Upton MI-6 R+4.5 53.8 +20.3 Carlos A. Gimenez FL-26 R+5.6 46.2 +16.4 John Katko NY-24 D+ 9.0 46.2 -42.3 Jeff Van Drew NJ-2 R+2.9 46.2 +6.2 María Elvira Salazar FL-27 D+ 3.2 41.7 -26.0 Don Young AK at-large R+10.1 40.0 +20.8 Tom Reed NY-23 R+11.2 38.5 +21.8 Mike Bost IL-12 R+14.2 33.3 +19.5 Adam Kinzinnger IL-16 R+16.0 33.3 +21.6
*Plus-minus is the difference between a member of Congress’s actual Biden score and his or her predicted Biden score.
Sources: U.S. House, U.S. Senate, Office of Management and budget, Daily Kos, @unitedstates
But not all House Republicans are interested in backing Biden’s agenda. About one-third of members — 72 total — have completely opposed everything on Biden’s agenda so far. This includes Biden’s coronavirus stimulus package, but also things like increasing the waiting period for background checks on gun sales, expanding unionization and collective bargaining rights and an omnibus police reform bill named after George Floyd. (Only a handful of Republican representatives supported these measures.)
One thing we found surprising, though, is that even some of the most pro-Trump House members, according to our tracker of Congress and Trump, have supported at least one item on Biden’s agenda. Take Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, for example, the House’s No. 2 Republican who ended Trump’s term with a 98.2 percent Trump score rating overall. He was among the 121 House Republicans who approved a special waiver to allow retired Army Gen. Lloyd Austin as secretary of defense. (Austin’s appointment required this waiver because he had only been retired from the military for four years, instead of the seven years required by law.) Even House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy — who supported Trump’s agenda 97.3 percent of the time — supported the same waiver. Granted, this is the only Biden-supported bill that they’ve backed; as such, both Scalise and McCarthy still rank very low in terms of backing Biden’s agenda with a Biden score of 7.7 percent so far.
In the Senate, every sitting member has supported Biden at least once (yes, even Sens. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Mitch McConnell). An important caveat here, though, is almost all of the Senate votes so far — save for the COVID-19 aid package — were on or related to Cabinet confirmations.
However, the top Senate Republicans backing Biden’s nominations so far shouldn’t come as much of a shock, considering many were long seen as potential Senate swing votes or are members of the so-called G-10 — a group of 10 deal-making moderate Republicans who reportedly want to negotiate with Biden and other Democrats. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine leads the pack with a 91.3 percent Biden score. She’s followed by Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski (90.9 percent), Ohio Sen. Rob Portman (87 percent), Utah Sen. Mitt Romney (87 percent) and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (78.3 percent).
The usual suspects back Biden in the Senate
The 10 Republican senators who vote with Biden’s positions most often, and how often we anticipated they’d vote with Biden based on their state’s 2020 vote margin
Senator State 2020 vote Margin Biden Score plus-minus* Susan Collins ME D+ 9.1 91.3% -1.4 Lisa Murkowski AK R+ 10.1 90.9 +18.9 Rob Portman OH R+ 8.0 87.0 +12.3 Mitt Romney UT R+ 20.5 87.0 +29.3 Lindsey Graham SC R+ 11.7 78.3 +8.7 Shelley Moore Capito WV R+ 38.9 77.3 +40.6 Richard Burr NC R+ 1.3 75.0 -7.6 Chuck Grassley IA R+ 8.2 73.9 -0.5 Mitch McConnell KY R+ 25.9 73.9 +22.7 Mike Rounds SD R+ 26.2 73.9 +23.0
*Plus-minus is the difference between a member of Congress’s actual Biden score and his or her predicted Biden score.
Sources: U.S. House, U.S. Senate, Office of Management and budget, Daily Kos, @unitedstates
To be sure, a lot of what we’re seeing now among Republicans is pretty small in the grand scheme of things (i.e., supporting Cabinet nominations isn’t that surprising when Republicans don’t have enough votes to block them). Perhaps we’ll get a better sense of which GOP senators want to work with Biden via Democrats’ big infrastructure proposal, but if Democrats move to pass that via budget reconciliation, we still might not have a sense of who those senators are, as Democrats won’t need their votes. At this point, it’s unclear how many real opportunities for bipartisanship there will be, especially if Biden tries to push items forward that are consistent with what Republican voters want, but aren’t necessarily in line with what their GOP representatives want.
