#mousetail speaks
loudclan-clangen · 2 months
Ok so is Owlstar just the tiniest leader? Everyone seems to tower over him at first I thought his first apprentice is just a huge cat but every time he's by other cats my thought are who's the apprentice then I'm like wait no that's the leader!
I love your comic and all the characters my favorite is Siltsplash.
Thank you! Siltsplash is one of my favorites too! You're actually right on both of those points! Juneaucliff is the tallest cat in the clan, and Owlstar is the second shortest!
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Here we have a simplified height chart featuring the tallest and shortest cats in the clan along with Kingfur as reference for an "average" height cat and Owlstar cause the ask was about him. The clan cats believe that height can be an indicator of one's lineage, taller cats might claim to have lynx-blood while their smaller clanmates are believed to be descended from delicate housecats. (Please do not strictly hold me to this. Sizes will vary based on panel composition. If don't size Fiercestripe up she can't fit in the panels with Wildfirecry. Have mercy /lh)
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Great question! (to the best of my recollection) The only warriors that have been made after the discovery of the oil pool were Mediator Kits. While Sockeyepelt and Chumpaw could technically choose to touch the blackwater, it would disqualify them from inheriting the position of mediator in the future, and it's generally a good idea to have a back up or two just in case. So Dogwoodmoth is the first warrior who has been eligible for a blessing before her ceremony. However, as the Healer Heir she was certainly given special treatment and recieved a lot more blessings than the average warrior would. She's got 4 blessings "to hear, to see, to speak, and to follow" starclan's will. The average warrior would not recieve more than 1. It's also very impermanent. She'll only have it until it wears off, unlike the Healer's, who constantly re-coat themselves.
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Thank you so much! As loudclan's leadership is functionally a monarchy, the clan cats take great pride in their lineage. As generations go on kits are taught from an early age to be able to recite their parentage back to the most recent leader, and those who feel particularly full of themselves might introduce themselves this way, using it as a formal title. For example: "I'm Summitflight, daughter of Mousetail, son of Wolverinebite, Daughter of Fireweedstar, the 14th leader of Loudclan. A simpler "I'm Ridgeflip, great-grandson of Fireweedstar" would also be acceptable as a formal greeting. It is the job of the Leaders to memorize and keep track of the lineage overall, as issues of inheritance come down to their decisions. While this is a pretty extensive feat, family lines die off often enough that it's doable, and they can always double check their memories against those of their clanmates. Anyway, that was a very longwinded way of saying it's an oral tradition.
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Of course! You can always respectfully ship characters with ocs or other Loudclan cats regardless of what's going on with them/their relationships in canon!
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ts3lightclan · 1 year
(1.46) Leading the Pack
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From atop the Light Rock once more, Lightrunner couldn't help being apprehensive about the decisions she had to make this season. So many things were changing so quickly... between discovering the Moontree, Honeypurr's kits becoming warriors, and Pepperfrost's litter reaching six moons... Stormflower's advice seemed more and more sound.
The kits' mentors were a large decision on their own. She could give each of the kits to the new warriors, but they were all still a bit wet behind the ears... were they truly ready? Even so, if she were to assign them to more experienced warriors- namely herself and Honeypurr- she couldn't assign any of them to Pepperfrost in good faith. StarClan knows apprentices get too spoiled when their own mother mentors them. She could assign just one of the kits to the new warriors, but that would mean giving one sibling an apprentice and not the others.
In the end, she had decided on the latter- but which of the new warriors would be picked, and who would be left to dry? Mousetail, Antstride, and Birchshine were all wonderful warriors, and she was sure any one of them would understand. They had such good heads on their shoulders. But Mousetail was a little easily distracted, Birchshine was far too focused on her painstakingly-obvious "secret" relationship with Magicburst, and Antstride... well, with him as sick as he was, he couldn't exactly train an apprentice until he was better.
Were these the sort of complicated decisions that only a good leader could make? Or at least someone with a more decisive personality. Lightrunner had never been very decisive herself.
"Elmpaw, your new mentor will be Honeypurr. I will be Sleetpaw's new mentor. And Flowerpaw-" She hesitated, hoping that her rather complicated train of thought hadn't delayed the ceremony any- or worse, caused her clanmates any concern. "-will be mentored by Antstride. However, due to his current sickness, her training will be handled by Birchshine until he recovers."
Lightrunner gave the cats a chance to cheer the apprentices' new names. Elmpaw seemed a bit meek as he approached his new mentor, but with Honeypurr's warm, maternal personality, Lightrunner was sure she would nurture his talents in a way that would boost his confidence.
