#mr hemulen's nephew
hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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Mr. Hemulen
Originally from Comet in Moominland, then continuing his role in Finn Family Moomintroll (in fact, he's the only Hemulen to appear in more than one book from the main book series!), he was a grumpy and oblivious old man who only ever focused on his stamps, but after he finished his collection and took up plant collecting, his character softened. He was later fully adapted into the 90s series, becoming a very often reoccurring character who offers his knowledge on plants and other fields of science.
Nana's Fiance
Not much is known about him besides being Mr. Hemulen's nephew, but we do know he had a disrespect for fireworks before his uncle taught him The Way. He seems like a fine gentleman, engaged to a pretty girl who became exhausted looking for him.
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
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The poker gang have a movie night and it's the former conservative catholic's turn to host.
I was just listening to the Plagues from Prince of Egypt and so I am digging out the weirdly explicit religiousness of the '69/shin series for this to make sense, you can't stop me.
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rosesofthetwilight · 4 years
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💡Lightbulb Moment💡
Aunt Jane is my poor little meow meow, I want to wrap her in a blanket like a burrito and baby talk to her in incomprehensible affection as I rub my face against hers, she's pathetic and lonely and a sour lil lemon girl and her smiles especially in season 2 speak to me in unknown tongues that vaguely radiate an unreasonable amount of joy.
In the event of cannibalizing the rich, I would like to spare her but also kick her riches into the money pit and then place her in Moominvalley where she can finally feel relief and joy again.
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Look at her!!!!! Poor little meow meow hurt her back and now she's cozy on the couch!!!!
I had sympathy for her in her debut episode because of her underlying backstory of constantly being taken advantage of by other people and being desperately lonely especially since her family is mysteriously all gone aside from her orphaned nephew and she wistfully said her and some guy named Fredrick were "frivolous once".
The Japanese dub confirmed her younger brother (Moominpappa's dad) is dead, episode 11 of season 2 reveals that she had a music box from her "darling" who disappeared/died and she nearly forgot about it since she put it in a dark room to gather dust, and the fate of her family can only be left up to imagination.
The English dub of her debut episode does absolutely no justice to the dialog of the original ending because in the Japanese dub, rather than making Moominpappa look over her money in the basement and giving the suitcase of money to him so they can "get used to eachother", Moominpappa actually tells her why he's scared of the money, as he's used to not having it and he fears having it would take away some sense of freedom, she understands this and gives him the suitcase not for him but for the people who need it (aka Snork and Mr. Hemulen). Her breakdown in the Japanese dub is also actually about her being upset that her nephew doesn't like her. In episode 11 s2 she invites the Moomin family over for Christmas and nobody brought her a gift (since they don't know crap about Christmas) but she's overjoyed that they kept her company that winter.
With all that being said.
She's my daughter now.
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jancmalandra · 4 years
Mrs. Fillyjonk's General Store
On finding your way home
Mrs. Fillyjonk spent her days following a carefully planned routine, which was very much what everyone in Moominvalley had come to know her for. What had gradually changed over the years, however, was how she spent all this effort and passion for control. When she and her three children had first arrived in Moominvalley, she clearly felt that her perfectionism set her above everyone else in the village. She was immediately at odds with the Moomin family and their freewheeling lifestyle because they were her closest neighbors.
Inevitably, the Moomin family were the first to attempt to welcome Mrs. Fillyjonk to Moominvalley. It didn't go well and she and Moominmama wound up locking horns frequently over the next three years. Fortunately, Moomintroll, Snufkin, Snork Maiden, and Sniff charmed their way into friendship with Mrs. Fillyjonk's three children, Allan, Robert, and Linda over the first week that they all met. The children began a sort of conspiracy against Mrs. Fillyjonk's severe, elitist, controlling temperament which proved very effective.
Mrs. Fillyjonk was a strict, overprotective disciplinarian towards her children precisely because she loved them very much. She wanted to protect them from the world that she had come to see as cruel and dangerous because of bitter experiences during her marriage. As Moomintroll and his friends taught her children how to have fun and enjoy life, she found herself being softened gradually by their growing happiness.
Eventually, she and Moominmama became friends and Moominmama helped her to warm her icy relationship with the families of Moominvalley. She joined the Moominvalley Women's Club and mutual understanding between Mrs. Fillyjonk and the villagers of Moominvalley began to grow. The final thing that made her a fully welcome member of the community was her growing friendship with Mr. Hemulen.