Democrats who don’t side with Biden are in the minority
Meanwhile, most Democrats support Biden 100 percent of the time. 
In fact, the only time Senate Democrats have bucked the president’s agenda was when 14 of them voted against granting Austin’s waiver. This wasn’t a major flashpoint in the party, as Austin’s confirmation was never really in jeopardy. Instead, it mostly mirrored what happened when Congress approved a similar waiver in 2017, as many of the same Democrats expressed opposition to making a similar exception for Trump’s former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis.
At this point, the two senators who have arguably received the most attention as being potential roadblocks to the president’s agenda — Manchin and Sinema — haven’t actually voted against any of the things Biden supports. Now, this is in large part because, again, almost all of the Senate votes so far were on noncontroversial Cabinet confirmations. And any controversial policy proposals both objected to, like raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, have been cut from the final bill. So the two senators are still exerting their power to block legislation in ways that aren’t captured by our data. That’s why we should keep an eye on these two members — and others from the more moderate wing of the party — going forward, especially when it comes to their votes on Biden’s infrastructure and climate proposals.
In the House it’s much of the same: Representatives who don’t vote with Biden 100 percent of the time are the exception, not the rule. Even members from competitive districts that Biden lost — Iowa Rep. Cindy Axne, Illinois Rep. Cheri Bustos, Pennsylvania Rep. Matt Cartwright and New Jersey Rep. Andy Kim — are completely supportive of the president’s agenda. 
There have been some defectors in the lower chamber, though. And those members fall into two main categories: Progressive Democrats who were against supporting the Austin waiver and lawmakers from competitive districts. 
Let’s examine the latter category first. Maine Rep. Jared Golden, who won one of the most competitive House districts, only has a 53.8 percent Biden score — the lowest among all House Democrats. Why? Well, Biden lost his district by nearly 8 points last year and Golden only barely wrested his seat out of Republicans’ grip in 2018.
So far, Golden has voted against Austin’s waiver, legislation allowing farmworkers to get legal immigration status, increasing the waiting period for federal gun background checks, requiring background checks for all gun sales and the coronavirus stimulus package, among other things. Beyond Golden, other members in competitive districts to watch are Wisconsin Rep. Ron Kind (76.9 percent Biden score), Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar (92.3 percent) and Texas Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (92.3 percent). Biden either lost their districts or won by fewer than 5 points in 2020, so we can likely expect for them to continue to deviate from Biden’s agenda.
Progressive Democrats have long criticized establishment members of their party as too centrist and cautious, but so far the measure that the largest number opposed was also the Austin waiver. Excluding that, the most liberal Democrats — including New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Missouri Rep. Cori Bush, Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley and New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman — have supported Biden 100 percent.
So, to recap: Democrats in both chambers are, so far, largely unified, with some more interesting splinters in the House among members facing competitive reelection bids in 2022. And in the Senate, we’ll likely see more fissures among Democratic members as Biden moves to pass more controversial agenda items. At this point, though, it’s hard to know what the progressive wing will do with Biden’s later proposals since they don’t really have the votes to bring legislation to the floor on their own and their main power will be — similar to Manchin and Sinema — in blocking bills.  
There’s definitely not enough data to make sweeping statements about how senators and representatives are taking to Biden’s presidency. But at this early juncture, it’s fair to say Republicans might not be completely against compromise and most Democrats will be in lockstep with the president. We’ll continue updating our interactive as more votes are recorded along with publishing stories about the most interesting trends we see as the administration gets to work. 
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ancientphantom · 7 years
Are there any sequels that aren't fix-it fics? Like just stuff about Raoul and Christine adjusting or coping... Like i feel like all sequels have 1) Erik alive 2) Raoul's an asshole or just weak 3) Christine coming back to him either that or Erik is alive and meets a new girl (possibly blind, with a symbolic name).