Flowerpaw seemed a little bit disappointed about Antstride's sickness, but with her being one of the more easygoing of the litter, she would surely readjust just fine when her mentor was back to his duties.
As for Sleetpaw... the young cat was so small, yet so assertively eager to train that Lightrunner could tell she was struggling not to bounce up onto the rock next to her. She would have to teach the young tortoiseshell not to be so pushy, yet give her the enrichment she needs to grow.
"Before you all are dismissed, I have one last announcement to make."
All but a pawful of cats seemed surprised at the sudden interruption. Had they not expected this? Lightrunner felt for a moment like she might get cold feet, but she couldn't. Not now.
"I have been speaking with Stormflower recently, and... with the recent discovery of the Moontree and LightClan's ever-increasing size, I... believe this has been a long time coming. As I have... admittedly been filling this role for a while, I have decided to take the official title of LightClan's leader.
A couple of the younger cats gasped, and others just seemed confused. However, the older cats didn't seem surprised in the slightest. She had, of course, asked around for advice... this was Stormflower's idea, and yet, she hadn't quite been sold on the concept. Honeypurr had offered her full support, as always, and Pepperfrost...
"On the next night with nice weather, I will head to the Moontree with Stormflower to ask for StarClan's approval. If that happens-"
"You mean when it happens!"
-One of the cats below shouted out at her, interrupting her speech. Oh, it was Pepperfrost... encouraging as always. Though Lightrunner did send her a warning glance, she cleared her throat and adjusted her statement.
"-When that happens, I will receive my nine lives and take on the full role of leader. I want you all to know that this changes nothing but my name and status... I will always be the same cat, and I will support this clan with my life."
Pepperfrost cheered, followed by her kits, and then more and more cats. Lightrunner felt her chest tighten with emotion.
"W-With that being said, any leader needs a deputy..." She hesitated. Would the younger members of the clan even know what a deputy is? They hadn't had one until this point. "...A second-in-command to take charge in case of emergency. And I think I have decided who would best fit this role."
Though she felt a little silly about it following the interruption of an important meeting...
"May StarClan shine on all of us like a warm ray of light. With their blessing, the new deputy shall be... Pepperfrost."
Many cheers rang out in the crowd once more. Pepperfrost's chest seemed to puff out proudly, and she was soon swarmed by her kits, who congratulated her despite likely not understanding what the deputy position meant. Pepperfrost had needed some explaining, too, but once she understood... she seemed like she was ready for that sort of responsibility, given how diligently she trained Magicburst.
With the important announcements over, Lightrunner hopped down from the rock, looking to see if Sleetpaw was ready to greet her now. But the small apprentice was far too engrossed in her excited rambling now, going off about how her mentor is going to be the leader and her mother is the deputy. Elmpaw and Flowerpaw merely seemed to be going along with Sleetpaw's energy at the moment.
Lightrunner sighed to herself. She really did have her work cut out for her, didn't she?
Elmkit, Sleetkit, and Flowerkit become apprentices under the names Elmpaw, Sleetpaw, and Flowerpaw.
Elmpaw's new mentor is Honeypurr.
Sleetpaw's new mentor is Lightrunner.
Flowerpaw's new mentor is Antstride. However, due to Antstride being ill, her training will temporarily be handled by Birchshine.
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Lightrunner has decided to take the official role of Leader. She will visit the Moontree soon to receive her nine lives.
Lightrunner assigns Pepperfrost to be her new deputy.
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Antstride has contracted the same Sickness that Lilacdream has suffered from.
Lilacdream is confident in her ability to treat Antstride. Antstride will make a full recovery.
Antstride must recuperate before he can continue his duties.
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uh oh why is everything shaking
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doerunners · 4 years
Who are you two favourite cats in each clan you're in? And why?