Mr. Hemulen was a beloved figure in Moominvalley. Everyone looked forward to seeing him wandering through the valley each day, closely examining every flower he came across. Despite the solitary existence he led, he was always willing to pitch in and help anyone who asked. His spectacular fireworks were in regular demand throughout Spring, Summer, and Fall every year. Mrs. Fillyjonk came to respect his scientific expertise, but she was concerned about his tendency to avoid community events where he wasn't providing fireworks.
She barged her way into Mr. Hemulen's life and made sure he would be there for big celebrations and holiday parties. She was instantly appalled at the disorderly state he kept his cottage in when she came to visit him for the first time. He didn't have the fortitude to prevent her from putting his home and greenhouse in order, but he managed to draw the line at his fireworks workshop. Mrs. Fillyjonk was not eager to be blown to smithereens by misfortune.
She did insist on checking on him twice a week to do housecleaning and make sure that he was eating properly. After several months Mr. Hemulen began to look forward to her regular visits, and caring for him brought out her gentle side even more. It would be an exaggeration to say that they were in love, but they had come to enjoy each other's company very much.
A year after Moomintroll and Snork Maiden's children were born, Mr. Hemulen's health went into a very rapid, frightening decline after he suffered a bad fall in his cottage. Mrs. Fillyjonk was the first to find him and immediately moved in with him. She became his full-time caregiver as his advanced age slowly crippled him totally. She made sure to put all of his affairs in order, taking particular care to hand over his fireworks supplies to his nephew, who took them back with him to Tornio and his fireworks business there.
Mrs. Fillyjonk alerted the members of the Moominvalley Women's Club when Mr. Hemulen's last days were clearly upon him. She, Moominmama, and all the members of the club stood by his bedside as he quietly passed away in his sleep. Mrs. Fillyjonk made all of the funeral arrangements and it was a fitting memorial to him. The entire Moominvalley community spent the year in mourning and Mrs. Fillyjonk helped everyone deal with their grief as she dealt with her own.
She kept living in Mr. Hemulen's cottage, caring for all the exotic plants in his greenhouse and his extensive flower garden. She also got Moominpapa's help organizing Mr. Hemulen's voluminous notes on plants and making sure that they were published for posterity. She wanted Mr. Hemulen's cottage to stand as more than just a memorial to him and decided to turn it into a general store for the village. Mrs. Fillyjonk's disciplined mind made her a natural at starting and maintaining a business and her General Store soon became a welcome fixture at the heart of the village. Her three children became capable employees in short order, but when Alan and Robert went to Tornio University, she and her daughter Linda found the store almost more than they could handle.
Mrs. Fillyjonk could see that Linda would very soon want to go out into the world on her own as well. She wanted her daughter to feel completely free to pursue an independent life, so she put out a flyer in the village offering a good job to a promising candidate. The first person to respond wasn't at all who she might have expected.
On the first Monday in May, a very pretty young human woman entered Mrs. Fillyjonk's General Store in the late morning and handed one of Mrs. Fillyjonk's flyers back to her. She had bright red hair tied up in a green bow and wore a long green dress that came down to her black leather shoes. She wore a small bell around her neck that was old and no longer worked. She was carrying two large traveling bags that were obviously stuffed full with her belongings.
"I would like to apply for the position you're offering.", she said very calmly and professionally as she set her luggage down, "I'm looking to move to Moominvalley permanently and I need a source of income. Since I'm looking to become a part of the community, you don't have to worry that I'll forget my obligations to you as my employer or suddenly leave without notice. I would also appreciate it if you could point me to some affordable lodgings."
"Very well.", said Mrs. Fillyjonk kindly, "I must say that you give a very good first impression. You may start in three days, after we get you settled in of course. You may stay in my old cottage free of charge as long as you keep both the house and yard in good condition. I'll give you three months to prove yourself here, and then we'll see. Oh! How terribly rude of me! I've completely forgotten to ask you your name!"
"Ninny. Ninny Hampton."