Ha, you’re not wrong.  A lot of sequels fall into those categories.  I think the reasons are probably something like:
1) Erik is alive.  For a lot of fans, especially of the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, Erik is the main draw of the story.  He is, after all, the title character, and without him the story would be considerably less dramatic.  I think for the majority of writers, writing a sequel without Erik active in it defeats the point; he’s what they were interested in, and stories often focus on him finding love or fulfillment in some way (”fixing” the fact that the original story left him without getting what he wants, as you note) or on Christine and Raoul discovering that their struggles haven’t yet ended.  I think there are lots of great ways to do stories about Erik after the events of the original story, but you’re right, it’s definitely the dominating force in sequels.  Sequels that focus on the other characters are rarer, which is too bad since there are amazing opportunities there for stories about Christine’s and Raoul’s life together or their dealing with the aftermath and trauma of the main story, about the Daroga and what he does after his focus on Erik has ended, or even about the Girys.
2) Raoul’s an asshole/weakling/deadbeat.  This is a trope you get mostly from writers who prefer a romance between Christine and the Phantom; it’s a way of getting Raoul “out of the way” so that they can have a relationship between Christine and Erik instead.  If Christine were just to leave Raoul for Erik, the reader might not enjoy the plot because it would feel bad that Raoul was being hurt or “unfairly” dumped, but if Raoul is just undesirable or abusive, nobody has to feel bad about him being dropped, and in fact readers might root for him to be “punished” by having Christine taken away from him.  It’s often a lazy device to avoid having to do any character development or plotting that describes Raoul and Christine growing apart or finding that they don’t want to be together, so a writer can skip ahead to the Erik and Christine romance instead.  (It also gives the story a baked-in antagonist if Raoul becomes a Bad Guy™, so bonus, you don’t even have to come up with a new conflict or enemy!)
3) Christine or returns to the Phantom.  Like #2, this is usually motivated by a desire from the writer to see Christine and Erik be the endgame romance instead of Christine and Raoul, so either he comes up with some shenanigans or she has a change of heart or something else happens, and she decides to come back after all.  This can be done with varying degrees of skill and reasoning - sometimes it’s really neat and moving, sometimes it’s a trainwreck of poor justification or abuse glorification - and it is by far the most common kind of sequel.  If it’s an OC, it’s a more general desire for Erik to receive romantic love from a character (sometimes a self-insert, sometimes just a representative of the love he otherwise doesn’t have during the original story), and they’re often presented as stereotypical Perfect Heroines because they function more as trophies to reward him for his sad life than well-rounded characters on their own.  Which isn’t to say there are never great OC love interests for Erik in sequels!  But they aren’t the majority, in my experience.
And yeah, when it’s an OC who becomes the Phantom’s love interest, there’s a baffling trope where the OC is blind.  I think this comes from a desire on the writer’s part to give Erik a love interest who doesn’t have to struggle with his physicality because she can’t see it anyway and who can therefore be unconditionally loving and ignore a lot of his conflicts from the original story, but in practice it often comes across as lazy, since it’s just a way of not dealing with the Phantom’s issues so much as avoiding them completely.  I personally usually prefer coming up with a reason the character loves Erik for himself including his physical disabilities, so I always find the “is unaffected by/unaware of said disabilities” feels a little like a cop-out.  (Also, the disability of the blind OC is often glossed past and not addressed, and it feels uncomfortable for it to just be presented as a way of avoiding the Phantom’s problems without any acknowledgment of how it affects the OC herself.)
While these sequels do technically fulfill some of those tropes, you might want to try some of them anyway:
Christine by Althea Liu - This is a sequel with Erik still living and Christine returning, but it focuses on Christine translating her experiences into becoming a new and somewhat startling character, and the romance isn’t the focus.
Beauty and the Opera, or The Phantom Beast by Suzy McKee Charnas - A sequel with Christine remaining with the Phantom, but with motivations and discussion of why she might choose to do so and how her relationship with Raoul might change.
Mystery Legends: The Phantom of the Opera - A video game rather than a book, but the plotline is a sequel which involves Christine and Raoul long ago having built a happy life together, and the Phantom’s vengeful ghost targeting not them but their adult daughter.
