#Also hope none of these HCs come off as offensive!
hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
Please write for Monica Geller x Phoebe's younger sister
I trust you with the plot
The One With Phoebe’s Sister || Monica Geller x Phoebe’s younger sister!reader
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⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • f•r•i•e•n•d•s masterlist • monica hcs ⋆୨୧˚
summary: oneshot where phoebe introduces the friends to you, her younger sister, and you are instantly attracted to monica but don’t know that monica is equally smitten with you
word count: 3.1k
warnings: none 
a/n: hope you enjoy this and thanks so much for requesting it. also many apologies it took so long for me to get to this ask and i hope it was worth the wait!! enjoy ✧🍒🎀
      “Alright everybody this is my sister, (Y/n). (Y/n), this is everybody.”
     Smiling widely, Phoebe gestures from the doorway to you and then to her friends, who are all lounging around the apartment. 
     “Hey,” you say shyly, taking off your jacket and looking around the room at your sister’s friends. “It’s nice to meet you. Phoebe talks about you guys all the time.”
     Your older sister had practically dragged you out of the airport and into the waiting taxi, overly excited to show you New York and everything she loved—you’d already been to her apartment, massage studio, and Central Perk, her favorite coffee shop. Now she beams as she leads you into a cozy apartment with purple walls and nicely arranged furniture. 
     You hang your jacket on the coat hanger and set down your bags as you gaze around the room. 
     “Ok, yay! Now I get to introduce you to everyone!” Phoebe leads you across the threshold into the living room, pointing at her friends as she goes. “This is Ross—” 
     You watch as the man who must be Ross gets up from his seat at the kitchen table and shakes your hand welcomingly 
    “It’s nice to finally meet you,” you say. 
     “The pleasure is all mine,” he replies and you smile.
      Phoebe pulls your arm, “And this is Chandler—” 
     Chandler waves awkwardly from his spot on the back of the couch. “Hey. Hi. Wow you look just like Phoebe. Well not just like Phoebe. Obviously. Because that’s Ursula. What I mean is, I can see the resemblance and you’re pretty, very pretty, and I’m going to stop talking now.”
    You chuckle and look back at your sister. 
     “Oh don’t worry about him, he’s just Chandler.” Phoebe waves a hand in the air. Chandler clutches his chest in mock offense.
     Phoebe continues. “Anyways, oh! This is Rachel.”
     The woman Phoebe refers to walks towards you “Hey sweetie, you must be Phoebe’s little sister. Oh it’s going to be so much fun having you here for…” Rachel looks at Phoebe.
     “Three weeks,” you interject, answering for Phoebe and smiling at Rachel’s kindness, “My flight back to (Y/h/t) is in three weeks.” 
     You can’t believe Phoebe’s life here. Lively city, amazing friends, and also apparently really good coffee, if Central Perk was any indication. You wish you could stay here for months, but unfortunately you have only a few weeks before you need to go back home to your city and everything that comes with your daily life. 
     “So that’s everybody!” Phoebe cheers, interrupting your thoughts, “Except for Joey but he said he’s coming over after his audition. And Monica…” Phoebe looks around the room questioningly.
     “Went to pick up some detergent or something,” Rachel informs her with an exasperated look, “Because you know, it’s not like the apartment isn’t already clean enough.”
     Chandler feigns a shiver, “Oh right, her Spring Cleaning Frenzy. Not to be confused with her Christmas Cleaning Madness or her New-Years Cleaning Hysteria. Although all are equally terrifying.”
    You chuckle. Your sister had told you about Chandler and his jokes. “We’ll I can’t wait to meet her.”
     As if on cue, a woman with dark hair holding grocery bags in both hands walks through the door. 
     Having set the bags down on the kitchen table, the woman begins rifling through her purse.
     Looking down into her purse she says, “Alright, before anybody says anything, I need these supplies and if anyone thinks differently they can start by cleaning the bathroom floors and—”
     “Oh Monica!” Phoebe exclaims, “You’re back! We have company!” She smiles excitedly. 
     You smile at the woman who must be Monica. You can’t help but notice her vibrant blue eyes and how her dark hair frames her face. Your sister didn’t tell you how beautiful she was. You suddenly catch yourself staring and quickly speak. 
     “Hi, I’m Phoebe’s sister, (Y/n). It’s nice to meet you.”
     Monica finally looks up. She sets her purse down hurriedly and walks toward the living room over to you.  
     “Oh, hi,” she says quickly, pushing her hair out of her face. You follow the movement with your eyes. “I’m Monica. But Phoebe already told you that. Make yourself at home. Please, sit.”
     Monica indicates one of the chairs in the apartment’s living room. You sit down.
     Monica takes the seat across from you next to Rachel and puts her hands in her lap eagerly. “So, your Phoebe’s sister, huh? Where are you from? What do you do? I mean, tell me about yourself.”
     “Woah, Mon, slow down!” Rachel says putting an arm on her shoulder, “You don’t want to scare the poor girl off the minute she gets here.”
     Monica looks at you sheepishly and Rachel laughs. 
     “No, it’s ok,” you say, amused and flattered by Monica’s enthusiasm. “I’m from (Y/h/t) and I’m currently going to school there, but I graduate next year. Not nearly as exciting as New York, though. I’m thrilled to be here.” 
     Monica smiles at you, “Well, my apartment is always open! You know, if you ever needed to stay here.” She clasps her hands together. 
     Chandler walks around the couch and sits on the back next to Monica. “Interesting, because when I asked to stay here last week when my apartment was being repainted because Joey thought ‘Fireball 2: now with more fire’,” he gestures in the air as if announcing a movie title, “was a good idea, I believe your exact words to me were to ‘take a hike’.”
     Monica shoves Chandler off the couch and glares back at him, “Yeah? Well then maybe you should take that hike right now.”
     Ross stifles a chuckle from the kitchen. Monica glares at him too and he quickly turns away. 
     Phoebe sighs, “Ok, guys? Totally ruining my whole meeting thing.”
     A chorus of “Sorry Pheebs” meets your ears but you just giggle. 
     “Anyways,” Monica says, “we’re all really glad you’re here.” She smiles at you and as she does her eyes light up causing you to smile back. She has a fire in her eyes and it makes her see like someone who is passionate about everything she does. Before she can catch you admiring her yet again, you get up and seize Phoebe’s wrist, guiding her away from her her friend and towards the other side of the room.
     “Pheebs, you didn’t tell me your friend was gorgeous,” you whispers emphatically.
      “Really? You think so? I mean compared to me…” she trails off and you roll your eyes at her. Phoebe suddenly gets an excited look on her face. “Oh hey, you should totally—”
     She gets cut of as someone else walks through the door. A man with dark hair wearing a New York Knicks jersey under a large coat steps into the apartment. 
     “Joey!” Phoebe shouts, dragging you to the door. “Meet (Y/n), my sister!”
     Joey looks you up and down admiringly as he takes his jacket off. “So you’re (Y/n).” He gives you a charming smile. 
     “Yeah, that’s me,” you say. “It’s so great to finally put all of your faces to names.” 
     “Oh, right, that’s everybody, yay!” Phoebe goes over to Joey. “So how was your audition?” 
     “Terrible, I blew it, there’s no way I got the part,” Joey mumbles distractedly and waves her off and saunters over to you, “So, it’d be rude of me if I didn’t ask you, how you doin’?”
     You open your mouth to respond when Monica rushes over to where the three of you are standing. 
     “Come on Joey,” Monica says, “I’m sure she doesn’t want to be flirted with by you the minute she walks in the door. Right?” Monica wrings her hands together and looks to Rachel for help. 
     Before you have time to contemplate what she just said, Rachel jumps in, turning to you.
     “Oh, honey don’t worry, Joey flirted with all of us when he first met us.”
     Chandler looks at Joey, offended. “You never flirted with me!”
     You laugh at the expression on his friend’s face. 
     “Anyways,” Joey starts, “(Y/n), it’s nice to meet you but Chandler we gotta go.”
     “Right, sorry guys, Joey and I have to bounce.” Chandler takes a last swig of the coffee in his hand and heads towards the door.
     “Knicks game,” Joey adds in explanation as he follows his friend, making to leave the apartment. “It was nice meeting you.”
     He winks at you. You give them a small wave and then they’re out the door. 
     Phoebe turns around, “So seeing as it’s finally just us girls—”
     Ross clears his throat. 
     “—oh right and Ross.” She gestures toward him and Monica snorts. She quickly covers her mouth, looking embarrassed. 
     “No no, I have to go anyway,” Ross says, with an air of confidence, “I have a date tonight.”
      “You?” Monica raises an eyebrow.
     “Yes,” Ross insists, “just because your love life is non-existent doesn’t mean mine is.”
     “Hey! I go on dates.”
     “With other people?”
     Monica wraps her arms around her torso. “I just haven’t found the right person yet.”
     You almost sense her glance over at you but you keep your eyes trained on her brother as he too walks towards the door. 
     “Bye,” you call out as he leaves. You like him and enjoyed the way he bantered with his sister. It reminds you of yourself and Phoebe. You two have always been close—closer than you are with Ursula—but you definitely get on each others nerves sometimes. 
     But mostly you liked hearing that Monica’s romantic life was less than perfect. It makes you feel better about your own love life—or lack of it—that someone as beautiful and kind as Monica is having trouble too. 
     You find yourself watching her as she and Rachel talk in tones you can’t hear over in the kitchen while Rachel helps her friend unload her remaining cleaning supplies from the bags on the table. Monica tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and you watch as she carries an armful of her purchases across the room.
     “I can tell you like her,” you hear Phoebe whisper from behind you. 
     “What?” You say, caught off guard.
     “I see the way you look at her. Like she’s, I don’t know, a goddess or something.”
     “I do not!” But you find yourself blushing in spite of yourself. 
     “It’s ok, I can tell she likes you too,” your sister offers encouragingly.
     “How could you possibly tell that?” You run your fingers through your hair nervously.
     “I know these things, (Y/n),” she says with a hint of mischief in her eyes, “I’m kind of a love genius.” She waggles her eyebrows. 
     “Oh yeah? And that’s why you haven’t been in a relationship in four months?” You tease. 
     “Ok, my powers don’t work on myself, you clearly don’t know how the cupid thing works.” 
      You laugh and she puts a hand on your arm, her ringed fingers laying gently on your sleeve. 
     “But seriously. I saw her looking at you too. And come on, she let you sit on the furniture with your shoes on! She’s never let me do that. Plus, Monica’d be lucky to have you. Your sweet and funny and pretty and, oh, you’ve had, like, no cavities! I mean anyone would be crazy if they didn’t want to go out with you.”
     “Thanks Pheebs,” you say, laughing and giving her a quick hug, “I love you”
     “I love you too, now go over there and tell her how you feel.”
      You glance at Monica, now sitting on the couch, a magazine in her hand as she shows something to Rachel. You look back at your sister with an eyebrow raised.
      “Yeah, no. I just met her and I’m not exactly the type of person to just go up and ask people out.”
     Phoebe gives you a look and then pushes you over to the living room and sits you down in the same chair you had previously occupied. “Hey guys, I forgot I have an, um, appointment with my psychic today that I just, like, totally forgot about so I’d better be off.” 
     She looks at Rachel pointedly, “Rach, would you care to accompany me?”
     “Uh, me? Why Pheebs?” She responds.
     “Oh, I don’t know. I just sensed this aura around you,” she gestures wildly with her arms, “and I thought you might need a psychic so….”
     Rachel, seeming to suddenly understand something, gets up quickly. “You know what you’re right! I felt a little weird this morning but I thought it was just bloating.” She shrugs and goes over to get her jacket.
     Monica turns around and fixes a look on Phoebe, “What so I don’t have an ‘aura’?” She puts air quotes around the last word.
     “No, sorry,” Phoebe says apologetically but then turns to you and Rachel, coughing, and mumbles a little too loudly, “Noteverything’sacompetition”
     Monica crosses her arms and turns around.  
     “So,” Phoebe starts and the other woman turns around to look at her again. “This is perfect because now you and (Y/n) can get to know each other until we get back. Ok? Bye Mon, bye sis!” She winks at you. You slap your forehead internally at Phoebe’s obviousness. You hope Monica didn’t notice. Phoebe shuts the door quickly and then they are gone, leaving you and Monica alone in her apartment. 
     You both turn to look at each other at Phoebe’s hasty departure. For a moment, the only sound is the far away noise of traffic until finally you decide to break the silence.
     “So, you know what I do, but what about you?” In reality, you knew exactly what she did because your sister talked about her friends to you all the time and you loved hearing about every detail. But you had to make some small talk. 
     “I’m the head chef at Allesandro’s restaurant,” she says, obviously proud of the fact. “I kind of like to cook.”
     “Phoebe says your food is amazing,” you compliment. 
     “Maybe I could cook for you sometime while you’re here? If you want.” She adds hurriedly. 
    “I’d like that,” you smile. 
     “So, what’s it like in (Y/h/t)? I’ve always wanted to go there.”
     “It’s nice,” you say “but I miss Phoebe a lot…it’s nice seeing how great her friends are here though. I mean, I’ve loved meeting all of you and seeing how caring and fun you are. She’s lucky to have you as a friend.”
     “She’s lucky to have a sister like you.” 
      You pick up a drink from the coffee table and hold it up in the air. “To Phoebe and how lucky she is to have us,” you say playfully.
     Monica picks up another cup and touches it to yours in a cheers, laughing.
     “You know, she’s told me all sorts of crazy stories about you…all of you,” you say. 
     Monica looks mildly frightened, “What has she told you?”
     “Oh, well nothing that embarrassing,” you lie. She gives you a look.
     “Ok, we’ll she did tell me that you dated your ex’s son…” 
     “What? I can’t believe she told you that! I’m going to kill her!” Monica looks outraged.
     “Told me what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You look at her knowingly and she smiles. “Yeah, Phoebe’s a lot of things but she’s not exactly…discreet.”
     Monica laughs, “I know!”
     You laugh with her. “So, are you still seeing him? The son, I mean.” 
     “No, that was a while ago,” she points at herself now, “Hasn’t been on a date in months remember?” 
     She pauses and then asks you casually, almost too casually, “Well, I-I guess it’s my turn to ask a question so…are you seeing anyone right now?” 
     You take a deep breath. “No, I’m not. Like you said, I just haven’t found the right person.” You mean to stop talking there but you find yourself continuing. “Sometimes I feel like I’m waiting for something that doesn’t exist though, you know? Like what if I’m missing so many wonderful opportunities because I’m holding out for something unrealistic. I don’t know, I guess I’m just an idealist. I just want someone who cares about me and who understands me, someone who I can love and be loved by, not just something superficial, you know?”
     Monica looks at you intensely. You try not to squirm under her gaze as you fidget with the ties on your shirt and contemplate everything you just said. Usually you don’t open up to people that much or so quickly, but there’s something about Monica you just trust. You just felt like she’d understand. 
     Monica leans forward. “Wow, I-I totally know what you mean. So, is it ok if I ask you another question?” 
