#moto 360
mediocre-shark-tales · 7 months
Colby Brock x Reader
WARNINGS - Ghost hunting, Angst, and fear.
Summary - You, Kris and Celina are the guests for the next ghost hunting video with Sam and Colby. You all are ghost hunting at the Winchester mystery house. You and Colby are almost as close as Him and Sam. Secret feelings are way to obvious but you two are oblivious af. The girls and sam want to help you two come together tonight.
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Feeling the wind in my hair brought joy to my already adrenaline pumping body. I was currently following Sam, Colby, Kris and Celina on my lovely blue motorbike. We were all getting together to ghost hunt at the Winchester mystery house today. Kris, Celina and I met a while back at their first ghost hunt together with Sam and Colby. Of course Celina had ghost hunted with them a total of 2 other times. It had been my 6th time with them, and us three hit it off pretty well. I met the boys when they invited me to go investigate the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. The fans knew me best for my biker videos on TikTok, I blew up the most for the ways I handled crazy and angry drivers. I was calm and struck back fast with great comebacks, easily shutting anyone up. The favorite currently was the one time I half pulled my hand gun when one guy got to ballsy.
This guy had cut me off for whatever reason, probably pissed that I was able to weave around him without any trouble but Idk. He came out with a baseball bat pointing at me. So I unzipped the conceal carry pocket that sat on the strap of my backpack and half pulled out my bright blue Glock 19 from Gen 4. He saw it and was quick to shut up and get right back into his car. So I zipped my my pocket back up and continued on when the light turned green. Of course this was caught on my 360 cam so I could set the video up perfectly for TikTok.
I also started a YouTube channel where I road around and either had great dialogue or went to Moto events. Recently I had also added some behind the scenes of videos I was apart of on other channels. This was all done with the agreement from whoever I was with at the time. I always made sure to post a few days after their video dropped.
Anyways, I was now right next to the window where the girls sat in the backseat. I waved and reached out for Kris's hand before slowing back down and returning to following the group. Finally within the next few minutes we were pulling into the Winchester house drive. I could see Sam begin recording the inside of the car, I'm sure he at some point zoomed in to see me in the background of the car close behind them. The most telling sign being when the whole car, besides Colby driving, turned around and began to wave to me. So of course I waved back.
Once we were inside, I parked beside their vehicle and began to discard my helmet and all other safety gear. Seeing as we didn't have to go far I didn't put all of it on. Mainly just the helmet and some safety pants, I allowed myself to ride with just my t-shirt so I could feel the cool breeze. I stuffed my safety pants, gloves, and keys into my backpack. Then stuffed the backpack into my helmet before setting it in the back of Sam and Colbys car for safe keeping.
Then we all walked up to the front of the house where we were given a quick run down of how our night was scheduled. Once that was done we got set up to record the intro of the video. The girls and I in the middle with a boy on each side. I stood closest to Colby with Celina between Kris and I and Sam on the far side by kris.
Of course both Sam and Colby did their typical intro talking about hell week and such while Celina, Kris and I just stood smiling. We gave some short "Hell yeahs" and similar exclamations while Sam talked about how the Winchester house was one of the scariest place at least some magazine said so. After that we went ahead and began to walk up to the front of the house. Colby had his arms up like he was some real estate agent showing off a luxury house.
"Colby you do this we're too scared!" Celina yelled out earning a giggle from me as Colby yelled back "No you gotta do it!" Kris volunteered to go in first, Once inside fully she looked back saying "It smells like death." I laughed. "Sounds so fantastic." I responded in a sarcastic tone.
Celina was quickly spooked by a manakin dressed liked Sarah Winchester. The room was decorated like the funeral of her husband. We continued to walk around slowly taking in the first main room of the house. I definitely had that strangely spooky vibe to it. Celina tried to get a 'sign' from a hand sanitizer dispenser at one point. But it gave her nothing which she then said "Its Dry, dry" Which I was quick to sarcastically respond with, "Just like how I was with my ex, drier than the Sahara desert." Which earned me a full blown break out in laughter from everyone as Sam brought the camera up much closer to me. "You said what y/n?" I smiled into the close up camera. "I said what I said and I meant what I said." Which earned more giggles from everyone.
We continued on until we were in front of a piano where Kris was about to play it, however we suddenly heard the sounds of the guest arriving which obviously scared the hell out of us. Celina even remarking how she almost shit her pants.
Quickly we went over to meet the guests and get right back into recording. First we were to meet Crystal who was an empathic medium. When we started recording she began to tell us what she saw and felt when it came to Celina. She could see ghosts but she was also a very special person who should be protected at all costs. We all agreed about that and Crystal then looked at me giving me a weird face. "There is something different about you, I believe you are very gifted person maybe even empathic in some way. I don't know how to read this well, I've never seen something like this. I do want to say its nothing negative its all positive. I just don't know to the extent what it is, maybe you just have tapped into this power yet and that's why it's so hazy for me." I looked into the camera with wide nervous eyes and then looking back we all moved on to sit with Crystal as she told us about her understanding of this house.
When we finished up talking to her, that when the guides began to take us on a tour around the house. This way we could better understand the lay out and also get another more informative rundown of the history behind everything in the house. We started with the Daisy Bedroom which was still prominently effected by the earthquake she had been stuck in.
As we moved on, Colby stuck closer to me and we began to chat a bit. "I'm glad to have you join us again y/n." I smiled at him. "I'm always happy to come hang with you guys, especially when you bring Kris and Celina along. This is the fucking dream team right here." He laughed at my statement before speaking again. "How long you gonna be around here this time? I know sam and I are staying for a few extra days as like a mini vacation. I think kris and Celina were going to as well to catch back up with us." I nodded and thought about it. "Yeah, I think I could see about extending my stay. Might have to switch rooms since they probably already have my room booked for after when I was planning to leave." Colby smiled. "If you end up needing a place to stay you could always bunk it with Sam and I. We got a suite so two beds and a pull out couch bed." I nodded and gave him sweet smile. "Okay Ill let you know if I need a space."
We continued our walk until we entered an area in a hallway were a few hallways connected to each other. The guide told us about Sarah and her height which lead to jokes about Celina being Sarah Winchester again. However as we continued through the house with the guide, it was constantly brought up and overly stated by the boys about the corresponding numbers. They would react in strange ways when anything was 7, 11 or 13. At one point they earned a reaction from Kris who said. "Colby and these numbers man? I don't know what this means." Colby was messy with his lips looking off into the distance which we all laughed at. "The fuck does that mean Brock!" I exclaimed.
Later on we had entered this room when all of a sudden Celina asked about a dog. She was telling us about how she had envisioned a small dog like what Sarah's dog was. While she explained it, I heard a sound behind us. I seemed to be the only one who noticed and I stared around the room trying to see what or where it was.
Kris noticed my quiet stare and asked what's up. "I just heard something but it hasn't happened again, so maybe a fluke." They all looked at me strangely before we just moved on. Finally we had finished everything that required a guide or other person in the house. So we went outside to get the final run down of our time allowance and a few other necessary things. Once they had left, we turned the camera back on and Celina started talking.
"I know that ghost hunting is really hard, so I got us all a crystal to protect us." As she handed them out we instantly began to laugh as she gave us all penis crystals. "These are shafts of protection, put it in your pocket and it will keep things from getting inside of you." With that she looked directly at Sam. "Yeah sam you need this for sure." I said.
After a little bit more talking, we went inside to the first room. We set up flash lights across from each other in the room. I stood next to Colby with the other three on the other side of the room. We started off with Celina asking questions.
