#mothnip anon
that-foul-legacy-lover 4 months
hi Wifi! Take all the time you need!! I enjoy everything you make so I don't mind how much you take with any of what i share :DD honestly it's impressive how you run this place almost daily with so much love poured into it
As for sharing something for MerMay. It's a little basic, but the fisher gets fished? Think of an urban legend, a pretty new one, about a creature so beautiful no words could ever do it justice, a maw in vibrant ruby that could pierce a whole in even the largest ships. As a bounty hunter, this is a new trophy to be claimed.
That is until you see it ya know? *It is* majestic, a beauty undeserving of being hooked away from it's home. But it's also like, unbearably cute? How is such a concept allowed to exist?
Underwater, it's hair is flowing everywhere, demonstrating how illegally soft it is, yet it's that curious, doe eye it's giving from below that's just so... adorable?! Putting up a mean front does nothing really, it just ends with a splash of water to the face. Which honestly isn't as upsetting as it is endearing.
Trying to catch the beast eventually leads to befriending it, since it lets itself get caught (by you and only you) before disappearing the next day, then discovering its a he and his name is Foul Legacy and in a blink of an eye the friendship has moved on to a sort of travel partnership, being asked to dive off your ship every day to swim with him and explore the water馃ス (he'll always keep you safe and oxygenated)
So in the end you didn't get your trophy, inversely, you're his prized catch!!
- mothnip anon
*rubs hands together* luckily i absolutely ADORE this trope, it's basic but so so good
you barely regret letting the creature go, watching it flick its long tail and disappear back into the depths of the sea, leaving you alone on your ship. a flash of dismay runs through you before it suddenly fades. there's a sense of intense satisfaction knowing that the monster will live to see another day, and you turn back to your work with a small smile- you need a few fish for dinner, after all- the sun slowly setting beneath the horizon. it's a calm day, not a cloud in the sky, but there's a small splash behind you, and when you turn there's a small pile of fish on the floor of your boat, still flopping. the tip of a tail disappears back under the water with a small ripple, and your eyes sparkle with cheer at the sight of a massive shadow swimming beneath you
you're never alone when you're sailing after that, the beast constantly following you and getting purposefully tangled in your nets- after a while you just expect that the first "catch" you make will inevitably be the monster. but it chirps and purrs so happily when it sees you and has sparkly fins and its- his- name is Foul Legacy, and you can't deny that you love him. in the early morning, when no one else is around, he'll flop his armored body onto your boat, trilling in delight when you cup his cheeks, fins shivering happily. he'll nudge you and tug on the edges of your clothes, asking you to go swimming with him, and when you agree his crystalline eye shines as bright as the sun. it's the best time to hug you, when both of you are floating in the water- he can wrap his tail around you much easier, bubbles floating from his fanged maw as he chitters and bumps his forehead tenderly against yours
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that-foul-legacy-lover 4 months
just wanted to say congrats on the arle!!!
now that i think about it, her new boss fight transformation makes me think of her as a butterfly. like Foul Legacy = soft fluffy moth, The Knave = sleek elegant butterfly, since yenno, some people get scared of zoomed in pics of butterflies (and they drink blood sometimes + that one spongebob ep) maybe her wings even gets fl jealous and competitive about his own when arle's wings catches your attention?
well, anyways good luck on the farming - may the rng gods bless you!
- mothnip anon
Foul Legacy sulks HEAVILY when he's jealous, huffing and hiding under the covers that make up his blanket nest, giving you pouting growls whenever you approach- it's clear he's not angry, but he's certainly not feeling good. he's seen you spending time with Arlecchino, how you've become acquainted ever since he brought you to visit Snezhnaya. she even trusts you enough to open her wings, allowing you to examine the fiery edges and feathers with a keen interest- Legacy's own wings are gauzy, looking a little bit fragile, right at the edge of the fluff around his shoulders. they're nothing like the Knave's cold, sharp elegance and he knows it, whining and curling in on himself with a small sniff
a gentle hand settles in his soft coppery hair, and he can't help but eventually let out a quiet purr as he turns to look at you
you're smiling, but not laughing at him. instead your expression is patient and understanding as you quietly explain, kindly reminding him that Arlecchino is just your friend. his wings are just as beautiful in their own way, the light material glittering with speckles of starlight, the color of the deep sea. they're perfect as a thin blanket in the summer, when all you want to do is leech off the comforting chill that emanates from his armor, and they flitter so nicely in the light when Legacy is particularly happy. he lets out a low croon at your words, crimson face turning deeper red before he reaches out and pulls you into his nest, nuzzling his head against your chest with a happy trill, his wings fluttering with renewed delight
when you tell Arlecchino the next day she merely sighs, shaking her head and extending the wing you were preening back towards you
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that-foul-legacy-lover 5 months
omgg disney princess FL kickstarted my own brain, you're so good at this馃挏馃挏
imagine little ducklings following him in a neat little line!! (since iirc tartaglia in cn is close to the word duck). the little escapades you could get into from trying to stop them from following him, the ducklings nipping at his wings to stop him from leaving them and of course his soft heart won't be able to even think of leaving these little guys. just an adventure of trying to find mama duck around Liyue, taking naps in his fluff when the ducklings are too tuckered out!!! (imagine their little butts sticking out his fluff as he purrs), maybe go on a swim too, tho probably stand back when they're all soggy and shaking off the water
small yellow fluffy babies getting led by a bigger, fluffier, sparkly baby (at heart) and the noise! the cutest chorus of noises from both FL and the ducklings 馃ス
- mothnip anon again, sorry for constantly babbling here
hope you have a nice day 馃憠馃憟
okay okay small story this place near-ish to where i live sells gardening equipment and in the springtime they get live chicks so people can raise them into chickens and ahhhh they're so cute!!!!!
