#mpf's stupid headcanons
wtpyrofreak · 7 years
My APH Korea headcanons over the years
To celebrate the Pyeongchang Olympics, I thought I’d finally post my headcanons for the awesome nation that I’ve been developing (Whether they be through RPs or discussions with friends) ever since I entered the fandom years ago! 
-He is the fastest texter out of all the nations due to his home being the most technologically wired (and having the speediest internet in the world).
-He loves to roughhouse (like skinshipping, ribbing, pushing/shoving, etc) with friends and those he considers family, but will surprisingly act a lot more conservative with someone he's courting. He actually takes dating very seriously.
-If you were to grab his curl, the face inside it would get aroused, but not Korea himself. His true E-Zone is his chest/pectorals.
-While he uses Taekwondo for self defense, it's actually his SECOND favorite style of Martial Art. The first place honor goes to Taekkyeon, a more traditional method of fighting that he can claim as truly 100% Korean.
-If he had a signature pokemon, it would be the Porygon line because they are both banned from appearing in anime it reflects how high-tech he is. He would also have an Incineroar as he is one of the tigers of Asia.
-Bath time with Korea is NEVER calm and serene. EVER.
-He can't stand long periods of silence, as it reminds him too much of the DMZ and what could happen there if things get out of line. He IS capable of staying quiet and keeping still, but it just drives him CRAZY on the inside.
-Because of the Bali Bali lifestyle, South Korea doesn't get much sleep since he likes to keep himself busy all hours of the day. This applies to work, gaming, almost ANYTHING. Very often he hides his lack of sleep from others through make up and foundation (And some very convincing acting).
-Korea has no qualms with wearing make-up and even likes helping others out with theirs. Whatever it takes to look good!
-Due to his poor sleep habits, He's developed a mild case of narcolepsy. There have been a few occasions where he's blacked out while standing for a couple seconds or so.
-When he DOES sleep, he is VERY restless. Always tossing, turning, and getting into weird positions. However if he's holding onto/cuddling something, he'll go completely still. Same goes if he's the one getting cuddled.
-Korea is also prone to making derpy faces when he sleeps. Noone has successfully gotten this on camera or film yet for obvious reasons.
-Korea and Pochi DO NOT get along AT ALL. The first thing Japan's dog will do when he spots him is chase him down and bite his ankles. Korea's fine with other dogs, though. Just not Pochi.
-There is no such thing as "Half-assed" in the dictionary of Korea! Anything he does, regardless if it's work OR play, he gives 110 percent of his all! He makes sure to get things done no matter WHAT the cost. Because of this however, he has a bad habit or overexerting/exhausting himself and in some cases, even injure himself in the process. He also sometimes comes off as too much of a try-hard to others. His mindset is very much a double-edged sword.
-His "Get it done no matter what the cost" mentality was in big part due to his boss during the Cold War, Park Chung Hee. It was because of said boss that Korea was able to pull himself out of poverty and become a developed country, but what the former put the latter through to get to that point was BRUTAL, to say the least. Korea himself also has very mixed feelings toward the man, even after his assassination.
-Korea's very self-conscious about being cool/cute/reliable no matter what almost to the point of obsession. He frequently gets stressed out because of this, but rarely lets onto that around others since "Keeping face" is very important in his culture.
-When he fails to live up to his or other’s expectations, he gets VERY down on himself. He usually needs the help of someone else to pull him out of these funks.
-Korea's multi-talented (in singing, dancing, gaming, fighting, skating, drawing, inventing, the list goes on), but he wasn’t naturally born with a lot of these skills. They came from many, MANY years of practice, training, grief, blood, sweat, and tears. But in the end, it was all worth it to him and he'd happily do it again. 
-If he were in a rock band, his instrument of choice would be either a keyboard or a rhythm guitar.
-Korea also has a fondness for piano, violin and viola, and clarinet. He actually really loves classical music, but not many other nations know about this.
-This boy knows how to market the hell out of himself. When he interacts with most other nations, he's always quick to advertise his soft power and culture when appropriate (Especially with other Asian nations). He's also keen on emphasizing the difference between similar aspects of his culture and other cultures ("Sushi just has fish and veggies while Gimbap can have other things besides those! Like cheese and BULGOLGI!"). China and Japan rag on Korea for this by spreading rumors that he copied them/claimed aspects of their cultures as his. Korea gets back at them for this by playing trollish pranks on the two (And following those up with even MORE self-advertising).
-Sometimes he slips random K-pop song titles into his everyday conversation as a means of subtle advertisement ("Ooooh, Hyung, that hurts me... Your whisper is the Lucifer~!").
-Korea prefers to wear his emotions on his sleeve (i.e. let it out the minute he's feeling something), though sometimes he slips back into the habit of keeping his feelings bottled up over long periods of time (ESPECIALLY if it's something that affects him deeply). He's been trying to drop said habit as the last time he repressed his feelings for too long, he ended up giving himself a severe panic attack.
-"Family first" is his motto. Even if relations with said family are strained (Like Japan, for instance), He'll be there to support them when they're in trouble no matter what (Though that's not to say he doesn't do this begrudgingly, sometimes).
-When it comes to war and combat, Korea becomes a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT person. Technically still being at war with his northern sibling has him on edge more than he'd like to admit and because of that, he takes ANY potential threat to him or his home with grave seriousness. He'll still play and joke around during downtime, but in actual battle? He drops ALL OF THAT and survival becomes his top priority. He's a solid ally/team player!
-Admittedly though, he doesn't take verbal threats from North as seriously as he used to since they rarely follow up on them. But if North actually DOES takes action, Korea immediately puts on his war face.
-Said war face sometimes bleeds into his gaming/sports and he gets overly competitive as a result. He's also a rather sore loser (INITIALLY).
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wtpyrofreak · 11 years
HEADCANON: America's safe word during sex is "Assbutts."
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