"Sarah if you're here can you turn on one of these flashlights?" then she counted down from 3. However nothing happened making her sigh. We continued to ask questions however we were left in a heavy silence. After a while of this it was decided to try the Onvoy. Colby held the box and turned it on, stoping mid sentence to hear the tune it does when it turns on. I smiled as the others joked, kris even said "I love that, it's like a retro game." I stood near Colby again as he spoke to the camera, pointing at the box. While he spoke I copied his movements behind him, making fun of the poor guy. I could see sam smiling behind the camera, moving to make sure I was in shot too. Colby hadn't noticed so I made myself known when he finished saying "Something has to literally tap this for it to go off." So I said the same thing right after him, getting in front and kneeled down closer to the box.
Everyone laughed as Colby chuckled and then responded with "Are you copying me?" We had a small laugh before continuing on with the investigation. Finally we started getting answers with he machine, even the flashlight turned on a few times. Finally we started realizing that the spirit did not want us here, Celina asked if they wanted us to leave and it was almost an instant yes.
I felt a chill go up my back and seconds later kris would say she was freezing in here. Celina on the other hand was hot and feeling as if she was going to throw up. So we decided to take her outside, we wanted to give her time to herself. But in seconds she was running back in for us telling sam to turn on the camera and come with her.
She then told us how the sprinklers instantly turned on when she walked outside, so she leaned over this railing only to realize she felt completely fine now. I smiled at her after she finished talking. "You need to run outside babe, I will literally carry you all the way honey" Celina laughed and gave me a hug while Kris joined us in front of the camera and started talking me up. "For those of you who still don't know y/n like the rest of us. She is quite the hot mama, but not just that she built like the goddess Athena. Ready to go to war, She could probably outfit most of the guys watching this." I giggled but quickly disregarded kris. "No I would probably get shown up pretty easily Kris, You know I just like the physique that comes with muscles." Celina spoke up next. "Yeah those abs and biceps got you looking hot af y/n! Slay Queen!" We all laughed again. But then kris looked at Celina and they seemed to have the same idea. This time Kris spoke it out loud. "I'm sure there is a great guy out there just waiting to snatch up a goddess like you y/n" Unbeknownst to me they were not staring at the camera but directly behind it at Colby who may or may not have blushed a bit.
After the skit we all began to head to the next investigation area. The Witches Cap. When we got there and began to record, Celina pulled me and kris aside. First she handed kris a new slightly larger crystal penis saying "Here I got you one, cause things are getting a little more intense." She began to hand out a new one to everyone except me. One she looked at me she gave me devious smile. "You y/n however get something a little more special." Opening her back pack, she pulled something out. I couldn't see it yet as she hid it away from view still. "I know your don't need anymore protection with those muscles you got on you. So instead I thought I would give you something a little different." She opened up her arms to give me an apple, however it was carved out of rose quartz and the stem was a silver metal. Hanging around it was a silver chain necklace with a rose quartz heart wrapped with a bit of silver wire to keep in on the chain. "I thought you need a little help with your love life and Rose quartz is a good stone for that." I smiled and held the apple in my hand while removing the necklace to look at it too. "Thank you so much Celina! I hope I can pay it back by getting myself a man." She smiled and hugged me before we returned to the investigation. Sam held the camera and recorded Celina and Kris being goofballs with the crystal dicks. So I walked up to Colby and asked if he could help me put on the necklace. He said yes and gently began to help me move my hair out of the way. Once clasped he carefully lifted my hair out of the chain before coming back to the front.
"You look so gorgeous tonight y/n" I blushed thanking him. "You look pretty handsome tonight too Colby" He blushed as well. We heard some giggles and glanced over to see the others recording and laughing at us. "Awe look at the two love birds." Colby quickly tried to change the topic and get back to the investigation. Which kind of hurt but I knew that he was out of my league and I shouldn't get my hopes up.
As the investigation continued, we were now in Sarah's room. We had been lead in here by Celina who had seen the ghost of Sarah but also could feel her almost leading her. So now we sat down with a motion detector and rem pod out as we tried asking questions. I was sat between Kris and Colby, however Kris and I had locked arms and sat closer as stuff kept getting creepy. The spirit box had been pulled out at one point, things were being said answering our questions until it said my name a couple times. That when it really got creepy.
For some reason both Kris and I had looked to our right where this entrance to the room was. In that split second we both saw what looked like a person standing in the corner. We both freaked out and I moved back quickly on instinct, Colby grabbing me to calm me down subtly.
Sam decided to ask kris first who was in what seemed like shock as her instinct was to laugh at whatever that was. Kris even showed where and what we saw for an example. Soon after we decided to leave the room. However as we got to the 7-11 stair case, I heard something call out for me this caused me to stop and look around. I tried to find any reason for that voice. I didn't even notice that the group was now out of sight. However I soon heard them yelling for sam to turn the camera on, as Kris and Celina said they just heard a voice. I could hear them say they assumed it was me only to realize I wasn't behind them anymore.
I wanted to laugh at this however I heard another voice, I looked towards where I had heard it only to see the pitch black figure of a man with what looked like a long gun of some sort. He was standing maybe 3 feet away from me. This caused me to scream and seconds later the man disappeared. Tears were already falling from my eyes as this jump scare sent me into my fight or flight mode. Except some sort of malfunction must have happened in my brain as I quickly squatted down hiding my face in my arms.
I heard the sounds of the others running as some yelled "Holy SHit y/n! We are coming!" I think it was Colby who screamed for me as the others began screaming for me as well. It was easy for them to find me as there was only one direction to go. When I looked up I saw them a few feet away running to me, Sam holding the camera still recording as they saw my tear stained and still crying face. Colby knelt down to help me stand back up, his hands quickly came up to wipe my tear stained cheeks as Celina asked. "What happened!?" I gave myself a second to calm down as Colby gave me a hug. Once I could speak, I pulled back and began to talk. "So I heard this voice and stopped to try and see what maybe made a noise that sounded like a voice. However I found nothing only to realize you guys were so far down the hallway I could no longer see you but I could hear you. I was about to go catch up when I heard the voice again. So I turned around and saw this male black figure with a gun maybe 3 feet from me. It just scared the shit out of me and I guess my instinct was to curl up into a ball." I joked at the end trying to keep myself cool still.
Eventually we decided to keep moving on to the next investigation area. Colby stayed with me this time, his arm around my shoulders as he kept me near him. I was thankful for this cause I was definitely a little shook after that.
When we got there the boys began to tell us about the numbers they kept bringing up. Explaining how numerology works and why these numbers were so important. They explained how the numbers worked with the house, and then even went on to tell us what all of our numbers were and what they meant. Celina was 'the protector, Kris was 'the Teacher', Colby was 'the psychic' and Sam was 'the guide'. All of their numbers and descriptions were so on point with them. Once they had finished the boys looked at me with a slight amazement in their eyes. "Y/n your life path number is the exact same at the one this house was built on. You are the number 22 which is the master architect." Everyone gave a sound of astonishment as the pieces started to come together and make sense. Forgetting about this number being mine but the fact that the house was built on the number of the master architect? That's insane.
Sam continued. "On top of the whole house also being a life path 22, in our group we now have 3 spiritual outliers. 11, 22, and 33 Life path numbers are said to have higher psychic abilities." WOW was all I could say. Sarah Winchester was for sure the smartest woman I had ever known. There was too many things to be coincidental anymore, this was her way of sending a code to the future.
Soon we had moved on again, now we were back outside where it was cold as balls now. Kris, Celina and I huddled together while we waited for sam to go grab what he needed to give us. When he came back he gave each one of us a 'robe' so we could dress like Sarah Winchester. Celina got a green one, Sam had Red, Kris got Purple, and Colby had a blue one. I got the silver or grey one, I can't really tell.