     At your nod she continues slowly.
     “If you did, um, have an instinct about someone…you know, that you thought was attractive and kind and charming and someone that you felt like you’d regret not having a chance with, would you maybe ask them to get coffee with you sometime?”
     She’s leaned forward even more and you two are close now. You breathe in as you look into her blue eyes and the way she’s looking at you, almost shyly.
     “I think I would,” you manage. 
     “Would you like to get coffee sometime?” Monica asks you. 
     “I would.” And you smile bigger than you have in weeks. Monica places a hand on yours. 
     At that moment, your sister walks in the apartment. 
     “Ok, you’d think after forgetting my ‘spiritual coat’ this many times—” she stops abruptly when she sees you and Monica, sitting there so close to each other, your hands interlocked. 
    “So you? And you?” Phoebe trails off and you and Monica both look at each other and then nod. “Oh yay, see I knew it!” She cheers. 
     You look at your sister, looking so happy for you and at Monica, looking at you the same way you feel about her and you think how lucky you are to have these people in your life and how glad you are you came to New York with your sister 
     “Well, that coffee isn’t going to drink itself,” you say to Monica. 
     “Let’s go,” she says. You both head towards the door. 
     Phoebe raises her eyebrows at you, “You two kids have fun!”
     You look back at Phoebe and mouth, “Thanks, Pheebs”
     “What are sisters for, (Y/n).” She smiles.
     You smile back as you follow Monica outside, shutting the door to the apartment and possibly opening the door to a wonderful new relationship. 
ˋ°•*⁀➷ i hope you enjoyed this!! i love writing for the friends characters so much and i hope i did them justice. have a wonderful day/night <3
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maxzinn · 4 months
Damn why is the HSR fandom becoming way worse than genshin? And whenever there is any controversy aventurine is always somehow involved like leave my boy alone 😭
I'm a cis straight woman okay and no matter which fandom i interact with they always look down on me and assume shit about me even though i try to be nothing but understanding I have had so many tell me that I can't like a certain male character romantically because he is only for the boys/gays. Even like when you tell them you like a certain game/franchise/anime/singer or band they're like 'you have to be queer for liking this' and for some reason they try to convince me that I'm queer even though I'm not and they think that me being cis and straight makes me 'basic' and 'boring' I love jjba, Nana, Castlevania, Final Fantasy, Hsr and genshin impact but literally every fandom I've been is filled with a bunch of judgemental pricks which is sad because I was so excited to talk about my interests :( at first i thought they were being like that because I'm asian but then i realised it's because of my 'basic and boring' sexual and gender identity
and for some reason when I tell them that I'm cis straight they immediately assume I'm a white privileged woman (like i said I'm literally Asian) and i haven't struggled a day in my life which isn't true at all it's so ignorant to assume all of this about me just based off my sexual and gender identity and when I try to speak up they tell me that they're just 'giving me the taste of my own medicine' like what??? What does that even mean?? I'm not even homophobic i come from a conservative country and family but I have done proper research and educated myself on this topic and i treat everyone with respect so why can't they also be decent human beings and respect me too? I still try to be understanding but I can't stand the air of superiority among these people and they're usually under the age of 25 too because other queer people I have interacted with who are older than me don't behave pathetically like these people
(sorry this was so long you can ignore it if you want and sorry if my english is bad it's not my first language 😭 anyways I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night)
(This post is also long sorry hehe)
No cuz for real, it’s getting way more annoying in the fandom (no offense) and it’s even worse on twitter and hoyolab.
In my opinion, I think the toxicity mainly starts with people forcing to everybody that every character in hsr is queer coded and all that stuff. I keep seeing all that posts and comments that this certain character is “implied” which is not true??? It makes me wonder if they even know what the word “implied” means, cuz it basically/indirectly means that it’s canon.
I’m so done with those posts that claims “robin is lesbian and girlkisser so gtfo men” like stfu?
If you have seen the replies on tuonto’s twitter post, there’s like a LOT of people saying that. Like, hc her as lesbian if you want but DONT act like it’s canon and stop forcing your hcs on other people pls.
And when others reply to them saying that it isn’t canon and that they shouldn’t force it, they just straight up say that those people are “homophobic and lesphobic”.
I have no problems with gay/lesbian ships cuz I support all ships equally (except the illegal and problematic ones), but these delulu people are ruining it for the fandom tbh.
It’s funny that being straight/cis is seen as basic and boring now. And that part where you’re being forced to be queer is funny af 😭 are they ill?
You can like all the male characters that you like, none of them have canon sexualities and they’re certainly not canonically gay. If some person says that you shouldn’t like a certain male character cuz they’re only for the boys… then they’re ill, don’t listen to those bs.
It’s so weird that people now argue and force a sexuality onto fictional characters and just assume a certain character’s sexuality based on stereotypes (like aventurine for example) then claims that they’re a queer representation when said “representation” is just based on stereotypes.
It’s weird that a character’s sexuality matters so much when it doesn’t even matter that much, just enjoy the game and the plot? Stop projecting yourself onto them, they’re their own person and they have their own personality. They have nothing to do with your sexuality. And most of all… they’re literally PIXELS
And pls, liking a certain franchise doesn’t reflect anything on your sexuality. You can be a straight woman and like drag shows, you can be a straight woman and like BL and GL. Men can be straight and love skincare, men can be straight and like fashion/makeup. ITS NOT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND?? Just stop stereotyping people 💀
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Hello, I hope this doesn’t come out as hate or anything, but sometimes you sound a little judgy when you keep saying that your MC has self-respect because she didn’t forget Ethan for leaving to the Amazon without telling her. And that’s super okay because it’s your HC(and your personal opinion), but there’s people who HC their MCs forgiving him even if he didn’t tell them and they’re also self-respected people who have a happy relationship and walk through life with their head held high. I don’t think they have to be mutually exclusive, and I think there might be people who wouldn’t forgive the things you put your pairings through (HC or not) and that’s also okay, it doesn’t take away anything from you or your MC. And I’m sure it’s not your intent to sound like that, because you seem like a nice person :) but you keep dropping that little fact randomly or praising others who HC the same for their MC, as if it’s the only right thing to do.
Hi Nonny,
I'll start this off by saying both my feelings about Casey's reaction and my thoughts on if I'm being judgemental are, well, subjective. They're my opinions, and I'm entitled to mine as much as everyone else is to theirs. If someone is offended by my expressing my thoughts, to me, it says the reader is of the belief that their POV is the only one that can be right. Otherwise, how could a contrary opinion be offensive?
I never think anyone has to have the same POV as me, especially in the world of fanfiction where, really, none of this matters. It's not influencing policy, law, or human rights - it's fanfic.
Canon is murky on how Ethan left/if MC knew. All we know is he didn't contact them while he was there, so it's up to us to decide how we think it happened. Many have expressed moral outrage their displeasure over my thoughts on Casey not forgiving Ethan, and, honestly, not to be mean, but I don't care. I'm not forcing them to feel the same way; I don't judge them for feeling differently. But it's my HC, my POV, and I'll stand by it. In the same way, I hope they'd stand by theirs.
In my T/C world, if Ethan had shown he had real feelings for MC (he did), crawled out of their bed just weeks before (he did), told them they'd "work it out" (he did), and then hopped on a flight and without so much as a heads up, letting her find out like she was just any other resident, like she was nobody. Then, yes, my MC absolutely would have the self-respect to say, "OK, this is not the kind of man I want to be with. I deserve to be treated better than this." It's ascerbated by the fact that he would have months away to think about it and reconsider his choices. Did he even call and say, "Look, we can't be together, but I handled this poorly, and I owe you an apology." He didn't. So, at best, he's not emotionally mature enough for her. At worst, he's callous, and she deserves better. I won't back down from that. This is how I'd react. This is the advice I'd give my best friend/child if they were in the situation. (Oh, keep in mind this is in HC, in AUs - anything goes. lol)
Everyone has their own lines in the sand... for their characters and in real life. Some people find jealousy appealing. To me, anything more than fleeting jealousy is an unhealthy emotion that is destructive and indicative of a problem that needs correcting. To some, cheating is forgivable. To some, it's not. To me, it's not forgivable in almost all cases, but there are exceptions, and it's a very, very personal choice. Will everyone agree with me? Nope. Do I care that they think differently than me? Nope. They're entitled to. Their differing POV is not a threat to mine, and mine shouldn't be to them.
I read and enjoy other OTPs that are very different from mine. I'm not threatened by them. You'll never see me telling someone their idea is stupid or wrong. I'll never criticize them or tell them my way is superior to theirs (it's just different). I'm not going to tell them they're crazy or should seek help because they view a fictional character differently than I do. That's just crazy talk.
Yeah, I love that in my T/C world, Casey told Ethan to take a walk after he treated her horribly. If I see someone with the same POV, I may say, "Good for you!". But I'm not sitting here telling others, "OMG, You're such an idiot because you had your MC forgive him. OMG, she's weak and pathetic. OMG, you must need help if you feel that way." You'll never hear that out of me.
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wtpyrofreak · 7 years
My APH Korea headcanons over the years
To celebrate the Pyeongchang Olympics, I thought I’d finally post my headcanons for the awesome nation that I’ve been developing (Whether they be through RPs or discussions with friends) ever since I entered the fandom years ago! 
-He is the fastest texter out of all the nations due to his home being the most technologically wired (and having the speediest internet in the world).
-He loves to roughhouse (like skinshipping, ribbing, pushing/shoving, etc) with friends and those he considers family, but will surprisingly act a lot more conservative with someone he's courting. He actually takes dating very seriously.
-If you were to grab his curl, the face inside it would get aroused, but not Korea himself. His true E-Zone is his chest/pectorals.
-While he uses Taekwondo for self defense, it's actually his SECOND favorite style of Martial Art. The first place honor goes to Taekkyeon, a more traditional method of fighting that he can claim as truly 100% Korean.
-If he had a signature pokemon, it would be the Porygon line because they are both banned from appearing in anime it reflects how high-tech he is. He would also have an Incineroar as he is one of the tigers of Asia.
-Bath time with Korea is NEVER calm and serene. EVER.
-He can't stand long periods of silence, as it reminds him too much of the DMZ and what could happen there if things get out of line. He IS capable of staying quiet and keeping still, but it just drives him CRAZY on the inside.
-Because of the Bali Bali lifestyle, South Korea doesn't get much sleep since he likes to keep himself busy all hours of the day. This applies to work, gaming, almost ANYTHING. Very often he hides his lack of sleep from others through make up and foundation (And some very convincing acting).
-Korea has no qualms with wearing make-up and even likes helping others out with theirs. Whatever it takes to look good!
-Due to his poor sleep habits, He's developed a mild case of narcolepsy. There have been a few occasions where he's blacked out while standing for a couple seconds or so.
-When he DOES sleep, he is VERY restless. Always tossing, turning, and getting into weird positions. However if he's holding onto/cuddling something, he'll go completely still. Same goes if he's the one getting cuddled.
-Korea is also prone to making derpy faces when he sleeps. Noone has successfully gotten this on camera or film yet for obvious reasons.
-Korea and Pochi DO NOT get along AT ALL. The first thing Japan's dog will do when he spots him is chase him down and bite his ankles. Korea's fine with other dogs, though. Just not Pochi.
-There is no such thing as "Half-assed" in the dictionary of Korea! Anything he does, regardless if it's work OR play, he gives 110 percent of his all! He makes sure to get things done no matter WHAT the cost. Because of this however, he has a bad habit or overexerting/exhausting himself and in some cases, even injure himself in the process. He also sometimes comes off as too much of a try-hard to others. His mindset is very much a double-edged sword.
-His "Get it done no matter what the cost" mentality was in big part due to his boss during the Cold War, Park Chung Hee. It was because of said boss that Korea was able to pull himself out of poverty and become a developed country, but what the former put the latter through to get to that point was BRUTAL, to say the least. Korea himself also has very mixed feelings toward the man, even after his assassination.
-Korea's very self-conscious about being cool/cute/reliable no matter what almost to the point of obsession. He frequently gets stressed out because of this, but rarely lets onto that around others since "Keeping face" is very important in his culture.
-When he fails to live up to his or other’s expectations, he gets VERY down on himself. He usually needs the help of someone else to pull him out of these funks.
-Korea's multi-talented (in singing, dancing, gaming, fighting, skating, drawing, inventing, the list goes on), but he wasn’t naturally born with a lot of these skills. They came from many, MANY years of practice, training, grief, blood, sweat, and tears. But in the end, it was all worth it to him and he'd happily do it again. 
-If he were in a rock band, his instrument of choice would be either a keyboard or a rhythm guitar.
-Korea also has a fondness for piano, violin and viola, and clarinet. He actually really loves classical music, but not many other nations know about this.
-This boy knows how to market the hell out of himself. When he interacts with most other nations, he's always quick to advertise his soft power and culture when appropriate (Especially with other Asian nations). He's also keen on emphasizing the difference between similar aspects of his culture and other cultures ("Sushi just has fish and veggies while Gimbap can have other things besides those! Like cheese and BULGOLGI!"). China and Japan rag on Korea for this by spreading rumors that he copied them/claimed aspects of their cultures as his. Korea gets back at them for this by playing trollish pranks on the two (And following those up with even MORE self-advertising).
-Sometimes he slips random K-pop song titles into his everyday conversation as a means of subtle advertisement ("Ooooh, Hyung, that hurts me... Your whisper is the Lucifer~!").
-Korea prefers to wear his emotions on his sleeve (i.e. let it out the minute he's feeling something), though sometimes he slips back into the habit of keeping his feelings bottled up over long periods of time (ESPECIALLY if it's something that affects him deeply). He's been trying to drop said habit as the last time he repressed his feelings for too long, he ended up giving himself a severe panic attack.
-"Family first" is his motto. Even if relations with said family are strained (Like Japan, for instance), He'll be there to support them when they're in trouble no matter what (Though that's not to say he doesn't do this begrudgingly, sometimes).
-When it comes to war and combat, Korea becomes a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT person. Technically still being at war with his northern sibling has him on edge more than he'd like to admit and because of that, he takes ANY potential threat to him or his home with grave seriousness. He'll still play and joke around during downtime, but in actual battle? He drops ALL OF THAT and survival becomes his top priority. He's a solid ally/team player!
-Admittedly though, he doesn't take verbal threats from North as seriously as he used to since they rarely follow up on them. But if North actually DOES takes action, Korea immediately puts on his war face.
-Said war face sometimes bleeds into his gaming/sports and he gets overly competitive as a result. He's also a rather sore loser (INITIALLY).
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bluemoondust · 2 years
I see you do pokemon requests.. I’m sorry for this ask but I love him way too much- Yandere Faba, if you would?
!!!! It's all good! No need to apologize! I actually smiled upon seeing this because I too am a fan of Faba!
o(〃^▽^〃)o I hope you enjoy these hcs!