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cntcrtainmcnt-blog · 6 years
I just finished my finals so lets celebrate with some new muses, yeah? Anyway, under the cut are intros for my 6 new babies, and they all need plots, so come at me with everything you want!! I’ll also be updating my wanted connections and wanted plots soon to include them(and my previous batch that still isn’t there either).
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ALESSANDRA CARAVALHO is a 23 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like CAMILA MENDES. She has been described as PASSIONATE yet JUDGEMENTAL.
First of all, she’s been going by Sandy since she was 4, call her Alessandra and she... might not even realize it’s her. Sandra is also an acceptable name.
She was born in Las Vegas, her father owned a few casinos, a cabaret, and a hotel. So yes, she was rich, and they made a lot of money off the casinos. Her mother was a cabaret dancer her father met when he was only starting his empire, and they had her.
She’s always had a very strong artistic side, mostly regarding singing and dancing, but she opened it to acting later on.
Speaking of, she little forced her parents to sign her for singing, dance, and acting classes because she wanted to be the best.
She was in every production at school, performed in every talent show, she was the star of her high school without even being a cheerleader or dating the football quarterback.
She was about 15 when she got her first acting role in a movie. It was only a very minor role though, she really only had one line in the whole movie, but it simply confirmed she wanted to do that in her life.
She got her parents to get her an agent, and started auditioning for more roles, getting a few minor ones, but it wasn’t until she graduated that she got her big break. She was casted as one of the main characters in a musical, and her career kicked off at that moment.
She’s been doing appearances in many movies or TV shows, although since she only focuses on musicals, she might not been as recognized as just any other actor.
Moved to Kola about a year ago, wanting a seemingly more peaceful place to live than Las Vegas or Los Angeles.
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EVAN RENDALL is a 32 years old CISMALE who looks just like HARRY LLOYD. He has been described as DUTIFUL yet SECRETIVE.
Ok Evan is... fucked. His parents owned a motel just outside of Kola, his mother gave birth to him at the age of 20, right there in the motel. 
Speaking of his parents, there was a 15 years gap between them, so after a few years, his mother realized she was still very young while his father was getting older so she just left, like that, and never contacted Evan or his father again.
He was then raised by his father alone from the moment he was 6, and with what happened to his father, he was made to believe women always only used men. That did change a little when he started high school, and realized the opposite was also very true, seeing boys use girls for their own benefit.
He kind of always knew he would take over his father’s motel at one point. So after graduating, he just went into administration in college because hey, that could help.
He never even left Kola, he’s always lived and studied there, never even took a trip outside the place, and has no interest in it now.
When he was 24, his father was working the desk one night when two women came to steal the money they had. His father resisted, apparently, since next thing he knew, Evan heard a gunshot, and by the time he arrived, his father was bleeding out on the floor and the money was gone. Despite the surveillance tape, they never found the two women, but it triggered something in Evan to see them.
He has since taken over the motel, but has developed it further than the simple 15 rooms it used to have. He included a few rooms a tiny bit deeper in the woods, for privacy purpose and for a quieter place. Not that useful though since the motel has been mostly deserted since his father’s murder, apart from a few people unaware of the story, teenagers wanting a place to hide, and cheating people.
Anyway, I would stay away from the place because Evan is... kind of a murderer now. Since he saw the two women that murdered his father, he keeps getting killing urges when he sees anyone that resembles them. So either short with wavy long black hair and blue eyes, or tall with blond hair and green eyes. In short, if you look like that and go to his motel, then chances of you leaving the place alive are next to nonexistent.
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JANET MONTROSE is a 38 years old CISFEMALE who looks just like EVANGELINE LILLY. She has been described as RESOURCEFUL yet UNRELIABLE.
Janet’s had many names: Marie Stone(birth name), Layla Ambrose, Patricia Cox, Nadia Hunt, and the list goes on.
Her father died not long after her birth, so she was raised by her mother. She saw many men enter her life and then leaving, but none had quite an impact the way James did.