We all then drew sticks to see where each one of us would have to start from and find our way to the 'witch's cap'. Sam got the farthest, I got the second worse option, Celina probably got the third worse in my opinion, kris and Colby were about tied for the best option among us all.
Once I got the text that I could start, I began to try and remember my way back to the witches cap. Each of us had been taken to our spots but we were only allowed to stare at the floor all the way their, that way no one could 'cheat'.
I could feel that I was almost too easily getting lost. Every turn I took and hallway I followed seemed to lead me back to the same room. I had ended up back in my starting room one too many times. This was strange, but It made me remember that this is a paranormal things sometimes. Ghost or spirits like to confuse and distort peoples sense of direction. I talked to the camera about my idea, telling them that they would just have to trust me that I was feeling lost even though they might not see it that way.
Eventually I finally made it to a new part of the house, but now out of the corner of my eyes I would see that damn shadow figure. One time I heard a loud running, which ended up being caught on camera while I whipped it to the direction I heard it coming from. "What in the holy fuck was that?!" I whispered out more scared than ever.
I could feel myself tearing up again a little, everything was becoming almost over stimulating to me as I once again began to get lost. I was now stuck in this new room as I tried to find my way back to that stupid witches cap. I'm sure by now at least half of the group had found that room. Only Sam was left by now I bet, besides me of course. Come to think of it I haven't seen any of the others, not even heard them.
Unbeknownst to me they actually had all made it to the room and were waiting for me. Sam, Kris and Celina were sure I was fine but Colby was slowly losing that assurance as he began to worry about my safety. He told them, "I'm worried because we haven't heard or seen her and she has been messed with the most tonight. Like the spirit box said her name, she saw that figure and heard voices. Who knows what else they might do now that she is alone." With his words the others began to worry as well.
Back to me I was now much closer to making it all the way to the witches cap. By now the figure seemed to show up in my vision more often. I heard more noises and voices. I could feel tears cascading faster down my face, I was beyond scared now. I felt like I was being targeted by one ghost, as the voices were all the same. The figure was the same every time, with the same build and gun in hand. I was now jogging trying to find the room. I still felt lost until I entered one specific hallway.
I was finally just a straight shot to the room, I could hear the worried voices of my friends in the distance. I let out a short whimpering cry as I bolted for the room. When I turned into the room I could see all of their shocked faces. My mind was on one track as I ran right into the arms of Colby who instantly reciprocated the hug. He was quick to try and help me calm down, realizing pretty quickly that I was silently crying into his chest.
Sam of course had the camera running while Celina gently took the camera I had from me. Kris was rubbing my back while Colby held me close. His hand was petting my hair while the other held me around my waist. He whispered to me. "Shhhh it's okay y/n. You're safe, I'm here. shhhhh" With his help I was able to slowly come down from the adrenaline and fear. It was then that I explained everything I had just went through from the beginning. I told them that I hoped my suffering was able to catch something on the stupid camera. I explained that there were at least 3 sounds that should have been more than loud enough to be heard.
Colby kept me close and in his arms as I explained, he didn't even let me go when we finally moved on. For now we would be sitting around Celina while she tapped into her psychic side. She explained before how she would see a little movie in her head. So we all became completely quiet to allow her time to meditate. Colby had his arm still around my shoulders, he held me close to keep me from getting targeted again.
While she told us what she was hearing and seeing, I stayed still in Colby's arms. It was as if I was frozen in place, however what finally broke me out of it was when it felt like she was talking to me. "y/n, things are going to change for you in the paranormal world, but you will greet it with open arms. Something bad will happen soon, keep him close." However when she said 'him' she enunciated it differently. As if she was trying to tell me with out really telling me who 'he' was. I could feel Colby stiffen when she told us something bad would happen.
After that she finished talking and allowed all of us to talk about the things she said. Everyone was more focused on the part about me, as it sounded like she was telling me the future. My near future was not looking the brightest. Finally we all packed up and began to head out. The boys went off to record their ending while the rest of us got ready to leave in the car. I began to put back on my riding gear and helmet.
I was ready to go when they came back over, the girls and I participating in some small talk. Colby gave me a back hug and I could see the sly smirks from the the girls. I knew exactly what they were thinking but I turned my attention to Colby as he spoke. "are you okay?" I nodded. "Yep now that I get to go back, sleep, and eat I am more than okay." He laughed with me agreeing that anyone would be more than okay knowing they could relax like that.
He then asked. "Would you like to get dinner together?" I smiled. "Sure I would love that. What kind of food you thinking of?" He then also adorned a sly smirk. "how about a quick run to jack in the box?" I instantly adorned a wide smile. "You know what makes me melt Brock." I told him. We laughed and the others all poured into the car. While I hopped on my bike and soon we were all off back to the hotel. When we got back the others decided to head back to their rooms, leaving me and Colby alone. Little did I know all three of them had given Colby a pep talk. They had told him this was his moment, saying stuff like he had done well protecting and comforting me all day now he needed to take that next step. They even said if they don't find out we are dating within the next few hours then he would be on a friend zone time out. Whatever that means.
However I didn't know any of this, I was completely oblivious thanks to my love for my bike. He waltzed over to me in the parking lot. "So my car or your bike?" he asked me. I smiled and pulled my back pack around. Smirking as I pulled out my passenger helmet. He smiled and took it form me putting it on. He slid on the passenger seat behind me, I grabbed his hands and put them around my waist, smelling as I told him to hold on tight. With the last word I clicked a button and my visor came down as I began to prepare to drive off.
The ride was fun and calm, his hands around my waist making my blush sometimes. I was definitely glad to have my motorcycle helmet to block the obvious blush.
When we got to the food joint, I parked in a nice spot where I could see my bike from the window. We quickly went inside giggling to each other like little kids on their birthdays. We ordered and were now waiting for Colby's name to be called. It didn't take long and we were finally walking outside with the food bags. We decided it would be more fun to eat outside while staring at the stars and moon together. The food was good and talking was nice. However when Colby went to go throw away the food some man came up to me. His beeline-ing for me instantly sent a chill through my system. I was instantly reminded of Celina's words. "Something bad will happen soon, keep HIM close." However by the time I thought about calling Colby back the guy was up close in my personal space. This caused me to back up a bit as he spoke venomously. "Oh don't back up pretty lady, I just wanna chat for a bit." I shook my head. "Not interested." he instantly grabbed my arm and began to pull me back. I started to pull away, this brought us to a stand still as we seemed to be at the same strength level. Thanks to my constant gym attendance and love for the grind.
Finally Colby returned, removing his hand from my arm roughly and pushing the guy back. "Don't touch my girlfriend, just move on!" He yelled at the guy. The weird man instantly got apologetic toward Colby. 'Oh sorry man, didn't know the bitch had a man." Colby got angrier at that. "Leave right now before you saying anything worse and get kicked the fuck out." He sounded like he had growled it out. The man instantly began to speed walk away, Colby turning around to check me over.
"Are you okay y/n?" I smiled at him nodding "Yeah, you know Colby I think this was one of things Celina talked about." Colby seemed to have a realization at this. He agreed, that this sounded a lot like what Celina had said, also that we would definitely tell the group later.
Suddenly I remembered something Colby had said. "So am I your girlfriend now?" Colby blushed and scratched the back of his neck. "Well I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend in a more romantic way." I giggled and gave him a kiss on the lips. "Well I think this was a pretty interesting way to finally get what I have been wishing for."
That night we returned to the hotel and Colby joined me in my room. We cuddled together as we watched Disney movies and finally fell asleep in each others arms. Pf course we got a round of cheers from the others in the morning when they learned the good news. Of course the predictions from Celina were also crazy.
Even after all the targeting from ghosts, Colby and I still found a way to have sweet cute moments together. Forgetting about all the hardships we each had experienced today.