Pansykit -
I think this one should have been pretty easy to anticipate, but I absolutely adore Pansykit. I've been so closely involved in her since before she was born and watching her growth through kithood alone has been amazing. Words cannot stress enough how excited I am to watch her develop through apprenticeship and see her gentle, kind nature grow. I think the relationship she has with Tansykit is great because they both foil one another so well. Pansykit mirrors Tansykit's cold, isolationist nature while Tansykit mirrors Pansykit's caring, sweet nature. They work so well as a duo, especially so when the twin aspect is added onto them. I have so much love in my heart for Pansykit. She is so perfect and I will die for her. @leafwhisker
Flickerclaw -
Okay I'll be honest and say I haven't always been a Flickerclaw stan. It was really easy to see him as a character through the lense of Spark, and it was ironically as Spark began to let go of his anger at Raven and Maple that I began to appreciate Flicker's unique and interesting arc. Watching his fish-out-of-water narrative, seeing those emotions as Raven gravitated away from him and left him with a similar sense of loneliness that he left Aspen with? SO cool to see, and its awesome to watch how that experience allowed Flicker to realize the faults in his own actions and reach out to Spark (and hopefully lter Aspen) to apologize. I really love the way hes grown up and how he had to learn the hard way that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. I can't wait to see more with him regarding Hawk and Daisy as well- that's going to be such a unique thing to see. @mintswhisker
Swallowstorm -
An answer that shocks no one- I fucking love Swallowstorm. I would jump in front of a moving train for her. I would give Swallowstorm my left kidney. I love Swallowstorm. I've always had a soft spot for nasty girl characters and Swallowstorm is the nastiest girl there is. I'm heartbroken that I joined Jagged so late just because it means I missed out on a lot of her earlier development, but seeing her through the lense of Doerunner has honestly made her character that much more charming. I think Swallow's obsession with power and control is a really unique and captivating thing- I can't really think of another character that approaches this in a way as awesome and dynamic as her. The way she would go as far as to hurt herself and others around her just to keep that reality in tact for herself, the way she isolates herself just to tell herself the lie that it has to be this way because nobody else will understand, as well as to justify the way the cats closest to her have abandoned her/betrayed her trust. Her ego is too big for her own good, and to watch her repeatedly reach her breaking point, fall deeper into that dark mindset, only to place the limits of that breaking point further is so fucking awesome. I could honestly go on for paragraphs about all the subtleties I love about Swallowstorm, shes just genuinely so well written and dynamic and three dimensional. I'll be selfish for a bit and go on about how fun its been to reach out to that cold, broken cat through Doerunner, who's also broken but just in such a fundamentally different way. Seeing this relationship between Doe and Swallow where Doe tries to find her worth in befriending cats where Swallow finds her worth in pushing them away? So fucking GOOOOD. Especially when Swallowstorm is the one cat in JaggedClan who saved Doerunner, who literally kept her from freezing to death in the snow. Idk. Idk. I'm soft.
Mousetail -
My MOM. I love miss Mouse, especially because I'm one of the people who was lucky enough to see her shift from NettleClan to JaggedClan. To watch her go from lonely, angry, and hostile to the loving, gentle, and happy cat she is in JaggedClan has been such an awesome development to watch. I like how her happiness didn't come without a price- her scene leaving Crowstar behind, the way she's confronted Lavenderstrike after the way her kits were targeted, her overall apprehensive nature regarding her new clanmates is really nice to watch, her acclimation as a JaggedClan cat is slow and methodical and I like that a lot. It feels realistic and allows for a lot more growth and potential in the future. I'm really excited for her kits to reach six moons because there's so many more confrontations to see that are going to be absolutely great. I can't wait for Duststorm and Swiftstrike to meet her again, for them to view how far she's come in six moons, for Crowstar to see the way her family has grown, for Mottlepelt and her to speak again- there's a lot for Mouse to face in the future and I cannot WAIT to see how it goes. @currentfangs
The Tribe:
Butterfly -
Miss Butterfly.... my darling to-be. In the same way I'm soft on nasty girls, I'm also soft on characters with severe family trauma and Butterfly has that by the fucking BOATLOAD. The way she's been written through it all has been such a treat to watch, her using that obsession with the truth and being a well behaved, perfect cat to cope??? PEAK writing. I can hardly believe shes over a year old now as a character. I love the way she started fearful and anxious of the world because of how much it hurt her to a cat who, while still having some anticipation and fear, has a bit more confidence, especially through her relationship with Firefly and Spark. I just wuv her so much and I can't wait to see her function as an adult cat in the tribe! I can't wait to see her bond with her peers, meet Spark's kits, develop more with Butterfly and Fading. Shes a perfect little darling girl and I'll die for her. (Leo its not letting me tag you so I'll just DM you lol)
Aspen Snow -
Last but not least, miss Aspen. She's one of the first characters I got to develop a meaning, worthwhile relationship with. I've watched her go to an angry, spunky kid to a complex, hurt adult. She's an interesting look into a character who just can't seem to catch a break and is a great mix of a character who doesn't know how to pull herself out of her hurt. I like how over the course of time, she developed into a cat who's too closed off about her emotions while Spark became a cat who's open with his emotions to a fault. They balance one another out when they're together, but apart they both spiral out of control in opposite directions. Her complicated relationships with all her siblings really symbolizes how her horrible early on experiences leaves her inable to bond with them now in a healthy way. Her relationship with her season makes it so her emotions, so bottled up, explode in drastically unhealthy ways when they reach their boiling point and those instances only serve to haunt Aspen Snow and lead her to believe she's a worse cat than she really is. I want to see a healing arc with her SO badly man
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freakpaw · 4 years
Who are you two favourite cats in each clan you're in? And why?
