lesommelierwine · 7 years
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For the best selection of #portuguese #wine in #Ontario, check out the @lcbo store at the stockyards in #toronto at 2151 St Clair Ave West. You’ll find a great selection of #wines from @aphros_wine @quintanova.winesandtourism @macanitavinhos #fitapreta @arrepiado_velho @sexywines @montedozambujeiro #mouchao #casaldeventozela
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vivaryemporio · 3 years
chegando novidades, azeites cartuxa, mouchão galega, vinhos Tapada do Chaves.
É muita alegria e sabor.
Quer receber as novidades? Manda um direct.
#mouchao #mouchãogalega #azeitemouchao #cartuxa #azeitecartuxa #tapadadochaves
#azeite #azeiteportuguês #vinho #vin #vino #wine #instawine #instavinho #instavin #instavino #winelover #winelovers #vivaryemporio
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wineeveryscene · 5 years
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Wines of Portugal Seminar @ The Strings Omotesandoh, TOKYO 2019年6月20日、ポルトガルワイン協会主催ワインセミナーに参加しました。講師は”Wines of Portugal Japanese Sommelier of the Year 2018”優勝の野坂昭彦氏。セミナーはポルトガルワインの4キーワード、「多様性」「伝統と革新」「テロワール」「グローバリゼーション」にフォーカスして進行しました。 ポルトガルと日本は歴史的に関わりが深く、16世紀日本に初めてもたらされた葡萄酒がポルトガルの赤ワイン。外航へ果敢に出ていたポルトガルでしたが、1932年よりアントニオ・サラザール首相の独裁体制による鎖国に近い状態でブドウの外国品種が持ち込まれなかったため、土着品種が生き残り、現在250以上も土着品種があるそうです。ポルトガルの国土は日本の約1/4で、東部はスペイン国境の山岳地帯、西部は大西洋��南部は地中海に面しています。そのため、気候は4地域に分類され、ポルトガル北西は冷涼、北東は大陸性で寒暖差が大きい、南西は温暖、南東は乾燥。土壌も多様で、北部ヴィーニョ・ヴェルデは花崗岩、内陸のドウロに行くとシスト(片岩)、中央部のバイラーダにいくと粘土、その南のテージョ、リスボン、ペニンシュラ・デ・セトゥーバルは石灰岩と砂が入り混じっています。 試飲ワインは土着品種でできた6種でした。 1) Luis Pato/Espumante Vinha Pan2015 (白)BairradaDOC バガ100%のスパークリングワイン。パン・ド・ミーの香り。旨みと酸味がしっかり。 2) Soalheiro/Primeiras Vinhas2017(白)Vinho VerdeDOP アルヴァリーニョ100%の微発泡。ピーチ、ハーブ(月桂樹)の香り。ピュアな味わいに微かに苦味が残る。 3) Quita dos Roques/Encruzado2008(白)DaoDOP エンクルザード100%。シナモンやナッツの香りを感じる濃縮された味わい。 野坂講師曰く、ブルゴーニュのシャルドネを思わせる。 4) Nieport /Drink Me Nat’Cool2017(赤)BairradaDOP バガ100%。マセラシオン・カルボニック製法。ラズベリーやイチゴ香。軽やかな味わい。 5) Esporao/Quinta dos Murcas Reserva2015(赤)DouroDOC ティンタ・ロリス他5種ブドウ。伝統あるドウロワイン。バニラやブラックキャラントの香り。濃厚な味わい。 6) Mouchao/Mouchao2012(赤)AlentejoDOP   アリカンテ・ブーシェ(70%以上)とトリンカデイラ。プラム、ビターチョコレート、リコリスを感じ、しっかりした味わい。 それぞれのワインに合う地元料理と和食も紹介されて、ポルトガルワインの魅力は果てしない! #WinesofPortugal #ポルトガルワイン # 土着品種 #Portugal #ポルトガル料理 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFuChqphwW/?igshid=16nfd6m797wxf
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Tomar - Portugal - Visite à pied Durée de la visite:  01h30
Stationnement gratuit:  39.600217, -8.415771 Pracia da Republica:  39.603651, -8.415428 Parc:  39.604699, -8.410757
Après avoir visité le Couvent du Christ (Convento do Cristo), nous sommes descendus en voiture vers la ville de Tomar.
