nextinline-if · 2 years
Oh my god yes please do an adoption scenario 😭
your wish, my command 😁 *Vi attempts fancy hand flourish and falls on her face, somehow*
You watch Constantine for a moment, as he bounces from one foot to the other. You haven't seen him this excited in a while. A chuckle leaves your lips. He stops and turns his gaze to you, a small smile tugging at his lips. "What are you chuckling about?"
"Oh, nothing," you tell him. "You're just adorable when you're like this?"
He scoffs playfully. "Adorable? Save that phrase for our kid." Despite the fact that you stand in front of the orphanage, his words stun you for a moment. And he takes full advantage by grabbing your hand and leading you into the building.
You spend the next few hours talking to many of the children, even playing some games, or reading to some of them. At some point, you've gotten separated from Constantine so you search for him.
And you find him with a six-year-old boy. He's using toy swords to teach him defensive techniques. You shake your head, laughing quietly to yourself. After a few minutes, you clear your throat. They both look over at you before stopping. As you walk over, the boy glances at you nervously and then back to Constantine.
Constantine crouches down and offers a soothing smile to the child. 'Why don't you head inside and play with some of the other kids?" The boy nods and gives you both a polite goodbye, looking over his shoulder with hopeful eyes before ducking down and hurrying inside.
You sigh. "I thought you wanted a baby."
Constantine rubs the back of his neck. "Well," he begins, eyes darting around the little garden. "I mean, babies are a lot of work! A child who talks? And walks? That seems like a good idea to me."
You snort. "Be honest. Those sad eyes and that sweet voice won you over."
His blue eyes turn to you. "I'm a goner."
You can't help but smile as you sling your arm around him and steer him toward the door. "Let's go adopt your adorable protégé, then."
Constantine smiles softly and kisses your wrist. "Ours."
"What?" you ask.
"He's our protégé, my love."
You study Felix carefully, watching him try to control his breathing. When he realizes you're watching, he sends you a smirk. "Can't keep your eyes off me, huh?"
But you can hear the nervousness in his voice. He's trying to pretend that he's not freaking out. You reach out and squeeze his hand. "Are you sure you want to do this? I understand if not."
His hazel eyes soften as he pulls you closer. "I'd walk through fire for you. Adopting a child with you? Walk in the park."
You roll your eyes but grin. "Famous last words, Mr. Faramund."
"Well, I am hot enough to be famous." He winks at you. "Come on, let's go find a cute little ray of sunshine to adopt." You laugh as you walk into the orphanage by his side.
Almost immediately, Felix zeroes in on an older kid alone in the corner of the room. You nudge him and he finally glances away. "Why don't we start with them?" His only response is a nod, but his feet don't move. You sigh.
And then you give him a push, and he looks over his shoulder, glaring at you with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Already setting a bad example for children," he tells you.
"Stop procrastinating and move it!" His eyes widen at your tone and he speed walks to the child with you hot on his heels.
You both come to a stop. Felix and the child stare at each other, neither willing to speak first. "Felix," you hiss under your breath.
He clears his throat. "Hi."
They raise an eyebrow. "Uh, hey?"
You resist the urge to groan. Instead, you ask, "How old are you?"
The kid looks away, out at the other children who are seemingly younger. "Thirteen," they say quietly.
"And how long have you been here?" Felix inquires, seeming to find his voice with your help.
The kid turns to Felix and looks him dead in the eye. "I don't know. Eight years I think."
Felix frowns. "Be back in a minute," he tells them, grabbing your arm and leading you far away.
You raise an eyebrow and cross your arms. "You're acting weird."
He looks at you, his face as serious as you've ever seen it. "I want to adopt them."
You give him a confused look. "We barely know their age, let alone anything else about them. Besides, they're already thirteen."
He nods. "Exactly. The older they get, the less chance of someone adopting them. But older kids deserve love, too!" Then his face turns desperate. "Please, MC!"
"And what if they turn out to be troublesome?" you ask him.
"Then they'll be our troublesome kid that we love."
You smile and let out a dramatic sigh. "Beg a little more first," you tell him. He rolls his eyes but grins at you in a way that makes your heart pound so quickly that you can feel your racing pulse through your body.
"Remember what we said," you tell Margaret, looking over at her as you both walk into the building. "We're only adopting one for now."
Margaret sighs and gives you a pointed look. "Yes, yes, darling, I know." When you arrive in the room where many children are playing and running around, Margaret stops and scans the room, her eyes widening in wonder. She looks at you and asks, "But we can come back soon, right? There's so many that need a home."
"Stay focused," you tell her, laughing a little at the pout on her face. At some point in the day, you both end up in the room with the youngest children. Your eyes find a young child, no more than three years old.