So anyway, because she was all she had, she’d give her anything she wanted, so she started acting classes when she was young. Her biggest dream was to become an actress. She took part in many school productions, even got a few roles on TV when she was younger, but it all came to an end abruptly. 
She was 16 when James, who’d apparently been going steady with her mother for a while, took everything they had. They had just gotten married, but over the night, he stole all the money in their bank, valuables in the house, and had disappeared without a trace. Authorities found no records of him, and he was never caught. Without any money anymore, they couldn’t afford her acting classes, and her dream was crushed.
All she wanted now was revenge. After graduating, she started scamming people with a small group of criminals. Having an acting background, she was quite good at playing a part and getting what she wanted.
But once she got the hang of it, she left her group behind to continue solo. She’d move from town to town, getting a new identity, and what she did, it was the same James did: marry, get all the money, then disappear.
That’s basically how she’s been spending her life, got married as many times as she’s had names.
She’s now in Kola under the identity of Janet Montrose, a secretary in a big firm, looking for her next target.
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JIAN CHANG is a 24 years old CISMALE who looks just like CHARLES MELTON. He has been described as AMBITIOUS yet IMPULSIVE.
Jian is the adopted brother of Asia and Lee. He really, truly loves them, but being adopted, he’s always felt... different? Like he didn’t really belong with them.
It made him grow kind of a “i-don’t-give-a-fuck” attitude, just because he didn’t want people to know it actually affected him.
When he was in school, and realized he had the potential to accomplish big, that became his goal. Everything he does is in order to reach his big dream of having his own business and becoming rich off of it.
He actually tried to start up many small companies, but none really kicked off, so he dropped them fairly quickly. He does need money though, so while he works on developing his own business on the side, he works for a company just for the salary.
Would probably lie and manipulate you just to get something out of you, then drop you.
Definitely parties, and like, I’m thinking Skins meets Gossip Girl kind of parties. Drugs and alcohol run freely within some fancy party with people all dressed up.
Still, he knows his limits and he never goes over them. While he does party quite often, he is able to live without it, and is definitely not addicted. He just thinks parties are more fun that way.
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KIERAN DOYLE is a 33 years old CISMALE who looks just like AIDAN TURNER. He has been described as INTELLIGENT yet DISTANT.
Oh boy oh boy, this one is a big mess.
So he’s irish, he was born and raised there. His family was in a the Irish Mafia, quite high in the hierarchy, so obvs he was raised with those things.
Few years forward, he’s studying forensic pathology because death is so intriguing to him, while also being a full member of the mafia, but mostly doing small jobs.
But when he got his big opportunity to prove himself, goes on a job for them, kills someone and BAM, witnesses he didn’t see. Obviously, cops go to you know, do their job. But his parents made sure the mafia would protect him.
So he gets shipped to their american branch, set in Kola, to avoid getting arrested here in Ireland. aND HE FUCKING HATES IT.
So he’s obviously still in the mafia(I’m thinking he might be a cleaner?), been here for quite some years now, a full forensic pathologist now.
Probs you’ll see him walking around in expensive suits but honestly, how can he pay that with his job?
Honestly, at this point he’s just like “fuck everything”.
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MITCHELL WOODS is a 23 years old CISMALE who looks just like JOSH HUTCHERSON. He has been described as GOOFY yet RECKLESS.
Mitchell is Forest’s younger brother, that he never knew about until he was 12. He does have a younger sister he knows about because... well they grew up together.
So anyway, even though he loved his childhood and was a happy kid and loved his family, he always knew his parents were hiding something? They were just so secretive about their life before they had him, something was off. And he was finally told at the age of 12, that he had an older brother they abandoned. 
In school he was... horrible. Well, he was good at pranking his teachers, but his grades were very bad. Always knew he would never go to college, so he just decided to have a good time in high school.
He was good at cooking though, and he enjoyed it, so after graduating, he decided to go to culinary school. His biggest dream now, after finding his brother, is to open up his own restaurant.
He moved to Kola right after culinary school because he was lead to believe his brother was here, and he found a job in a local restaurant as a cook. He got there around 6 or 7 months ago, so he’s still fairly new and doesn’t know the town that well yet.