Nous nous sommes stationnés en bordure de la route (estrada) de Paialvo et sommes partis à pied vers l'ancien quartier de cette ville.
En nous dirigeant vers ce quartier, on découvre la statue d'Henri le Navigateur (également appelé Infante Dom Henrique), prince du Portugal, qui sied devant les portes de la Forêt Nationale des Sept Collines (Mata Nacional dos Sete Montes).
Nous nous sommes d'abord rendus à la Place de la République (Praça da República) où se situent entre autres l'hôtel de ville, érigée au XVIIe siècle, ainsi que l'église de São João Batista (entrée gratuite) qui possède un magnifique portail.
Les magnifiques bâtiments d'époque, la statue de Gualdim Pais, fondateur des Templiers et de Tomar, le pavage en damier ainsi que les murs du château (en arrière-plan) rendent l'endroit très photogénique.
Nous avons ensuite parcouru la rue (rua) Serpa Pinto qui traverse ce quartier et qui mène sur les bords de la rivière Nabão.  Elle est fort jolie.
Plusieurs façades des immeubles qui bordent cette rue sont tapissées de panneaux d'azulejos.
Nous avons traversé le pont qui enjambe la rivière et avons poursuivi notre chemin pour admirer à nouveau les jolies façades des bâtiments.
Nous sommes revenus sur nos pas et sommes entrés dans le parc de Mouchao duquel nous avons une superbe vue du vieux quartier de Tomar devant lequel la rivière se déverse en cascade.
Nous apercevons également en arrière-plan le château ainsi que le Couvent du Christ.
En parcourant ce parc, nous avons découvert deux attraits qui sont certainement les plus photographiés de ce secteur.
Ce sont tout d'abord les statues de Fernando Lopes Graca, auteur, et Fernando Araujo Ferreira, musicien et composition, tous les deux assis sur un banc, en pleine discussion.
Et puis la Roue de Nabão, une roue à aubes qui fonctionne encore aujourd'hui, mais qui servait jadis à alimenter en eau les moulins.
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jackiedluke · 6 years
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019
I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes in a “mini-review” format.   They are meant to be quirky, fun, and (mostly) easily-digestible reviews of (mostly) currently available wines (click here for the skinny on how to read them), and are presented links to help you find them, so that you can try them out for yourself. Cheers!
2016 Renato Ratti Barbera d’Asti (Piedmont): Brash, bold, and beautifully bountiful of brambly, berry fruit. $25 B+
2014 Tenute Cisa Asinari Marchesi di Gresy Martinenga (Barbaresco): Perkily picking itself up and confidently wiping the topsoil from its leather jacket sleeve. $60 A-
2017 Donnafugata Bell’Assai Frappato Vittoria (Sicily): Floral, friendly, and fun, and capable of holding its own while discussing topics with surprising depth. $28 B+
NV Juve y Camps Pinot Noir Brut Rose Cava (Catalonia): Downright aggressive about pushing its earthy red-berry agenda. $17 B
NV Domecq Capuchino Palo Cortado VORS Sherry (Andalucia): Nuts, cedar, dried fig, herbs… someone has been burning the midnight oil, working in seclusion on something outstanding… $85 A
2013 Herdade do Esporao ‘AB’ Alicante Bouschet (Alentejo): Floral, funky, forceful, finely tuned, and free of spirit. $45 A-
2013 Herdade do Mouchao Tinto (Alentejo): AB in its deepest, darkest, and decidedly best-dressed form. $65 A
2017 Steele Wines Durell Vineyard Chardonnay (Carneros): Focused, floral, and probably under-priced… maybe we should keep that last part just between us…? $36 A-
2017 Fields Family Wines Grenache Blanc (Lodi): Managing to be both svelte and sexy. $24 B+
2016 Bouchard Pere & Fils ‘Beaune du Chateau’ Beaune Premier Cru Rouge (Cote de Beaune): Bright, earthy, and elegant, though its dress is looking a bit threadbare and thin. $45 B+
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
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Copyright © 2016. Originally at Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019 from 1WineDude.com – for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers! Source: http://www.1winedude.com/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-march-4-2019/
source https://meself84.wordpress.com/2019/03/04/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-march-4-2019/ from Sommelier Courses https://sommeliercourses.blogspot.com/2019/03/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for.html
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sommeliercourses · 6 years
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019
I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes in a “mini-review” format.   They are meant to be quirky, fun, and (mostly) easily-digestible reviews of (mostly) currently available wines (click here for the skinny on how to read them), and are presented links to help you find them, so that you can try them out for yourself. Cheers!