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42bakery · 6 months
Hi, sorry if this is a weird question, but why do you hate portimao?
Hi anon 👋👋. It's actually not a weird ask. It's actually pretty fair one.
My issue with this tracks come from the point that it's not a safe track. Simple as that. Portimão is one of the most dangerous tracks on the calendar. For once the weather is not constant, it's pretty windy and it's also have lot of chances of becoming a wet race, and that is a fucking mess when you take into account MotoE, Moto3 and Moto2.
The track itself is a dangerous one. We have a lot of accidents in here, Jorge Martín, Pol Espargaró and Carlos Tatay. And not only that, this track had the grade to be in the calendar for WSBK, but not for MotoGP, but then 2020 rolled, and it was included in the calendar, but not a single change was done, but still got the grade, according to some sources. So basically is a not apt track for bikes going over 360 km/h.
Appart of that, riders had said that this is one of those tracks where the barriers are too close for their liking, but still not a fucking thing is done. And then we have the gravel traps that have one of the biggest rocks the paddock has seen. We are still carrying this issue actually, as some new gravel was added, but in some part (half of each gravel) keeps it. Riders have gone out of Portimão covered on bruises.
I do understand that the racing is great here, but I can't stop thinking, 'who is going to be the next rider who will get injured here?' 'Is rider X not moving because he's in pain or because he got several injured?'. And there's this particular turn, where you have the camera and the riders lean like a lot and I always have the sensation riders are crashing.
So to sump it upo, I don't like Portimão because it's an unsafe track.
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The results are in from the three Chill Season 2022 Gear Popularity polls! The headwear poll got about 275 votes, while the other two got about 175, but what do the votes actually say?
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First Place: Tentaclinger Earring - Penguin Bolero - Onyx 01STERs
Tentaclinger Earring and Onyx 01STERs both held a strong first place in their respective category and kept them through the entire duration of the polls. Penguin Bolero, on the other hand, managed to just barely sneak into first place within the last couple of hours of the poll.
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Second Place: Ocho OctoPhones Blanco - Moby Knit - Blue-Shift Moto Boots / Zebrafish Hi-Tops
There was no competing with the Tentaclinger, but the OctoPhones were the other clear favourite, with about double the votes of third place. Moby Knit held first place for most of its poll, but ultimately lost to the Penguin Bolero by, if my math is correct, a single vote! The shoes, meanwhile are one of only two ties in the entire poll, with the Base White Button Up and Barazushi Tuff Duffel being the other one.
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Third Place: 360 All-Scopes - Lime Ski Jacket - Fuzzy Boots
360 All-Scopes strikes me as the dark horse of this poll. It's not very conventionally stylish, and I expected the Horn-Rims to take third place, but nevertheless, the scopes pulled through. I'm less surprised by the Lime Ski Jacket, as this is a new version of a model that has always been pretty popular. The Fuzzy Boots, on the other hand, are a new model, one I suspect will always be pretty popular in wintery fits in the future.
Thank you all for voting in my silly little polls! Only three weeks remain of Fresh Season 2023, so I hope to see again soon as we see what people's favourite gear from this season will be!
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lewsguystuff · 7 months
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NEW SYX ATVS 70 & 150's, Moto Pro 190's & 125 Pit Bikes, Plus Ice Bear Champion 125 Minibikes & MiniMax 150's in Stock & On Sale Now!! Limited Supply Don't Miss Out!! Call 360-330-2886 😎
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sbknews · 1 year
Torres takes crucial pole for penultimate showdown
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The Championship leader heads Casadei on the grid, with Ferrari sixth as yellow flags interrupt the shootout for pole in Barcelona. Jordi Torres (Openbank Aspar Team) found exactly what he needed in FIM Enel MotoE™ World Championship qualifying in Barcelona, taking pole for the penultimate round and turning the tables on closest challenger Mattia Casadei (HP Pons Los40) after the Italian topped practice. Andrea Mantovani (RNF MotoE™ Team) completes the front row, with Matteo Ferrari (Felo Gresini MotoE™) – currently one point behind Casadei – set to start sixth.
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Yellow Flags out following a crash for Eric Granado (LCR E-Team) played a key role in Q2. The Brazilian found himself in Q1 after a crash in practice but comfortably topped the session to move through into the fight for pole. As he headed out of pitlane at the start of Q2 though, he suffered a strange crash at low speed that still flipped him over the highside. Rider a little winded but ok, but out of that fight for pole – and the Yellow Flags meant no one else could improve for some time either. Torres, who had hit early to take to the top, remained unchallenged even after the track was clear, with no one able to make any big improvements in the final couple of minutes. Still, Casadei is within a tenth, making it the top two in the standings ready to start top two on the grid. Mantovani alongside them will be looking to get in their way.
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Kevin Zannoni (Ongetta SIC58 Squadra Corse) came through Q1 just behind Granado and heads Row 2, ahead of previous MotoE™ Barcelona winner Miquel Pons (LCR E-Team). Ferrari completes that second row, looking to move forward once the lights go out. The same is true of Granado as the Brazilian was left a frustrating P10 on the grid due to that early incident, despite his Q1 lap being two thousandths off front row speed. So that’s the grid(s)! On a super Saturday for MotoE™, Torres could clinch the crown. But with 15 points in hand it’s a long shot, and Casadei is perfectly position to try and cut that gap. Can he – and Ferrari – keep gaining ground?
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Check out the full session below and get ready for Race 1 at 12:15 (GMT +2), before Race 2 at 16:10. You can tune in to MotoE™ via your MotoGP™ coverage provider! For Italy that’s Sky Italy with Race 1 live and Race 2 live or on delay, in France CANAL+SPORT 360, and in Spain both races are live via DAZN. In the UK, TNT Sports 2 shows Race 1 live, and often Race 2 – depending on programming. Switzerland’s coverage is across SRF/RTS/RSI, and viewers in Brazil can watch on ESPN4. From Down Under with Fox Sports Australia to the northern tip of Europe with VIAPLAY across Scandinavia, look for MotoE™ with the MotoGP™ broadcaster in your territory, with the full list of our partners HERE. MotoGP™ media partners broadcast MotoE™ live or on delay on their linear or digital channels, and everyone can also tune in to watch both races live and OnDemand via VideoPass on motogp.com! For more info checkout our dedicated MotoE News page Or visit the official MotoGP website motogp.com Read the full article
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onedirectdeals · 28 days
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motorsportverso · 1 month
Resultado Prologo Rally Dos Sertoes
1-109-Tomas Luiza\Flavio França-Polaris RZR Pro R-7:09.10
2-107-Zé Helio\Julio Zavatti-Can-am Maverick R-UTV1-7:09.42
3-104-Jean Azevedo\Idali Bosse-Polaris RZR Pro R-T+A Rally Team-UTV1-7:12.00
4-Bruno Varela\Ari Fiuza-Can-am Maverick R-Varela Can-am Monster Energy-UTV1-7:13.47
5-Conrado Matsumoto\André Munhoz-Can-am Maverick X3-7:14.47
6-Bruno Conti\Jhonatham Ardigo-Can-am Maverick X3-UTV2-7:14.13
7-Denisio do Nascimento\Gunnar Dums-Can-am Maverick X3-UTV1-7:15.72
8-Cristiano Batista(BRA)\Fausto Mota(PORT)-Can-am Maverick X3-Transmaquinas Racing-7:16.58
9-André Hort\Henry Ritter-Can-am Maverick X3-MH Racing-UTV1-7:18.58
10-Gabriel Varela\Guilherme Holanda-Can-am Maverick X3-Varela Can-am Monster Energy-UTV1-7:19.44
1-323-Lucas Moraes\Kaike Beventiculo-Toyota GR Hylux T1+-Toyota Gazzo Racing\MEM Motorsport-T1+-7:13.80
2-308-Marcos Moraes\Fabio Pedroso-Toyota GR Hylux T1+-MEM Motorsport-T1+-7:18.47
3-326-Pedro Prado Filho\Josi Koerich-Ford Ranger-X Rally Team-T1.1-7:20.96
4-340-ADROALDO WEISHEIMER/BECO ANDREOTTI-Toyota GR Hylux T1+-X Rally Team-T1+-7:22.65
5-311-Glauber Fountura\Minae Minyauti-Toyota GR Hylux IMA-FD Rally Team-T1+-7:22.87
6-301-Marcelo Gastaldi\Cadu Sachs-Century CR7 T1+-Bajatek-T1+-7:23.82
7-307-Luis Nacif\Erick Rocha-Ford Ranger-X-Rally Team-T1.1-7:33.51
8-304-Pedro Queirolo\Lauro Sobreira-Buggy Giafonne V8-RMATTHEIS-BR-7:33.64
9-331-Flavio Lunardi\Fred B.-Ford Ranger-Bulldog Racing\X-Rally Team-T1.1-7:33.77
10-360-Mario Marcondes\Artemio Neto-Mitsubishi Triton RS-Braço Curto Motorsport-T1.1-7:34.06
1-4-Gabriel Soares-Honda CRF450RX-7:02.15
2-1-Mason Klein(USA)-Honda CRF450RX-7:07.98
3-3-Martin Duplesis(ARG)-Honda CRF450RX-7:12.03
4-2-Adrian Metge(FRA)-Yamaha WR450F-7:13.80
5-22-Guilherme Bisotto-Yamaha WR450F-7:19.510
Super prime que vai decidir o ordem de largada dos 8 primeiros , no caso os 8 mais rapidos do prologo disputam acontece as 15h00.