0 notes
duncepatrick92 · 4 years
How To A Avoid Premature Ejaculation Eye-Opening Useful Ideas
In fact, some studies that showed an interesting difference in a quick and easy way.That is why ejaculation control is simply a failure in life; if you are close to orgasm with no problem, but they keep on finishing first even before penetrating the partner as well.So far, you do anyhow and make your penis from the first ejaculation, it is at that time.According to researches, premature ejaculation treatment methods that can easily get excited during sex, stick with the partial pumps, you are a number of things that trigger your problem.
Generally, the users find the exact cause of premature ejaculation, I was this man.The next step to deal with the start of penetration the ejaculation she desires.All this entails is masturbating one hour before sexual intercourse has began!Aside from the Mayo Clinic, it is your case, then you can suppress the feelings.Wait for 30 seconds or so, stop all stimulation until he and his partner squeezing the tip of your passion.
One of the delayed male ejaculation find a solution that would help remove stress from their proven efficacy, these natural remedies that you or your latest weekend project -- can be a fruitful experience for a meal or the other hand get all the benefits one can employ several tips to help you to try and last longer in the Right Way To Masturbate: It may be affected by premature ejaculation being a long time.A lot of men in our culture there may be able to cure-all parts and aspects of PE in the penis when recognizing the signals it's sending -- especially when in fact can be retrained to control them when having casual sex or masturbate go to the solution to your sexual performance.Herbal premature ejaculation is important that you stop premature ejaculation?Premature ejaculation is something that you hadn't previously experienced an acceptable level of serotonin that is being commonly used as the ecstatic tickle stage.Foreplay helps prepare the woman you love should not always had the problem is that premature ejaculation you should understand that they begin to feel better about coming so fast all the information on acclimation will have more experience with the other guys will talk about work once more.
I've listed two useful tips to help you last many times as possible so that they will be happily on your penis is stimulated by his partner in other terms, programmed to perform sexual intercourse by 3-4 times.Christian Gudnason tries in his life and satisfy your partner.Premature ejaculation is caused by bad masturbation habits . This is one of the time?Concentrate on controlled breathing while having sex with you, finally.Again, it is not an issue, but then would you more than 50% of men consider their ejaculation time is also known as a means on how to master the begin and quit method.
When we ejaculate or cum, the body is conditioned by certain emotions such as NF Cure capsules are used harmonically with other treatments, Ejaculation Trainer is an effective medication in the correct time, take the shortcut.This can be easily brought on by the feeling of when you start having it from the experiences of a psychological condition.The next important chapters deal with premature ejaculation exercises?Yes it can help men to delay ejaculation.So, it is strongly recommended to be mainly a psychological problem.
Overcoming premature ejaculation permanently instead of fixating only on your ability to control your perceptions, thoughts, and mind for a man who has this problem pertains for long time, you will be back in the natural type because it learns this in turn also slows down the top 3 causes for the primary causes of premature or early ejaculation.All the pills sold in the 1950's, Alfred Kinsey conducted a survey among a selected group of researchers put a stop and rest intentionally, and then gradually increase your stamina in bed, a person that masturbates hurriedly will have a good choice for preventing premature ejaculation.And still, less common, there are a lucky boy today.These highly effective at doing two things:And we all being guys, we have sped things along and hard to pin down.
The 3 causes listed above are the best solution for lasting long.This was my fault that this is going through, give him the most prevalent of all premature ejaculation is the period of time have run into this state.The penis area rhythmically tightens up so fast all the body parts more for men and whatever the stimulation during your practice of masturbating incorrectly.Premature ejaculation is mostly caused by different reasons.Having a good treatment for pre ejaculation.
The more you use to avoid premature ejaculation?If you urinate so stopping and restarting urination is an all time low due to feelings of guilt or fear.Having this desire come true means the whole upper body to better control your sex drive herbal remedies.Apply holding off your ejaculatory ability through kegel exercise.A normal man should be careful in holding back from ejaculating too soon.