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♡General Yandere Headcanons♡ — Branch Chief Faba
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Warning(s): Controlling Behavior, Heavy Manipulation, Mentions of Gaslighting, Guilt Tripping, Belittlement, Jealousy, Abuse of Power, Mentions of Degradation and Punishment (implied hints of n.sfw)
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First and foremost, Faba is a very demanding and controlling yandere. Whatever he says goes. He isn't too strict with his darling, but if you keep denying him some things will have to be enforced in order to keep you in check. He will admit that he does take pride and thrill in being an important/authoritarian figure, which is why he can't have you doing everything as you please all the time. If you think you can go against his orders, you have another thing coming. It simply drives him up the wall when you act so disobedient. You aren't well equipped to face the world on your own; you need someone with a great level of knowledge and maturity to guide you.
So yes, he is belittling towards you, but that is only when you show defiance. Faba takes that chance to take you down a notch, making you feel inferior. He can't afford to have you prancing around doing whatever you please. No, he's in charge and you'll soon come to terms with that. Besides that, Faba is also very manipulative towards you, doing so to keep everything at bay and you in line. It just stems back to his need to be in control as he either gaslights or uses manipulation of facts. It is only worse if you work at the Aether Foundation, where he'll nitpick at every little thing you do. He, as your superior, would do this to make it seem like you're never meeting up to standard, exhausted and feeling inadequate. However it's all good, he will assist you like a good superior should. In return, do not complain about having to work extra time with him; he did help you after all, so it's the least you can do.
You would never be able to tell he's a yandere at all since you're constantly pondering on what this man's damage is with you. With the way he interacts and treats you (that is only if you've gotten on his nerves), you wonder if he just has taken a disliking towards you. Should you ever confront him about it, he'll immediately take offense but try to mellow his agitation down when responding. Faba tells you that his only intention is to make sure you're on the right track and he apologizes if he came off a little too harsh for your liking. He goes on about how he respects you as a person, maybe even offering to treat you for lunch if you're willing. Faba may be prideful, but he is smart enough to play his cards right when the situation calls for it.
Oh, but when this man is jealous, it's a nightmare for whoever the perpetrator is. An employee at Aether Foundation? They'll be doing extra work or just downright demoted if he's feeling extra crossed. A trainer? There's not much damage he can deal, but he can still certainly scare them off with the right tactics. Anyone deemed a possible threat to Faba is dealt with immediately and efficiently. It gives him a headache to deal with these people so he hopes you'll be grateful in the long run since he highly believes none of them could ever outmatch him in being a perfect partner for you. He expects some form of gratitude by the end of this.
Going more into it, he doesn't pose too much of a danger to people nor you in terms of violence. It'd be better to put more concern for your mentality/self esteem than your physical being. On the other side, people either get intimidated or straight up fired but nothing much beyond that. However, it still is a problem on both sides since yeesh... That's unfortunate. As for himself, he would never be in a scenario where he'd be a danger to his own self because of course he wouldn't let that happen. That'd simply shoot down his statement on being the Aether Foundation's last line of defense, something he'd detest if it ever occurred.
Faba is indeed a selfish yandere gauging from everything that has been stated so far. His needs come before yours as he sees that he's put every ounce of effort into keeping you in check and providing anything necessary. Surely, you'd come to see that you should be the one to offer gratitude by doing and listening to what he says with no question. If you refuse, all hell might break loose as Faba holds his tongue from making a sharp remark before asking if you're sure of yourself. "I must be hearing things, did you just say no? Of course you didn't. I know you're smart enough to know what the correct answer is. Now, let's try that again, but this time... Give me the appropriate response."
Basically, he just wants you to say what he wants to hear. Faba isn't exactly delusional, but he just can't accept any signs of rejection/refusal from you. So, to deal with this, he makes sure you respond the way he wants you to. Whether he does so with intimidation or 'special treatment', he knows you'll eventually comply. Only a matter of time. Faba is not extremely patient (he still is, but...) unfortunately, so his demeanor might break if pushed enough and you get to witness him in a different light. He's more harsh on his wording as well as his punishments (haha, ya know which ones) and especially more degrading. Faba says stuff like how you think you're too good for certain people or you believe yourself to be all confident and independent while he enforces his punishments. If you promise to be good, maybe he won't be as harsh. How does that sound? He'd like for you to speak up nice and clearly as you swear it.
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explosivenebula · 3 years
Hello i was binge reading all your works, and your writing so SO GOOD!!! i was wandering if i could request something similar to the 3rd year Bakugou hc, but instead its Todoroki and a shy fem reader perhaps? Its ok if you don't want to though... Have a good day/night. <3
Of course! I loved writing the third year request so much, it was so cute! I'd love to do it with Todoroki. Hope you enjoy this post!
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‘Shy and Timid’ Third Year Todoroki x First Year s/o HEADCANONS {REQUEST} {Fem!reader}
PAIRINGS: Todoroki x reader
*̩̩̥͙ -•̩̩͙-ˏˋ⋆   ⋆ˊˎ-•̩̩͙- *̩̩̥͙
If you’d like to request a similar headcanon or something entirely different with the same or different MHA/BNHA characters, feel free do to so! Note: Most of my work will be a gender-neutral reader/perspective unless you specifically request something different. You may also request a headcanon for any size, ethnicity, religion etc of person, everything here is welcome! (As long as it is not offensive, and follows the guidelines.)
🌸Explosive Nebula 爆発性星雲🌸
- 07.09.2021 -
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╰☆╮  Making friends with Shoto is quite difficult given how quiet and reserved he is, so being two grades below him makes things even more challenging. It’s hard to find time to spend with the male outside of school hours and study, which takes up majority of your schedule through attending a prestigious school such as U.A. However, his interest in you will spark during a training and briefing session with your class, Todoroki being chosen to help give his advice and expertise to the younger students of the class. 
╰☆╮  You had caught his eye almost immediately, having shut yourself off at the back f the classroom, a blank yet somewhat nervous expression lacing your beautiful features. He was quite silent at first, awestruck at how someone had made his heart flitter so much simply from a single glance. His interest only peaked when he realised you were quite a shy character, staying behind in class activities, being off standish around others, and reluctant show off your quirk or fight your classmates during practical sessions. What really catches his eye however is just how much talent and skill you possess. Even if you or others don’t see you as physically or mentally strong, he sees the potential in your quirk. His first thoughts are too tell Midoriya (who most likely already knows), so his friend can pipe in and help you. But when he finds himself watching your adorable figure more closely, he finds you reminding him of his first year days, and decides to take you under his wing. 
╰☆╮  He’s kind and understanding of you, so approaches you slowly, carefully and without rush. He’ll propose the idea, and let you think for a while. It’s an opportunity you yourself can’t pass up. Undeniably, it would help you surpass that experience line, gain your confidence and what better way to spend time with one of the most handsome and kind upperclassman you know? And, at first, he’ll simply help mentor your technique and use of your quirk once a week, sticking to after class training when he’s not bombarded with hero work and study.
╰☆╮  After a while, however, he warms up to your considerably, and he quickly becomes one of the only people you truly feel comfortable showing yourself and your emotions too. He’s honoured you treat him in such a highly mannered and prestigious way, and it definitely set’s off small sparks in his chest every time you praise him or mention how much he’s helped you. Things lead to another, and soon he’s quickly becoming protective over your ‘submissive’ and quiet manners, keeping you by his side more and more often until your practically glued together every where you go. And while he gives that protective sense, theirs nothing neutral about it. His blush intensifies with your presence, his right side heats up uncontrollably more around you, and he finds it harder to keep his emotions in check when it comes to following what you need.
╰☆╮ Midoriya, Ochaco, Iida and Tsuyu are four upperclassman that keep you and Shoto a happy pair, making sure no one is trying to bother you or shoot snarky comments. The group adopts you fairly quickly, and even sheds a few tears at random times when they realise you’ll have to spend two years without them by your side. It scares you, but Todoroki is by your side every se of the way, guiding you through the things he had the experience and making sure you have the best chance possible to make it in U.A and graduate top of the class. And, being as invested as he is in such matters, even opts to make sure Aizawa's watches over you, promising his teacher that you’re worth keeping an eye on with your prestigious ability and easy to work with personality. You make an amazing student and an even better hero in training, so Shoto does everything he can to prove it. 
╰☆╮ Afternoons are often spent with him walking you home, every few days stopping by a small café where he can catch-up with you about your classes. He listens intently to everything you have to say, loving the way your eyes shine softly when you look at him, how your features seem to glow in the golden setting sun, and how your laugh swims in his ears and reminds him of slowly dripping, silky honey. All of these things pushes him to realise just how much he feels for you, and it doesn’t take him long to realise. He’s matured from his younger years and Midoriya makes him a lot less emotionally vacant, so he realises almost straight away these feelings for you are more than just a simple crush.
╰☆╮ All of these things add up fairly quickly, so he finds himself overly protective of your younger form. He’ll glare down anyone who looks at you the wrong way, using his privileges of being an upperclassman to practically guard you. And, even when he graduates and your left alone at U.A, no body approaches you in any negative way, knowing Shoto is still very much a big part of your life. You also find yourself gaining quite a few friends from the male, both first and second years. They’re all intrigued, but they realise how beautiful a friend you are though watching you grow with Shoto.
╰☆╮ The most prominent part of the relationship however, is when it branches of into the level of intimacy. He’s not perfect with his words, and neither are you, but that’s completely fine, because he finds the best way to let you know how he feels, and even better way to show how happy he is when you return the feelings and accept him as your partner. He takes things comfortably slow at first, having the quaintest dates by taking gentle walks, visiting cafes and traditional Japanese gardens. When it comes to touch he holds off for a bit, but you love is warmer side, so he’ll hold you against him and make sure you’re always sitting to his right wherever you may be. 
╰☆╮ He finds himself having occasional serious talks with you at times, mostly when your together cuddled up at his residence. These talk are often nerve wracking and scary, considering the first time he brought the subject up, he showed he was nervous himself. But what he always tends to ask you is why you want to be a hero. Sure, he grew out of his fathers deals and wanted to help people himself, but after being through what he has and seeing the things that have happened throughout his three years, he can only worry for your safety. He doesn’t want you to go through the mental and physical stress and trauma, so he may even ask if you would prefer becoming a rescue or support hero. He knows rescue heroes seem some horrific things, but at least it keeps you from harms way better than normal. And whether you agree with him or not, he’ll always back you up, always by your side to help you through anything and everything. 
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If you’d like to request a similar headcanon or something entirely different with the same or different MHA/BNHA characters, feel free do to so! Note: Most of my work will be a gender-neutral reader/perspective unless you specifically request something different. You may also request a headcanon for any size, ethnicity, religion etc of person, everything here is welcome! (As long as it is not offensive, and follows the guidelines.)
🌸Explosive Nebula 爆発性星雲🌸
Posted 07.14.2021
Written and Published by: explosivenebula
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lick-me-lennon22 · 3 years
Trans Man!Reader X Beatles headcanons/How they'd support a trans (FTM) partner + help them through dysphoria 💙💙💙
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(lengthy title, I know ^^' this amazing request is from @anonymous-blanket ! they originally asked for how the Beatles would help a trans [FTM] reader through dysphoria, but I sort of expanded it to add general headcanons- I hope you don't mind :) 💞)
- I myself am a cis woman and this is solely based on the experiences my trans guy friends have been so kind as to share with me, as well as some of my own research on gender dysphoria and grounding techniques
- this is NOT entirely accurate to the 60s or 70s
- I have written these with the assumption that the reader has already come out and has transitioned or is currently transitioning; with that being said, none of the lads would ever out you or disclose your identity before you are ready to do so yourself/without your permission!
- all of the boys would respect your identity and address you by your name and preferred pronouns !!!
- please feel free to (kindly) correct me if any of this post is offensive or incorrect! I have written these headcanons with nothing but love and respect for the trans community ♡
when you come out to Paul (if you were together before you began your transition), he's so proud of you for being your authentic self and so glad you're willing to share something like that with him
he immediately offers to take you out shopping and buy you a more masculine/comfortable wardrobe, as well as items such as boxers and binders if you want them
whenever you're up for it, Paul does your eyebrows and some masc contouring (if you ever want him to)- he's quite good with makeup, as he often does his own!
along with (of course) using your correct name and preferred pronouns, he showers you with gender-affirming nicknames and compliments ("my handsome man," "my prince," "dashing," "Adonis," etc.)
if you ever feel dysphoric about sitting down to pee, Paul reminds you that he also pees sitting down (hc)- "It's just more comfortable that way, no shame in it," he shrugs
he makes it a point to remind you how strong and handsome you are often
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
Paul respects your boundaries if you want to be left alone or don't want to be touched
he stays close to you and holds your hand if/as soon as you're okay with it
he tries to take your mind off of your discomfort and ground you by serenading you with your favorite songs
he listens attentively if you just want to vent, and gives you plenty of reassurance and words of comfort/validation if you need them
Paul reminds you that however you want to present is valid and that you are still, of course, a man- regardless of idiots who may tell you otherwise
"How can you not look like a man...? You are a man, love" ♡
when you come out to John (if you were together before you began your transition), he talks you through everything you're feeling and listens intently when you share your experience with him
he suggests going to therapy if you feel like it'd be beneficial (he attends therapy sessions as well- hc)
he immediately assures you that he'll beat the living daylights out of anyone who dares to deadname or misgender you
John (without an ounce of subtlety) corrects anybody who uses the wrong pronouns to refer to you
he makes sure you know and always remember that your identity is valid
if you're comfortable with it, John places pride pins on his leather and denim jackets- regardless of the comments people make
he will absolutely go off on bigoted and closed-minded interviewers/reporters who question your identity or your relationship
John accompanies you into the men's restroom if you're nervous (and if you want him to) and will tell off/uppercut anyone who even looks at you the wrong way
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
John reminds you that your body doesn't dictate your gender and that your identity is 100% valid
he offers his clothes for you to wear if that would make you more comfortable
he helps ground you and distract you from your discomfort by putting on a silly movie for you to watch (together, if you'd like)
John carries his/your cat into your bedroom and places them in your lap for cuddles and purrs
he reminds you of what a hot, sexy stud you are ;)
"A... woman?? That's the dumbest thing I've ever 'eard. You can't 'look like a woman,' you ain't one- you're a man, love"
John tells you he can't wait until the day you become his husband ♡
when you come out to George (if you were in a relationship before you began your transition), he sits patiently and listens as you share your feelings and experience with him
on his next trip out to the store, he buys doubles of all the masculine-scented hygiene products he usually purchases (body wash, deodorant, shampoo, etc.), as well as some extra boxers in your size in case you'd want them
when he arrives back home, he wordlessly places the items in your shared bathroom/dresser so you have access to all of them, but won't have to ask if you aren't comfortable enough to yet
he's very mindful about using your correct name and pronouns from the moment you come out to him
George supports you if you're on T and gives you daily reminders, or advocates for you if you aren't and want to be
he supports you equally if you don't want to start T at all!