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kidzncrew · 1 month
Top 10 Kids Cycles of 2024
As we move into 2024, parents are more focused than ever on choosing the perfect kids cycle that combines safety, durability, and style. The market for kids cycles has evolved significantly, offering a wide range of options designed to cater to different age groups, preferences, and skill levels.
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In this blog, we’ll highlight the top 10 kids cycles of 2024, helping you make an informed decision for your child's next ride.
1. R for Rabbit Tiny Toes Jazz Kids Cycle
One of the standout options in 2024 is the kids cycle from R for Rabbit. The Tiny Toes Jazz model is designed for toddlers and young children, offering a perfect blend of safety and style. It features a plug-and-play design, making assembly a breeze for parents. The cycle is equipped with sturdy training wheels, a comfortable seat, and vibrant colors that appeal to kids. It’s an ideal choice for those looking to introduce their little ones to cycling.
2. Schwinn Koen Kids Bike
The Schwinn Koen is a reliable option for children aged 3 to 7 years. Known for its sturdy frame and easy-to-use coaster brakes, this cycle is perfect for beginners. The adjustable seat and handlebars allow the bike to grow with your child, ensuring they get years of use out of it. The lightweight frame makes it easy for kids to handle, while the wide tires provide stability on various terrains.
3. RoyalBaby Freestyle Kids Bike
The RoyalBaby Freestyle is a versatile and durable kids cycle designed for active children. Available in multiple sizes, this bike features a steel frame, front caliper brake, and rear coaster brake, ensuring maximum safety. The removable training wheels and adjustable seat make it a great option for children transitioning from beginner to intermediate riders.
4. Strider 12 Sport Balance Bike
For younger children learning to balance, the Strider 12 Sport Balance Bike is a top choice. This pedal-less bike is perfect for kids aged 18 months to 5 years. It helps them develop balance and coordination before moving on to a pedal bike. The lightweight design, adjustable seat, and handlebar height make it a popular choice among parents and children alike.
5. WOOM 2 Pedal Bike
The WOOM 2 is designed specifically for kids transitioning from a balance bike to a pedal bike. It features a lightweight aluminum frame, ergonomic design, and easy-to-use hand brakes. The bike’s low center of gravity and short cranks make pedaling easy for young riders, promoting confidence and control.
6. Raleigh Jazzi 16-Inch Kids Bike
The Raleigh Jazzi is an excellent choice for children aged 4 to 6 years. With its stylish design and durable construction, this kids cycle offers a comfortable and safe ride. The bike comes with removable training wheels, a chainguard to protect little fingers, and a padded seat for added comfort during longer rides.
7. Guardian Ethos Kids Bike
Safety is the primary focus of the Guardian Ethos Kids Bike. It features a patented SureStop braking system that prevents the bike from tipping over during sudden stops. This kids cycle is available in various sizes and colors, making it suitable for children of different ages and preferences. The lightweight frame and easy-to-use features make it an excellent choice for both beginners and more experienced riders.
8. Huffy Moto X Kids Bike
The Huffy Moto X is a rugged kids cycle designed for adventurous children. With its BMX-style frame, this bike is built to handle rough terrains and provide an exhilarating ride. The padded seat, front pegs, and durable tires make it a great option for kids who love to explore the outdoors.
9. Mongoose Legion Freestyle BMX Bike
For older kids interested in BMX riding, the Mongoose Legion Freestyle is a fantastic option. This bike is designed for tricks and stunts, featuring a sturdy steel frame, rear U-brakes, and a 360-degree brake rotor. It’s perfect for kids who want to take their cycling skills to the next level and enjoy BMX-style riding.
10. Btwin 100 14-Inch Kids Bike
The Btwin 100 is a budget-friendly kids cycle that doesn’t compromise on quality. It’s ideal for children aged 3 to 5 years, offering a simple design with training wheels, a bell, and a chainguard. The lightweight frame and easy handling make it a great first bike for young riders.
Complementing Cycling with Other Activities
Cycling is a fantastic way to keep your child active, but it’s also important to mix in other physical activities. Consider incorporating Indoor and Outdoor Games into your child’s routine to promote overall fitness and coordination. These activities can provide a fun balance to cycling and help your child develop a variety of skills.
Choosing the right kids cycle in 2024 means considering factors like age, size, safety features, and style. The bikes listed here represent the best in the market, offering options for every type of young rider. Whether your child is just starting out or ready to tackle more advanced rides, there’s a perfect bike on this list to suit their needs.
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 2 months
Voy a devolver el CARPURIDE..principal motivo el puerto USB que trae mi HARLEY no alimenta lo suficiente el cable adaptador de 5V a 12 v..por lo que tendría que hacer una instalación al faro o a la batería [No me gusta que nadie que no sea de HARLEY toque una moto en GARANTIA y seria sumar otros 80€ en el caso de que quisieran montarlo porque no montan nada que no sumimistren ellos].. y no me compensa porque además no tiene ninguna seguridad anti_robo y lo tendría que estar quitando y poniendo..tampoco funcionaba el OK GOOGLE tras abrirse al decirlo..tampoco funciona la pantalla con los guantes [no se si con algunos especiales] y la verdad es que solo lo quiero para GPS y descolgar llamadas entrantes.. y para eso tengo el mismo Google maps y con la pantalla más grande del móvil.. al que le acabo de poner una carcasa completa tras caerme con él en Merida [=destino tragico de JUANITO en cuya calle de su fuengirola natal puso EEUU un CONSULADO junto a la clínica del DR AMORES y OSCAR MOLINA de REAL Madrid..al que conoci en NOCHEVIEJA'93 matandose en VILLA_MESIAS y el cual dijo a su NOVIA que regalase su camiseta de REAL MADRID a un niño de la guerra de KOSOVO porque colaboraba con la escuela FUTBOL POR LA PAZ] salvandose la pantalla pero no el protector..y a lo mejor me compro un SAMSUNG Z de ZORRA O FINAL
CENHUFO Funda Samsung A33 5G,...