They tilt their head and stare at you before turning away. As you walk closer, they turn back, a small teddy bear in their hands. You glance at Margaret and see softness in her eyes.
"Hi, there, little one," Margaret says as she sits beside the child.
They give her a toothy grin. "Hello!"
You both grin back and then you point at their stuffed animal. "Who's that?"
They look down at the bear for a moment and then back up, tears in their eyes. "My friend Teddy." The child tries to push the bear into Margaret's hands.
"Oh!" she says, startled. "You want me to hold Teddy for a minute?"
The child shakes their head and looks down. "No. Take him away from here when you leave. It's too sad for him to be here."
You're pretty sure you see Margaret turn away with a few tears in her eyes. When she turns back to the child, she says, "Here, you hold Teddy for now. We'll be back."
She watches the child from afar. You put a hand on her arm. "Hey, tell me what you're thinking."
Her brown eyes turn to you. "I'm thinking about how sweet that child is. And trying to figure out how to convince you that we should adopt them." She studies you carefully, waiting for your reaction.
"They are very sweet," you muse. "Maybe too sweet for some of your lessons."
Margaret scoffs. "Your wrong, darling. That little one is perfect. It's always better if people don't know how deadly you can be."
"Alright, well, we're adopting two like you wanted, then. I mean, we can't leave Teddy behind."
She giggles. "Of course not!"
Sweat rolls down the back of F's neck as they walk into the orphanage. You've had a long talk. Several of them. And although they're nervous, they also believe that the two of you can raise a lovely child together. When you first brought it up, they asked for some time to consider. And now, a year later, here you are.
You grab F's hand and give it a gentle squeeze. They smile at you before looking around. "Where do we start?" they ask, feeling overwhelmed by the chaos and noise all around.
"Let's go someplace quieter. I bet the babies are sleeping this time of day."
F laughs to themself. "Never heard of a baby being quiet, but I'll follow your lead."
The room you enter has dozens of babies. "So many," you say quietly.
F nods. "The aftermath of a long war."
Before you can respond, they bend over the crib of a baby girl and scoop her up. You can see their green eyes light up as they look at the child.
You run your fingers across the tag on the crib. "It says she's six months old," you note.
"Isn't she lovely?" their quiet voice asks.
The baby girl opens her eyes and looks at you, her tiny hand wraps around one of your fingers. You meet F's gaze and smile.
A while later, the baby now asleep in F's arms, they turn to you. "What do you think? Should we adopt her?"
You watch the baby sleep for a moment. "I don't know. Babies are a lot of work."
"But we'll be doing it together." They come to stand beside you at the window and lean their head on your shoulder. "Besides, you're my moon, and she can be our little sun."
"Well, how could I say no to that?" F leans away and grins at you.
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in-her-shadow-if · 2 years
Do you have physical description of the characters? For scientific reasons of course
Anonymous said: What does everyone look like?
Anonymous said: Hi, first of all love your IF really excited to read it, now my question, could we get the physical descriptions of the Ro's?*Not me eyeing Lanc*
Okay, physical descriptions below and linked Artbreeders. The Artbreeders aren't perfect cause it's hard to get things just the way you want and the physical descriptions should take priority when it comes to imagining them :)
Arthur - He is 6 feet tall, lightly tanned with a few freckles sprinkling his face. His hair can darken or lighten with the seasons and the lighting but is generally considered dark blonde with a red tint and stops a little above his shoulders. He has light blue eyes and brown facial hair. Artbreeder.
Lancelot - He is 6ft 2inches with short, messy raven hair that falls above his eyebrows in some places. He has a scar on his eyebrow and his eyes are dark brown. His skin tone is honey beige. Artbreeder.
Merlin - Xe is 5ft 7inches with umber skin, emerald eyes, and jet black hair that falls just below xyr shoulders. Xe has a slender frame. Artbreeder.
Kay - She is 5ft 5inches with bronze skin and light brown eyes. She has curly brown hair that reaches to her chest. Although petite, she has defined muscles. Artbreeder.
Morgana - They are 5ft 8inches and fair-skinned. They also have stormy gray eyes with a touch of blue and raven hair that reaches past her shoulders. Artbreeder.
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if-mirrormine · 2 years
Tag yourself I'm "what is music"
i'm "dialogue". i don't even remember who it's between or what's it's about lmao, it was like all the away at the bottom and dated from 2019.
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damnation-if · 2 years
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thank you!!! i am also very excited! i hope you enjoy it! <3
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wickedrabies · 3 years
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mad moth skills
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armatization-a · 3 years
( @mothsflames​ ) !! bernadetta runs away oop-
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“Bernadetta. Must we keep doing this? I can see you, you know.”