2016 Renato Ratti Barbera d’Asti (Piedmont): Brash, bold, and beautifully bountiful of brambly, berry fruit. $25 B+
2014 Tenute Cisa Asinari Marchesi di Gresy Martinenga (Barbaresco): Perkily picking itself up and confidently wiping the topsoil from its leather jacket sleeve. $60 A-
2017 Donnafugata Bell’Assai Frappato Vittoria (Sicily): Floral, friendly, and fun, and capable of holding its own while discussing topics with surprising depth. $28 B+
NV Juve y Camps Pinot Noir Brut Rose Cava (Catalonia): Downright aggressive about pushing its earthy red-berry agenda. $17 B
NV Domecq Capuchino Palo Cortado VORS Sherry (Andalucia): Nuts, cedar, dried fig, herbs… someone has been burning the midnight oil, working in seclusion on something outstanding… $85 A
2013 Herdade do Esporao ‘AB’ Alicante Bouschet (Alentejo): Floral, funky, forceful, finely tuned, and free of spirit. $45 A-
2013 Herdade do Mouchao Tinto (Alentejo): AB in its deepest, darkest, and decidedly best-dressed form. $65 A
2017 Steele Wines Durell Vineyard Chardonnay (Carneros): Focused, floral, and probably under-priced… maybe we should keep that last part just between us…? $36 A-
2017 Fields Family Wines Grenache Blanc (Lodi): Managing to be both svelte and sexy. $24 B+
2016 Bouchard Pere & Fils ‘Beaune du Chateau’ Beaune Premier Cru Rouge (Cote de Beaune): Bright, earthy, and elegant, though its dress is looking a bit threadbare and thin. $45 B+
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
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Copyright © 2016. Originally at Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019 from 1WineDude.com – for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers! Source: http://www.1winedude.com/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-march-4-2019/
from Linda Johnson https://meself84.wordpress.com/2019/03/04/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-march-4-2019/
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cacophonyofolives · 6 years
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019
I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes in a “mini-review” format.   They are meant to be quirky, fun, and (mostly) easily-digestible reviews of (mostly) currently available wines (click here for the skinny on how to read them), and are presented links to help you find them, so that you can try them out for yourself. Cheers!