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csajokamotoron · 4 months
Az elmúlt évek legkülönlegesebb motoros találkozója - 2. Nemzetközi Női Motoros találkozó Horvátország, Rab
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Még sosem indult ilyen sok kérdőjellel egy túrám sem. Például az is előtte napokban derült ki, hogy senki nem tud velem jönni a horvátországi Rab szigeten megrendezett 2. Nemzetközi Női Motoros találkozóra. Nagyon érdekelt a rendezvény, így minden áron el akartam menni, még ha úgy alakul, hogy egyedül, akkor is! Végül úgy alakult! Szerdán gyorsan megcsináltam a rendezvényre való regisztrációt, ami kötelező volt és 20 euróba került. Cserébe kaptunk rengeteg kedvezményt éttermekbe és olcsó szállást kerestek nekünk a szervezők annak, aki igényelte - mint például én is. Kaptunk rendezvény logós pólót és benne volt a rendőrök által biztosított felvonuláson való részvétel is, valamint ingyenes koncertek, nekünk szervezett bulik. A szervezővel én is felvettem a kapcsolatot a szállás miatt és elmondhatom, hogy nagyon hamar és korrekt segítséget kaptam bármi kérdésem volt. A nemzetközi női motoros találkozó ötlete Drazen Kasprek és csapata a Moto Trip Croatia fejéből pattant ki. Drazen elmondta, hogy ez nem egy klasszikus motoros találkozó, amelyet motoros klubok szerveznek, és nem is kimondottan nőknek szól. Inkább támogató jelleggel szerveződött, hogy feloszlassanak minden jellegű előítéletet a nők motorozásával kapcsolatban. Szívesen láttak minden hozzá tartozót, férjeket, gyerekeket, testvéreket, barátokat. 2022-ben egy több helyszínes, női motoros fotós találkozóval kezdődött, amely Horvátország különböző területein volt egy időben megrendezve. 2023-ban már Rab szigetre szervezték, ott 104 lány volt regisztrálva. Idén már 224-en jelentünk meg az eseményen Szlovéniából, Horvátországból, Ausztriából, Németországból, Olaszországból, Macedóniából, Szerbiából, Montenegróból, Bosznia-Hercegovinából, Szlovákiából jöttek a csajok, én érkeztem Magyarországról első és egyetlen magyarként. Csütörtökre terveztem az indulást. Kicsit megcsúsztam, így egy körül tudtam elindulni Hegyeshalomból. Az első éjszakai szállásomra még szerda éjfélkor rákattintottam bookingon. A forgalom szuper volt. Igazából csak tankolni álltam meg, így kevesebb mint 6 óra alatt Senjbe értem, az első és egyben kedvenc tengerparti városomba. Ott már gyanús fekete felhők gyülekeztek, így gyorsan ettem egy kalamarit és a tengerparton elkacskaringóztam a crikvenicai apartmanomhoz. Nagyon megszívtam, mert a szállás egy hegytetőn volt - ami ugye térképen nem látszik - és 40 fokos emelkedő után hajtűkanyarban, 40 fokos lejtőn kellett le-fel mennem a 360 kg-os Road Kingemmel. Ráadásul az utcák sem voltak egyértelműek a GPS-en és több utca is egyirányúsítva lett. Nagy nehezen megtaláltam a szállást, és ahogy pakoltam ki a táskámat, leszakadt az ég! Nagy mázlim volt! Másnap dél körül indultam meg Rab sziget irányba, ekkor már szép napos volt az idő, ideális 23 fokkal. Kedvencemen, a tengerparti 8-as úton mentem végig Crikvenicából Senjen keresztül egészen Karlobagig. Ott ettem egy nem finom levest, majd tovább mentem még egy 15 km-t a tengerparti szakaszon, majd visszafordultam. 4 óra körül terveztem az átkompolást Rabra, ami egész jól sikerült, mert fél 5 körül már rajta is voltam a hajón. Beálltam a kompra és egyből utánam beparkolt egy szlovén BMW-s csaj, Vesna, aki megszólított és angolul kérdezte, hogy én is a női motoros talira megyek-e. Aztán mondtam váltsuk nyelvet, én inkább németes vagyok. Kiderült, hogy neki még szállása sincs, így mondtam jöjjön velem, mert ahol nekem foglaltak a szervezők, ott tudomásom szerint vannak még szabad szobák. Aztán onnantól kezdve mindenhová együtt mentünk vasárnapig. A szállás melletti bárban tudtuk átvenni a pass-okat és az egyenpólókat. Vesnával ott még beültünk megvacsorázni, majd elfoglaltuk a szobáinkat. Este elmentünk a nekünk rendezett welcome partyra a FORUM Bárba, ahol egy motoros DJ lány, DJ Kristina Blondes tolta a zenét inkább hard rock vagy metál stílusban. A mojitot mojito követte, így egyre jobban tetszett nekünk a zene és egyre jobban tudtunk németül is beszélni egymással Vesnával. Aztán éjjel 1-kor megjelent két rendőr, lehalkíttatták a zenét, ettől független ment tovább a buli. Két óra körül kerültem ágyba. Másnap 10 körül elsétáltam boltba reggeliért. Vesna már a tengerben úszkált. A kis halvérű szolvén sellő lány. A tenger nem egész 21 fokos volt. Fél egykor dobtunk egy cappuccinot és percre pontosan 1 órakor megindult a felvonulás. Ez az egy dolog volt, amin kizárólag mi lányok vehettünk részt, leszámítva azokat a férfiakat, akik biztosították a felvonulás menetét. Egy dolgot nehezményeztem, hogy férfi volt a felvezető. Finoman fogalmazva nálunk ez nem szokás! Ezt leszámítva tényleg flottul ment minden. Az első helyszín Loparon a RAB MK Club háza volt, ott látszott csak igazán, hogy milyen sokan vagyunk mi motoros nők. Itt kaptunk enni-inni, szólt a zene és jókat beszélgettek, nevettek a csajok, ment a fotózkodás. A korosztály 35 felett, de inkább 40-50 közé volt tehető. Nehéz volt ezt megállapítani, mert szerintem voltak jóval idősebbek is, csak ők azok a kortalannak kinéző csajok voltak. Nagyon furcsa érzés volt ennyi hasonló nő között lenni, nem is tudom igazán megmagyarázni mit éreztem akkor… kicsit olyan mintha ez a 200 lány mind tudná azt, hogy mi zajlik a fejemben és én is, hogy mi az övékben! Innen indultunk tovább a sziget másik oldalán lévő bárba. Az már tengerparton volt és volt saját medencéje is, így aki akart, tudott fürödni is. Itt is bulihangulat alakult ki. Itt Vesnával ettünk egy hamburgert, majd szépen lassan elszivárogtak a csajok és 5 óra után mi is visszamentünk a szállásra. Napközben a Zontes, a CF Moto és a Benelli motorkerékpárokat állított ki. Négy kézműves sörfőzde is bemutatkozott: a Funky Brewery, a Black Hat, a Valens és Pivovara Rab, valamint négy rockegyüttes lépett fel az éjszaka folyamán Rab főterén: a Cota G4, a Jelusick és a Southern Crowd. Vesnaval folytattuk az előző estét, legalább is, ami a mojitozást illeti, majd megérkeztek a barátai, velük a "translet" volt a barátunk. Aztán én elbúcsúztam tőlük, mert vasárnap reggel 10:30-kor már a kompon kellet lennem, indultam Medulinba egy baráti társaságomhoz. Reggel 10-kor még Vesnával könnyes búcsút vettünk egymástól. Nagyon érdekes és sorsszerű volt a mi találkozásunk, pont azt beszéltük, hogy nem is láttunk más lányt, aki egyedül érkezett volna rajtunk kívül! Megbeszéltük, hogy legkésőbb jövőre ugyanitt találkozunk Rab szigeten 2025.05.29-én a 3. Nemzetközi Női Motoros Találkozón. Read the full article
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scontomio · 4 months
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mundotecnico · 4 months
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omagazineparis · 4 months
Camera vidéo GoPro pour tous vos souvenirs en actions