he reminds you that your presentation doesn't invalidate your identity
he refers to you as "my boyfriend" or "my man," and tells you that you look sexy, dashing, and handsome ;)
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
George respects whatever you want to do and makes sure you're as comfy as possible if you just want to stay holed up in your bedroom for a while
he fetches you some comfy, baggy clothes in case you feel like disappearing into them for a bit, and offers you some of his clothes if you'd prefer them
he'll bring your pet into your room for some extra love and cuddle time
George will be considerate of your boundaries if you don't want to be touched, but stay by your side if you'll allow him
he's taught you how to meditate and will practice meditation with you as a grounding/relaxation strategy
"Remember, darling- your body doesn't dictate your gender. You are a man no matter what" ♡
when you come out to Ringo (if you were in a relationship before you began your transition), he is elated and relieved that you feel comfortable enough to share something like that with him
the next time you leave the house without Ringo, by the time you've arrived back home, he's set your entire dining room up like a gender reveal party: complete with an It's a Boy! banner and everything blue he could find (it's overkill, but he means well)
on the table is a care package he's bought and assembled for you
in it, he's included plenty of masc-scented soap/deoderant/shampoo, boxers, a pricey and great-quality binder (if you've expressed that you want to bind), and a very thoughtful handwritten and decorated card
from then on and if/when you're ready, Ringo makes a point of (re)introducing you to everyone (and I mean everyone) as his boyfriend- you both love the sound of it!
he'll give you the most genuine, validating compliments out of nowhere
for example: the first time you watch your favorite show together after you've come out to him, Ringo admits that he's always thought you looked/sounded a lot like one of the main characters (who happens to be male)
if you're having a particularly bad day and your dysphoria feels suffocating:
if you're still alright with being touched, Ringo smothers you in one of his famous bear hugs and tells you that everything is okay and you're no less valid for feeling this way about your body
he brings your favorite snack/treat into your room for you to eat and enjoy
he'll sit on the bed and engage in honest conversation with you if you feel like venting; if not he brings you all of the pillows, blankets, and/or stuffed animals in the house- as well as any clothes you'd like to change into
he showers you with gender-affirming nicknames and compliments: "my handsome man," "my prince/king," "heartthrob," "hunk," "stud"... some of them silly, but all of them sincere
Ringo is sure to remind you that no matter what your body looks like or how you're feeling about it in this moment (and no matter what bigoted asswipes may say to either of you), you are just as valid and masculine as any other man:
"Because that's what you are, my love- a man!" ♡
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lemon-boy-stan · 4 years
bruises, boys, chasers and detention - fred weasley x reader requested by @yourlocalauthor, anon, and anon. i basically merged all your requests into one. sorry it took so long. for the anon who requested x ravenclaw reader, i’m sorry i couldn’t do that. instead, i’ll probably make a hc. hope that’s ok. warnings: lee jordan. sexual references.
You'd been looking forward to the first Quidditch match of the year all the holidays. And now you were positive that the match was the worst event of your day that had happened. Fred got a week's worth of detention, you were in the hospital wing and Adrian Pucey had a broken nose.
The rest of the day was actually pretty good. The bad stuff started halfway through the Quidditch match. The weather was terrible and you could barely see or keep your hands on your Bluebottle.
You only just managed to catch a glimpse of your boyfriend - a whir of bright vermillion, maroon, brown and yellow. He waved at you and you waved back. 
"L/N!" Snapped Oliver, "get your head in the game!" You nodded grimly and tried your best to concentrate.
"Oi, Y/N! On your left!" Shrieked Angelina, swooping to your right. Slytherin chasers Blaise Zabini and Adrian Pucey zoomed over.
The two of them grinned at each other before steering their Nimbus 2001s, hooking their brooms and going on your left and right side.
"Zabini and Pucey have cornered our beautiful Seeker of Gryffindor house, I've got a sinking feeling in my stomach here and a determined force in me - I think it's humor - that's telling me the two gits won't have a happy ending if Y/N’s boyfriend of - is it six years? - Fred Weasley is going to do anything about, I daresay the two pigs will find a lot of nasty surprises, sponsored by the Beaters in red -" began a gleeful Lee Jordan, sniggering loudly into the microphone. 
You could only just hear Professor Mcgonnagall barking at him to shut up. You would've laughed at Lee’s words to yourself but you had other things to worry about. Blaise and Adrian had cornered you.
You gritted your teeth and tried your best to spot out the Snitch in the dreadful weather - you certainly weren't going to let a couple of dickheads ruin your chance of winning.
When it came to cheating, however, Slytherin house certainly didn't give up. There was an upset roar from the crowd and an assortment of hooting and cheering which came from the Slytherin stands.
There was a bang and a grunt and your shoulder made contact with the fabric of the curtains.
Your stomach churned from the motion but you were determined to stay focused - you'd only just seen the Snitch and now you tightened your grip on the handle.
"She's seen it, lads and lasses! She dives! She escapes the violent clutches of Pucey and Zabini, only just making it out by the luscious strand of hair over -"
"JORDAN!" Bellowed Professor McGonnagall. Lee snickered loudly into the microphone as you puffed before diving again.
"Right, sorry for the biased narration, Professor," the snicker Lee gave off wasn't very apologetic and it distracted you long enough for Adrian and Blaise to get back on your tail again. “Can’t really help it when we all hate Slytherin house any - alright, alright!”
Something, a bone, most likely, in your arm cracked as you smashed into the wall, taking all of Pucey's weight. There was hooting from Slytherin and an outraged roar from Gryffindor. Oliver was almost as outraged as Fred was; the Snitch had now disappeared.
You took another hit and then another and there was a loud thud; you realised that you were the one making the thud, soaring into the dirt below.
There was more excited screaming and snickering from the wave of silver and green and an even louder outraged roar from Gryffindor as you tumbled.
"Exhibition B shows us the obvious cheating ways of Slytherin House and what an incredible (and furious) boyfriend Fred Weasley is, oh, look at him dive, look at him dive!” grinned Lee. "Angelina gets the Quaffle, but is there really any point when all eyes are on our gorgeous Seeker? Something doesn't seem quite right with Y/N! And look at this, everyone, Weasley's face is as red as his mother's hair!" Lee cackled into the microphone.
"JORDAN!" Professor McGonagall bellowed the words as the Gryffindor team flew down to your side. You groaned loudly, clutching your arm, gritting your teeth. “What’re you all doing?!” you exploded, “they’re going to win!” none of the Gryffindor team, not even Oliver, seemed the least bit frustrated about winning. George pointed and zoomed down to join you all. “Fred’s still playing, absolutely clueless. If he looked at what was going on more than he looked at her boobs, he’d be outrag -” 
“Weasley dives down to join the huddle of red and gold, you can’t even see any of his freckles, they’re all camouflaged with the hideous anger, if you have Omnioculars, zoom in, look at how pissed he is - going to be, even more so when he finds out his girlfriend won’t be able to - alright, Professor, alright…” Lee huffed before silencing. The outrage from the Gryffindor stands endured a battle between the cheers and hoots from Slytherin house as Stacey Linkman caught the Snitch. “Slytherin cheats their way to victory in this one…” grumbled Lee, “Slytherin wins.”
“Get out of the way,” you could hear and see Fred shoving Angelina and Katie to the side. Soon he was by yours, George pushed the rest of the team out. 
“Think I broke…” you mumbled. “Arm,” you held your right up before cursing loudly, “ow!”
“I told you not to play!” Fred grumbled loudly. “I said ‘sit this one out, we’re going against Slytherin - your arm is already fractured!’ and you said, ‘no, Freddie, I want to play, it’s no fun watching you all!’ and I said, ‘well, fine, then, five Galleons if you break something,’ and you owe me five Galleons!”
You tried to cross your arms before realising you couldn’t, giving him a vicious death glare instead. “I’m going to kill those two cheats if it’s the last thing I can do…” he hissed, fire kindling dangerously in his eyes.
“No idea what he’s saying,” said Lee, still going on with the commentary. “Slytherin house looks like a bunch of smug cheats… and, look! Weasely’s playing doctor! Professor, let me have my fun!”
“Ouch…” you let out a small whimper, Fred’s eyes glowered dangerously as the Slytherin team walked over, smug smiles on each member’s face.
“Good game, L/N,” smirked Pucey, holding out his hand. “Let’s shake on it, eh? Oh, wait,” the rest of the team laughed loudly, cackling. “Must be upsetting, isn’t it, Freckle Fred, when your girlfriend’s the only toy you’ve got, you’re going to have to return her, you won’t even get fifty percent -” 
“Fred, stop,” you muttered. “Leave it alone,” Fred took no notice of your words. “Fred, it’s not worth it,” 
“Pucey has obviously said something offensive, Weasley’s face is even more red now, Weasley charges Pucey, Weasley Number Two doesn’t even bother to hold his brother back, this is getting interesting!”
“Got something to say, you -”
“Listen here, you little dingbat,” you were positive that you’d never seen Fred this angry since your second grade. “If you think for one second that Y/N is a toy -” he spat the words with disgust, nails digging into his palms. “You can go home to your little Death-Eater -” his snarl was furious, terrifying.
“Fred,” you muttered, “Fred, stop.”
“Come on, Fred, it’s not worth it, mate,” began George. You forced yourself to get up, knowing that Fred would never listen to anyone else. 
“Fred, let’s go,” you muttered again, “come on.” He ignored you.
Pucey smirked in satisfaction, crossing his arms with a snicker. 
“Well,” Pucey wore an even bigger smirk than he had before, “at least my parents spend their time with time-worthy people rather than yours with Mudbloods,”
Angelina and Katie let out angered gasps. You wished that you could shrink to the size of an ant - so small that not even derogatory terms would be able to hurt and embarrass you. 
Because even George was angry now. Not as angry as Fred was, but still angry. 
“Pucey calls Y/N a Mudblood, Merlin, he must be wishing for a good kick in the dick!” cackled Lee Jordan, a hint of disgust in his voice that only his close friends would be able to sift out. “Broken arm or two…”
“SHUT UP!” roared both Fred and Professor McGonagall. 
“Aren’t you thick?” growled Fred, “haven’t your foul parents taught you to read a room?”
“They have,” snapped Pucey back, “and I do, only when I want to.”
“You over entitled piece of -” began George loudly.
“Who are his parents, anyway?” Whispered Katie. Oliver shrugged, watching silently.
Fred’s lip curled.
“One’s in Azkaban,” he stood his ground, and the other’s friends with the Malfoys. Bill told us last year,” hissed Fred.
“At least my parents taught me the worth of Muggles and their kids. Which is -” Adrian turned to you, “a big, fat, zero.”
Fred charged him.
“Don’t - you - dare - insult - her - or her - family - in front of - me - STUPEFY!”
“Weasley casts Stupefy on Pucey, serves him right!”
Fortunately, Fred didn’t get all of him. He did get his nose, though, and because Stupefy didn’t really work on body parts, there was a loud crack. You and the girls gasped, covering your mouths in horror.
George shook his head in dismay. 
Professor McGonagall, Snape, Madame Hooch and Promfrey came running down.
“Fifty points from Gryffindor! Detention, Mr. Weasley! A week’s worth -”
“Now, now, Professor Snape,” Professor McGonagall came to Gryffindor (and Fred’s)’s rescue, tutting loudly. “Although duelling is against school rules, Mr. Weasley had a very good reason for it - Mr. Pucey did break Miss L/N’s arm (with aid from Mr. Zabini, who will be put on a week’s worth of Quidditch ban, Mr. Pucey will also be spending that week’s ban in the Hospital Wing, and Madame Pomfrey will put him in her utmost care (although not too comfortable)), and I will be deducting fifty points from Slytherin for the use of derogatory language and violence and I will ask Madame Hooch what she would like to do.”
Snape seethed through his nose.
“Yes, Minerva, a week’s worth of Quidditch ban will be perfect for Mr. Zabini. Miss L/N may have to take a few day’s break and because Slytherin cheated their way to victory, Gryffindor win.” Madame Hooch waved her wand and you assumed that the numbers on the scoreboard had changed.
“Lemons really do make lemonade! Broken arms award ten winning points! L/N, break a literal leg next week, please!”
Gryffindor house roared with laughter.
“Alright, Miss L/N, Mr. Pucey, come with me...”
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eunsoyi · 4 years
hiiiii since your request are open i would like to ask something too 🥺 can you please make a oneshot/hc/drables at how tsukishima finally realize he have a crush on f! reader and how he act around her? because they are basically rival and always on each other throat but at the end of their highschool year tsukki confess his feelings and they finally make it together 🥺 thank u very much! have a nice day ❤️
she was the most annoying person tsukishima kei had ever met.
he wasn’t really the type to pay attention to his surroundings, especially when the surroundings in question do not concern him in any way. to put into simpler words, if one isn’t yamaguchi, the karasuno volleyball team, or his studies, then expect that he isn’t going to give that something or someone a second glance.
oh but this girl pissed him off a lot.
she was relatively okay when not looking at kei’s persepctive. she’s very friendly, very smart, somewhat athletic, probably musically inclined, too. she’s also somehow conventionally attractive. she’s basically the stereotypical perfect japanese school girl that people see in anime. she’s a goddess and a sweetheart in every way.
and tsukishima kei hated that. he looked at her as if she were a challenge waiting to be dominated by him. he wanted to bring out the worst in this girl. so naturally, he spent every day teasing her, mocking her every move.
at first, she didn’t really seem to mind. she kept her composure and at times, even ignored his snarky comments, but all humans have their limits. her perfectly structured walls break down when kei opens his mouth, and for some reason, everyone in class just accepted their dynamic.
“you got a 98 in math? what a dumbass.” kei smirked as he waved his test paper in front of her face.
“fuck off, you french fry.” she rolled her eyes, trying not to look at the big red 99 on the top right of his paper.
“shut up, both of you. i got a 50. a fifty. i failed that fucking exam.” yamaguchi chimed in, attempting to end the conversation between the two that might lead into something worse.
“even your comebacks are lame, just like your damn grades. try harder, y/n. you’re better than that.”
“i’m not really in the mood, tsukishima.”
“aw, is it that time of the month?”
“can you please leave me alone?” she gritted her teeth, emphasizing the word ‘please’. her eyes looked desperate and well, frustrated. usually, that was the ideal look tsukishima wanted to see, but everyone is already staring at the both of you quietly, and he noticed her eyes well up with tears. he was about to say something when she suddenly bolted out of the room.
“you might’ve struck a nerve today, tsukki.” yamaguchi sighed and pat tsukishima’s shoulder. “just remember to apologize later.”
“whatever, yamaguchi.”
she didn’t come back for the next period. and the next. she was gone for the whole day. he didn’t try to think about it and instead tried to enjoy her absence. after all, that’s what he wanted since the beginning.
he walked towards the club room with yamaguchi when he noticed a figure sitting behind the gym, knees up covering their whole face, that person looked like they’re crying. he couldn’t care less if that was a normal day, but the person seemed so familiar that he had to go out and check.
he ran out of the club room without a word and bolted towards where the figure was hypothetically crying. lo and behold, his hunches were right.