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eclno · 3 years
                            liddol boyfriend / @mothsflames​
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                        ❝   actually   i   was   thinking   that   you’re   cute   when   you   laugh.   ❞
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chavrim · 3 years
                                                   contractual / @mothsflames​
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        ❝   consequences   have   never   been   so   dire.   as   all   the   pain   that   living   will   inspire,   it's   got   me   running   from   all   that   i   admire   to   a   point   that   i'm   feeling.   ❞
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oskupuki · 3 years
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“   i-- you KNOW i am an obligate carnivore you little fiend.   ”
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sorrowmarked-a · 3 years
* LOVE ♥ STARTERS || accepting
where did you go? -- @mothsflames (  petra & bernadetta ) 
“i was in the library, looking for books on sword techniques,” she’d thought of the lie on her way back where her classmates may catch her. claude had told her it would be better to lie. edelgard had written her a letter asking for her support in the war. asking, better than threatening she supposed, and no one really knew what was going on. no one knew what was going on but petra did know she didn’t trust edelgard or the empire. how could she? 
how could she trust the nation that had held her hostage for the past four years. she’d spoken to claude, he’d told her it wasn’t too late. she didn’t have to side with edelgard, he’d keep her safe, help her people if she did. but she couldn’t have her classmates knowing she was thinking about leaving. not even the ones she considered friends. 
“were you in need of me?” she asked. 
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Ok but now i have to know if mc was actually turned into an animal for a day (can be a worm if we have to be specific)
oh dear, alright. we are back in worm territory...
Felix: Felix narrows his eyes at the tiny little worm. "So, what you asked the other day..." He trails off waiting for a response.
After a moment he frowns. "Wait, so, you can turn into a worm but you can't talk?" He stands back up and shakes his head. "Kind of disappointing." He tilts his head. "At least you're still cute, in a slimy way."
Constantine: Constantine's eyes widen as he watches your worm form. "Be careful!" He says, crouching down. "Don't want to get stepped on." He shakes his head and puts his hand out. "Come on."
You slither onto his hand and bring his hand up close to his face. He peers at you curiously. "You really are trouble," he says with a chuckle.
Margaret: She crosses her arms and stares at you in your worm form. "I told you I don't like bugs." She imagines you would argue with her if you could talk. Margaret smirks. "Well, at least I can win any arguments like this."
You start moving toward her quickly. She yelps. "Keep your worminess away!"
F: "Not a philosophical question, then." F sighs and shakes their head. "Well, I do still love, even as a worm." A small smile graces their face as their green eyes watch you spell out "I.love.you."
F laughs. "Thank you, I've always wanted to be loved by a worm. Top of my list." They snort when you spell out "Jerk," next.
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in-her-shadow-if · 2 years
SHORT AT 5'9???? anon, with all the love and respect, what the hell
Sincerely, someone who is like 5'1 (or 157cm because i don't use feet,,,)
But also, Fra <3 my short twin :)
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if-mirrormine · 2 years
Now I'm just imagine Grayson on the display beds just chilling, looking happy like this:
grays just happy to be invited lol
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laastaa · 3 years
                                       sibling bonding time / @mothsflames​
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            ❝   i   love   you,   but   even   in   those   six   inch   heels.   you’re   not   as   tall   me.   ❞
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winter-sword · 3 years
📱 alexei for gwenn
Unsent --  [Text: Little Lion] You’re my favorite nibling. [Text: Little Lion] You're so much like Dima it’s a little scary. [Text: Little Lion] Ask Fe to train with you. I have physical therapy this weekend. [Text: Little Lion] No child should be so serious, but I suppose you get that from both your parents. [Text: Little Lion] Fe plays Animal Crossing. Feel free to tease him about it.
Sent --  [Text: Little Lion] I’m doing holiday shopping early, this year. Would you mind helping?
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darkflyers-a · 3 years
📱 from bernadetta
[ SMS : bernie bear 🐻💜] ( unsent. retry ? ) : bernieeeeeee [ SMS : bernie bear 🐻💜] ( unsent. retry ? ) : bernadetta are you okay ? i worry about you lots . . . [ SMS : bernie bear 🐻💜] ( unsent. retry ? ) : are you getting help bernie ? [ SMS : bernie bear 🐻💜] ( unsent. retry ? ) : good night !! you deserve better than to be treated like that ! [ SMS : bernie bear 🐻💜] ( unsent. retry ? ) : we should kill your dad and my step mom.
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[ SMS : bernie bear 🐻💜] ( sent @ 1:52pm ) : mon petite ours . . . can you come outside ? i made you something to eat !
andi’s phone. bernadetta, @mothsflames
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