all the ducks can fit in his hands, no questions asked. he kneels and holds out his claws and the ducks all pile on, much to your amusement and slight dismay- where was their mother? there's no way you and Legacy can take care of all the ducklings, neither of you are nearly qualified enough! yet the tiny fledglings seem quite content in his grasp, and Legacy purrs at them contently as they quack, looking from you to the ducklings and back again pleadingly. with a sigh you relent and nod, met with a chorus of happy chirps and quacks from Legacy and your new little friends- of course, you make Legacy promise to help you find the ducks' mother, and to look after them while you're gone at work. he chitters in agreement, a few ducks already nesting in his fluff, and you can't help but smile at the adorable scene
taking care of the ducklings actually goes smoother than you expected, with Foul Legacy taking care of them when you're gone and everyone waiting to greet you in the evening. the little birds get into the habit of following Legacy in a single file line, having conversations of trills and quacks as they putter around the house. or if they get tired, the ducks bury themselves in his hair and fluff for a quick nap, as soft as the nest they're used to. and finally, after a few weeks of searching, you come across a distressed mother duck looking for her babies- it's actually one of the ducklings that alerts you, the one that likes sleeping in your pocket, quacking and squirming until you set it down and it waddles over to its relieved mother. you're both sad to see them go, Legacy letting out a low whine and pouting as he watches his little friends trot away into the water to follow their mom, and you give him a gentle squeeze of reassurance
but a few days later you find a collection of ducks standing outside your door, the mother gracefully herding her little ones along- seems the babies wanted to visit :)
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that-foul-legacy-lover 5 months
hi! i just want to say i love your work, they're very nice to read after a long day, like a sort of hug from the moth man himself!
i was hoping to ask if you've written a scenario with anything related to catnip? mothnip?
I'm not too sure about Abyssal fauna or maybe it could just be natural occuring Teyvat plants - but what do you think would happen if reader happens to find a pretty plant and hours later find FL smothering himself in it?
Just a thought sidjfksks i really like the things you come up with using the prompts other requests give you馃憠馃憟
mothman would give you SO many hugs anon!!! i think i've done maybe one thing with catnip so i'm very glad to revisit it ehehe
even better if you happen to come across an entire field of the flowers, little violet and azure blossoms in full bloom, tucked away in a valley between distant mountains. you and Foul Legacy were traveling, trying to map the corners and intersections of nations that people usually hurry past and ignore when you come across the valley, a few petals drifting in the breeze. they have a strong, slightly minty scent, and when you kneel to get a closer look at the flowers you spot faint star patterns near the tips of each petal. you're drawing a small sketch of a flower when you hear a soft thump, glancing up to see Foul Legacy, your intimidating and battle-hungry Abyss monster, rolling around in the plants and letting out rumbly chitters and coos. he perks up when he glimpses you, leaping over and bumping his head against your back hard enough to make you fall into the flowers before he flops down beside you, practically vibrating from how much he's purring
it's like catnip, you discover, only for Abyssal creatures. you leave Legacy for a few minutes after making him promise to stay where he was- not that he was going to go anywhere, with how he was nestling into the field- to go explore a little, and end up finding several Abyss Mages and a couple Lectors also slumped over in the flowers. it's almost a little worrying, until you glimpse an Abyss Mage carefully right itself and totter away, clearly done with the flowers for now. sure enough, there's a nudge against your shoulder a few minutes later, Foul Legacy blinking sleepily at you and purring, still slightly dazed but much more put together. you snip a few of the blossoms before you leave, pressing them into your notebook- you'll dry them when you get home, for when Legacy deserves a little treat
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