To Be Continued
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Writer’s Month 2020
Day 1: tattoo artist/flower shop AU– 2638 words
Snufkin took a deep breath as he stepped off the bus. His knees felt stiff and he was actually questioning if his legs were still attached to his body, with how little feeling he had in the bottom half of his body. He hadn’t moved once since he first got on the bus and sat down almost six hours ago.
The bus wasn’t his favourite method of travel. There were too many people. Although most kept to themselves, occasionally, he would end up sat next to someone who took his lack of headphones as an invitation for a chat. Which would have been nice had Snufkin not decided early on in life, that travel time was quiet time. Snufkin liked to use his travel time to reflect – he would think back on the adventure he’d just had and think forward to the adventures still to come.  
He was grateful that, this time, he had ended up sitting next to a young mumrik woman who had simply shoved her bag onto the overhead shelf, plugged earbuds into her ears and then started writing into a small journal – which appeared to be full of recounts of different adventures she had had. She had given him a polite smile when she boarded – three stops after his own – and then another small smile as she rose to let him out of his seat, into the aisle when the bus reached his stop. Snufkin had tilted his hat to the fellow traveller and smiled before heaving his rucksack from the overhead shelf and left the bus.
Now he was in the middle of Moominvalley – a town that he found he could not completely abandon. Even though Snufkin didn’t like the idea of being tied down to any one place, there was something about this town that kept pulling him back.
If asked, he would probably say that it was his family that pulled him back. His mother owned a large house (which needed to be large considering how many children she had) near the coast and Snufkin tried to at least show his face whenever he was in town even if he wasn’t that close to his mother or younger siblings. Then there were his older sisters. His oldest sister, Mymble, lived just outside the town in a modest house with her partner. They were eagerly looking forward to expanding their little family (hopefully soon, according to Mymble’s latest message) and Snufkin would admit that he was looking forward to having a little niece or nephew, so he would often call in to his sister before he even thought about venturing anywhere near his mother’s house.
Mymble also knew her brother well. She knew that he enjoyed his freedom and his travelling. She never tried to pressure him to stick around longer than he was comfortable and she had converted a small shed in her garden into a small guest room. The key was hidden amongst the well-kept flowerbeds, giving Snufkin a dry place to sleep no matter the time or day. All she had asked was that he check in regularly to let her know that he was okay, a habit which likely rose from Mymble practically raising her younger siblings whenever their mother got distracted.
Snufkin’s other older sister, nicknamed Little My, also lived in Moominvalley. However, where Mymble was the epitome of the responsible, sensible sister, Little My was the epitome of the rebel child. For as long as Snufkin could remember (backed up by tales from Mymble), Little My had been a troublemaker. She loved to cause mischief and mayhem wherever she went. Likely spawning from a need for attention as a child, Little My just loved to see people jump. Thankfully, her pranks and antics calmed down as she got older, but she still had an appearance that would make some uneasy and recoil.
Little My had gotten her first piercing at ten – no one bat an eyelid at pierced earrings – and then followed that with more until the top of her ear was almost covered. Her ear piercings were then followed by a nose stud and an eyebrow piercing. At 14, Little My had decided she wanted something to make her stand out from her innumerable siblings and dyed her hair black with a DIY dye kit – the bathroom never quite recovered.
And then, at 15, she got her first tattoo. Again, it was something she did herself. She bought a tattoo starter kit online and tattooed “I BITE” in wobbly letters on the side of her foot. It was not very pretty, even Little My herself had admitted that. But that first tattoo got her hooked. 5 years later, she started working in a tattoo parlour in the middle of Moominvalley High Street and quickly became a popular artist.
And that was who Snufkin was on his way to see first. It had started, as many things do, with Little My being annoying.
Snufkin had been away traversing the mountain range two hours outside of Moominvalley. He’d been away for almost a month before he returned to Moominvalley and his sisters, covered in mud and dust but with the most content smile he’d ever had on his face. Little My had taken one look and immediately started complaining.
“You look happy. It’s disgusting.” She had said, “What’s so great about a dirty great lump of rock?”
Snufkin couldn’t have even begun to explain how he had felt when he finally reached the peak of the mountain and looked out on the land. He had been able to see everything. The air had been so pure and clean that he felt like he couldn’t get enough of it in his lungs. He had sat and watched as she sun moved across the sky, the shadows moving slowly over the landscape. He had felt at peace.
