littlematches · 2 years
As they had traveled together, conquered communication barriers, and learned each other, Lana had practically cut her teeth on Lance’s stories about Arthur Pendragon. It was how she had learned much of her English, and as a result, there were some words she simply hadn’t gone near, and others she had learned that were rarely needed. What she had never expected, though, was to come across the man himself in a small town in Wales that they couldn’t escape.  Her heart had hurt slightly at the look on his face, that soft wonder in it. She hadn’t understood it as she watched the pair of them together, but she knew that her мамочка would tell her. Curling with Concorde, she tipped her head to study her for a moment before waving her hand lightly to catch her attention. ‘Mama, what are we going to do here?’ @mostnoblekniight
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sallowhillshq · 2 years
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.✾. ═  welcome to sallow hills.  enjoy your stay.
i see we have a new member to our town.  welcome, welcome LANCELOT DU LAC.  we truly hope you enjoy your stay.  please feel free to head over to bevin & cecil’s until you’re settled.  i know it might be difficult right now and you might be missing your home.  Svetlana du Lac and Guinevere Pendragon are already here, so you won’t have to be alone.
══ carrie we’re so excited to have your newest muse in sallow hills!  you can re-find the welcome package in the source link & if you are using side blogs, make sure we know where your character is going.  
╔═.✾. ═ LOG *** : lancelot du lac | cisfemale, she/her | 30 years old.
Just spotted LANCELOT around town. Our records show that they remember [everything] from their source : Arthurian legend (canon). They were first spotted in [January 2023] and our best guess is that their last memory is traveling through Wales with Lana. Archivists watching them state that they still have the most noble knight, ringing blades, daughter of the lake, loyalty and light vibe about them.
━ from Armes E. Sallow’s personal archives. ═.✾. ═╝ ↳・゜margot robbie . ↳・゜carrie (she/her). 21+. central.
↳・゜When her world disappeared, Lancelot traveled the world (and inexplicably huge chunks of time) looking for her king. Along the way, she found a little girl she came to love like a daughter, and Lana has been traveling with her ever since. The two of them walked into Sallow Hills under their own power, and she joined the fire fighters where she can best continue to protect Arthur.
url: mostnoblekniight
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