“ah, there you are.” tsukishima tried to sound snarky and gave a smirk. he didn’t know if he pulled that off.
“shut up.”
“okay, jeez. so it is that time of the month.”
she didn’t reply.
he sighed and sat beside her, offering her his handkerchief without even looking at her direction or saying a word. she gazed at the handkerchief rather confused, but accepted it and muttered a small ‘thanks’. he tried to hide the blush forming on his face by clearing his throat.
the two of them sat in silence for a good few minutes until she suddenly spoke.
“are you high?”
he scoffed. “what the fuck, y/n. drugs are illegal.”
she squinted her eyes in suspicion. “then. . why are you acting so nice?”
“then why are you crying?”
she zipped her lips up immediately.
“none of your business.”
he sighed. “look, i’m sorry if i ever said something offensive.” he stood up and tried to leave as fast as he could because what he just said was enough reason for him to bury himself alive. “wait!” she stood up and held his arm, trying to stop himself from walking away.
“it’s not your fault.” she said in a rare, soft voice that tsukishima has never heard her use. “it’s well. . just a bad day in general. i just got fed up with everything and. . i’m sorry i lashed out on you.”
“oh. . kay.”
they stood in silence once more until he spoke in another attempt to get out of that awkward situation once more.
“i’m gonna go now.” he pointed awkwardly to the gym. she nodded and watched him trail off.
tsukishima didn’t tell yamaguchi why he walked into practice with an awfully red face. he also didn’t tell him why he never fought or argued with her the next day, and the days after that.
hope you liked it, anon! requests are still open!
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tangledinmdzs · 4 years
are you gonna be my best friend? - wen siblings hcs
best friend hcs with our wens!
Wen Qing
you meet Wen Qing during your residency, a time when you don’t think you’re going to be making any friends at all
it’s the battle of the fittest
survival of the best
there’s no times for friends!
but you can’t deny Wen Qing’s skills the first time you meet her
and really, you’ve always been more of a team player than a competitor
and also, you know when its good to have someone as an ally
so you call on all your socialite experience and befriend Wen Qing
[...] but [...]
it hadn’t been easy
the first time you try to talk to her, is when you find out that you finish your hospital rounds at the same time
and you had both in the changing room, getting out of your scrubs
and you had said, as an opening line, 
“wow did you see when the patient in room 43B snorted applesauce out of his nose from laughing at Wei Wuxian’s joke?”
 you don’t get a response, let alone any acknowledgement before Wen Qing has silently changed out of her clothes and walked off, away and out of the changing room like she wasn’t even there
but luckily you are persistent
and you continue to befriend her in that way of yours (the only way, sadly that you felt wouldn’t come off as creepy)
it’s a few awkward commentary on the day’s rounds or what you thought was interesting from lab work and class
and yes, the beginning was quiet between you both
but you learn that maybe it’s not that the things you say aren’t interesting,
perhaps its more because Wen Qing is just...shy
you don’t believe it the first time you found out,
but it’s true
you find this out in the middle of your afternoon rounds
when you end up walking into Wen Qing’s back where she’s stood a bit awkwardly in the middle of the hallway, staring at something a little ways down
you turn to follow her gaze, and you’re surprised to see someone you don’t know very well
he doesn’t seem to be in any scrubs or anything, so he can’t be a student at the teaching hospital-
“oi my little bro” none other than Wei Wuxian’s boisterous voice rings out the from the opposite side of the hallway
and it takes you only half a second to put two and two together
you wished that it took you half a second to study for your medical exams too, but alas we can’t have everything
“you like him” you assert and Wen Qing whips around to look at you as if you had chosen death
but you’re undeterred, smiling when you realize that you’ve hit the nail on the head
“you totally like him!” you squeal and Wen Qing pulls you away and around the corner just as the two brothers turn their heads down the hall
she hushes you, but her silence and new company with you isn’t a denial
and from that you two steadily become friends,
or at least, you are the person that helps play a matchmaking role between her and Jiang Cheng
it’s not easy
not when you both don’t want to ask his brother for help
no offense, but Wei Wuxian was a bit  of a blabber mouth
and also because Jiang Cheng wasn’t in the department at all,
he only comes once a twice a week to pick his brother up on his motor cycle
“his motorcycle,” you hear Wen Qing swoon for the first time as you’re having lunch with her, sat farther away from the rest of the other students
everyone has their own niches by now
but you’re glad you’re with Wen Qing
and also happy that you’ve discovered this girlish side hidden behind her cold doctor persona
“yeah, and i’m gonna make sure you’re gonna ride that,” you tell Wen Qing with a wink and she nearly chokes on her sandwich
once she gets her breath back she stares at you, the ‘look’ on your face
it’s the sarcastic look that you’ve gotten better at reading since you’ve spent more time with her
“but trust me, if there’s anything i’m good at, it’s matchmaking” you promise her and she just shakes her head at you as you guys move on to talk about the lab work and other portions of the lab
besides, if there’s anything that you’ve learned in your friendship Wen Qing, it’s that she trusts you a lot more than she says she does
Wen Ning
you meet Wen Ning when Wen Qing invites you over her apartment to help her pick out an outfit for her !first date! with Jiang Cheng, courtesy of your hard work of course
and Wei Wuxian’s too, when he found out about your matchmaking plans
but that’s a story for another time (^_-)—☆
when you first meet, Wen Ning comes off with the same quietness as his older sister, if only for the meekness of his posture
but he’s nice and quiet, falling to the background as you and Wen Qing end up staying in her room and you dazzling her up for a night of fun and romance
Wen Ning is actually so quiet, that you forget his presence almost entirely
you’re too preoccupied ransacking her entire closet to find a 
“casual but still high class outfit, it’s a dinner date” you tell her, when she wanted to go for a simple summer dress
to doing her hair and make up
“no you cannot just put your hair in a ponytail and call it a day,” you tell her when she tries to ruin your hard work with a scrunchie
and finding the perfect shoes to match with everything
you’ve dolled your friend up pretty well and only await her little brother’s thoughts when she has 30 minutes left until her date
when Wen NIng sees his older sister, he simply smiles then turns back to the show that he’s got on TV 
he really is such a boy, you think to yourself at his reaction 
and you wonder if Wen Qing is underwhelmed
but, when you look at Wen Qing, she seems more worried than offended by the lack of reaction
it’s not the worry about the date, you know that
it’s the look of worry that she has whenever she has to study for an exam, basically a deeper worry
and only an extra second of looking at her that you can pinpoint what’s wrong
she doesn’t want to leave her little brother alone
“i know, he’s 19 now, he’s not a little kid,” Wen Qing tells you when you’re both standing outside of her apartment
“but he hasn’t ever gone outside or done much since he was a kid and sometimes, i wish that i could put more time to be there for him... i...”
“don’t feel guilty about doing something for yourself,” you immediately tell Wen Qing, when you see her giving you that look
the look of just staying home, 
she cares so much for Wen Ning that she really forgets about her own happiness
“i’ll stay around for another hour or something; besides, someone has to fix up the thunderstorm we made of your closet,” you tell her with a smile
and Wen Qing looks like she’s about to tear up
but you stop her right away,
“keep it in, for the eyeliner” you remind her
when you re-enter the Wen apartment, closing the door behind you, you’re happy that you are able to help Wen Qing go on her date at ease
Wen Ning looks up from the couch at the noise, surprised at your return
“hope you don’t mind if i stay around for a little bit?” you ask him, as you slip off your slippers and walk into the living room
Wen Ning stares at you then into his lap
when you don’t hear a response, you turn away awkwardly to go and fix the clothes in Wen Qing’s room
“if Jie asked you to stay here for me, you don’t have to. i’m fine being alone,” 
the words stop you in your tracts
and you turn around to look at him
he’s not looking at you,
but the TV is turned off
the apartment is quiet
“well... it’s more so because i’m a medical student and need to destress. plus i think my friend’s little brother isn’t too bad of a choice for company” you find yourself saying
Wen Ning stares at you, 
you can’t read the expression on his face quite well
“would you mind keeping me company?” you ask
and somehow you’re holding your breath
but after a second, he nods and you smile at him
“just let me go take care of your sister’s closet first, i promised her i would clean the mess i made” you excuse yourself 
once you’re in Wen Qing’s bedroom, you get to work on organizing the pile of clothes you both threw onto her bed as best as you can
but it still takes you a good hour until you emerge from the bedroom
when you come back out to the living room, you’re more than surprised at the set up you see
snacks and drinks on the coffee table
the throw pillows on the floor
“Woah! is that a wii controller??” you ask excitedly
you hadn’t seen one of those since... since you started this medical school journey
study, study studying 24/7
“well, whenever i’m stressed, i always think games are a good way to relax,” Wen Ning explains in his quiet voice
and you couldn’t agree more
“definitely; but i’m going to let you know now that i’m probably the most competitive person you’ve ever met,” you warn Wen Ning
“can’t be worse than my sister,” Wen Ning says, surprising you
and you let out a laugh, hopping straight into the game
it’s been so long since you’ve played
but with each round your fingers and joints loosen and relax, reminding yourself of the time when you were good at these kinds of things
it’s so easy to play with Wen Ning, who’s quiet and cheerful in his own subdued way
and actually has quite a lot of zest despite his calmer, softer temperament
you get along with him so well, that you don’t realize all the time that has passed until you both hear a voice from behind
“you’re still here?”
you turn around to look at Wen Qing, looking the picture of surprised at your presence
Wen Ning uses your momentary distraction to seal the win, and his cart crosses the finish line before yours for the umpteenth time
“no fair! Wen Qing came!” you shout 
and Wen Ning just smiles at you an easy “you can try again,” on his lips like he’s said for the past 5 hours
you laugh at his words, but pull yourself to your feet, sighing happily
“i wish, but i think i have to go now,” you tell Wen Ning 
and you almost laugh at the pout that instantly shows on his face
“but don’t worry, i’m settling the score with you the next time i’m free, or whenever you sister invites me over again” you tell him and send a wink at Wen Qing
when you turn back to meet his eyes, Wen Ning looks at you with eyes that hold you to your word
“next time, i’m playing too” Wen Qing pipes up as you gather your belongings to leave
that gets a laugh out of everyone
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toshisslut · 4 years
Having a Black/AfricanAmerican GF
➤ HC, 1.4k words
➤ pairing: akaashi keiji x female reader, bokuto kotaro x female reader 
➤ genre: fluff with a lil bit of angst
➤ warnings: lil bit of angst and implied racism
This was actually inspired by an account who did a hc about dating a latina.(i can’t remember who so if you know please let me know!) i thought it was super cute and also? idk, i’m just a black fan and i’d like to think about what it would be like dating them. sue me :P 
Akaashi Keiji
So like, Keiji is already super down to earth and laid back so he takes everything in stride.
When you’re not with him he spends his time looking up cultural things so that he can understand you better
AAVE trips him up tho but that, too, he studies and researches bc he just wants to understand you better
Tbh he didn’t quite get your ThingTM about your hair but he’s not rude about it. Instead he just sits and listens to you when you talk about the teasing/trauma you went through about it
For a whole day he’s just silently mad bc “wtf, who teases someone about their hair like that? Why the hell would someone do that?” 
“Babe, it’s okay.”
“It is absolutely not okay” 
Cue soft yet angry keiji who hugs you tight and gives you kisses throughout the day, but when he’s not doing that he’s muttering to himself, cussing up a storm.
You’re nervous to meet his friends but like, he’s already beat it over their heads that if they say anything rude/offensive then he’s breaking their wrists and ankles
By accident he starts using your hair care stuff (he gets scolded bc that shit is expensive but once he starts pitching in to help you buy some he gets a pass) 
Now y’all’s hair smells like cantu and coconut oil lmao 
And THEN, of course, he starts using your skin cares stuff
“Your skin is just always so soft.” but what he doesn’t tell you is that he just loves the way you smell and him using your products is just a way for him to always be able to smell you
“Keiji,”You whine, “You’ve used up almost all of my conditioner again.” 
“Not my fault it makes my hair feel nice.” 
You roll your eyes but you aren’t mad. Not when he pitches in an equal, if not an even greater amount of money into your haircare and skincare budget. At first you assumed it was to be nice, but then you realized that he was most certainly using the products as well. 
You reach over and run your fingers through his hair. It’s much straighter than yours, so he has to use a lot less of the product to avoid the risk of making his hair oily. But now, you assume, he must have found the right ratio between his own products and yours because his hair feels amazing. 
Soft. Fluffy. 
“No fair,”You say as you pout, flopping down beside him onto the couch. “You already have pretty lashes and smooth skin, now you’re using my products and getting better results than me.” 
He wraps his arms around your waist and brings onto his lap, his work long since forgotten. “Sorry, baby.” 
“Something tells me that you’re not really sorry.” 
He’s not, but he doesn’t say that. Instead he buries his face into the place where your shoulder meets your neck. He takes in your scent and smiles, though his expression his hidden by the position the two of you are in. 
“Keiji.”You whine, pouting still. 
His smile grows wider. Yes, say his name more. He loves the way you say his name. The way it rolls off of your tongue. Your Japanese is getting better, but there’s still a cute little twang to your voice; specifically, when you say his name. (he hopes that never changes)
“Fine. How about I run us a bubble bath together, hm? Then we can do your skincare regimen together.” 
You know that this is his way of getting to use your skincare stuff too, but he’s rubbing your back in soothing circles and the way his lips brush against your neck is distracting. 
“Aren’t you...aren’t you worried that your friends will tease you for smelling like your girlfriend?” 
He turns his head and kisses your jawline. “Not at all.” 
Because really, he’s not. He’s never really cared when they teased him anyway, but he especially doesn’t care about them teasing him about this. He loves the way you smell. The way you feel. Your smile. Your laughter—everything about you really. Using your products helps him to carry your scent around with him, giving him a nice reminder throughout the day of you and everything about you that he adores. 
Bokuto Kotaro
THIS boy
Oh my goodness
So like, Bokuto is just a people person. Super sociable and friendly
Y’all probably meet while he’s in the states for a game and he’s chilling, talking to Hinata and then boom, spits out his drink bc pretty lady
He’s not super shy when it comes to introducing himself but he doesn’t get your number right away and then gets into a slump
Was it the language barrier? Was it just that she doesn’t think I’m good looking?
Calls up Akaashi like “bro oh my goodness i met the love of my life but what if she just doesn’t want me :((“
And ofc Akaashi was asleep (bc time difference) and he’s irritated bc WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING AS SOON AS I ANSWER THE PHONE??? But he tries to be a good friend regardless and is just like “then study some english, dummy” 
So Bokuto does
And like, he wasn’t the super best at studying in school but you bet your ass that he’s trying his damndest now
When y’all finally start dating he’s on cloud nine. Cutest boyfriend. Always showering you in compliments and affection
He doesn’t notice the stares that you two get from people (both Americans and Japanese folk alike) bc he’s just super heart eyes until one day and you’re just so uncomfortable. And he’s like “baby?? You okay??” 