“I know what will get that stupid grin off your face!” Little My had suddenly announced. Snufkin had looked at her as she disappeared from the room, only to return moments later with her tattoo kit. Snufkin had originally said no but Little My refused to drop the subject until he relented, on the condition that it couldn’t be bigger than his harmonica.
Mymble had then found them ten minutes later, Snufkin lying shirtless on his stomach in the middle of the kitchen floor with Little My sitting on his spine, focussing intently on Snufkin’s shoulder.
After that first tattoo, Snufkin found that he quite liked the idea of recording memories in his skin. He didn’t like pictures all that much – they were too easy to lose. He didn’t like souvenirs either – they required more space than he had to store. But getting his sister to ink symbols and images into his skin? They would last and didn’t require him to start carrying around a suitcase. So, after every big adventure that he took, he would return to Moominvalley and visit Small Beasts’ Tattoos to get a memory imprinted onto his back.
 Moomin loved his job. He worked in a florist on Moominvalley High Street. The shop only had four employees. There was the owner, Mr Hemulen, who loved plants and flowers and would spend hours tending to the stock which sat on display in their buckets of water. There was Snorkmaiden who had a very good eye for design and took on the job of building the bouquets and arranging the displays so that they caught the eye of those passing. There was Sniff, Moomin’s best friend, who handled all of the backroom work – managing the finances, ordering in new stock, and keeping track of custom orders.
And then there was Moomin. Moomin filled in and carried out the other jobs. He would handle customer service and man the till – Mr Hemulen was hopeless with technology, so much so, that Moomin wouldn’t even trust him to answer the telephone. Moomin would fill in when Snorkmaiden and Sniff had days off, he was no where near as talented as them, but he had watched them enough to get by. Moomin would play courier and deliver orders when the customer was unable to get to the store. And Moomin would close up, he would let Snorkmaiden head off to whatever social event she had planned for that evening, he would let Sniff scurry away to get on with whatever scheme he had planned to earn him some extra cash and he would let Mr Hemulen head home so that he could tend to the personal plants he grew at home – Moomin knew Mr Hemulen’s greenhouse to look like a jungle from the inside.
Moomin really loved his job. It wasn’t too taxing, and he loved getting to see his best friends every day.
It also didn’t hurt that the shop was opposite a tattoo parlour that a certain mumrik happened to frequent.
Moomin hadn’t meant to stare the first time. He had been just finishing tidying up the shop when he noticed a mumrik dressed head to toe in green walk passed the window. The mumrik had walked into the tattoo parlour and then ended up getting tattooed in the one window seat. Moomin had glanced over as the mumrik had gotten settled on the seat, his shirt gone and his back on display, and was struck by the tattoos already decorating the skin. There were about 15 miniature images dotted around the mumrik’s back. They didn’t appear to be connected to each other, yet they flowed like they couldn’t not be connected. They were all rather small – too small for Moomin to be able to make out from across the street – and they were all just black, no splashes of colour anywhere.
Moomin was fascinated.
Due to his fur, tattoos would never be something he could realistically consider. He’d thought about it, during some rebellious moments of his youth, but eventually decided that the upkeep would be too much for him to maintain and gave up the idea. But he was still fascinated by tattoos in general. Particularly, the seemingly random assortment on the mumrik’s back.
Moomin was thankful that the mumrik only ever appeared after the florist had closed. Because whenever he appeared, Moomin couldn’t stop his thoughts from drifting and he would never live it down if Snorkmaiden should ever spot his staring. The only downside was that while the mumrik often returned to the tattoo parlour, his schedule didn’t seem to follow any rhyme nor reason. Like the tattoos on his back, he appeared at random – sometimes having only a couple of days between visits and then disappearing for a couple of months. Whenever a long period passed, Moomin often found himself thinking of the mumrik. He didn’t know where he disappeared to but Moomin still hoped that the mumrik was safe, wherever he was.
 The bell above the door tinkled as Snufkin made his way inside the parlour. There was the buzz of a tattoo gun emanating from the back rooms and a murmur of conversation just beneath it. He was later in arriving than usual, there had been a rather talented street performer who Snufkin simply had to stop and watch. He’d then dropped a few coins into hat and continued on his way. He was lucky the door was still unlocked, which meant that someone was still getting worked on, and meant that he would still likely be able to see his sister.