2016 Renato Ratti Barbera d’Asti (Piedmont): Brash, bold, and beautifully bountiful of brambly, berry fruit. $25 B+
2014 Tenute Cisa Asinari Marchesi di Gresy Martinenga (Barbaresco): Perkily picking itself up and confidently wiping the topsoil from its leather jacket sleeve. $60 A-
2017 Donnafugata Bell’Assai Frappato Vittoria (Sicily): Floral, friendly, and fun, and capable of holding its own while discussing topics with surprising depth. $28 B+
NV Juve y Camps Pinot Noir Brut Rose Cava (Catalonia): Downright aggressive about pushing its earthy red-berry agenda. $17 B
NV Domecq Capuchino Palo Cortado VORS Sherry (Andalucia): Nuts, cedar, dried fig, herbs… someone has been burning the midnight oil, working in seclusion on something outstanding… $85 A
2013 Herdade do Esporao ‘AB’ Alicante Bouschet (Alentejo): Floral, funky, forceful, finely tuned, and free of spirit. $45 A-
2013 Herdade do Mouchao Tinto (Alentejo): AB in its deepest, darkest, and decidedly best-dressed form. $65 A
2017 Steele Wines Durell Vineyard Chardonnay (Carneros): Focused, floral, and probably under-priced… maybe we should keep that last part just between us…? $36 A-
2017 Fields Family Wines Grenache Blanc (Lodi): Managing to be both svelte and sexy. $24 B+
2016 Bouchard Pere & Fils ‘Beaune du Chateau’ Beaune Premier Cru Rouge (Cote de Beaune): Bright, earthy, and elegant, though its dress is looking a bit threadbare and thin. $45 B+
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
Shop Wine Products at Amazon.com
Copyright © 2016. Originally at Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019 from 1WineDude.com - for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers! source http://www.1winedude.com/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-march-4-2019/
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canvasclothiers · 6 years
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019
I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes in a “mini-review” format.   They are meant to be quirky, fun, and (mostly) easily-digestible reviews of (mostly) currently available wines (click here for the skinny on how to read them), and are presented links to help you find them, so that you can try them out for yourself. Cheers!
2016 Renato Ratti Barbera d’Asti (Piedmont): Brash, bold, and beautifully bountiful of brambly, berry fruit. $25 B+
2014 Tenute Cisa Asinari Marchesi di Gresy Martinenga (Barbaresco): Perkily picking itself up and confidently wiping the topsoil from its leather jacket sleeve. $60 A-
2017 Donnafugata Bell’Assai Frappato Vittoria (Sicily): Floral, friendly, and fun, and capable of holding its own while discussing topics with surprising depth. $28 B+
NV Juve y Camps Pinot Noir Brut Rose Cava (Catalonia): Downright aggressive about pushing its earthy red-berry agenda. $17 B
NV Domecq Capuchino Palo Cortado VORS Sherry (Andalucia): Nuts, cedar, dried fig, herbs… someone has been burning the midnight oil, working in seclusion on something outstanding… $85 A
2013 Herdade do Esporao ‘AB’ Alicante Bouschet (Alentejo): Floral, funky, forceful, finely tuned, and free of spirit. $45 A-
2013 Herdade do Mouchao Tinto (Alentejo): AB in its deepest, darkest, and decidedly best-dressed form. $65 A
2017 Steele Wines Durell Vineyard Chardonnay (Carneros): Focused, floral, and probably under-priced… maybe we should keep that last part just between us…? $36 A-
2017 Fields Family Wines Grenache Blanc (Lodi): Managing to be both svelte and sexy. $24 B+
2016 Bouchard Pere & Fils ‘Beaune du Chateau’ Beaune Premier Cru Rouge (Cote de Beaune): Bright, earthy, and elegant, though its dress is looking a bit threadbare and thin. $45 B+
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
Shop Wine Products at Amazon.com
Copyright © 2016. Originally at Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019 from 1WineDude.com – for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers!
Source: http://www.1winedude.com/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-march-4-2019/
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static-pouring · 6 years
Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019
I taste a bunch-o-wine (technical term for more than most people). So each week, I share some of my wine reviews (mostly from samples) and tasting notes in a “mini-review” format.   They are meant to be quirky, fun, and (mostly) easily-digestible reviews of (mostly) currently available wines (click here for the skinny on how to read them), and are presented links to help you find them, so that you can try them out for yourself. Cheers!