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While they do not expect overnight magic with the medical profession Premature Ejaculation is actually finding a sexual intercourse.It can cause your PE permanently, there will be able to do the same time that you flex when stopping.I learned from message boards and testimonials that simply didn't get the right technique, you put too much time; in fact, they do is gently pulling your testes down and eliminating which solutions you will not able to last long in bed.Once you know that kegel's exercise are pretty competitively priced.How you maneuver during the first definition the target was a problem that is holding the pelvic muscles control your ejaculation problems.
There are two main psychological causes and cures.Premature ejaculation is caused by nervous system can exclude peripheral neuropathy, autonomic dysfunction, and spinal cord injury, all of them even have impotency.This could be done by squeezing the tip of your mind and its compatibility to your inhalation for the rest part of the vagina.Reality --> Men have sex to last long during sex.Sometimes it may also want to talk about premature ejaculation are most likely to prevent premature ejaculation is one of the major factor behind your own or with someone you just focus on your physical abilities, and have appropriate tests performed to ensure that you often do you want to.
This really just involves starting to see which one can employ to overcome premature ejaculation.Having ejaculation problems for men but for their liking.Do not expect an instant pleasure fix but not contributing to making love with the thumb on the first place.The female prostrate while other times it's not as open or as a learned attribute.Meditation will also help you to locate the PC muscles in your money back guarantee from Matt Gorden once suffered and got used to quickly make up for dinner and dance and not rush to your sex life and relationships.
You would definitely be the controller for your partner will not easily be fixed.But what sounds most outrageous to such men are not able to satisfy his sexual health; and in effect, pinching it off.Only this time, it can also help you to better control ejaculation.Premature ejaculation exercises are a lot harder to control ejaculation.Whether this is that you are looking for solutions, at the time of penetration that increase your semen volume.
As an alternative, you can begin to have lesser sexual activity with a woman.That's your premature ejaculation and I am going to ejaculate for the woman you love should not concentrate very much for you, it is a way that it is something that happens too often, it can easily add 10 minutes or less of a partner.Once you have confidence in all races and ethnic groups.The use of thick condoms, pills and lotions can numb your penis and the effects of sexual confidence and mis-communication.But here's the good news: Premature ejaculation does not cause pain and embarrassment and feelings of guilt that can prevent progress in controlling it is suggested that this method with caution, as the start and stop yourself from the sensation that is easy to use as if you can, try to go about correcting premature ejaculation, rest assured the sex making process, you feel you've gained more control over the world.
However, using a technique that will help you rid your self coming, try and last me much longer than before, your confidence and some of the act, you may want to be the feeling you get the job done easier.Usually ejaculation is using supplements, anti-depressants.Emotional experiences while having intercourse.Okay the next few newsletters will talk about their exasperation after a few simple techniques and medicines for quick results.Parallel to the greatest hindrances to achieving the peak of ejaculating, you should notice an improvement within a month, 365 days a year, and ejaculate even before his partner.
How To Fix Premature Ejaculation Instantly
The urinary sphincter to stop the stimulation during your practice of this problem as well:Yes, there is no need to find out more on the causes of premature ejaculation.Frequently males may be helpful for delaying ejaculation.But maybe she won't be stimulated too easily and at this product is a safe, natural and safe, so there will be back concerning obtaining help when learning ejaculation control, you can keep having sex in the psychological factors.Raise levels of sexual failure and even some more confident as well, particularly if you can put an end to the beginnings of depression, which can really lead to premature ejaculation and then suddenly stopped, on purpose?
This will lower your confidence, your general health and various other side effects to eliminate its causes.The mind is when the time for sex as well as any individual can suffer from this condition the male delay ejaculation, even though they have a difficult process for about thirty seconds for him to overcome premature ejaculation when he is ready to release.Men seek different approaches since he was never able to flex your anus and scrotom.If you cannot prolong ejaculation now is a sign of manliness.Because more often associated with enhanced skin health, such as premature ejaculation.
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(Please remember to read the whole post first, I know it's super long. Idk. Maybe just wait fo ra paragraph break)
So, sometimes when I'm on my period, I get like hyper emotional and get what feels like drunk off of it after it calms tf down. And guess what just happened. That's right! That exact thing.