         Footsteps gradually drew closer from the hall leading to the back, and a voice sounded “Hiya, sorry we’re actually about to close soon so you’ll have to book an appoint- Oh, hey Snufkin. How are you? Good adventure?” Ninny was one of the other tattoo artists and good friends will Little My.
         “Hello Ninny. I’m good, the fresh air is just what I needed.” Snufkin smiled. As he spoke, the sound of the tattoo gun stopped and then a shriek filled the air.
         “IS THAT SNUFKIN? YOU [JERK]! YOU DIDN’T SAY YOU WERE ARRIVING TODAY!” Little My went quiet as the tattoo gun started up again and Snufkin huffed out a laugh as he slung his rucksack down next to the chair by the front window. He chatted casually with Ninny for a few minutes until a rather large, muscled man with a very bushy moustache and wearing biking leathers appeared from the back rooms. Little My followed behind him. “And I swear, if you come back to me again to get another cover up, you will wish you hadn’t been born.” The man nodded once at Little My, eyes wide and nervously fidgeting with the bandana in his hands. Snufkin smirked at the sight of the large man quite obviously feeling intimidated by his sister who barely reached the man’s chest in height. The man quickly paid, speaking to Ninny in a quiet voice before scurrying out of the parlour.
         “Still terrorising your customers, Little My?” Snufkin asked as his sister finally turned to look at him.
         “I wouldn’t have to if people actually thought their tattoos through. That’s the third time he’s asked me to cover up his arm tattoo.” Little My stood with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes scanned up and down his brother’s figure, “Well, what are we doing this time?”
         Snufkin smiled and started to describe his latest adventure where he went to find a waterfall hidden deep in a forest which had a large cave, big enough to live in, behind it. Little My nodded, pulling a sketch pad onto her lap, absently doodling as she listened. Soon, she held up the pad to show Snufkin her designs. Snufkin pointed to his favourite and pulled off his shirt as Little My went to grab her kit.
         By the time Little My was finally inking the design, the other artists had all left, leaving just Snufkin and Little My in the shop. Snufkin asked about what Little My had been up to during their two and half month separation, and then asked after their sister, Mymble, and then finally after their mother.
         “She got married again.” Little My casually stated. Snufkin hummed in response.
         “Who’s step-dad this time?”
         “I don’t know. I barely paid attention at the wedding. I only went for the food, to be honest with you.” It was quiet for a few moments. “You should probably bring flowers when you go visit.”
         “I spoke to mother when I got off the bus, she wants me to stay with her tonight. I won’t be able to get flowers at this time.” Snufkin glanced out the window at the sky which was beginning to darken.
         “Go across the street.” Little My grunted, tongue out in concentration.
         “It’s closed, the lights are off.”
         “Moomin will still be in. The large lump of a marshmallow always stays really late for some reason.”
         “They’re still closed.”
         “Like I said, Moomin will let you in. He did it for me when I forgot Valentine’s Day. I would not have survived arriving home empty-handed.” Little My started to finish up. “I’ll even walk you over, if you’re that concerned.”
         “No thank you, Little My, I’m sure I will manage.”
         And twenty minutes later, after wrapping his latest tattoo up tightly, Snufkin said goodbye to his sister and left her to clean up her workspace while he walked across the street.
         Sure enough, as he approached, he noticed a figure moving around inside the shop. He walked up to the door and rapped quietly on the glass. A large white moomin came and unlocked the door.
         “Yes? Can I help you?”
         “My sister Little My works across the street and she said you might be able to help me get some flowers for my mother?”
         The Moomin smiled brightly and nodded, holding the door open wider, “What were you thinking?”
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hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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Aunt Hemulen
Exclusive to the second series of Adventures from Moominvalley, she came to Moominvalley to give her brother, Mr. Hemulen, a surprise visit, only to be sidetracked by a group of children with no adult supervision.
Infamous for a clip on YouTube of her most rude moment in the episode, Aunt Hemulen isn't actually such a terrible person, she just happens to be an extremely naggy person who has amazing cooking skills and a genuine care for these children she's never seen before. She has an extreme fear of the Groke and yet she took the hint when the children used that against her and let them be, only to speak of them very kindly to her brother and be saved by them when nearly drowning in the river.