im very predictable... also my favorites change all the time
He’s always been my one link to JaggedClan so it’s really no surprise that he takes the top spot. He’s also genuinely one of my, if not the, favorites out of Mayas ocs. He’s just fun and entertaining, and I’ve always loved rping him and Mousetail together. Their rps on the journey were some of my favorite, and I loved watching their relationship grow and develop. 
Kind of the same as with Bluefang - she was my first ever peek into JaggedClan, and though she didn’t really move up on my list until recently, I’ve always thought she’s been fun to watch because everything she does is so horribly stupid in its own way. I do think she needs to get her shit together though. 
Honorable mentions: Owlheart, Lilykit 
Unsurprising, I know. When I first joined CreekClan she was immediately a character who drew my attention, and she’s been consistently keeping it ever since. I love her! I love her big tough girl with a soft spot attitude, and I absolutely adore her and Marigoldhearts relationship. I’ve always had a hard time getting invested in CreekClan in general, but writing out Carpfang and Marigoldhearts friendship over the years has been so much fun <3 
I loved him even before I joined CreekClan! I dunno why, he just caught my attention, much like Carpfang did, and I was just keen on staying involved with him through one of my characters. And, again much like Carpfang, he’s been one of the big things that’s helped me get involved with CreekClan. He’s my good little boy and I just love how selfless and caring he is. It’s been very heartwarming to see him go from a shy, timid little thing with no confidence in himself at all to a capable warrior who knows he deserves good things. 
The Tribe:
He’s just so much fun, every interaction I have with him, whether its Twilight or Aspen Snow, is just fun. He’s just a good time and I really, really enjoy him and his character. I love the tribe very dearly but my history with rps there has always been very loaded and heavy, so I’m thoroughly enjoying the change of pace with him! Sketch is also way too good at writing characters, and I’m really looking forward to seeing his relationship with my ocs grow <3 
Spark Feather:
Speaking of loaded and heavy - I’m just kidding. Though I can’t say he’s been one of my favorites since day 1, I can say he’s one of my original favorites. The Tribe had a pretty big lull when they were stuck in the city, and it was really nice to have something to keep me rping there, and it’s honestly one of my favorite ever dynamics I’ve gotten the chance to be a part of. It’s been a really long time since I’ve rped with him, but I still love him very dearly. He’s also the first of Roones ocs that I started getting invested it and it lead to a great friendship that I value dearly so <3
Honorable mentions: Fading Echo, Butterfly, Plum Whisker
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Mousetail-Small cream tom, amber eyes. Great hunter and helps a lot around the elders' den. So tiny that he's sometimes mistaken for an apprentice to his frustration. Snowstream-Sleek white molly,green eyes. Kestrelwing's mate. Has a melodic voice. Excellent swimmer and at fishing. Not afraid to speak up in defense of someone who needs it, even if everyone else is against them. Smart, graceful, the younger cats joke that it's impossible to see her being clumsy but her mate and kit have seen it.
Mousetail - Poor Mousetail, I really sympathise with him for being short and being mistaken for being much younger lol, his name suits him, 14/10
Snowstream- She sounds great, she has such a beautiful name and I love her description and personality, they all come together and compliment each other well, 15/10
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shinyflareon · 5 years
Long story short, my work has gone to hell and this is in an effort to cheer myself up. 
I found an old google doc from a few years back where I made a big collection of Warriors names. Give me your headcanons for them! Appearance, Clan, maybe a short personality blip, idk. You don’t have to do all of them, obviously, just any names that speak to you.
Under a readmore because, uh, there’s a lot of them.