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GoPro, la référence des caméras d'action, capturez des images depuis des endroits difficiles d'accès grâce à un contrôle à distance et regardez le résultat sur votre téléphone, ordinateur ou télévision. Pleins de modèles sont à votre disposition, faciles à manipuler et robustes, alors foncez ! Origine GoPro, anciennement Woodman Labs, est une entreprise fondée en 2002 et basée à San Mateo en Californie. Elle commercialise des caméras d'action depuis 2004 sous le nom HERO ainsi que des drones, son fondateur est Nick Woodman. Utilisation Les caméras GoPro ont totalement modifié la façon dont nous partageons nos vies. On peut filmer des sports extrêmes, mais aussi suivre la vie quotidienne de nombreux cinéastes amateurs partout dans le monde. Les caméras GoPro sont petites et robustes tout en offrant une qualité vidéo et audio fantastique. Sans elles, nous ne pourrions jamais montrer nos exploits en ski, surf, snowboard, moto, VTT, plongée, parachute ou encore en skateboard. Location pack GoPro dédié aux sport nautiques à Paris Evolution Ce type de caméra d'actions est fortement associé à la marque californienne GoPro, qui l'a popularisé. Plusieurs autres acteurs sont présents sur ce marché, tels que Sony et sa gamme Action Cam, Kodak ou Xiaomi. Le marché des caméras d'action gagnant en maturité, les différents fournisseurs cherchent à innover. Plusieurs fabricants proposent à présent des caméras d'action permettant d'effectuer des vidéos à 360°. Ces caméras sont composées d'au moins deux capteurs vidéo grand angle. Il existe par exemple : - GoPro qui propose la GoPro Fusion 360 - Xiaomi et la Mijia sphère - Samsung et la Gear 360. - Garmin et la Virb 360 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr0qNXmkUJ8 Capture d'image en 4k avec un GoPro Types de GoPro sur le marché On peut trouver toutes sortes de caméras GoPro dans les magasins en ce moment, mais laquelle faut-il choisir ? Quelle caméra embarquée conviendra le mieux à votre utilisation et votre budget. Voici quelques meilleures GoPro du moment. Le best seller en ce moment est le GoPro Hero9 black qui vous permet de réaliser des vidéos 5K exceptionnelles aux détails incroyables. Les photos sont nettes et de qualité professionnelle. Le nouveau module d’objectif Max offre des performances incroyables, comme la stabilisation HyperSmooth Max et SuperView Max. Le nouvel écran avant offre un aperçu en direct pour faciliter le cadrage des selfies. La caméra Hero9 Black capture jusqu’à 240 images par seconde. on peut Diffuser en direct ou via webcam avec la fonction de stabilisation vidéo HyperSmooth 3.0. GoPro Hero9 black La GoPro Hero8 Black si vous avez les moyens, non seulement pour la qualité d’enregistrement vidéo en 4K (60 images par seconde) et les photographies en mode rafale à 12 millions de pixels, mais aussi pour les fonctionnalités supplémentaires au modèle précédent. Vous aurez le top du top avec le stabilisateur optique, l’étanchéité jusqu’à 10 mètres sous l’eau sans boîtier, un écran tactile intégré qui rend la navigation beaucoup plus aisée. On noter aussi l’amélioration du contrôle vocal et du GPS. GoPro Hero8 black Si le prix est une préoccupation importante dans vos critères d’achat, vous pouvez opter pour la Gopro Hero7 Black qui connait une baisse de prix depuis quelques mois depuis la sortie de la Hero6, ce qui en fait certainement la GoPro avec le meilleur rapport qualité/prix du moment. GoPro hero7 black Enfin, pour une utilisation occasionnelle, la GoPro Hero5 Session fera probablement l’affaire. Il s’agit de la plus légère et compact des GoPro à l’heure actuelle, et surtout la moins chère. Elle est idéale pour la positionner sur un casque avec sa batterie inamovible, pas d’écran à part un petit affichage au-dessus. Vous devrez donc utiliser une application Android ou iOS pour modifier ses paramètres. GoPro hero5 session La GoPro Hero 5 Black était le modèle phare de la marque californienne pour tourner, éditer et partager des vidéos et photos quasiment partout et peu importe l’activité sportive : plongée, VTT, quad, snowboard, etc. C’est en fait une amélioration du modèle Hero4, sorti en 2014 avec une meilleure qualité vidéo ainsi que de nouvelles fonctionnalités supplémentaires. La résolution maximale est le 4k à 30 images par seconde pour la vidéo et il est possible de basculer en full HD à 120 images par secondes. GoPro Hero5 black Ce comparatif aura probablement permis de vous aider à sélectionner la GoPro la plus utile selon votre budget, la fréquence d’utilisation et vos activités sportives. Vous pouvez également utiliser une caméra sportive, comme simple appareil-photo haute résolution, caméra de surveillance, webcam ou dashcam. C’est à vous de choisir désormais et nous vous conseillons de lire les avis des utilisateurs de caméras sportives, afin de confirmer votre choix avant un éventuel achat pour ne pas être déçu ! A lire également : Comment être efficace en télétravail ? Read the full article
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trastornadosrevista · 5 months
La Renga se adueñó del Estadio Único de La Plata
Quizás podemos pensar en Divididos o Los Fundamentalistas, un poco más atrás Los Piojos o Los Redondos. Aún así, nos sobrarían los dedos de una mano para encontrar bandas que cuenten con la convocatoria que tiene La Renga. Sobre todo, teniendo en cuenta que, hace unos pocos meses, realizaron 4 presentaciones en Racing de Avellaneda.
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Entre la mañana y el mediodía del sábado 4 de Mayo, los micros de larga distancia se sucedían, uno atrás del otro, trayendo gente desde todos los rincones del país. Córdoba, San Luis, Mendoza y varios puntos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires decían presentes en el banquete que marcaría un antes y un después en la ciudad de las diagonales. Un poco más tarde, el desfile de autos, con banderas alusivas a la banda, copaba la Autopista Buenos Aires - La Plata. Es que, en su séptima presentación (y octava el próximo sábado) la banda oriunda de Mataderos se convirtió en la que más conciertos ha brindado en esta cancha. Y para respetar semejante hito, decidieron armar un montaje fuera de lo habitual, similar al que prepararon hace casi 20 años en la cancha de Huracán. El escenario estuvo montado en la mitad de la cancha, con forma de cubo, rodeado por 4 torres metálicas donde se ubicaron las columnas de sonido. En la cima, dispusieron una experiencia visual con 4 pantallas, escalonadas en forma de pirámide invertida, en las cuales proyectaron escenas de su última película a lo largo del show. “Totalmente poseídos” se proyectó en cines y combinó nuevas canciones con imágenes ruteras de los integrantes de la banda viajando, en sus respectivas motos, a lo largo y ancho del país en la gira inicial de “Alejado de la red”. Desde el lado sur, una pasarela conectaba el escenario con uno de los ingresos debajo de una de las plateas. Es así que, tanto Manu, como Tete y también Chizzo fueron intercambiando miradas con el público desde los 4 costados del escenario, mientras que Tanque permanecería en el centro, sobre una plataforma que giraba 360°.
