#motoro faam
musicmapglobal · 6 years
Premiere: Valance Drakes & Ivan Shopov - Atoms Gasping For Oxygen
2018’s AMEK X event this May will celebrate ten years of drone and experimental music in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The label/collective is a group we’ve supported a lot here at MusicMap; they put out elegant, mindful electronica which it’s hard not to fall in love with if you’re a fan of minimalist productions.
One special release they’re putting out for the event is Unearthing Buried Chapters, a collaborative LP between Valance Drakes and Ivan Shopov. We’re pleased to be able to premiere their track ‘Atoms Gasping For Oxygen’ here. We also spoke to the duo about their influences and working process. Check it all out below.
MusicMap: How did you two meet, were you fans of each others’ work already?
Valance Drakes: We met through Richard Devine’s Risp LP on Detroit Underground as we both did remixes for the bossman and then a collaboration track for a MethLab // XRA Interactive game. It has been a good 6 to 8 years I’ve known of Ivan. I’ve always respected his work and how mad he is working on so many projects at once.
Ivan Shopov: I’ve known Valance for a long time and I fell in love with his sound from the tracks in his Bedroom Research – Sky Open To Those Who Have Wings release. I remember researching his work more and discovering his interview for Trashaudio which made me think I should get in touch with him so we [could] try to collaborate on a piece or two.
What’s your collaborative work process like, do you work in a studio together or piece things together separately?
Valance Drakes: We’ve only made music in person twice in our lives, one was in a ghetto BnB in London while he was working on the Smallman project and once in Bulgaria during the tradition of Martenitsa. We’ve made a lot of tunes in his studio in Sofia, but 90% of the time it’s over the net.
Ivan Shopov: We usually send ideas to each other over the internet and most of the times it’s like a conversation through sounds. When I start a loop or sketch an idea I’m always super inspired to hear what he is going to do with it and there’s always the moment of surprise when I hear completely new sounds and arrangements coming back from Valance.
Talk to us about the kind of atmospheres you were aiming to create on this record.
Valance Drakes: The overall objective was to tell stories throughout the album. I felt like Ivan wanted to make more downtempo/laid-back beats, with textures and field recordings. I was heavily influenced by the Japanese scene at the time and still am – from the likes of Jemapur, Geskia, Yu Miyashita, Ametsub, Free Babyronia, Ramza and many more. Shout out to my friend Pegy from Tokyo for getting me into Motoro Faam again. This is how I got involved in this project, it was meant to be an EP at first but turned out to be a folder of unreleased tracks. Honestly, I’ve lost count of how many tracks we’ve made.
Ivan Shopov: The atmospheres in the record were meant to be submerged in deep space with small details, that sometimes build pictures of complex landscapes and abstract paintings. It’s the most visual album for me so far and I can see lines, structures and details from a painting inside every track, framed in emotions and feelings.
What is it about ambient music that drives you to make it?
Valance Drakes: For me, if it wasn’t for the Japanese scene then it’s modular production from the likes of Richard Devine, Joseph Fraioli, Surachai or whatever madness Make Noise is up to.
Ivan Shopov: I see a lot of space and silence in it, which gives me peace of mind. Creating it is like having my eyes open while I’m deep in my sleep or in a direct communication with my subconsciousness. The world of ambient music made me learn what is it to be one with myself and stay connected with the present.
Unearthing Buried Chapters will be out next 12 May, you can preorder the album here.
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flaumusic · 8 years
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Nice Review for MOTORO FAAM 'Fragments' by intoxicate/Mikiki クラシカルな楽器と、エレクトロニカ以降の音への質感を同居させた非常に独創的な世界。今の耳でも新鮮な驚きを与えてくれる、普遍的な名盤 info/buy Fragments http://flau.jp/releases/59.html
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chetrax · 4 years
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takebun · 8 years
Motoro Faam/Fragments
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theresmoretomusic · 11 years
☆ Track of the Day #400 ☆ Pick number 400... Wowzers. Do you believe in love at first hearing? Perfection in music is a personal feeling, so you may feel differently, but for me this was perfect. An instant melting of the heart for a sound that was everything I love to hear the most.
I remember the day, I remember the very instant I first heard this. It was simply... perfect.
This is music that is as developed as it is gorgeous. I strongly recommend an attentive ear, nay, all your concentration on this one, to hear it slowly form together into astonishing beauty.
Just as fantastic, even more epic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0T0O4FVipY
Not on Spotify, agonisingly.
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flaumusic · 8 years
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MOTORO FAAM - Fragments out now in Japan! 日本人によるポスト・クラシカル圧倒的名盤...10年前リリースが信じられない早すぎた超絶傑作 TOWER RECORDS渋谷、新宿店で大きく展開いただいています。東京近郊では両店舗とLINUS RECORDS、MORE RECORDSにてご購入いただくと「Selected Experimental Works」のアルバム・ダウンロード・カードの特典付きです。80分越えの大作ですのでFragmentsと共にぜひお楽しみください。
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nathanwentworth · 13 years
And Evaporation - Motoro Faam
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candicedionysus · 13 years
Motoro Faam - And Subsurface Flows
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olyroo · 13 years
whut even
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celestialdefender · 13 years
Artist: Motoro Faam
Song: ... and Snowmelts
Album: ... and Water Cycles
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flaumusic · 8 years
MOTORO FAAM - Ridgeline 0
記憶の中のあるひとつの思い出、出来事、風景などのワンシーンに、その瞬間を一緒に構成していた雑多な音や、光景を成り立たせていた数多くのものも周りに無数に同時に存在していたように、ピアノやストリングスの美しいメロディの周りに散らばる、過剰なノイズ、環境音、電子音は、支離滅裂なようでいて、ひとつのシーンを表現する上で、伝える上で、必要な因子となって存在している。MOTORO FAAMが『Fragments』で作り上げている、耳を通して視覚体験を味わうというようなこれらの音の世界は、記号的でありながらも細部にリアルさが宿った、非常に洗練されたサウンドの「アート」だった - 松本 修 (LINUS RECORDS / PRECO RECORDS)
more info http://flau.jp/releases/59.html
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flaumusic · 8 years
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MOTORO FAAM 'Fragments' is one of the best album 2016 by Lyfstyl There’s something magical about musicians who can marry jarring dissonance with childlike whimsicality without it feeling contrived 昨年末に国内リリースしたMOTORO FAAM「Fragments」がLYFSTYLMUSICの2016BEST ALBUMの1枚に。 buy/info Fragments http://flau.jp/releases/59.html
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flaumusic · 8 years
flau new release: MOTORO FAAM - Fragments 日本人三人組によるポスト・クラシカル/エレクトロニカのシネマティックな傑作を10年ぶりに再発します。 info/pre-order http://flau.jp/releases/59.html
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