You try to explain to him that it’s because people are staring and he’s just like “well yeah, bc you’re hot? And so am I????” 
Oh poor baby, he gets so upset when he finally gets what you mean. He’s so mad too bc like, who cares that y’all aren’t the same race? As long as you love each other because that’s what is supposed to be most important, right??
He gets super miffed about it but rather than going off on strangers every time it happens, he instead just turns to you to assure you that he loves you from the absolute bottom of his heart to the tippy top
“Bokuto-san, is that girl really your new girlfriend?”Asks one of the team’s athletic trainers.
Bokuto smiles with pride because why yes, y/n is his girlfriend and he is absolutely proud of it. You’re like sunshine to him. You make him so happy. 
“Yeah,”He replies, “She is.” 
The smile on his face fades when the trainer’s face scrunches up into a grimace. “Ahh, but Bokuto-san, you’re so popular in Japan. Do you really need a girl like her?” 
You and Bokuto had been through this before. Some family members and some friends (could you two even call them friends at that point?) had made similar comments to the both of you. Some of them tried to be passive aggressive about it while others just straight up voiced their displeasure at your coupling. 
It was none of their business though. 
Not at all. 
“And what is that supposed to mean?”He asks the trainer, standing to his full height of 6’2. He towers over the short man and stares him down. Waiting. He’s waiting for an answer but all the trainer can do is stutter and shake. “Oh come on, don’t go silent on me now. You had so much to say only a couple of seconds ago. Speak. Up.” 
“I just meant...well, are you sure she’s a good look for you?” 
That sets him off. 
The conversation between the two of them had gone widely unnoticed by those in the room. That is, of course, until Bokuto was about to swing on him. Then chaos broke out. It took Atsumu and Oikawa to hold him back.
(Hinata tried but failed. He grabbed onto Bokuto’s arm but basically just had to hold on for dear life as Bokuto flung his arm about)
The athletic trainer gets fired because there’s no way Bokuto would ever even think about working with him again and, once he told his teammates about what happened, they stood behind him. (They like you a lot and they’ll be damned if you get talked about like that)
No one tells you anything but when Bokuto meets up with you that night for dinner, he hugs you a bit tighter and kisses you for just a bit longer. 
Because, yeah, he may not care what other people say or think when it comes to your relationship, but you’re his #1. He’ll be damned if he lets anyone speak about you in his presence. 
perhaps i’ll continue this as a series with other characters (or maybe even more oneshots? idk,,,lemme know!)
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yukiobeyme · 4 years
Hi there! Just wondering if you could possibly write hcs for trans Beel or trans Satan? But if you can’t that’s fine.
I am supposed to doing my Civil Engineering HW? Yes.
I am coming back from the dead to answer this? Yes.
Can I talk about Trans!Beel and Trans!Satan all day? God Yes. Please ask me more talk to more about LGBTQIA+ and how it fits in Obey Me!
Thank you so much I hope I do this some justice. I am sorry how it got so long, but I got in the groove for this and I just came up with other ideas
Beel has some implied body issues, mention of top surgery and T-shots
So you more or less got Satan’s coming out story, I could have just written it as a fic and it would have probably been shorter and more concise. But I did add other headcanons as well and accidentally hc how Satan got his everyday outfit.
*Also disclaimer: Satan’s hc focus a lot on Parrotfish by Ellen Wittlinger being a gateway for him figuring out his identity. I have heard of it and seen both good and bad reviews. I recognize that some bad reviews implied that there are possibly inaccurate stereotypes but was a good starting point to introducing Trans Characters to fiction. I have never read it and can not confirm or deny what the reviews say.
From a young age he wondered why and how Belphegor were twins when he was a girl.
It caused a distaste in his mouth but more often than not he pushed it away.
 It wasn’t until the Fall; did he finally act on it.
The first time he was called “sir” his heart almost burst out of his chest
 He immediately told a sleepily Belphegor about it, he figured he wouldn’t remember in the morning
 But boy was he wrong, it turns out Belphegor laid awake after Beel told him that. In the morning they talked about it again. Belphie offered his full support.
Belphie became Beel biggest piece in his support system. Like sure a lot of problems, he said maybe a nap or food would help. But it turns out he was right? (Well for the most part) but whenever Beel felt like everyone hated him and judging him, Belphie would wrap him up in the softest blanket in the house and they would take a nap together. Or when Beel seemed to be angry at everything and hated everyone, Belphie pulled him to the kitchen and made his favorite meal.
Randomly one day Belphie asked about how Beel felt about himself. “Like it doesn’t matter if you pass in someone else’s eyes or not, but do you like how you look?”
That’s when Beelz really got into bodybuilding and weightlifting
While he didn’t necessarily come out to the rest of the brothers, but none of them came out as cis so he wasn’t going to go out of his way and come out as trans
“working your legs naturally helps build more testosterone, so does eating eggs,” it was Satan that told him shyly behind a book if Beelz noticed that Satan was eating more eggs and even doing leg exercising he said nothing
Satan and Beel would have random conversations about gender and identity. Most times Belphie sat in on it. Asking questions or making comments.
Before he got top surgery, he would wear full-body binders, he had a standard black and white, but he also had an orange one. Completely confident to wear them by themselves.
 After top surgery, he showed off (as he should)
Takes pride in his body and the work and effort he put into it. To make it his own.
·         T shots doesn’t help with his appetite at all, the horror that went through the house when the avatar of gluttony appetite almost doubled. After a few weeks, it averaged out to be just a little more than pre-T but the brothers none the less both impressed and mortified
Belphie immediately opened his closet to Beel, like Beel occasionally stole clothes before, but this time Belphie made sure that Beel knew whatever he wanted he could take.
Asmo was definitely down to help Beel with shopping, but he turned him down. Favoring to go with Belphie
Faced little backlash, only some sports watchers had problems with it but were quickly shut down. Though even after all these centuries some people still have problems. But Beel has learned to keep his head high but knows he is allowed to be upset and hurt by their words. But he also knows he can go to any of his brothers for comfort and to regroup.
Beelz doesn’t get the same attention and attraction that Satan does, but he doesn’t mind. Though when he sees younger lgbtqia+ looking in awe at him at the gym, he usually swings by to see if they have any questions or need tips.
Okay, wait hear me out… Definitely created a club specifically for lgbtqia+ to have the gym and exercise together. Whether it was leading a class, he has gotten Asmo to lead a few yoga/ meditations or letting them break out into groups and giving them tips on stance or what exercises could build muscles to help them pass. But most importantly teaches/reminds everyone that their body is their own. That no matter what happened to them, their body is theirs. It can look however they want and even if it doesn’t look perfect, it is still is worthy of love and self-care. “The only opinions that matter is your own, it is your body. Claim and make it your own. No one can take it away from you”
Satan offered to let him borrow Parrotfish, Beel isn’t too interested but Belphie wanted to read it to him.
Overall Beel is confident and comfortable with his body and his identity. On his bad days, he knows he has endless support from Belphie and his other brothers.
You know that feeling when something clicks and its that chilling calm that covers your body? Satan was reading a random book, Parrotfish by Ellen Wittlinger.
First came out to Asmodeus, because Satan knew Asmo would accept him and help him in whatever way Asmo could.
And of course, Satan was nervous because Asmo couldn’t go to the others not yet. Satan planned it out that Lucifer was on Earth and expected to be there for a week, so Satan had time to execute his plan.
Asmo was worried when Satan came to him all serious. Well, Satan is always serious but this time the nervousness and lack of confidence made Asmodeus sit still and hold his breath. Asmodeus was attentive as Satan slowly stumbled through his prepared speech, which mainly focused on talking about the book he had just finished.
 Asmo didn’t understand until he saw how heartbroken and lost Satan looked. He was frantic in a sense and blurted out something along the lines of, “So, you wish you were a parrotfish?” while it wasn’t necessarily the best thing to say, the laugh it go out of Satan and the uncertainty in his smile was worth it.
Asmodeus took it upon himself to go shopping for Satan, getting him new more masculine clothes.
It was Levi that got Satan’s his first Binder, “A lot of cosplayers wear them, so you should be okay for some light exercising in it”
Soon all the brothers, well except Lucifer knew and the day Lucifer came back, Satan hid and avoided him.
Satan should have known better, but he was still surprised when Lucifer summoned for him
He was terrified.
When he entered the room, he couldn’t meet Lucifer’s eyes. But when he spared the glance, he saw the disappointment in Lucifer’s eye. Satan tried to swallow around the lump in his throat and ignore the burning in his eyes.
“What are you wearing?” Not exactly what Satan thought Lucifer was going to say first. “Was it Asmodeus?” “Ugh” Lucifer shook his head and strolled to his closet and threw the door open and went searching for something. “Ah, there it is,” Lucifer returned with a yellow sweater. “This would be more suiting for you,” Lucifer offered the sweater to Satan.
“You aren’t mad?”
“The only thing I’m relatively mad at is how offensive that outfit is,”
“I might have shoes too, but they might be a little big on you,”
Satan left wearing his new sweater and shoes on, laughing how he had to keep a black undershirt on, and the shoes flopped due to being too big. But he left with a lot of weight off his shoulders and high in spirits.
That sweater is the famous one you still see him wear today. He wonders why Lucifer would have such a bright color and when he asked Lucifer just made a face and rolled his eyes as he replied with “Asmodeus thought I needed to brighten my wardrobe.”
 Satan loves it, its soft and bright. It’s a little too low cut for his liking but an undershirt fixed that problem. And it doesn’t hug his chest and honestly, it’s his favorite piece of clothing
 Parrotfish is a permanent book in his room and he reads it once a year. And has special scenes marked, so he can go back and read certain passages when needed
Once Satan came out to Barbatos and Diavolo they both requested to read the book and met with him for tea to talk about the book and life.
Lucifer even snagged the book for a bit. (He tried to be sneaky about it and Satan pretended not to notice)
 Asmodeus and Mammon is chaotic with their support, it nice and needed but can also be overboard but he knows they do it out of love. Pride is a huge thing at the house and Asmo decided to do a gender reveal party for Satan
Beelzebub, Belphegor and Levi are supportive like they are ready to fight anyone who gives Satan any issues about his gender and gender identity, but they are as obnoxious as Asmo and Mammon. They will sit with him, talk to him, or just quietly listen. Most times they can’t offer help and admit they don’t know what to say other then they are here for him and willing to listen to whatever he needs to talk about.
Lucifer is quiet support. At first, Satan thought he didn’t approve but then Lucifer would make a random statement or ask for clarification that made Satan feel comfortable. Lucifer glared at anyone who even thought about giving Satan a weird look.
Satan’s go to binder color is a light grey and most times it just a crop top rather than a full-body one. Though he has an aqua blue one he wears occasionally. (I have a drawing of this somewhere lmao)
Satan tried to give himself his first haircut but Asmo had to come in and fix up the mess and disaster he created. Sure, his hair was way too short for his liking, but it wasn’t long anymore.
Over the years has learned the different meanings behind the looks he gets, whether it’s in disgust or that longing look that demons that aren’t out give him. He somehow occasionally becomes a dad to other trans! Demons. Whether it's long talks or if it's just quick tips that help him through the years.
Ironically enough, Lucifer is his biggest support or the one he relies on the most during days or moments when Satan feels terrible. Because Lucifer won’t be fussing all over him or beat around the bush about it. Sometimes he will state he too busy to talk but will leave and come back with hot tea and Satan’s favorite biscuits. Lucifer sometimes sends him away to grab his homework and they will just work in silence together. While Satan hates to admit how much he appreciates Lucifer for these moments, it helps a lot.
Last one! The first formal after Satan came out, he realized he didn’t have clothes for it. Out of all the styles and outfits he had gotten nothing formal ever came through. His brothers came through though. Asmo couldn’t convince him on any of his extra formal wear so he went around finding pieces that the other brothers weren’t using. Satan was only missing a jacket, but the outfit looked perfect. When he ran into Lucifer, Lucifer brought him to his room and offered him one of his simpler jackets and touch him how to pin it to tailor the sleeves to a better height.
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Cimmerian, Male, S/o | Mashirao Ojiro + Fumikage Tokoyami + Ejiro Kirishima | HC’s
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Request: Mind if I request fantasy au headcanons for ojirou, Fumikage, and kirishima (separate) with a male s/o who’s a Cimmerian barbarian who often warships Crom plz (Cimmerian is a race in Conan the barbarian and Crom is a religion in there also)
Word Count: 914 words
Page Count: 2.5 pages
A/n: hope you enjoy it! 
Tags: none :)
Mashirao Ojirou
- Mashirao the best assassin there is.
- And he had a new job from an anonymous sender, saying they would give him his pay, once the job was done.
- He looked down further into the note and saw a name.
- [ Full Name ]. A Cimmerian.
- He was panicking as he headed to your last known location.
- A CIMMERIAN? Lord help him.
- They're viscous warriors- with the most recent generation known for being born during war...
- They don't even pray to their major god due to the fact that its seen as a bother?
- His confidence takes a deep nosedive into a trench.
- He worries so much it throws him off his game.
- A dangerous thing for an assassin.
- A well known one at that.
- He was ambushed from both sides, and he wasn't thinking straight, so he was put down on his ass real quick.
- "Mashirao... you've been taking up so many long jobs. Good jobs. MY jobs."
- "I think it's time you take a vacation. Maybe even retire."
- He walked up to the tied up blonde, his eyes widened, arms tied while also being held down by two men w/ their knees in his back.
- "It's almost pitiful you rely on an ambush to target your enemy."
- Oh FUCK.
- He looked up to see a tall man.
- A really tall man.
- A gorgeous, built, and delicious tall man.
- With [ H/c ] hair, [ S/c ] skin, and a build similar to a god.
- He would get on his knees to-
- Pray. Yeah. 
- P R A Y.
- Your markings and clothing gave off exactly who you were and what you stood for.
- "A Cimmerian! Shit!"
- They started to scatter quickly- fear filled eyes darting all over for a point of escape, making you chuckle.
- "I don't think it is going to be that easy."
- D E C I M A T E D .
- "Th...thank you?"
- "Hm."
- He didn't know what do to, he didn't stand a chance against you and you're a fucking B E A S T.
- "How. Uh, how can I repay you?"
- "Repay me?" Your voice was tense.
- Shit.
- Did he just ruin his chance? Did you take offense? He didn't feel like having death come for his ass today.
- "Hm."
- ???
- "A meal. That would suffice."
- "O-okay!"
Fumikage Tokoyami
- Fumikage is a Dark Mage.
- And his family has been around yours for a while- deeming them reliable, for their work and such.
- You'd both officially meet when you were with your mother, who was preparing you and your father for a hunt as well.
- He came to curse your arrow tips for practice, but your parents said to cast a spell to make it harder to aim- so you can aim better normally.
- "Good luck."
- "I don't need luck. I have my skill."
- Bro you were SO COOL.
- Little Fumikage just stood there with wide eyes.
- "Wow."
- He blows up your ego.