Nana's Fiance
Not much is known about him besides being Mr. Hemulen's nephew, but we do know he had a disrespect for fireworks before his uncle taught him The Way. He seems like a fine gentleman, engaged to a pretty girl who became exhausted looking for him.
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hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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Welcome to the first round of the Best Hemulen Bracket!
I am your host, @flowerbloom-arts, and over the next few weeks we are going to pick our favorite hemulens from each pair, carefully selected according to commonality.
There are many, many hemulens in the Moomin franchise as a whole, but who is the best?
After careful considering, I sadly must only pick 32 of them to compete against eachother. You may not know some of them, but I will be providing information on each one for each poll!
Side 1:
Mr. Hemulen (bug collector) vs Mr. Hemulen (plant collector)
Aunt Hemulen vs Nana's Fiance/Mr. Hemulen's Nephew
Party Dresser vs Riviera Boutique Keep
Charity Volunteer vs La Goona
The Pisciculturist vs the Philatelist
The Botanist vs the Zoologist
The Inspector vs Henry
Officer 1 (Moomin Begins a New Life) vs Officer 2 (Moomin Builds a House)
Side 2
The House Seller vs Sadling
Wimsy vs the Big Hemulen
The Park Keeper vs the Park Wardress
The Small Hemulen vs the Jailer
The Orphanage Principal vs the Hemulen Aunt
The November Hemulen vs the Hemulen Who Loved Silence
Dragon Adopter vs Intruder
Hatton the Prospector vs the Muffle
Here are some reasons why I chose these hemulens in particular, you may skip this part:
1. I didn't pick any 2019 Hemulens because they tended to be rather muddled adaptations of other pre-existing hemulens. You may consider those versions when it comes to voting if you'd like, but be warned, nearly none of them are accurate to the source material.
2. The Hemulens had to have atleast 2 panels of dialog (the Charity Volunteer) or a relevant role to the story's plot (the Dragon Adopter and Intruder). So, apologies to the cowboy Hemulens from Moomin Goes Wild West and the like.
3. These are honestly the 32 I could remember off the top of my head, there were a handful few others but these were the ones I was personally interested in enough to remember.
4. Sadly some resources are unavailable to me like the Fuzzy Felt adaptation, so if there were any hemulens exclusive to that show that you were confused as to why they weren't included, I'm very sorry.
5. Some characters are either in a grey area or difficult to tell if they're meant to be hemulens, so I picked those who are unmistakably hemulens or atleast generally accepted as such.
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
What do You think about Tanoshii Mūmin Ikka: Bōken Nikki (Aka 90's Moomin Season 2)
They're so expresive i'm my opinion
Oh Adventure Diary is a very.... interesting addition to the franchise, honestly.
The writing for it feels alot different than the original series' writing and the lack of atmosphere to it makes it seem more noticeably bad imo.
Honestly the worst part that really irked me in particular are the caricatures of Middle Eastern people and the way they depicted Cleopatran Egypt with Arabian-ish architecture, otherwise everything else was either tolerable, funny or interesting. (Except that Moomin Begins a New Life adaptation, it was just straight up terrible in how it nullified the point completely and made really bad creative decisions.)
I enjoyed getting to see Inspector's Nephew in action, Mr. Hemulen's sister was by far the most amazing thing to get happen to 90s Moomin lore alongside the extra Aunt Jane time. I'm probably way more excited than I should be that they low-key retconned Adventures of Moominpappa but at the same time I'm disappointed that they didn't have the kids react to the reveal that Moominpappa was straight up lied to them about his backstory, but whatever I can totally use that in an abridged series I wanna make but likely never will.
I'm upset that they practically wrote Mymble Jr out of existence except for the first episode as a cameo and a minor role in another episode, and that we never see or hear about Snork at all throughout the season. On the plus side.. Hemulector inexplicably real?? Like it's not just two guys standing next to eachother, they keep standing and sitting next to eachother even though they should have nothing to do with eachother.
The animation quality has a very noticeable nosedive likely due to the lack of budget and just about 2 episodes really stood out to me as upping the quality, but that's all frosting to me. I personally really enjoyed the season as a whole in spite of its obvious quality issues and very different feel to the original series, but I get if someone dislikes it because they believe Moomin to be more sacred than I do. I just really appreciate the additional lore and stuff I could get out of it, like the Moominpappa backstory retcon, and a very different but somewhat more likeable take on Inspector's Nephew, and Aunt Hemulen, and vague Aunt Jane backstory, and Hauska, and just a smidge more stuff on Mrs. Fillyjonk's kids.. yeah.