Acornpelt Adderstrike Addertail Apple-eye Applestar Ashbreeze Ashfeather Badgerfang Barkpelt Beechtail Berryspots Birchfur Blackberry Blackstorm Blossompelt Blueberry Bluesky Brackentail Bramblefang Briarpelt Brighteye Brightfoot Brightwater Brightwing Brookpaw Bumblefur Cedarclaw Cherrycloud Cherryheart Cherrypelt Cherryspots Cinderstreak Cloudfall Cloudstorm Copperfur Dapplefrost Dawnblaze Duskcloud Dustfall Dustwing Eaglewing Falconstar Fallingmist Fawnstep Featherclaw Featherdust Fernbreeze Fernpelt Ferntail Firestorm Firetail Flameclaw Flamepelt Flowerfoot Flowerpaw Foxwhisker Frosteye Frostwing Fuzzyears Fuzzyfire Goldenfur Goldenheart Gorsetail Grasspaw Greyfood Greystar Harepaw Hawkbreeze Hawkfeather Hawkfire Hawkflight Heathernose Heronstar Hollowheart Hollowthorn Honeycloud Honeyfoot Honeyheart Honeywhisker Icefall Icefrost Icystar Ivystar Kestrelflight Kestrelwhisker Larkpelt Leafpelt Leopardfrost Lightningfall Lightningheart Lilyblossom Lilywillow Lionstar Lionstep Lizardtail Longpath Mallowpelt Mapleleaf Marshstep Meadowpaw Minnowtail Mintpaw Mistfur Morningpaw Mosspath Mosspool Mothfur Mousepelt Mousetail Mudsong Mudstar Needlewhisker Nettlenose Nightsky Nightsong Nightstripe Nightwing Nutleaf Oaksong Oaktail Oneleaf Otternose Owlfur Palewhisker Pepplepelt Pikefin Pinetail Plumspots Poppypaw Pouncepaw Rabbitpaw Rainstar Ratfang Ravenflight Ravenwing Redclaw Redfeather Redstone Redwhisker Ripplesplash Ripplestripe Robinheart Rosecloud Rosedust Rowanheart Runningcloud Runningwolf Rushfur Russetflame Sandstone Sedgestar Shadespots Shimmerfoot Silentstep Silverfang Silverheart Silverstar Silverstorm Skypaw Sleekpaw Smallpaw Smokefur Smokeheart Smoketail Snowdrop Snowstar Snowstep Snowstorm Snowstream Sootpaw Sparrowflight Sparrowstorm Speckleleaf Specklenose Spottedpaw Stoneheart Stormflower Stormheart Sunfoot Sunstone Sunstream Swandown Sweetface Swiftfoot Swiftstripe Talonpaw Tangleface Tanglepelt Thornpelt Thorntooth Thrushwing Tigerstripe Tigertail Toadleap Troutbelly Tumblestep Whitestripe Willowstorm Wolfstone Yellowclaw
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signs-of-the-moon · 6 years
More fun facts
I thought up new stuff to add about my clans, but Im too lazy to find the original Fun Facts post so here's a new one
The nursery's Den Mother is always the first or oldest cat in the nursery (by first I mean if they were the only queen in the nursery for a time and then more queens joined later on, that first queen is dubbed the Den Mother). Like the term "queen", Den Mother is considered a gender neutral term. They are like the ultimate queen. They are the one responsible for all the kits and queens in the nursery, and are the most trusted cat in the clan to turn to when anyone has a problem. They act as the voice/“leader” of the queens The Den Mother is often the one to show new kits around camp and often take older kits on outings. They also act as the head nursery guard. A veteran Den Mother can tell when a cat is/will be expecting kits, and can usually estimate the number of kits that will possibly be born by feeling the pregnant cat's belly (similarly to the technique medicine cats use). Den Mothers will step in to stop a queen if they are being rough/abusive toward their kits and if the queen is too aggressive they are kicked out of the nursery, leaving the Den Mother raise the litter as their own. Den Mother is an incredibly respected role, looked at almost as highly as a deputy is. It is rare for a first time parent to become the Den Mother.
Kits aren't named until around two moons old. That way, the queen raising them knows what their eye color and permanent fur color are (in the case of colorpoints) and can properly name them. Not to mention by two moons old a kitten's eyesight and hearing are fully developed. Until the two moon mark kits are usually called by their fur color. But in the case of multiple kits sharing coat colors, traits are used as identifiers (this is where names like Loud, Running, Heavy, Pounce, Sweet, etc. come from).
Kits typically learn to speak around their first few weeks of life. Usually they begin to attempt to speak at as early as 2 weeks old. The most common first word kits learn to say is either "mama", "dada", or the color/trait the queen raising them has identified them with.
