#mostly rise / 2k12 / mm
shellshcked · 2 months
as much as i adore mikey, my heart is full of many turtles which can be found over on my main blog @hqlfbloods if anybody is interested !!
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katanashipping · 7 months
I know this a leosagi blog but your ask box wasn’t open on your other blog so I am asking here if that’s fine. I looked through your blogs so I don’t think you said but what’s your favorite iteration of raph?
I am sorry I left this sitting in my inbox for so long!
I haven't seen all versions of TMNT that are out there by far, but in general, I prefer versions where Raph is kind and funny, or grows to be kind and funny. His bond with his brothers is the most important to me (as, tbh, with all of the turtles).
Also, I tend to prefer versions that have been out a long time, mostly because when I was younger I had a lot more time to rewatch and reconsider the same media over and over again, and interact with fandom and analysis, whereas these days I just don't have as much time, so I suppose my view is somewhat more reductive of newer iterations of the TMNT in general?
On the other hand, I have rewatched parts of 2k3 pretty much once a year for like 17 years... so I have Thoughts about those boys.
Anyway, out of the versions I have seen and remember, this is my tier list from favorite to least favorite:
2k3 (the all time champion)
Rise (a surprisingly interesting and different version)
2k7 movie (Nightstalker! a childhood fave)
Mutant Mayhem (wish he wasn't so overtly mean)
Batman vs TMNT (I don't remember him much from that movie tbh)
Bayverse (never again)
I have not watched very much of the 87 show (maybe six episodes total, and the Turtles Forever movie), but I think 87 Raph is hilarious and very sweet, so he would be somewhere around Rise for me.
Overall, I prefer Batman vs TMNT to Mutant Mayhem, but MM Raph had a bit more growth, which I liked.
I dislike pretty much everything I remember about the first two Bayverse turtle films though.
I also watched the first season of 2k12 when it came out, but it wasn't really for me, so I didn't include that Raph here because I don't remember him much. I liked how sweet he was with his pet turtle, though. <3
Some reasons that 2k3 is my top tier:
clear progression/growth from S1 to S4 in which Raph works out his anger issues; in later seasons, he is basically all snark and no bite with his brothers and I love to see it
his family grow alongside him and later on, when he needs to blow off steam for half an hour, they let him go without comment and respect his space
I love the special little bond he has with Mikey <3
not to mention the special little bond he has with Casey <3 talk about soulmates 🏍️
I wanted to propose a drinking game where you take a shot every time Raph pushes one of his brothers out of harm's way in a fight or risky scenario, but I abandoned the idea because I like not having alcohol poisoning lol (I think just in Return of Savanti pt 1, which is one of the most recent we rewatched, he does it three or four times???)
not afraid to speak his mind, but also not afraid to change his mind if he's wrong
he's so cute with kids! I headcanon that he and Tyler are still in touch in future and Raph has a special kind of pride in Tyler's progress. ("did you know Tyler got an A on the test? did you know Tyler learned judo? did you know Tyler was accepted into NYU?")
also, the entire episode with Mrs Morris is just <3
cries when emotional (relatable)
has no luck with bugs 🐞
where did he get that accent? don't worry about it!
Gremlin Laugh (tm)
Anyway, that's me! What's your favourite iteration of the boy?
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