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flowerbloom-arts · 2 years
Hmm… how about the Fillyjonk/Hemulen who owned the Moomin foundling home, from which Moominpappa grew up and eventually escaped from? I have a feeling you have more thoughts about her than most.
I do have alot of thoughts about her but I don't think they can be put into any square of the bingo I reblogged, so I'll write my thoughts in text form;
For the duration of this ramble, I will be almost exclusively considering the Hemulen from the book version of Moominpappa's Memoirs, since the Fillyjonk is more or less a creation made to fulfill the roles of two characters to simplify the narrative, and we don't have much unique information about her besides the militaristic attitude, the fact she opts to write her kids' numbers on their back rather than tagging them, owns a mixed species foundling home rather than one exclusive to Moomins, and the small implication that she's related to the Mrs. Fillyjonk of the 90s series. I'm trying to wrack my brain on how I want to use this fillyjonk because I think her design is unfairly pretty, and the only thing I can come up with is her being Mrs. Fillyjonk's aunt Doris who was name dropped in a Lars comic once (in the Inspector's Nephew, in particular, and was referenced in Moominmamma's Maid far prior)
So anyway, the Hemulen strikes me as interesting and her dynamic with Number 13 (little Moominpappa) potentially so. I've been wanting to make more content of her but the curse of having too many other ideas still aches me. I find her mentioned interest in astrology to be a remarkable detail, since very little do we see hemulens besides the comic Inspector have real hobbies they participate in despite their job, and her somewhat odd priority in cleanliness over giving her children affection is something to be pondered.
Her attitude seems a bit cranky towards the strange talkative child, likely having to endure this behavior far more than her patience allowed, yet Number 13 still had the affection in his heart to call her auntie after saving who he thought was her despite the constant misery and self-loathing he's been put through due to the lack of proper care for someone of his peculiar needs. I like to believe Number 13's symptoms are similar to that of ADHD, and this is cause for very annoying behavior for a caregiver who is used to obedient and discreet children who don't act friendly towards her.
I imagine there's a begrudging acceptance in their relationship and even mixed feelings when it comes to some subjects, such as Number 13's interest in her astrology that nobody else would partake in. She would try to forcefully put him in place but his spirit doesn't seem to break outside of the lamenting to the hall mirror some nights, and one has to wonder if she hears his wails to himself and what she makes of it.
There's alot to ponder about such a mysterious woman we know enough about to raise more questions than there could possibly be answers for. Like, one does have to truly wonder....
Why did she build a foundling home for Moomins in the first place?
And why does she wear golf shoes?
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
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Everytime I draw Diggory after a long time he always looks different, doesn't he?
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
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Asking (step) uncle Hemulen about money tree pruning.
Video/song this is based on
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
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Honestly Inspector is... The only nice/good cop in the franchise (to my knowledge?), I like the Chief Constable/Superintendent and Launo/Henry (Inspector's nephew) in their own backstory intrigue and story potential ways, the rest are kinda bumbling and dumb. Still, ACAB except for Inspector, but he deserves comfortably quitting and living the cottagecore gay life he probably desires in the back of his mind.
Oh also Emma, I love her so much, my ratty lil stinker. Gonna turn her into a Stage Ratarito and let her finally take a little nappy.
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
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So I just saw a subtitled season 2 episode about Inspector's nephew and needless to say I got a little hyped
Henry/Launo doesn't really look like this in the episode but I wanted to draw him more comic-accurate
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
*leans on the windowsill* So when's the wedding and who will be the best men? 👀
Int = Interviewer
H = Mr. Hemulen
I = Inspector
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I: Haha, wedding??
H: Aren't we off to a great start! Though I would certainly be up for it if simply to see Spektor in a proper wedding suit.
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H: But, in all seriousness, I doubt we could get married, legally atleast...
I: Mm..
H: We'd love to but I doubt it'd be possible in about a thousand years...
I: Yeah...
Int: But hypothetically?
I: Hypothetically?
Int: Pretend for a moment you CAN get married; in this hypothetical wedding, who'd be your best men?