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Con algo de impaciencia entre los presentes, a las 22hs se apagaron las luces y sonaron los rugidos de un motor. Apenas unos segundos después, por la mencionada pasarela, un triciclo motorizado nos trajo a los protagonistas de la noche. “Buena ruta hermano” abrió el show y realizó su debut en vivo haciendo vibrar a las más de 40 mil almas presentes. A continuación, “Motoralmaisangre” hizo agitar las banderas que colmaron los alrededores del escenario en el campo para luego darle paso a “A tu lado”, canción que inició los primeros pogos de la noche, los cuales se intensificaron con el track posterior: “A la carga mi rock’n roll”. A partir de ahí, esta rockeada se puso infernal con un repaso a lo largo de la historia de la banda. A mediados del show, hubo lugar para que el público se pronuncie en contra del gobierno de turno, con el ya clásico “el que no salta, votó a Milei”, seguido de “Milei basura”, y finalmente “la Patria no se vende”. Y si de Patria hablamos, Chizzo también hizo su descargo haciendo sonar “Vende patria clon” mientras en las pantallas caían billetes de un dólar. Unos instantes después “El rey de la triste felicidad” le dió paso a “El rito de los corazones sangrando” que fue la antesala ideal para uno de los puntos altos de la noche. Tras 17 años, “Cuando estés acá” volvió a sonar en vivo luego de su última aparición en 2007, el último show previo a la prohibición para tocar en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
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Ya con casi dos horas de éxitos fue el turno de ir a boxes. La banda volvió a los camarines debajo del escenario y en la pantalla proyectaron escenas de la película “Totalmente poseídos” con “Carnavalito experience” de fondo, una de las 5 canciones de la banda sonora.
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Al regreso, la sorpresa la dió la presencia de Nacho Smilari. El ex Vox Dei, fue el invitado especial para el homenaje a Javier Martínez, fallecido apenas unas horas antes del recital. “No pibe” fue el cover de Manal elegido para recordarlo. Y luego, se quedó en el escenario para hacer “Panic show”. Un par de canciones después, Chizzo, visiblemente emocionado, agradeció una vez más la presencia del público renguero y se despidió como siempre, “Hablando de la libertad”. Luego de 3 horas de un show inolvidable, con más de 30 canciones y un recorrido por casi toda su discografía, La Renga vuelve a renovar su vigencia con un espectáculo audiovisual de primer nivel. Finalmente, alrededor de la 1 de la mañana del domingo, la banda se retiró en la misma moto con la que ingresaron. Los mismos de siempre, tras abandonar el estadio, comenzaron a amontonarse en la Avenida 32, boulevard donde entre choris, bondiolas, birras, agua y gaseosas, se daba por finalizado otro banquete.
Crónica: Oscar Nievas
Fotos: Niko Viñas (gentileza)
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oliveroliveira · 7 months
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ithelpsupp · 7 months
Motorola has been a pioneer in the smartphone industry, consistently delivering innovative devices that cater to a wide range of users. With the launch of the MotoE30, the company continues its tradition of offering high-quality smartphones at affordable prices. Announced on November 3, 2021, the Moto E30 quickly garnered attention for its impressive specifications and budget-friendly price tag. Design and Display [caption id="attachment_10049" align="alignnone" width="326"] Credit:Moto[/caption] The MotoE30 boasts a sleek and modern design, featuring a glass front, plastic frame, and plastic back. With dimensions measuring 165.1 x 75.6 x 9.1 mm (6.5 x 2.98 x 0.36 in) and weighing just 198g (6.98 oz), it strikes the perfect balance between comfort and functionality. The device is also equipped with a water-repellent design, providing added durability and peace of mind for users. On the front, the MotoE30 sports a vibrant 6.5-inch IPS LCD display with a smooth 90Hz refresh rate, ensuring fluid scrolling and seamless navigation. With a resolution of 720 x 1600 pixels and a 20:9 aspect ratio, users can enjoy crisp and detailed visuals for an immersive viewing experience. Performance and Camera Powered by Android 11 (Go edition) and driven by the capable Unisoc T700 chipset, the MotoE30 delivers smooth performance and efficient multitasking capabilities. The octa-core CPU, consisting of 2xX.x GHz Cortex-A75 and 6x1.8 GHz Cortex-A55 cores, ensures responsive performance for everyday tasks. Equipped with a triple camera setup on the rear, including a 48 MP wide-angle lens, a 2 MP macro lens, and a 2 MP depth sensor, the MotoE30 allows users to capture stunning photos with impressive detail and clarity. Whether you're snapping scenic landscapes or close-up shots, the device delivers excellent results in various lighting conditions. Additionally, the 8 MP front-facing camera enables users to take high-quality selfies with ease. [caption id="attachment_10050" align="alignnone" width="360"] Credit:Moto[/caption] Battery and Connectivity The MotoE30 is powered by a robust 5000 mAh battery, providing all-day usage on a single charge. Whether you're browsing the web, streaming videos, or playing games, you can count on the Moto E30 to keep up with your busy lifestyle. With 10W wired charging support, you can quickly top up your device and get back to what matters most. When it comes to connectivity, the Moto E30 offers a wide range of options to stay connected wherever you go. With support for GSM, HSPA, and LTE networks, you can enjoy fast and reliable internet speeds. For seamless browsing and streaming. The device also features Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g, Bluetooth 5.0, and USB Type-C 2.0 connectivity options. And ensuring effortless data transfer and connectivity with other devices. MotoE30 Specification Category Specification Network Technology GSM / HSPA / LTE Launch Announced: November 03, 2021 Status: Available, Released: November 03, 2021 Body Dimensions: 165.1 x 75.6 x 9.1 mm (6.5 x 2.98 x 0.36 in) Weight: 198 g (6.98 oz) Build: Glass front, plastic frame, plastic back SIM: Single SIM (Nano-SIM) or Dual SIM (Nano-SIM, dual stand-by) Water repellent design Display Type: IPS LCD, 90Hz Size: 6.5 inches, 102.0 cm2 (~81.7% screen-to-body ratio) Resolution: 720 x 1600 pixels, 20:9 ratio (~270 ppi density) Platform OS: Android 11 (Go edition) Chipset: Unisoc T700 CPU: Octa-core (2xX.x GHz Cortex-A75 & 6x1.8 GHz Cortex-A55) GPU: Mali G52 Memory Card slot: microSDXC (dedicated slot) Internal: 32GB 2GB RAM eMMC 5.1 Main Camera Triple: - 48 MP, f/1.8, 26mm (wide), 0.8µm, PDAF - 2 MP, f/2.4, (macro) - 2 MP, f/2.4, (depth) Features: LED flash, HDR, panorama Video: 1080p@30fps Selfie Camera Single: - 8 MP, f/2.0, 1/4.0", 1.12µm Features: HDR Video: 1080p@30fps Sound Loudspeaker: Yes 3.5mm jack: Yes Comms WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g Bluetooth: 5.0, A2DP, LE Positioning: GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO
NFC: No Radio: No USB: USB Type-C 2.0 Features Sensors: Fingerprint (rear-mounted), accelerometer, proximity Battery Type: Li-Po 5000 mAh, non-removable Charging: 10W wired Misc Colors: Mineral gray, Digital blue Models: XT2158-6 SAR EU: 0.26 W/kg (head), 1.29 W/kg (body) Price: About 98 USD Conclusion In conclusion, the MotoE30 stands out as an exceptional budget-friendly smartphone. That offers a winning combination of performance, camera capabilities, and long-lasting battery life. With its sleek design, vibrant display, and robust features. The MotoE30 is sure to impress users looking for an affordable yet feature-packed smartphone. Whether you're a student, professional, or tech enthusiast. The MotoE30 delivers everything you need and more at a price that won't break the bank.
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