- Finds it confusing that even though you follow Crom, you don't pray at all to him.
- "I don't need to pray, he gave me all I needed to survive when I was born, so I don't see a reason to bother him."
- "Damn."
- You definitely helped him grow his powers, with all the hexes and curses and whatnot, he definitely helped you along the way with gaining strength as well.
- You're the more reserved one while he can go on and on and on.
- You're a good listener though.
- "I love you."
- "Good."
- "Really, [ Y/n ]?"
Eijiro Kirishima 
- Our favorite Red Dragon/Martial Artist!
- You two met when Katsuki got a bit tipsy, looking for someone strong enough to join him and the others on their adventure.
- And he ended up getting into a bar fight, and threw a man into the counter, who toppled over onto you.
- Your temper got the best of you and you knocked the fuck out of the dragon tamer, picking him up and taking him outside his friends following and yelling.
- "Please don't kill him, Mr. Cimmerian!"
- "We'll take him off your hands!"
- "Hey, man, I'll take him."
- You couldn't stop staring at his red hair.
- It reminded you of rubies, roses, the blood of your enemies, the poppies that grew on the side of your home when growing up.
- "Hn. Fine. Don't start trouble again."
- Your headache was killing you.
- When you turned around you heard them all yelling.
- "Shit! You're bleeding, man!"
- "Hn."
- You tried walking forward, but they all rushed to you, trying to get you to stop while looking at your head.
- "Stay still. We're trying to help!"
- "I don't need any."
- "Please? Just sit down."
- You obliged and sat on the ground as they wrapped your head, hands held your form as you wished to get to your cabin for the night, dizziness coming into your vision.
- "There we go. Now, I think we should keep an eye on you."
- "Yeah! Come on, lets take you to your housing!"
- "We'll help out, come on."
- You can't seem to manage to shake them?
- But the redheads hands... they were very warm.
- Very soothing.
- You only chuckled at the others and their stupidity,
- Maybe one night.
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spaced-out-imagines · 5 years
Shirakumo helping his S/O who has trouble controlling their strong quirk headcanons
Request (from @melancholy--haze​ ):  hey! could i request a hc or scenerio with shirkumo oboro and a partner who has a really powerful quirk but have zero confidence using it. like they want to be a hero but have no idea how to control this overly powerful quirk and how he might help them through it.
a/n: Thanks for the request! I decided to do some headcanons this time because I’ve done a couple of oneshots already, so I hope you don’t mind. I hope you like it and thanks for giving me the opportunity to write for my favourite cloud boy!
Warnings: none!
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First of all this boy is your own personal cheerleader
Shirakumo will make it abundantly clear that he really admires the fact that you have a strong quirk and that you want to become a hero
When he hears that you don’t have a lot of confidence in your quirk he will immediately rush over and hype you up
Saying that your quirk is amazing and that you just need more practice to learn how to control it
He is completely willing to help you if you want to train and will even encourage you to train with him
If your quirk is physical and you’re scared of hurting him, he quickly dismisses it and tells you he can protect himself if things go wrong
His clouds can protect him from most physical damage and he reminds you of that every single time you get worried
If your quirk isn’t physical he still encourages you to train with him and will help you when you lose control
Will even rope Aizawa into helping you by erasing your quirk if things get out of hand (AIzawa complains about it but in reality he doesn’t mind too much)
Shirakumo has pretty good control with his quirk and so he tries to give you tips on how to control your own quirk
Will tell you how he learned to control his quirk and will then try to apply those strategies to yours
If that doesn’t work he will try to come up with different ideas and will bounce them off of you to see which ones you’re interested in
Shirakumo might not be the brightest bulb in the box with some things but I believe that he is smart in terms of quirks and in combat
Like he utilises his quirk really well and knows how to use it both offensively and defensively so he will for sure try to analyze your quirk and will try to make some strategies that play to your quirk’s strengths
If you’re really stressed about your chances of becoming a hero or if you’re really tired and upset, he will take you on a ride using his quirk to take your mind off of it
He always makes sure you take breaks and you don’t overwork yourself
Will scold you lightly if he finds out you’re pushing yourself too hard but he also understands why you do it
That doesn’t mean he won’t drag you to your room to take a nap though (and maybe sneak in some cuddles because this boy loves to cuddle but that’s a discussion for another post)
Overall, Shirakumo will always be your hype man, will try to help you with your quirk (with either training or making strategies), and will make sure you know your limits
185 notes · View notes
A comforting Killer Oneshot~
A/N: This is my part of a little trade I had with my ultra-cool friend @supernova-hcs-art (check her out pls, she’s amazing)! I really hope that you enjoy it, this certainly was interesting and a lot of fun to write :D! Killer is seriously underappreciated imo
Words: ~4000
Warnings: none
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'A day off' sounds like a simple concept to most people; after all it serves as a well earned reward for those who spend most of their time working hard to make a living, and gives them the opportunity to finally spend some tender moments by themselves or with their loved ones. That sounds like a nice thought, am I right? ...However, the term 'day off' holds a completely different meaning to the Kid Pirates- after all, they are pirates, wanted criminals- and you can't just take a day off from being a menace to the public now, can you? But despite the fact that they certainly take great joy in decimating whoever crosses their path and just generally enjoy ruining everything they come by; whenever the Victoria Punk pulls in or docks at a port already known to be frequented by criminals, wrecking havoc is for once not the top priority of the Kid Pirates. After days or even weeks at sea the whole crew was longing for some sort of outside entertainment which, suprisingly, didn't have anything to do with pestering the weak. And as you might have guessed, today was one of those days.
There was an uncommon atmosphere of tranquility aboard the great pirate ship, and for once not a single soul was yelling around or picking a useless fight with a fellow crewmate- in fact, not only the upper deck but the entire ship was looking completely abandoned, almost as if there was no one there....but that wasn't entirely true. Given, you would have to wander deep into the actual interior of the Victoria Punk until a sound would actually reach your ears- which would be the sound of something sizzling in a frying pan at the other side of the kitchen door, to be specific.
And there he was, Captain Kid's closest friend and basically second-in-command- Killer. The masked man was looming over the pan sitting on top of the stove, his body unmoving like a statue- except for when he was flipping the frying meat every now and then. Other than that it was completely quiet, even along the hallway leading to the cabines of the other crewmembers there wasn’t a single noise to be heard. However... there was still another person left on board aside from ‘the Massacre Soldier’.
Earlier that day, Eustass Kid left the ship with the remnants of the crew so Killer could spend some time with the sole female member of the pirate group- a newcomer, whom he had been close to for quite a long time but only recently convinced to actually join the crew. That person was you, (Y/N), a completely new addition to the steadily rising number of criminals roaming the sea. But right now there was nothing dangerous or criminal on your mind- in fact, you were simply trying on different dresses and outfits inside of your and Killer's shared cabin while humming a small tune to distract from the uncanny silence of the ship. Tonight would be special, since you and your boyfriend basically had the whole place to themselves, and Killer was quick to suggest a date night consisting of dinner and stargazing in the Crow's nest. Well, of course there was also the option of him taking you out, but since everyone else was gone the tall pirate couldn't help but look forward to spending some time with you and you alone. And knowing that his best friend would be more than enough to keep the ship safe and that his buddy was probably longing for some 'sappy romance' time with you alreaey, Kid almost instantly allowed Killer to stay behind while he went on ahead and took the rest of the crew out and into the town to finally seek some entertainment.
However, right now the smell of something burning immediately pulled the masked pirate out of his train of thoughts and back into reality, and with a quick movement he lifted the pan off of the stove to start preparing the plates for tonight’s dinner. There wasn't much to work with in the kitchen, since most of the pirates’ diet consisted of alcohol and the food they stole scavenged from their trips to different islands. And because no one really took it upon themselves to keep an eye on the pantry, a majority of said food had gone bad already, and would later be discarded into the sea like almost everytime they reached a new port. But whether it was just luck or thanks to his keen eye, Killer actually managed to salvage a few pieces of somewhat fresh looking meat alongside with his private stash of pre-cooked spaghetti noodles, and so he was able to pull a somewhat decent dinner together which consisted of- well, spaghettis and meat with a somewhat spicy vegetable sauce. The tall man now pulled out two plates which he had previously scrubbed clean (since tidiness was another foreign term on this ship) and started to add some final touches, eager to finish with all the preparations before you would be done with getting dressed. However, since he didn't want to serve you any uncooked meat, he had to take some extra time with getting everything ready, so upon hearing you knock at the kitchen door Killer let out a small sigh. As to be expected, you had beaten him to it.
A few large steps later his hand wrapped itself around the door knob, ready to see what clothes you had chosen to wear for your little ‘date’. His gaze wandered back to the finished plates once more to make sure that he didn't forget anything, before he opened the door with a loud squeak.
Even when surrounded by the people he cared about and trusted, Killer would always keep his mask on his face or within reach, and moments like these once again reminded him of just how crucial that was- the sight of your beautiful curves hugged perfectly by the smooth (d/c) dress you choose to wear, your hair styled exactly how he adored it the most, and that gentle smile grazing your beautiful lips... his face turned as red as a tomato within mere seconds.
„Ahem, all done? I was just about to finish up myself, so you can go up to the crow's nest already if you want.“ he cleared his throat and made sure to keep his voice steady while his eyes were still glued to your gorgeous form.
But the smile on your lips only seemed to widen as you walked straight past him with a small giggle and gleefully eyed the plates your boyfriend previously put on the table.
„Mh, I could do that, but the smell of something delicious kiiiiind of demanded for me to come and check on you,“ you admitted and lifted your gaze from the food to look over at the masked man still standing at the door, „...and the food don't smell too bad either.“ you added with a playful wink which caused the corners of Killer's mouth to twitch upwards under his mask.
„Come now, don't be ridiculous.“ he replied sternly and in an attempt to make it seem as if he was brushing off your teasing, but as he walked over to join you by your side a large hand immediately reached out and started to rub your shoulder affectionately.
„But if you want to help I won't stop you. The plates are rather hot so I will take care of them- but look, the silverware is right over there.“ Your smile slowly turned into a playful pout, disappointed that he didn't seem to play along with your teasing, but regardless of that you walked over to the counter and picked up the forks and spoons with a dramatic sigh. As soon as both of you were more or less loaded with what you needed for the dinner, Killer let his eyes roam around the kitchen once more to make sure that he didn't miss anything and then gave the signal to head up to the Crow's nest. 
The way back to the deck was rather quiet, neither one of you felt any desire to disrupt the unusual silence with needless conversation, especially since there were things to hold and concentrate on. But regardless, there was a definite feeling of excitement rushing through your veins as you couldn't wait to finally spend a calm and quiet night just with your boyfriend- no drunken crewmates singing offensive shanties, no Captain Kid pulling Killer away for an arm-wrestling competition, and no one going for a swim because they tried to flirt you up while being drunk, which of course lead to Killer throwing them overboard.
No, tonight it was only the sound of the waves sweeping against the ship and the crying of the seagulls that were still circling the port. By now the two of you had finally managed to climb up into your destinated spot, (which was not a simple task for Killer who carried two piping hot plates with food, if I may add) and with delight you realized that he had actually prepared everything already- a bunch of pillows were lying all over the little space you had, most likely in order to make it more comfortable and cozy to sit, and a small table was placed in the middle for you two to eat on.
„Oh Killer, it really looks lovely!“ you exclaimed in a dreamy voice as your feet carried you over to the two biggest pillows, which were undoubtly arranged as the main seating opportunity. The masked man behind you simply smiled with pride as he put the plates down onto the table and headed over to the biggest pillow, where he quickly sat down with a loud 'thud!'. His hands immediately reached behind his head as he turned away from you and carefully craned his neck to the side, so the mechanism that kept his mask in place was now exposed.
„Would you, please?“ he asked in a calm tone, although the question was rather pointless since you were already on it and fumbling around with the mask, which opened and landed in his lap a few moments later. A proud smile grazed your lips as you clapped your hands together in excitement and allowed yourself to sink back into the pillow, right next to your boyfriend.
„There! Now, do I finally get to look at that handsome face?“ you inquired with a small giggle, and Killer playfully ran a hand through his hair to brush some strands out of his face before turning around to look at you.
His gaze roamed over your body again, now to take in all the little details that he previously missed or couldn't make out from behind his mask, a hungry glimmer reflected in his eyes. And just like him your (e/c) orbs were glued to his face, more specifically to those beautiful eyes sparkling especially bright thanks the light of the moon, and that gentle smile that could melt you right there on the spot. A happy sigh escaped your lips as moments which felt like hours passed by, the two of you only focussing on taking each other's form in as if this would be the last time you'd see each other in years.
„Like what you see, (Y/N)?“ the tall man then whispered in a playful tone as he held himself back from releasing a small chuckle and handed you your plate, a wide smile now plastered on your face.
„Well I oughta get a good look until you turn unrecognizable once more,“ you giggled and pointed down at his own plate, indirectly joking about how much of a messy eater he tended to be. And indeed, the first times that you and him dined together, Killer's face did get so messy from the food that you almost thought there was a stranger sitting next to you.
But the pirate simply brushed it off as the corner of his mouth twitched upwards and instead focussed on the spaghetti before it would get cold.
A simple nod of your head was enough to signal that you were thinking the same, and so Killer quickly handed you a spoon and fork before literally... digging into the dish.
Now having dinner with him was always something special, and since he wasn't wearing his mask you could actually observe how his face would lit up as he enjoyed the taste of the food he had prepared earlier. A smile grazed your lips as you occasionally reached for a napkin to clean some sauce off of his cheek, all while cuddling up to your boyfriend in order to feel his warmth. Although the spaghetti was already doing a great job of heating you up from the inside.
„So.... I heard Kid once again broke the arm-wrestling table Wire brought from the last port? How many times did this happen now?“ you asked with a playfully raised eyebrow, the plate with your remaining food now sitting in your lap as you felt the desire to talk with your boyfriend for a bit. Killer almost choked on his pasta at the mention of what went down the night prior- it was definitely not an evening he was keen on recalling (especially since someone spilled alcohol all over his new shirt at some point), but the memory of his captain angrily smashing his fist down on his favorite table, breaking it in the process, still brought a smirk to his face.
„Well, if I recall it correctly, then Kid actually made a comment about that just before leaving with the rest of the crew... something about 'taking a new table from the nearest bar' they would be visiting,“ he grinned and shook his head before picking up his fork again, but you suddenly got an idea which almost made you chuckle out loud.
„Hehe, then I hope he takes that table before getting drunk again, or else he might mess up and accidentally carry home a donkey instead!“ you laughed and playfully slapped your boyfriend's knee, the idea that Kid might be so wasted that he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a donkey and a table sounded absolutely hilarious in your mind.
For a quick moment, silence returned to the ship once more as you waited for your partner’s reaction- mentally you were already anticipating a light chuckle or his usual playful smirk, but then a high-pitched sound suddenly tore through the air and almost startled you as you looked up at Killer with suprise.