I: Uhhm... I think Moomin, Moominpappa. Moominpappa would be my best man, I don't think I'd want my constables as best men and otherwise I don't have many male friends I'd assign as a best man, plus Moominpappa is a really good guy. He'd probably take it in a heartbeat.
H: Darn... Er... Can I have a best woman? Best lady? Can I just have my sister as a best man instead?
I: (starts chuckling)
H: I think my nephew is a close second but I can't be too sure about how he feels with that sort of thing, you know?
I: Right, nephews can always be a bit iffy.
H: Goodness now I'm actually really considering it! (laughs) Imagine us, big wedding, huge layered cake probably made by Mrs. Moomin...
I: A mountain of wedding gifts at the entrance area...
H: What priest would even volunteer to officiate this wedding?
I: Goodness, I don't know!
H: ... I love how we're legitimately discussing a wedding that'll never happen. (wheezes)
I: We should probably stop, then-
H: No no let's keep going! Let's start planning the wedding cake layer by layer!
I: Oh my gosh that would be fun actually!
H: (talking at the camera) This is a joke, by the way, I'm not being (breaks down laughing) serious!
I: Imagine though.
H: Oh, to be married.
And then they get married.
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
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@0toomuchflaws Oh dear fellow Tumblr user, you are asking for a sizzling hot take that'll make people very much uncomfortable but I'll keep it short for the sake of... Clarity and brevity.
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But in short, I like canon Joxter, he is a soft round man and being a recent cat owner I see alot of my cat within Joxter, but he also a man of little worry but actual care especially towards Muddler for some reason (cough cough), other than that he's been so thoroughly explored by everyone else that I don't quite feel as attached to him as many others do. You might say I like him a little less than the next guy.
[Continue reading for the hottest take on fanon Joxter you've ever read on this website, I'm just warning you because I don't want you to feel bad for liking Joxter but I really need to get my less than stellar feelings off my chest]
Fanon Joxter, oh boy, in my opinion people would make him too important, edgy or... Cat. Or atleast stereotypical trouble cat. I'm going to avoid alot of topics when it comes to fan interpretation incase that would make me the pot calling the kettle black (when it comes to how I myself treat the Muddler as opposed to how others treat the Joxter) but simply put that I think people easily make him too much of a big deal in the main characters' lives, they "protagonise" him, they turn him into the Onceler when he's supposed to be a Sans (but also people kinda made Sans a Onceler? I'm just talking about canon Sans the Skeleton, though). And on the flip side we get the Joxter who is overly troublesome and comedic, someone who is based on the stereotype of a cat and for all intents and purposes is a cat rather than also a humanoid person with a regular moral compass that leans toward anarchistic tendencies. And none of those interpretations represent his actual body shape, making him a skinny Onceler rather than a short round Sans with a dump in the trunk.
It's gotten to the point where I get irrationally annoyed whenever Joxter headcanons or discussions pop up in my Tumblr dash, and it really sucks for me because I want to like Joxter as much as the next guy but he feels so far removed and main characterized that I can't help but feel the eyebags under my eyes whenever the mere mention of his name is brought up randomly. Hell, people call him a mumrik rather than a joxter when Joxter is supposed to be a species name in and of itself and that bugs me alot. People project Joxter and Snufkin onto eachother so much like an echo that they become 2 different fusions of the characters rather than their own individuals that happen to have a blood relation and Mymble's personality gets completely left out of the picture unless it comes to Snufkin with kids.
But that's just me as someone who got cursed with being interested in the less popular characters that haven't been explored or dismissed as something they aren't or just plain left behind. I get that the cat person is easy to project onto and easily some kind of personality goal they want to achieve but sometimes overexposure is exhausting and I'm left being the only person left of the fandom who understands a ratdog as being actually traumatized rather than just anxious and wanting to explore that and then hug him afterwards, or as the only person left in the fandom who realizes Hodgkins has a real mysterious backstory, or that Inspector is an actual nice cop and not a vessel to put ACAB stereotypes into (his nephew [whose name is Henry by the way] and the jailer hemulen from Moominsummer Madness are for that if you really need any, but oh wait, you either didn't know or forgot they existed, didn't you?)
Anyway that's my sizzling hot take on Mr. Joxter, I'll continue to ship him with Muddler because the thought of a romantic relationship between them makes me warm and soft.
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