Most of the clans believe it's bad luck to be born without littermates and often kits born as only children are given to other queens with kits to raise to try and chase away bad luck. The birth parent usually stays involved in the kit's life, the other queen just helps coparent. The only clan that doesn't see this as bad luck is Mountainclan, who believe every single kit born alive is blessed
Starclan cats who died as kits and apprentices are eventually given warrior names, though they are only called by their new name by other Starclan cats. (For example: Rainkit is named Rainstorm in Starclan, but her living clanmates still refer to her as Rainkit)
Similarly, leaders who die take on their warrior names again in Starclan, but are still called by a leader's suffix by living cats. (for example: Mistystar is called Mistybreath by other Starclan members while still being referred to as Mistystar by the living)
A cat who’s reincarnated will become a separate spirit from their new self when they die. Instead of this cat continuing on as the cat they were in their second life, they become their own self again. Though this cat will share the same suffix as their second life and be fully grown if they were reincarnated as a kit/apprentice. (for example lets say Finchkit is reincarnated into a cat named Mousetail. when Mousetail dies, the two cats’ spirits will separate in Starclan and Finchkit will be known as Finchtail, while Mousetail will be their own individual)
Cats with disabilities and mental illnesses are highly respected among the clans. They are considered to be incredibly strong individuals, no matter what type of disability they have. The clans do everything they can to honor these cats and provide the extra care that some of them need. It's very rare that an injury or disability is bad enough to deny a cat from continuing to pursue their career(s), and forcing a disabled cat into a role they don’t want to play is pretty much forbidden (with an extremely rare few exceptions)
Popular jobs for cats who are blind are Listener, and Hunter. Deaf cats are popularly found taking Watcher, Fighter, and Guard jobs. 
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alright I’ll do a quick recap of everything that happened in skyclan (it’s. A Lot.)
- some skyclan cats caught us and took us to their camp
- daystar thought we were spying or something, so we were forced to stay in camp for questioning
- she asked us what we were doing and poppyclaw started talking about dapplepaw and toadsnout but daystar didn’t seem to care
- poppyclaw got mad and they tried to attack daystar, luckily daisynose grabbed them before they could do anything stupid
- we still got held prisoner in camp
- idk what she was using it for but she started calling me in for questioning, and asking weird questions that I didn’t fully understand like (too many to list here but uhhh some of the weirdest were “how long were you in the tunnels”, which I didn’t know how to answer, and “did you hear it” but she dismissed me once I asked what ‘it’ was. so idk what’s up with that.)
- she gave me my phone back near the end after she decided I had no more information to give
- it was mostly just boring lying around stuff, but me, daisynose, and poppyclaw got to talking about everything that had happened and what we wanted to do
- I don’t want to kill deerdapple. I really don’t. she’s annoying, and rude, and I don’t really understand why she tries to act so nice to me, but she doesn’t deserve to die. but neither does cloverpaw. for now, I’ll be looking for any other options but. if it comes down to it, I’ll need to choose one of them.
- in lighter news, we made a friend in skyclan, wishcloud. they’re pretty chill, but we didn’t get much info from them because they didn’t really know anything about. Anything. I’m not exaggerating, I don’t think wishcloud was paying attention to anything that was going on. they literally did not care. I really wish that was me
- luckily, we managed to get a few snippets of info about the gathering! gorsestar and daystar were yelling a lot (which I assume was them fighting over us being held prisoner), and before the gathering started apparently deerdapple made a big scene by going up to gorsestar and a king where I was
- gorsestar ended up having to come to skyclan camp and negotiate with daystar to get us released.
- kitefall was also there. I’m guessing he wanted to check up on daisynose and poppyclaw, since they’re his kits and all. it must be nice to have a family like that.
- we FINALLY got released today and UGH I never thought I’d be so happy to be in thunderclan again
- now we can start to focus on our goal: saving cloverpaw (and also toadsnout and hopefully also dapplepaw and scratchface)
- oh and also gorsestar is PISSED at us. daystar lied to everyone and said we were stealing prey even though she KNOWS why we were there but honestly I’m just confused. I don’t see why she lied about that, it doesn’t benefit her in any way I can think of? eh, weird. probably nothing tho.
gonna take a long (and we’ll deserved) nap soon
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the good news is, we escaped the tunnels!
the bad news is, we immediately ran into a skyclan patrol and are now being held in their camp
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well I have good news and bad news
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well. ok then
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fuck destiny!!!!! follow your heart 🥺😳😁❤️❤️🤪💖💖💘💞💞😽
these poignant words will get me through the oncoming challenges
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