„Faaaffaffaffaffaffa!“ said man was covering his eyes with a hand, his mouth wide open as the unusual sound of his laughter reached your eyes.
Now, seeing your boyfriend smile was one thing, but him laughing was actually still pretty foreign to you even until this very day, so to say that you were caught off-guard was quite the underestimation. Both your mouth as well as eyes were opened wide as you stared at Killer, who's laughter now began to die down just as quick as it had started. Almost as if he realized that he just made a terrible mistake, the blonde man lowered his head as his smile faded into a frown and his hand was still pressed against the upper part of his face, thus completely shielding his eyes from your view.
You could basically feel how Killer's mood immediately decreased, a look of shame and discomfort now on his handsome features as he averted his gaze even more by turning his head to the side. His hand slowly wandered down to now press itself against his mouth, seemingly to keep any further noise from escaping.
Silence returned once more, but this time it was because neither of you seemed to know how to respond to what had just happened, and you were still in awe of actually hearing your boyfriend's laugh for the first time. Of course you knew about how much he detested the sound of his own laughter, it was something he had already told you early on into the relationship, but you never really understood what could make him hate his own voice so much. And even now, you still didn't understand. Was this... was this what he was so embarrassed of? Well admittedly, it was quite an unusual laugh, but it definitely didn't sound like something to be ashamed of! In fact, now that you finally heard it for yourself, you realized that this could very well be a sound you could grow used to...
Killer however took your silence and the thoughtful expression on your face as an indirect sign of rejection, and although he was relieved that you didn't laugh, he still felt incredibly ashamed and vulnerable because of what just happened, so he decided to do what would be for the best in his eyes.
„It's okay,“ he cleared his throat and tore his glance from your face to look to the side again, before silently picking up his plate and slowly standing up, „I can... I’ll leave, if you want it.“
His voice was nothing but a hoarse whisper as he lifted his head and prepared to climb back down, but suddenly the feeling of your hand gripping his arm caused him to stop right in his tracks. Confused, and still mildly uncomfortable, Killer turned around as if he was expecting you to make a joke or some sort of comment, but instead you simply turned your head to the side and blinked up at him with slight confusion.
„Don't go! It's just... you know... I never heard you laugh before.“ you exclaimed in your usual warm and calm tone, without any trace of malice or mockery hidden underneath, which caused Killer to slightly relax from his tense state.
„As you can tell, there is a reason for that...“ he simply muttered and lowered his gaze again, which caused you to slightly loosen your grip as you furrowed your eyebrows in irritation.
„Actually... no, I can't.“ you bluntly admitted and kept on looking him in the eyes so he wouldn't continue to avert his gaze. Your sudden bluntness caught Killer off-guard for a moment as he frowned down on you as if you were kidding, but judging by your intense glare it was clear that you wouldn't let him walk off like this. At least not without a talk, so just as quick as he got up he sat back down again, his arms now crossed infront of his chest. It was clear that he didn't want this sudden 'outburst' to ruin your datenight, but deep within him there were the same insecurities that plagued him for years rising up again, mainly concerning his laugh and how others would respond to it.
„(Y/N)... I don't mean to overreact, but I'm sure you are aware that this is... a difficult topic for me...“ Killer simply sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair while his eyes were fixated on a point far away in the starry sky. Of course you knew that this wasn't easy for him, after all he did tell you about how much he always hated his own laugh and how people who dared to make fun of it would pay a devastating price for that, but now that you finally knew what it sounded liked... you were oddly relieved, to be honest.
„Yeah, I know, but Killer- you may see it as a flaw, but to me... I never heard you laugh before. Do you know how happy it makes me to finally know about this?“ his gaze slowly wandered over to your face, and although the frown on his lips was still as hard and unmoving as before, he was kind of curious now to hear what you had to say.
„...I'm... It always felt like there was something missing...“ you continued and carefully put a hand on top of his knee, „I've seen you smile, heard you cry... this is actually something I've been wondering and worrying about for a long time.“ your voice slowly began to fade out and blend in with the sound of the crashing waves as you wondered how this sudden confession would make him feel. Would he be mad? Sad? Would he leave? Part of you was almost expecting him to get up and walk away without saying another word, but instead the tall man carefully put a large hand of his own on top of yours.
„Well, if I’m being honest- I was... kind of wondering and especially worrying too. About how you might react,“ Killer admitted and closed his eyes for a moment as the painful memories of how many times he was teased for his laugh boiled up again, but he did his best to suppress those negative emotions and thoughts for your sake, „and I... misjudged you. After a while you just get used to people laughing at you, so you start assuming everyone might react the same. But you, (Y/N)-“ his head turned your way, his eyes now glued to your form as he raised an arm and gently stroke over your cheek, „-are different. I probably should have figured that much.“ he muttered and awkwardly cleared his throat before lowering his gaze as a small red hue formed on his cheeks.
It's true that talking about this had been something he was dreading, but the fact that you're willing to support him and look past this detested flaw of his once again reminded Killer just why you meant so much to him- similar to Kid, you were there and able to accept him for who he was, flaws and weird laugh included.
A large smile spread on your face as you affectionately rubbed your cheek against his hand, happy that you managed to get him in a somewhat better mood again. This topic might never be an easy one for him, but you were more than glad to have finally talked about it.
„Mhh, and know what? As a matter of fact, there are a few embarrassing secrets of my own that you don't know yet either!“ you chuckled and playfully nudged his side while reaching behind you with your free hand. Killer's ears quickly perked up at that as he felt himself relax more and more, the usual smirk now plastered on his face- he was happy to change the topic to something a bit lighter-themed.
„Oh? Is that so?“ the blonde man asked and raised an eyebrow while mustering your face up close, but your smile only widened as you suddenly pulled out a small bottle of what he presumed to be wine. Of course. There wasn't a single place on this ship that wasn't equipped with alcohol.
„Hehe, I coooould tell you- if I'm drunk enough!“ you sang loudly and shook the bottle around in front of him as a tease, to which Killer replied with grabbing the item and getting ready to uncork it, his smirk softening a bit as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer while continuing to inspect the beverage.
„Well, you got my full attention- I suppose it can't be helped then...“
...and getting drunk with you on this starry night sounded just about perfect to him right now.
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junker-town · 7 years
NFL Panic Index 2017, Week 5: Eli Manning leading his team in rushing TDs is a GIANT problem
Seattle’s snakebit on running backs. Eli Manning leads the Giants in rushing TDs. Matt Ryan doesn’t look like an MVP. There’s plenty to panic about in Week 5.
The Seattle offense had a slow start against the Colts, but when things started rolling in the second half, the Seahawks blew the game wide open. But just when the team was putting the finishing touches on a 46-18 win, rookie running back Chris Carson fractured his leg.
The seventh-round pick climbed to the starting spot in Seattle, but now they’ll have to go to the next man up, which isn’t anything to the Seahawks because they have the worst running back luck ever.
It started when Mr. Reliable, Marshawn Lynch, needed sports hernia surgery in 2015 — right after he got a two-year, $24 million extension — and missed most of the season. He promptly retired during the Super Bowl a few weeks after the Seahawks were eliminated.
But Thomas Rawls looked like the next star in the Seahawks backfield. Or at least until he fractured his ankle at the end of his rookie season, and then fractured his fibula in Week 2 of the next season.
C.J. Prosise briefly looked like he’d take the reins with 234 total yards on 30 touches in two starts during the 2016 season, but a fractured scapula ended that momentum.
Others like Eddie Lacy, Christine Michael and Robert Turbin have had a chance to step up, but haven’t done much with the job.
Panic index: Losing Carson is disappointing for the Seahawks, but the biggest concern is the team’s offensive line. Asking anyone to hammer out more than a few yards per carry is a tall ask, but J.D. McKissic gave some reason to be hopeful. It’s not time to panic, but some decent luck at running back would be a welcomed change in Seattle.
The Rams were 3-1 last year too, and that didn’t end well
The Los Angeles Rams look like a good football team! They’ve started off the season 3-1, which is tied for the second-best record in the league. Pretty good, right?
Well, the Rams also started off 3-1 last season. They’d go on to finish 4-12 — not good!
The Rams have actually looked much different this time around, though. They’re fifth in the NFL in total offense, and have the No. 1 scoring offense. Their first three wins of last season was really just the Rams getting by. They had a -13 point differential, a -442 yardage difference, and a five-point average margin of victory.
This year, those numbers are immensely better. They have a +37 point differential, a +64 yardage differential, and a 14.7 average margin of victory. Jared Goff actually looks like the player the Rams hoped he could be, and Todd Gurley looks like the old Todd Gurley.
Panic index: Jeff Fisher is gone, Jared Goff is good, Todd Gurley is back, and the defense is making plays when they need them. The only panic should be about the lack of people in seats.
The Dolphins are regressing on schedule
Last year, the Dolphins were almost the reverse Rams. They started out so cold that their only win in the first five weeks was an overtime victory over the Browns, but then Adam Gase’s team went on a tear, eventually earning a spot in the playoffs.
This year, Miami’s start to the season looks the same. The Dolphins are 1-2, with their only win coming against the 0-4 Chargers. Then they almost got shut out by the Jets (the Jets!), and then did get shut out by the Saints, whose perennially awfully defense hadn’t blanked any team in five years.
But that was in London, and London games can get weird. Gase doesn’t seem too worried, either:
#Dolphins coach Adam Gase, who has a way with words: “It's not time to panic. We've been way worse than this.”
— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) October 1, 2017
But why isn’t he? The Dolphins were always a top candidate to regress this year, and not only because Ryan Tannehill was lost before the season even began. Last year’s team rode a weak schedule and close wins to an 10-6 record. They went just 1-4 against teams that finished the season with a winning record.
This year, while Jay Cutler’s getting paid $10 million to basically show up and do the bare minimum like an 18-year-old with a bad case of senioritis, the schedule is much harder. None of the Dolphins’ opponents for the rest of the season have a losing record right now. That includes the Bills (twice), Patriots (twice), Falcons, Raiders, Broncos, and Chiefs. A turnaround like last season is much more improbable.
Panic index: It’s hard to panic too much about something we all thought was coming anyway. But here’s the best advice we can give to Dolphins fans: Follow Cutler’s lead and try not to give any effs.
Matt Ryan doesn’t look like an MVP
When the Falcons started 3-0, it looked like they might cruise right to the top of the NFC again this season. But over the past couple of weeks, Matt Ryan has looked like a shadow of the player who was named MVP and Offensive Player of the Year last season.
Ryan went nine regular season and postseason games from 2016 to 2017 without throwing a single pick. He’s thrown five of them over the past two games against the Lions and the Bills.
A step back was expected this season for Ryan and Atlanta’s offense. Former offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan was a play-calling genius whose talent got him the head coaching job with the 49ers this offseason. Steve Sarkisian, Shanahan’s replacement, had no experience calling plays at the pro level before accepting this role with the Falcons.
The Falcons still pulled off the win against the Lions. They lost to the Bills, but Buffalo is actually good this season. Still, Ryan’s performance over the past couple of weeks look like a bigger setback than anyone expected.
Panic index: There’s some context needed here. Atlanta’s starting right tackle, Ryan Schraeder, is out with a concussion, and the right guard, Wes Schweitzer, is inexperienced. Plus, Julio Jones and Mohamed Sanu both left Atlanta’s Week 4 loss to Buffalo with injuries. Let the Falcons get through their Week 5 bye and get healthy and the offense, and Ryan, should rebound.
Sean McDermott has an addiction ... to coachspeak
Every coach does it. They say inane things to answer questions without actually revealing anything of substance. But Sean McDermott took it to another level.
#Bills HC Sean McDermott: "If we're going to get addicted to anything, let's get addicted to the #process"
— Joe Buscaglia (@JoeBuscaglia) October 2, 2017
The good news is that the #process is not a banned substance under the league’s policy on substance abuse or the PED policy. So if the Bills are going to get hooked on something, the process seems like a safe enough place to start.
Panic index: The Bills are on top of the AFC East, so if they’re addicted to the process, it’s working.
Eli Manning is the Giants’ leader in rushing touchdowns
New York hasn’t done a great job of fixing its rushing woes of 2016. Through four games, Paul Perkins is the team’s leading rusher with *61* yards. Eli Manning is fifth on the team in rushing yards with 21, and has the only rushing touchdown on the season.
It was this spectacular athletic feat:
That 14-yard run was the team’s longest rushing touchdown since 2015. It also broke a streak of 21 games without a 10-plus yard rushing touchdown for the Giants.
Eli. Manning.
Panic index: The Giants are 0-4, and have no running game to help open up the pass. Something’s gotta be done — and they have to hope rookie Wayne Gallman can be that spark.
The NFL is home to entirely too many bad starting quarterbacks in Week 5
Week 5 will feature some dire quarterback situations. Derek Carr’s back injury will throw EJ Manuel into Oakland’s starting lineup; Manuel is 6-11 all time as a starter. If Marcus Mariota’s hamstring strain keeps him from playing, the Titans will have to turn to thrift store mannequin Matt Cassel in his place.
And then you have the veteran starters who have been microwaved trash. Jay Cutler is earning $10 million to throw for fewer than six yards per pass. Blake Bortles is completing less than 55 percent of his passes. Joe Flacco, in the midst of his worst season as a pro, has thrown for just 150 yards per game.
Some help is on the horizon. Mike Glennon has been yanked for Mitchell Trubisky, who despite his rookie status, can’t realistically be much worse than his predecessor. Andrew Luck has returned to practice, which means the Tolzien-Brissett era in Indianapolis is coming to a close. Sam Bradford could return, uh, well anytime, according to his entirely unspecific coach Mike Zimmer.
But those glimmers of hope won’t help in places like Jacksonville, Baltimore, and San Francisco — all of whom could be looking at a lost season after just one month of play.
Panic index: Seems like there are a whole bunch of teams who could use a quarterback who once led his team to the Super Bowl. If only there were one who wasn’t signed for 2017...
Every game is an away game for the Chargers
There’s no such thing as home-field advantage for the Chargers. They’ve had three games in a row in their temporary stadium, the StubHub Center in Los Angeles. It’s a tiny stadium by NFL standards, with just 27,000 seats. But the Chargers can’t seem to bring in their own fans to fill them.
It was so bad on Sunday that when Eagles linebacker Jordan Hicks tried to rile up the crowd to make things more difficult for Philip Rivers and the Chargers offense, it worked.
“Sixteen away-game season! Every game’s an away game,” a Chargers player yelled in the locker room after the loss to Philadelphia, according to Jack Wang of the Orange County Register.
Rivers tried to be a bit more circumspect when speaking to the media after the game, but admitted the crowd noise was a factor.
“I don’t think, in a lot of ways, it compares to other teams having three home games,” he said. “Yeah, it’s tough.”
The Chargers have nearly sold out every game at the StubHub Center, so attendance isn’t a problem. The problem is that their fans aren’t the ones showing up.
Panic index: The Chargers aren’t very good, and that makes winning over fans in a new city a lot more difficult. But look on the bright side: At least they only have five home games left on the schedule.
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