2016 Renato Ratti Barbera d’Asti (Piedmont): Brash, bold, and beautifully bountiful of brambly, berry fruit. $25 B+
2014 Tenute Cisa Asinari Marchesi di Gresy Martinenga (Barbaresco): Perkily picking itself up and confidently wiping the topsoil from its leather jacket sleeve. $60 A-
2017 Donnafugata Bell’Assai Frappato Vittoria (Sicily): Floral, friendly, and fun, and capable of holding its own while discussing topics with surprising depth. $28 B+
NV Juve y Camps Pinot Noir Brut Rose Cava (Catalonia): Downright aggressive about pushing its earthy red-berry agenda. $17 B
NV Domecq Capuchino Palo Cortado VORS Sherry (Andalucia): Nuts, cedar, dried fig, herbs… someone has been burning the midnight oil, working in seclusion on something outstanding… $85 A
2013 Herdade do Esporao ‘AB’ Alicante Bouschet (Alentejo): Floral, funky, forceful, finely tuned, and free of spirit. $45 A-
2013 Herdade do Mouchao Tinto (Alentejo): AB in its deepest, darkest, and decidedly best-dressed form. $65 A
2017 Steele Wines Durell Vineyard Chardonnay (Carneros): Focused, floral, and probably under-priced… maybe we should keep that last part just between us…? $36 A-
2017 Fields Family Wines Grenache Blanc (Lodi): Managing to be both svelte and sexy. $24 B+
2016 Bouchard Pere & Fils ‘Beaune du Chateau’ Beaune Premier Cru Rouge (Cote de Beaune): Bright, earthy, and elegant, though its dress is looking a bit threadbare and thin. $45 B+
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
Shop Wine Products at Amazon.com
Copyright © 2016. Originally at Wine Reviews: Weekly Mini Round-Up For March 4, 2019 from 1WineDude.com - for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers! Source: http://www.1winedude.com/wine-reviews-weekly-mini-round-up-for-march-4-2019/
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alifewelldrunk · 7 years
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Throwback to our private tasting of #mouchao with @winesofalentejo_usa #alifewelldrunk #alwd #portugal #tbt #traveller — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2kKEpPD
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mytravelist · 9 years
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Mouchao Colheitas Antigas 2002.
Another amazing red from Portugal I recently tried. What a wine!
The fine, rolling landscape of Portugal’s Alentejo region, set between Lisbon and the Algarve, is dominated by cork forests and olive groves. In the early 19th century, Thomas Reynolds moved here from Oporto, chiefly to become involved in the cork business. Three generations later, his grandson, John Reynolds, purchased a 900 hectare property with two small rivers running through it - Herdade do Mouchão. In addition to the family’s cork activities, he set about making wine. Vineyards were planted and in 1901 he built a high-ceilinged adobe winery (or “adega”) with white washed walls and a traditional red-tiled roof. A distillery was added to the winery in 1929, where until today Mouchão's pommace brandy is produced. During the 1950’s. While the estate continued to produce cork, olives, cereals and to rear pigs and sheep (much as it does today), the wine business began to expand. More vines were planted, the winemaking improved and bottled sales began, replacing the old tradition of wine made purely for bulk sale to local towns and villages. Following the 1974 revolution, the estate was expropriated and only returned to the family in 1985. Today, the Herdade do Mouchão continues to be run by the descendants of the original family whose cellar and vineyard workers have been with them for generations. The process is, as it always has been, unhurried. The grape varieties are local, picked by hand and foot-trodden. In the ever-changing world of winemaking, Herdade do Mouchão, remains a traditional, family-run winery.
This has been the estate's most important label and flagship wine, since it sold its first bottle in 1954, and for which the Herdade has become famous. It is made predominantly from Alicante Bouschet with a small percentage of Trincadeira and vinified in lagares. It is aged in oak and mahogany vats of 5.000 liters capacity for 24 months and only released after further 24 to 36 months in bottle in our air conditioned cellars. Mouchão is a full, deep coloured wine with its concentration and spiciness of the Alicante Bouschet combined with the elegance of the Trincadeira and a tannic structure which enables the development in bottle for which it is so well known.
A small proportion of most vintages of Mouchão is set aside for release after 10 years. Mouchão ability to continue to evolve in bottle is exceptional and these wines show all the balance, elegance and enhanced character that comes with maturity.
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