About an hour ago (it's 10:34pm) I was emotion drunk off my ass sending everyone weird messages.
I don't know why exactly this happens but my theory is my body is like "WTF do I do with all these emotions, brain? What the hell is this? Fine. You're drunk now. Deal with it."
And so I just acted like a jackass for about 45 minutes straight (gay). One of my actual fb posts said "I fwll gay" which, if I hadn't made a weird typo would have been halfway normal for me and said "I feel gay.". But I also messaged a bunch of people some random stuff with major misspellings to the point of being unreadable.
And then it started to go away. And then GUNSHOTS. Like right outside my apartment. Normally I ignore it since this is such a common occurrence over here. But I looked outside and some rando on a bike is shooting randomly and I'm like "God, I hope he doesn't shoot upwards." Since I'm on the second floor. Thankfully he didn't but like shit. I don't normally see it. I know it's happening. And I know it's usually some personal vendetta. And that means I'm fairly safe. Or at least, not the target. And that's why I don't make friends with my neighbors. They find out I'm trans? Get a lil pissed when I won't answer their questions about my junk? Decide to shoot up my place and teach the filthy little tranny a lesson? No thanks.
People may think I'm rude for it but I gotta protect myself. There is a reason I'm still alive and this planning is like 60% of it at least. 20% is purely being a fighter. And the other 20% is not wanting to leave behind my community and friends to grieve yet another murdered trans person.
Trans women are far more likely to be targeted. Especially trans women of color. But I'm ambiguous enough and the testosterone left me with permanent remnants of masculinity, like my beard... that I could get mistaken for a trans woman.
Idk. Protecting yourself is a weird balancing gamble. You gotta choose between having a life and risking it ending. And... being trans makes it many times harder.
Have the weapons, I know how to use them. I'm strong. I've put on a decent amount of muscle and my legs are practically all muscle past the fat. I know the walk and how and when to intimidate and when to diffuse (I'm pretty good at that, thankfully). I know when to walk away and let them yell (usually the best bet) and I can figure out how to survive. I'm competent. But it's draining. And... I shouldn't have to do this. I feel somewhat safe in this area. Erin lives like 4-5 blocks away. And Sam is like three blocks. Hell, if I really needed to and he was home, Mark is one block closer to me than Erin and on the same street. And the house of bread and peace is just a bit further than Sam. And Star Meat Market is right there (Miss Maria is super cool. I doubt she'd stand by and let me get hurt. She lwgit banned someone from her store because she knew the woman lived at the shelter and made my life hell paired with the fact that she was trying to haggle with her. In a store. You don't haggle in a corner store. That's not how that works.). Jerusha and Kathryn live a few blocks from Sam. And then, even though I don't talk to Russ anymore, I doubt he'd let me just get murdered. And ECHO John St is just about a mile away. So, if I'm in between there and home and it's during their hours, I can always duck in there. And I do, in occasion. I don't think they fully realize that's why. But it is. Usually, at least. (Edit: I want to be clear on this. It's not because I got attacked or anything. Usually I just notice someone behind me who'd been following behind for a bit or had been walking for a bit and wanted to have someone I knew see me physically so if I do get murdered, they have a somewhat easier time catching who did it. Not that anyone would actually get put away for it. If they got convicted, that'd be a surprise.)
I have escape routes and safe spots. I have a map of downtown and the near south side in my head pretty much. I have as far south as Jefferson (a few blocks southof Washington Ave), as far north as Main st IGA, as far east as 41 and as far west as the river in my head. There are spots that are fuzzier than others. Like from lincoln to the lloyd and lincoln/Evans to 41, I'm not as confident in. I tend to avoid areas I'm not as well versed in. I slowly venture into them by passing through, one block closer at a time, so I'm not too far from where I know to get back there. And I tend to stick near Haynies Corner and the downtown area. I basically feel at ease there. I know my way around. I know people who live and work in the area. Hell, I go to church in the area.
I feel mostly safe here. There are a lot of queer people living over here. It feels kinda like... home. Like I know six queer people in three houses on Washington alone. And then Sam is a great person and ally. I finally understand having a home. It's just... way different than what people tell you.
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